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Arrest someone legally, you get to search incident to arrest Penalty group 3 pill (dangerous drug), charge them with (Health and Safety Code)

"possession of a controlled substance not obtained with a valid prescription"

A duty of the sheriff in smaller counties of _______ or less is to serve as the ex officio _______ _______ and _______ of taxes. (Professional Policing)

$10,000; Tax Assessor; Collector.

Reference points for non intersection crashes: (Traffic)

(identifiable bridges, milepost markers, intersecting streets)

Classification of Trafficway: (Traffic)

(order from top to bottom) 1. Insterstate. 2. US Route numbered. 3. State route numbered. 4. County Road. 5. All other traffic ways.

Illicit Beverage-means alcoholic beverage is made by: (TABC)

1) Manufactured, distributed, bought, sold, bottled, rectified, blended, treated, fortified, mixed, processes, warehouses, stored, possessed, imported, or transported in violation of code. 2) On which a tax imposed by state laws has NOT been paid and which tax stamp, if required, has not be affixed. 3) Possess, kept, stored, owned, or imported with intent to use, transport, or sell in violation of this code.

Uncertainty is likely to result in compensation in one of the following forms Hesitation Unnecessary force Verbal behavior Prejudice (FORCE OPTIONS)

1,2,3 only- not prejudice

What are some security features of currency? (You don't need to know all of them) (Financial Investigations)

1. 3-D security ribbon. 2. Bell in the inkwell. 3. Security threads. 4. Color shifting Ink. 5. Raised printing. 6. Microprinting. 7. Replica Currency. 8. Motion Picture Money.

Miranda v. Arizona (Case Law)

1. Arrested for kidnapping and rape. Interviewed for 2 hours. Established the Miranda Rights.

List some of the principles of Community policing: (Professional Policing)

1. CP is both a philosophy and an organizational strategy that allows the police and community residents to work closely together. 2. Police departments must create a new breed of line officer, the "Community Policing Officer" (CPO). 3. The CPO's broad role demands continuous, sustained contact with the law-abiding people in the community. 4. Shift to community policing means a slower response time for non-emergency calls, and that citizens themselves will be asked to handle more of their minor concerns. Will free the department to work with people on developing long-term solutions for community concerns. 5. CP stresses exploring new ways to protect and enhance lives of vulnerable: juveniles, the elderly, minorities, the poor, the disabled and the homeless. 6. CP provides decentralized, personalized police service to the community. (Fletcher shortened this for easier memorization.)

4 Circumstances where a defendant may not receive bail, according to Texas Constitution. (Constitutional Articles)

1. Capital offenses where proof is evident 2. Accused of felony + 2 prior felony convictions 3. Accused of felony + out on bail for a prior felony for which he has been indicted 4. Accused of a felony involving the use of a deadly weapon + prior felony conviction

The Constitutional Articles are: (Constitutional Articles)

1. Establish legislative branch a. Privilege of writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended b. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law 2. Establish executive branch 3. Establish judicial branch 4. "Full faith and credit clause" full faith and credit shall be given to each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of another state. Taking on court orders from other states. Example, when you move with a child custody order. 5. Provides for amendments to the constitution 6. "Supremacy clause" federal law supersedes state law 7. History of ratification

List some contributing factors to crashes: (Traffic)

1. Failure to heed warning signs. 2. Failure to yield right of way-turning left. 3. turned improperly. 4. Load not secured. 5. Failed to yield right of way-private drive. 6. Driver inattention. 7. Distraction in vehicle. 8. Impaired visability. 9. Had been drinking. 10. Changed lanes. 11. Failed to drive in single lane. 12. Failed to control speed. 13. Unsafe speed. 14. Speeding over limit.

Personal and Organizational values relative to the role of police in relation to Federal Constitution and Bill of rights. (Constitutional Articles)

1. Fostering fairness and the same in others 2. Recognizing prejudices 3. Dedication to rights 4. Protection of all rights 5. Continuation of being informed

Name the 14 Amendments: (Constitutional Articles)

1. Freedom of religion, speech, press, peaceable assembly and right to petition the government. 2. Right to bear arms and establish militia. 3. Addresses quartering soldiers in private houses. 4. No unreasonable searches and seizures. No warrant issued without probable cause. 5. Right to grand jury indictment, prohibits double jeopardy, right against self-incrimination, due process, requires just compensation when private property is taken for public use (eminent domain). DUE PROCESS CLAUSE. 6. Speedy trial, public trial, jury trial, trial in district where committed, informed of charges, confront witness, subpoena power, assistance of counsel, fair and impartial trial. 7. Right to a jury trial in civil suits. Value must exceed $20. 8. No excessive bail, or cruel and unusual punishment. 9. Individual rights amendment. Rights not identified in constitution belong to the people. Example - marriage. 10. State's rights amendment. Powers not identified by the Constitution belong to the states or to the people. Example - education. 14. Citizens of each state are U.S. citizens. States must respect constitutional rights of all citizens. Due process. Equal protection of the law.

What are the 3 types of skimmers? (Financial Investigations)

1. Gas pump Skimmers. 2. ATM Skimmers. 3. Point of Sale Skimmers.

General Defenses to Criminal Responsibility are: (PC)

1. Insanity. 2. Mistake of Fact. 3. Mistake of Law. 4. Intoxication. 5. Duress. 6. Entrapment. 7. Age affecting Criminal Responsibility.

What is the community mindset regarding Law Enforcement response? (CIT)

1. Law enforcement shouldn't respond 2. If law enforcement is called then it must be very serious 3. Mentally ill patients are violent and should be dealt with as if they are criminals

Process for amending Texas Constitution (Constitutional Articles)

1. Legislature may propose amendments 2. Proposal must be approved by 2/3 vote of all members of each house 3. Secretary of State prepares an explanation of the proposed amendment 4. Attorney General approves the explanation 5. Brief explanation shall be published twice in each newspaper approved for official notices 6. Must be published at county courthouses 7. Placed on the ballot; must pass by majority vote 8. Proclaimed by the Governor

Penalty Grades for Forgery: (Financial Investigations)

1. M/A starting off. 2. SJF = checks. 3. F3 = Counterfeit money.

Duran v. City of Douglas, AZ (Case Law)

1. Mere verbal interference or harassment without more, cannot give a peace officer any cause to arrest or detain a person. a. Drunk guy in bar flips off and cusses at officer.

Different types of traffic units? (Traffic)

1. Motor Vehicle. 2. Train. 3. Pedalycyclist. 4. Motorized conveyance. 5. Towed/pushed/Trailer. 6. Noncontact. 7. Other.

What complainant information is needed on a death investigation? (Criminal Investigations)

1. Name 2. DOB 3. Telephone # 4. Address 5. Place of employment 6. Other data, such as DL #, and license plate #.

Under Texas Constitution, what rights does the crime victim have? (Constitutional Articles)

1. Notification of court proceedings 2. Right to be present at all public court proceedings related to offense unless testifying and testimony would be affected 3. Right to confer with representatives of prosecutors office 4. Right to restitution 5. Right to info about the conviction, sentence, imprisonment, and release of the accused.

List the Levels of Control: (Force Options/GO 901.00) Fletcher added this one.

1. Officer Presence. 2. Verbal Control. 3. Empty Hand Control. 4. Intermediate Weapons. 5. Intermediate Weapons. 6. Deadly Force.

What are the 7 things that a responded cannot do on a typical protective order? (Family Violence)

1. Perform acts that the court determines are necessary or appropriate to prevent or reduce the likelihood of family violence 2. Committing family violence 3. Communicating in a threatening or harassing manner, either directly or indirectly with the protected person 4. Going to or near the residence, place of employment, child care facility, school or any other place specified in the order. 5. Engaging in conduct directed specifically toward the protected person or a member of the person's family or household, including following the person or behavior that is likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment or embarrass the person 6. Possessing a firearm, unless the respondent is a full-time, sworn peace officer actively engaged in employment for a state agency or political subdivision. 7. Suspend a license to carry a concealed handgun

List the Levels of Subject Resistance, In Order: (Force Options/ GO 901.00) Fletcher added this one.

1. Psychological Intimidation. 2. Resistive Dialogue. 3. Passive Resistance. 4. Defensive Resistance. 5. Active Aggression. 6. Aggravated Aggression.

Monroe v. Pape (Case Law)

1. Section 1983 requires that government officials must have been acting under the color of state law. 2. Prior to Monroe, the courts had held that an official who abused his power or authority was acting outside the color of state law. The Monroe decision changed this interpretation. 3. The court found that the term "under color of state law" is not synonymous with "acting under within the scope of authority". 4. The court stated that an officer can act outside the score of authority, or even illegally; and still be sued under Section 1983 as having acted under color of state law. a. Chicago officers search house w/o warrant, detain subject for 10 hours and release without charges.

What criminal justice principles did William the Conqueror establish? (Professional Policing)

1. The 12 person jury system 2. Constable

What criminal justice principles did william the conqueror establish? (Professional Policing)

1. The 12 person jury system. 2. Constable.

The events which most likely directly led to the Wickersham commission and its focus on police reform. (Professional Policing)

1. The 18th amendment. 2. The Volstead Act. 3. Prohibition.

Tennessee v. Garner (Case Law)

1. Use of deadly force is a seizure under the Fourth Amendment. Test for excessive force cases is whether the force used was reasonable under all of the circumstances known to the officer at the time he acted. a. Unarmed burglar shot in the back while fleeing over fence.

How many Passengers does it take to make a bus? (Traffic)

10 People.

Drivers involved in property damage crashes not investigated by a peace officer have ___ days to submit a report to the state. (Traffic)

10 days to submit.

A duty of the sheriff in smaller counties of ___ or less is to serve as the ex officio ___ ___ and ___ of taxes. (Professional Policing)

10, 000; tax assessor and collector.

Peace officers have __ Days to submit required crash reports. __ Days to classify as fatal injuries. (Traffic)

10; 30.

The Texas Ranger's were established in...? (Professional Policing)


Dallas was incorporated in...? (Professional Policing)


The Dallas Police Department was formed in...? (Professional Policing)


The Dallas PD uniform was created in...? (Professional Policing)


TWELVE gauge shells restricted to ___ in length (Firearms)

2 ¾

When an individual makes a statement or confession that is subsequently recorded for later use, that individual or the representing attorney must be provided with a true, complete and accurate copy of all recordings within ___ days, before the date of the proceeding. (Criminal Investigations)

20 days.

What percentage of physical injuries to children are intentional burns? (Criminal Investigations)


Article 15.27 of code of criminal procedure requires LE agency that arrests a juvenile for possession of handgun must orally inform the school district by when? (Texas Family Code)

24 hrs

A Class A CDL permits a person to drive any combination of vehicles weighing: (Traffic)

26, 001 lbs with the towed vehicle or vehicles weighing over 10,000lbs.

A Class B CDL permits a person to drive any single vehicle over __ lbs. (Traffic)

26,000 lbs and to tow a vehicle of no more than 10,000 lbs, and to operate a vehicle designed to transport at least 24 occupants, including the driver.

Arrest a person with 5 yellow pills 20 grams, penalty group 2 (Health and Safety Code)

2nd degree felony

A claimant or victim must file an application for compensation under victims crime act no later than ______ from the date of the criminally injurious incident. (Victims of Crime)

3 Years

Distance required between two seperate intersections: (Traffic)

33 feet

Distance between 2 seperate intersections: (Traffic)

33 feet.

The ________ states that the right of the people to secure their persons, houses and papers against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no warrant should be issued, but upon probable cause supported by ...... (Racial Profiling)

4th amendment

The CCP chapter ____ gives statutory authority to use pseudonyms in sexual assault cases. (Written and verbal communication)


A child can be held in a curfew processing office no more than what? (Texas Family Code)

6 hrs

How many days after moving does a sex offender have to register with the local authority (Criminal Investigations)


The amount of the time a person's message is received based on Content (FORCE OPTIONS)


What percent of an officers duties involve verbal skills (FORCE OPTIONS)


What is the proper procedure for photographing a crime scene? A. Begin with exterior, working inward B. Start with the farthest relevant point and work to detail C. A & B (Criminal Investigations)

A & B.

The ultimate aim of all police department was for personnel with general enforcement powers to have...? (Professional Policing)

A Baccalaureate degree.

Fingerprints characteristics of ____ can be used to identify one person to the exclusion of all other people (Criminal Investigations)

A Single Print.

"Reasonable Belief" Means: (PC)

A belief that would be held by an ordinary and prudent man in the same circumstances as the actor.

What is a highway or street? (Traffic)

A boundary line to boundary line open to the public.

Where does a batterer learn about DV? (Family Violence)

A child's exposure to the father abusing the mother is the strongest risk factor for transmitting violence behavior from one generation to the next. Environment: witnessing violence, TV, internet

When a suspect is mentally ill and you're calling for backup, which does not matter? A. Necessary B. Possibility C. A lack of courage. D. All of the above matter. (CIT)

A lack of courage.

What age is a minor in regards to TABC? (TABC)

A person under 21 years of age.

Wellness consists of... (Fitness and Wellness Review)

A person's health/disease status and risk potential. Not just the absence of disease.

License or Permit- (TABC)

A privilege, not a right. Generally a permit- authorized handling of liquor while license authorizes handling of beer. "A person commits an offense if the person knowingly allows another to display or use a permit or license issued by commission in any manner not allowed by law.

What is a salvage switch? (Criminal Investigations)

A renumbered vehicle using the vehicle identification number of a previously salvaged vehicle

Definition of dependence: (Health and Safety Code)

A state of psychological and physical dependence which results in a chronic or continuous use of a drug

Definition of dangerous drug (Health and Safety Code)

A type of drug not included in penalty groups 1-4, still dangerous for self medication and requires a prescription

Define Towed/Pushed/Trailer: (Traffic)

A unit pushed or pulled while under another motor vehicle's control

A written statement signed by the accused , or made by the accused in own handwriting is known as..? (Criminal Investigations)

A written statement.

The professional "heavy criminal" would be more willing to participate in which of the following offenses: A. Burglary of coin operated machine B. Burglary or motor vehicle C. Burglary of residential or business D. Robbery E. A, B, & C F. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

A, B, & C.

