Digital Media Marketing Strategy

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Paid Search Advertising Cont.

But how does Google know how to deliver the right plan to the right person? That's where keywords come into play.


Cost per acquisition tells you how much each lead or sale cost you.

Social Media Advertising

Every month, there are nearly 2.5 billion active users on FB, 1 billion on IG, and 330 million on Twitter worldwide. Social Media advertising across the world is projected to exceed $8.5 billion this year. Advertising on social media comes with may advantages. You can:

Evaluate Your Existing Digital Channels and Assets

When considering your available digital marketing channels or assets to incorporate into your strategy, it's helpful to first consider the bigger picture to avoid getting overwhelmed. The owned, earned, and paid media framework helps to categorize the digital "vehicles", assets, or channels that you're already using. See: Owned, Earned, and Paid Media

1. Conversion Rate

Your conversion rate highlights the effectiveness of your marketing and advertising efforts. That's because your conversion rate measures the percentage of users that complete your desired goal, like submitting a contract form. Examples: Ads, Landing Pages, Contact Forms, Downloadable resources, Social Media Follows...


the maximum amount of money you're willing to pay for a desired action on your ad.

Media Plan

-What percentage of your spend will be on guaranteed inventory versus non-guaranteed (RTB)? -Cross-media client budget authorizations -For guaranteed inventory, the planning stage may include sending RFPs (requests for proposals) to suppliers you are interested in including in your campaign.

Setting Goals & Measuring Success Cont.

Consumption metrics: -how many people are consuming your content? -which channels are they using? Social Sharing Metrics: -which are your posts are being shared? -Who is sharing them? -How/where are they sharing? -How often are they being shared? Engagement Metrics: -Do your consumption and sharing metrics translate into "engagement?" -Does your content inspire users to take some kind of action? Sales Metrics: -How does your content influence your sales rates? - Which ways does your content drive revenue?


Cost per click is a metric that measures what you pay for each click from a banner ad. Many advertisers like CPC campaigns because they only pay for performance.

Measuring Ad Success Cont.

DISPLAY ADS: What to track? There are four primary key performance indicators that you need to measure when evaluating your display ad campaign's success. Impressions- how many times a display ad appears. Reach- How many people see an ad. Engagement Rate- How many people interact with an ad. Click-through rate: How many people click on an ad.

What are the 8 most popular social media networks in 2020?

Facebook. Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Snapchat, and TikTok. Facebook is the most widely used social media network. Almost 2.5 billion people around the world use Facebook. That's more than 30% of the world's population. There are 3 types of audiences you can target on FB: 1. Core audience: based on criteria like age, interests, geo 2. Custom audience:

Build Buyer Personas

For any marketing strategy--online or offline-- you need to know who you're marketing to. The best digital marketing strategies are built upon detailed buyer personas, and your first step is to create them. Buyer personas represent your ideal customer(s) and can be created by researching, surveying, and interviewing your business's target audience. It's important to note that this information should be based upon real data whenever possible, as making assumptions about your audience can cause your marketing strategy to take the wrong direction.

Customer vs. Product

In the customer vs product discussion we need to look at what it is you are actually selling. If you can't focus on your product, you can focus on your customer. Having the client as your focus in your marketing strategy is incredibly important, particularly when it encourages you to better understand your customer- not just how you can get them to buy what you're selling.

Analytics/Results Cont.

In this portion, we're going to cover how you can make sense of the different types of metrics which are useful for the various types of marketing channels. There are just three crucial pieces to measure marketing channels, this guide includes the three steps you need to track and measure your digital marketing efforts including: -figuring out what to track -Tracking and analyzing the data -Creating actionable insights from what you've learned.

Interstitial ads

Interstitial ads are described as full-screen interactive ads that cover the interface of an app. These ads often appear at natural transition points like pausing a game or after an app is closed. The ads offer marketers a chance to partake in high-level engagement with an advertisement's product, often featuring compelling and creative call-to-actions. Interstitial ads are increasingly becoming a popular ad format with the marketers, due to its high impression rate that helps to increase downloads and revenue.

