DMS 221 FINAL REVIEW W/IMAGES, includes neonatal spine

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open abdominal wall defect where abdominal contents herniate out to the right of the cord insertion


outermost layer covering the brain/spinal cord


painful inflammation of joint due to buildup of uric acid crystals

filum terminale

tapering end of the spinal cord, caudal to conus medullaris


the conus is considered abnormally low if it is at or below this level of the spine

conus medullaris

the most caudal portion of the spinal cord

Peritoneal dialysis

a treatment for kidney failure that uses the lining of your abdomen, or belly, to filter your blood inside your body

d. all of the above

Patients with prostate cancer may present with which of the following? a. an abnormal DRE b. An abnormal PSA c. Bladder outlet obstruction d. all of the above


Pre-renal injury cause

+ posterior to the IVC + anterior to the right crus of the diaphragm + and is housed within Gerota's fascia

The right adrenal gland:

Grade I

The sonogram on the neonatal brain of a preterm infant demonstrates a focal hyperechoic area anterior to the caudothalamic groove on the parasagittal view bilaterally. The ventricles are not dilated and no other abnormalities are seen. What grade of GM-IVH would be assigned to this patient?


The sonographic findings of testicular torsion are related to the _________ of the torsion.

Decreased renal reserve, renal insufficiency, uremia

The stages of chronic renal failure are, in order:

endocrine glands

The thyroid and parathyroid are both what?


The thyroid gland uses what to produce it's hormones?

Posterior enhancement and posterior shadowing

There are many common artifacts in ultrasound. What two artifacts help to characterize a mass?

>= 4 mm

Thickness of the AP pylorus wall in HPS

+ pheochromocytoma + neuroblastoma

Tumors or diseases in the adrenal medulla


What structure may be confused for a thyroid or parathyroid mass because of it's relationship to the trachea and the posterior aspect of the left thyroid gland?

spermatic cord

What structure supports the posterior border of the testes?


When evaluating the appendix sonographically, what structure will help you locate it?

in the pelvis along the iliopsoas margin

Where are transplanted kidneys usually placed?


Where does inflammation start in Chron's disease?


Which blood test is used to identify men at increased risk for prostate cancer?

adrenocorticotropic hormone

Which hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, controls the release of hormones by the adrenal glands?


Which muscle does fibromatosis colli mostly affect?

a. centripetal arteries

Which of the following arteries courses within the testicular parenchyma? a. centripetal arteries b. testicular artery c. cremesteric artery d. deferential artery e. all of the above

d. third ventricle

Which of the following is not contained in the posterior fossa? a. fourth ventricle b. cerebellum c. brainstem d. third ventricle


blood is removed from the body and filtered through a man-made membrane called a dialyzer, or artificial kidney, and then the filtered blood is returned to the body.


caused by an increase in hydrogen ions

cauda equina

collection of nerve roots at the end of the spinal cord; includes lumbar and sacral nerve roots


failure of the intestine to propel its contents due to diminished motility

d. A and B only

You detect a mass within the left testis on a 43-year-old male. Which of the following is a sign indicative of malignancy? a. irregular shape of testis b. intratesticular location of mass c. presence of a large hydrocele d. A and B only e. all of the above

dorsal dermal sinus

a condition that represents a very focal disruption in the development or fusion of the spinal canal and presents with a thin tract that travels from the skin to the spinal canal

produces ejaculation fluid

Function of the prostate gland?


Function of the thyroid gland is regulated via metabolism of ___________.

Addison's Disease

General hypofunction of the adrenal cortex is called:

testicular torsion

"Bell clapper" is another term used to describe which abnormality?

median raphe

1 out of 1 points The scrotum is divided into two separate compartments by the:


A 20 year old patient presents with a tender scrotal mass. The sonographic findings is most suspicious for which abnormality?

testicular carcinoma

A 24 year old patient presents with a palpable scrotal mass. He is afebrile and denies any scrotal pain. On the basis of this clinical history, the sonographic finding is most suspicious for which abnormality?

c. varicocele

A 33-year-old male has been referred for a scrotal ultrasound as part of an infertility work-up. You will tailor your exam to include an evaluation of which of the following? a. torsion of the appendix testis b. testicular artery aneurysm c. varicocele d. testicular cyst e. epididymal cyst


A dilatation of the ventricular system that results from the impairment of the cerebrosplinal fluid dynamics or brain parenchymal loss is called:


A fluid-filled that has replaced normal brain parenchyma due to the result of a destructive process such as an intraparenchymal hemorrhage is called what?


