Drivers Ed Final Test

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Speeding 10-14 mph over the posted speed limit will result in ___ points?


Speeding 15-19 mph over the posted speed limit will result in ___ points?


Speeding 20 or more mph over the posted speed limit will result in ___ points?


What does a slow down or stop signal using a hand and arm signal look like?

Left hand bent downward at the elbow

What does a right turn using a hand an arm signal look like?

Left hand bent upward at the elbow

What does a left turn signal using a hand and arm signal look like?

Left hand fully extended to the left

When is it safe for a child to be moved from a child restraint?

A and C (When the middle of the child's head is higher than the back of a high-backed booster seat and When your child can comfortably sit up straight and have his/her legs bend easily over the edge of the seat.)

Any drug taken with alcoholic beverages:

May have harmful results making you unfit to drive

Under DE law, underage consumption or possession of alcohol, even if not related to operating a motor vehicle, can result in:

Suspension of license

A driver who has been drinking will probably...

Take more chances

Which of the following is not a Delaware law requiring the use of child restraints?

The only time a child is allowed to not ride in a child seat, is its first trip home from the hospital after being born.

What is the only thing that will sober you up?


True or False: A flashing red light means the same thing as "slow down, proceed with caution.


True or False: A person can burn off alcohol with strenuous activity.


True or False: A right turn is always legal on a red light.


True or False: A steady green light means you always have a clear path of travel.


True or False: Alcohol is involved in over 60% of all fatal traffic crashes.


True or False: All warning signs are diamond shaped.


True or False: At 30 mph, a 10-lb. baby in a crash becomes a force of 60 lbs., and can easily be held safely in someone's lap in the car.


True or False: At 50 mph , it can take about 400 feet to react to something you see and another 400 feet to bring your vehicle to a stop.


True or False: BAC is your Blood Alert Content.


True or False: D.U.I. stands for drinking while intoxicated.


True or False: If you are driving under the influence and it's your first offense, you will receive a warning.


True or False: If you are drunk you can become more sober by drinking coffee.


True or False: It is better to drive home after having one drink than call your parents and possibly get in trouble.


True or False: Mirrors are not inspected during inspection.


True or False: Per mile driven, the fatal accident rate at night throughout the nation is the same as during the day.


True or False: Putting the shoulder belt under your armor behind you is acceptable.


True or False: Speed limits take into account less than ideal conditions, i.e., wet or icy.


True or False: Stopping at 60 mph takes twice the distance it takes at 30 mph.


True or False: The Implied Consent Law states that you DO NOT have to take a chemical test without penalty.


True or False: When it's raining, you don't need to use your lights, just your wipers.


True or False: When turning sharp corners, turn the steering wheel using the "hand-over-hand" technique. When you complete a turn, straighten out the steering wheel by letting it slip through your fingers.


True or False: Your body weight has NO effect on your blood alcohol concentration.


True or False: Your personal life and finances will NOT be affected with a D.U.I.


Where there are no signs or lane markings to control turning, you should turn:

From the lane that is closest to the direction you want to go and turn into the lane closest to the lane you came from

Which of the following is false? You must not stop or park your vehicle:

In any designated fire lane between sunset or sunrise.

Some road surfaces are slippery at certain times or places. What's not an example of this?

In the southern part of the US where it is humid

A vehicle that violates the school bus law and the driver is not identified by a police officer, a bus driver, or a crossing guard:

It shall be assumed that the person in whose name the vehicle is registered committed such violation.

True or False: If you are convicted of a D.U.I. in any other state, your driving privileges will be revoked in Delaware.


True or False: If you are under 18, you can own your own vehicle with a parent/guardian's signature.


True or False: If you can not afford a child safety restraint, you may borrow one from one of the State Service Centers.


True or False: If you get a D.U.I., your insurance rates will most likely increase.


True or False: If your vehicle breaks down on a highway, use the emergency flashers.


True or False: Insurance companies are required to issue a new ID card at least every six months.


True or False: It is illegal in Delaware to drive with head or earphones that cover both ears.


True or False: Minimum liability insurance is $25,000, $50,000, and $10,000.


True or False: Never drink alcohol while you are taking other drugs.


True or False: On a 94 degree day the interior of a car can get dangerously hot. It will be 122 degrees in just half an hour and 132 degrees after an hour.


True or False: On a wet road you should reduce your speed about 10 mph. On packed snow you should cut your speed in half.


True or False: Red lights are prohibited in the front of all ordinary vehicles.


