DM Chapter 9 and 10

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How do you measure SMM success

!) measuring reach 2) measuring engagement 3) measuring loyalty

if your objective is to attract first time customers, what is your primary SM platform an what is your secondary platform

primary is youtube, secondary is iG

what is community value

-have a sense of belonging with other consumers

What bidding methods do FB advertisers use

CPM CPC CPA (Cost per action)

how does advertising on Youtube work

the revenue is shared between youtube and the video owner because its the video owner that has created the videos. youtube is just the facilitating platform.

this is defined as: the process of monitoring what is being said about a company, a product, or a brand across all social channels

social listening

this is defined as: A form of digital marketing utilizing social networking sites as marketing tools, to gain traffic, brand exposure, and interaction with consumers through social media

social media marketing

What is the role of tone, legal aspects, and response formats in SM contexts***

tone, legal aspects and response are part of the style guide: tone- there are guidelines in the style guide to tell the employees how to correctly respond to users comments, and what kind of tone you will use legal restrictions- how to stay within the legal restrictions put in place; in the style guide you will see and understand all the things you are supposed to do as a social media marketer and the things i am supposed to avoid response and formatting guidelines- in terms of making sure if your response is appropriate, talk to the customer on the social media space or you think that an appropriate response could be maybe giving them a reimbursement.. response can come in different forms. using proper formatting guideline can help a company respond to a number of different responses.

what is a FB Business page

A Facebook business page serves to help people learn about your business in terms of what you do, how you can be contacted, and where you're located. Your Facebook page will have a menu on the left side that allows your customers to view information such as an about page, photos and videos, events, reviews, and posts.

what is a promoted trend

A Promoted Trend is an exclusive, high-impact 24-hour takeover of the top Trends list on Twitter and the Explore tab on mobile — where people go to see what's happening in real-time.

what is CPV (cost per view) + quality score

A bidding method for video campaigns where you pay for a view. quality score is based off of how quickly a video a being viewed in a short amount of time.

what is a boosted post

A boosted post is a post to your Page's timeline that you can apply money to in order to boost it to an audience of your choosing.

How does FB determine which ad wins?

Bid amount * estimated action rate + relevance/quality

what is utilitarian value

Deals and discounts Contests/drawings Useful ideas/practices Product updates Training/education

which SM platform has the highest active user population


what is the POE framework?

POE stands for: Paid, Owned and Earned media. POE s just an acronym for the three methods of content distribution. Paid, Owned and Earned media are all viable strategies for building your authority and spreading your reach in social media

How do companies utilize the paid aspects of FB for advertising? *****

Have a few options such as boosted posts and ads (videos, carousels, slideshows)

What advantages does YouTube provide as a SM platform

Hosts both personal and brand accounts Videos are information rich and provide for better content marketing Advertising is CPV + quality score, YouTube also shares revenue with video owners when advertising

what is entertainment value

Humor Insider knowledge News from company icon

What are the different ad types available on FB?

Image ad Carousel ad Video add Slideshow ad Collection ads

What are the different placement types available on FB?

Newsfeed FB Marketplace FB Stories FB messenger Instagram

What are the similarities and differences in regards to paid advertising on SM?

Paid advertising on SM is similar to the Google Ads platform. it has a target audience, budgets, bids, ad copy design, ad campaign execution and analysis Key differences: - SM platforms have much more information about its users, so ad targeting can be more precise -SM ads show up in user feeds, hence the engagement rate is much higher -SM ads allow users to interact and engage with the ad

How does Pinterest help marketers in their SMM efforts

Pinterest allows for content to be posted on their page as well as offering Pin it buttons on other company's websites to link back to their site - every Pin has a URL attached to it

if your looking for customer loyalty, whats your primary and secondary SM PLatform

Primary- snap, IG, Pinterest secondary- Linked In

what are some different social media goals employed by firms? (check on this answer)