A group of autosomal dominant disorders characterized by benign and malignant tumors of the endocrine glands

warthin's tumor

A lymphatic mass of the parotid gland is:

multinodular goiter

A patient presents with normal labs and no symptoms aside from a palpable, enlarged thyroid gland. Based upon the following image, what is the most likely diagnosis?

pyramidal lobe

A superior extension off of the isthmus of the thyroid gland is a:


Aldosterone is considered to be what type of steroid?

b. eggshell calcifications

All of the following are diagnostic findings of benign thyroid nodules except: a. cold nodule b. eggshell calcifications c. hyperechoic mass d. anechoic mass

b. echogenic mass

All of the following are sonographic findings of malignant thyroid nodules except: a. internal calcifications b. echogenic mass c. cervical node involvement d. solitary nodule

b. The adrenal glands are exocrine glands

All of the following are true statements about the adrenal glands except: a. The adrenal glands are easily identified in the fetus b. The adrenal glands are exocrine glands c. The adrenal glands may also be referred to as the suprarenal glands d. The adrenal glands are composed of a medulla and a cortex

d. iodine

All of the following hormones are produced by the thyroid except: a. triiodothyronine b. thyroxine c. calcitonin d. iodine

Waterhouse-Freidrichsen Syndrome

Bilateral hemorrhages to the adrenal gland which occur at birth is referred to as:

perhipheral zone

Carcinoma of the prostate gland most commonly develops in the:

Cystic Hygroma

Caused by congenital abnormality of the lymphatic system

a. hypercalcemia

Clinical findings of glomerulonephritis include all of the following except: a. hypercalcemia b. proteinuria c. throat infection d. azotemia


Condition where spinal cord is separated into two hemicords?

Foramen of monro

Connects the lateral ventricle to the third ventricle

the patient is supine with the neck hyperextended by a pad/pillow under the scapulae

Describes the correct patient positioning for sonographic evaluation of the thyroid?


Development of what condition is linked to hyperparathyroidism?

internal jugular vein

During a transverse scan of the thyroid gland , you detect two large vessels just lateral to the thyroid. What is the most lateral vessel?

Choroid Plexus

Echogenic cluster of cells located within the lateral ventricles responsible for the production of cerebral spinal fluid


First stage of acute renal injury


Forward movement of intestinal contents caused by rythmic contractions of the intestines is termed:

parathyroid adenoma

Hypercalcemia is associated with?

-appendix AP diameter greater than 6 mm -non compressible bowel loops -appendicolith -free fluid

In cases of appendicits, what sonographic indicators are noted?

d. Both a & b are true

In dialysis patients: a. An indwelling catheter may be placed in the patient's forearm b. Free fluid may be noted in the abdominal and pelvic cavities c. The native kidney is removed d. Both a & b are true

Grave's disease

In the above image, the sonographic appearance of the thyroid is most likely to be indicative of:


Including iodide in your diet is required for the normal production of:

0.8, rejection

Increased renal resistance is indicated if the RI is greater than ____ and may indicate renal transplant ________.

A Adrenal capsule B zona fasciculata C zona glomerulosa D zona reticularis E adrenal medulla F adrenal cortex

Label [A], [B], [C], [D], [E]. Areas B,C,D - make up what part of the gland [F]

A Mucosal surface B mucosa C submucosa D muscularis F serosa

Label [A], [B], [C], [D], [F] on the following diagram.