What are the types of car thieves? (Criminal Investigations)

A. Unauthorized use of motor vehicles offenders B. Use in crime thief C. Insurance fraud swindler D. Strippers and dismantlers E. Transportation thief F. Professional auto thief

A child taken into custody for a class B misdemeanor or above will be fingerprinted and photographed for the age of? (Texas Family Code)

A.10 or older

According to 63.001 of the code of criminal procedure, a missing person is which of the following? (Texas Family Code)


According to the texas family code, LE are not prohibited to photograph and fingerprinting a child who is not in custody if? (Texas Family Code)

A.Child's parent or guardian voluntarily consents

According to the lecture on juvenile issues, who maintains the database for computerized juvenile justice information? (Texas Family Code)


According to the lecture on juvenile issues, on warn notices who approves those guidelines? (Texas Family Code)

A.Juvenile Board

According to the texas family code, who may establish a first offender program? (Texas Family Code)

A.Juvenile board

A juvenile is arrested for burglary of a vehicle 30.04 of the penal code, which of the following is true? (Texas Family Code)

A.Juveniles conduct will be classified as delinquent conduct

A juvenile is arrested for burglary of a vehicle 30.04 of the penal code, which of the following is true? (Texas Family Code)

A.Juveniles conduct will be classified as delinquent conduct

All of the following are symptoms of PTSD EXCEPT: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Difficulty concentrating. Irritability or outburst of anger. Ambivalence to danger. (Victims of Crime)


The professional police model developed with an emphasis on...? (Professional Policing)

Accountability and increased standards.

What is the purpose of maintaining a chain of custody? (Criminal Investigations)

Accounts for how found the item, where it was found, who took custody and marked it, who transported it and where it is stored.

When others are in imminent jeopardy the officer should (FORCE OPTIONS)


"Possession" Means: (PC)

Actual care, custody, control, or management.

Who is most likely to be the victim of sexual abuse? (Criminal Investigations)

Adolescent GIrls.

Fight or flight possible reactions include: (Victims of Crime)

Adrenaline Body may release excess material Senses may become more acute Heart rate increases

Status offender means a child has been accused, adjudicated or convicted for conduct that was not under state law been a crime committed by who? (Texas Family Code)


Who can apply for a Protective Order? (Family Violence)

Adult member of a family/household for the protection of applicant or any other family member of applicant's family/household. Adult member of the dating relationship. Any adult to protect a child from family violence. A prosecuting attorney Dept of Protective and Regulatory Service (DPRS).

The Volstead act placed police officers in an __________ role for the first time. (Professional Policing)


Which type of search may employ infrared film for discovery of grave sites? (Criminal Investigations)

Aerial Search.

Which of the following components of fitness is not functional fitness? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Agility (Motor Fitness).

Distilled Spirits- (TABC)

Alcohol or any liquor produced in whole or part by process of distillation (whiskey, tequila, rum, and vodka) and includes spirit coolers that may have alcohol content as low as 4% by volume.

Define Distilled Spirits: (TABC)

Alcohol spirits produced in whole or in part by the process of distillation, including all dilutions or mixtures of them (Includes spirit coolers that may have alcohol content as low as 4% alcohol by volume).

Define Alcoholic Beverages: (TABC)

Alcohol, or any beverage containing more than .5% of alcohol by volume, which is capable of use for beverage purposes, either alone or when diluted.

Liquor- (TABC)

Alcoholic beverage containing alcohol in excess of 4% by WEIGHT, unless otherwise indicated. Includes distilled spirits, wine, ale and malt liquor.

What is Liquor? (TABC)

Alcoholic beverage containing alcohol in excess of 4% by weight.

Who was the first king to appoint sheriff's? (Professional Policing)

Alfred the Great.

Who was the first king to appoint sheriffs? (Professional Policing)

Alfred the Great.

As a contact professional you must be in contact with which of the following (FORCE OPTIONS)

All of the above

Best describes the deciding factors an officer must consider when effecting an arrest Armed Nature of crime Force must be used wisely All of the above (FORCE OPTIONS)

All of the above

Examples of Personal and Financial Information are: A. Your name B. Your Social Security Number C. Your Home Address D. Checking Account Number E. All of the above (Identify Theft)

All of the above

Police officers must communicate under stressful circumstances. What should you consider (FORCE OPTIONS)

All of the above

At the scene of a crime, peace officers have the legal authority to: A. Prevent injury to other by enlisting citizens to aid them B. Remove or detain individuals who are on the property of another without consent of the owner C. Use any amount of force necessary to control, remove, or detain a suspect D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

Courtroom testimony represents a challenge to officers and is a test of true abilities such as: A. Self-control B. Tact C. Obedience D. Personal conduct E. Bearing F. Verbal communication G. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

How do you assess the potential problems associated with a crime scene search? A. Evaluate the physical characteristics of the area (size, indoor v. Outdoor) B. Evaluate hazards of the area and what safety measures are needed C. Evaluate the potential of recovering any evidence D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

In the case of death, what can an officer use to identify the victim? A. Driver's license or military ID B. Social security card C. Tattoos, amputations or unusual scars D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

Oral confessions may only be used against a subject of: A. They are preceded by a taped notification of the miranda warning B. They are recorded and voices are identifiable C. The recording has not been altered D. All of the above. (Criminal investigations)

All of the above.

Part of an officer's duty at a crime scene is to: A. Provide first aid to injured person's B. Determine if a weapon is involved and secure it C. Locate and interview the victim or witness D. Determine if the crime is in progress and nature of target E. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

Some of the basic behaviors indicating Mental Illness are: A. Strange memory loss B. Paranoia C. Visions and strange odors D. State of panic E. All of the above. (CIT)

All of the above.

What actions should officers take after securing the scene and locating the complainants? A. Soliciting info from person's in the immediate area B. Appear through media C. Find and develop informants D. Separate witnesses so that they do not influence others E. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are some common courtroom tactics defense attorneys use while questioning witnesses? A. offensive questioning to confuse the witness B. Condescending questions to diminish the witness's credibility C. Acting friendly to lull the witness D. Badgering the witness to provoke them E. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are some indicators that would lead an officer to believe that a vehicle is stolen after it has been stopped? A. Does the key work? B. Is the column broken? C. Is the vehicle identification plate securely fastened to the vehicle w/ the proper rivets D. What position is the ignition key in while the engine is running E. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are some reasons for searching suspect? A. Safety B. Eliminate suicide risk and in-custody death C. Security of the facility D. Safeguard the prisoners personal property E. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are some safeguards for handling evidence? A. Wear gloves B. Preserve the value C. Keep it in its original state D. Preserve integrity E. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are the characteristics of a street thief? A. Often carrying weapon B. Are the most dangerous C. Will take reckless chances to avoid apprehension D. Are usually stealing for train material to procure narcotics or alcohol E. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are the characteristics of the profession "heavy criminal"? A. Has business sense B. Has the ability to distinguish between valuable and worthless items during burglary C. Specializes in residential and vehicle burglaries D. Has the ability to distinguish, direct, and execute an operation E. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are the characteristics of the semi professional thief? A. Profit motive B. Is more likely to resort to violence against the victim C. Presents a special danger when interrupted and cornered D. Is less rational E. Is less involved in planning or preparation F. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are the common defenses pedophiles use to defend their behavior? Denial Minimization Justification Fabrication Attack ALL OF THE ABOVE (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are the elements of a completed sketch? A. Scale B. Legend to explain symbols C. Title, location, date, time, and artist info D. Directional indicator showing north E. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are the principles of witnessmanship? A. Honestly B. Brevity C. Clarity D. objectivity E. Emotional control F. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are the reasons for case management? A. To have an organized, easily understood, factual, and thorough account of the investigation B. To identify serious weaknesses in case C. To help assure failure to prosecute is not due to lack of preparation or mistakes on officer's behalf D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What are the reasons for completing a crime scene sketch? A. Helpful in reconstructing the crime scene B. Provide a permanent record of distance C. Record the exact location of evidence in relation to the crime scene D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What can an autopsy reveal? A. Time of death B. Weapon or substance causing death C. Contents of the stomach D. Blood or alcohol in the system E. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What can failing to prepare to testify rest in? A. Misstatements B. Omissions C. Contradictions D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What defines a positive outcome for courtroom appearance? A. Meets the trial objectives B. Public relations are improved C. The officers are satisfied D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What information should officers gather in addition to suspect information? A. How the crime was committed B. The extent of personal injuries C. The nature and value of property taken D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What is the generalization cycle? A. Accept violence as normal B. Have no concept of a healthy, happy home or relationships C. Accepts violent parents as role models D. 85% of prisoners come from violent homes E. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What is the typical reaction to violence of a 6-11 year old? A. Child feels responsible B. Model parent's relationship behavior C. Confused about parents D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What is the value of a properly prepared case folder? A. Prevents duplication of work B. Prove efficiency on the part of the officer and the department C. Be useful for review by the prosecutor and grand jury D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What items are included in a case folder? A. Offense and supplemental reports B. Witness and victim statements C. Voluntary confessions D. Fingerprint cards comparison report from expert E. Officer pertinent reports F. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What items are included in a summery? A. Case facts B. Legality of arrest and seizure of evidence C. Name of witnesses, and nature of testimony D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

What legal authorities do police officers have at the scene of a crime? A. Prevent injury to others by enlisting citizens to aid him B. Remove or detain individuals who are on the property w/o the consent of the owner C. Use any amount of force necessary to control, remove or detain the suspect D. Determine if the crime is in progress and nature of target E. Locate and interview the victim or witness F. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

When interviewing complainants or witnesses, it is important to: A. Allow the complainant or witness to tell their story B. Ask pertinent questions and refrain from hearsay C. Try to obtain a written statement from the complainant or witness D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

When is it okay to leave the scene? A. When released from your responsibility B. When no longer needed C. When directed to do so D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

When questioning individuals about a suspect, officers should try to get information about: A. Race and sex B. Height and weight C. Clothing D. Facial features E. Weapon and direction of travel F. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

When should you summon assistance? A. When it is impractical for one person to search B. Physical characteristics (large scene) C. Large amount of damage D. Numerous items of evidence E. Lack of expertise F. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

Which are common stereotypes about mental illness: A. They are dangerous B. They are less able to work C. They are retarded D. All of the above. (CIT)

All of the above.

Which of the following are elements to the follow-up of a criminal investigation: A. Establish liaison with laboratory technicians in order to assess the reports of their analyses of physical evidence collected B. Identify suspects C. Conduct appropriate surveillance and interrogation D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

Which of the following are goals of the criminal investigation? A. If a crime has been committed B. To affect a legal arrest C. To recover stolen property D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

Which of the following are tools of the criminal investigator? A. Information B. Interrogation C. Instruments D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

Why should witnesses be separated when conducting interviews? A. So that their statements reflect their own opinions and observations B. Separation allows the interviewer to locate discrepancies in statements and establish validity of statements C. Confront subject w/ any discrepancies and allow subject to explain or retract D. All of the above. (Criminal Investigations)

All of the above.

You should APOWW if A. Mentally ill B. Because of threat of serious harm C. Not sufficient time for warrant D. All of the above. (CIT)

All of the above.

What is the 14th amendment? (Family Violence)

All persons born or naturalized in the US equal protection. Shall not be deprived of life liberty, or property without due process of law.

During the search of a crime scene, who is it important to maintain communication with? (Criminal Investigations)

All searchers.

You are met by a woman who is depressed and yelling and venting.... You should: A. Yell louder B. Order her to stop C. Allow her to vent but don't pay attention D. Allow her to vent and listen actively. (CIT)

Allow her to vent and listen actively.

Factors When Directing Traffic: (Traffic)

Amount of traffic on roadway, available manpower (# of officers on the scene/responding), availability of alternate routes, length of time traffic will be stopped, coordinating signals with other officers.

What kind of murder is classified as an extension of the crime or assault? (Criminal Investigations)

Anger killings.

Which category of rapist is frequently impotent and may use devices? (Criminal Investigations)

Anger rapist

Physical response to trauma is based on (Victims of Crime)

Animal instinct

What is a metropolitan area? (Traffic)

Any Municipality with over 100,000 people and the cities adjacent to it.

DUI by Minor/Child- (TABC)

Any detectable amount of alcohol in minor's system while operating motor vehicle or watercraft in public place. If child, you may request breath specimen but must be on video tape. In accordance with juvenile laws, you may take to adult facility for procedure but must be cleared out prior to arrival.

Define Trafficway: (Traffic)

Any land way open to the public as a matter of right or custom for moving person or property from one place to another.

Who has the preliminary responsibility to notify victims of crime victims compensation act (Victims of Crime)

Any law enforcement agency dealing with victims

Warrantless Arrest- (TABC)

Any person officer observes violating any provision of this Code or any rule of Commission. Officer shall take possession of all illicit beverages person has in possession or on premises.

Who is a pedestrian? (Traffic)

Any person on foot.

Who has a responsibility to report physical or sexual abuse to CPS or Police? (Criminal Investigations)

Any person who has cause to believe that a child has been physically or sexually abused.

Public place- (TABC)

Any place which public or substantial group has access and includes, but not limited to: Streets and highways; Common areas of schools, hospitals, apartments, offices, transport facilities, and shops

Licensed Premises- Any premises covered by permit or license issued by Commission. (TABC)

Any premises covered by permit or license issued by Commission.

Define Cataclysm: (Traffic)

Any violent upheaval, especially one of a social or political nature.{is NOT a CRASH} (ex: cloudburst, hurricane, flood, tornado, cyclone, earthquake, tidal wave, lighting, torrential rain, tornado, avalanche, mudslide, downburst, or volcanic eruption)

Where can you hide drugs on a person (Health and Safety Code)


What does offset skid marks help determine: (Traffic)

Approximate Point of Impact

When did Texas win its independence from Mexico? (Professional Policing)

April 21, 1836.

Aircraft and Watercraft Crashes are or are not MVC'S (MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH) (Traffic)

Are Not.

Define Intersection: (Traffic)

Area which contains a crossing or connection of two or more roadways not classified as driveway access and is embraced within the prolongation of the lateral curb lines or if none the lateral boundary lines of the roadway (junction is a connection between a driveway access and a roadway other than a driveway access)

Sir Robert Peel (Professional Policing)

Around 1800, England's Peel started a private police force designed to patrol and guarantees the safety and security of the waterfront.

Facilitating effective communication includes: (Communication & Problem solving)

Arranging the environment for effective communication Positioning for effectiveness and safety Posturing for effect and control

Under King Henry I, what was considered a disturbance of the peace? (Professional Policing)

Arson, robbery, murder, false coinage, and crimes of violence.

Which of the following is not a Family Violence crime? (Family Violence)

Assault Stalking UUMV Violation of a Protective Order Burglary of Habitation

At what point should an offer begin to prepare for testifying in a courtroom trial? (Criminal Investigations)

At the onset of the investigation of the offense

The ______ _________ may designate any powers, duties, or responsibilities under the crime victims compensation act (Victims of Crime)

Attorney General.

Who should access to a crime scene be limited to ? (Criminal Investigations)

Authorized personnel only

Name a Developmental Disorder that was covered: (CIT)


What helped create the fast-paced service style? (Professional Policing)

Automobiles and technology.

