Drawing 100 quiz

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Parts of a form that are further away from the light will increasingly take on a _______ as the light weakens.

darker value

When joined at angles to each other, combination of planes can create:

faceted geometric forms.


(1) a type of creation; Drawing as a "form" of art. (2) a three dimensional object, or an illusion of three dimensionality.

Graduation of values usually suggests what

A continuous surface, either flat or round.

Value drawing

A drawing devoid of color

Transparent construction

A linear construction that highlights the form of an object.

Drawings composed with values that are next to each other on the value scale often express

A softer, quieter emotion.

Value patterns result from:

A thoughtful choice of values that guide a viewer's eyes through a composition, while imparting to the drawing a unifying influence.

Solid opaque objects do what with light?

Absorb, scatter, and reflect.

High contrast drawings are imbued with

An enhanced dramatic quality

What do value drawings rely on?

Black white and grays to translate and represent color and light patterns.

Instead of distinctly separated areas of value, continuous tone drawings do what?

Blend and merge different values, making smooth and even transitions.

Direct application can be achieved by:

Blocking in mass values or by creating a continuous tone.

Cross hatching is used to

Build the density of marks and create darker values.

The principle of more than one light is seen in the what?

Casting of shadows. Multiple light sources result in multiple shadows.

Segmented and contrasting values suggest what

Changing planes

The envelope method is particularly useful as a first step when drawing what?

Complicated subjects, such as figures.

To create a harmonious value drawing it is best to do what

Consider which values will be used and how they will work together.

Creating a proper value contrast from the dark to the light side of a subject is key to creating a __________.

Convincing volume.

Straight (direct) application

Created when value is applied to a drawing in the state it means to be seen. (It does not rely on the eye visually unifying a series of marks)


Creates a seamless gradation from one value to the next.

An area that appears to be a light value in one context may be seen as what value in another?


Any cast shadow will ______ where a second shadow _____ it


A cast shadow is _____ when _____ to an object


You can apply value to planes with the direction of light to add ____.


When viewing objects lit from a single light source, a distinction of light and shadow features is __________.


When the appropriate values are paired with the right theme value can what

Enrich a feeling that is already inherent in the subject matter

Light is ______ to our perception of value.


Shading, blending, and modeling all describe techniques of establishing what in drawing?

Establishing Value

True or false: blocking in is concerned with details or the subtleties of graduation, and does not focus on general values.

False: blocking in is not concerned with details or the subtleties of graduation, but focuses on general values.

True or false: The transition areas of value are not very important in the depiction of three dimensional objects.

False: it is very important.

True or false: there is no difference between the inside of the shadow compared to the outer edge.

False: there is a difference. The edge of the shadow tends to be darker.

True or false: drawing through method is designed to record detail and not to understand the form and proportions of objects

False: throwing through method is designed not to record detail, but on understanding the form and proportions of the objects

True or false: you should go ham and use the white of the paper whenever you feel like it.

False: use it sparingly and only use it for the brightest areas of the composition.

True or false: a drawing comprised of similar values will suggest a stronger type of light

False; softer type of light.

What are effective ways to establish the appearance of physicality and imply the tangible properties of objects in drawing?

Linear modeling and cross contour lines.

One purpose of using value in a drawing is to describe ______.



From the Italian meaning "light-dark". The modeling of forms using value to create the impression of volume.

A certain amount of value contrast is required in order to characterize what?

How light lands on an object, and thus value contrast is also needed in order to establish a form in drawing.

What is a draw back to natural light?

It is ever changing.

What is a draw back to artificial light?

It's very artificiality can create an unnattractive or harsh impression.

Why is natural light desirable?

Its color and true to life characteristics

The shape in which a value is applied is (key OR unimportant) to the representation of an image


One of the most profound ways to use value in drawing is to depict what?


When an object is illuminated from one side, that side will appear:

Lighter in value than the side of the object that faces away from the light.

What are some ways form can be created?

Line, planes, and value.