Most common pathology to cause acute scrotal pain

papillary carcinoma

Most common, least aggresive thyroid cancer, associated with increased thyroid intake

Cold nodule

Non-functioning nodule

d. adenomatoid tumor

Non-seminomatous germ cell tumors include all of the following except: a. embryonal carcinoma b. choriocarcinoma c. mixed germ cell tumor d. adenomatoid tumor e. teratoma

aortic arch

On the left side of the neck the common carotid artery arises from what artery?

Pins and needles in extremities


zona glomelulosa

Part of adrenal gland that produces aldosterone

zona reticularis

Part of adrenal gland that produces androgens

zona fasiculata

Part of adrenal gland that produces cortisol

adrenal medulla

Part of adrenal gland that produces epinephrine and norepinephrine

urinary tract obstruction

Post renal injury cause

+ lipomyelocele + lipomyelomeningocele + myelocystocele

Subcutaneous masses of the spinal cord

+ associated with dysraphic spinal anomalies + low-lying with a thickened filum terminale + symptoms may not present until the child grows and the cord is pulled tight

Tethered cord symptoms

zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis (GFR helps me rememeber)

The adrenal cortex is made up of the following zones:


The adrenal mass associated often associated with uncontrollable hypertension, tachycardia, and tremors is the:


The adrenal medulla produces what substance?


The appendix should be no greater than __________ mm in total AP diameter.


The most common location of the vermiform appendix is the area of the:


The most common type of acute renal failure is:

4.0 to 6.0 cm

The normal length of the adult thyroid lobe is approximately:

posterior to the thyroid gland and anterior to the longus colli muscle

The parathyroid glands are located:

at the corner of the mandible

The parotid gland is located:

external carotid

The superior thyroid artery is a branch of what artery?

the aorta

The suprarenal artery originates from ...


The telescoping of one segment of bowel into another is referred to as:

abdominal aorta

The testicular artery is a branch of what artery?

mediastinum testis

What anatomy is seen at the white arrows in the above image?


What complication of renal transplants is caused by ischemia to the renal tubules?

lower urinary tract infection

What is a common cause of acute pyelonephritis?


What is depicted at the black arrow in the following image?

Bone spurs

What is not a likely a complication of chronic kidney disease?

hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

What is seen in the above image?

c. microlithiasis

What is seen in the above image? a. testicular carcinoma b. testicular cysts c. microlithiasis d. orchitis

epididymal cyst

What is seen the following image?

Regulation of the basal metabolic rate

What is the main function of the thyroid gland?

parathyroid adenoma

What is the most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism?

mucoepidermoid carcinoma

What is the most common form of salivary gland carcinoma?


What is the most common symptomatic condition to affect the prostate gland?


What is the softening of the white matter of the brain that occurs with ischemia called?

A lateral ventricle B Ventriculomegaly C Choroid Plexus

What structure is being measured in the above image? [A] What pathology is seen in the above image? [B] What is the echogenic structure seen under the calipers in the above image? [C]

e. all of the above are true

Which of the following is/are true regarding the pathologic conditions involving the parotid gland? a.Salivary carcinomas, which present as a rapidly growing mass accompanied by pain and facial nerve paralysis, are usually solid inhomogeneous structures that invade surrounding tissue b. acute parotititis is an inflammatory process of the parotid gland secondary to the mumps virus c. A warthin's tumor presents as a painless mass found more commonly in males and has a sonographic appearance similar to a sptated cyst d. A and B are correct e. all of the above are true

sternocleidomastoid muscle

Which of the following muscles surrounding the thyroid is not a strap muscle?

transitional zone

Which region in the prostate most commonly develops benign prostatic hypertrophy?

filar cyst

While performing an evaluation of the spine on an infant, a small, cystic structure if seen inferior to the tip of the conus medularis. no other defect is seen. What is the most likely diagnosis?


abnormal twisting of the intestines that can lead to obstructin, gangrene, perforation, and peritonitis


an erosion in the mucosal layer of the wall of the GI tract


an infant presents with a palpable, skin-covered mass in the lumbar region of the spine. During the evaluation, a bony defect is seen and an echogenic fatty mass is seen contained within the spinal canal. The mass appears to distort and tether the spinal cord. What is the most likely diagnosis?


anomalies associated with incomplete fusion of the neural tube during embryological development


at what level does the normal spinal cord taper to a point and terminate with the conus medularis?