How many times will a victim leave before she leaves for good? (Family Violence)

Average victim leaves 6 times before leaving for good 60-75% eventually do leave for good

A licensed physician or dentist having reasonable ground to believe that a child's physical or mental condition had been adversely affected may without consent by child or parent? (Texas Family Code)

B and C, Any child who is of 16 yrs of age or older and refuses consent and any child except when consent is refused by order of court

Amber alert system may be terminated when which of the following? (Texas Family Code)

B and C, the director determines that it is no longer needed and that the child has been recovered

Which of the following may not get consent for medical treatment of a child when a person having consent but can be of conduct ? (Texas Family Code)

B. 16 yr old brother

According to the lecture on juvenile issues, which of the following is true regarding discretionary transfer to criminal court? (Texas Family Code)

B. A child can be transferred to criminal court by age of 15 for committing a second degree felony

Rights and duties of parents are subject to which of the following? (Texas Family Code)

B. Affidavit of relinquish of parental rights

According to the texas family code section 52.02, a person taking a child into custody without unnecessary delay and without first taking a child to a juvenile processing office shall do which of the following? (Texas Family Code)

B. Bring the child before the officer designated by the juvenile board if probable cause exists that he has engaged in delinquent conduct.

According to the lecture on juvenile issues, who controls the conditions of juvenile detention facilities? (Texas Family Code)

B. Juvenile Board

LEO authorized to take a child into custody may dispose of the case taken into custody without a referral to juvenile court if guidelines for such disposition have been adopted, who adopts those guidelines. (Texas Family Code)

B. Juvenile Board

Referral to juvenile court means which of the following? (Texas Family Code)

B. Referral of a child or child's case to an intake officer

LE officer may take a child into custody except? (Texas Family Code)

B. School District Peace Officer with reasonable suspicion

A juvenile is taken into custody and transported to a detention facility a detention hearing must be held by which of the following? (Texas Family Code)

B. Second working day after the child is taken into custody

What is the difference between a secured correctional facility and a secured detention facility? (Texas Family Code)

B. Secured Detention facility is used for temporary placement of any juvenile accused of committing an offense

According to the lecture on juvenile issues regarding the collection of records, which of the following are true? (Texas Family Code)

B. if the child is not referred within 10 days after taken into custody all records must be destroyed

According to 63.001 of the code of criminal procedure, A _____ occurs if similarities between an unidentified body of a missing child that they are one of the same? (Texas Family Code)

B. possible match

According to the texas family code, investigations of reports of abuse or neglect 261.301 primary purpose of the investigations by the dept is which of the following? (Texas Family Code)

B. protection of the child

Regarding 63.019 of the code of criminal procedure, enrollment of a child under 11 yrs of age in a school for the first time in that school? (Texas Family Code)

B. require that the parent or guardian provide a certified copy of the Birth certificate not later than the 30th day of enrollment.

According to the lecture on Juvenile issues, relating to interfering with an investigation the following is true? (Texas Family Code)

B. the parent or person responsible may be order to release medical records by court order

During the cycle the slide is moved fully ___cocking the hammer and causing the fired shell to be ejected then ____causing around to be chambered (Firearms)


Crime victims rights we don't???? (Victims of Crime)

Bail or bondsmen

Which of the 4 main principles involves working opposing muscles such as bicep/tricep? (Fitness and Wellness Review)


At the bottom of a check there is the account number, check number and: A. Bar code B. Bank routing number C. Social security number D. VIN number (Identify Theft)

Bank routing number.

Which is not a factor of nutrition assessment? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Behavior modification

What is a characteristic of the adult male involve in a family child abuse? (Criminal Investigations)

Being jealous and protective of a child

How many women are killed by their partners in Texas ? (Family Violence)

Between the years 1998-2008 there 1303 deaths Between 1976-1996 there were 31,260

What is one sign of sexual abuse? (Criminal Investigations)

Bizarre, sophisticated, or unusual sexual behavior or knowledge in children

Which of the following are qualifications of an investigator? A. An unusual ability for observation, objective perception and recall B. Something I didn't write down C. A working knowledge of social psychology D. Both A & C. E. All of the above (Criminal Investigations)

Both A & C.

A child is a person of what years of age of older and under what years of age? (Texas Family Code)

C. 10 and 17.

According to 63.001 of the code of criminal procedure a child is defined as a person who is under the age of ? (Texas Family Code)

C. 18

The Texas family code requires a professional to make a report of alleged abuse or neglect by? (Texas Family Code)

C. 48 hrs

According to the Texas family Code, regarding a juvenile processing office a child may not be held longer than? (Texas Family Code)

C. 6 hrs

According to the lecture on juvenile issues, first offender program which of the following are true? (Texas Family Code)

C. Child referred from disposition shall be referred to juvenile court or taken into custody by the 90th day

A person commits an offense if the person has cause to believe that a child's physical health or welfare has been or may adversely been affected offense under this section is? (Texas Family Code)

C. Class A

According to the lecture on juvenile issues, a LE officer who obtains fingerprints or photos from a child for comparison 58.021 shall do which of the following? (Texas Family Code)

C. Immediately destroy them if they do not lead to a possible comparison

According to the lecture on juvenile issues, Which of the following is NOT true with waving of rights? (Texas Family Code)

C. Oral statement does not require other facts to state the child's quilt.

A child may be released to the child's parent, guardian, custodian or a responsible adult as per provided by section 52.0281 of texas family code if the child is taken into custody for an offense that a justice or municipal court has jurisdiction of other than what? (Texas Family Code)

C. Public intoxication

A peace officer taking into custody a child for curfew violation must without delay do which of the following? (Texas Family Code)

C. Take the child to a Juvenile curfew processing

According to the Texas family code, Who is responsible for conducting investigations of abuse or neglect in any juvenile justice facilities or justice programs? (Texas Family Code)

C. Texas juvenile probation commission

The following procedures shall be followed in a place of non secure custody for children except? (Texas Family Code)

C. a child can be held in an area allowing residential use

On a request of a local LE agency, DPS shall activate the amber alert and notify the appropriate participants in the alert system? (Texas Family Code)

C. both A and B, believed the Child has been abducted and the child is believed to be in immediate danger or death

According to 63.009 of the code of criminal procedure, a LE agency on receiving order of missing child or missing person shall do which of the following? (Texas Family Code)

C. immediately start an investigation to determine the location of the missing person

According to the texas family code, which of the following is true? (Texas Family Code)

C. the child may be held only for completion for forms and records.

According to 411.351 of the government code, an abducted child is one who is one of the following? (Texas Family Code)

C. whose disappearance possesses a credible threat to the person

When it's over 16 people, what endorsement is need for operator? (Traffic)


When the slide rebounds forward it peels the top round in the magazine off and feeds it into the (Firearms)


If you have a stoppage during the qualification course you should ...? (Firearms)


When a suspect is mentally ill you should: A. Consider size B. Assume violence C. Call for assistance if needed. D. Don't call for cover and have courage

Call for assistance if needed.

What should constitute 55-60% of daily calories? (Fitness and Wellness Review)


Which is not true? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Carbohydrates should provide 30-40% of total daily calories (55-60%...70% for athletes).

Definition of possession (Health and Safety Code)

Care custody control management

According to Racial profiling, which supreme court case from 1925 first established a motor vehicle exception to the warrant requirements (Racial Profiling)

Carol vs U.S.

What is the percentage of times that a suspect is also beating his children? (Family Violence)

Child abuse is 15 times more likely to occur where Family Violence is present

Which type of search method is useful when an item is in the center of a field? (Criminal Investigations)


Arrested for 2-4 oz of marijuana (Health and Safety Code)

Class A

What is the charge for a Inspection Refusal? (TABC)

Class A Misdemeanor if person refuses to allow the commission or any peace officer to enter the licensed or permitted premises.

FLID with damage over $200: (Traffic)

Class B Misdemeanor

When the count is over 24 people, what does the operator need to have? (Traffic)

Class B/CDL.

FLID with damage under $200: (Traffic)

Class C Misdemeanor

Possession of Intoxicants on Public School Grounds- (TABC)

Class C Misdemeanor; Possession of intoxicating beverage for sale, consumption or distribution while on grounds of in building of public grade school, field, stadium, athletic sponsored event, etc.

Arrest someone with less than 2 oz of marijuana (Health and Safety Code)

Class b misdemeanor

Find a crack pipe on someone you arrest or a baggie with crack residue on it (Health and Safety Code)

Class c drug paraphernalia

Common errors (Written and verbal communication)

Comma splice: connecting two independent sentences unnecessarily with a comma Run on sentence: combining sentences without proper punctuation Sentence fragment: about rent money Misplaced modify swimming pools flying over california Active (suspect does action vs passive voice(subject receives action)

Controlled substance schedules are assigned by the...? (Health and Safety Code)


What is an intersection? (Traffic)

Common area at the junction of two streets.

What does community policing provide for LE? (Professional Policing)

Community Policing provides a new way for the police to provide decentralized and personalized police services that offers every law-abiding citizen an opportunity to become active in the police process.

King Alfred the Great did what? (Professional Policing)

Community leaders "Shire" met once a year to elect the "Reeve." Eventually the Sheriff was developed from this meetings. Appointed by King Alfred the Great Anglo/Saxon. 2. William the Conqueror

Between 1862 and 1865, Dallas was considered a...? (Professional Policing)

Confederate City.

what are the four methods of gaining sexual access to a person? (Criminal Investigations)

Consent Pressure Force Drug-facilitated sexual assault

What is one type of special Mobile Equipment? (Traffic)

Construction Equipment.

When Machinery is considered a Motor Vehicle and when it is not: (Traffic)

Construction Machinery, Farm and Industrial Machinery, Road Roller, Tractor, Highway Grader, similar device equipped with wheels or treads. Becomes motor vehicles while in transport under own power to move persons, the machine itelse or property from one place to another.

Which is not a step in active listening (FORCE OPTIONS)


August Vollmer's goal was to...? (Professional Policing)

Create Professionalism in LE.

While working an off-duty job for a local bank, an officer observes two men engage in a hand-hand transaction. An investigation reveals that one man sold the other a credit card for $5.00 because he needed food. Further investigation reveals that the man did not own the card and the actual owner was not present. According to Penal Code and lectures on general investigations, what offense did the man commit? (Criminal Investigations)

Credit card and debit card abuse - state jail felony

Intensity continuum is affected by which of the following? Crime specific Victim specific Cultural differences Officer's attitude (Victims of Crime)

Crime specific Victim specific Cultural differences

CCP 56.02 pertains to (Victims of Crime)

Crime victims rights

The population growth associated with the Industrial Revolution caused a major increase in ___. (Professional Policing)


________ is an investigated method in which a police officer does observations or activities to identify suspicious criminal patterns by an individual and develop a legal basis to detain or question an individual? (Racial Profiling)

Criminal Profile

Early policing In the USA resisted the wearing of uniforms because they feared that ___________ would see them coming. (Professional Policing)


The normal human response to trauma follows a human pattern called (Victims of Crime)

Crisis reaction.

Baskin v. Smith (Mechanics of arrest)

Cuffing too tight and failing to double lock may lead to excessive force, especially if suspect complains and expresses a medical condition aggravated by cuffs.

According to the Texas family code which is true regarding a non offender? (Texas Family Code)

D. All of the above

According to the family code, who is required to report abuse? (Texas Family Code)

D. All of the above

Person is required to report abuse, and that person having caused ______ that a child's physical health or welfare has been or adversely been affected by abuse or neglect. (Texas Family Code)

D. Believes

A person commits an offense if the person knowingly makes a report provided in chapter 261 of the family code that the person knows is false and lacks facts or foundation an offense under this section is? (Texas Family Code)

D. State Jail Felony

Abuse can be defined as the following? (Texas Family Code)

D. all of the above

According to the lecture of juvenile issues, LEO may take custody of a child without court order based on which of the following? (Texas Family Code)

D. all of the above

Clearing house records that relate to which of the following are confidential? (Texas Family Code)

D. all of the above

Which of the following is the right and duty of the parent according the family code? (Texas Family Code)

D. all of the above

Which of the following may give consent for medical treatment of a minor when the person having consent by law cannot be reached? (Texas Family Code)

D. all of the above

if by definition neglect does not include which of the following? (Texas Family Code)

D. all of the above

The action can be unlocked without firing bt ___the action bar lock release and moving the ___ ___ to the rear (Firearms)


Device or drug that says: federal law prohibits except by veterinary/ physician use and can only be acquired with a prescription Dangerous drug (Health and Safety Code)

Dangerous drug

What is required on a Dangerous drug prescription (Health and Safety Code)

Date of issue Name and address of someone paying for the drug FALSE Name of person using it Quantity prescribed Name address and number of dr who prescribed Name of pharmacy FALSE

What type of rape are common for power rapist? (Criminal Investigations)

Date/ acquaintance rape

"Ward" meant: (Professional Policing)


Between 1900 and 1940, Communication with citizens decreased or increased? (Professional Policing)


Defense to Consumption by Minor: (TABC)

Defense to prosecution if the minor was in the presence of his adult spouse, parent or guardian.

Define Legal Intervention: (Traffic)

Deliberate Intent involving acts of law enforcement or other official - To stop traffic during daylight: look at driver, point at driver, raise palm and hold position until stopped.

Definition of distribute (Health and Safety Code)

Deliver a controlled substance other than by administering or dispensing (legally)

Which of these is considered a mood disorder? A. Antisocial B. Depression. C. Schizophrenia D. Autism (CIT)


Name a important change for Law Enforcement in the US between 1980's and today: (Professional Policing)

Development of community, or problem-oriented, policing has opened new potential for progressive policing in agencies, using both the traditional model and the problem-oriented model.

The Wickersham commission report initiated the ...? (Professional Policing)

Development of police reform and increased standards.

A person who will cooperate with you but will ask why first (FORCE OPTIONS)

Difficult person

Approaching suspect (Mechanics of arrest)

Direct approach Advantage - observe all movements Disadvantage - lose surprise element and vulnerable to resistance Rear approach Advantage - surprise; reduces probability of direct attack 3213 Side Approach Advantage - suspect off balance Disadvantage - Cannot observe all movement; reduces surprise

What are the phases of a trial? (Criminal Investigations)

Direct examination Cross examination Redirect examination Re-cross examination

Diagram should include: (Traffic)

Direction of travel prior to impact, area of impact, path to final rest, unit numbers, arrow facing any direction showing north (north arrow doesn't have to point up)

Positioning for effectiveness and safety includes: (Communication & Problem solving)

Distancing far enough to be safe, close enough to see and hear Facing squarely Looking directly at people to demonstrate confidence and attentiveness (while keeping the cultural context in mind).

