Driver's Ed-Alcohol and Other Drugs pt 2

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(a)"A few drinks don't affect a person's driving" ---scientific tests have proven that even professional driver's ability have been sharply diminished at levels of .03 percent BAC. Remember, each indiv. BAC is determined by weight, presence of food in the stomach, and more, and lack of experience, particularly when linked to alcohol use, further affect a driver's driving ability. (b). "As long as I follow the standards in the BAC charts, I can drive safely after having alcoholic drinks" ---Although BAC charts have some guidance about indiv. alcohol concentration (based on # of drinks, gender, weight, time elapsed, etc), it is only and AVERAGE BAC!! For an example, a male of 150 pounds who has had 2 drinks will have a BAC of .06, while others may have BACs of .04 or .08 (c). "Alcohol doesn't affect a person until the legal limit of .08 percent BAC ---Minor impairments of judgment and memory occur at BAC levels between .01 and .04 percent; .reaction time slows beginning at .05 percent BAC .Overconfidence, which leads to high risk behavior, occurs with .08 percent BAC, as does impairment and coordination (d) "BAC stands for Breath Analyzer Coordinatior" ----No, it stands for Blood Alcohol Concentration. It's a measure commonly used to determine the extent to which a person is impaired, particularly for driving situations. The law is based on this standard measure, and Texas has set a BAC of .08 percent as the legal limit for drinking and driving

Drugs will affect your...

(a)Perception--involves giving meaning to human senses of vision, hearing, etc. .Unless a driver accurately understands what he/she sees, it is impossible to react appropriately. .Both amphetamines and cocaine cocaine can cause perceptual problems (b) Judgment--Accurate decisions are based on a driver's ability to assess and judge a given driving situation. Poor judgments often results in collisions. DEPRESSANTS and HALLUCINATIONS may greatly impair judgment (c)Coordination--drivers must coordinate hand, eye, and feet movements to successfully operate a motor vehicle. Loss of such ability greatly handicaps performance. INHALANT and DEPRESSANT type of drugs have shown to adversely affect coordination (d)Vision--KEY TO SPACE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and safe driving. Visual impairments make it difficult to predict, decide, and execute appropriately. NARCOTIC DRUGS and COCAINE have both been shown to lessen visual ability (e)Mood--may cause a driver to take unnecessary risks or to be so lethargic that the driver fails to act correctly in a dangerous situation. MARIJUANA and DEPRESSANTS can produce such mood changes.

Categories and effects of the drugs:

---Marijuana---- .vehicle handling---maintaining of lane position, swerving, etc .slowed reaction time .time/distance estimation--other vehicles may appear to be moving more slowly than they actually are or may appear to be farther .Vigilance---a lack of attention to the driving task may occur

Alcohol and the Brain

--Most people think of the intellectual and reasoning ability it possesses, not the motor skills it controls --When operating a motor vehicle we use both the physical and the intellectual operations that are controlled by the brain. --The brain will instruct your eyes what to look for and your muscles what to do in response to situations you observe in the constantly changing driving environment


.03 levels have shown to reduce this ability .About 90 percent of what the a driver "identifies" is the brain telling the eyes what to look for .Alco. relaxes the fine muscles of the eye which control focus and eye movement

Different Effects for Different People:

.A given amount of alcohol does NOT affect all persons the same way or given person the same way every time. Each of us is distinct and unique this an equal amount of alcohol consumed will have a variety of effects. .Each human body has a different level of tolerance to alcohol. TOLERANCE= the need to consume more of a drug to reach a given effect or the body's ability to eliminate the drug faster (ALCOHOL IS A DRUG!!) .As our bodies attempt to adapt, the liver attempts to compensate to help eliminate the alcohol. It is possible for the liver to produce additional quantities of alcohol dehydrogenase (an enzyme that helps break down alcohol as it passes through the liver). But this process does NOT GO ON INDEFINITELY> Prolonged and heavy use of alcohol can cause the liver to become SCARRED. <<when this happens, the production of the enzyme drops and the body will have less tolerance to the effects of alcohol produces, creating even lethal results.