Corpora amylacea

calcifications commonly seen in the inner gland of the prostate


condition that patients with dorsal dermal sinus are at risk for developing


congenital absence of thyroid gland


connects the two lobes of the thyroid?


cortisone and hydrocortison


covered abdominal wall defect where abdominal contents herniate into the base of the umbilical cord


defect that occurs when there is a failure of the spinal cord to fold into a neural tube, and presents with the skin, musculature, and bony vertebral arches splayed laterally to the defect

carotid body tumors

develop in the adventitia of the at the level of the carotid bifurcation


difficulty swallowing


dilatation of the central canal of the spinal cord


end stage renal failure


excess thyroid hormones

maintaining homeostasis of blood calcium concentrations

function of the parathyroid gland?

store sperm

function of the seminal vesicles?


how many vertebrae make up the cervical spine?


how many vertebrae make up the lumbar spine?


how many vertebrae make up the sacral spine?


how many vertebrae make up the thoracic spine?

grave's disease



increased potassium levels

parotid gland

largest salivary gland

pia mater, arachnoid mater, dura mater

meninges that cover and protect the brain and spinal cord?


most common functional disorder of the thyroid gland?

sacral dimple or pit

most common indication for a spinal sonogram


most common thyroid neoplasm

Aqueduct of sylvius

most likely place to cause ventriculomegaly

hypertropic pyloric stenosis

narrowing of the opening from the stomach to the first part of the small intestines (the pylorus)


nitrogenous waste in the bloodstream


paired ovoid structures in the central brain responsible for relaying nerve impulses and carrying sensory information into the cerebral cortex


region of the spine where diastomyelia most commonly occurs


regulates balance and controls equilibrium


rhythmic dilatation and contraction that propels contents of the GI tract

follicular carcinoma

second most common thryoid carcinoma, associated with decreased iodine, metastasis via vascular system


second stage of acute renal injury

eiffel tower sign

shadowing created by calcification in the area of the urethra and verumontanum


soft spot between the cranial bones


softening of the spinal cord frequently caused by lack of blood supply

infants under 6 months

sonography of the spine is limited to what age

epidural space

space between the outermost layer of the spinal cord(dura) and the spinal column


stomach undistended - bowel wall measurement


undigested material causing gastric or intestinal obstruction

sjogren syndrome

which autoimmune disease affects the glands that produce moisture, leading to dysfunction of the salivary glands and dryness of the eyes, nose, skin, and mouth?


A large complex hydrocele is most commonly associated with which of the following?


A longitudinal ridge within the prostatic urethral wall where the orifices of the ejaculatory ducts are located on either side

a. parapelvic cyst

A postrenal transplant perirenal fluid collections can be all of the following except: a. parapelvic cyst b. urinoma c. lymphoma d. hematoma e. abscess


A solitary hypoechoic thyroid nodule demonstrating irregular borders and microcalcifications is most suspicious for:

thyroid isthmus and tongue

A thyroglossal duct cyst is located between which of the following structures?

midgut malrotation

An infant presents with a history of vomiting . While evaluating the patient, you notice a vessel immediately anterior to the SMA. With further evaluation, this vessel is identified as the SMV. What condition is associated with the finding?

Cisterna Magna

Anechoic fluid filled space posterior to the cerebellum

2 to 10 weeks of age

Hypertrophied pyloric stenosis most commonly develops in infants between:

Hashimoto's thyroiditis


A foramen of monro B anterior horn of lateral ventricle C third ventricle D Atria/trigone E body of lateral ventricle F posterior horn of lateral ventricle G temporal/inferior horn of lateral ventricle H aqueduct of sylvius I fourth ventricle

Label the following Image: Please be specific. Label [A], [B], [C], [D], [E], [F], [G], [H], [I].

