Diversity and Social Issues in Sport Business Final

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The Sport Sociology

"the closer you are to ball the smarter you are"

Master Jugglers

2/3 of teens always connected in technology multitasker

Bruce Arians and Jen Welter

Bruce Arians (Cardinals) he knew Dot Murphy at Hines Junior College he believed women could be womens football coach. Players only want to be taught to better regardless of coach. He had to get all the right yeses. Can't blaze the trail alone or youll get left in the woods. Jen Welter Defensive Coach Intern- 2004 12 dollars on Pro Football. Didnt start to play football to be a coach. Welter said " the size of the NFL PLAYBOOK. Know I can add to." Hardest thing in todays word: The Media


OJ Simpson player of the year, got for tv endorsement

Alice Marbel

Mainstream ally to Athea Gibson

What are two teams that changed their names due to Redskins incident?

St. Johns Universityand Marquette University

Sam Bam Cunnigham

paves the way for Wilbur Jackson

• Which is not a transition type a CDO could potentially face?


Peter Norman

came in 2nd during 68' Olympics (black power) wore the human rights badge and got beat up

Althea Gibson

famous tennis player in the 50s-60.

Intersection of race and gender

the commonalities of social oppression for the two categories participating in sport and leading the business side of sport.


the concept of hiding one's ethnic heritage usually to become part of the mainstream "white" category


the way each individual makes sense of the realities in the global culture


put forward by Gordon Alport, Contact Hypothesis, dynamic between in and out group

Unwritten Rule

seperate but equal

Zina Garrison Jackson

first to be televised and given endorsement deal

White Immigrant Groups

focused primarily on the heritages of german, polish, irish, jewish, and italian- these ethic groups were not considered "white" prior to WW2


man who banned African Americans from MLB died.

You Ming

most famous basketball player played for Houston Rockerts 7'6

Campus Climate

who do you identify with most in the movie

Frank Robinson

won MVP player in both leagues and also was Manager of The Year

1960s problems

Why didn't the athletes speak out? $$$ money

Rebecca Lobo

changed gender ideology "seen as a reporter and color analyst for ESPN with a focus on women's college basketball and WNBA games." Played @ UConn Inducted into WNBA HOF as part of the class of 2010

Dr. Sagas continued

Heterogeneous groups tend to not get along because they dont have much in common and bias and stereotypes. Antecedents Proccesses and Outcomes Positive and Negatives, Role Models, Homologous Reproduction Institutional Racism Stakehold Power Boosters and Alumni Outcomes most studied african americans have higher aspirations and think being a head coach is harder for them for a while person but want more to be head coaches Self Limiting Behavior- Put you in a position to make you feel equal but its just a title. Limiting career goals and attitudes because of environment. Discriminating against oneself Antecedents form this environment

Mainstream allies

always some whites that were there to help African Americans. (example; Jackie Robinson --> Branch Ricky)

GI Bill

an ominous bill that provided college or vocational education for returning World War 2 veterans (mostly white immigrants) as well as one year of unemployment compensation. It also provided many different types of loans for returning veterans to buy homes and start businesses.


an oversimplified generalization about a person or group of people without regard for individual differences

Whiteness Theory

analyzes the ways in which language mass media discourses and symbols organize meaning so that the study of this phenomenon is framed as both preferred and the "normal" state of being

Arthur Ash

articulate, quiet, softspoken tennis player, first black man to win Wimbleton in England, big youth advocate for black

Model Minority

asian americans are spoken of as model minority group because this population has been argues to be more successful comparatively that other minority groups


changing to work culture, working in fields instead of sports, Absenteeism, No Comeback, Tennis did not have a caucasin clause like golf, just not for average person. Tennis fans did not segregate with sex and women did not have a comeback with tampons in sports in WW2

Roonie Rule

have to interview at least one minority (named after Dan Roonie from Pitsburg Steelers)

Kevin Warren COO of Minnesota Vikings

highest-ranking African-American executive working on the business side for a team in the NFL and is the first African-American COO in the NFL.