Henry 1 developed the concept that certain offenses are against the peace and therefore an offense against the state is now known as...? (Professional Policing)

Disturbance of the Peace.

Henry I developed the concept that certain offenses are against the peace and therefore an offense against the state is now know as: (Professional Policing)

Disturbance of the peace.

"The learned" professions are? (Professionalism and Ethics)

Divinity, Law, Medicine.

A Class C CDL permits a person to drive any vehicle or combination of vehicles which: (Traffic)

Do not require a Class A or Class B CDL that is designed to transport between 16 and 23 occupants or that is used to transport hazardous materials requiring placards as specified in 49 C.F.R., Part 172, Subpart F.

How to direct pedestrian traffic: (Traffic)

Don't let pedestrians interfere with the crash or endanger themselves, Be courteous but firm, keep onlookers away from crash

Which is not a proper consideration when dealing with mentally ill person's? A. People in crisis need more personal space B. At or below eye level C. Don't tell them what you are doing. D. All of the above. (CIT)

Don't tell them what you are doing.

Factors To Consider When Placing Flares, Cones, Barricades: (Traffic)

Driver reaction time, Hills and Curves, Weather, Hazardous Situations

According to TCOLE objective Racial Profiling handout, what does DWB? (Racial Profiling)

Driving while Black or Brown.

How to identify a controlled substance (Health and Safety Code)

Drug bible Poison control Field test Send it to the lab (SWIFS) PDR

Description of something that helps to introduce drugs into your body (Health and Safety Code)

Drug paraphernalia Syringe, bong, vape (not a prescription bottle)

The right shell stop is located on the same side as the ___ ___. (Firearms)


The most common failure to fire stoppage is: (Firearms)


Failure to ____ does not qualify as a phase II stop. (Firearms)


Which is not a guideline for a healthy diet? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Eat more food high in cholesterol

Facilitating a pleasant and not stressful environment is a goal of (Communication & Problem solving)

Effective Communication.

Arranging the environment for effective communication includes: (Communication & Problem solving)

Eliminate distractions Adding attractors (privacy, comfort, etc.) Enhancing the environment to facilitate communication.

Posturing for Effect and Control describe...? (Communication & Problem solving)

Eliminating from the environment anything that might distract you or the person whom you are supervising or with whom you are interacting.

When can you use the shoulder? (Traffic)

Emergency situations To avoid a collision When a vehicle is preparing to turn left, on a one lane street When you allow the vehicle to pass When your slowing down to make a right turn When you are about to merge and need to accelerate

Which is listed as a helpful tool to use to redirect someone's behavior through verbal persuasion (FORCE OPTIONS)


Which is not a barrier to communication A. Empathy. B. Moralizing C. Name calling D. Criticizing (CIT)


American Policing got its basic law enforcement roots from: (Professional Policing)

European Methods.

American policing got its basic LE roots from ___ methods. (Professional Policing)


According to interviewing techniques, statements, recorded during interrogations are considered to be: (Criminal Investigations)


Components of fitness divided into 2 categories; functional and health related fitness and motor fitness. Which of the following are motor? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Explosive Leg Strength and Anaerobic Power (Speed).

Only approved _____ ammunition should be carried on duty (Firearms)


T/F: Elder abuse does not involve intimidation by family members. (Criminal Investigations)


True or false? Law enforcement does not have a poor health profile (Fitness and Wellness Review)


The shotgun is ready to be carried in the police vehicle when you have made sure there are ____ rounds in the chamber (Firearms)


There are __ components in pistol ammunition (Firearms)


The shotgun will hold ___ shells in the magazine tube and ___ in the chamber (Firearms)


The slide release is located at the ____ of the trigger guard (Firearms)


What is required to hit a moving target? (Firearms)


T/F: According to lecture on juvenile issues, the report of abused or neglect does not apply to privileged communications between attorney and client? (Texas Family Code)


T/F: Texas Family code requires when referring the cases to juvenile court that a complete statement of the circumstances that the alleged delinquent conduct does not need to ? (Texas Family Code)


Elder abuse cases are easy to investigate due to the victim is always available and remembers all the accounts of what occured. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Aggravated assaults are not serious and shouldn't be handled as homicides. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: During the course of an interview, a person that makes a statement that leads the officer to believe that the person was definitely involved in the crime. That officer must continue interviewing and not warning this person of his rights. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Flexibility is not a component of health related physical fitness. (Fitness and Wellness Review)


T/F: New law-enforcement weapons allowed officers more firepower than criminals. (Professional Policing)


T/F: Probable cause includes all means by which an alleged fact, the truth of which is submitted to scrutiny and is established or disproved. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Texas became a free and independent republic after the Battle of the Alamo. (Professional Policing)


T/F: The objective of a crime scene search is to determine when a crime will be committed again. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Upon arrival at the location of a Sexual Assault offense, the responding officer first responsibility is to call for a female officer to interview the victim (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Wellness can be best defined as strength. (Fitness and Wellness Review)


T/F: While conducting a preliminary investigation of a sexual assault, the final responsibility of the responding officer is to broadcast the suspect's information on the police radio. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: courtroom testimony is a test of an officer's true abilities, including intelligence (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: one of the reason for maintaining a case folder is to reduce the workload on the judge (Criminal Investigations)


Sources of secondary victimization may include: (Family Violence)

Family Friends Health and mental health professionals victim service workers School educators

What does the Legislative Statement provide for victims of family violence? (Family Violence)

Family violence is a serious danger and threat to society and its members. Victims of family violence are entitled to the maximum protection from harm or abuse or the threat of harm or abuse as permitted by law. In any law enforcement, prosecutorial, or judicial response to allegations of family violence, the responding law enforcement or judicial officers shall protect the victim, without regard to the relationship between the alleged offender and victim.

3 different types of tractors? (Traffic)

Farm(Husbandry), Road, Truck(Semi-trailer) Tractors.

What pace would you search for a missing person? (Criminal Investigations)


hat are possible responses to children exposed to violence? (Criminal Investigations)

Fear, shock, dreams about violence, guilt, aggressive, confused, tearful, anxious about separation, regression to a safer time, isolating temper tantrums, isolating, bed-wetting, usually ill.

If a crash with injury, death or damage over $1000 is not investigated by a Peace Officer, then the operator shall...? (Traffic)

File their own written report.

What are some reasons a victim would stay in a violent situation? (Family Violence)

Financial dependence on the abuser Lack of an available support system The victim's previous negative experience with the criminal legal system Fear due to increased threats by the abuser when victims try to leave Loves the abuser but wants the violence to stop Children want to stay/return Victim believes that the children need both parents Immigrant victims face additional barriers of threats with the INS, distrust of law enforcement, language

What are some rewards of Providing Quality Police Customer Service? (Professional Policing)

Financial rewards come from a community that is aware of the quality of their police.

Criminal identification by means of ______ is one of the most effective factors of identifying fugitives that would otherwise escape apprehension. (Criminal Investigations)


Measurements should be taken from a ...? (Traffic)

Fixed Point.

Know what is available to you: (Your tools) (Traffic)

Flares, Cones, Barricades, Arrow Boards, Patrol Vehicle Emergency Lights

A credit card abuse offense should be made: A. For the cardholder even though they didn't suffer a financial loss B. For the merchant that suffered the financial loss C. For the credit card company that didn't suffer the financial loss D. None of the above (Identify Theft)

For the credit card company that didn't suffer the financial loss

Which is the least violent of offenders? (Criminal Investigations)

Force/ credit card abuse.

What is a gray market vehicle? (Criminal Investigations)

Foreign made vehicle not produced for sale in the US but has been imported into the US, but many not meet the DoT of EPA standards.

Forged a prescription. What do you charge them with (Health and Safety Code)


What are the top 6 categories of financial crime categories? (Financial Investigations)

Fraud use/possession identifying info. Forgery. Theft. Credit/debit card abuse. False statement to obtain property/credit. Tampering with governmental record.

What does FITT acronym stand for? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.

Where is the primary target zone for bruising? (Criminal Investigations)

From the back of the child's neck to the back of the knees

Front Distributed (FD) v. Front Concentrated (FC) (Traffic)

Front Distributed: front end damage due to distributed impact resulting from full contact of front end of subject vehicle with other vehicle or broad object

Maintain control of your flashlight during reloads by placing it under the armpit of the ___ ___. (Firearms)


What is the goal of a Community Policing Officer (CPO)? (Professional Policing)

Goal is to allow, CPOs to own their beat areas, so that they can develop the rapport and trust that is vital in encouraging people to become involved in efforts to address the problems in their neighborhoods.

What are symptoms associated with drug abuse? (Health and Safety Code)

Grogginess, hyperactivity, paranoia, stomachache, All of the Above

Premises- (TABC)

Grounds and all buildings, vehicles, and appurtenances pertaining to grounds, including any adjacent premises if they are directly OR indirectly under control of same person.

Place a foreign object between the ___ ___ ___. (Firearms)

HAMMER AND FRAME of a weapon

Weapon Defense (Mechanics of arrest)

Handcuffs Chemical and Electrical Devices Taser OC Pepper Spray Similar Weapons Impact Weapons Straight baton Expandable baton Side handle baton Similar weapons

Define a Bicycle: (Traffic)

Has 2 wheels and one must have 14 inches in diameter.

What is the leading cause of death? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Heart disease

Which is not present on the wellness pyramid? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Heart rate.

What are the 5 things to say to a victim? (Family Violence)

I'm afraid for you safety I'm afraid for the safety of your children I'm here for you if you need me. It will only get worse It isn't your fault

CR3 (Crash Report) is required for: (Traffic)


Define Crash: (Traffic)

Identified event that produces injury, death, or damage. Injury is determined at the Scene

Interview techniques (Health and Safety Code)

Identity of driver Get IDs Where they are going and purpose Who's car is it Separate multiple suspects

In regards to TABC, when will you need to Search with a Warrant? (TABC)

If location is not a licensed premises you generally need a search warrant to search and seize.

What is Misrepresentation of Age by Minor? (TABC)

If minor falsely states or shows ANY document that indicates he is 21 or older to a person engaged in selling alcoholic beverages.

When is a Protective Order enforceable? (Family Violence)

If the respondent (the person to whom the order is directed) is present and is in violation of one of the criminally enforceable provisions of the "Protective Order," the officer SHALL arrest for Violation of Protective Order under Penal Code Sec. 25.07. If the officer has probable cause to believe the respondent has violated a Protective Order and the respondent is located within a reasonable amount of time, the officer MAY arrest without warrant. (An officer does not have to have witness affidavits to establish probable cause.)

Which allows an officer to overcome obstacles to effective communication (FORCE OPTIONS)

Ignore Step around

Human Trafficking- (TABC)

Illegal trade in humans through use of force, fraud, or coercion, for purposes of sexual exploitation or forced labor or services.

When investigating a child abuse case involving immersion burns what is 1 step to take? (Criminal Investigations)

Immediately test water temperature in all faucets and the hot water heater

The phases of a victim reaction to a crime are: (Victims of Crime)

Impact Recoil reorganization

What is it called if the shoulder of the street is paved? (Traffic)

Improved shoulder.

What happens to an offense if committed against an elderly person? (Financial Investigations)

Increased to the next higher category.

In the late 18th century people moved to the cities due to the ___ ___ and the resulting jobs. This population growth also caused a major __ in crime. (Professional Policing)

Industrial Revolution; increase.

What age group of children are most likely to be physically abused? (Criminal Investigations)

Infants or preschool age (3-6 years old.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by: A. Psychosis B. Intense enthusiasm and depression. C. OCD D. hyperactivity E. All of the above. (CIT)

Intense enthusiasm and depression.

Which is not a principle of an exercise program? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Intensity. (Didn't get the other possible answers he read off. 4 principles are progressive overload, regularity and recovery, specificity, and balance.

If the definition of an offense does not prescribe a culpable mental state, a culpable mental state is nevertheless required unless the definitions plainly dispenses with any mental element. With this, What capabilities will suffice to establish criminal responsibility? (PC)

Intent, knowledge, or recklessness.

At-Grade Intersection: (Traffic)

Intersection or junction where all roadways cross or join at the same level.

What is a Crosswalk? (Traffic)

It is a portion of a roadway that connects two sides of the road to allow pedestrians to cross.

what is important characteristic of a rough sketch? (Criminal Investigations)

It needs to be accurate

The FBI was created on...? (Professional Policing)

July 26, 1908.

Who developed the idea of felony and misdemeanor grade offenses? (Professional Policing)

King Henry I.

What is the paradox of crisis intervention? (CIT)


The acronym _________ is useful when trying to understand another's state of mind (FORCE OPTIONS)


Understanding another person's state of mind is best defined by using what acronym (FORCE OPTIONS)


The safety is in the fire position when it is set to the ___. (Firearms)


Surnames of all involved parties should be ___ ___of police report narratives!! (Written and verbal communication)


In re Gault (Case Law)

Landmark case that says the 14th amendment also covers juveniles. Example: 1. Prank phone calls by juveniles. No parent notification. Sentenced to remaining childhood (6 years) in state school. 2. Petitioners entitled to... a. Notice of charges b. Right to counsel c. Right to confront witnesses d. Privilege against self-incrimination e. Right to a transcript of proceedings f. Right to appellate process 3. Parents filed Writ of Habeas Corpus 4. Extended normal rights of criminals to juveniles

Law enforcement are _____ other Americans with _____ being the #1 cause of death (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Like, heart disease.

What actions can be done to move a person closer to the wellness side on the wellness continuum? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Limit alcohol, fasten safety belts, and limit sun exposure.

Ways an officer can help victims after a crisis to show concern: (Victims of Crime)

Listening Help them deal with guilt Avoid second guessing

List the possible reasons to carry a flashlight. (Firearms)

Locate a SUSPECT IDENTIFY a target Use your SIGHTS Illuminate a TARGET

A mentally ill person may exhibit: A. Little strength B. Lots of strength. C. Little intelligence D. Lots of intelligence (CIT)

Lots of strength.

The shells released from the ___ tube are aligned with the ___ by the shell lifter (Firearms)


Phase III stoppages: (Firearms)


________________ refers to range of substantial limitations before age 18. (CIT)


Who can rescind a protective order? (Family Violence)


Which are good strategies to employ when communicating with persons under uniquely stressful situations? (FORCE OPTIONS)

Maintain interest Remain objective Understand they are incapable of being reasonable Allow them to vent Listen (All of the above)

What are some common ways checks are forged? (Financial Investigations)

Maker's signature forged. Endorsement forged. Check amount or payee name altered. Unauthorized maker's signature. Counterfeit.

Define Beer: (TABC)

Malt beverage containing .5% - 4% of alcohol by volume.

Ale or Malt Liquor: (TABC)

Malt beverage containing more than 4% alcohol by weight.