Media Planning: Small Firms

Choosing which media or type of advertising to use is sometimes tricky for small firms with limited budgets and know-how. Large-market television and newspapers are often too expensive for a company that only services a small area (although local newspapers can be used). Magazines, unless local, usually cover too much territory to be cost-effective for a small firm, although some national publications offer city or regional editions. Metropolitan radio stations present the same problems as TV and metro newspapers; however, in smaller markets, the local radio station and newspaper may sufficiently cover a small firm's audience.

Media Planning

The process of establishing the exact media vehicles to be used for advertising.

Digital Disruption Info

The term digital disruption has become something of a cliché in recent years and is often misused to describe any product involving digital technology or the use of digitization to better compete against marketplace peers. It is often confused with the term disruptive technology, a term coined by Harvard Business School professor Clayton M. Christensen to describe a new technology that displaces an established technology.

2. Facebook's Audience Network

With Facebook's audience network, brands can expand their Facebook ad campaigns and use the same targeting data they use on the platform to advertise on a huge collection of websites and apps. Brands can place native ads, banner ads, full-screen ads, in-stream video ads, and rewarded video ads (for example, "Watch this video ad to get more tokens!") on the network's websites and apps that their Facebook audience frequently visits. This type of advertising can be particularly effective for mobile games.

A Cooler Cat...

In 1990, a seemingly cooler cat, Robert F. Lauterborn proposed an alternative framework. The 4 C's were born: -Clients/Consumers -Costs -Convenience -Communication This proposal came about at a time when there was a deliberate shift being made from mass marketing to a more niche kind. The consumer (not the product) was now king and marketers had to adapt accordingly. Nearly 3 decades have passed since the coming of the 4 C's. During that time, they have continued to grow in relevance in comparison to their P counterparts, but why is this?

SOCIAL MEDIA: What to track?

For social media, you need to look at forms of "applause". These include the share rate, the volume of followers, and likes or others. Track your growth, see the social media posts that garner you more reach and see what you did differently on those. Audience Growth Audience Engagement Clicks Per Post Click-Through Rates Likes Per Post Shares Per Post Comments Per Post

Native ads

Native ads are often referred to advertisements that use paid media ads or ads that seamlessly integrate with the app or the media format in which they appear. It mimics the original app format for optimal user experience and looks like a part of the editorial flow of the page. These ads often appear in social media feeds, or as recommended content on a web page. The key to native advertising is that it is non-disruptive- it exposes the reader to advertising content without sticking out like a sore thumb.

Bring It All Together

Now, it's time to bring all of it together to form a cohesive strategy document. Remember what digital strategy means: the series of actions that are going to help you achieve your goal(s) using online marketing. By that definition, your strategy document should map out the series of actions you're going to take to achieve your goals, based on your research to this point. A spreadsheet is an efficient format-- and for the sake of consistency, you might find it easiest to map out according to the owned, earned, and paid media framework we've used so far.

Banner ads

One of the oldest and most popular forms of mobile advertisement, banner ads primarily used an unobtrusive "banner" at the top or bottom of the screen which features relevant text and graphics. These ads rely heavily on brand recognition, with little space to provide detailed information. It is a simple and safe way for a brand to get their name and product viewed by as many people as possible.

Paid Media

Paid media is a bit self-explanatory in what its name suggests-- and refers to any vehicle or channel that you spend money on to catch the attention of your buyer personas.


does the medium in question offer full opportunities for appealing to the appropriate senses, such as sight and hearing, in its graphic design and production quality?

The three components of a media plan are:

1. Defining the marketing problem. 2. Transitioning the marketing requirements into attainable media objectives. 3. Defining a media solution by formulating media strategies.

How to create a digital marketing strategy?

1. build your buyer personas 2. Identify your goals and the digital marketing tools you'll need 3. Evaluate your existing digital channels and assets 4. Audit and plan your owned media campaigns 5. Audit and plan your earned media campaigns 6. Audit and plan your paid media campaigns 7. Bring it all together


A necessary part of managing every campaign is measuring success, holistically as well as on a more granular level. You can use both first-party delivery data (from the publisher's ad server) and third party delivery data (from the agency ad server). Performance can be tracked all the way from the specific creative up to a holistic campaign view, and even cross-campaign. Pacing measures how budget is being spent relative to time within a campaign's flight.