Racial Ideology

ideas and beliefs about human beings based on race


implicit bias

Violette Morris

importance of sport bros in athletic performance has mastecomy because race car driver did not want her breast to get in way.

garnett overby stereotype def

oversimplified generalization about a person or a group of people without regard for individual differences

Ed O' Bannon

paid for use of photos for videogames


Johnson fought the Canadian (Tony Burns) and was no match, knocked Burns out


Alabama lost to USC because of Sam Bam Cunningham; Wilbur Jackson was 1st Black Alabama player

First African American winner of Wimbledon in 1957

Athea Gibson First African American winner of Wimbledon in 1957


Attended the Mexico Olympic Games raised black glove fists in protest (Tommie Smith)

Aerobic/Fitness Era in 80s

Barbie dolls doing fitness, Sex Appeal, "Decade of the Body" Being Fit Translated Into Ones Personal Social Status (leotards)

Favorite sport for African Americans in the 20s


What sport has the highest representation of asian americans in america?


Ends of 1920s

Emancipations of Legs, Helen wore shorts some states arrested shorts


Jackie Robinson


Jackson Katz, MVP Created"Cubs Way"

kids on race

Overwhelming majority of white 6 year olds were negative about interracial friendship Interracial friendship is the best ally in eliminating prejudice. **

Kevin Warren CEO, african american, minnesota vikings, says

People do things for two reasons: Love and Fear

Lack Of Due Process

Taking too long and people acting as jury (ex. ray rice case)

Intersectionality why its important ?

Title 9 legislation must be maintained, race and gender intersect


Jeffries vs Johnson

Garnett Overby

"We are change agents. Sports are the Most powerful industry in this country besides government", national conservative of NCAS, non profit, social justice in sports. Compton during 80s, around during the Rodney King Riots, most intense he ever went through. B.A. in Marketing, Masters in Journalism, Masters in High Ed.

Satchell Paige

"make the ball look like a pea", pitcher. East West All Star Classic became so popular even white press covered it.

Pat Summit

"women sports needs me more." when offered coaching for mens sport

6 Trends

1. Title 9 legislation must be maintained 2. Women will continue to challenge gender ideology 3. We need co-ed collaborations 4. We need demographic leadership(women in charge) 5. Transgender politics are a reality 6. Sexuality and Hypersexuality


1923- Comiskey Park (Louis would win the heavyweight boxing title over Braddock)


1938- Louis would fight Max Schmelling and lose. However, this fight was the first time that a black man was publically considered an American.


1966- Nba hired first black coach

oj simpson

1973 player of year rushed over 2000 yards

Dr. Jen Welter

1st female NFL Coach Arizona Cardinals 14 years in pro football, 4 titles, running back for a ones football league.

Sarah Thomas

1st female NFL ref

MVP Program

20 years works for Dr. Lapchick Leadership Program MS,HS, College Athletics, Military,

trophy issue

650 kids 650 trophies I9 all star trophies self esteem movement • California in the '80s had a task force for self esteem Too many rewards hurts us, not helps us. They say we've been coddled, we're weak and we aren't tough referring to millennials

Joseph Hall

9 year old white up and coming neonazi blew his fathrs head out, white supremacy

Reverse Racism

A psuedo-term that ignores that racism still exists in contemporary society


Alabama Crimson Tide, Sam Bam Cunningham ran over 200 yards 2 & 3 touchdown POLICY DROVE BEHAVIOR Wilbur Jackson became Alabamas first black football player

Trophy Nation

All 650 kids got trophies, all star trophy to give to children who didnt win championship because he wants all kids to feel special, it sets the bar low its not for effort but only participation. Trophy puts in his head "What he did was good enough" Self Esteem Movement doesnt work. Third of college students believe they should at least get a B for showing up. Trophy industry 20-30 hundreds to now 50 million, Cleavenger biologically said getting rewards hurts us more than it helps us, dont deal with frustration well. Partial extinction effort, not tough enough generation

Hank Aaron

All Star and World Series challenged Babe Ruth record. Beat his record did it in 23 years. " Dont want them to forget Ruth just want them to remember me."


Althea Gibson, first African American woman to win Wimbleton


Brown Vs Board integrated baseball

Dat Ngyuen

Asian american, Texas A&M and Dallas Cowboys linebacker Vietnamese, grew up in Arkansas refugee camp threatened by KKK and white shrimpers, " youve got to walk a mile in someone shoes to really know him. Gained 60 pounds in 1 year. 240 pound senior. bECAME aLL American. Captain of working crew and catholic. Became a role model and mentor to Wang a little boy from Vietnam

Professor Jeff O'Brian continued: Always talk about leadership in sport based groups first?

