Drivers training :)

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Third level of the deceleration

Threshold braking - application of brake pressure to a point just short of locking up the brakes

Fourth level of acceleration

Thrust acceleration - firm push or thrust of accelerator for increased acceleration, shift more weight to the rear wheels

First type of vehicle failure

1. Engine failure (fuel-injection system, discharged battery, trouble in ignition system, low coolant, defective thermostat, broken belts)

Items a driver should have available in case of emergency

1. Flashlight 2. Screwdriver/pliers 3. Lug wrench 4. Wiping cloth 5. Flares or reflective triangles 6. Tire gauge/extra drive belts

List the steps involved in safely approaching your vehicle

1. Have your keys in hand before approaching or entering your car 2. Be alert to other pedestrians and drivers 3. Search for signs of movement between, beneath and around objects to both sides of your vehicle 4. Make sure other drivers see you. Walk well away from parked vehicles 5. If parked at curb, face traffic as you approach the driver's door

Three pieces of vehicle equipment needed to tow a trailer safely

1. Heavy duty suspension 2. Increased capacity cooling system 3. High ratio axle

Vehicle operating costs

1. Insurance 2. Maintenance/repairs 3. Fuel

Three stages of license

1. Learners Permit- held for 6 months to a year after completing a drivers education course to gain basic driver skills 2. Intermediate stage- have normal license and can drive unsupervised but face many restrictions like how many people can be in the car 3. Full license- meet all requirements after having provisional, happens when 17-18.

Guidelines to help you avoid driving aggressively or engaging in Road rage

1. Leave plenty of time to reach your destination 2. Stay calm 3. Maintain a good distance between you and the vehicle ahead 4. Avoid changing lanes unnecessarily 5. Do not Block the passing lane 6. Always use your turn signals and make sure you leave enough room between you and the vehicle in front

Tips to maximize reliability when shopping for a vehicle

1. Look for warranty 2. Avoid excessive mileage 3. Check history

Three guidelines for assessing risk

1. Making an aggressive visual search 2. Making good decisions with the visual search 3. Acting on your decisions

Solid white lines are used to:

1. Mark the right edge of highways 2. Between lanes to indicate areas where lane changes are discouraged or unlawful due to increased danger associated with such movements 3. Mark shared left turn lanes

List for substances that can reduce traction between a vehicle tires in the roadway.

1. Paint 2. Mud 3. Tar 4. Wet leaves

How to put the 3 to 4 second following distance rule in to practice

1. Pick out a fix check point like a road sign or light post 2. As soon as the rear of the vehicle ahead of you passes the checkpoint, start counting 3. When the front of your car reaches the checkpoint, stop counting. 4. If you reach the checkpoint before you finish counting then you are following too closely.

Quarter to check tire tread depth

1. Place a quarter into several tread grooves across the width of the tire 2. If part of Washington's head is always covered by the tread, your tires have more than 4/32 of an inch of tread depth of remaining and are safe for use

Five techniques for preventing in managing distractions

1. Preset radio stations 2. Secure items that may move around 3. Avoid smoking, eating, drinking and reading 4. Do your personal grooming at home 5. Review maps and driving directions before

Total stopping time is made up of :

1. Reaction Time 2. Braking time 3. Perception time

Identify four signs or roadway markings used with reversible lanes

1. Red X - means the lane is closed to you; never drive on lane with red X 2. Green arrow - you are permitted to drive in a lane with a green arrow signal 3. Steady yellow X - the driver should safely vacate this lane because it will soon be controlled by a red X 4. Flashing yellow X - you can use this lane, but only to turn left

Three factors affecting the selection of a path of travel.