Display advertising cont.

Ad networks like Google Display network and Facebook's Audience Network are the leaders in the banner ad Renaissance.

Digital Innovation

Affects how consumer expectations and behaviors evolve, causing organizations to shift how they create products and services, produce marketing material and evaluate feedback. This shift in digital strategy can occur on an individual, organizational, industry or societal level.


Agencies and other publishers compare their delivery data and other financials, and work to reconcile discrepancies. Financials for current and future campaigns may be amended based on over delivery or under delivery of a campaign. Final costs per supplier, per time period are communicated to the billing system for accounts payable.


As marketers, there will never be a time to rest back on your laurels. There will always be a new trend to pay attention to, or a new device or app that demands your attention. And it's not just the means of marketing that is subject to major overhauls; the very methods marketers employ to communicate effectively with their target audience are also liable to evolve over time. One tenet of marketing that has been going through a metamorphosis over recent years is that of the marketing mix and more specifically, the 4 P's. It seemed that where P once reigned supreme, the 4 C's are where it's at.

Audit & Plan Your Media (owned)

At the heart of digital marketing is your owned media, which pretty much always takes the form of content. Whatever your goal, you're going to need to use owned content to form your digital marketing strategy. To build your digital marketing strategy, you need to decide what content is going to help you reach your goals. How? -Audit your existing content. -Identify gaps in your existing content. -Create a content creation plan.

Mobile Advertising

By 2025, GSMA has estimated that more than 5 billion people will have mobile devices, and over half of these would be smartphones. With the growth in adoption of smartphones, consumers are also increasingly glued to their mobile devices more than ever, this has led to mobile marketing becoming a mainstay of the online advertising sector. Thereby, also taking up an increasing portion of organizational marketing spend, too. Research reports have also shown that marketing organizations have also started spending 22% of their budget on mobile marketing.

Media Planning: Larger Firms

Choosing which media or type of advertising to use is sometimes tricky for large firms with large budgets and know-how. Everything is available to you as a media planner from large market TV, streaming, social media platforms, every magazine, every website, every media property, but who do you choose to be on a media plan? On a large budget you have the world at your feet- all national and local media is available to you and sometimes global depending on the client. That's why it's important to put together a media plan for your advertising campaign.

Display Advertising

Display ads are a controversial topic in the digital marketing community. For almost 25 years, advertisers have abused them by tricking internet users into clicking misleading ads- some malicious display ads have even infected people's computers with viruses. It's easy to see why people have developed banner blindness and can't stop downloading ad blockers: display ads have the reputation of being intrusive, distracting, and irrelevant. On the other side of the spectrum, though, display advertising technology has advanced to the point where ad networks can leverage data and machine learning to offer advertisers more effective targeting strategies and consumers more relevant ads.

Audit & Plan Your Media (earned)

Evaluating your previous earned media against your current goals can help you get an idea of where to focus your time. Look at where your traffic and leads are coming from (if that's your goal) and rank each earned media source from most effective to least effective. You might find that a particular article you contributed to the industry press drove a lot of qualified traffic to your website, which in turn converted really well. Or, you might discover that LinkedIn is where you see most people sharing your content, which in turn drives a lot of traffic.

P's or C's

Following the shift in market mix approaches, marketing methods also had to adapt. The decline in a one-size-fits-all mass marketing ideal meant the 4P method of marketing (where the emphasis is on the seller and what they want to sell you) was no longer viable. The growth of niche marketing and the 4 C's was instead a better fit, taking into account the wants and needs of the customers.

Media buying

For guaranteed inventory, the number of impressions and rate you are purchasing inventory for has been solidified, whether through established rates or by receiving a proposal back from a supplier. -Complete your media plan with every placement from every supplier to be included in your campaign, including the time frame each platform will run. -Many buyers must secure approval for their media plan prior to formalizing their order in the form of an IO. -For buys facilitated via RTB, agency or agency trading desk buyers will submit budget line items to their DSPs, and direct publishers if applicable.