Because culturally sexual and domestic violence has to require leaders to stand up against up. Requires personal courage to stand up. Needed, Flip The Script (not there to point fingers) Kitty Genovse: Bystander Intervention "37 who witnessed murder didnt call the police." Killed (followed by man) stabs her, neighbor calls out, waits in alley, didnt leave, he did not believe anyone would come and wanted to finish what he started. Mosely, sexual assults her and kills her. 37 aware, thought "someone else was gonna do it." in 1964 Words to always remember: respect always be respectful, how many take guys seriously

January 16

Ben Wallace jersey retired (NBA Player) saw thousands of fan crying, seperated racial barriers


Bill Russell only black Celtics player, best defensive player in game. First NBA championship 1957 had trouble purchasing his home only accepting because he was an athlete. "Stood As A Man" First black coach ever in history of NBA

Highest representation sport for latinos


Racial Symbols

Cam Newton and Payton Manning 1. Fans of NFL, team isn't in the game, watching for the commercials (45%) 2. Cheering for Broncos or cheering for the Panthers (35%) 3. Racial component (20%) Scenarios from 1905 Jack Johnson would be Cam Newton and Peyton Manning would be Jim Jeffries or Joe Louis in 1936


Charlie Sifford was admitted in to the PGA;1961- Caucasian clause was removed


Chicago Bears are playing, Willie Thrower was on side-line, Bears losing, put Willie in, driving down field, sub Willie out for white QB, touchdown.


Chicago Bears playing NFL, Bears were losing, Willie Thrower would get all the way down then theyd substitute him out because he was black.


Clifford Sifford admitted in a tournament for the first time


Commercial Tampon (targeted at white women, in magazines)

Famous professor who mentored Harry Smith and Carlos?

Dr. Harry Edwards and Richard Lapchick

Campus Climate Data

Dr.Cook-2004 interracial contact and sport student athletes had more favorite diversity outcomes than general student population Dr.Comeaux-2005 faculty perceptions were favorable for female student athletes and graduate more then that. more suspicion about black student academic achievements over the white

Curt Flood and Reserve Clause

Curt Flood fought the reserve clause for MLB McNally and Mesesmith, two white athletes won the case @ the lower level Flood lost in Supreme Court


Doctorate at Texas A&M one of youngest chairs to get that gig Diversity on research, UF for 8 years,Athletic Department, FAR, did baseball at University of Arizona, 2 NCAA committees, Division 1 Council, started in 2008 First recognize you have a problem. Is diversity good bad or doesnt matter? "What is you were not white? All of the sudden male, african american, latino." What about your occupation? He is Cuban 2 girls, husband, masters and doctorate. Affirmative Action- hiring because of being an minority Difference: Described Achieved Does it matter in sports? YES. We have a step down (stack down) racial profile. Until line on graph it straight across. Sintrality Hypothesis- HR Theory, closer you are to central decision making more likely you are to becoming a leader Black players play in outfield in baseball because they are faster according to instituional racism. "Business Case" for Diversity leads to creativity positive, positive, social outcomes Groups are at top level Group Demographics, Information/Decision Making, Group Process> Outcomes

Dr. Comeaux

Dr. Comeaux- 2005 1. Faculty had better perceptions of female student athletes than male student athletes 2. Greater suspicion


nroms, attitudes, behavior and ways of doing things in a particular context

The word Amateur is derived from Ancient Greek


Racial Stacking

For black coaches stereotypically is negatively related to rank such that more stereotypical black boaches are overrepresented among lower positons. B=-.10 and white coaches are ranked B=17 and overrepresented among higher positons. employers may use racial stereotypically above and beyond race itself in determining job canadite promotability and "fit"


Frank Robinson became first black manager in the MLB (Indians) but he had to play

Brandi Chastain

Girl in sport bra during the 1999 Woman's World Cup


Golf and swimming, sports and tampons coexist, sports women symbol

Caucasian Clause

Golf was exclusively for white community, looked like plantations because they were

Simoans Football , Why the dominate?

