Dr.Barbian Anthropology Final

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enviroment degradation

A major reason for the decline of states appears to be.

D.) all of the above A) class stratification B) larger and denser concentration of people in cities C) the use of force to govern

A negative result of the development of states is


A person who judges other cultures solely in terms of his or her own culture is


Among archaic peoples of Mesoamerica, ________ were located near seasonally abundant resources.

Vitamin D

An advantage of light skin is greater absorption of Vitamin

Restaining/ determining

Anthropologists have concluded that the physical enviroment by itself has a _____________, rather than a _________, effect on the major types of subsistence.

Wild plants and animals

By "food collecting", anthropologists mean the obtaining of food from

a regional enter for mississippian culture

Cahokia was

different species develop one from another

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution that _______

Multiregional theories

Continuity in traits between homo erectus and homo sapiens sapiens is used to support which theory of the origins of homo sapien sapiens?

Expansionn of face, teeth, and jaws

Critical changes in hominid evolution include all of the following EXCEPT

protects from overexsposure to ultraviolet rays

Dark skin is advantagous in tropic areas because it....

during the day

Diurnalis being active________.

the use of red ochre

Evidence for possible ritualistic behavior among Homo erectus includes.


Fossils are....


Genes are located on rope-like structures called


Gregor Mendel was a pioneer in the fields of

D. all of the above Generalized teeth, a longer thumb, bipedalism

Hominid traits include


Homo ergaster is a name given by some archaeologists to what others consider to be Homo erectus found in


How adaptive a gene or trait is depend on

The origin of species

In 1859, Charles Darwin published ________.

D.) all of the above A) storage and redistribution of the agricultural surplus B) craft production C) record keeping

In Uruk, the Ziggurat was a place for

Individual selection

In contrast to cultural ecolgy, sociobiology focuses mostly on what biologists would call

The informant may lack a full understanding of his/her culture

Informants' statements about culture may not always be true because

are cells that produce melanin



Mendel's units of heredity were what we now call


Mesopotamian writting

results in the production of two identical daughter cells


Small brow ridge

Neandertals are characterized by all of the following Except:


Primates with monkey-like features appeared in the ______ epoch, about 34 million years ago.

Intensive agriculture

Private ownership of land would most likely be found where people make their living through


Robust australopithecus include all of the following except


Sivapithecus is probably the ancestor of modern_____.


Standards or rules about what is acceptable behavior are referred to by social scientists as

D) all of the above A) have centralized political organization B) levy taxes C) keep the peace through force

State-level political system

permits cooling through evaporation


the study of geologic and biological processes that modify and bury remains.

Taphonomy is ____________________.

convergent evolution

The development of structures in remotely related forms that superficially resemble each other is known

Homo erectus

The first homonid species to be widely distributed in the Old World was


The fossil primate that is often referred to as a "dental ape" is ________.


The genetic makeup of a pea plant is called its

Old World Monkeys

The hominoid group contains all of the following except

All of the above A) Animals and plant forms change B) the time span of evolution is immense C) Extinction is the fate of most species

The key fact(s) that we get from the fossil record is


The primate that lives in a "harem" with a silverback as the leader is the ______.

the spatial and temporal association between and among artifacts

The provenance or context of an artifact is

Use of supplementary foods for nursing infants

The rise in population growth that accompanies the adoption of agriculture can partly be explained by:

Dolni Vestonice

The site of _________, dating to about 25,000 years ago, in the Czech Republic is one of the first for which there is an entire settlement plan.

Historical linguistics

The study of how languages change through time and how they may be related is ____________.


The study of the geological and biological processes that accumulate, modify and bury remains


To explain the Hebrew prohibition against pork as a recreation to pigs not fitting stereotypes about how animals behave is a ________ explanation.


We have evidence of possible cannibalism among homo erectus from which site


We know that by the early _____ epoch, primates resembling prosimians had already emerged.


What is a prosmian?

the features must be appropriate

When anthropologists say that features of a culture are shared, they mean

D) all of the above A) it is genetic trait B) it is coded for by a single gene C) There are only two alleles for the trait

When we say that is a Mendelian trait we mean that....

Two premolars

Which is NOT a characteristic of New World monkeys?


Which of the following is not a type of absolute dating?

recognition of indivual rights to land

Which of the following is not characteristic of food-collecting societies?

All of the above A) variation in the species B) time C) selective advantage of certain traits

Which of the following is required for natural selection to occur?

Carolus Linnaeus

Which of the following men did NOT believe in change in the natural world.


Which of the following primates is a vertical clinger and leaper?

there is great sexual dimorphism

Which of the following statements is NOT true about gibbons?


_ is the exchange of sections of chromosomes and another.