Marijuana Facts

.About 300 kg amounts of the drug are needed to reach a high or an impaired level for most people. ---The chemical content of tetrahydracanabinol (THC) varies in the plant's leaves ----A KG refers to the number of micrograms of chemical per the weight of the body in kilograms.

Signs of abuse:

.Age at which drinking began; drinking means more than taking a sip or having a single drinking experience; persons who start drinking in an irresponsible fashion at a young age are much more likely to become alcoholics than persons who wait until they're 21 --.Drinking before the age of 15 results in risk 4 times greater of future alcoholism .---40 percent of young people under the age 15 become alcohol dependent vs . 10 percent of those who wait to start drinking at 21. .---Each year drinking is delayed results in a 14 percent reduced risk up to age 21

Alcohol Affects the Body:

.Alcohol is QUICKLY and DIRECTLY absorbed into the blood WITHOUT being digested. .As more alcohol is consumed the effect on many of the bodies organs intensifies and your thinking and reasoning abilities become blurred. At this level, you have become "intoxicated resulting from alcohol levels reaching a "toxic" level in the brain.

How the Body Removes Alcohol:

.Alcohol is eliminated from the body by being OXIDIZED (burned up) in the LIVER ---Oxidize turns alcohol into OXYGEN and CARBON DIOXIDE .About 90 percent of alcohol detoxified is oxidized by the liver and the remaining 10 percent is eliminated in BREATH, URINE, and SWEAT. ---On average, a person's BAC is lowered only .015 per HOUR A person's BAC increases when the liver is unable to keep up with the oxidation and elimination of alcohol due to the volume of intake. The liver has a maximum capacity of eliminating alcohol and you must give the liver plenty of time to accomplish this task.

Alcohol affects the physical and intellectual operations of the brain:

.Attention----driving requires your attention to a large number of item simultaneously to ensure safe driving; braking, steering and observing the activities around you can become more than the intoxicated brain can handle at one time .Memory--This inability to retain information has been found to occur with BACs as low as .03 percent. .Emotions--simple observations demonstrate emotional control tends to be lost as more alcohol is consumed .Aggression--tends to be enhanced, especially in males, when they are placed in a competitive situation, and these tendencies are easily observable in driving task situations .Tolerance--psycho. tolerance involves the ability to mask the effects of alcohol is having on them. A person who drinks will often try to develop coping behaviors and not participate in activities which might not reveal their impairment.

When Stopped By the Police:

.If an officer has a propable cause to stop you and suspects that you have been drinking or using drugs, they will ask you to take a breath or blood test. *Under implied consent laws, when you operate a motor vehicle on Texas's public roads, you have agreed to take a chemical test UPON REQUEST* -If you refuse, your license will be suspended

Effects of Alcohol within the body:

.Liver---vital in producing substances that (a).fight infections (b).help blood clot, and benefit health in general. Also detoxifies many substances in the blood. Alcohol may cause alcoholic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) or cirrhosis (scarring of the liver .Heart---Alcohol causes direct damage to the heart by reducing its contractibility and increasing fat infiltration. Heavy drinking, even in young athletes, followed by strenuous exercise has proven fatal. Elevated diastolic blood pressure, swelling, and congestive heart failure are all associated with heavy alcohol use. .Sleep---Because it is a depressant, alcohol can put people to sleep. However, it interferes with REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and thus not allow a person to wake up feeling rested .Stomach--Alcohol irritates the lining of the stomach and increases acidity. GASTRITIS and ULCERS can result. .Brain-- short term effects= dealt with in the section of relating to driving tasks Long term effects= includes destruction of brain nerve cells One researcher found that young people are particularly vulnerable. Headaches are often caused by the use of alcohol.