Beer: (TABC)

Malt beverage containing more than ½ of 1% of alcohol by volume and not more than 4% by weight.

Define Malt Liquor: (TABC)

Malt beverage containing over 4% alcohol by weight.

Major categories of drugs (Health and Safety Code)

Marijuana Simulated controlled substances Depressant Barbiturate Narcotics Hallucinogens

In regards to TABC, when can you inspect L/Ps? (TABC)

May INSPECT L/P at any time without a search warrant for purpose of performing any DUTY imposed by code.

Impact weapon use (Mechanics of arrest)

May be used in lawful situations requiring a degree of force greater than the use of weaponless strategies but less than deadly force.

What is "Coercion"? (PC)

Means a threat, however communicated: a) To commit an offense; b) To inflict BI in the future on the person threatened or another; c) To accuse a person of any offense; d) To expose a person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule; e) To harm the credit or business repute of any person; f) to take or withold action as a public servant, or to cause a public servant to take or withhold action.

Define Alcoholic Beverage: (TABC)

Means alcohol, or any beverage containing more than ½ of 1% of alcohol by volume, which is capable of use for beverage purposes, either alone or when diluted.

Define "Conduct": (PC)

Means an act or omission and its accompanying mental state.

You receive a call about a person complaining that "everyone is out to get me and I won't let them". This person is experiencing what? (CIT)

Mental Illness.

A person determined to have subaverage intelligence under the age of 18 has: (CIT)

Mental Retardation.

Which of the following is NOT true: A symptom of depression is that you can't enjoy things Mental illness is a inability to tell right from wrong. (CIT)

Mental illness is a inability to tell right from wrong.

Which of the following is NOT true: Mental illness impacts a person's thoughts Mental retardation is characterized by distortion in the senses. (CIT)

Mental retardation is characterized by distortion in the senses.

The Texas rangers were initially made up of...? (Professional Policing)

Militia Members.

Speed estimates from skid marks provide a __ __. (Traffic)

Minimum Speed

What is the general penalty for a violation when it is not specified in the code? (TABC)

Misdemeanor. $100-$1000 or by confinement for not more than 1 year or BOTH.

August Vollmer is credited with the creation of a police force that became the___? (Professional Policing)

Model for rest of the nation.

Unit 1 must be what type of Unit? (Traffic)

Motor Vehicle in Transport

Define Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash: (Traffic)

Motor vehicle crash that occurs on a traffic way or occurs after the motor vehicle runs off the roadway but before events are stabilized. (Crashes originating on a traffic way)

What is a BUS? (Traffic)

Motor vehicle, used to transport persons, designed to carry more than 10 passengers, includes operator and/or transports for compensation.

What is the difference between a Vehicle and Motor-Vehicle?

Motor-Vehicle is self propelled.

Define Motor Vehicle: (Traffic)

Motorized (mechanically or electrically powered) road vehicle including its cargo (for crash reporting only) not operated on rails this includes buT not limited to [bus, all terrain vehicle, auto cycle,farm tractor, golf cart, farm tractor, truck, car, motorcycle, moped,road tractor, truck tractor, ect]

Define Train: (Traffic)

Motorized railroad vehicle or a land vehicle that is operated on rails.

Who are the local authority? (Traffic)

Municipal, County, local department legally able to enact law

Are most abusers willing to be held accountable for his/her actions? (Family Violence)


What are some information requirements of drivers who are involved in all types of crashes (stopping, leaving info, Rendering Aid) (Traffic)

Name, address, motor vehicle insurer, registration number, DL if available

Minimum amount of force sufficient to achieve a legitimate police objective is (FORCE OPTIONS)

Necessary force

Nervous tics of drug dealers (Health and Safety Code)

Nervousness, rental car, appearance of vehicle, doesn't have the trunk keys, no drivers license, smell of marijuana,

Define Community Policing: (Professional Policing)

New philosophy of policing, based on the concept that police officers and private citizens working together in creative ways can help solve contemporary community problems related to crime, fear of crime, social and physical disorder and neighborhood decay.

The development of community or problem oriented police opened...? (Professional Policing)

New potential for progressive policing.

"Watch" meant: (Professional Policing)


You get called to an agg sex assault. As the officer arrives at the scene the suspect runs into crowd and points a semi automatic at the officer. Officer shoots and misses killing two kids. What defense is there for the officers use of force (FORCE OPTIONS)

No defense

Can an Alley form an intersection? (Traffic)


Does a roadway include the shoulder? (Traffic)


Is a co-worker recognized by the Family Code as a family member? (Family Violence)


Legal Hours of Sale- (TABC)

ON Premises Retail Locations-(bars, nightclubs, restaurants) Depends on size or local ordinance but typically: Monday-Saturday 7am-Midnight Sunday (Saturday Night)- Midnight-1am Sunday**- noon-midnight Extended hours (depending on size and local ordinance) Monday-Saturday 7am-2am Sunday**- noon- 2am 10am with service of food, at a festival, fair, concert or Sports Venue

according to the Code of Criminal Procedures, the uncorroborated testimony of the victim informed any person, other than the defendant, of the alleged offense within ________ after the date on which the offense is alleged to have occurred. (Criminal Investigations)


In the case of SBI, and the victim is alive and conscious, what information should an officer get from the victim? (Criminal Investigations)

Obtain ID and information about next of kin

According to interviewing techniques, interrogation at the scene of a crime should be used to: (Criminal Investigations)

Obtain facts and circumstances.

Criminally injurious conduct is defined as: (Victims of Crime)

Occurs or is attempted, poses as initial to punishable injury or death Punishable by fine or imprisonment Does not arise out of ownership or maintenance of use of motor vehicle unless conduct is intended to cause personal injury or death

Consumption/Open Container Near Schools: (TABC)

Offense committed if person possesses open container or consumes alcohol on public street, public alley, or public sidewalk within 1,000 ft. of property line of facility that is public or private school.

Sale to Minor- (TABC)

Offense is committed if with criminal negligence he sells an alcohol beverage to a minor; does not commit an offense if minor falsely represents himself to be 21 by displaying apparently valid proof of I.D.; Class A misdemeanor.

Warrantless Seizures- (TABC)

Officer may seize without any warrant 1) any illicit beverage, its container, and its packaging; 2) Any vehicle, including aircraft or watercraft, used to transport illicit beverages; 3) Any equipment designed for use in or used in manufacturing illicit beverage; and 4) Any material to be used in manufacturing illicit beverage. Person found in possession of the above may be arrests without warrant at time of seizure.

Number one concern: A. Good public relations B. Officer safety. C. Not using force D. Safety of citizens (CIT)

Officer safety.

To Determine How To Secure a Crash Scene: (Traffic)

Officers must consider: availability of assistance, type of problem, severity of conditions.

Define Know All Roadway Types: (Traffic)

One Way,Two Way Divided(Unprotected Median), Two Way Not Divided, Two Way Divided (Median protected), Other

Define Mixed Beverage: (TABC)

One or more servings of a beverage composed in whole or in part of an alcoholic beverage in a sealed or unsealed contain of any size for consumption.

What types of questions should an officer answer? (Criminal Investigations)

Only question they are qualified to answer

According to the racial profiling TCOLE objective handout, what was the name of the program instituted by the DEA in 1986 that trained state and local police agencies in the use of pretext traffic stops in order to find drugs in vehicles. (Racial Profiling)

Operation pipeline

What are the categories of adult sex offenders? (Criminal Investigations)

Opportunistic rapist Sadistic rapist Anger rapist Power rapist

a streetcar, animal carrying a person, animal drawn carriage, or herded animals are considered what type of traffic unit? (Traffic)


Harries technique of light control involves holding the flashlight ___to the firing arm in the ___. (Firearms)


Name a Personality Disorder that was covered:


What is the medical screen determining physical readiness prior to working? (Fitness and Wellness Review)


Early policing was filled with corruption because ...? (Professional Policing)

PD's were an extension of political party's power base.

Failure to feed is a: (Firearms)


Failure to fire is a: (Firearms)


A non mechanical stoppage: (Firearms)


Sexual assaults are crimes to exercise ________ not crimes of _______ (Criminal Investigations)


When an individual experiences unusual traumatic event that involves actual or threatens death in which the individual felt intense fear, horror, or helplessness. (Victims of Crime)


Which is true? A. Antisocial is common in females. B. People who talk about suicide won't commit it. C. Paranoid, antisocial, and borderline are common. D. All of the above are untrue. (CIT)

Paranoid, antisocial, and borderline are common.

Define Road: (Traffic)

Part of a traffic way which includes both the roadway and any shoulder alongside the roadway (Includes designed parking area on a roadway or between the roadway and curb)

Define Shoulder: (Traffic)

Part of the traffic way contiguous with the roadway for emergency use, accommodation of stopped vehicles and lateral support of the roadway structure (excludes land ways or places not open to the public for purposes of vehicular travel as a matter of right of custom, such as a traffic way closed for repair purposes)

Search without a Warrant- (TABC)

Peace Officer may inspect or conduct inspection of premises covered by a license or permit at any time without search warrant for purpose of performing any duty imposed by this Code. By accepting license or permit, holder consents.

In community policing, who are LEs responsible to? (Professional Policing)

Peace officer is responsible to the citizens of the community through the chain of command in the organization

What terms describes an individual who has fantasies, urges, or behaviors that involve illegal sexual activity with a prepubescent child? (Criminal Investigations)


Criminal Negligence- (TABC)

Person acts with criminal negligence, or is criminally negligent, with respect to circumstances surrounding his conduct or result of his conduct when he ought to be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the circumstances exist or the result will occur. Risk must be of such a nature and degree that failure to perceive it constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that an ordinary person would exercise under all circumstances as viewed from actor's standpoint (Texas Penal Code)

Public Intoxication (PI)- (TABC)

Person commits an offense if he/she appears in public place while intoxicated to degree that he/she may endanger him/herself or another.

Minor- (TABC)

Person under 21 years.

General Penalty- (TABC)

Person who violates a provision of this Code for which specific penalty is not provided is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is punishable by a fine or at least $100 and not more than $1,000 or by county confinement for not more than 1 year, or both. Specific penalty- penalty, which might be imposed as a result of criminal prosecution.

Which type of sketch would be used when no camera is available? (Criminal Investigations)

Perspective Sketch.

What is the condition of the body when the body can be used without undue fatigue and exhaustion? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Physical Fitness

What is the condition of the body when the body can be used without undue fatigue and exhaustion? (Physical Wellness)

Physical Fitness.

What are the six forms of child abuse? (Criminal Investigations)

Physical or emotional injury Sexual abuse Sexual exploitation Physical neglect Medical neglect Inadequate supervision

Physical response to trauma includes which of the following? Loss of trust Physical shock Disorientation numbness/ frozen flight (Victims of Crime)

Physical shock Disorientation numbness/ frozen flight

Positioning describes... what? (Communication & Problem solving)

Placing your body so you are able to observe, listen or perform some physical act.

Definition of Production (Health and Safety Code)

Planting, growing, harvesting, cultivating, manufacturing

Which of the following best describes the role of law enforcement in an arrest (FORCE OPTIONS)

Police role is best defined as defensive The word defensive is serving to protect

Define Roadway: (Traffic)

Portion of a traffic way designed, improved or ordinarily used for motor vehicle travel (excludes bridle paths, bicycle path and shoulders)

What is Consumption Near Schools? (TABC)

Possessing an open container or consumes alcohol on a public street, alley or sidewalk within 1000 feet of the property of public, private or parochial schools.

Stop someone and arrest them for warrants, inventory the car and find less than 2 oz of marijuana (Health and Safety Code)

Possession of marijuana class B

What is the blue/red/purple discoloration of a body nearest to the ground called? (Criminal Investigations)

Post Mortem Lividity.

Which are Motor related Skills? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Power, balance, speed, accuracy, and agility.

What is not a component of health related physical fitness? (Fitness and Wellness Review)


What is the purpose of packaging items of evidence? (Criminal Investigations)

Prevent breaking, spoiling, loss, and contamination

Principles of self-defense. (Mechanics of arrest)

Prevention Be aware of potential dangers Avoid overextending yourself Maintain the proper distance to allow yourself adequate reaction time If attacked, move out of the line of force rather than try to stop the force

When should a person, who is a suspect and in-custody, be read their rights? (Criminal Investigations)

Prior to the interview

Adding attractors includes: (Communication & Problem solving)

Privacy Comfortable setting Eliminating barriers

_____ is a known fact and circumstances of a reasonable trustworthy nature sufficient to justify and or reasonable caution in a belief that a crime has been committed or is about to be? (Racial Profiling)

Probable Cause

Wine and Vinous Liquor- (TABC)

Product obtained from alcoholic fermentation of juice of grapes, fruits, berries, or honey, and includes wine coolers.

How is Wine and Vinous Liquor made? (TABC)

Product obtained from the alcoholic fermentation of juice of sound ripe grapes, berries, or honey (Includes wine coolers).

The occupation which one professes to be skilled in defines? (Professionalism and Ethics)


"One who is engaged in one of the learned or skilled professions, or in a calling considered socially superior to a trade or craft? (Professionalism and Ethics)


It is a set of characteristics when arbitrary describes to a human behavior or a social situation in by which we judge, evaluate, and categorize people, places, and things.... These characteristics are derived from our life experiences and our flagged? Definition (Racial Profiling)


Which main principle says the demands on the body must be greater than daily activity for improvement? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Progressive Overload

Objects struck other than vehicles must be in report under---? (Traffic)


Why hold the batter accountable? (Family Violence)

Protect the victim Protect the children Get batterer help (mental illness, substance abuse, psychological counseling/batterers intervention program) Stop the cycle of abuse

What is the TABC tasked with? (TABC)

Protection of the welfare, health, peace, temperance, and safety of the people of the state. The code shall be liberally construed to accomplish this purpose.

What is present in all muscles, bones, and enzymes? (Fitness and Wellness Review)


Offenses Related to Age: (TABC)

Purchase of Alcohol by Minor; Attempt to Purchase; Consumption by Minor

Know what date is used for "Date Report Made" on a supplement: (Traffic)

Put the date that the change was made not the date that the report was made.

Which type of search is best for scenes that have regular patterns or defined border? (Criminal Investigations)

Quadrant Search.

Between 1900 and 1940, Performance was not based on...? (Professional Policing)


Barrel: (TABC)

Quantity of beer equal to 31 standard gallons.

It is not recommended to use the same ____ repeatedly to load the _____since damage is caused to the case rim when extracted (Firearms)


According to the Code of Criminal Procedures Article 42.014, what groups are protected when the person or their property is selected because of the defendants bias or prejudice? (Criminal Investigations)

Race Color Disability Religion National origin or ancestry Age Gender Sexual preference Status as a peace officer or judge.