Haka War Dance- pregame, most famous: Troy Palolameo, play on rocky ground no locker rooms, they are determined, use second hand equipment, never had youth football till this year, football is their meal ticket, football allows for education, Sharks won their first championship in 11 years on film, 80% dependent on canneries, 10 lineman in pros, only US owned island south of equater, 2/3 below poverty level, 1899 became American. cant vote for president no income taxes and send kids to USA military often, 6 times more likely to get into NFL compared to Americans, they are hard workers and farm and have discipline,

jack johnson

He came to fame when he defeated James Jeffries on July 4, 1910 in Reno, NV.

Jesse Owens

Hitler did the Olympics in hope to show Superioty Aryan but Jesse Owens challenged when he won gold and 2 Olympic records. Jewish runners not allowed to run and Owens substituted in. Owens had to race horses to survive the Depression.

CDO continued

Increase access and equity, inclusivity, develop curricular and cocurricular research and global levels of understanding Five essential leadership lenses: organizational learning leadership lens structural leadership lens political symbolic cultural strategic diversity planning diversity accountability training and education faculty diversification efforts Barriers 1. Outdated 2. Lack of Faculty diversity strategies faculty diversity myths Create interest maintain positive relationships

The Color Line

a socially (and sometimes imaginary) created construct in society that separates human beings

Random Note

Jefferies spoke of "Great White Hope" (people who fought Johnson), in Reno Nevada Stadium was built for the fight, nobody cheered, Johnson won, riots began soon after he won and blacks were killed

Joe Gilliam

Joe Gilliam became first African American QB to start a season opener after the AFL NFL merger in 1970

kevin weekes

Kevin Weekes Hockey player, African American and Canadian Out to dinner with his wife when an older white man asked him "why he deserved to be out with a woman life his wife?"


Known as the melting pot concept of socialization. Example would be actress/entertainer/entrepreneur Jennifer Lopez playing various ethnic groups in modern cinema

Random Note

Less popular basketball both white and black played each other. Renaissance Big 5, Celtics, and Rens

Famous song in Journey of African American Athlete Part 1

Lift Every Voice

Racial stereotypes

Limited categorizations about people based on biased or a lack of information

Most famous softball player

Lisa Ferendez

who created MVP

MVP was created in 1993 by Jackson Katz**

Professor Jeff O'Brian

MVP- Mentors in Violence Prevention (focusing on prevention on domestic and sexual violence in sport NCAA Leadership Development Masters in Education Primary on how people can lead/handle situations with teammates and people going through it.

Chp 2 3 4 5 6

Managing expectations- we want more pay than we should be getting Entitlement (responsibility and titles) 85% entitlemement over older people Helicopter parents(hover,swoop with any issue) University Response (Advisory Council For Parents) 92 million millenials helicopter parents invade the workforce 40% of millenials will not accept another without at least speaking to the parents, Millenials care feedback, specifically positive feedback. Stems from childhood, programs are implemented to appease the millenials. Millengial generation thrives on structure and explicit directions. Managers feel like they have to do a lot of hand holdidng. 12,000 millenials-hardwork- rewarded at the conference Doc went to hard work will increase chancesbut not necessarily reward

Racial Symbols

Meaning attached to images, representations, and logos based on power and the status quo

Mr. Cliff Parks

Met doc 26 years ago over a flat tire, educator, played football at Lousiana Tech, played football cuz he said he liked violence, Seritos College, from Compton, 2pack with a masters degree, January 1992 got to Lousiana Tech "dont worry about registering because you are just here to play football' *Hue of my own skin *standing on fertile ground *education, my liberation Father at 20, writer of poems, : am i the entertainment?", cultural divides and stereotypes, TKE Frat Incident banned for 2 years, sent his son to Moderday High School, wants us to be educated not necessarily school. FEAR- Faithfully Executing Abudant Results , dont be a "yeah but" person who makes excuses


Michael Jordon assigned to Bulls 9x All Star highest career in scoring in history of basketball

Issac Burton

age 15 raced in first Kentucky Derby didn't win but fame soared, won 11 out of 20 Kentucky Derby, 44% black jockies were pushed out

Effect on Professional Skills -uninhibited privacy -reaading and writing (excessive use of text talk) -interpersonal skills Free To Be Me Mentality creating efficiency work life balance express yourself ore than just casual fridays recess at work 35% of millenials have tattoos Recruiting in Cyberspace Networking on Millenials Turf social media, blogs, chat rooms, cannot be intrusive Corporate Career Websites Millenials hot buttons Gaming and Movie Culture Video Challenges Strategy game challenges Targeting Younger Studets 50% of 12-14 year olds through about careers most 17-18 years old have career path locked in JCPenny Mentality he believed in tithing

More Trophy Kids

Japan came up with text novels, textiles on phone, emphasis on words & poetry happened in 2007

More Trophy Kids

Jim Thorpe

Native American still suing over where she should be buried

what effect does mascots have on native americans?