Effects of 300 jg Include:

.Loss of Tracking ability---impairs your ability to maintain a vehicle in a given line. It requires just a small amount of the active chemical in marijuana to impair your ability to steer, brake and make correct driving decisions .Following Distance: both following distance at too close or at too close or at too great a distance can cause problems. .Vigilance--not remaining attentive to the driving task can cause a driver to follow to closely, drift into another lane, etc .Multi-Task Performances--a task that requires constant but changing attention to traffic, roadway and weather conditions, passengers, gauges,etc. Marijuana causes drowsiness, fragmented thought patterns and problems evaluating road conditions and situations

Different Effects on Different People:

.Personality--alcohol may affect a very outgoing person differently than a reserved, shy person .Mood--if a person is angry, happy, or sad, he or she may react quite differently to alcohol. Anger, for example, affects the same part of the brain as alcohol, and, thus, if a person is angry and drinking, the effects of alcohol may be greatly heightened. .Experience--As mentioned previously, lack of experience in any area may be detrimental. This is especially true of alcohol. .Fatigue--If a person is physically or mentally tired, it does not take much alcohol to produce and adverse effect. .Medication--interacts (if taken) alcohol to alter the alcohol's effect (ANY DRUG!); chemical reaction between and among alco. and other drugs may produce and effect that is much greater than the alco. or drug taken alone, .Weight--the larger a person is, the more blood that person has .Age--experience is a factor in how a person responds to the introduction of alcohol into the system

Unsafe Passing:

.Psychedelic drugs may distort perception of reality to the point that the young driver feels it is safe to pass even when other vehicles are very close

Driving effects of alcohol:

.Remember, alcohol doesn't affect all individuals at the SAME TIME! .It is important to note, however, that alcohol DOES affect all persons adversely as BAC rises. ---Tiredness--persons who are physically and mentally tired may be much more SENSITIVE to alcohol's affects. As alcohol has a depressant action on the brain, it may combine with fatigue to reduce alertness and induce sheep. ----Tolerance--Experienced drinkers may not outwardly demonstrate as many obvious signs of impairment, they still will have driving ability losses. Developing tolerance is DANGEROUS as people typically tend to drink more if they do not seem to feel the affects of alcohol. In addition, tolerance DOES NOT LAST FOREVER, but eventually PEAKS and then DECLINES (reverse tolerance!) -----Mental/attitude/emotions--If a person is happy he or she may drink more and faster. If angry, even SMALL AMOUNTS OF ALCOHOL can produce actions which are not normal for that person. Psychological depression may also be a factor in how a given amount of alcohol affects a person. -----Health---the root of the word "intoxication" is "toxic." ALCOHOL HAS A TOXIC (POISONOUS!!!) EFFECT ON MANY HUMAN SYSTEMS

Psychological Effects:

.Whenever you drive a motor vehicle you must exercise both mental and physical skills in tandem.---Alcohol affects this process .The muscular and mental reactions of drivers who have consumed alcohol become slow and clumsy. The higher the level of intoxication the more the movements and responses become uncontrolled. ---The brain works less efficiently affecting your judgment and responses ---The muscles reaction to brain instructions are delayed ---Muscular control of physical reflexes and coordination become depressed.

Distance Judgment:

.a driver mus be able to determine how far objects are from their POT .this is complicated by movement of other objects especially when changing lanes, passing another vehicle or parking

Eye Focus

.a proper amount of light must reach the retina to see clearly and comfortably .light enters the eye through the pupil and passes through the lenses, these light rays are then focused on the sensitive retina at the back of the eye. .Shape of lenses=determined by the surrounding muscles that bring close and distant objects into sharp focus .The eyes ability to change focus rapidly from close to far is a KEY ELEMENT in the vision process for searching and evaluating. .eye muscles relaxing from alco. and drug use-- light rays are distorted on the retina affecting the clarity of images transmitted and interpreted by the brain

Side Vision:

.alco. narrows your side vision (PERIPHERAL VISION) .Ability critical to driving task: looking straight ahead yet noticing objects to your sides even though you can't see them clearly .CENTRAL VISION= VERY narrow .Peripheral vision provides the ability to observe the potential dangers that could arrive, especially when driving through intersections and near parked or other moving vehicles to their sides.

