Domain 1 part B; nutrition and supporting sciences

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light yogurt requirements

1/3 fewer calories than regular yogurt light describes calorie content

good source of iron

10-19% DV of iron

what percentage of a 4 year olds diet should be from protein

10-30% builds lots of bodily tissues 4-18 yrs old need this 0.95 g/kg/day

women overweight prior to pregnancy should plan on gaining a total of

15-25 pounds during entire pregnancy

RDA for folate during childbearing years

15-45 years CDC recommends 400 mcg since birth defects can occur early in pregnancy (3-4 weeks after conception)

recommended daily cals children 3-8 yrs old

1642-1742 cals per day

women of normal pre pregnancy weight engaging in less than 30 mins of exercise per week should strive for

1800 cals/day during first trimester 2200 cals/day during second trimester 2400 cals/day during 3rd trimester

typical wt gain for women of normal pre pregnancy wt per tri mester are as followed

1st: 1-4.5 pounds total 2nd: 1-2 pounds per week 3rd: 1-2 pounds per week

how many foods make up majority (90%) of food allergies

8 -milk -eggs -peanuts -tree nuts -fish -shellfish -soy -wheat foods containing these must be clearly labeled according to Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA)

recommended daily cals for children ages 1-2 yrs

992-1046 cals per day

% Daily Value

= grams of protein per serving x the PDCAAS value / 50 grams of protein daily value x 100 to convert to percent


Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004

characteristics of carotenoids

orange color, fat soluble, color does not change in heat anti inflammatory and immune system benefits and are associated with cardiovascular disease prevention

which bone cell is responsible for the production of bone tissue

osteoblasts- build up bone help build bone tissue, responsible for bone mineralization of the bone matrix. zinc, copper and sodium are also necessary the amt of osteoblasts decrease as we age, which is partly the reason for increase in osteoporosis in elderly

calcium absorption can be inhibited by

oxalic acid in spinach

_____ is a hormone tha stimulates milk to move through the duct system of the breast

oxytocin produced by the posterior pituitary gland that stimulates the movement of milk in a lactating woman's breast from the mammary glands down to the nipple. this is known as 'letdown reflex' oxytocin is also responsible for the contraction of the uterine muscles after childbirth


calcitriol produced in the cells of the proximal tubule of the nephrons in the kidneys is another hormone for regulation calcitriol works in concert with the PTH to promote absorption of dietary calcium from the GI tract, to increase reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys, and to stimulate the release of calcium from bone, all of which help to increase blood calcium levels

which chemical reaction releases energy

catabolism the breakdown of larger molecules into smaller units. these reactions usually release energy in the form of ATP. during the ATP-CP cycle of energy production for example, ATP loses a phosphate atom, and the molecule is reduced to adenosine diphosphate (ADP, a smaller molecule). in this process energy is released

not a good source of folate

celery-16 mcg spinach, black eyes peas, asparagus -about 100 mcg

what are comprised of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen molecules in their chemical making

amino acids there is a center carbon with 4 attachments: -a hydrogen atom -an amino group (NH2) -an acid group (COOH-) -a side group which characterizes each individual amino acid

______ is a type of starch that is in a straight chain

amylose the bonds are between the #1 carbon of one glucose molecule and the #4 carbon on the next glucose molecule. the configuration is called alpha1-4 it is more resistant to digestion than other starch molecules and may be considered a resistant starch. it has found to be an effective prebiotic


branched polysaccharide in plants and is in a class of dietary fiber, known as fructans


break down bone


breaking down larger molecules into smaller ones

a new mother is not producing much milk. suggestions to produce more?

breastfeed more often follow a well balanced diet and meet her fluid needs to ensure she is getting proper nutrient and to pass that nutrition to her baby herbal remedies are not proven to work


caffeine, theobromine, theophylline

which is the type of fiber that is the primary part of plant cell walls and is found in all vegetables, fruits and legumes

cellulose it is a long chain of glucose molecules and is an important structural component of the cell wall of green plans and veg humans can't digest cellulose completely, and it acts. as a bulking agent for the stool

which of the following reactions is most likely to occur in a person experiencing a fight or flight response

glycogenolysis glycogen is stored in the muscle and liver cells (more in liver) in starvation, extreme exercise and fight/flight the body moves to catabolism and glycogenolysis is increased


helps the body quickly respond to stressful situations by increasing heart rate and diverting blood to the muscles and brain


hesperidin, myricetin, proanthocyanidins, quercetin, rutin


phytoestrogens that block estrogen activity in cells and possibly by reducing the risk fo cancer of the breast, colon, ovaries, and prostate found in flaxseed oil and whole grains