1. Roadway conditions 2. Off-road conditions 3. Traffic conditions

Factors that may qualify you for an insurance premium discount

1. Safe driving record 2. Two or more cars with the same company 3. Student 4. Driver education credit 5. Occupation and habits 6. Safety features

When it is safe to cross a railroad intersection:

1. Slow down when approaching a highway-rail grade crossing. Gate down & warning lights= stop do not go; wait until they no longer appear 2. Stop no closer than 15ft from a railroad crossing when train is approaching 3. If crossing is not equipped with flashing lights or crossing gates, use extra caution 4. Always wait for vehicle ahead of you to clear the tracks 5. After train has passed, check in both directions to see that no trains are coming

Duties if you are driving a vehicle involved in a collision

1. Stop immediately. Stop at scene of accident; avoid obstructing traffic 2. Assist the injured 3. Notify police 4. Remain at the scene

Reasonable and proper speeds

A reasonable and proper speed for any set of conditions is one that provides the driver a safe path of travel. -The ideal speed provides time and space to break or steer to a safe alternate path 4 to 5 seconds ahead if any emergency develops

Peripheral vision

ability to see objects as they come into the outer edges of the visual field

Sign color orange


Comprehensive insurance

covers your car for reasons other than a collision, such as theft, fire, vandalism

Central Vision

that part of a field of vision where you can see clearly and sharply

Purpose of the clutch SS

to connect the rotating engine shaft to the gears in the transmission

The size of your space of margin depends on:

your speed, the width of your vehicle, & maneuvers you expect to perform.

Five groups of drivers who are at increased risk of being drowsy behind the wheel

1. Drivers on long trips 2. Drivers lacking sleep 3. Drivers with undiagnosed or untreated sleep disorders 4. Drivers on the road after extended wakefulness 5. Young drivers


A total effect that is greater than the sum of the two affects separately; often used in reference to combining alcohol and other drugs. A beer and another depressant may produce a synergistic effect. Anytime another drug is combined with alcohol, effects may be different from the expected if either drug is taken alone

Third type of vehicle failure

Tire failure - if tire goes flat, continue to look down your intended path of travel, keep a firm, steady grip on the steering wheel and maintain a straight course. You must concentrate on keeping or beginning control. Stay off of the brakes and pull off the road

Third way being distracted can increase driving risk

Improper action - once a driver makes a decision, they need to exit cute to choose an action. Distraction can cause drivers to be delayed in taking the intended action, or to make incorrect inputs to the steering, Excelerator or breaks

Fringe vision

provides information about lane position and objects close to the travel path.

The first ability to be impaired by alcohol or other drugs is______

Judgment/Decision making

Why a driver should not leave their foot in clutch pedal after shifting gears SS

"Riding the clutch" It rapidly wears the clutch surface and causes slippage. Rest left on dead pedal to left of clutch pedal until ready to shift

Neutral gears SS

(Not in gear). The engine is not connected to the drive shaft. Is used when you start the engine or when the car is stopped with the engine running.


- Dealing with two or more objects at the same time and place such as when you are meeting traffic on a narrow bridge. -effective timing allows you to deal with each object separately -provides a chance to meet a moving object at a place with better space margins or visibility

Four S's

-searching -signaling -speed -space


-two or more objects threaten your travel path at the same time -if you are faced with two dangerous situations, compromise and give more room to the one with the greater risk. -The goal is to reduce the risk posed by each and allow more distance from the object or situation with most serious consequences or greatest potential for emergency

Executing an off-road recovery

1. Ease off Accelerator and allow vehicle to slow 2. Steer the off-road tires to about 1 1/2 to 2 feet from pavement 3. When your speed is under control quickly turn the steering wheel to about an eighth of a turn back toward the roadway. This permits the front tire to climb the pavement ants and move back onto the roadway rather than scrubbing along the roadway edge

Most states have blood alcohol concentration limits of _____ percent for drivers under age 21

.00 to .02

It takes the body, on average, approximately____to eliminate the alcohol contained in one drink

1 1/4- 1 1/2 hours

Rules that will help reduce the challenges of night driving

1. Adjust your speed to the reach of your headlights 2. Keep your eyes moving 3. Look to the sides of objects 4. Protect your eyes from glare 5. Use your headlights wisely

Two rules of thumb regarding when to stop regularly for breaks

1. Be sure to stop regularly for breaks or at least every two hours/every 100 miles 2. Get some exercise and fresh air during your breaks. Stretching can help ease stiff limbs resulting from sitting in the vehicle for extended periods of time

When backing:

1. Brace your right arm over the back of the front passenger seat 2. Grip the steering wheel at the 12 o'clock position with your left hand 3. Move the wheel left or right in the direction you want the rear of the vehicle to go

List five have it you should develop when starting a vehicle engine.