Drugs other than alcohol and the driving task:

.alcohol IS a drug, but when people hear the word "drugs" they think of illegal drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, etc .A drug is: a substance that changes the way the body or brain works .Drugs are classified: by the effects they have in the central nervous system and bodily functions People can purchase over-the-counter of prescription or prescription medications for illnesses at a variety of places, including drug stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, etc

Color Distinction:

.drivers get much information form different colors in the traffic scene .colors such as RED are used on three different types of signs: stop, yield, or prohibition action .inability to accurately determine the color of a sign or traffic light will endanger themselves and those who come in contact with him/her

Watch for signs of driver impairment:

.driving at inconsistent speeds .driving on the lines or straddling the lane lines .weaving .drifting into other lanes or oncoming traffic .driving on the edge of the road .driving in a turn lane .breaking or stopping without a cause .sudden starts and stops .slow to respond to traffic signs and signals .tailgating .driving at night without headlights on or only daytime running lights or leaving high beam lights on .reckless maneuver .near misses or hitting vehicles or objects in or on the road ,leaving turn signals .making wide turns


.drugs such as COCAINE may make a young driver that his/her ability has actually been enhanced and thus it is safer to drive faster

As a passenger in a vehicle with a driver who may be impaired, look for these signs:

.gripping the steering wheel tightly .slouching in the seat .making strange or obscene gestures .driving with windows open in cold weather .sticking head out of window .driving with face too close to windshield .not turning head to scan .talking loud .playing music louder than normal

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs

.headaches, hay fever, cold, allergies or nervous conditions can cause drowsiness and dizziness. .Includes syrups, pills, and tablets. ---Read the labels carefully! Labels often warn of side effects that could reduce coordination, slow reaction times and hinder your ability to drive safely

Cocaine and Valium:

.high risk behavior--speed, taking chances, etc .inattention to the driving task .loss of vehicle control .judgment errors Valium--this drug is used to manage ANXIETY disorder but may cause drivers to: .Ignore signs .become confused when judging traffic .drive erratically

Steps that can be taken to prevent more impaired driving fatalities:

.if it is a close friend, try and use a soft, calm approach at first--suggest to them that they have had too much to drink and it would be better if someone else drove or if they took a cab .Try to make it you that seaming to do the person a favor by driving them .Try to get the keys away from person .Be a designated driver

What to do when a drunk driver is seen:

.keep as much distance as possible between you and the impaired driver .do not pass someone showing signs of impairment .pull off the road or turn on a side road when safe if the driver is following .to report the impaired driver--note the color, make, model, license plate number if possible and direction of vehicle of the impaired driver

Become aggressive:

.meth and PCP are examples of drugs which cause a young person to be more aggressive and thus risk becoming involved in a violent situation

Impaired driving is 100 percent preventable. Decision making:

.never use alcohol and only use drugs for medical reasons .wait until legal to use alcohol .never drive after using alcohol .do not use alcohol now and hope for no bad results

Results concluded the test subjects were:

.overreacting in skid situations .using braking instead of steering .increasing their speed during the crash simulator exercise .misjudging the location of the car in its lane

Resisted peer pressure:

.say what the problem is--it is illegal .say what the consequences are .suggest something else to do instead .if peers insist. leave--leave open for them to change their minds and join you .make a plan: --think ahead and try to anticipate a problem --decide in advance what you intend to do --think of some good ways to handle the situation of it arises, or some good ways to avoid the situation altogether .discuss alternative with your parents .find reasons to leave .find new activity or new group to hang out with

Factors Contributing to Degree of Risk:

.the condition of the vehicle (condition of tires, suspension system, brakes, dirty windshield, etc) .the weather you are driving in (rain, ice, snow, glare,etc) .the condition the driver is in (fatigued, impaired, distracted, angry, late, inexperienced, ill, etc) .when the driver has poor driving skill (poor communication, weak visual search, skills, bad habits, etc) .the type and condition of the road being traveled (narrow, poor condition, obstructions, construction, etc) .other users that may occupy the road and surroundings (children and other pedestrians, cyclists, trucks, wild and domestic animals, etc) .Underestimating the potential risks (overestimating ability and vehicle capabilities, not wearing a seat belt, drinking and driving, not accepting responsibility for bad driving decisions---it's the other guy's fault, being invincible, etc) .Emotions (angry drives are more likely to take risks than happy drivers, passengers can affect driver emotions, driving to "cool off," etc) .Distractions (smoking, portable technologies, pets, passengers, stereo systems, etc) .Underestimating the physical laws that affect driving (speed, gravity, traction, torque, inertia, kinetic energy, force of impact, centrifugal force, and center of gravity, etc)