_____ is a condition during pregnancy that results in both high BP and protein in urine

preeclampsia this is known as preeclampsia and can develop around the 20th week of pregnancy risk factors include: -obesity -age over 35 yrs -first pregnancy -past history of diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease symptoms: -edema -abnormal wt gain -decreased urine output -temporary loss of vision


presence of acidic ingredients


presence of alkaline ingredients


presence of sodium chloride


presence of sugars, some proteins and a few other substances


presence of tannins


removes the phosphate group of the glucose-6-phosphate, allowing the free glucose mol to exit the cell by way of GLUT2 glucose transporter

what is the enzyme added to milk to make cheese

rennin this enzyme coagulates the casein protein found in milk when rennin is added the milk separates, the liquid whey portion is removed, and you are left with the solid portion, the basis of making cheese

facilitated diffusion

requires a carrier for nutrients to pass

adrenal glands

responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism, stress responses and blood pressure hormones are; cortisol, aldosterone, epinephrine, norepinephrine abnormalities in the adrenal hormones can affect metabolism, weight, fluid balance and stress response

organs in the body that produce digestive secretions

salivary glands in mouth stomach pancreas liver (via gall bladder) small intestines these secretions enter the GI tract at various points and have specific functions of the digestive process. the secretions include combination of water and a variety of digestive enzymes


secretory immunoglobin A: protects the infant immature gut from infection lactoferrin: deprives bacteria of iron and slows their growth lysozyme: bacteriolytic enzymes that destroy the cell membranes of bacteria lactobacillus bifidus: breastmilk enhances the growth of this beneficial bacteria

why might the elderly be more susceptible to contracting a food borne illness

sense of taste and smell have diminished as we age, several bodily functions decline. when the ability to taste and smell diminishes, individuals may have a more difficult time detecting off odors and tastes which accompany spoiled food the immune system is another declining function of concern. when the body defense is unable to fight pathogens, they have an increased likelihood of becoming ill. in addition, the elderly population may also be taking several medications, some which can weaken the immune system such as antibiotics and immunosuppressants

the colon is responsible for absorbing water and

short chain FA, vitamin K, sodium, chloride, and potassium the majority of nutrients are absorbed in the SI- bile salts and acids and much of the water are absorbed in the ileum of the SI the large intestine is responsible for absorbing additional water that was to absorbed in the ileum and also nutrients, such as sodium, chloride, potassium, vitamin k, biotin, and short chain FA vitamin k, sodium, and chloride are also absorbed in all section of the SI. biotin is also absorbed in the duodenum and jejunum of the SI


simple carbs made up of two monosaccharides -sucrose is made of a molecule of glucose and fructose -lactose is glucose and galactose -lactulose is galactose and fructose -maltose and trehalose are both made up of two glucose mol joined together but differ in the bonding locations

passive diffusion

simple diffusion where small nutrients are able to pass through a cells membrane tiny nutrients move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration no energy carrier or channel is needed in simple diffusion, for passive diffusion a channel protein is required for passage which is a tunnel on the membrane that allows small molecules such as water and small lipids to pass

which molecules can pass into the cell by passive diffusion

small lipids

made with organic ingredients

70% or more of ingredients are organic

hormonal responses- period of severe stress

- glucagon levels increase, increasing glucose production from amino acids, increase in glycogen breakdown and the storage of glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids decrease cortisol levels increase, increasing FA mobilization and an increase in glucose production from amino acids catecholamines increase, increasing the release of glucagon, increasing glycogen breakdown, and increasing the production of glucose from amino acids aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone levels increase, which increases sodium and water retention and the excretion of potassium

functions of flavonoids

-antioxidants -fight carcinogens -bind to nitrates in the stomach and prevent the conversion to nitrosamines -inhibit cell proliferation commonly found in berries, black and green tea, celery, citrus fruits, olives, onions, oregano, purple grapes and grapes juice, wine, soybeans and soy products, whole wheat and vegetables they are water soluble and produce more intense colors in acid

common flavonoids include

-flavones -flavonols -isoflavones -catechins -hesperidin -proanthocyanidins -quercetin -rutin -anthocyanin -anthoxanthin phytochemicals, which re naturally occurring, non nutrient compounds in plant foods that have beneficial uses in the body

factors that promote calcium absorp

-lactose found in dairy -vit d -ingestion with a meal (to product stomach acid) -phos in an equal amt as calcium

factors that interfere with calcium absorption

-oxalates (found in beets, rhubarb, spinach, peanuts) -phytates (cereal grain husks) -natural aging process of body -lack of stomach acid -vit d def -high fiber diet -high protein and phos intake

according to ACSM guidelines for post exercise if the athlete is in need of rapid recovery they should plan to consume

1-1.5 liters per kg. of weight loss (16-24 fl oz per pound of weight loss) of fluids. the fluids and snacks/meals should contain sodium to help with fluid retention as well as to aid in the stimulation of thirst

how many net ATP molecules are produced from one glucose molecule in glycolysis

2 the cell used 2 ATP molecules to begin the breakdown of glucose to pyruvate during glycolysis. the energy demanding step occurs when the 6 carbon glucose molecule is rearranged and split into two 3-carbon molecules, one glyceraldehyde-30phosphate and one dihydroxyacetone phosphate. as a result ATP loses a high energy phosphate group and becomes adenosine diphosphate or ADP more enzymatic reactions occur during glycolysis, until 2 ADP molecules each receive a high energy phosphate group from each of the two 3-carbon molecules, forming a total of 4 ATP molecules. two from the first 3-carbon chain, and two more from the second chain. four total ATP molecules are produced, but two were required initially to split the 6-carbon glucose into two 3-carbon chains, resulting in. a net production of 2 ATP molecules form the process of glycolysis

