Driving Test

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To avoid last-minute moves, you should be looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about:

10 to 15 seconds.

The speed limit in any alley is:

15 mph

At an uncontrolled intersection where you cannot see cross traffic until you are just about to enter the intersection, the speed limit is:

15 mph.

. The speed limit on a school zone where children are present is ____, unless otherwise posted.

25 mph

Water on the road can cause a vehicle to hydroplane. Your car may hydroplane at speeds as low as:

35 miles per hour.

There are oncoming vehicles to your left and a row of parked vehicles to your right, you should steer

A middle course between the oncoming and parked vehicles.

Railroad ahead.

A round yellow sign indicates that there is a railroad crossing ahead.

You want to turn left at an upcoming corner. Yield the right-of-way to:

All approaching vehicles. Explanation: When making a left turn, you must yield to pedestrians, bicyclists, or other vehicles moving on their green light.

You are driving in the far right lane of a four-lane freeway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane. You are driving in

An exit lane. Explanation: Freeway lanes that are ending will usually be marked by large broken lines painted on the pavement. If you are driving in a lane marked with these broken lines, be prepared to exit the freeway or for the lane to end.

You should increase the distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead when you:

Are being tailgated by another driver.

If there is a deep puddle on the road ahead, you should:

Avoid the puddle if possible. Explanation: To prevent skidding on slippery surfaces, avoid especially slippery areas, such as ice patches, wet leaves, oil, or deep puddles. The safest surface for driving is a dry, solid surface.

Three of the most important times to check for traffic behind you are before:

Backing, changing lanes, or slowing down quickly.

You have stopped for a train at a railroad crossing. After the train passes, you should: a. Wait for signal lights to stop flashing. b. Look for a second train. c. Both of the above.

Both of the above Explanation: Even after a train passes, watch out for a second train approaching on any track. Do not proceed until all gates have been lifted and all warning signals have stopped flashing.

What usually causes a locked wheel skid?

Braking too hard at a fast speed Explanation: A locked wheel skid is most commonly caused by a driver braking too hard while traveling at a high speed. Drivers should use their brakes smoothly and gradually.

Which of the following roadways freeze first when wet? a. Bridges and overpass b. Intersections c. Tunnels

Bridges and overpasses Explanation: Bridges and overpasses tend to freeze before the rest of the road does.

When a school bus is stopped on the road ahead to load or unload children, you must:

Come to a complete stop until the red lights stop flashing and the stop arm is withdrawn. Explanation: When a school bus is stopped on the road ahead with its lights flashing and its stop arm extended, you must come to a complete stop and wait to proceed until the lights have stopped flashing and the stop arm is withdrawn. Even after the bus begins to move again, do not proceed until you are sure there are no children crossing the road ahead of you.

You are approaching an intersection where a traffic signal is displaying a steady yellow light. If you have not already entered the intersection, you should: a. Speed up to beat the red light. b. Reduce you speed and proceed carefully through the intersection. c. Come to a safe stop.

Come to a safe stop. Explanation: At an intersection controlled by a steady yellow light, you should bring your vehicle to a safe stop. If you are already within the intersection when the light changes from green to yellow, continue through the intersection at a safe speed.

When changing lanes, you should never

Cross the centerline in an intersection. Explanation: Before changing lanes, check for drivers trying to pass you who may be trying to enter the same lane as you. Look over your shoulder to check your blind spot. You should never attempt to pass or otherwise change lanes in an intersection.

Alcohol is a

Depressant Explanation: Alcohol is a depressant that dulls your judgment and makes your reflexes unreliable.

When driving at night on a dimly lit street, you should:

Drive slowly enough that you can stop within the area illuminated by your headlights. Explanation: You should drive more slowly at night than during the day because it is not possible to see as far ahead at night. You should make sure that you can stop within the area illuminated by your headlights.

In rainy weather, you should be most careful when turning or stopping:

During the first half hour of rain. Explanation: You should be extra careful when turning and stopping during the first half hour of rain. At this point, the oil from cars has not yet washed off the pavement and could be forming a slippery mixture with the rain.

A curb painted blue means parking is:

For disabled persons with a special placard or plate. Explanation: A blue curb indicates an area where parking is permitted only for a disabled person, or driver of a disabled person, who displays a placard or special license plate for disabled persons or disabled veterans.

If you approach a traffic light with a red signal and a police officer directs you to go through the intersection without stopping, you should:

Go through the intersection without stopping. Explanation: Instructions given by police officers directing traffic always override posted traffic signals and signs. Follow the officer's instructions.