1. Check to ensure the parking brake is set 2. Check to ensure the gear selector lever is in park 3. Turn the key clockwise to start the engine/push to start button 4. As soon as your engine starts, release the key 5. Let the engine idle for 15 to 20 seconds before you start driving

Securing manual transmission vehicles SS

1. Come to complete stop with wheels straight or turned away from curb 2. Keep clutch depressed 3. Shift to 1st or reverse 4. Set parking brake 5. Turn off all accessories and lights 6. Windows closed 7. Turn off ignition 8. Check mirrors/blind spots 9. Exit with keys in hand 10. Lock doors

Alternaitvely - powered vehicles

1. Diesel - vehicles powered by diesel, including biodiesel, tend to get more miles per gallon 2. Ethonal - a form of alcohol that is sometimes mixed with gasoline to reduce the amount of petroleum used while driving 3. Hybrids - feature two forms of propulsion; a gasoline an electric motor

List and explain the factors that affect traction between a vehicles tires and the roadway surface

1. Substances on the road - substances on the road can reduce traction (be alert for things like sewer covers, paint, wet leaves, etc.) 2. Surface conditions - poor road conditions such as rippled surfaces or potholes contribute to loss of traction. Be alert when roads are wet can cause a driver to hydroplane. 3. Surface materials - concrete, asphalt, brick, dirt, gravel, sand, etc. 4. Road design - can affect traction based on style crowned (higher in the middle) and banked (a curve).

Parent teen driving agreement

1. Teen drivers- can benefit by becoming aware of what safe driving means and can set goals and expectations that led to safe driving habits and mechanisms 2. Family- can benefit by helping their new driver to avoid misunderstanding about driving/vehicle use 3. Driving population- benefit because the new driver will understand how to drive under certain circumstances and become a safe driver that will decrease risk

How to steer when backing with a trailer

1. To back left, turn steering wheel to the right 2. Straighten the wheel 3. Turn the wheel in the opposite direction 4. Straighten the wheel as the trailer responds to the towing vehicles action 5. Turn steering wheel to right 6. Straighten the wheel and back the towing vehicle and trailer

Explain the effects of uphill and downhill roadway sections on traveling speed, acceleration ability, and breaking ability.

1. Traveling speed- you must maintain a constant traveling speed to prevent risk while driving uphill or downhill. 2. Acceleration ability- you need to be able to accelerate or you can use traction when going uphill 3. Braking ability- you need to break to stop the vehicle, especially when going downhill; three control of the brakes to avoid collision or risk

Two common errors to avoid when backing:

1. Turning the steering wheel too far 2. Holding the steering wheel and he turned position too long

Which of the following is related to reckless driving behavior?

1. a driver intentionally drives recklessly 2. A driver knows his or her actions will create a significant risk 3. Conditions make the risk obvious and serious

Five common errors of driving with poor visual habits.

1. do not prepare for stops or turns far enough in advance 2. Do not notice traffic tie-ups in advance 3. Become trapped behind large trucks, slow-moving or double-parked vehicles 4. Are unaware of vehicles about to pass 5. Are unaware of their own speed

A drivers license: an individual permission to operate a motor vehicle on public highways 2. serves to verify each drivers knowledge of the laws that govern that use of motor vehicles on public roadways 3. can be taken away by the state

In vehicles equipped with a driver side airbag, sitting closer than ____ inches from the steering wheel increases the chance of arms, neck or facial injury in the event of a crash.


A driver should maintain a visual - control zone of at least____seconds ahead


To allow enough distance to stop in response to threatening objects and conditions, you should identify a plant path of travel _____ seconds ahead.

12-15 seconds

Most people experience dips in energy between approximately midnight and 6 AM, and again between approximately_____, during which they are more likely to fall sleep while driving

2 to 4pm

A drivers should search the highway_____seconds ahead


Under most conditions a minimum following interval of _____ will enable you to adjust speed or position appropriately

3-4 seconds

If a vehicle speed doubles from 20 mph to 40 mph, distance needed to stop the vehicle increases by ____ times

4 times

You should always maintain a stopping zone distance of____seconds.


To be safe for use, your tires should have a minimum tread depth of___

4/32 of an inch

How many people are killed in vehicle collisions in the U.S?


Overall risk of a collision while using a cell phone increases by____percent


How long does it take a new driver to reach the driving ability of the average experienced driver?