linoleic acid can also be written as 18:2 (n-6), what does the 2 stand for

2 double bonds it is a polyunsaturated essential FA with 18 carbon atoms and 2 double bonds, it also goes by the name of omega 6 FA or the shorthand n-6 it forms the lipid component in cell membranes, can help with lowering BP and cholesterol levels and improving insulin resistance it is found in major veg oils, like soybean, sunflower, and safflower oils

infant formula

20 cal/oz

high, rich in, excellent source of

20% or more of daily value

calories in breastmilk

22 cals/oz protein: 6-7% of energy and 60% whey protein and 40% casein carbs: 42% of energy from lactose fats: 50% of energy and 4% of energy from linoleic acid

man weighing 150 pounds needs how many cals

25 cals/kg/day

low fat

3 grams or less of fat per serving

strength training athlete needs how many cals

30-60 cals/kg/day

3-4 month old infant

4-6 oz, 5 or more times per day roughly 20 cals/oz powder: mix one scoop into 2 oz water

Full term gestation

40 weeks sometimes 39 weeks

protein requirements 1-3 yrs old

5-20% 1.1 g/kg/day

light product in terms of fat

50% or less fat than in the comparison food per serving

RDA for folate for breastfeeding mom

500 mcg

RDA for folate during pregnancy

600 mcg/day (0.6 mg) to prevent serious birth defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly (baby born without parts of the of brain and skull)

recommended daily cals for infants 7-12 months

676-743 cals per day

the small intestine releases _____ when fats and proteins are present

CCK cholecystokinin (CCK) is a hormone produced by the I-cells in the lining of the duodenum of the SI. when fats and proteins are present in the SI, the SI releases CCK, and this has an impact on several organs: -the pancreas releases pancreatic enzymes -the gall bladder is contracted fro the release of bile -the stomach slows the release of gastric contents to the SI -the colon increases motility CCK is also released by some of the neurons in the brain, which inhibits food intake

_____ is a facilitative transporter of fructose located on the enterocytes

GLUT5 the terms GLUT and SGLT refer to families of glucose transporters, each containing several numbered classes, indicating which transporter transports what and where GLUT5 is located on the cells of the small intestine (enterocytes), the testes, and the kidneys.

catch up growth formula

IBW in kg x DRI fo the nutrient for age / actual wt in kg

energy needs for 5'7" woman

IBW: 135 pounds 135 pounds / 2.2 kg= 61.36 kg 61.36 kg x 25 cals per kg = 1,534 per day


Niacin deficiency 4 D's; dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea, death other symptoms include inflamed, swollen, smooth tongue, irritability, loss of appetite, weakness, dizziness, confusion daily value of 20 mg/day help protect against deficiency

which of the following hormonal actions is correct regarding the regulation of serum calcium

PTH reduces the loss of calcium in the urine by way of the kidneys


The symbol for irradiation foods that have been treated with or by irradiation

name for vitamin B1

Thiamine part of the coenzyme TTP (thiamin pyrophosphate) which assists with energy metabolism. thiamin also supports normal appetite and nerve functions thiamin is found in whole grains and enriched breads and cereals, legumes and nuts, and also pork, ham, bacon and liver a prolonged deficiency I thiamin is known as beriberi, which can exhibit signs of weakness, wasting, muscle pain and difficulty walking, paralysis, confusion, loss of ankle knee jerk reflexes the daily value for this vitamin is 1.5 mg/day beri beri means I can't I cant


World Anti-Doping Agency

who would have a higher nitrogen output, or who would be in negative nitrogen balance (NBAL)

a person on a diet they are breaking down more protein and excreting more nitrogen positive nitrogen balance: -babies -growing kids -pregnant women (these people are building tissue from growth, tissue repair, pregnancy, and they are holding on to nitrogen)

fluid loss during exercise

according to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), a loss of 2-3% of body mass is indicative of dehydration to compensate for these losses you can recommend he drink 16-24 oz fluid for every pound lost during exercise

additional calories during pregnancy

according to the National Research Council 1st trimester: no additional calories if at a healthy wt 2nd trimester: an additional 340 calories per day is recommended 3rd trimester: additional 450 calories per day underweight women could expect to increase these levels by an additional 100-300 calories per day

during times of stress, the body releases epinephrine and norepinephrine. which glad is responsible for releasing these hormones

adrenal glands they are located at the top of each kidney. the glands are made up of two distinct parts; adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla

what energy yielding substance has some absorption that occurs in the stomach

alcohol most of the absorption occurs in the SI

in which of the body processes of energy production would the byproduct lactic acid be produced

anaerobic glycolysis glucose moves through several processes to produce two net ATP molecules, two pyruvate molecules and 2 NADH molecules the ATP mol. are used immediately for energy, the pyruvate mol. will be oxidized, converted into acetyl CoA, and used later in the Krebs cycle to produce additional ATP mol. the NADH mol. will be used later in the ETC to produce additional ATP mol. if pyruvate is allowed to accumulate during anaerobic glycolysis, it will be converted into lactic acid. when lactic acid accumulates in the blood, the pH of the blood is lowered, which interferes with enzymatic reactions, and fatigue sets in. lactic acid is transported to the liver, where it is converted into glycogen, store, and used later for energy needs


another branched form of glucose molecules found in human and animal muscle cells and liver cells