True or False: Registration fee for one year is $40.00.


True or False: The best advice to give is "if you drink alcohol, do not drive".


True or False: The lien holder (example bank) keeps the title before the vehicle is paid for.


True or False: The safest way to drive is 100% sober.


True or False: There is an easy way to tell if you are following too closely. It is called the "Four Second Rule".


True or False: Vehicles in unsafe condition, lacking required equipment or not in proper repair or adjustment will be rejected.


True or False: WALK and DON'T WALK signs are to be followed by pedestrians.


True or False: When it's raining or the road is wet, most tires have good traction up to 35 mph.


True or False: When making a left turn on a red light, you must always wait until the light is green.


True or False: When stopping quickly with ABS brakes, press down hard.


True or False: Yellow means prepare to stop.


True or False: You must be able to stop within the distance you can see ahead with your headlights. "DON'T OVERDRIVE YOUR HEADLIGHTS".


True or False: You must signal 300 feet prior to your intended actions.


True or False: You must title and register your vehicle within 60 days of becoming a Delaware resident.


True or False: You need to pass a total of 3 block classes (2 core) to be eligible to drive.


True or False: You should use your turn signals before you change lanes, turn right or left, merge into traffic, or park.


True or False: ZERO TOLERANCE is NOT the same as a DUI.


True or False: proof of Liability insurance must be submitted at the time of vehicle titling/registering.


When headed uphill, and there is a curb?

Turn wheels away from curb.

When headed downhill, and there is a curb?

Turn wheels toward roadway edge.

When headed uphill and there is no curb?

Turn wheels toward roadway edge.

If you refuse a chemical test, under the age of 21, you may have your license revoked:

Until 21 years of age

Changing lanes includes all of the following except:

Waiting for the light to change from red to green

The greater the ___ of the drinker, the greater the amount of alcohol it takes to bring their B.A.C. to a specified level.


The fee of a duplicate license is?


The fee for a Delaware driver's license is?


If you disregard a stop light or stop sign you will get ___ points?


After changing your address WITHIN the state of Delaware you have ___ days to notify the DMV?


Drinking one 12 ounce bottle of beer, or a 5 ounce glass of wine, or a 1.5 ounce shot of whiskey, a person needs about ___ hour(s) to not have the alcohol in their system.


How many marking periods are you given to become eligible to drive if you were originally declared ineligible to drive?


If you are convicted of underage possession of alcohol your license may be suspended for a period of ___ for the first offense?

30 days

You must be at least ___ years of age to be eligible for a Level One Learner's Permit?


Speeding 1-9 mph over the posted speed limit will result in ___ points?


Alcohol reaches your brain in how many minutes?


The minimum acceptable vision for a Delaware driver license is ___, with or without glasses or contact lenses?


A 16 year old found guilty of Driving Under The Influence of alcohol or other illegal drugs will not get his/her license back until the age of:


The legal age to consume alcohol in Delaware is?

21 years old

___ is the minimum age of the sponsor who must ride with the driver in the front seat on a level one learner's permit.


The maximum speed on a two lane road in Delaware is?


Under the GDL law you must complete and log ___ hours of driving with an adult, and 10 of those hours must be driven at night?


If a driver reaches 16 points they will lose their driving privileges for ___ months?


Illegally passing a stopped school bus will result in ___ points?


Reckless driving will result in ___ points?


If you move into Delaware from ANOTHER STATE, you must apply for a Delaware driver's license within ___ days of becoming a resident.


If convicted of a ZERO TOLERANCE violation, how long do you lose your license?

60 days

After the first 6 months after issuance, the level one permit holder may drive unsupervised between the hours of ___ and ___.

6am - 10 pm

A stop sign has how many sides?


How long is a drivers license valid?

8 years from driver's birthday

A reserved lane is only for:

All of the above ("HOV" indicates lanes reserved for vehicles with more than one person in them, "Bicycle" means the lane is reserved for bicycles, "Transit" or "Bus" means the lane is for bus use only)

How much alcohol gets into the bloodstream depends primarily on which of the following factors?

All of the above (Amount of alcohol in the drink, Your weight, Amount of food in the stomach)

To be a good driver, you should look ahead. This means:

All of the above (Avoid last-minute braking or the need to turn ; you should look well down the road, Steer straighter with less weaving, Tend to look at least 10 seconds ahead of their vehicle, Be ready to stop or change lanes if needed.)