1 RT thyroid lobe 2 Thyroid isthmus 3 LT thyroid lobe 4 Trachea 5 Esophagus 6 Common Carotid Artery 7 Internal jugular vein 8 sternocleidomastoid muscle 10 sternothyroid muscle 11 sternohyoid muscle 12 Longus colli muscle

Label the following diagram:

A Vas Deferens/Ductus Deferens B Rete Testes C Head of Epididymis D tunica albuginea E seminiferous tubules F Tunica vaginalis G body of epididymis H tail of Epididymis

Label the following diagram: [A],[B],[C],[D],[E],[F],[G],[H] D & F label the layers

1 Peripheral Zone 2 Central Zone 3 Transitional Zone

Label the prostate zonal anatomy: [1], [2], [3]


Largest section of the brain; divided into two hemispheres joined by the corpus callosum

corpus callosum

Largest white matter structure in the brain, contains nerve tracts.

umbilicus and right iliac crest

McBurney point is best described as a point between the:

lumbosacral spine

Most common location for a spinal dysraphism?

> 1.6 cm

length of pyloric channel in cases of positive HPS

<= 1 cm

normal lateral ventricle width


A 20-year old women presents to the ER complaining of severe pelvic pain. Lab results show a negative pregnancy test and leukocytosis. A pelvic ultrasound is ordered to rule out pelvic pathology. The Long and transverse image above lateral to the right ovary shows a non compressible tender mass. On the basis of the clinical history, this mass is most suspicious for a(n):

pyloric stenosis

A 4-month old presents with a history of projectile vomiting and a palpable upper abdominal mass . The finding in this ultrasound is most suspicious for:

thyroglossal duct cyst

A cystic remnant of thyroid development and migration is a ________.

Ultrasound-guided biopsy

A definitive diagnosis of prostate cancer can be made by:

two layers of the tunica vaginalis

A hydrocele is defined as an abnormal fluid collection between the


Rebound tenderness is associated with:

e. excessive use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Risk factors for testicular neoplasms include all of the following except: a. history of testicular carcinoma b. cryptorchidism c. intratubular germ cell neoplasia d. testicular mal-evelopment e. excessive use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

epididymal head

The echogenic structure superior to the testis most likely represents the:


The fluid produced by the thyroid gland that contains thyroid hormones is referred to as:

left renal vein

The left suprarenal vein drains directly into the:

left renal vein

The left testicular vein drains into what vein?


The longitudinal scan through the right lower quadrant. This image is consistent with which one of the following diagnosis?


The most common adrenal infant tumor is a:

+ Addison disease + adrenal myelolipoma + Cushing syndrome + conn syndrome

Tumors or diseases in the adrenal cortex

d. All of the above are true

Which of the following is true regarding hemodialysis? a. An artificial AV fistula is created b. It is scheduled about 3 times per week c. Solutes are directly filtered from the blood d. All of the above are true


You are imaging a patient presenting with trauma, pain, and scrotal swelling. You detect a large hydrocele with prominent internal echos. This most likely represents?

e. all of the above

You are performing a Doppler analysis of the spermatic cord. which of the following arteries or structures is found within the spermatic cord? a. testicular artery b. vas deferens c. cremesteric artery d. deferential artery e. all of the above

c. microlithiasis

You are performing a scrotal ultrasound on a 38-year old male with acute scrotal pain to rue out orchitis. Which of the following would NOT be associated with orchitis? a. thickened scrotal wall b. hypoechoic testis c. microlithiasis d. hyperemic testicular flow e. enlargement of testis

pilonidal cyst

a patient presents for a spinal sonogram with a sacral dimple. a hypoechoic tract is visualized extending from the skin to a cystic structure. neither the hypoechoic tract nor the cystic collection appears to be connected to the spine. What is the most likely diagnosis?

psammoma bodies

fine, internal eggshell calcifications seen with papillary carcinoma


fluid-filled cavity in the spinal cord

Falx cerebri

fold of dura matter that divides the two hemispheres of the brain

anaplastic carcinoma

least common thyroid carcinoma

medullary carcinoma

least common thyroid carcinoma, most aggressive, arises from parafollicular cells

decreased protein intake, dialysis, and careful monitoring of sodium and potassium intake

possible treatments for chronic kidney injury


presence of myoglobin in the urine

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