what organ does not produce digestive secretions

ascending colon

what is true about aerobic PA and the energy source utilized

at higher intensity, use more glucose and less fat

best sources of folate include

beans and lentils

gluten free

been tested for gluten and the product contains less than 20 ppm gluten


beta carotene, lutein, lycopene

a division 1 bball player is increasing exercise workload. he is complaining about how long it takes to recover. what is a legal, safe and effective supplement

beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) NCAA regulates what can be taken banned substances: -stimulants such as caffeine up to certain levels in urine, amphetamines, and ephedra -anabolic agents, such as androstenedione, testosterone, and other steroids -alcohol and beta blockers -diuretics and masking agents, which may be used to fake a urine drug test -narcotics -cannabinoids -hormones, such as HGH and EPO -hormone and metabolic modulators -beta-2-agonists



two groups of amino acids

glycogenic and keotgenic

glycogen phosphorylase

cleave the glycosidic bond linking a terminal glucose to a glycogen branch and substituting a phosphoric group, producing glucose-1-phosphate and a glycogen branch containing one less glucose mol

Stan exercised this morning for 90 mins of strenuous endurance activity. he lost 2 kg of body wt from sweat during this workout. Stan has another workout planned in the late afternoon. what recommendation do you have to help best recover for next workout

consume 2-3 liter of carb electrolyte sports drink- or about 70-100 fl oz stan lost a total of 2 kg bodyweight (4.4 pounds). the fluid he consumes may be water but he should be encouraged to get in a. good about of sodium in his snack storage replace those lost in sweat. its usually much easier to drink as opposed to eat after a workout.

what would be your recommendation for a 125 pound female athlete during her first century ride (100 mile bike ride, 6-7 hrs)

consume 30-60 g carbs per hr plus fluid to match her sweat rate


converts glucose-1-phosphate to glucose-6-phosphate


cyanidin, malvidin


degraded to acetyl CoA and then may be converted to ketone bodies lysine and leucine


degraded to pyruvate, alpha ketogluterate, succiyl-CoA, fumarate, and or oxaloacetate, then may be converted to glucose


delayed onset muscle soreness rest, light activity and stretching is good for this symptoms: -muscles that feel tender to touch -reduced range of motion due to pain and stiffness -swelling in the affected muscles -muscle fatigue -short term loss of muscle strength nutrition therapy: -caffeine at 5 mg/kg/d at 24 hrs and 48 hrs after exercise -omega 3 FA at 1. g/d 30 days before and during the 48 hrs after exercise -taurine -polyphenols from cherry juice, about 8-10 oz

what is the function of hydrochloric acid in the stomach

denatures protein also unravels proteins sot he enzyme, pepsin can break it down it also kills some bacteria, but not all and it stops carbs and fat digestion


determines quality of the protein in the food, it is a value between 0 and 1.0 ex: casein and egg whites have a value of 1.0 PDCAAS= amino acid score x protein digestibility of recipe

small nutrients, such as electrolytes, can easily pass through the cell membrane freely without the need of a carrier. this is known as

diffusion a means of passage for small nutrients flowing from the outside of the cell to the inside, or vise versa.


maintains fluid balance in the body and regulates blood pressure


dry mouth and common amongst the elderly and may be caused by: -side effects of certain meds -dehydration -radiation therapy -fungal infection of the mouth, such as candidiasis -constant mouth breathing treatment: -drinking water frequently -using saliva substitutes -saliva stimulants (citrus foods, chewing gum, mints) -providing moist foods -moisten foods with broths, soups, sauces, gravy, cream or butter -providing cooler foods at room temp -avoiding caffeine in foods such as coffee, tea, cola, chocolate to dry mouth out -avoid tobacco, alcohol, spicy/salty foods, increase dehydration

wt gain during pregnancy

during 2nd and 3rd trimester, the mother should gain about 1 pound per week half of this weight is dedicated to the baby, fluid, blood volume, and placenta some of this weight is blood volume and breast tissue, along with some fat mass gained

heme iron can be found in all of the following except

eggs heme iron and non heme iron are both found in the flesh of animals eggs, veg, fruit, and grains contain only non heme iron heme iron is absorbed by the body better than non heme iron. approx 28% of heme iron is absorbed, where only about 2-20% of non heme iron is absorbed in body much of dietary iron comes from non heme iron sources

fish contains what beneficial nutrient

eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) omega 3 FA such as EPA and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are polyunsaturated fats and have had research on their beneficial effects on blood cholesterol and heart disease Japanese and alaskan consume high amounts of fish rich in omega 3 and have low heart disease rates

a post menopausal woman is at increased risk of developing osteoporosis because of the reduced production of

estrogen symptoms: -mood swings -fatigue -insomnia -depression -increased heart rate -headaches -joint and muscle pain -vaginal dryness -bladder control problems estrogen is important for the resorption of calcium from the bones bone resorption is a process by which osteoclasts break down bone tissue


facilitative glucose transporter, which is a passive movement of nutrients with the help of a transport protein. this easy passage of glucose occurs from an area of higher concentration of glucose to an area of lower concentration

food additive found on the Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) list will not cause an allergic reaction