The Three Parts of The History of African American History in Sports

Part 1: Courage to Try Part 2: Ability To Succeed Part 3: Ownership, Representing, Creating,and Controlling, their own destiny (intellectual property)

who won second place during that olympics

Peter Norman


Platform for Womens Division "brings joy to individual and group"

Random Notes

Policy drove behavior, Ignorance and Power=Racism, 70s integration hieghted and the face of sport changed, Sports integrated before society

Maria Joe Martinez-Patino

Publicly disqualification had her license restored to compete

1940s and 1950s

Racial Poltics and Tennis Whites (athea Gibson wore all white)


Racist MLB commissioner, Crenshaw died; women's league was formed to replace the men before blacks were recruited for the MLB

Docs favorites players

Randy Cross and Dwight Stephenson

Docs favorite centers

Randy Cross, no. 51 49ers Dwight Stevenson

Gender Ideology

Refers to attitudes regarding the appropriate roles, rights, and responsibilities of women and men in society. The concept that can reflect these attitudes generally or in a specific domain such as economic, familial, legal, political, and or social domain.

Fight of the Century

Reno, Jack Johnson fighting white opponent

What is the most complex idea in Sport Matters?

Respect (pg.56)


Robinson integrated baseball, but he would pass away in 1953 because he could not fight back

Ronda Rousey

Ronda fights for people who don't believe in her. Born ready. Everything can change in a split second. Born with a chord around her neck thought she was dead. Do not accept less than what you are capable of. Tradegy precedes success. "BALGRIN"- body slam what she meant that she wanted for her toy was a hulk hogan wrestling buddy. Rondas dad broke his back, August 11,1995 her dad Ron committed suicide because of pain. Moved back to cali with her new stepdad 2 years later, did Judo, her mom was an olympic gold medalist, She had speech problems had to reform her brain speech area. Pain is just one piece of information. Broke her foot and still fought. Turn limitations into opportunities. Tore her ACL and still worked other body parts. Big Jim her coach met him in Vegas. "Future World Champion" award. Bring Your Best On Your Worst Day. Always be prepared never know when its a bad day. Ronda went to 2004 Judo Olympics lost in first round. Find your way, ronda moved out at 18, be a problem solver and fighting helped her love problem solving. The end of a failed move is always the beginning of a new one. People dont always keep their word (lost stipden USA Judo) had to move to Canada to stretch her dollar. People Around You Control Your Reality. Anything of value has to be earned. Make "smart" decisions. A loss is still a loss but its better to go out in flaming glory. A great performance speaks for itself. Ronda found her freedom when sitting in Dunkin Donuts. Ronda got 3rd place in Bejing, returned to the states no job prospects, ended up working 3 jobs, You Can't Rely on one thing to make you happy, took a year off to get a "normal life" wanted to bartend, got an Argentinian mastiff for a dog, Got back into training judo and mma with her friend Manny, took her dog to dog park where she met DPCG(dog park cute guy) first date with him surfing, competed in 2008 olympics in 2010 myrtle beach where she reunited with her old coach Lil Jimmy reached epiphany about judo. Ronda comited to pursuing MMA wanted her moms blessing more than anything (year ultimatum) Finding a Coach is like finding a boyfriend, Edmond was the coach she wanted and she had to earn him respect. Only let her punch the bg and she always got there early and tried to get his attention. edned up giving her own key, Dont let the sad part of the book define the rest of your life, DPCG- heroin addict drank alot stole her card when it rains it pours. Chapions always do more. Nothing will ever be perfect the situtation can always be better If it was easy everyone would do it, no secret ot success she ending up breaking it off with DPCG, Only power people have over you is the power you give them. Winning is a habit. Snapper McCreepy (took pics of her naked brushing her teeth ect) she ended up doing ESPN Body Issue want to willingly put her body out there. Kaufamn Fight (53 seconds to tap out) First women UFC Fighter The best fighters are patient at the right times, Carmouche blew a kiss at her, have to be ready for anything. Carmouche fight (tried to pull her bra off, hit her chest, jaw dislocated) she ended up winning. First fighter in UFC 157 who did rousey face? Carmouche. Slyvester stallone told her acting was the kiss of the death to athletes. Answer is there is no answer. Alexis David, over 1000000 ways to get the same results beat her in 16 seconds, Exendables 3 was the movie she acted for and still trained even though it was 5 am, Amisha Tate (taps out early) not letting her emotions control her. Principle vs Sportsmanship. She had the fastest submission time in UFC history 14 seconds, 1st and 2nd fastest time. Some lessons have to be experienced to be understood,