Convenience vs. Place

Have you ever heard the saying, "if you don't like where you are-move! You are not a tree!" While this is sound advice for an individual with the ability to get up and move, it is not something that can really be applied to all products. It immediately becomes clear that 'place' does not really have a place in our marketing strategy. On the other hand, the customer oriented approach of convenience is something that most certainly can be employed. In the context of the 4 C's, convenience is about making the process of your customers buying, accessing of or using your product as easy as it can possibly be. To do this, you again need to take into account the needs and habits of prospective Customers.

So where's the party at now? Cont.

Having said that, it is also really important to remember that every business, product or service out there is different. As such, they may call on a marketing mix as unique as they themselves are, a mix that amalgamates the eight elements we have discussed. When making these kinds of decisions, there are a number of variables to take into consideration. The one thing that won't change is the fact that marketing as an industry will continue to evolve. In order to stay ahead of the game, marketers need to ensure they continue to 'mix it up' in the most relevant ways.

Cost Per Point

How much will it cost to buy one rating point from your target audience, a method used in comparing broadcast media. One rating point equals one percent of your target audience. Divide the cost of the schedule being considered by the number of rating points it delivers.

Cost Per Thousand

How much will it cost to reach a thousand of your perspective customers (a method used in online and print media)? To determine a publication's/platform's cost per thousand, or CPM, divide the cost of the advertising by the publication's/platform's circulation/impressions in thousands. CPM= 1000(cost)/Impressions


If your audience converts it means you did something you wanted them to do. Maybe they signed up for your newsletter, purchased something from your website, or downloaded a coupon to bring into your store.

Digital Disruption Importance

It is important for organizations to embrace digital disruption in order to gain a competitive advantage. When an industry experiences digital disruption, it typically signals that consumer needs are shifting. Therefore, understanding the disruption allows companies to keep existing customers happy as well as create opportunities for new customers. It also gives companies a better idea of human behavior and how trends may occur over time.

How To Advertise Online

It's easy to think of organic marketing efforts, like blog and content offers, and paid advertising efforts, like search and social, as separate from one another. It makes sense why: they're often managed by different internal teams with different goals at agencies. Social media marketers are focused on building communities, sharing content, and engaging their audience. Bloggers and content marketers optimize their efforts for organic search and are focused on metrics like traffic and conversion. Meanwhile, advertisers are focused on performance metrics like cost-per-acquisition and return on ad spend. With such different goals, it's no wonder that many marketers view organic and paid marketing as separate from one another (but they're really not).

5. Customer Lifetime Value

LTV= Customer Value x Average Customer Lifetime You can get your average customer lifespan by calculating the average number of years a customer remains a client. For example, if you offer software as a service (SaaS), your target audience may remain a client for a few years. In comparison, an ecommerce store may see a much shorter client lifespan. For customer value, you can use this formula: Customer value= average purchase value x average purchase frequency

Setting Goals & Measuring Success Cont.

Let's say your ultimate goal is to use content marketing as a way to generate sales leads. Your metrics should measure those results. These metrics will tell you, specifically, how well your content marketing efforts are helping you generate those leads. It may look like this: Objective: Generate sales leads Possible success metrics: -Email addresses collected through ebook downloads -"contact us" inquiries generated from blog pages featuring the ebook -Conversion rate for email subscribers obtained through the promotion -Click through rate from search engines, advertising, etc. As you see, you've taken your primary objective and broken it down into specific measurements that you can monitor every day, week or month to determine if you're getting the results you expect. Ultimately, the plan is to define what you want to achieve for your business, as a result of your online advertising, social media, and content creation.


Marketing key performance indicators, or KPIs, are the metrics that determine whether or not a marketing strategy is helping you achieve your business goals. Although there are thousands of numbers related to your various campaigns you could monitor, KPIs are the ones you've deemed most important. Within online campaigns there are 5 main KPIs to track.

Wrapping It All Up

Media planning is the process of strategically selecting a mix of media platforms to place ads over a period of time in order to achieve an advertiser's campaign goals. There are several steps to a media plan: -Audience research -RFP the market place. What percentage of your campaign will be devoted to which types of buys, from display to search, and beyond? As planners figure out which mediums will be the most effective, they will allocate media dollars accordingly to achieve the strongest results.

