Discrete Structures Chapter 4: Functions

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No (because then you would have a value you could plug in that would give no output whatsoever.)

If any element of the domain of f is unmapped (does not have an arrow coming from it) can f be a function?


If f maps an element of the domain to zero elements or more than one element of the target, then f is not ___.

No, because an element in the domain is mapped to two different elements in the target.

(see image) is f a function? If not, explain why.


(see image) is g a function? If not, explain why.


A ___ f that maps elements of a set X to elements of a set Y, is a subset of X × Y such that for every x ∈ X, there is exactly one y ∈ Y for which (x, y) ∈ f.

one-to-one correspondence.

A bijection is also called a ___


A bijective function is called a ___.


A function f: X → Y is ___ or injective if x1 ≠ x2 implies that f(x1) ≠ f(x2). That is, f maps different elements in X to different elements in Y.


A function f: X → Y is ___ or surjective if the range of f is equal to the target Y. That is, for every y ∈ Y, there is an x ∈ X such that f(x) = y.


A function is ___ if it is both one-to-one and onto.


An alternate word for target that is sometimes used is ___.

range (In other words, y is in the range if there's an x in the domain that is mapped to y.)

For function f: X → Y, an element y is in the ___ of f if and only if there is an x ∈ X such that (x, y) ∈ f.

important ( so f ο g is not the same as g ο f )

Generally, the order in which the functions are applied is ___

8 ( formula: 2^x where x = the exponent )

How many elements are in the following set? {0, 1}^3


If a function f: X → Y is a bijection, then the ___ of f is obtained by exchanging the first and second entries in each pair in f. The inverse of f is denoted by f^-1

arrow diagram

In an ___ for a function f, the elements of the domain X are listed on the left and the elements of the target Y are listed on the right. There is an arrow from x ∈ X to y ∈ Y if and only if (x, y) ∈ f.


It is possible to compose more than two functions. Composition is ___, so the order in which one composes the functions does not matter

one arrow

Since f is a function, each x ∈ X has exactly one y ∈ Y such that (x, y) ∈ f, which means that in the arrow diagram for a function, there is exactly ___ pointing out of every element in the domain.

Identity Function

The ___ always maps a set onto itself and maps every element onto itself.

floor ( floor: R → Z, where floor(x) = the largest integer y such that y ≤ x. The floor function comes up so often in mathematics that it has its own notation: floor(x) = |_x_| )

The ___ function maps a real number to the nearest integer in the downward direction.


The ___ function rounds a real number to the nearest integer in the upward direction.


The exponential function is one-to-one and onto, and therefore has an ___.

already known

The fact that the domain and target of a bijection have the same size may seem simple but this fact turns out to be extremely powerful. One way to count the elements in a set is to define a bijection between that set and another set whose size is ___ ___. Counting the elements in a set is a fundamental part of discrete probability, an important tool in many areas of science.


The logarithm function is the inverse of the ___ function.


The parameter b is called the ___ of the logarithm in the expression log₆ y.


The process of applying a function to the result of another function is called ___.

domain target

The set X is called the ___ of f, and the set Y is the ___ of f.


Two functions, f and g, are ___ if f and g have the same domain and target, and f(x) = g(x) for every element x in the domain. The notation f = g is used to denote the fact that functions f and g are equal.

|D| ≥ |T| |D| ≤ |T| |D| = |T|

When the domain and target are finite sets, it is possible to infer information about their relative sizes based on whether the function is one-to-one or onto. If f: D → T is onto, then for every element in the target, there is at least one element in the domain: ??? If f: D → T is one-to-one, then every element in the domain maps to a unique element in the target: ??? If f: D → T is a bijection, then f is one-to-one and onto: |D| ≤ |T| and |D| ≥ |T|, which implies that ???.


___ is a common strategy in computer science in which a problem is solved for a large set of items by dividing the set of items into two evenly sized groups, solving the problem on each half and then combining the solutions for the two halves.


f: X → Y is the notation to express the fact that f is a ___ from X to Y.

exponential function

see image

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