Driver's Ed: Undesirable Traits for Drivers

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People with what traits should you avoid driving near?

Aggressiveness, egotism, emotional instability, inattentiveness, exhibition, and irresponsibility

What are examples of displaying exhibition when driving?

Speeding, weaving through traffic, peeling out (starting too quickly after being stopped at a signal), racing other drivers, playing "chicken", ignoring signals and other traffic laws

About how many crashes involved a distracted driver?


How do you avoid road rage?

Always expect other drivers to make a mistake, don't drive when upset, don't make other drivers upset, use turn signals, don't cut people off

What is a space cushion?

An area around your car to keep open

What are signs of road rage?

Braking suddenly on purpose, Pulling close to the side of another car, Tailgating, Trying to convince (or force) another driver to pull over and settle a dispute face-to-fac, Cutting off other drivers, Speeding up to prevent others from passing, Unnecessary horn honking and headlight flashing, Yelling and obscene gestures (you know the one.)

What is the exception to texting and driving?

Calling/Texting emergency services

What are signs of aggressive drivers?

Dangerous decision making, impatient, excessive honking, tailgating, preventing people from passing or switching lanes, road rage

What do you do when you believe someone is following you?

Don't go home Stay calm and in control of the situation Flash your lights and honk your horn so that others on the road notice you and the follower Drive to a safe spot, like a police station, and do the ol' honk-and-flash again Don't leave the safe location until you're sure your follower is gone

What are the repercussions of texting and driving?

Fines and losing your driver license, disappointing your parents and losing privileges, setting a bad example for friends and siblings, crashing your vehicle, injuring or killing someone else, injuring or killing yourself

What are characteristics of aggressive drivers?

Negative, Rude to the police, Foolish, Impatient, Easily annoyed

What are some distractions you face when driving?

Phones, music, friends, smoking, etc.

How do you avoid aggressive driving?

Plan your trip ahead of time so you aren't rushed, Don't tailgate, Yield the right of way, Don't take up more than one parking space. And when you open your car door, don't let it hit the car next to you, Merge into traffic at an appropriate speed, Only use your high beam headlights if it's necessary, Keep your music at a reasonably low volume, Be courteous, Pay attention to what you're doing, Consistently use your turn signals and turn them off when you're finished turning or changing lanes, Don't slam on the horn (unless it's an emergency), make obscene gestures, or otherwise react to others' mistakes, Don't cut off other drivers, block the passing lane, or make it difficult for others to change lanes, Don't drive slowly in the "fast lane" (the one on the far left), Follow all other rules of the road.

Who did the multitasking study?

Professor Wang

Why is texting distracting when driving?

Takes eyes off the road, takes hands off the wheel, catches you attention, and emotional issues

Is texting or being drunk more dangerous on the road?


How can you reduce distractions while driving?

Wait until a red light, no electronics, keep pets out of reach, no minivan parties, no reading, get ready at home, keep eyes on the road, settle on music early, no eating, etc.

What is road rage?

When drivers lose control of their emotions and react negatively to other drivers

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