What Is Mobile Advertising?

Mobile advertising is often defined as an advertisement that has been optimized for mobiles and is primarily targeted towards advertising across mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and wearable technology. Marketers may utilize mobile advertising channels such as display, search, social, or video to diversify their advertising strategy.

How to Keep Track Of Your Metrics

Monthly reporting Create a spreadsheet that documents and tracks: -your marketing goals (prioritize if more than one) -KPI's you'll be measuring -Changes per month (sales per sources, engagement per sources, changes by month, etc.). Take advantage of your metrics to refine and fix your campaigns. The secret of a successful business lies in the ability to learn and optimize continuously. A smart approach to your content marketing metrics will help you stay focused on your desired outcomes. For pulling off a successful strategy, this focus is paramount.

Advertising Media generally include

Online Social Media Programming Influencers Mobile Television Radio Newspapers Magazines Outdoor Billboards Public Transportation Direct Mail Specialty Advertising Other Media Experimental

Paid Search Advertising

People conducting a search online are looking for something specific and will click on the first result they believe is going to be the most helpful for them. Paid search advertising gives advertisers the opportunity to capture the attention of their audience in a more targeted way than with organic search alone. Search ads allow you to anticipate the wants, needs, and desires of your potential customers and serve ads to them that are highly contextual. Over time, the analytics of your search ads can help you analyze and improve those ads to reach even more people.

Communications vs. Promotion

Promotion of a product can at times be considered a manipulative facet of marketing in the eyes of consumers. It is propagated by the seller, and as such can be deemed untrustworthy in its account. Communication on the other hand implies a shared conversation between both the buyer and the seller. Used alongside the proliferation of social media, and its adoption by the marketplace as a communication method, your 'advertising' can not only be achieved with incredible ease but also prove to feel extremely authentic.

Native Advertising

Publishers like Buzzfeed and the Dodo produce content that snowballs in popularity on social media almost every day. And they make money by helping other brands do it too. Brands will pay these publishers to craft posts and videos that follow the publishers' formula for virality. They also pay publishers to distribute this sponsored content to their massive audience through social media and their website. This is native advertising. Native advertising creates a symbiotic relationship between publishers and brands. Publishers who do sponsored content might reap the benefits of another revenue stream and gain more audience trust if they promote a native ad from a trustworthy brand.

Earned Media

Quite simply, earned media refers to the exposure you've earned through word-of-mouth. Whether that's content you've distributed on other websites (e.g., guest posts), PR work, or the customer experience you've delivered, earned media is the recognition you receive as an adult. You can earn media by getting press mentions, positive reviews, and by other people sharing your content on social media, for instance.

What is ROI and Why Is It Important?

ROI (Return On Investment) is a ratio businesses use to measure whether an investment in their business was profitable. In other words: it shows what you got back from every dollar that you put in. ROI = Gain from Investment-Cost of Investment/ Cost of investment. As a basic example, imagine that you invest $500 on Adwords, and your total profits to date are $1000. $1000 worth of sales-$500 costs / 100% ROI

Mobile Advertising

Recent research has also shown that mobile advertising spends by mature organizations are slated to increase 21.9% to reach $165.7 bn in 2019, making it the second largest ad channel worldwide across 96 markets, as per WARC's Adspend Forecast. This shows a significant increase from even ten years ago when mobile marketing was only starting to gain steam as a high-ROI achieving advertisement method.


The ad-ops or trafficking team is responsible for logging into the ad server(s) associated with the campaign and tagging the placements on the ad server with their appropriate pieces of creative. Tags for size, media type, and more are associated with each placement. -It is generally best practice to tag a back-up static piece of creative for each placement in cases where dynamic creatives are unable to be served.

Digital Disruption

The change that occurs when new digital technologies and business models affect the value proposition of existing goods and services.