At no time will a Sworn Employee rely on racial profiling on probable cause or reasonable suspicion determination. (Racial Profiling)

Racial Profiling.

Motor Vehicles equipped with flanged wheels and driven on the track are: (Traffic)

Railway Vehicles.

What category of homicide does gang activity usually fall? (Criminal Investigations)

Random Killing.

Which type of killing is most difficult to solve? (Criminal Investigations)

Random killing = most difficult

Property Includes: (Traffic)

Real Property, Personal Property, Animals (wild/domestic), Signs, Guardrails, Impact attenuators, trees, fences, Traffic Control Devices, Shrubs

What can be listed as Damaged Property other than vehicles? (Traffic)

Real Property, Personal Property, Shrubs/Trees, Animals-domestic, Signs, Guardrails, Impact Attenuates

The amount of lawful physical coercion necessary to achieve a reasonable police objective is (FORCE OPTIONS)

Reasonable or necessary force

Stage 3 of a crisis is: (Victims of Crime)

Reconstruction of equilibrium

What is on the bottom of the wellness pyramid? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Regular Exercise

Which main principle says the exercise program must be consistent and provide time to rest? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Regularity and Recovery

The earliest form of professionalism, came from? (Professionalism and Ethics)

Religious Orders.

You have just been dispatched to an elderly couple to notify them that their daughter has been killed in a car accident what do you NOT do: (Victims of Crime)

Remain standing Be stiff Be formal

Unlawful delivery of a simulated controlled substance (Health and Safety Code)

Represented the drug to be a real drug Stated to a person that it was real Alluded it to be real

In the era from 1950s and 1970, What was used to measure police performance? (Professional Policing)

Response time, crime statistics, and citizen complaints.

Which type of killing usually has a history between the perpetrator and the victim? (Criminal Investigations)

Revenge killing = history

2 Suspects, 1 Set of Handcuffs (Mechanics of arrest)

Right hand to right hand, left hand to left hand.

What is the stiffening of muscles called? (Criminal Investigations)

Rigor Mortis.

Maryland v. Shatzer (Case Law)

SCOTUS created 14 day rule which allows police to re-initiate questioning with criminal suspects who have previously invoked their right to counsel after a 14 day break in Miranda custody. a. Suspect invoked right to counsel. 2 ½ years later, to a different detective, confessed to original crime.

City of Ontario v. Quon (Case Law)

SCOTUS held that a government employer's search of an employee's messages on a work-related pager was reasonable.

Snyder v. Phelps (Case Law)

SCOTUS held that the 1st Amendment shielded church members form tort liability for picketing at military funerals (Westboro Baptist).

Pseudonyms in place of comps name may be used in cases of ____ ___ for the protection of the Comp (Written and verbal communication)


What is the Duty of Peace Officers in regards to TABC? (TABC)

SHALL enforce the provisions of this code and cooperate with and assist the commission in detecting violations and apprehending offenders.

Which of the following is NOT a reaction to a victims reaction to crime? Impact Shock Recoil Reorganization (Victims of Crime)


What are the Penalty grades for having Identifying information? (Financial Investigations)

SJF if the number of items obtained, possessed, transferred, or used > 5; F3 if number of items obtained, possessed, transferred, or used is 5< 10. F2: number of items obtained, possessed, transferred, or used is 10 < 50; or F1 if "" is 50 < more.

Credit Card/Debit Card Abuse Penalty: (Financial Investigations)

SJF starting off. F3 if against an elderly.

As each round is fired it is extracted and ejected as the ___ is forced rearward (Firearms)


The SIG recoil is is assembled onto the recoil spring guide ___ end first (Firearms)


Rounds in the magazine are forced upward by the magazine (Firearms)


Psychological factors such as strong will and _____ _____ or sheer emotion of rage or ____ can cause an injured person to delay ______ and continue fighting (Firearms)


Which category of rapist is verbally commanding and degrading? (Criminal Investigations)

Sadistic rapist

Bootlegging: (TABC)

Sale of alcohol without permit/license.

April 21, 1836: Texans won their independence from Mexico in one of the most decisive battles in history when they defeated the Mexican forces of Santa Anna at the Battle of ___ ___. (Professional Policing)

San Jacinto.

Which dietary fat is considered bad because it raises cholesterol? (Fitness and Wellness Review)


Which fat is bad fat and raises LDL? (Fitness and Wellness Review)


Which type of sketch would be used to show the path of a bullet through a wall? (Criminal Investigations)

Schematic Sketch.

Which type of sketch would be used to show the skidding of vehicle tires? (Criminal Investigations)

Schematic Sketch.

Name a Psychological Disorder that was covered: (CIT)


A Motor Vehicle used to transport kids to school is? (Traffic)

School Bus.

When is Posession of Identifying Information often discovered? (Financial Investigations)

Searching a person. Inventory Search. Etc.

Arrest someone for controlled substance penalty group 1 more than 4 grams or less than 200 grams (Health and Safety Code)

Second degree

What can you charge someone if they intentionally deliver any penalty group to a person who is 17 or younger (minor) (Health and Safety Code)

Second degree

Over half or elder abuse cases involved what? (Criminal Investigations)

Self Neglect.

three basic concepts of weaponless strategies. (Mechanics of arrest)

Self-Control - Maintain physical/emotional control to ensure safety of officer, arrestee, and public. Balance - Proper positioning includes staying just outside suspect's reach but where you can view everything, gun side away and balanced stance. Awareness - Observe and aware of suspect's hands, weapons, associates or relatives of the suspect, escape routes, and your own footing.

What is on the top of the wellness pyramid? (Fitness and Wellness Review)


In order to receive crime victim rights they must be a victim of which of the following? Sexual assault Kidnapping Aggravated robbery BURGLARY (Victims of Crime)

Sexual assault Kidnapping Aggravated robbery

What is Intrastate commerce? (Traffic)

Shipment of property within single state.

The word "Sheriff" was derived from what two terms? (Professional Policing)

Shire and Reeve.

Range of crisis reactions include: (Victims of Crime)

Shock Depression and loneliness Panic Hostility and resentment

Who is the early history law-enforcement pioneer who is given the most credit for professional policing in America and England? (Professional Policing)

Sir Robert Peel.

What are the two categories of pedophiles? v(Criminal Investigations)

Situational Preferential child molester

Which of the following is not true? A. Size and age of a suspect determines the need for backup. B. Someone with mental illness may be very strong. C. Both A and B.

Size and age of a suspect determines the need for backup.

The _____________ and ___________ of a mentally ill person has little to do with if you should call back up. A. Size and strength B. Age and body stance C. Size and age. D. Size and race (CIT)

Size and age.

What pace would you search for trace evidence ? (Criminal Investigations)


What causes a branding iron burn? (Criminal Investigations)

Something hot pressing against the skin

Which approach should you take when approaching someone who is psychotic? A. Rush them B. Don't approach and call the mental unit C. Space, communication, and rapport. D. Yell at them (CIT)

Space, communication, and rapport.

For over 100 years, from the 1690's to 1821, Texas was part of Mexico governed by Spain and policing duties were handled by the ...? (Professional Policing)

Spanish military.

The use of numerous __________ _________ became the method for removing patrol officers from most follow-up activities. (Professional Policing)

Specialized Units.

Which of the 4 main principles of an exercise program is where the body adapts specifically to the type of demand placed on it? (Fitness and Wellness Review)


Operational Factors: functional failures of the human element of the highway transportation system that contribute to the cause of a traffic collision: (Traffic)

Speeding over the limit Faulty Evasive Action Fatigued or Asleep Taking Medication Speeding Over Limit

Distorted thinking with schizophrenia doesn't result in: A. Overreaction B. Disorganized speech C. Split personality. D. All of the above. (CIT)

Split personality.

Posturing for effect and control includes: (Communication & Problem solving)

Standing or sitting erect to show strength and confidence in oneself Eliminating distracting behaviors that interfere with focusing on what is important Leaning forward slightly to show that you are interested and concerned.

Define Unstabilized Situation: (Traffic)

Starts when control is lost and ends when control is regained or all persons and property are at rest.(excludes Deliberate Intent/Legal Intervention/ homicide/ suicide/ other harmful events under human control)

A person posses 5 lbs of marijuana, they can be charged with a (Health and Safety Code)

State Jail Felony

Caught with more than 4 oz but less than 5 lbs or marijuana (Health and Safety Code)

State jail

5 choices of a victim: (Family Violence)

Stay and be passive Stay and be combative Leave Kill the batterer Commit suicide

What type of thief are uniformed officers more likely to encounter? (Criminal Investigations)

Street thieves

List a few Areas that are Reportable Areas: (Traffic)

Street/Highway, Gas Station, Shopping Center, Free Parking Lots, Business owned access ways, road, or streets open to the public, Hotel and motel driveways, Hotel, Arena, Airport, Cemetery, ect. Driveways that are not restricted, Non restricted roads on military bases where the state has jurisdiction, Oil lease and irrigation roads that are open to the public, Private school not restricted, Filling station driveway, Non reportable Areas, Residential driveways/parking areas, Farm and ranch roads not open to the public,Restricted roads on military bases, Posted roads restricted by signs or barricades, Loading dock areas Car repair areas, Racetracks, Drive in theatres, Motor Vehicle Sale Lots, Garage Storage and repair areas

Baton use (Mechanics of arrest)

Strike areas - Center mass of arms, legs and abdomen. Non-strike areas - Above plane of shoulders, groin, center of back (spine)/kidney area, chest (unless deadly force is authorized).

Which type of search is the best for outdoor crime scenes? (Criminal Investigations)

Strip Search.

According to the Dallas PD G.O. 431.07 regarding racial profiling the _____ have the responsibility to monitoring the activities to ensure that racial profiling is not being practiced. (Racial Profiling)


Risk Factors (Mechanics of arrest)

Suspect's mental attitude/behavioral disorders Time and location Intoxication Spectators supportive attitude toward subject Officer attitude

A suspect is found to be in possession of multiple credit cards, checks, and drivers licenses belonging to others: A. Officers should place them in the suspects personal property if arrested B. Suspects should be arrested and charged with Identity Theft with the penalty grade C. Officers should shred all of the items D. Officers cannot arrest the suspect (Identify Theft)

Suspects should be arrested and charged with Identity Theft with the penalty grade.

The majority of phase I stoppages can be cleared by ___ ___ ___. (Firearms)


Which of the following is true about acquiescence (CIT)


What is important for LEOs to remember when dealing with someone with a mental illness? (CIT)


Honor before DEC 31st of each year the chief of police shall certify to the juvenile board that photographs and fingerprints that need to be destroyed have been destroyed, TRUE OR FALSE? (Texas Family Code)


T/F A hate crime is not an actual offense (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: According to 63.001 of the code of criminal procedure, a missing child may include a child taken or retained in violation of court order? (Texas Family Code)


T/F: According to 63.003 of the code of criminal procedure, a clearing house is a central repository of information on missing children and missing persons? (Texas Family Code)


T/F: According to texas family code, a person who reports the person's own abuse or neglect of a child is NOT immune to civil liability? (Texas Family Code)


T/F: An investigation by CPS of alleged abuse or neglect may include a visit to the child's school? (Texas Family Code)


T/F: Schizophrenia is characterized by hallucinations and light sensitivity (CIT)


When to check the Medical Advisory Review Board (MAB) box on state crash report: (Traffic)

Taking medication, physically ill, or mentally unstable.

Which is not an interaction technique taught: A. Use their name B. Talk loudly. C. Talk firmly D. Allow to vent (CIT)

Talk loudly.

What is the charge for a person that destroys the serial number on a vehicle? (Criminal Investigations)

Tampering w/ identification numbers?

In Texas, counties with less than 10,000 people in population the Sheriffs are responsible for ...? (Professional Policing)

Tax collecting and ex-officio tax assessing.

Which supreme court case limited amount of force that can be used to apprehend a fleeing felon (FORCE OPTIONS)

Tennessee v garner

According to racial profiling the supreme court decision on two landmark cases have structured appropriate actions for active stops one for traffic stops and the other for street field interviews, which were the two cases? (Racial Profiling)

Terry vs Ohio and Whren vs U.S.

1823: Stephen F. Austin employed a group of militia members to protect settlers from Indians and bandits raids, later known as __ __. (Professional Policing)

Texas Rangers.

Conditions became intolerable and led to the formation of: (Professional Policing)

The "New Police."

What initiated the development of police reform and increased standards? (Professional Policing)

The Wickersham Commission.

What invention allowed for a more rapid response to police calls for service? (Professional Policing)

The automobile.

"Criminal Episode" Means: (PC)

The commission of 2 or more offenses, regardless of whether the harm is directed toward or inflicted upon more than one person or item of property. -Committed pursuant to the same ransaction or pursuant to two or more transactions that are connected or constitute a common scheme or plan; - The offenses are the repeated commission of the same or similar offenses.

What is putrefaction? (Criminal Investigations)

The decomposition of body tissues.

What is the punishment if the prosecution proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the victim of an offense was targeted because of bias or prejudice and the offense is a Class A Misdemeanor? (Criminal Investigations)

The defendant is subject to a minimum confinement of 180 days

Define Licensed Premises: (TABC)

The grounds and all buildings, vehicles, and appurtenances pertaining to the grounds, including any adjacent premises if they are directly or indirectly under the control of the same person.

First harmful event for motor vehicle traffic crashes applies to: (Traffic)

The nature of he crash and the location of the motor vehicle in relation to the roadway at the time of the first injury or damage producing event.

What happens to the punishment if the prosecution proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the victim of an offense was selected because of the defendant's bias or prejudice? (Criminal Investigations)

The nest highest category of the offense

Police performanced increase due to rapid response, while actual communication with citizens decreased due to...? (Professional Policing)

The officer being removed from walking the streets and put into patrol vehicles.

What is vital to every criminal prosecution during the trial phase? (Criminal Investigations)

The officer's preparation to testify

Stop a vehicle for traffic and smell marijuana where can you search (Health and Safety Code)

The passenger area of the vehicle.

Victims guardian or close relative of a deceased victim is entitled to: (Victims of Crime)

The right to receive the Law enforcement agency adequate protection Right to be informed of general procedures in a guilty plea The right to have their property that is held by police officer as evidence returned when it is no longer needed in court The right to be informed of the date of the court proceedings

What is an Improved Shoulder? (Traffic)

The side of the street or highway that is not used, which is fully paved.

The ripple effect of victimization this process involves: (Victims of Crime)

The victim Family Friends Police

How do you determine the penalty or penalty group for passing or attempting to pass a forged prescription (Health and Safety Code)

The weight and type of the amount they were trying to get (listing and drug schedule)

What is a Swindle? (Financial Investigations)

Theft by Deception.