false they have been deemed safe for human consumption at determined safe levels

what is a women's body using as the primary source of fuel during a casual walk

fatty acids at rest, the body is utilizing a high percentage of fat for fuel, though the amount of calories burned are very low. with low intensity activities such as walking, fats are still the primary source of energy but are slightly less than the percentage at rest. when exercise intensity increases, fat utilization gradually decreases, and carbs utilization gradually increases with short duration, moderate to high intensity exercises of up to 60 mins, the body will rely primarily on stores glycogen for energy. as the duration increases, such as the amount of time to run a 26.2 mile marathon, stored glycogen will become depletes and the body will rely more on fats and exogenous sources of carbs for fuel

the word lean of the food label on a package of raw beef means

fewer than 10 grams of fat in one serving

calorie free

fewer than 5 calories per serving 1/3 fewer calories means it is a "light" product

which organization regulates food additives

food and drug administration they may be added to foods to: -improve safety and freshness (preservatives preventing harmful or spoiling microorganisms to grow) -improve or maintain nutrition value (fortification of vitamins and minerals) -improve the foods taste, texture, and appearance (natural and artificial flavors to enhance taste, colorings to enhance appearance, and emulsifiers, stabilizers, and thickeners to improve the texture and consistency)

who produces the dietary reference intake

food and nutrition board the organizations on the committee who periodically revise the DRI's include the food and nutrition board, the institute of medicine, the national Academy of Sciences and health Canada

who developed the recommended dietary allowance (RDA)

food and nutrition board there are RDAs set for calories protein vitamins (A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate) minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, selenium)

oral stage

food is chewed and prepares for swallowing, the tongue pushes food or liquid to the back of the mouth towards the pharynx. these skills are all voluntary reactions the pharyngeal stage is involuntary and is where the swallow is triggered. first, the food/liquid is moved by peristalsis between the tonsillar pillars. next, the soft palate draws upward to close the posterior nares, and respiration are ceased for a moment. finally, the larynx pulls upward to cover the airway and stretches the esophagus open the esophageal phase is also completely involuntary and is the movement of food/liquid down the esophagus to the stomach by way of involuntary muscle contractions

seafood low in mercury and high in omega 3 FA

for pregnant women, eat at least 8 oz up to 12 oz salmon (wild has slightly lower mercury than farmed), anchovies, herring, sardines, trout, Atlantic and pacific mackerel, shrimp, pollock, tilapia, cod, catfish, canned light tuna, tuna steaks up to 6 oz per week fish to avoid with high mercury; shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish


found in liver, islet cells of the pancreas, kidney, and the small intestine. facilitates glucose uptake for glycolysis and the release of glucose generated by gluconeogenesis


found on the cells of the small intestine where it absorbs glucose fro the intestinal content, and also found on the cells of the proximal tubule of the nephron where there is resorption of remaining glucose from urine filtrate


found on the kidney cortex to transport glucose and galactose


found on the proximal convoluted tubule of the nephron, which reabsorbs the bulk of plasma glucose Fromm glomerular filtrate


found on the small intestine, kidney, liver, brain, lungs, uterus, and pancreas and is responsible for absorbing/reabsorbing glucose and fructose


found on the small intestine, testes, uterus, lungs, brain and thyroid and acts as a glucose sensor for controlling glucose levels in the gut and brain


from the thyroid gland may help regulate levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood by directly inhibiting osteoclast activity for resorption, however its not fully clear. it also inhibits release of calcitonin

what is most likely to put a pregnant women at risk of having a baby at low birth wt

gaining less than 4 pounds per month in the last half of pregnancy recommended wt gain during the full terms of pregnancy is abt 25-35 pounds- this can equate to an avg of .5-1.0 pound gained each week

What is NOT a disaccharide?

galactose it is one of 3 monosaccharides it is a single unit of a carb and can't be broken into smaller particles

in a fasting state, where a person did not eat for about 4 hrs, _____ is secreted by the pancreas to release glucose from storage

glucagon hormone produced by the pancreas in response to low blood glucose levels. the purpose of glucagon is to stimulate liver cells to break down glycogen and release glucose into the blood stream to maintain steady blood glucose levels muscle glycogen is used only to fuel the muscle, it can't leave the muscle and fuel other tissues

in the blood after a 5 hr fast, _______ levels are increased to maintain blood glucose levels

glucagon is a regulatory hormone for blood glucose levels. when glucose is not present in the blood, as in a. period without food, glucagon stimulates the breakdown of liver glycogen to glucose this glucose can be used by all cells for energy

during a period of severe stress to the body

glucagon levels increase, thereby increasing blood glucose levels hormonal changes can occur as a result of severe stress to the body, and by doing so, the responses drives catabolism by shifting the balance between insulin and counter regulatory hormones. as a result, the metabolic rate increases, and the body mobilizes energy stores and elevates blood glucose levels at the expense of protein

what is the primary fuel source for the fetus

glucose abt 50-70% of the energy comes from glucose at the time of pregnancy the mothers major fuel source is stored fat


glucose transporter in nerve cells


glucose transporter in skeletal and cardiac muscle as well as adipose tissue

foods containing ______ are knows to be perceived as a savory taste

glutamate savory food may be describe as meaty or brothy

if there is plenty of oxygen and you are exercising heavily, what is your primary source of energy