Double Vision

.there are 6 muscles attached to each eye that direct it automatically and separates towards a focal point. .when eye muscles are relaxed due to drug and alco. use, the two eyes may not be directed towards the same focal point. -----This lack of coordination will cause double vision

Visual Acuity (sharpness):

.this is the sharpness of vision. .alco. lessens visual acuity causing images to blur and thus impair the driver's ability to identify properly what is in the traffic scene

Ways to minimize Driving Risk:

.wear your seat belt at leas 10 inches from the airbag .turn your headlights on at all times .continue to improve your traffic safety knowledge and refine your driving skills .keep a margin of space between you and other vehicles. Wise drivers keep vigilant control over the space in front of their vehicles .use a simple visual search process SEEiT .Maintain your car and understand how it works .develop safe driving habits .position your vehicle to maximize your ability to see and be seen by others .place your hands at 9-8 o'clock and 3-4 o'clock or below on the steering wheel with thumbs along the rim .adjust speed for conditions .drive only when alert and able to efficiently process information from the driving environment .adhere to traffic laws-they are designed to improve safety and efficiency

How many drugs are there?



A response to a simple sound (example: gun shot) light (example:light turned on suddenly) sensations (example: touch hot stove), etc

Elimination of Alcohol:

Alcohol does NOT have to be digested as other food products. After absorption, it is eliminated in several ways. (a). Liver--alcohol is primarily 94 percent oxidized by the liver and thus a person CAN NOT DO ANYTHING TO SPEED THE PROCESS (b). Breath, sweat, urine--only about 6 percent of ingested alcohol is removed by a combination of these three processes. While a person will breathe HARDER and sweat MORE after exercise, this will NOT result in removal of any substantial amount of alcohol

Drowsiness (.02-.06):

Alcohol is a sedative (depressant) substance and can induce sleep. When combined with fatigue and late night driving, even small amounts of alcohol increase the chance of dozing of while driving.


Alcohol levels as low as .015-.049 (1-2 drinks for some people) produce increased driving risk. This is an example of the rational used for the implementation of "zero-tolerance" laws for young people.

Information processing (.02-.05):

All of these can be adversely affected by even small amounts of alcohol: .Other traffic .signs, signals, and toad markings .pedestrians and animals .interior (dashboard, passenger interactions, etc)

Bac and Increased death risk

BAC: .015-.049 Increased risk of death= 2.5 BAC of .05-.079 Increased risk of death= 9 BAC of .08-.099 Increased risk of death= 40 BAC of .10-.149 Increased risk of death=90 BAC of .15 and greater= increased risk of death= 420

Alcohol when consumed _________ you...Don't Think Otherwise:

Controls --Alcohol affects your moods, personality, and health .That is why alcohol laws prohibit young inexperienced adults under 21 years of age from consuming alcohol in their possession. The hope is to give them the time needed for their organs to mature and for them to gain the life experiences needed to handle alcohol responsibly

Illegal Drugs.

Illegal drugs are DANGEROUS and should NEVER BE USED! ----Commonly used drug= MARIJUANA --Did you know that after alcohol, marijuana is the drug most often found in drivers involved in crashes.

Immediate Effects and Long Term Effects:

Immediate Effects: hinders your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely Long Term Effects: stemming from constantly subjecting your body to alcohol will be much more DEVASTATING, and may lead to (a).addiction and (b). physical problems that could result in loss of life

Drug Conviction:

In addition, the state of Texas can also suspend your license for up to six months following a drug conviction or any violation of the Texas Controlled Substances Act


Liver = 90 percent Breath, Urine, Sweat=10 percent Therefore: BAC of .05= 3.5 hours of removal BAC of .07= 5 hours of removal BAC of .10= 7 hours of removal BAC of .15= 10 hours of removal The only way to completely eliminate all alcohol from your body us to STOP DRINKING and wait for the liver to do its job. If a person with a BAC of .15 percent stopped drinking about 2 am, the person will be legally intoxicated until about 8 am and that young driver could receive a DUI offense until between 12 noon and 1 pm the next day. --DUI is any detectable amount of alcohol for persons under 21