Kareem Abdul Jamar

Ruker player (street courts) made hook an artform

SuperBowl Scenarios

Scenario 1- Fans, teams arent in it watch for the commercials Scenario 2- cheering for broncos and panthers Scenario 3- Quarterback is a symbol its absolutely racial (the styles)

what movie is best movie to understand assimilation and acculturation

School Ties

Title 9

Signed in 1972 Nixon was in office Revolutionary and Backlash (fearful of diluting, men sports) 300,000 calculated to have been competing in sport in early 70s, 2 million in late 70s


Sin and vulgarity in tennis (Gertruder Guzzman lace panties became sex symbol.

Bonnie Berstein

Social Media impact- public opinion can force change, we have abilliy to influence social change, athletes are now taking a stand, dont be fraid to have a voice, did whatever she could to prepare to be a sports writer, The rise up was easy, no person running her teleprompter, Reno to ESPN, had an agent at 24, interviewed Kobe, did not want people looking at her for aesthetics so she tried to make herself look cookie cutter, didnt want to rely on sleeping with someone to get the job, create platforms while waiting for your career, Colleen Dominguez, filed suit against fox for age discrimination advocating hair extensions, more women getting not just sidleine jobe but have issues with age discrimination. One person speaks up> open to discrimination but if everybody speaks up> a movement Taking a job that isnt your ideal is better than a blank resume. Demand will always outweigh supply. Her own competition. Maybe its not your ideal job but make it as close to your ideal job as you can. Always educate yourself about sports, world needs more female analysts. Most fufilling part of her career- providing guidance.

Turning Points

Structural Total Control Non-controllable, Bereavement Socialization

Colorblind Racism

Subconscious thoughts about a particular minority group

Qualifying Times Chp 1

Tennis showed your social status, not about athleticism. Athea Gibson wore all white

harlem renaissance

The Harlem Rennaisance birthed Paul Robeson. He was a black athlete, scholar, and he was most famous for his role in Othello. Fritz Pollard was also highlighted during this time for using the contact hypothesis with his teammates, so that they would block for him and he would become the first black head coach. The National Negro League was formed during this time period as well, and baseball as a result was the #1 sport for African Americans. It was also striking that the White Press was known to cover the Negro Leagues.

Dr. Rivers

Turning points- theoretical framework for a big momentum shift. 6 out of 50 (12%) vacant Head Coach positions at NCAA D1 FBS in '12-'13 filled by African Americans. 57% of players were African American phenomenon called stacking*

Millenial Dream Job- what is not negative company association, inflexible, and no opportunites for development (not towards oil company and beer companies) Altriusm- the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well being of others Impact > $; Good deeds= good business ie. corporate citizenship

Trophy Kids Continued

Diversity is quantative progress


Diversity issues are always relevant because we are always dealing with it, True or False


Inclusion is qualitative progress (not just tolerating, respect)


World War 1 was segregated, True or False



Truman "no justifyable reason for discrimination in 1946 banned lifted from NFL. Cleaveland Browns signed 2 black players.