5 years

You should maintain a____following distance when driving a heavy vehicle for towing a trailer

5-6 seconds

Percentage of vehicle-occupant fatalities within a single vehicle?

50 percent

When on an extended drive, avoid driving more than___miles per day


When you load a trailer, arrange___percent of the weight in the front half of the trailer


An estimate ______ percent of collisions involve some form of the driver inattention


What percent of crashes are caused by driver error?


Fourth principal of right of way

A driver has not yielded the right of way if he or she forces other highway users to slow or wheat

Vehicles use the greatest amount of fuel when____


Engine oil should be changed

According to the maintenance schedule in your owner's manual

Safeway to approach intersection

Adjust your speed to allow more time to search the area and smoothly stop if necessary

When shifting gears, you should press the clutch SS

All the way to the floor

When shifting gears, you should look: SS

Along your intended path of travel

Graduated Driver Licensing

An approach to ease new drivers into driving by providing practice and skill development under low-conditions.

When approaching your vehicle parked at a curb, you should:

Approach the drivers door from the front of your vehicle, facing oncoming traffic.

When starting the engine, you should release the key:

As soon as the engine starts

Under normal driving conditions, checks under the hood should be performed how often?

At least once a month or as recommended in the owners manual

Second factor that can affect a drinkers BAC

Body weight - your weed affects the percentage of alcohol in your blood. I have your person has more body fluids with which the alcohol will mix, and thus have a lower BAC

Fifth type of vehicle failure

Brake failure - you may be able to build enough brake pressure to steer off the roadway and stop safely. If not apply steady pressure to parking brake. Be careful and prepared to release the break if the wheels lock

First Way alcohol is eliminated by the body

Breath - approximately 8% of alcohol is eliminated by breathing. This is why you might be able to detect the odor of an alcoholic beverage on a drinker's breath

Third technique for minimizing fuel consumption

Carpooling - consider carpooling, where are you share driving responsibilities with other. This helps reduce the number of vehicles on the road, tailpipe emissions and your personal fuel costs

3rd common traffic-conflict situation

Cars ahead of you- vehicles ahead of you traveling in the same direction can suddenly increase your risk in two ways: either the driver of your vehicle may stop suddenly or swerve, or the driver of a vehicle in an adjacent land may suddenly swerve into your lane

_____ vision is the five - degree cone that makes up only 3% of the drivers total visual field


Signs communicate meaning using:

Color, shape and words

If you begin to experience a skid, the best response is to:

Continue to look and steer where you want the vehicle to go

Second level of the deceleration

Controlled/squeeze breaking is done with sufficient pressure to slow the vehicle while avoiding abrupt weight transfer

Road rage

Defined as behaviors directed at specific vehicles for occupants with malicious intent. This could include ramming, sideswiping, throwing objects, verbal attacks, battery, rude/obscene gestures, discharging firearms, etc.

Second way being distracted can increase driving risk

Delayed decision making - distraction can cause a drivers decision-making process to be delayed, or cause a driver to choose an action in appropriate for the situation at hand.

A certificate of motor vehicle

Demonstrates proof of ownership

Third way that drivers and vehicle owners can demonstrate proof of financial responsibility

Deposit bonds or other securities (title to property, stock certificates) sufficient to meet the states requirements.

Second way that drivers and vehicle owners can demonstrate proof of financial responsibility

Deposit money in the amount required by the state

Alcohol is a ___ drug


Sign color green

Directional guidance

Second key step in safely using shared left turn lanes

Do not get in a lane too soon- the farther you drive in the center lane, the more likely you are to come into conflict with someone coming from the opposite direction

How can you prevent hydroplaning?

Drivers can prevent it by being alert while on the road during/after rain and watch your speed while driving in these conditions.

One factor that can affect a drinkers BAC

Gender - alcohol does not affect men and women equally. Research indicates that alcohols effects on females tend to be stronger and last longer

Sign color yellow

General warning

How to determine the proper fuel octane level for your vehicle

Equipped with a system that prevents engine knock. If your engine still knocks when using the recommended grade of fuel, go up one grade at a time until you find the lowest octane fuel that eliminates engine knocking when you accelerate or drive up a steep hill

To avoid a collision, you can use

Evasive-steering, evasive braking, evasive acceleration

How often should the pre-driving checks identified for approaching the vehicle outside the vehicle and inside the vehicle be performed?