glycogen during intense exercise, a person is using mostly carbs as a form of energy. fat is utilized, but the percentage fat used for energy decreased as the intensity increases before and during a workout, athletes will commonly consume easily digestible carbs, such as sports drinks, energy bars, energy gels and fruit as a result of digestion, the carbs are broken down into simple glucose molecules, which will serve as a sources of readily available energy to the muscles if there is no free glucose in the blood, the body begins to break down the stored glycogen in the muscle cells for energy

enzymes involved in glycogenolysis

glycogen phosphorylase, phosphoglucomutase, glucose-6-phosphotase

which food would be an inhibitor of iron absorption

iced tea tea, coffee, nuts and some F/V contain tannic acid which inhibits iron absorption. other inhibitors include phytates and fibers in whole grain cereals and nuts and calcium and phosphorus in milk because these can compete with iron for absorption. vitamin C in orange juice and cherries help absorb iron, as well as what is known as a factor found in meat, fish, and poultry (MFP factor)

serotonin levels can

increase after a carb rich meal it acts as a neurotransmitter which helps relay signals from one area of the brain to another. a decrease in serotonin levels and an increase in neuropeptide Y has been associated with an increase in an appetite for carbs no foods have direct impact on serotonin levels. when carb rich meal is consumed, the body release insulin, which causes many of amino acids, except tryptophan, to be absorbed into the body and not the brain. there is more tryptophan to be absorbed by the brain, and then serotonin levels rise


indirectly acts on bone by blocking calcium absorptions, which decrease bon cell growth

which of the following individuals requires the most calories/kg body wt

infant the most rapid growth and development of a human happens in the 1st yr of life. an infant must consume 650-850 cals/day or abt 100 cals/kg/day. 10% protein 40% carbs 40-50% fat

after a meal containing carbs, _____ levels rise and ______ levels decrease

insulin; glucagon insulin levels rise so glucose can be removed from the blood and enter various cells in the body to be used for energy. glucagon levels decrease so the body stops breaking down glycogen when no carbs have been eaten; BS levels drop and glucagon levels increase and stores glycogen is the liver would be hydrolyzed to glucose to correct the low BS. in this instance insulin levels would decrease

to prevent hemorrhagic disease in newborn, how do newborns get their first dose of vitamin k

intramuscular injection babies have low levels of vitamin k bc: -vit k does not move across the placenta easy -breast milk doesn't contain much vitamin k -a baby is born with a sterile digestive tract, and vitamin k producing bacteria take weeks to establish a home in the intestines can be given oral at birth or shortly after but not as effective as shot and will need to be given more than once

what in the stomach binds with vitamin B12 and helps with its absorption

intrinsic factor it is a glycoprotein made in stomach

which supplement in excess can cause death in young children by accidental poisoning

iron supplemental iron is available -ferrous sulfate (20 percent elemental iron) -ferrous fumarate (22 percent elemental iron) -ferrous gluconate (12 percent elemental iron) ingestion of: -less than 20 mg/kg of elemental iron are considered non toxic -20-60 mg/kg produce mild to mod toxicity -greater than 60 mg/kg of elemental iron have the potential to produce serious toxicity effects


is a soluble polysaccharide in a branching form that is a glucose polymer in plants


is released into the SI through the pancreatic duct where it meets the enzyme enteropeptidase, which converts the inactive proenzyme into the active enzyme tryspin

adequate intake

is set instead of the RDA if the EAR can't be calculated

both ketogenic and glucogenic amino acids

isoleucine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, tyrosine, threonine


keep water and fat from separating

when there is an accumulation of pyruvate from glycolysis and not enough oxygen, what is produced

lactic acid in anaerobic conditions, such as exercising intensely where less oxygen is available, excess pyruvate will be converted to lactic acid. lactic acid can accumulate in the blood, lower the pH, which interferes with enzymatic reactions, and cause fatigue lactic acid is transported to the liver to be converted to glycogen, stored, and used later for energy needs to reduce muscle soreness cause by lactic acid, a person can condition the body by exercising more often, stretch before and after exercise, and drink plenty of fluids

fat free

less than 0.5 g of fat per serving and no added fat or oil

which of the following is a branched chain amino acid (BCAA)

leucine "you need BCAA to LIV (live)" -leucine -isoleucine -valine these are essential for life, they make up the energy requirements for skeletal muscle, the heart and brain when glucose is not present

bile is made in the _____, stored in the _____, and then released in the ______

liver, gall bladder, duodenum bile is produces by the liver from cholesterol and bilirubin, which gives it the distinct dark green to yellowish brown color. it is stored in the gall bladder and secreted into the duodenum of the SI, when dietary fat is present bile is comprised of water, cholesterol, bile acids/salts, bilirubin, body salts, and small amts of metal. bile acids are critical for digestion and absorption of fats and fat soluble vitamins in the SI

after the conversion from the sunlights uv energy, vitamin d3 first travels to the _____ and is converted to ______