Franz Boas

believed that anthropologists shhould collect as much data as possible before cultures disappearred.

Early Homo

Anthropologists speculate that early stone tools found in East Africa were made by

Learned and Shared

Anthropologists, as well as other social scientists, feel that culture is

How insects colonies are organized

Anthropology includes all of the following except


Anthropology takes a(n) __________ approach that includes a wide geographic and historical range.


Any evolutionary change that occurs at or above the level of species is an example of

Difference in house size and furnishing

Archaeologist are able to infer social inequality through

punishments for inappropriate behaviors

Direct constraints are _______________.


During the oligocene epoch, 34 to 24 million years ago, the Fayum area of Egypt was a _________.

an allele

Each member of a gene pair or group is called


Evidence of human activity is called a(n)

All of the above, Flint knappers who reconstruct, microwear studies, Bone studies that help distinquish butchering marks from carnivore breakage

Examples of experimental archaeology include

D. All of the above Lived during the dry season, Exploited a large number of different animals, are associated with Oldowan tools.

Homonids at Olduvia Gorge

in humans one of the pairs of chromosomes must have fused together

Humans have 46 or 23 pairs of chromosomes. All of the great apes have 48 or 24 pairs.The difference in chromosome number can be explained as:

D) all of the above A) disease B) enviromental degradation C) mismanagement or exploitation by leaders

Hypothesized reasons for the decline and collapse of prehistoric states include:

consist of the ideas people have about how they ought to behave

Ideal cultural patterns of a society


If two genes, or alleles, for a trait are the same, the organism is ______ for the trait.

The hererozygote has the highest fitness (reproductive success)

In a blanced polymorphism.....

shares the idea that natural selection can operate on the behavioral or social characteristics of populations and not just on their physical traits.

Sociobiology is like cultural ecology in that it

physical anthropologist

Study of human variation.

Did not exploit any other natural resources besides grains

The Natufians did all the following EXCEPT:


The Neandertals are associated with whichi tool technology?

Bipedalism evolved to allow hominids to cover large distances efficiently

The Scavenging theory for the origin of bipedalism suggest that

potassium-argon dating

The absolute dating technique that utilizes the radioactive decay of potassium into argon to determine the age of fossils is called ___________.

Cultural relativism

The anthropological attitude that a society's customs and ideas should be described objectively and understood in the context of that society's problems and opportunities is called ___________.


The concept of __________ suggested that the earth is constantly subjects to shaping and reshaping by the natural forces working over the vast stretches of time.


The earliest definite primates appeared in the______.


The famous footprints of Australopithecus were found at


The largest of the living apes are_______.

natural selection

The main process that increases the frequency of adaptive traits through time is called


The observable appearance of a pea plant is called its ________.


The order Primates is usually subdivided into two suborders: the prosimians and the ___________.

D) all of the above A) explored the relationship between personality and culture B) developed the concept of a nation character C) were used as part of the United States war effort during World War II.

The psychological approaches

D all of the above A) it might bring dishonor to his family B) it was contrary to church doctrine C) He was sensitive to his wife's religious devotion

The reason for Charles Darwin delay in publishing his theory of evolution was that


The tool tradition identified with Homo erectus is the


The two general categories of dating are absolute and ____________.

selective selection

Which is NOT a type of natural selection

Average height of a population

Which is not put forth as a possible reason for broad-spectrum collecting?


Which of te following is not an anthropoid?

D) all of the above A) reproduction rate B) population size C) mutation rate

Which of the following factors determines how often mutations can arise in a population?

Austalopithecus boisei

Which of the following fossil hominids had a sagittal crest?

Face more prognathic

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Homo erectus compared to early Homo?


Which of the following is NOT a force of evolution?

a tail

Which of the following is NOT a hominoid characteristic?

small brains

Which of the following is NOT a primate trait?


Which of the following is NOT a theory about what happened to the Neandertals?


Which of the following is NOT an early Eocene primate group?

D. All of the above Tanning, Shivering, Increased metabolic

Which of the following is an acclimatization method?

H. floresiensis

Which of the following is called "hobbit" fossil found only in Indonesia?

D all of the above A) followed progress of hybrids through a number of generations B) selected plants that possessed contrasting characteristics C) used a large number plants

Which of the following was the reason for Mendel's success in "discovering" genes?


_______ is the source of all new variation in a species.

Allen's Rule

________ describes what appears to be a general relationship between body appendages and temperature.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck

________ is responsible for popularizing the concept of evolution


__________ are genetic changes that give their carriers a better chance of survivall and reproduction than individuals without the genetic change who live in the same enviroment.

Cultural ecology

___________ is the analysis of the relationship between a culture and its enviroment.


____________ is the main evidence used by the multiregional theorists to support their theory.

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