Goal of an ads strategy

The goal of any ads strategy should be to get a positive return on your investment, which comes down to whether you're getting more revenue out of the ad campaign than the cost you're putting in. How can you determine what your ad spend should be to get the most return on your investment? To start answering that question, we'll need to understand the bidding system used by the ad networks. There's straight-up negotiation and auction-style advertising.

What media works?

The key to working in media is a balance between being efficient (cost) and being effective (what works). Here's what you need to know. Reach- Expressed as a percentage, reach is the number of individuals (or homes) you want to expose your product to through specific media scheduled over a given period of time. Frequency- Using specific media, how many times, on average, should the individuals in your target audience be exposed to your advertising message? It takes an average of three or more exposures to an advertising message before consumers take action.

So this is confusing....

The main difference to bear in mind is this: UX design is all about the overall feel of the experience, while UI design is all about how the product's interfaces look and function.


The media plan is executed, with placements sent to the ad server, waiting their opportunity to be served in the correct audience. Orders are processed as "IOs" or "insertion orders" which include the planned billings for a campaign. The buyer-seller relationship continues throughout the order process, if any revisions are needed to an insertion order.

Convenience Vs. Place Cont.

The most obvious area in which you can provide convenience for customers is via your website. You can do this by providing the information that is going to be of most relevance to them, in the most convenient and easily-accessible way. And we will be talking about UX/UI later on in class.

Online Advertising

The online advertising landscape is changing. New platforms, ad types, and targeting capabilities are popping up all the time. More than ever, ads can be contextual, relevant, targeted, and helpful in ways they never could before. In short, ads today are content. Let's dig into everything you need to know about online advertising across ad platforms for social media, paid search, display, and native advertising.

How To advertise Online

There are three key ways that digital advertising can help you improve the performance of your organic marketing efforts. With digital ads, organic performance can benefit from: 1. An increase in brand awareness by displaying your content to individuals within and outside of your networks 2. A better understanding or your audiences by leveraging the targeting and analytics of their ad platforms. 3. The creation of higher-performing content by understanding what ad content helps you achieve your business goals and what doesn't.

EMAIL: What to track?

There's 2 areas in email to track: On-mail KPIs and Off-mail KPIs. On-Mail KPIs: Open rate Email sharing/forward rate Click rate Conversion rate Bounce rate Off-mail KPIs: List Growth Rate Unsubscribes/Opt-outs

Owned Media

This refers to the digital assets that your brand or company owns--- whether that's your website, social media profiles, blog content, or imagery, owned channels are the things your business has complete control over.

What is UX Design Cont.?

UX Design encompasses any and all interactions between a potential or active customer and a company. As a scientific process it could be applied to anything: street lamps, cars, Ikea shelving, and so on. However, despite being a scientific term, its use since inception has been almost entirely within digital fields; one reason for this being that the tech industry started blowing up around the time of the term's invention. Essentially, UX applies to anything that can be experienced- be it a website, a coffee machine, or a visit to the supermarket. The "user experience" part refers to the interaction between the user and a product or service. User experience design, then, considers all the different elements that shape this.

What do UX and UI actually mean?

UX and UI are two professions that, despite having been around for decades, and in theory for centuries, have been defined by the tech industry as UX and UI design. UX refers to "User experience design", while UI refers to "User interface design". Both elements are crucial to a product and work closely together. But despite their professional relationship, the roles themselves are quite different, referring to very different aspects of the product development process and the design discipline. Before we consider the key differences between UX and UI, let's first define what each term means individually.

What is UX Design?

User experience design is a human-first way of designing products. "User experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its services, and its products."- Don Norman, Cognitive Scientist & User Experience Architect You might note immediately that despite what I implied in the introduction, the definition has no reference to tech, no mention of digital, and doesn't tell us all that much about what. a UX designer actually does. But like all professions, it's impossible to distill the process from just a few words.

Cost vs. Price Cont.

Using the cost aspect of the 4 C's as opposed to the price of the 4 P's you will be able to illustrate a more realistic approach when marketing- one that is more in line with consumers' considerations and obligations. Think of private schooling as an example. Parents know private schooling is an expensive business but if you're a marketing team at the school you can take the time to assure parents that they value you will imbue into their children will far outweigh their financial outlay. This can be measured in the: -skills they will acquire -friends they will make -grades they will achieve -the notable universities they will be able to apply to and be accepted to.