It is very important to look for vehicles behind you when you:

All of the above (Change lanes, Slow down, Back up, Driving down a long or steep hill).

When must you obey Delaware traffic laws?

All of the above (Driving a motor vehicle, Riding a bicycle, Propelling or Guiding some other vehicle, Riding a animal or walking)

If it feels like your tires have lost traction with the surface of the road you should:

All of the above (Ease your foot off the gas pedal, Keep the steering wheel straight. Only try to turn if it's an emergency, and Do not try to stop or turn until your tires are gripping the road again.)

B.A.C. is:

All of the above (Expressed in percent, Measured by chemical analysis, A precise way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a quantity of blood)

Which of the following are true about trucks?

All of the above (Extra time is needed to pass a truck, Never pass close behind a truck that is in the process of backing up, Trucks have deep blind spots directly behind them, and Truck drivers sometimes need to swing wide to the left in order to safely negotiate a right turn.)

When yielding the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle:

All of the above (If in an intersection, drive through the intersection before you pull over, Pull over to the right edge of the road or as near to the right as possible, Follow any instructions given over the emergency vehicles loudspeaker)

Headlights help the other guy see you. Use headlights:

All of the above (On rainy days, On snowy days, On foggy days, and When driving away from a rising or setting sun)

When yielding the right-of-way to police, fire, ambulance, or other emergency vehicle using a siren, or a red or blue flashing light, you must:

All of the above (Pull over to the right edge of the road or as near to the right as possible, If in an intersection, drive through the intersection before you pull over, Follow any instructions given over the emergency vehicles loudspeaker)

Alcohol effects people by:

All of the above (Slows your reflexes and reaction time, Reduces your ability to see clearly, Makes you less alert)

Which of the following must be taken to the DMV in order to obtain a Delaware graduated drivers license?

All of the above (Social Security Card, Blue Certificate, Certified Copy Of Your Birth Certificate)

Lines and symbols on the roadway divide lanes. They also tell you:

All of the above (The distance measurements before you reach an intersection or STOP sign, When you may pass other vehicles or change lanes and which lanes to use for turns, Identified pedestrian walkways and where you must stop for signs or traffic signals)

When making right turns, avoid swinging wide to the left before making the turn because

All of the above (The driver behind you may think you are changing lanes, The driver behind you may think you are going to turn left and may try to pass you on the right, You may collide with an oncoming vehicle)

At some crossings, along with the cross-buck sign, which statement is correct:

All of the above (You will see side-by-side lights that will flash when a train is approaching. When the lights are flashing, you must stop, Some crossings also have a bell that will sound. Do not cross until the bell has stopped, and This sign has the same meaning as a Yield sign. You must yield to crossing trains)

Whoever is convicted of passing a stopped school bus with overhead and stop arm red lights flashing shall, for the first offense:

All of the above (be fined not less than $100 nor more than $230, Imprisoned not less than 30 days not more than 60 days, DMV shall suspend the driver license and/or driving privilege for 1 month)

The Delaware Office of Highway Safety DOES NOT do which of the following?

All of the above are correct statements (Operates three permanent child safety seat Fitting Stations at DMV locations in the State, one in each county, A fitting station is a year-round location where parents can get their child safety seats inspected, Conduct free child safety seat checks, Federally certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians will check your child seat for recalls and correct instillation.)

What is a reversible lane?

Allow traffic in one direction at certain times and in the opposite direction at other times.

Before turning right, you should do all of the following except:

Always turn right on red

How many alcoholic drinks does it take to affect your driving ability?

Any amount

In Delaware, police can charge you with Driving Under The Influence, D.U.I., if the Blood Alcohol Concentration is at least?

Any reading above 0.0

What do arrows mean?

Apply to one direction

People can not see you unless they are looking you way. Don't use your horn:

Around blind pedestrians

Good vision is a must for safe driving. Good vision is all except:

Back vision - You need to have "eyes in the back of your head" and use the rear view mirror.

The motorist and the bicyclist. Which is not true?

Bicycles are quite sensitive to irregular road surfaces, but still must stay in their lane and ALWAYS have the right-of-way at intersections.

Where should hands be placed on the steering wheel?

Both hands should be placed on opposite sides of the steering wheel (e.g., left hand between 8 and 10 o'clock and right hand between 2 and 4 o'clock.)

To know how fast you are going:

Check the speedometer often

At a traffic signal the color red means?