Trophy Kids Chp,1 & 2

Three generations of millenial Traditionalist- veteran, mature, or silent generation born between1925-1945 (Great Depression WW2, Korean War) Baby boomers- 1946 to 1964 (Vietnam War) Generation Xers-1965 to 1979 ( AIDS, Berlin, Bill Clinton) Percieved as arrogant and unwilling to adapt to company/corporate culture 92 million millenials over the 78.3 million baby boomers. Good at multitasking but short attention spans "helicopter parents"- parents who are trying to get involved in job interviews, salary negotiations, and even preformance reviews millenials are more concerned about high marks than about learning and enrichment 55% of students are now women. Deemed entitled excessive expectations, Lazier, wanting too much too soon. Greatest expectations= higher pay (74%) flexible work schedules 61% promotion with a year 56% more vacation 50%


Top 25 most Hispanic/Black baccaleaurate degrees graduated Dr. Franklin is the 3rd in charge at the NCAA 1281 institutions in the NCAA (DIV 1,2,3)

Docs Opinion on trophy Kids

Unique vs. Special All of us are unique


WTA (Womens Tennis Association denied 3 million dollar deal with Tampax

White Racial Identity

While in sport and society White ideology Identity Institution

issac murphy

Won KY derby three times 11/20 races were won by black jockeys

The Jigsaw Classroom

a cooperative learning technique that reduces racial conflict among students in school, promotes better learning, and improves student motivation

Joe Lewis

advised not to smile when knocking out opponents, never heard the man brag, greatest impact, white and black if he fought Wednesday no prayer meeting, almost half of the people who watched the championship, became heavy weight champ. Starred in Hollywood owned his own nightclub, was a symbol, he wanted a rematch with a fighter from Germany (198lbs) in 1938 he fought fighter Germany "Schmelly" the German Fighter, Lewis beat Schnelly and was called an American.

Muhammad Ali

became an icon for black americans, muslim most famous convert, put together a company called Name Bound, first athlete to take control of all his business affairs. Fused civil rights and anti war movements refused going to service as draft. "Heavy Weight Champion of the World"


became first baseman for Brooklyn Dodgers. Also signified beginning of end of Negro Leagues.

what did the black glove represent and what about the black socks

black power and poverty

Jack Johnson

boxing in Cali, wanted heavy weight champ in world, FBI forced him to flee country and became a racial symbol

Curt Flood

challenged Reserve Clause in baseball for free trading and lost. Oscar Robinson also fought. Curt Flood traded to Washington from Cardinals. Never got hall of fame

Cliff Davis

coach of Dat.

Centrality Hypothesis

correlation, not cause and effect


couldnt get married interracially


covert and overt advantages


covert and overt disadvantages

Major Taylor

dangerous, famous cyclist, 2 time world cycling champ, outlawed him to cycle in America

Mr. Ward Manuel

directorof athletics for University of Michigan, Director of Student Athlete in Life skills for when he first met Doc 40k job, was a former player return to his alma mater, #1 workforce diversity issue in America; is the generation gap (generational diversity) People call Generation X "young punk, naive, indecisive, opininated"


first African American head coach and quarterback. He was later banned. Took over 50 years for next headcoach.

Willie Jefferies

first african american head coach

Mo'Ne Davis

girls little league pitcher, she was a pitcher and "mowed" the guys down


instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually

February 24th

interracial contract, got to see movie Race


interracial couples couldnt live together

Whiteness is property

invest in it or not invest in it your implicit bias assumptions about your character based on your color

Dr. Franklin

is involved with twelve hundred and eighty one institutions, all campus climate issues professor for 4 years in Miami, Ohio

Politics of Envy

jealousy and or hate due to competition

Most famous native american athlete

jim thorpe


known as the salad bowl or stew concept of socialization. Example would be stuart scotts cultural tounge and urban hip hop lingo at ESPN versus more mainstream norms of lanugage and verbal communication

Jim Brown

led the league of rushing, played 9 seasons, cleaveland brown. Created Black Economic Union Team- created opportunities for blacks in business, youth programs, opened offices in cities and worked with athletes to build money

Dr Harry Edwards

mentor helped John Carlos made Olympic Project for Human Rights, consultant. Microagressions "The Struggle That Must Be." MOMENTS change culture. Difference between memories and moments

Chp 1 Trophy Kids

millenials take up a third of adults in us, we outnumber baby boomers. Will make up 75% of workforce. 4 generations in current workforce: traditionalist, baby boomers, generation x , millenials, says book smart but no common sense

Roberto Clemente

most famous latino baseball player, died in Nicaguaga

Julius Erving

most famous ruker player the surgeon general

Video on white vs black photo shown to kids Why does it flip?