Avoid illegal drug use:

Not only may a young driver suffer legal penalties by using illegal drugs, but often times such drugs contain dangerous chemicals

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The "upper" drug causes loss of: .Divided attention .Risk taking

Use only the dose prescribed for legal drugs:

The idea that if one pill is helpful, 2-3 pills are even better is a DANGEROUS concept

Complex Reaction Time ).04-.08)

The instructor should ask the class the difference in simple and complex reaction time

Multi-Task Performances (.o2-.08)

The more items with which young drivers have to deal, the more likely errors will occur even alcohol levels reveal low BACs: .Exterior--(traffic evaluations, weather, etc) .Interior--(radio, cell phone, air conditioner controls, passengers, dashboard

Research has shown that while simple reaction time is not as likely to be affected after drinking, and complex reaction time is affected.

The young driver might react quickly but make an incorrect choice (brake when steering is needed)


This drug is used to reduce allergy symptoms but adversely affects and lessens: .alertness .reaction times .drowsiness .PCP-this pyschedelic drug causes: (a)disorientation (b)double vision (c)reduced hand/eye coordination


This is a hallucinogenic drug that: .Interferes with information processing .Increase likelihood of speeding


This mind altering drug produces: .Slowing of reaction time .Lessened visual acuity (sharpness of vision) .Distorted perception of the driving scene

BAC and risk of death

While alcohol increases the risk of death from ally types of accidents (traffic crashes, falls, fires, drowning, etc), it can also cause death from SHORT TERM over consumption --Respiratory failure is USUALLY THE CAUSE OF DEATH WHEN A BAC IS APPROXIMATELY .40 IS REACHED. ---The instructor should note however that deaths have occurred at levels, LOWER than .30. ----Alcohol may also inadvertently cause death for other reasons. These include: .Choking on vomit after heavy drinking .Passing out and not being able to respond to dangerous situations (smoke alarm not being heard in a fire situation.

Search Process:

a driver evaluating what others will and what they should do, and the brain processing the information and telling the eyes to identify risks and make accurate predictions "Predict" and "Decide" concepts both involve the thinking process, and experimentation has shown that levels of alcohol as low as .03 reduce these abilities.

Night vision

alco. reduces the control of light entering the eye .driving at night--the pupils in our eyes will enlarge allowing the maximum amount of light to enter .night sight is limited at best, however, detecting objects in our field of view involving more than discerning small details .it takes ONE second for our eyes to respond to the glare of oncoming headlights, After exposed it can take from two and eight seconds for the pupils to enlarge again. Add alcohol to this and recovery slows even further

When driving, your mind needs to be _______ at all times


Legally and responsibly using drugs:

bleb. You already know

Do not combine alcohol and drugs


Read the labels/instructions carefully

both otc and doctor prescribed drugs contain useful information about drug side effects which may impair driving

The fact is drug can affect ________

driving abilities ---It's not just illegal drugs that cause problems. Almost it makes no difference whether it is legal, illegal, or over-the-counter

Separate driving from drug use

drugs and alcohol should NOT be combined!

It is possible for a drive to search and evaluate correctly, yet fail to ______ properly






Physiological and Psychological Effects






Alcohol/drug abuse:

goes way beyond a single occasion of intoxication or receiving citation for illegal alc./drug abuse -----it should be noted by the teacher that ANY alc. use by a person under 21 is technically abuse of alco. Abuse involves use of alc./drug abuse in the past year which: --contributed to difficulty/inability to meet home, school, or work responsibilities ----put you in physical danger (driving, sports, activities, etc) ---led to problems with the legal system ---led to problems with others (friends, family, fights, etc)



Not wearing safety belt:






The Key to remember is that any change a drug produces may also _________ driving ability

lessen Drugs should NEVER be mixed with alcohol because of a possible synergistic effect (chemical reaction between two or more drugs that may produce a reaction greater than either drug taken alone)