liver; 25-hydroxyvitamin d the uv energy from the sun converts a form of cholesterol (7-dehydrocholesterol) into vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol vitamin d3 is first transported to the liver where it picks up additional oxygen and hydrogen molecules, forming 25-hydroxyvitamin D (also referred to 25-hydroxycholecalciferol) with the aid of the enzyme 25-hydroxylase. this is the form of vitamin D which is used the diagnose deficiencies, but this is still not the active form from the liver, 25-hydroxyvitamin D then travels to the kidney where is picks up an additional pair of oxygen and hydrogen molecules with the help of 1-alpha-hydroxylase, finally becoming the active form of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D, caltriol each of the forms of vitamin D is hydrophobic and is transported in the blood bound to carrier proteins, with the primary carrier being vitamin D-binding protein

compared to whole milk, breast milk is

lower in protein, but higher in carbs and fat

all amino acids can be converted directly to glucose, except for which two

lysine and leucine

combining grains and legumes in the same meal help to make a complementary protein. consuming these food groups separately lacks certain amino acids to make a complete protein because grains are low in _____ and legumes are low in ____

lysine, methionine

adding a additive with FDA

manufacturer must petition the FDA for approval and must provide evidence that the substance is safe for the ways it is intended for use when evaluating safety of a substance and the possibility of approval the FDA considers; -the composition and properties of the substance -the amt that would typically be consumes -the immediate and long term effects -other safety factors


may be related to iron and zinc deficiency use a CBC

active transport

method of moving more complex objects like amino acids and requires carrier plus energy to move the nutrient

where in the cell does the ETC occur

mitochondria NADH produced from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle and FADH2 produced from the Krebs cycle enterprise the ETC system which occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria of the cell NADH and FADH2 are oxidized to produce NAD and FAD plus free hydrogen atoms and free electrons. the electrons and hydrogen atoms join with oxygen in a reduction reaction to form water. energy is produced during the oxidation and reduction reactions which helps pump hydrogen atoms back into he mitochondria matrix to produce ATP molecules for each NADH, 3 ATP molecules are produced, for a total of 30 ATP molecules. for each NADH2, 2 ATP mol. are produced for a total of 4 ATP mol. the ETC is responsible for producing a total of 34 ATP mol from NADH and FADH2. the process of glycolysis produces a net of 2 ATP mol. and the process of the Krebs cycle produces 2 ATP mil. the grand total of energy produced from one glucose mol. is 38 ATP mol

a 4 yr old child is at the 95th percentile for her weight. what do you recommend

monitor her food intake and increase PA to at least 1 hr per day at age 4 they need abt 1200-1400 cals per day, depending on size and activity level.

commercially prepare infant formula typically contains _____ when compared to human breast milk

more protein and iron, but lacks antibodies the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends iron fortified infant formula for all formula fed infants

contains omega 3 FA

must have how much it contains ex: 2g


naturally occurring non nutrient compounds in plant foods that have been beneficial uses in the body, such as protecting against carcinogens or as antioxidants. plants use phytochemicals as defense against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. some examples: -carotenoids -anthocyanins -alkaloids -flavonoids -isoflavones -lignans -phytosterols -xanthophylls processing may remove or destroy many of these phytochemicals from foods

active transport

needs a carrier and also energy to move larger nutrients across the membrane


not on the NCAA banned list, not is it on the international olympic committee (IOC) it is a natural metabolite of the essential amino acid leucine. thought to enhance recovery by stimulating protein and glycogen synthesis. the supplement has been studied extensively and has shown to help athletes reduce exercise induced muscle damage and soreness

_____ is a hormone that stimulates milk production by alveolar cells in mammary tissue of the breast

prolactin produced by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the mammary glands in the woman's breasts to produce milk during breastfeeding during the pregnancy, prolactin levels are increased, causing an enlargement of the mammary glands in the breasts in preparation for the production of milk milk production normally begins as progesterone levels decrease by the end of pregnancy and sucking stimulus is present

the role of trypsin in digestion is to break down

protein trypsin is produced in the pancreas as the inactive form, proenzyme trypsinogen. the digestive role of trypsin is to break down proteins at the peptide bonds on certain amino acids


protein (hormone) that is produced in the fat cells and sends a signal to the brain to help regulate hunger and satiety. when leptin levels are elevated, the brain sense the body has a sufficient amount of energy, and the individual feels content with the amt of food they've eaten

where does absorption in the GI tract occur for lipids and each of the fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K)

proximal jejunum it begins in the duodenum to a small extent, it continues in the proximal portion of the jejunum. Vitamins D and K continue absorbing in the ileum and some remaining vitamin K is absorbed in the large intestine the majority of nutrient absorption occurs in the first 100-150 cm of the jejunum

what is the end product of glycolysis, which will be the substrate used for additional energy production in the Krebs cycle

pyruvate glycolysis begins with a molecule of glucose, this molecule is rearranged and split into two 3 carbon chains. these two 3 carbon chains go through several enzymatic reactions and produce 2 NADH molecules, 2 pyruvate molecules, and a net of 2 ATP molecules the ATP molecules may be used to immediate energy, the NADH molecules eventually make their way into the electron transport chain in the matrix of the mitochondria, which produces 3 ATP molecules each the pyruvate molecules are known as the end product of glycolysis. following glycolysis, each pyruvate molecule is first oxidized into acetyl CoA which joins with oxaloacetate to produce citric acid. this begins the Krebs cycle or citric acid cycle. during the cycle, NADH, FADH2 and ATP are produced. citric acid loses carbon atoms to form oxaloacetate, which then joins with another acetyl CoA produced from pyruvate oxidation after glycolysis and then the cycle repeats. the carbon atoms lost from citric acid join with oxygen to form carbon dioxide which is expelled the NADH and FADH2 enter the electron transport chain to produce additional ATP molecules