Every time you drive

Heavy vehicles accelerating

Heavier vehicles accelerate more slowly, it is more important to allow enough room to get up to speed

If you are planning an extended Drive, preparation can pay off in terms of:

Fewer troubles, fuel savings and enhanced safety

Fourth type of vehicle failure

Fire- steer a vehicle off the road, turn off ignition, get passengers out/away, and notify fire department

Three collision concept

First collision - causes vehicular and possible property damage Second and third collision - may result in occupant injury or death (3rd=organs)

Heavy vehicles turning

Heavier vehicles also tend to have a higher center of gravity, which can make turning maneuvers more challenging

Fourth factor that can affect a drinkers BAC

Food in stomach does not absorb alcohol, but it can slow the rate at which alcohol is absorbed; but all the alcohol consumed eventually gets into your blood

Bodily injury

For injury or death to others, up to the amount of the coverage provided by the policy

Property damage

For property that belongs to others, up to the amount of coverage provided by the policy

The point at which the engine begins to move the car as the clutch is released is called the ___________ SS

Friction point

When passing a motorcycle or scooter, _______

Give the rider the whole lane

Hand to hand steering

Happens when you were turning three slight curve - both hands grip the wheel using little to no hand/finger movements. One hand pushes up or pulls down, while the opposite hand slides up and down along the wheel to provide additional steering input or stabilized steering.

Anti-lock braking systems (ABS):

Help drivers maintain steering control under hard breaking

Three benefits of identifying your route before you leave on an extended drive

Help save fuel, minimize driving time, and maximize your enjoyment of the drive


Hydroplaning occurs when the tires rise up on a wedge of water

First level of acceleration

Idling acceleration - releasing pressure from the brake pedal which results in slow forward movement

Explain the conditions under which a driver can be charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

If a drivers BAC tests at or above .08%, that person can be charged with DWI or DUI. Courts except tests of blood, breath or urine to determine the BAC. The results of standardized Field sobriety tests may also be excepted as evidence. A driver can be charged at any BAC level if he or she exhibits loss of normal use of mental or physical faculties because of alcohol or other drugs

The recommended tire air pressure can typically be found:

In the owners manual and on a placard located on the drivers doorjamb

A space into which you can safely direct your vehicle with the lowest possible risk is referred to as your:

Intended path of travel

All of the following are common messages communicated by drivers to reduce risk:

Intentions, warning and presence

5th common traffic-conflict situations

Intersecting vehicles and pedestrians- intersecting traffic can be a serious threat

When shopping for a vehicle, you should:

Investigate the market, consider a previously owned model, and consider a certified used car

Aggressive driving

Is defined as behaviors indicative of an aggressive mindset but not necessarily directed to another specific driver including speed, running red lights, changing lanes suddenly or without signaling/following too closely.

One hand steering

Is not recommended, and should only be used when backing up in a straight line or to adjust dashboard controls.

When turning to the right, the contact patches of the ____ will increase in size

Left side tires

A 1 ounce shot of 80 proof whiskey contains___alcohol then/as a 12 ounce can of beer


______ acceleration is used to maintain slow forward motion or allowing speed to increase gradually with minimum weight shift.

Light acceleration

Second level of acceleration

Light acceleration- to maintain slow forward motion or allowing speed to increase gradually with minimum weight shift

Second type of vehicle failure

Light failure- apply the brakes and at the same time hit the dimmer switch. High and low beams are on different circuits, so one or the other may still work. If this does not help, turn on the parking lights, emergency flashers or turn signals.