Prescription Drugs

medications that can only be obtained when a licensed doctor or physician gives the person a prescription. .When given a prescribed medicine by your doctor, always ask how it might affect your driving ability. .Prescribed medication is MUCH MORE POWERFUL and generally has more severe side effects if taken improperly: ----Tranquilizers--many people use it to relieve tension, treat high blood pressure and calm nerves. These drugs, including Valium, Halcyon, and Librium, all have effects including alcohol. Can cause driving task misjudgments. Effects may include irritability, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, reduced coordination and slower reaction ----Stimulants---- A stimulant can give a feeling of energy and alertness at first and often prevents sleep. While there may appear to be an initial benefit for drivers, negative effects may include hallucinations, paranoia, increased distractibility and over-reliance to ward off fatigue. Drivers using stimulants often develop a false sense of alertness and self-confidence ---------Narcotics--- Often used as pain relievers, narcotic drugs dull the senses and may producer driver inattention to risks.

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several possible responses to sounds sounds or sights (example: car stops suddenly ahead. Is best decision to brake, steer right, steer left, or some combination, of these

Facts were collected that showed ___________ in young drivers age 16-19

single vehicle collisions --Results were alarming; study explained the increased likelihood of driver death as his or her blood alcohol concentration increased. ---This comparison of single vehicle collisions demonstrates the level of risk regarding death in a collision involving alcohol compared to those involving a sober driver

Search, Evaluate, and Execute:

space management system is based on vision, understanding what you have observed, and deciding what the best course of action is and executing that action

Synergetic effects of drugs:

synergism refers to a chemical reaction between 2 or more drugs which produces an effect different (and usually greater) than either of the drugs or the sum of these individual effects . H2 SO4 is sulphuric acid, while independently each element (hydrogen, sulphur, and oxygen) have certain properties, combining them in these proportions produce an acid which is very powerful and corrosive. Similarly, combining alcohol and another drug or 2 or more drugs can produce expanded effects in humans

Tracking (.05-.08)

the ability to keep the vehicle in the intended lane of travel ---because alco. affects fine muscle control, a young driver who has consumed alco. will be more likely to steer erratically and cross into another lane, run off the road or attract the attention of a police officer

Physiological and Psychological effects:

there is much LESS research on the driving task effects of non-alcohol drugs than there is on alcohol. This is because of legal and ethical reasons.

Marijuana is ______ in its effects:

unpredictable ---Perception of speed and distance is affected. Normal thought processes are dulled and eye-hand coordination is slowed down. Braking time in the drivers tested showed a reduction between 20 percent and 60 percent in their ability to stop safely. At the same it was found that the user felt more confident and less concerned about safety.

If you are caught with illegal drugs:

you could have a criminal record, receive large fines, and/or go to jail

improper sexual activity

young people often make poor decisions about sexual activity. Disease, pregnancy and emotional problems may be the result

Effects of alcohol and differing effects on individuals:

(A).Frontal Lobe--- can be affect by a BAC of .01. It is critical to driving as there is a constant need to make quick and accurate judgments. This area of the brain tends to be the FIRST ONE AFFECTED. Things in this section affected by alcohol include: .Inhibitions---may experience a release of these self-imposed restraints and do something as a driver they would not normally do .Judgment---making decisions about the actions of other drivers, ability to handle a situation and determining a safe speed to travel are examples in this area of things alcohol will affect. .Attention--Drivers must divide their attention between and among a great number of things (other traffic, weather conditions, pedestrians, signs, signals, interior items such as dashboard, radio, cell phones, etc). The ability to accurately divide attention is ONE OF THE FIRST LOSSES PRODUCED BY ALCOHOL .Visual losses---Losses in distance judgment, peripheral vision and visual acuity (sharpness) all occur as BAC rises. Of particular importance are losses of DYNAMIC VISION (vision related to motion). These tend to occur at very low BAC's while static vision (reading an eye chart for example) may not occur until illegal BACs are reached. .Coordination---Coordination of hand-eye or foot-eye movements is VITAL to successful motor vehicle operation. Alcohol disrupts these abilities and drivers tend to OVER or UNDER steer, brake, or accelerate .Medulla-- When a BAC of .40 (sometimes even lower) is reached, humans are at a great risk of death. While a person may become unconscious first, if BAC is still rising death may occur

Alcohol has both (A)______ and (B)______ effects on the body

(a) immediate (short term) (b)long term

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