You have allowed the wheels of your vehicle to run off the edge of the pavement. What should you do first?

Hold the steering wheel firmly, release the gas pedal, and gently apply the brakes. Explanation: If your vehicle leaves the roadway, hold the steering wheel firmly, release the gas pedal, and gently apply the brakes. Wait until your speed has reduced, check the traffic, and look for a place to safely return to the roadway by merging back into traffic. Overcompensating by jerking the wheel to return to the roadway can cause you to lose control of your vehicle or may cause your car to go into other lanes of traffic.

When passing another car, you have enough space to return to the driving lane:

If you can see both of the passed vehicle's headlights in your rearview mirror Explanation: Before you return to the driving lane when completing a pass, be sure there is a safe gap between your vehicle and the passed vehicle. When you can see both headlights of the vehicle in your rearview mirror, it is safe to return to the driving lane.

You are preparing to exit the interstate. When should you start reducing your speed?

Immediately upon entering the deceleration lane. Explanation: When leaving an interstate, you should maintain your speed until you enter the deceleration lane, at which point you should reduce your speed to the exit ramp's posted advisory speed.

A person may legally ride in the back of a pickup truck when:

In a secured seat and while using an approved safety belt.

U-turns in business districts are:

Legal only at intersections, unless a sign prohibits them

At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always:

Look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming. Explanation: Any time you come to a place where people may cross or enter your path, or where one line of traffic meets another, you should look to the left and right sides of your vehicle to make sure no one is coming.

You are on the freeway and traffic is merging into your lane. You should: a. Make room for the merging traffic, if possible. b. Assert your right-of-way by driving faster. c. Always maintain your position

Make room for the merging traffic, if possible.

Make room for cars that are entering the freeway by:

Merging into a different lane. Explanation: Make room for vehicles that are entering a freeway. If possible, merge into the next lane to create a gap for the incoming vehicles. If you cannot merge, adjust your speed to allow for the vehicles to enter traffic as smoothly and safely as possible.

Blue traffic signs offer information on:

Motorist services Explanation: Blue signs on the roadway are service signs. They are used to provide information about motorist services, such as upcoming rest areas, food options, or nearby hospitals.

If you are continually being passed on the right and the left while driving in the center lane of an expressway, you should:

Move to the lane on your right. Explanation: If a road has four or more lanes with two-way traffic, drive in the right lanes unless you are passing or turning left. If you are on an interstate highway and are driving below the speed of the flow of traffic, use the right lane.

At an intersection with a yield sign, you:

Must yield the right-of-way to cross traffic that is close enough to cause conflict.

You should not use your horn:

Near blind pedestrians. Explanation: When driving near a blind pedestrian, using your horn may be dangerous. Yield to the pedestrian and proceed when it is safe to do so.

Roads with double solid yellow line markings down the center indicate that passing is:

Not allowed from either direction.

Large trucks turning onto a street with two lanes in each direction a. may complete the turn in either of the two lanes. b. often have to use the left lane to complete the turn. c. must stay in the right lane at all times while turning

Often have to use the left lane to complete the turn. Explanation: Large trucks must often swing wide to complete a right turn. A truck making a right turn may initially appear to be turning left because of the need to swing wide. When behind a turning truck, you should pay attention to the truck's turn signal to be aware of which way the trucker actually intends to turn.

To be able to turn quickly, your hands must be:

On opposite sides of the steering wheel. Explanation: Both hands should be placed on opposite sides of the steering wheel. This position is comfortable and promotes safe turning on high-speed roadways.

A U-turn is not permitted:

On or near any curve or hill. Explanation: You must never turn around while on or near any curve or hill. You may not be able to see oncoming traffic or pedestrians and may cause a collision.

Drivers turning left must yield to

Oncoming vehicles traveling straight or turning right. Explanation: Drivers making a left turn must yield to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction. This includes bicycles and motorcycles.

From top to bottom, the following is the proper order for traffic lights:

Red, yellow, green.

It is illegal to leave a child age ____ or younger alone in a vehicle.

Six Explanation: It is never a good idea to leave a child unattended in a car. It is illegal to leave a child who is age six or younger unattended in a vehicle. A child may be left in a car if they are under the supervision of a person age 12 or older.

When you see a flashing yellow light at an intersection, you should: a. Yield to all traffic before crossing the intersection. b. Stop, then enter the intersection when it is safe to do so. c. Slow down and cross the intersection carefully.

Slow down and cross the intersection carefully. Explanation: A flashing yellow light at an intersection indicates that drivers should slow to a safe and reasonable speed and proceed with caution.