When you park or leave your vehicle: SS

Make sure it is low or reverse gear with parking brake set

2nd common traffic-conflict situation

Merging and exiting vehicles- entering, exiting, and merging vehicles typically close in on your travel path at an angle from the side

Safest type of vehicle for a new driver:

Mid size sedan

Sign color blue

Motorist services

1st common traffic-conflict situation

Oncoming vehicles- may cross center line or move into your lane. They may pull into your path while turning or passing another vehicle

____Drivers who crashed after falling asleep did not detect any signs of drowsiness before the crash

One half of

Third Way alcohol is eliminated by the body

Oxidation - the majority of alcohol is removed by the liver as it burns up the alcohol through the process of oxidation (90%)

First technique for minimizing fuel consumption

Parking - when possible, pull through parking spots so you can drive forward when leaving. This minimizes the number of times you move your vehicle from a dead stop

Areas where pedestrian traffic is heavy

Parking lots, schools buses/zone

2nd characteristic of risk

Perceived risk differs from actual risk- a driver perceives risk as to what they think versus what is actual there

First way drivers and vehicle owners can demonstrate proof of financial responsibility

Possess automobile liability - insurance coverage

Third level of acceleration

Progressive acceleration- firm pressure on the Accelerator to increase speed

Liability Insurance

Protection against financial loss that covers the damages to other people in the event of a collision

Sign color brown

Public recreation and cultural interests

If you believe that your brakes may have failed, your first action should be to:

Pump the brakes

The key to the basic speed law is to drive at a______speed for conditions.

Reasonable and proper

Explain the meaning of a signal lights three colors

Red - stop prior to the pedestrian crosswalk, stop bar or roadway-edge line. Do not enter the intersection Yellow - right of way is expiring. Clear the intersection (red light follows) Green- when traffic has cleared it is safe to do so, you may enter the intersection

The primary challenge in driving a manual transmission vehicle is learning to SS

Release the clutch smoothly to move forward

First level of the deceleration

Releasing accelerator stops the vehicles forward propulsion. Vehicle will continue to move forward but it will be coasting forward rather than being propelled by the engine.

__ Laws are designed to help drivers understand who should be granted the privilege of proceeding first when more than one vehicle approaching an intersection at about the same time.

Right of way laws

4th characteristic of risk

Risk can be managed- a driver can take certain precautions in order to tease risk (ex. Driving slower, improving visibility

3rd characteristic of risk

Risk is affected by all road users- roadway users can increase and decrease risk for themselves and others

1st characteristic of risk

Risk is always present- there is always risk present when driving even if you think it's not

_____occurs when a driver uses the vehicle or some other weapon to threaten or cons harm to another roadways are in response to a traffic incident

Road rage

Second technique for minimizing fuel consumption

Route planning - before driving, carefully plan your route to include all of your destinations. This can help reduce the total number of trips you need to make it during the week

An odd numbered interstate using a single or double digit number indicates a route that:

Runs North and South

How safety belts can help protect vehicle occupants in the event of a collision

Safety belts can help protect vehicle occupants in the event of a collision by slowing the rate of deceleration any frontal collision. They also keep the occupant securely in place behind the steering wheel in case of collision.

How to preform ground viewing

Search the visual scene near the ground to help you detect important information to support your safe driving.

How to perform an aggressive visual search

Searching 20-30 seconds ahead along your intended path for travel objects or conditions that could increase the level of risk. You also have to be aware of the level of traction and identify a different path 12-15 seconds ahead so you can steer away from a threatening situation

A frequent mistake is: SS

Shifting into a higher gear at too low a speed

Heavy vehicles decelerating

Since large vehicles tend to be heavy, slowing down requires more distance than other vehicles

Third factor that can affect a drinkers BAC

Size of Drink- A larger drink will contain more alcohol and result in a higher BAC than a smaller drink of the same alcohol strength

The top of the head restraint should be adjusted it to a point:

Slightly above your ears

First way being distracted can increase driving risk

Slowed perception - distracted driving because drivers to be delayed and perceiving or completely failed to perceive an important traffic event. For example a distracted driver may feel to perceive another vehicle pulling out of the parking lot directly into his or hers path of travel

Sign color red

Stop or prohibition

Stopping a vehicle that is going more than 30mph SS

Stopping a vehicle that is going more than 30mph


Supplementary restraint system

Second Way alcohol is eliminated by the body

Sweat - about 2% of alcohol is eliminated by sweating. It maybe possible to detect the odor of an alcoholic beverage on a drinker's body

Explain the benefits of breaking in a straight line.

The benefit of breaking in a straight line are maximizing the tire contact patches, resulting in the greatest possible traction during breaking; (best traction). You can lose patch traction when turning left or right.


The coming together or blending of vehicles to maintain a smooth, uninterrupted traffic flow.

