Discuss the risk factors that contribute to pressure ulcer formation.

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: opposite movement of skin/subQ and muscles/bones; causes capillaries to be stretcvhed and underlying tissue becomes necrotic; affects dermis-deep


:"sheet burn"; affects top layer/epidermis- superficial

other risk factors

-Impaired Sensory Perception -Impaired Mobility -altered LOC -shearing(deep) -friction -moisture -incontinence

Increase pressure exposure

Aging skin -Immobility -Altered LOC -Obesity -Sedation -Sensory deficits -Friction (surface) -Shear (deep)

decrease health of skin/tissue

Poor nutrition -Dehydration -Anemia -Edema -Chronic diseases -Moisture - Impaired circulation

Risk Factors commonly

often directly related to disease such as ↓ LOC, the presence of a cast, or secondary illness (i.e. decreased sensation following CVA)


presence↑ formation;reduces resistence of skin to pressure/shear force; softens skin making more susceptible to damage

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