Setting Goals & Measuring Success

We've already talked about Objectives in a previous lecture. Let's talk about measuring success. The metrics you use to measure the success of your efforts should flow directly from the objectives that you have set forth. With a bit of practice, identifying which metric you need to look at will become second nature. Take a look at the following marketing metrics, they can answer many of your most pressing content marketing strategy questions:

Measuring Ad Success

We've talked about types of paid ad methods you should be tracking: Pay per click (PPC) Click through rate (CTR) Cost per Conversion (CPC)-important in determining how much you have to spend to gain a new client. Bounce rate- can show certain aspects of your campaign that need optimization. This metric is measured by the number of visitors who visited your site and left without responding to your call to action. Conversion rate- refers to the number of times a user clicked on your ad and completed a desired action within a certain window of time.

1. Google Display Network

When you use Google's display network, you can design visually appealing ads and place them on over two million websites and apps, Youtube, and Gmail. You can also build new audiences by targeting people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service and remarket website visitors just by importing a list of their contact information.

Cost vs. Price

While an acceptable price point for your product is an important part of any marketing mix, when there is a more consumer-centric focus we realize it will not be the sole financial consideration that will be taken into account. While we are aware that competition in the marketplace is healthy, encouraging businesses offering similar products to up their game and vie for buyer attention, a sole financial competitor strategy is not the way to go. According to Rory McClean (Web Marketer and Digital Analyst with Custom Fit Online), when you "rely strictly on price to compete you are vulnerable to competition- in the long term".

So where's the party at now?

While the original 4 P's still have a place within the marketing mix (they still pose important factors to think of when marketing a product or service), it is arguable that they do not fit in with the needs of today's marketing objectives. The abstract nature of what you offer as a product, coupled with the fact if you're offering something extremely personal to your target audience, means you will have to really understand your audience. The 4 C's help you achieve this in a way the 4 P's could not, especially if employed as a sole marketing method.

What is UI design?

While user experience is a conglomeration of tasks focused on the optimization of a product for effective and enjoyable use, user interface design is its complement; the look and feel , the presentation and interactivity of a product. Unlike UX, user interface design is a strictly digital term. A user interface is the point of interaction between the user and a digital device or product- like the touchscreen on your smartphone, or the touchpad you use to select what kind of coffee you want from the coffee machine. In relation to websites and apps, UI design considers the look, feel, and interactivity of the product. It's all about making sure that the user interface of a product is as intuitive as possible, and that means carefully considering each and ever visual, interactive element the user might encounter. A UI designer might think about icons and buttons, typography and color schemes spacing imagery and responsive design.

Video ads

With consumers increasingly looking for fast and quick content to consume, video advertising is rapidly becoming an area of focus for marketers, particularly given that up to 80% of global internet consumption will be through video content this year. Video ads are simple in their concept yet complex in their execution. They are videos that play either while a user opens or interacts with a mobile application. They require a substantial budget but offer a high level of user engagement.

Why Mobile Advertising?

With nearly three quarters (72.6%) of internet users accessing the web solely through their smartphone by 2025, mobile advertising has become one of the most effective ways to target and reach customers on the go. IAB Mobile Advertising Revenue & Usage Report 2018 also stated: Mobile ecosystem accounts for the largest chunk of revenue across all ad formats, search 59%, banner 74%, video 60%, and mobile 73%. Mobile advertising ecosystem supports the most converting and ROI-driven interactive ad formats that engage and retain users inside the app. By the end of 2019, in-app advertising will have grown by 60% as media-buyers will continue to receive increased conversion rates.

The Parties Were At P's Place...

With origins dating back as far as the early 1940's, known as the Original Marketing Mix, the 4 P's provided a decision-making framework when it came to the following marketing aspects: -Product -Price -Place -Promotion


Working out how your marketing program has impacted on your revenue and profits is often the first thing people tend to focus on. As a result, perhaps the most common question marketers ask is: "did this campaigner deliver a return on our investment?" The first port of call is to evaluate the ROI on any paid advertising campaign like search, social or display. Every form of marketing requires different metrics and analysis to see how useful they are. Success of your content marketing efforts requires a bit more outreach and more work, but it's also the type of marketing that can prove itself best over the long term, even if you can't analyze your ROI as clearly.

