Domingue Astronomy Chapter 15 & 16 Questions

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The merging of atomic particles into larger ones is _____, while the splitting of large ones into small is ______.

fusion, fission

The concept of hydrostatic equilibrium (also known as gravitational equilibrium) is a balance between ____ and _____

gravity, gas pressure

The mass of Helium is not equal to the mass of 4 protons. This illustrates ___.

the Sun's ability to convert mass into energy

The Sun is composed of ____.

Hydrogen and Helium like Jupiter

We can map the strength and location of magnetic fields on the Sun because of the _____.

Zeeman effect

In the first step of the proton-proton process of nuclear fusion, two protons initially become ____.

a deuterium particle

the following list that illustrates the order of the atmospheric layers of the Sun as listed from closer to interior and moving outward is

c) photosphere, chromosphere, corona

The gamma-rays produced in the core of the Sun will reach the surface as visible light. The path requires _____ as the time to exit.

many 100 thousand years

High temperatures are required for fusion to occur because ____.

protons have the same electrical charge.

An example of the solar cycle is _____.

the increase and decrease of sunspots on a 11-year repeat

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