Which of the following is not a true statement? A. Mental Illness impacts thinking B. Depression is a common disorder C. There is a sharp divided line between normal and abnormal behavior. D. All of the answers are false. (CIT)

There is a sharp divided line between normal and abnormal behavior.

Strategy crisis- which is not a crisis fact: A. They are easy to communicate with. B. They are often alarmed or confused. C. Control is important to them. D. They may act out.

They are easy to communicate with.

Early USA policing resisting wearing uniforms because ...? (Professional Policing)

They did not wish to look like military, and feared suspects would see them coming.

What is a Shadow? (Traffic)

Tires leave a mark just prior to the skid mark and thus is included in the measurement.

Define Forgery: (Financial Investigations)

To alter, make, complete, execute, or authenticate any writing so that it purports: • To be the act of another who did not authorize that act. • To have been executed at a time or place or in a numbered sequence other than was in fact the case; or' • To be a copy of an original when no such original existed.

When should you use an "I" statement instead of a "You" statement (CIT)

To set a non-blaming tone in the conversation.

Weaponless Strategies (Mechanics of arrest)

Touching Joint-locking Pressure points Hand Strikes and Foot Strikes Blocks (Hands, Arms and Legs)

Whenever your personal danger zone is violated your actions should be based on your (FORCE OPTIONS)

Training and situation

Which type of killing best characterizes a husband or wife killing a spouse who has involved themselves with another lover? (Criminal Investigations)

Triangle killing

Getting regular medical checkups and self-wellness exams will move you more towards wellness. (Fitness and Wellness Review)


T/F: Function of the clearing house is to act as a central repository system of information of missing children or missing persons. (Texas Family Code)


T/F: Getting regular medical checkups and self-wellness exams will move you more towards wellness. (Fitness and Wellness Review)


A person commits rigging publicly exhibited contest Misdemeanor A if he intentionally or knowingly colicits, accepts, or agrees to accept any benefit with the intent to affect the outcome publicly exhibited contest. (Criminal Investigations)


In securing a crime scene, it is important to limit access to the scene to authorized personnel only (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: "A lawful search for people, land, and things useful in reconstructing the circumstances or an illegal act or omission and mental state accompanying it" best defines criminal investigation. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: A person who is a fiduciary commits commercial bribery if without the consent of his beneficiary, he intentionally or knowingly solicits, accepts, or a fees to accept any be from another person or agreement or understanding that benefit will influence the conduct of the fiduciary in relation to the affairs of his beneficiary. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: After investigating the scene of a crime, an officer must file an offense report? (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: All suspicious deaths should be treated as homicide. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: As a general rule for interviews, complainants, and victims can usually be handled differently than suspects. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard used to determine the guilt or innocence of a person criminally charged with an offense. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Child abuse is an act or omission that endangers or impairs a child's physical, mental or emotional health and development. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Commodity is best defined as any tangible or intangible personal property. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: DEBIT CARD is defined as an identification card, plate, coupon, book number, or any other device authorizing a designated person or bearer to communicate a request to an UNMANNED TELLER MACHINE or customer convenience terminal. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: During its 100 years as a province of Mexico, the Spanish Military policed Texas. (Professional Policing)


T/F: Elder abuse often involves a member of the family. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: If an officer is unsure about whether the person being interviewed is a suspect, best advice is to orally give the person the miranda rights: (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: In majority of cases of homicide, the victim and suspect know each other. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: In many cases the victim knows the suspect. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Instrumentation is the application of the instruments and methods of the physical sciences to the detection of crime. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Interrogation is the questioning of a suspect or other person's who may normally be expected to be reluctant to divulge information concerning the offense under investigation (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Is the offense of sexual assault a result of sexual gratification. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Law-enforcement personnel were known by the citizens in the area they worked. (Professional Policing)


T/F: Mentally handicapped children have a higher incidence of abuse than non-handicapped children. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: Parents who were abused as children may also abuse their own children. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: The best practice for notifying the next of kin of a victim's injury or death, is to do the notification in person. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: The realization that policing Lacked a quality of valuation to determine police came about between 1900-1940. (Professional Policing)


T/F: The use of cars provided a more rapid response to calls for the police. (Professional Policing)


T/F: Try to extend rapport to eliminate potential barriers. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: When a person who cannot write, makes a written statement of confession, that person is required to make his mark at the conclusion of the statement while his attorney and civilian witness looks on as a witness. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F: opportunistic minimal rapist uses minimal force or threats. (Criminal Investigations)


T/F? 10001 or more pounds of combined GVWR required CMV info on report. (Traffic)


The ejection port is the exit point for FIRED shells and issued for loading and ____. (Firearms)


When ___a weapon in the field you must follow the 4 ___ ___ RULEs. (Firearms)


Training to use a person's name shows that: (CIT)


What are the 3 different type of districts? (Traffic)

Urban, Residential and business.

Ethical appeal is useful (FORCE OPTIONS)

Used to persuade others of your desire for a positive outcome

What are the characteristics of investigating a child abuse case involving an adolescent/teen? (Criminal Investigations)

Usually able to give a complete narrative of incident and understand the implications of revealing the secret but unable to understand why and forgive the mother.

What are the characteristics of investigating child abuse involving a 6-11 year old? (Criminal Investigations)

Usually able to give a detailed account of the incident but unable to give exact date or understand why he/she is not to blame.

What is are the characteristics of investigating a child abuse case involving a 3-6 year old? (Criminal Investigations)

Usually able to say who did it and show what occurred, but unable to give a complete narrative

When placing a weapon i the property room that has not been rendered safe you must make ___ notification to the property room personnel and attach a loaded weapon tag (Firearms)


When having an auditory hallucination the voices sound: (CIT)

VERY REAL A thought in the mind Like your conscience

What are the three important factors to consider when profiling a molester? (Criminal Investigations)

Victimization ritual Method of selection Abducting process

Not characteristic of carbohydrates? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Vitamins A,D,E and K. (Need fat)

Between 1900-1940, many officers were reassigned from _________ _________ to _________ ________. (Professional Policing)

Walking Beats; Radio Cars.

According to interviewing techniques, before the officer obtained a statement from the person he should: (Criminal Investigations)

Warn the suspect of his rights.

The condition of the human organism including health disease status and potential is called: (Fitness and Wellness Review)


Which of the following factors can determine unreasonable force: (FORCE OPTIONS)

What was the motivation for using force Was the force used to gain control What was the degree of injury Was reasonable force used when probable cause was there for an arrest Were there other options that could have been considered (All of the above)

According to Racial Profiling, under what circumstances would it be appropriate to use a person's race or ethnicity as identifying the characteristics. (Racial Profiling)

When describing a person over the radio

Are there times when an arrest for DV should not be made? (Family Violence)

When probable cause does not exist

What is Distraction in Vehicle? (Traffic)

When the driver's actions or actions of others in his/her vehicle are such that a lack of observance and/or vehicle control occurs to the extent it contributes to the crash.

When should an arrest for a DV offense be made? (Family Violence)

When there is probable cause that an offense has occurred..

Night Time Direction of Traffic requires: (Traffic)

Whistle, Flashlight, Flares, Reflective Vest, Cones, and Vehicle Emergency Lights

Purchase for or Furnishing Alcohol to Minor- (TABC)

With criminal negligence, makes alcohol available to minor, no age requirement (ex: 16 yr old can be charged for giving 15 yr. alcohol)

Which is not an element of communication (FORCE OPTIONS)


When describing an exercise program balance refers to a program that: (Fitness and Wellness Review)

Works opposing parts equally.

At the initial contact between the victim and law enforcement, the agency will provide: (Victims of Crime)

Written notice on availability of medical services Notice of victim compensation Name and address of victims crime coordinator Name, address and telephone number of law enforcement liaison

You may be open to lawsuit if: (CIT)


Which of the following is not an effective communication tool: A. ID yourself B. Short simple questions C. Yes or no questions. D. Use pictures and/or diagrams if non verbal (CIT)

Yes or no questions.

Is an Alley a street? (Traffic)

Yes, and usually used behind a business with a speed limit of 15 MPH.

Are verbal threats a form of physical abuse? Can you make an arrest for a verbal threat? (Family Violence)

Yes, to both.

Are DV, child abuse and elderly abuse widespread? (Family Violence)


Can law enforcement officer can make a warrantless arrest (not occurred in his or her presence) for a family violence offense based on the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure 14.03(4). (Family Violence)


What is the main purpose of a crime screen search? (Criminal Investigations)

You are attempting to show 5 W + H (Who, What, Where, When, Why and How a crime has been committed)

You arrest a suspect for outstanding warrants and during a search of his vehicle in which he was the only occupant you recover 100 pieces of U.S. Mail. A. You cannot charge this suspect with identity theft B. You should charge the suspect with identity theft and contact the US Postal Inspectors C. You should arrest the suspect and contact the DEA D. You can only arrest the suspect if you can contact all the owners of the mail. (Identity Theft)

You should charge the suspect with identity theft and contact the US Postal Inspectors

When directing traffic flow it is important to coordinate with: (Traffic)

Your partner.

Define Pedestrian: (Traffic)

a person not an occupant of a motor vehicle in transport vehicles (motorized and non motorized wheelchair)

Define Noncontact: (Traffic)

a vehicle which contributes to a crash by illegal or unusual behavior but strikes nothing and suffers neither injury or damages

"Sight Order" means: (PC)

a written or electronic instruction to pay money that is authorized by the person giving the instruction and that is payable on demand or at a definite time by the person being instructed to pay. The term includes a check, an electronic debit, or an automatic bank draft.

Define "Deadly Weapon": (PC)

a) A firearm or anything manifestly designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting death or SBI; or b) anything that in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing death or SBI.

"Element of Offense" Means: (PC)

a) The forbidden conduct; b) The required culpability; c) Any required result; and d) The negation of any exception to the offense.

List the 4 important events in the History of Dallas, TX and DPD (Professional Policing)

a. 1856 - Dallas incorporated by Texas Legislature b. 1862 - Dallas is commissary post for Confederacy Army, flew Confederate Flag until 1865. c. 1881 - DPD is formed with 12 officers. d. 1935 - DPD uses new (current) uniforms.

Motor Fitness focus on what types of exercises? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

a. Agility b. Anaerobic power (speed) c. Explosive leg strength or power

Define a illicit Beverage: (TABC)

a. Any beverage handled in violation of the alcoholic beverage code. b. Beverages that are illegally manufactured, distributed, bought, sold, processed, stored, possessed, imported and transported. c. Beverages on which a state tax has not been paid and to which the tax stamp, if required, has not been affixed.

Name some important changes for Law Enforcement in the US between 1900s to 1940s. (Professional Policing)

a. Automobiles provided a more rapid response to police calls for service. b. Many officers reassigned from walking beats to radio cars. c. Police performance level increased due to rapid response, while actual communications with citizens decreased. d. The absence of quality evaluation was prevalent throughout the period. e. LE personnel (especially beat officers) were known by the citizens in the areas they worked. f. National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement (Wickersham Commission) reported in 1931 "greatest promise for the future of policing is the college or university. g. Prohibition and Volstead Act placed police officers in an adversarial role for the first time. h. August Vollmer (1905 Chief of Police in Berkeley, CA) - Credited for the creation of a police force that became the model for the rest of the nation. i. Radios in cars ii. Fingerprint and handwriting classification system iii. Workable filing system and using M.O. files iv. Motorcycles and bicycles on patrol v. Use of polygraph vi. Scientific crime lab vii. College grads as recruits viii. Police school teaching criminalistics i. Vollmer's goal was to create professionalism in LE. j. Wickersham Report i. Written almost entirely by Vollmer ii. Represented baseline standards for comparison and reform of police departments. 1. Personnel standards - removal of employees "for cause". 2. Communications and records - modern systems based on Berkeley model. 3. Salary & Benefits Schedule - fair schedules of pay and promotion by grade. 4. Separate Units - for crimes involving juveniles and vice. 5. State Information Bureaus - crime data collection and analysis centers. 6. Law Enforcement Training academies were recommended. iii. Wickersham Commission initiated the development of police reform and increased standards. k. July 26, 1908 - Attorney General Bonaparte ordered the Special Agent Force to report to Chief Examiner Stanley W. Finch (considered formal beginning of FBI).

Functional and Health Related Fitness includes ...what? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

a. Cardiovascular fitness or endurance b. Flexibility c. Muscular endurance (dynamic strength) d. Muscular strength (absolute strength) e. Body composition

What is Possession of Intoxicants on Public School Grounds? Charge? (TABC)

a. Class C Misdemeanor b. On grounds of public, private or parochial schools. c. If any officer sees any person violating, SHALL immediately seize the intoxicants, deliver within a reasonable time to the county or district attorney until train and then dispose of.

Characteristics of Police Subculture (Professional Policing)

a. Curiosity and suspiciousness b. Solidarity - taking care of one another c. Cynicism d. Authoritarian approach to control, conformity

William the Conqueror (Professional Policing)

a. Developed the first 12 person jury system. b. Separate court was established to handle local legal matters (Court Leet). c. Head of the Court Leet was the "Comes Stable", which later became "Constable".

What are the 4 basic feelings harbored by most prejudice people? (Multiculturalism and Human Relations Review)

a. Feeling of superiority - frequently expressed in inappropriate jokes and disparaging remarks directed to those regarded as inferior. b. Others are strange and different - feeling that the other group is alien or different which promotes the social exclusion of members of a particular group and blocks any acceptance of a person on individual merit. c. Proprietary claims - as a member of the group, the individual believes he is entitled to exclusive or prior rights in a certain area. d. Fear - fear is basic to prejudice. It excites the emotions to the point of overshadowing rational judgment. Belief that someone is trying to intrude and threaten the things that belong to us.

What skills should be used in developing human relations? (Multiculturalism and Human Relations Review)

a. Gather knowledge and information about the person(s) b. Be non-judgmental c. Tolerate ambiguity in messages, approaches different than your own, and differences in general. d. Show warmth, genuine interest, and empathy. e. Be willing to communicate.

What may Peace Officers seize? (TABC)

a. Illicit beverages, containers and packaging. b. Vehicles, including aircraft and watercraft used to transport any illicit beverages. c. Equipment designed for use in or used in the manufacturing of the illicit beverages. d. Any material used in manufacturing the illicit beverages. e. May arrest without a warrant any person found to be in possession of illicit beverages.

Henry 1, son of William the Conqueror (Professional Policing)

a. In 1116, received the title "Law and Giver" and the "Lion of Justice". b. Offenses against the king's peace: arson, robbery, murder, false coinage, and crimes of violence. c. Disturbance of the peace: the concept that men were to be punished by the state, rather than by the individual or group that was injured. d. Serious crimes, were deemed "felonious". e. Other offenses were termed "misdemeanors", meaning bad behavior, and consisted of lesser violations.