negative feedback over years (6 thru 13) parents change as kids gets older friends of different ethnic background is important to growth. Racial analysis without a social class analysis is not an argument You have to analyze power in race relations White Trash- problematic

Progress Vs. Change

not progress if not sustained

Michael Jordon

only african american to be a majority owner to a team

Racial Knowledge

preconceived notions about racial and ethnic groups

Chief Diversity Officer

president must commit to transformative change and build diversity into the mission, core values, planning, resource allocation, and accountability measures of institution. Creating a shared institutional midnset Building strategic partnerships to help integreate progess the diversity agenda. The multivariate role of the chief diversity officer. PACE- Process, Leader, Approver, Contributer, Executer CDOS cut alot, need to get involved in budget and seen as a critical part of it 3 key traits of CDO Skills, Abilities, Knowledge Matrix Leadership- who they report, who they collaborate with

Katherine Smith

race gender insect (intersectionality), Bills, Special teams quality control coach, 12 seasos, first female coach

1. In order to be a fighter you have to be a. Passionate 2. FOUR major rules growing up 3. Youngest Judo Fighter on U.S. National Team a. At sixteen years old 4. Fighting in the gym alone and making up new moves taught RR how to think for herself. a. True


paul Robeson

scholar athlete in 20s, making touchdowns on the field, 1915 was only black


sent athletes to Berlin for Olympic Games, Jesse Owens track runner set 3 world records

Women will continue to challenge GENDER IDEOLOGY We need co-ed collaborations We need demographic leadership (women in charge) Transgender poltics are a reality Sexuality and Hypersexuality

skirt theory- skirts during sports

structural diversity

some studies say that increased representation of students of color on college campuses will lead more frequent interactions among students from different ethnic backgrounds which then leads to student learning and retention. however some studies suggest students that people will tend to keep contact between similar people at a higher rate and that structual diversity occurs only among white students because students of color can easily interact across differnce at predominatly white institutions. In group Vs Out Group. study based on 28 institutions undergrads, studies suggest that a colleges structural diversity will noteably shape post college behaviors attitudes and values. for asian americans size and composition of instituion has a huge impact on interracial relationships. More positive effect on structural diversity at higher levels of campus diversity.


specific content developed by the Entertainment and Sports Network that focuses on females participating in sport and leading the business side of sport.

Wells Report

study on on offensive language used by NFL in lockerrooms being translated/ used more often in every day language (pg.57)

Code switching

switching depending on the setting

Institutionalized Racism

systemic message and power dynamics based on traditional hierarchies

White Race identity

the concept of privileges and social advantage being tied to white skin in various social situations that is largely invisible and hidden at times based on insitutional and organizational structures.

social class

the economic or political capital that one possesses

Campus Climate

the healthy or unhealthy cultural environement in higher education

Sex and sport

the historical plight of women in competitive athletics and equity in terms of gender relations

The Contact Hypothesis

the in-group and out-group increase the likelihood of getting along when exposure is high with one another

upward mobility

to change ones economic and social status through after gaining acess

ethnocentricism and ethnic identity

to embrace ones ethnic heritage and cultural perspective sometimes at the exclusion of others.

LENGLEN effect

took place. Suzanne Lenglen showed "skin-arms and wore comfortable dress (1925)

Wilma Rudolph

track runner, fastest woman alive, had polio a child, 1960 game in Rome, 100, 200 & 400 meter relay won gold. Has first integrated banquet and parade. From Clarksville


• Hired as department chair @ UF when he was 34 years old• Made comment that NCAA bureaucracy difficult to effect change cuban When he moved to L.A changed last name

julius irving dr.j

• Julius Irving - Dr. J • Came from Rucker • ABA Ambassador of streetball

Sex Testing

women committed suicide after having to get a sex test lost her Olympic medals "Nude Parades"- 3 physical physicians to prove women. Sex Check Track Meet Afraid sports would mess with reproduction make them masculine, 46XX actual female men could pass cuz genetics Did not want men competing in women sports. 500-600 women have been excluded based on results of sex testing 46XX actual female men could pass cuz genetics did not want men competing in women sports

Beauty Myth in Public Culture

women products and publications implied that feminity precluded ambition

Catherine Susan "Kitty" Genovese (July 7, 1935 - March 13, 1964)

women stabbed outside her apartmen nobody helped because "they thought someone else would"

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