Blocking in values is sometimes referred to as:

Mapping values

The relationship between value and shape gives an object it's sense of what

Materiality, light, and substance.

A convincing illusion of form is created in a drawing when an artist does what?

Mimics the natural way that light falls over a three dimensional form.

It is hard for the human to perceive more than how many values in a drawing?


What are some conditions that influence value?

Object's local color, amount of light an area receives, and by other surrounding values.

What can create an optical mixing affect?

Stippling and linear modeling techniques.

Why is artificial light desirable?

Offers more control.

Mass values can also be used to what

Organize and define a composition.

elementary solids (simple geometric forms) include

Pyramids, cubes, cylinders, and sphere.

In transparent construction, objects are described as what

Simple geometric forms.

What and what will determine the degree of value contrast that is seen with light?

Strength of the light source and its distance from the illuminated object

A _____ light source will create ______ contrasting values.


Cast shadow

The absence of light created by an object that interrupted the light source

Local color

The actual color of the surface, as it would be if it were unaffected by light or shadow.


The application of dark or light values.


The area in which the light source is reflected most intensely.

Form shadow

The area of the form that turns away from the light source and is composed of dark values.

How do you use the toned paper technique?

The artist leaves the paper exposed in those areas of the composition that match the tone of the paper. Light and dark media are added to extend the value range.

When drawing on white paper, what is the brightest value an artist can get?

The bare white paper.

Continuous tone

The blending of values, rather than the application of them in segments.

Value scheme

The combinations of values within a drawing

Dark half tone

The darkest of the transitional values located toward the shadow zone.


The darkest part of the cast shadow


The darkest part of the shadow zone.

It is what and what that convinces the view that a form is volumetric.

The form shadow and the core shadow.

Planar analysis

The investigation of how an object can be divided into planes.

The lightest values will appear on the areas of a dorm that directly faces what?

The light source

Light half tone

The lightest of the transitional values located toward the light zone.

Reflected light

The part of the shadow area that receives indirect light from the environment

To create the illusion of form on a two dimensional surface using value, one must be acquainted with the way in which:

The pattern of light and shadow affects three dimensional objects.

Value refers to

The relative lightness or darkness of an area or object.


The soft outer edge of a cast shadow


The subtle gradation of tone used to blur areas of light to dark, creating a hazy or smoky appearance.

Envelop method

The technique of establishing the outermost dimensions of a subject by using lines to encase it.

What is an example of local color?

The value of a pale blue object will be light in comparison to a red object.

Drawing through

To draw an object as though it were transparent.

The visibility of form is caused by what found on the surface of objects?

Tonal arrangement

One traditional way of establishing value in a drawing is to work on what

Toned paper

True or false: Blocking in can be used as either an early stage of a drawing's development or as the ultimate goal of a work.


True or false: Values that are next to each other on the value scale exhibit low contrast, while those that are far apart have high contrast.


True or false: a rounded form will display a smooth gradation of tones.


True or false: areas where the light is interrupted by a shadow will be darker than that same surface in full light.


True or false: elementary solids have obvious structures defined by planes while other objects are irregular and multifaceted require the invention of planes in order to interpret their forms.


When is blocking in often used?

Using wet media.

Light is responsible for

Visual perception: objects would be invisible without the value contrast that it creates.

value scale

a diagram representing an incremental progression of values from black to white

Value pattern (compositional cohesion)

a distinct pattern or configuration that emerges from the repetition of lights and darks

Deploying a majority of dark values produces

a somber and mysterious effect.

Optical mixing

a type of value application in which individual marks visually blend so that they are perceived as an area of value

Light zone

the area that faces the light source and is composed of the lightest values

It is first necessary to analyze and extract what from the object you wish to draw?

the basic geometric structure

Value shape

the shape in which a value is applied to a composition

Half tone

the transitional value that lies halfway between the light and dark sides of a form


uses shading techniques to render the illusion of volume.


using a soft blending tool to smudge or blend media

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