Product information and support Customer service Customer feedback Idea generation - new product development

What are promoted tweets

Promoted Tweets are ordinary Tweets purchased by advertisers who want to reach a wider group of users or spark engagement from their existing followers. All Promoted Tweets are clearly labeled as "Promoted" when an advertiser is paying for their placement on Twitter.

where does social media fit into the POE framework

Social Media fits into Paid, Owned and Earned Media. Social media advertising fits into paid media social media profiles fits into owned media and social media sharing fits into earned media

What do you mean by SM content mix

The perfect content mix creates shared value. In other words, each piece of content you create should address your audience's goals and needs as well as support your broader business objectives and goals. ex: Example: Kraft Foods ~60% recipes ~40% deals and discounts

What are the unique characteristics of

Youngest user base High engagement rate easy to use editing features Snaps and stories Snap ads Snapchat geofilters Sponsored lenses

how is a FB business page different from a person FB page

as a business page, you cant send friend requests, but page admin can send requests to "like the page" Facebook Business page represents a business or brand and showcases the services it provides. On the other hand, a Personal page represents a singular social media user and is used to share updates about the user's personal life and to connect with friends and family.

What is SM sentiment analysis?

based on SM listening, you can look at the consumers sentiments and break it down in terms of platforms, geographical locations based on where the sentiments are coming from, gender, demographics. -probe underlying sentiment based on the consumer

What specific KPIs are used to measure loyalty under SMM

conversion rate (purchase frequency, average order value)

this is defined as: Select your audience manually based on characteristics, such as age and location

core audience

Do SM platforms offer remarketing?

most social media platforms offer remarketing

How can companies incentivize owned SM?

dont get hung up on number of followers, you need to see how many of them are actually engaged followers. to engage them, work hard on your original content and get it out there. then engage your followers with incentive like discounts, giveaways and In-store CTAs

What specific KPIs are used to measure engagement under SMM

engagement rate (like and comments, reposts.retweets/pins)

this is defined as: Use your customer information to find people similar to them on fb

lookalike audiences

what are promoted pins

you can buy pins by promoting them and distributing them like an advertiser. It can run on a CPC, CPM, or CPE)

What comprises partner audiences and installed app targeting?***


when should a company post on social media for SEO purposes

- Company is already doing everything from onsite and offsite SEO standpoint for its website -Company depends on local search results

· On what accounts does Twitter differ from FB and other social media platforms?

- Public nature - broadcasting and socializing, so more post exposure than FB -140 characters - expanded to 280, links to appropriate LPs - Does not distinguish between personal and corporate profiles → its open to spamming - From @ to # and retweeting

what can companies use the scope of social media marketing for

- increase customer value and loyalty -improving customer engagement -supplementing SEO efforts -helpful in attracting new customers -increasing customer purchases -social media platforms generally have more information about your customers

List some potential social media objectives for firms.

-Additional purchases -Purchase frequency -Improve CSAT -Customer feedback -Increase referrals & loyalty -Reach New Customers & Leads -Provide Product Information & Support -build brand equity

How do brands advertise on Twitter?

-Cards as promoted tweets -Promoted accounts -Promoted trends -Partner audience and installed app targeting

How is a SM campaign plan designed?

-Determine the objective -Choose the SM platforms -Plan the content -Distribute and promote content -Measure success

What are the unique characteristics of LinkedIn

-Professional consumption -Better for B2B contexts -Sponsored content similar to FB ads

What are the unique characteristics of Instagram

-Started as a mobile app → has a simple, clean design -Filters and sponsored posts -Younger demographic → 18 to 30 years old -Seamless integration with FB, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr -Influencer Marketing

List some social listening KPIs.