Complete stop

As people become more intoxicated their reactions


Which of the following is the best advice for a driver who has had too much to drink?

Do not drive

ZERO TOLERANCE applies to whom?

Drivers under the age of 21

The Implied Consent Law is linked with what driving violation?

Driving under the influence

Which of the following is not true about seat belts:

None of the above (Protect you from injury as a driver by preventing your ejection from a vehicle, Keep you in place to help you keep control of the vehicle, You can cut your chance of dying or being seriously injured in a crash nearly in half by simply wearing your seat belt, and The fine for violating Delaware's seat belt law is $25 plus court costs.)

Shared center lanes are reserved for making left turns (or U-turns when they are permitted). These lanes are marked:

On each side by a solid yellow and dashed yellow lines

As a motorcyclist you must:

Only A and C (Always have in your possession approved eye protection and an approved helmet for yourself and your passenger when operating a motorcycle and Wear eye protection and helmet if you are operating with a learners's permit and if your are under 19 years of age.)

Railroad crossings have signs or signals to warn drivers. You must:

Only A and C (Never start to cross if there is not room for your vehicle on the far side, or if you will have to stop on the tracks and Do not block the crossing. Wait until there is room for your vehicle on the far side)

You must obey the instructions of a police officer:

Only B and C (Even though they may be contrary to laws, signals, and markings and Such instructions from the police are occasionally necessary to keep traffic moving safely)

Which of the statements are true on white and yellow lane markings?

Only B and C (Outside edge lane markings are white and Multiple lanes in the same direction are marked in white)

If you are driving too fast for conditions, use the "Four Second Sight Distance Rule." Which is:

Pick a spot ahead you can clearly see, count by thousands; if past the spot before reaching four one-thousand, you are going to fast.

At a traffic signal the color yellow means?

Prepare to stop

What does yellow mean?

Prepare to stop

At a traffic signal the color green means?

Proceed with caution

What does green mean?

Proceed with caution

When you back up, you should do all of the following except:

Pull forward before you back up

Adjust your driving to traffic. Do all of the following except:

Quickly pass slow moving traffic to avoid traffic delays or sudden stopping

Drivers passing a vehicle on a multi lane roadway:

Should use the left most lane.

When changing lanes, you should do all of the following except:

Slow down

As you approach any railroad crossing you must first:

Slow down and look up and down the tracks to make sure a train is not coming.

If you are having vehicle trouble and have to stop, you would not:

Stand on the road side of the vehicle and wave traffic around your vehicle. Use a red cloth if you have one.

Avoid the blind spot. Do all of the following except:

Stay in the left lane when traffic is heavy.

What does Red mean?


Which of the following is an example of a regulatory sign?

Stop sign

True or False: A 100 pound person is more likely to get drunk faster than a 200 pound person.


True or False: A 15 oz. shot of whiskey has the equal amount of alcohol as a 12 oz. beer.


True or False: A child booster seat may only be used in a seating position where both a lap and shoulder belt are present.


True or False: A driver must always have license, registration, and insurance in the vehicle.


True or False: A flashing yellow light means slow down and proceed with caution.


True or False: A juvenile under the age of 21 who is convicted of a D.U.I. will lose their drivers license until the age of 21.


True or False: A person who drives under the influence of alcohol or drugs is subject to both criminal and administrative penalties.


True or False: Alcohol reduces many of the important skills you need to drive safely.


True or False: Alcohol slows down your reflexes and reaction time.


True or False: As a defensive driver you should constantly be thinking of an "escape route" as you drive.


True or False: At a speed of 55 mph, you need about 10 seconds to pass.


True or False: Death could occur if you combine alcohol and drugs.


True or False: Dim your high beams whenever you come within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle.


True or False: Division of Motor vehicles randomly audits for proof of insurance on active registrations.


True or False: Do not drive at any time with only your parking lights on. They are for parking only.


True or False: Each drink takes at least an hour to be eliminated from your system.


True or False: Eating food between drinks limits the rate at which alcohol gets into your bloodstream.


True or False: Food slows down the rate at which alcohol enters the bloodstream.


True or False: Headlights should be used from sunset to sunrise.


You have several responsibilities as a driver and a pedestrian. Which is not true?

When there is no side walk, you must walk with traffic on the edge of the road

The implied consent law states:

You must comply with a chemical test

Following distance behind the motorcyclist should be ___ when traveling at speeds under 40 mph and ___ for speeds above 40 mph.

at a two (2) second count; and at a four (4) second count

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