raises blood calcium levels acts upon several areas in the body to correct low blood calcium levels including the bone, kidneys, and intestines via the kidneys in bone, PTH stimulates bone resorption, which is the destruction of bone by osteoclasts. calcium is release from the bone tissue to the blood in the kidneys, PTH reduces the loss of calcium in the urine. PTH also enhances the absorption of calcium in the intestines by increasing the production of activated vitamin D. vitamin D occurs in the kidney


reaction where small molecules are put together to build larger compounds, and this process requires energy. still following the ATP-CP cycle example, the smaller ADP molecule is enigmatically combined with another high energy phosphate from creatine phosphate (CP) to produce the larger sized molecule, ATP once again. this process requires energy.

which of the DRI's are equal to the mean requirements plus 2 st dev, which will meet the needs of 97.5% of the reference population

recommended dietary allowance (RDA)


reduced sense of taste pt may describe it as bad, metallic, salty, sour, rancid causes: common cold, flu, nasal or sinus infection smoking, some meds (lithium, ACE inhibitors, several chem drugs), a vitamin mineral def, or dental or oral disease can also alter taste


regulates how the body converts fats, proteins, and carbs for energy. when elevated, it can make it more difficult to lose weight


sodium dependent glucose transporter, and this is where glucose is coupled with sodium and both are transported across a membrane by facilitated diffusion. glucose is pumped from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration with the use of energy. the energy, however, is not that of ATP, rather it is from the sodium concentration gradient. sodium couples with glucose, and they move through the transporter together. once on the other side of the membrane, the sodium detaches from the glucose, and the sodium is pumped back to the other side of the membrane with the help of the sodium potassium pump

food not a good source of vitamin B12

soybeans and other plant foods foods derived from animal such as meat, fish, poultry, shellfish, milk, cheese, and eggs provide adequate amounts of b12 vegetarians particularly vegans are at risk for deficiency and need to supplement their diet with B12 fortified soy milk, meat replacements and b12 supplements

for which athlete would the supplement creatine be most beneficial

sprinter supplies energy for short term, maximum effort exercises and increases lean body mass

what organ secretes gastrin

stomach gastrin is a peptide hormone that stimulates the release of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cells in the stomach. gastrin also assists with gastric motility the presence of food (specifically peptides from proteins) stimulates gastrin to be released by the stomach

which act brought changes to the regulations that define what is required on a food label

the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 the FDA and USDA designed the new requirements in order to provide consumers with useful info abt the foods they consume. the act requires that all nutrient content claims, such as high fiber and low fat meet FDA regulations

tolerable upper limit

the highest intake of a nutrient likely to pose no harm


the hunger hormone when the stomach is empty, ghrelin is secreted. when the stomach is full, the hormone secretion stops


the only nutrient that contains nitrogen atoms

spinach is a good source of non heme iron, but the bioavailability is low. what could you consume at the same meal as spinach to increase absorption

tomatoes spinach contains oxalates, which binds to iron and inhibits its absorption. if you make a salad with raw spinach, throw in some tomatoes. tomatoes are high in vitamin C which helps absorb iron calcium will inhibit iron absorption

why should canned vegetables not be fed to infants

too high in sodium other foods that should not be given: -honey and corn syrup for risk of botulism -sweets and desserts as. they contain no nutrients to support growth and can promote obesity later in life -popcorn, nuts, hot dog slices, whole grapes, and hard candies for risk of choking

why should babies not be given solid foods during the first few months of life

unable to digest complex molecules, like starches infants stomach and intestine can easily digest the milk sugar lactose from birth, but they can't digest starches for several months 4-6 months these foods can be introduced, such as single grain infant cereals and single fruit and vegetables purees.

weight gain for pregnant women carrying twins

underweight (BMI <18.5): 50-62 pounds normal (BMI 18.5-24.9): 37-54 pounds overweight (BMI 25-29.9) 31-50 pounds obese: (BMI >30): 25-42 pounds source centers for disease control and prevention, and the American college of obstetricians and gynecologists

micelles consist of all the following except

water soluble vitamins bile salts and bile acids, fats, cholesterol, and fat soluble vitamins are included in the composition of a micelle the components have difficulty being absorbed when alone, but when together, they can be absorbed in the SI easily

a sprinter you are counseling is looking for different ergogenic aids to help with his performance. he asks you about soda loading. which of the following is an appropriate response to the athlete

while generally safe to take, it may have an adverse effect resulting in loose stool shortly after loading (abt an hour) aka supplement with sodium bicarbonate during anaerobic activity(sprinting, jumping, HIIT, heavy wt lifting)- taking in one large dose or several smaller doses pseudo over the course of a couple hours before an event. some sources recommend abt 300 mg/kg between 1 and 2 hours before exercise shows benefits while still being safe


widely abundant in the body, found in RBC and in barrier tissues such as the blood-brain barrier. enables the uptake of glucose required for respiration


works with epinephrine to respond to stress. can cause narrowing of the blood vessels, resulting in high blood pressure

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