Explain the procedure for responding to an approach an emergency vehicle

The driver should safely change lanes depending on which lane the emergency vehicle is approaching. You should also reduce your speed to at least 20 mph below the limit if changing lanes is not safe and be sure to warn drivers behind you.

How BAC affects driving ability

The greater the BAC, the greater the risk of being involved in a fatal crash

Explain the optimal seating position behind the steering wheel

The optimal seating position behind the steering wheel is a comfortable, upright position, squarely behind the steering wheel. The seat should be positioned forward, back, up or down so that you can easily operate the accelrator, brake and clutch pedals without having to lift to heal from the floor

First principle of right of way

The purpose of right of way laws is to prevent conflicts resulting from one driver failing to yield to another

Second principle of right of way

The right of way is always given; it is not something a highway users should take for granted

How do side mirrors help drivers monitor the space around their vehicles?

The side view mirrors help drivers monitor the space around their vehicles by seeing the space directly adjacent to the vehicles rear corners. This increases the drivers field of awareness which can help detect the presence of nearby road users

____Should be considered when purchasing tires

Tire quality, tread life, traction rating

Third principle of right of way

To be granted right of way, a driver must be driving in a lawful manner. In other words, a driver cannot take the right away by breaking another law

Explain how to set the vehicle side mirrors

To set the Sideview mirrors you would place your head against the left side window and said the mirror so you can just barely see the side of the car in the right side of the mirror. And repeat for the other side

When braking hard, the weight of the vehicle noticeably shifts...

To the front of your vehicle

To effectively search the total traffic scene, drivers should monitor the area_____of the vehicle.

To the rear, to sides, to the front

Explain the relationship between inertia and traction

Traction is affected by inertia. Simply stated, and object in motion continues to move straight ahead until acted upon by some outside force. This force creates a problem when a driver change is a vehicles direction to suddenly.

Changes in____is a major highway condition that requires you to adjust speed.

Traction, space, visibility

Fourth level of the deceleration

Trail braking - used to smoothly and gradually reduce brake pedal pressure at the end of a breaking maneuver

Effects of low tire pressure on fuel economy

Under inflation by 20% decreases fuel economy and has the same affect on a tire as a 30% increase in speed. While it may result in a somewhat firmer ride, inflating tires to the pressure recommended for long distance, high-speed travel will provide greater tread life

An_____skid occurs when your front tires begin to lose contact with the road surface

Under steer

First key step in safely using shared left turn lanes

Use the shared left turn lane only to turn left - if you do not intend to turn left, stay out of the lane

Forward gears SS

Used to match the vehicles speed for optimum engine performance to maximize fuel mileage. (Typically 5-6 forward gears)

How marijuana can affect driving ability

Users become drowsy and have difficulty judging time and space and speed of movement. Some users reported they concentrate on one object at a time ignoring all other objects. Marijuana is stored in fat cells and is a limited very slowly.

4th common traffic-conflict situations

Vehicle behind you- vehicles following too closely could crash into the rear of your vehicle if you stop suddenly

The distance to look ahead is identified as your:

Visual lead

Third key step in safely using shared left turn lanes

Watch for vehicles pulling out of driveway is in cross streets - drivers may cut across in front of you or turn into the shared lane to wait for a gap in traffic

Hand over hang steering

When the driver grasps the steering wheel with your right hand between two and 3 o'clock and your left hand between nine and 10 o'clock. One hand pushes the steering wheel up and over the other hand past 12 o'clock and down toward nine or 3 o'clock. The bottom hand releases the steering wheel, passing across your forearm to grip the steering wheel on the far side.

Railroad advance warning signs are:

Yellow and round

Fourth key step in safely using shared left lane

Yield the right away to any vehicle that is signaling to enter or that has already entered the lane - if you need to stop in the left turn lane, do so with your front tires pointing straight ahead. This reduces the chance of being pushed into oncoming traffic if struck from the rear of the vehicle.

A solid yellow line on your side of the road means:

You may not pass

How ground viewing can help reduce risk

You will be alert to other roadway users, pedestrians, roadway markings or signs and road conditions.

Define BAC

Young drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 with a BAC of .02 to .05% are at least seven times more likely to be killed in a crash in a sober driver of any age

Uninsured motorist

a driver involved in a vehicle accident who does not have insurance

BAC stands for

blood alcohol concentration

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