What is required for a search warrant? (TABC)

a. Magistrate may issue SW to seize forged stamps or licenses. b. Need probable cause that items to be seized will be on the premises. c. Requires 2 signatures if a private residence (1 if not).

What is are the requirements for a DUI by Minor/Child? (TABC)

a. May request a breath specimen but the request MUST be made on video tape. b. In accordance with juvenile laws you may take to adult facility for this procedure but it must be cleared out prior to your arrival.

What are the parameters for completing Seizure Reports? (TABC)

a. Must make report in triplicate, 1 copy notarized and retained by department, 1 goes to the person you are seizing from and 1 stays with seizure. b. False seizure report is 2-5 years in prison. c. Failure to report seizure is a $50-$100 or 10-90 days in jail. d. Only TABC is authorized to sell/destroy alcoholic beverages.

Charge for Selling to Intoxicated Person? (TABC)

a. No sales, service or deliveries of alcoholic beverages to intoxicated persons may occur on the premises. b. Penalty - $100 to $500 and/or 1 year in county jail.

What are some reasons Peace Officer are considered a sensitive position regarding impartial enforcement? (Multiculturalism and Human Relations Review)

a. Officers often work alone and make decisions demanding impartiality on their part with no one (but the citizen) present to witness failures. b. The temptations provided by citizens for them to be partial can be overwhelming. The acceptance of them can go virtually undetected by a higher authority. c. Deviations from fair and equal treatment can often be easily excused as being necessary for maintenance of order, crime prevention, and public relations. d. The impressions held by most people of the impartiality of the law and the fairness of criminal justice may well come from the treatment they have received in their contacts with peace officers.

Difference between Permits and Licenses: (TABC)

a. Permits - authorizes handling of liquor. b. License - authorizes handling of beer.

What is a Permittee or Licensee? (TABC)

a. Person who is holder of a permit or license, or an agent, servant, or employee of that person.

What is required for the Cancellation/Suspension of Permits? (TABC)

a. Place and Manner of Operation b. Maintains a noisy, lewd, or unsanitary premises or supplied impure beverages. c. Mentally or physically unable to manage the business. d. Uses alcoholic beverage to excess or was intoxicated on the L/P. e. Sold an alcoholic beverage to a person under 21 or intoxicated person. f. Sold an alcoholic beverage during prohibited hours. g. No running water and separate bathrooms. h. Employed a minor to sell at on premise. i. Inspection refusal. j. Permit usage by another person not authorized. k. Permit alcoholic beverage to be consumed or consumed during prohibited hours. l. Sold, served or delivered, or allowed to be consumed an alcoholic beverage on the premises while under suspension. m. Failed to promptly report a breach of the peace. n. Finally convicted for violating civil rights or discrimination

What are Dry areas? (TABC)

a. Political subdivision whether it is a city or precinct may hold a local option election, after meeting the requirements, to decide if the subdivision will be wet or dry. b. In general, no person may make, distill, brew, import, transport, distribute, store or take orders for or possess with the intent to sell an alcoholic beverage. c. May possess up to 1 quart of liquor or 288 ounces (24 - 12 ounce) of beer. d. You may transport alcoholic beverages for personal consumption from the place where its sale is legal to a place where its possession is legal without holding a license or permit.

What are the Forms of prejudice. (Multiculturalism and Human Relations Review)

a. Racial b. Ethnic c. Gender d. National Origin e. Political Affiliation f. Authority figures g. Sexual orientation h. Differently abled i. Religious j. Age k. Economic/occupational l. Weight m. Physically challenged n. Individual personal preferences (family feuds, antagonism between work departments.

What is the SARA Model of Problem Solving? (Professional Policing)

a. Scanning - Two or more incidents similar in one or more ways constitute a crime, fear or disorder problem in a community. i. We are looking for patterns or persistent problems in our community. b. Analysis - Police presence is rarely the best solution to a problem, and it generally indicates that a full analysis was not done, or that an officer still feels more comfortable with the professional model of policing. c. Response - Working solely on the offender side often leaves room for new offenders to replace the old ones. i. Solutions are best if they leave the community better able to handle similar crime problems in the future. d. Assessment - It may not always be possible to fully eliminate a problem.

What are the levels of the wellness pyramid? (Fitness and Wellness Review)

a. Self-responsibility b. Stress management c. Tobacco cessation d. Weight control e. Proper nutrition f. Regular exercise

What are the 6 common needs that social scientists believe people share? (Multiculturalism and Human Relations Review)

a. Social needs b. Health c. Employment d. Shelter e. Food f. Positive self-image

What are the hours of consumption? (TABC)

a. Standard Hours i. 7:00 a.m. - 12:15 a.m. Monday through Saturday ii. 12:00 a.m. - 1:15 a.m. (Saturday night into Sunday) iii. 12:00 noon - 12:15 a.m. Sunday iv. Opens at 10:00 a.m. with food b. Extended Hours (Including Dallas) i. 7:00 a.m. - 2:15 a.m. Monday through Saturday ii. 12:00 noon - 2:15 a.m. Sunday iii. Opens at 10:00 a.m. with food

Name some important changes for Law Enforcement in the US between 1950's to 1970's: (Professional Policing)

a. Technology continued to improve, with computers and communications being commonplace. b. Increased use of automobile travel and technology created a fast-paced service style, which further removed peace officers from constant citizen contact. c. Professional police model developed with emphasis on accountability and increased standards. Success measures such as response time, crime statistics, and citizen complaints became common indicators of police performance. d. Evaluation research became a tool for success measurement. e. The use of numerous specialized units became the method for removing patrol officers from most follow-up activities. f. Patrol system became an incident-driven approach in which police officers often became little more than report takers. g. Radio system in this era. As a result, officers answered calls for services in larger areas, and the peace officer lost much of the positive relationship and communications with the community. h. Ultimate aim of all police departments was for personnel with general enforcement powers to have a baccalaureate degree.

What are the 3 functions of discrimination? (Multiculturalism and Human Relations Review)

a. Tends to reinforce prejudice concerning the group's alleged inferiority. b. Discrimination by any group limits the other groups' effectiveness in business, education, political office, etc. c. Affords an avenue to economic exploitation of the group being discriminated against.

What are Theory X and Theory Y? (Professional Policing)

a. Theory X (Paramilitary) i. The average human has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if they can. b. Theory Y i. People like to work.

Define Sale to a Minor and what is the charge? Does it matter if the minor has a fake ID and fits the Photo provided in the ID? (TABC)

a. With criminal negligence sells alcoholic beverage to a minor. b. Class A Misdemeanor. c. DOES NOT commit offense if minor falsely represented himself to be 21 with an apparently valid proof of ID that has consistent photo and physical description issued by any government agency, military or passport.

Misrepresentation of Age- (TABC)

all Class C misdemeanors.

List some Motor Vehicle Examples: (Traffic)

all terrain vehicle, car, bus, farm-tractor, golf cart, moped, motorcycle, motor driven cycle, multifunction school activity bus, truck tractor,[Not A Train] not operated on rails

County Road- (Traffic)

any trafficway within a county trafficway system that does not fall within the interstate, U.S Route numbered, State Route Numbered, or Local Street System.

Interstate- (Traffic)

any trafficway within national system for interstate trafficways.

State Route Numbered: (Traffic)

any trafficway within the State trafficway System, excluding interstate or U.S route numbered highway.

U.S Route Numbered (Traffic)

any trafficway within the U.S trafficway system, excluding interstate.

Chain Reaction Crashes: (traffic)

are considered to be single motor vehicle crash. Unless a stabilized situation can be established between the several events that may occur in such chain reaction crashes.

Extended hours area- (TABC)

area in city/county have population of 800,000 or more. A holder of mixed beverage late hours permit may also sell and offer for sale mixed drinks between 2am on any day.

First thing to do to start traffic when directing: (Traffic)

attract the drivers attention

3 Ways to Learn of a Crash While on Duty: (Traffic)

best possible position that is visible and safe depending on location and conditions

Delivers less than ¼ oz of marijuana but does not receive money he can be charged with a (Health and Safety Code)

class B misdemeanor

The degree of influence that must be exerted to take control of the suspect to take them into custody (FORCE OPTIONS)


Incident report: (Written and verbal communication)

documents indeterminate activity and can be used for intra-departmental communication

Dangerous drugs can be found where in vehicles (Health and Safety Code)


Physical arousal associated to fight or flight cannot be sustained eventually it will result in (Victims of Crime)


Location where crash occurred is the location of the ...? (Traffic)

first harmful event.

Front Concentrated: (Traffic)

front end damage due to concentrated impact resulting from collision of subject vehicle with tree, utility pole, or other narrow object

What are some available Legal Services? (Professional Policing)

i. County Bar Association - for complaints against attorneys. ii. District or County Attorney - to directly file criminal cases or apply for family protective orders. iii. Small Claims Court - cases involve money matters of $10,000 or less and no attorney is required. Both parties to action may represent themselves. Justice of the Peace Court. iv. County/District Grand Jury - citizens may apply directly to grand jury to hear a criminal action.

Importance of Involving the Community in all Policing Activities that Affect the Quality of Community Life (Professional Policing)

i. Establishing trust and harmony between the community, resident and the peace officer. ii. Enhance community safety iii. Assisting in identifying and resolving community problems iv. Clarifying responsibilities v. Helping define service needs vi. Reducing fear by addressing problem of crime in the community

What are some of the major points for the Traditional Police Service model? (Professional Policing)

i. Reactive Response - Most of the workload of patrol officers and detectives consists of handling crimes that have already been committed. b. Use of the Criminal Justice System i. The primary means of resolving incidents is to involve the criminal justice process. c. Use of Aggregate Statistics i. Department's performance is largely measured by statistical comparisons. Doing a good job when crime rate is low and arrest rate is high. Best officers are those that make many arrests and calls. d. Traditional Police Service Model i. Most decisions are made at the management level with little citizen involvement. e. Citizen and Employee Expectations i. Expectations of both the community and agency employees are often not met due to the expectation that officers will have a high impact on crime in the community. f. The Use of Specialized Units i. Traditional model has specialized units with a high degree of effectiveness.

What are the purposes of a police organization to the community? (Professional Policing)

i. To fight crime ii. To serve and protect iii. To promote the public safety

The most difficult element to prove in a Hit & Run crash: (Traffic)

identity of the driver

Where to point beam of flashlight when directing traffic at night (Traffic)

in the direction of oncoming traffic but NOT directly in driver's eyes.

Ramp: (Traffic)

interconnecting roadway of a traffic interchange, or any connection between highways at different level or between parallel highways, on which vehicles may enter or leave a designated roadway.

A person who goes to aid another person and is killed or injured in a good faith effort is: (Victims of Crime)


Define Urban: (Trafic)

is adjacent to and including Highway

Define Residential: (Traffic)

is adjacent to and including a highway, with at least 300 ft of frontage.

Define Business: (Traffic)

is adjacent to and including a highway, with at least 600 ft of frontage.

Commission- (TABC)

is the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC)

Property information: (Written and verbal communication)

manufacturer, model, serial numbers Useful for completing reports, references for court testimony (if you use it for testimony you have to keep it for future use)

Operational Factors and speed computation data must be shown in your...? (Traffic)


Define Pedalcyclist:

non motorized vehicle propelled by pedaling (Includes electrical bike)

How do bad guys get identifying information? (Financial Investigations)

o Computer security breaches (hacking). o Stealing mail. o Dumpster diving. o Skimmers. o Burglary/BMV. o Telephone or personal solicitation (social engineering). o Purchased online (legal, open source or dark-web). o Family members.

Define Harmful Event: (Traffic)

occurrence of Injury or death

Skid Marks are important for: (Traffic)

placement of vehicles, estimating minimum speeds, and determining whether wheels were locked by hard braking.

MIP- Minor in Possession; (TABC)

possesses alcohol except when adult is visibly present, in course and scope of employment is employment is legal, under immediate supervision of commissioned peace officer engaged in a "minor sting"; only 1 affirmative link needs to be present to show possession- 1) Contraband in Plain view 2) Amount of contraband in relation to number or persons; 3) Contraband accessible to accused; 4) Minor's ownership or right of possession to site of contraband; 5) Relationship of accused to other persons with access to contraband; 6) Knowledge of Presence of Contraband; 7) Presence of paraphernalia or other evidence indicating use of contraband (shot glass, etc); 8) Conduct by accused indicating guilt.

Definition of Habituation: (Health and Safety Code)

psychological desire to continue or repeat the use of a drug for emotional reasons

Code- (TABC)

refers to TABC

Offense report: (Written and verbal communication)

refers to criminal activity and serves as plans for investigation and prosecution

Who can be a crossing guard? A (Traffic)

responsible person with at least 18 years of age.

Field notes: (Written and verbal communication)

should contain: victims, witnesses, reporting persons,suspects Information on involved vehicles:VIN, LP, and year, make, model

Which category of pedophiles does not have a true interest in children, has the fewest number of victims, and will not limit victims to children? (Criminal Investigations)

situational pedophile

Define Motorized conveyance: (Traffic)

smaller motorized vehicles including but not limited to pocket bikes, go karts, riding lawn mowers, segways, motor assisted scooters (doesn't include moped, motorcycle or motor driven cycle)

According to the Dallas PD G.O. 431.07 regarding racial profiling, which is not an example of racial profiling? (Racial Profiling)

stopping or detaining a person because you received credible information that a person matching that description has committed a crime.

Whistle Blast Required to Stop/stop Traffic: (Traffic)

top (one long blast) Start Traffic (two short blasts)

All other Trafficways- (Traffic)

trafficways which do not meet the specifications for the trafficways of higher precedence such as alleys and private roads open to the public for purposes of vehicular travel.

T/F: Commits an offense if they knowing or intentionally possess a useable amount of marijuana (Health and Safety Code)


Supplemental reports: (Written and verbal communication)

used after the initial

Arrest Report: (Written and verbal communication)

used to document the arrest of an individual based on probable cause that the individual committed a criminal offense

What is the Non-Contact Unit? (Traffic)

vehicle which contributes to a crash by unusual or illegal behavior, but strikes nothing and suffers neither damage nor injury

What is Driver Inattention? (Traffic)

when a driver's lack of attention to the roadway, highway or traffic occurs and contributes to the crash

Consumers can obtain a free credit report at: A. www.annualcreditreport.com B. www.lifesecuritylock.com C. www.ftc.com (Identify Theft)


When adding attractors to enhance your work environment, your best standard is probably the one that __ would establish. (Communication & Problem solving)


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