-Volume -Sentiment -Changes in volume and sentiment -Topic

What are the three specific ways to target consumers on FB

-core audience -custom audiences -lookalike audiences

what is the scope of Social Media Marketing

-creating of content. posts for a company's social meda pages - paid ads on social media platforms - brand reputation management

what are the five major components of a social media plan

-determine the objective -choose a SM platform(s) -plan the content -distribute and promote content -measure success

why do SM platforms offer remarketing

-urges consumers to complete purchases -show what theyve viewed on SM platforms -people are more open to engaging with these remarketing ads on SM platforms

Which softwares do marketers use for conducting SM analytics? Know about platform-specific analytics options as well as multi-source software options like Hootsuite.*****


What is the role of platform synergies under a multi-channel (or omni-channel or cross-channel) SM strategy***


What comprises FB content?

1) content posted by friends 2) other content liked/shared by friends 3) content from pages you liked 4) paid for ads

List the four content types used in SMM with examples.***

1) original (example: 2) user generated content (example: consumer ideas, hashtags to create trends) 3) co-created (ex: 4) curated content (ex: blog postes, news stories, research reports)

What are the different ways of distributing and promoting your content on SM? Know with examples under the POE framework.

1) paid media--> (ex: search media advertising, display advertising, affiliate marketing) proper targeting demographics, interests and behaviors 2) owned media (ex: social media profiles, email marketing)--> engage followers with incentives like giveaways, discounts, contests) 3) earned media (social media sharing, direct traffic, SEO) --> encourage customers to talk about you

How do companies choose specific SM platforms based on their objectives?**

1) platform characteristics (who are you targeting) 2) nature of the social media interactions 3) platform synergies (can you extend your content to other Social media platforms

how does Social media marketing help with brand reputation management

Social media reputation management is the process of tracking, monitoring and ultimately eliminating negative social media material about your brand to improve your name or standing. If done properly, social media reputation management builds your credibility to customers, which strengthens their trust in your brand. -respond to both positive and negative comments -24/7 monitoring

How do brands determine their content mix on SM?

brands have to determine the goals of their company, what their company stands for, and this profiles the social media presence. you have to think of the mix and percentages, and what its going to look like, and are you aligning that with what the company stands for.

· How does FB determine which content to present on a consumer's news feed?

by using the news feed visibility equation: News Feed Visibility = Interest x Post x Creator x Type x Recency facebook also looks at roughly 100,000 other high personalized factors when determining what's shown

this is defined as: Upload your contact list to connect with your customers on facebook

custom audiences

How do companies decide their SM content plan?*****

first know the types of content you want to work with; then you need to know the media types you will use for your specific content. You have to choose the media type which s really preferred on a social media platform.

What specific KPIs are used to measure reach

impressions and views (follower growth, number of likes, subscribers/followers)

This market influence typically stems from an individual's expertise, popularity, or reputation.

influencer marketing

this is defined as: involves marketing products and services to those who have a sway over the things other people buy

influencer marketing

how does social media marketing help with SEO and to what extent

it helps with off site SEO If one of your pieces goes viral on social media, you might see your like reposted many times over by different individuals Social Media marketing does help with SEO but the effect it has is relatively small.

you should schedule content to...?

maximize visibility

whats the difference between SM Monitoring andSM listening

monitoring tells you you what, listening tells you why

this is defined as: sort of subscription where consumer allows brand content to occur in their news feed

page like

If you're looking for SEO what is the primary and secondary SM Platform

primary - FB secondary - twitter

if your looking for advertising, whats the primary and secondary SM platform

primary - IG and FB Secondary - Youtube

If you're looking for reputation management whats the primary and secondary platform

primary- reveiw websites and industry forums secondary - twitter and LI

posting for SEO on social media is what type of activity

secondary activity

this is defined as: understanding your audience and improving campaign strategy by accessing the full spectrum of conversation around your industry, brand, and any topics relevant to your brand. (insights driving proactive decisions)

social media listening

this is defined as: caring for your customers by monitoring social media for messages directly related to your brand and responding to those messages appropriately (data driving reactive responses)

social media monitoring

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