Total Visits

You most likely will send all your traffic to your main website, so you'll want to be able to track how many total visits you get each month and monitor where that traffic is coming from. If you see that you are getting far more traffic from your organic search content than your banner ads, it would make sense to focus your time and budget on generating even more content that will show up in search returns.

Audit & Plan Your Media (paid)

You need to evaluate your existing paid media across each platform (e.g., Instagram, snapchat,,,, etc.) to figure out what's likely to help you meet your current goals. If you've been spending a lot of money on Facebook, and haven't seen the results you'd hoped for, maybe it's time to refine your approach, or scrap it altogether and focus on another platform that seems to be yielding better results.

4. Return On Investment

Your Return on Investment (ROI) measures the financial performance of your marketing and advertising efforts. Like any business, your company wants to see a return on your work. Your ROI can measure that, as well as show decision makers the value of marketing and advertising immediately. The following formula will calculate your ROI: ROI= Net profit/Total investment x 100 Like cost per lead, you want to calculate your overall ROI and your ROI by channel. For example, your business may calculate the ROI of your social media marketing and social media advertising strategy, and then generate an overall ROI from both of those strategies.

2. Cost per lead

Your cost per lead measures the average price for your company to earn a new lead. It's a must-measure marketing KPI for businesses that revolve around lead generation. Measure your company's cost per lead with the following formula: Cost per lead = spend/number of leads Your spend can include a range of expenses- example: Ad spend Freelances Software

Evaluate Your Existing Channels And Assets, Cont.

Your digital marketing strategy might incorporate elements of all three channels, all working together to help you reach your goal. For example, you might have an owned piece of content on a landing page on your website that's been created to help you generate leads. To amplify the number of leads that content generates, you might have made a real effort to make it shareable, meaning others are distributing it via their social media profiles, increasing traffic to the landing page. That's the earned media component. To support the content's success, you might have posted about the content to your Facebook page and have paid to have it seen by more people in your target audience.

Identify Your Goals & Tools

Your marketing tools should always be tied back to the fundamental goals of the business. For example, if your business's goal is to increase online revenue by 20%, your goal as a marketer might be to generate 50% more leads via the website than you did last year to contribute towards that success. How you measure the effectiveness of your digital strategy will be different for each business and dependent on your goal(s), but it's vital to ensure you're able to do so, as it's these metrics which will help you adjust your strategy in the future. YOU MUST ALSO KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING IN CULTURE!!!

3. Organic Traffic

Your organic traffic monitors the amount of organic traffic coming to your website. As an example, your site may receive traffic from social media, paid ads, and organic channels. Organic traffic matters because it's free. In comparison, paid ads require a monthly ad spend. Organic traffic also provides insight into your SEO strategy. You can measure your organic traffic to assess the rankings of your website in search results. Plus, you can use those organic traffic numbers to see if your site attracts valuable organic traffic. You can monitor your organic traffic in google analytics, which is free.


one word or phrase that someone uses to describe what they need in search. Basically, advertising on search platforms takes the targeting capabilities available on social media platforms, like demographics and location, and layers it with the addition of keywords. When a Google user types a query into the search field, Google returns a range of results that match the searcher's intent. Keywords align with what a searcher wants and will satisfy their query. You select keywords based on which queries you want to display your ad alongside.

Digital Disruption Examples

• The digital camera business disrupted the industry of film photography and photo processing. • The subscription economy business model, as used by companies like Amazon, Hulu and Netflix, caused a disruption within the media and entertainment industries by changing how content is accessed by customers and monetized by advertisers. • Freemium products, such as Spotify, LinkedIn or Dropbox, that allow users to sample a basic product with the option to pay for the full offer, put more emphasis on developing a well-known brand behind a product or service. • On-demand services, like Uber, have disrupted more traditional services like taxis. • The rise of electronic reading has redefined the print and publication industry.

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