You want to pass a bicyclist in a narrow traffic lane when an oncoming vehicle is approaching. You should: a. Honk your horn then pass the bicyclist. b. Slow down and let the vehicle pass you before you pass the bicyclist. c. Wait until the bicyclist rides off the roadway

Slow down and let the vehicle pass you before you pass the bicyclist. Explanation: In this situation, you should take on one danger at a time. Rather than trying to squeeze between the bicyclist and the other vehicle, you should slow down to let the other vehicle pass, and then pass the bicyclist when it is safe to do so.

You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should:

Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the turn.

For which of the following traffic lights must you always stop your vehicle?

Solid red lights, flashing red lights, and blacked out traffic signals. Explanation: You must stop at a solid or flashing red light, or at a signal light that is blacked out (not working). A solid yellow light means that the signal is about to turn red and you must stop if you can do so safely; otherwise, proceed cautiously. A flashing yellow light means that you should proceed with caution, but you do not need to stop.

If you find yourself in a skid:

Stay off the brakes. Explanation: If your vehicle begins to skid, do not use the brakes. Braking could make the skid worse.

When a school bus is picking up or dropping off children, you must:

Stop, regardless of your direction of travel. Explanation: When approaching a school bus that is picking up or dropping off passengers, you must come to a complete stop before reaching the bus, regardless of your direction of travel.

If you come to an intersection and your view to the side is blocked, you should:

Stop, then inch forward until you can see clearly in both directions. Explanation: Drivers must slow down when approaching an intersection. If a clear view of cross traffic is obscured, a driver should come to a stop and inch forward until they can see clearly in both directions.

A vehicle suddenly cuts in front of you, creating a hazard. What should you do first?

Take your foot off the gas pedal.

Which of these vehicles must always stop before crossing railroad tracks?

Tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards.

Signs with orange backgrounds are:

The color orange is used only for construction and maintenance warning signs.

. When you see this black and yellow sign, it means:

The road ahead changes direction at an extreme angle. Explanation: This sign tells drivers to slow down and prepare for an abrupt change in direction at an extreme angle.

Increase your following distance when driving behind a large vehicle: a. To better see around the sides of the vehicle. b. Because other drivers tend to pull behind large vehicles before trying to pass them. c. Because following too closely will get you caught in the vehicle's slipstream.

To better see around the sides of the vehicle. Explanation: To better see around the sides of the vehicle.

If you parallel park facing downward on a hill:

Turn your wheels sharply toward the side of the road. The street == the road Explanation: When parking downhill, turn your front wheels toward the curb or edge of the road. When parking uphill on a road without a curb, turn your wheels toward the edge of the road. When parking uphill on a road with a curb, you must turn your front wheels away from the curb.

When parking your vehicle on any hill:

Use your parking brake and leave the vehicle in "park." Explanation: When parking on a hill, you should always leave your vehicle in gear or in the "park" position. If there is no curb, you should turn your front wheels so that the vehicle will roll away from the center of the road if the brakes fail. If there is a curb, the front wheels should be turned toward it (if headed downhill) or away from and gently touching it (if headed uphill).

When is it legal for minors to use a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving?

When making a call for emergency assistance Explanation: It is illegal for minors to use a cell phone at all while driving, except to contact an emergency entity in an emergency situation. For adult drivers, the use of hands-free devices is permitted; however, to avoid distractions, it is advisable to make calls only if needed to call for help in an emergency.

In which of the following scenarios should your wheels not be pointed straight ahead? a. When waiting to make a left turn at a traffic light. b. When parked on a hill or sloping driveway. c. When parked on the side of a level roadway where there is no curb.

When parked on a hill or sloping driveway. Explanation: While waiting to turn left, keep your wheels pointed straight ahead until it is safe to start your turn. If a vehicle hits you from behind, this will prevent you from veering into oncoming traffic. When parked facing either uphill or downhill, turn the wheels so the vehicle will not roll into traffic if the brakes fail.

When can you drive in a bike lane?

When you are within 200 feet of a cross street where you plan to turn right. Explanation: When you are making a right turn, you must enter the bicycle lane no more than 200 feet before the corner or driveway entrance. Do not drive in the bicycle lane at any other time

At an intersection with stop signs on all corners, yield the right-of-way to any driver:

Who arrived before you. Explanation: After coming to a full stop, vehicles should proceed through a four-way stop in the order in which they arrive to the intersection. If multiple vehicles arrive at the same time, the vehicle on the left must yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.

When arriving to an uncontrolled intersection at the same time as vehicles to your right and left, you should:

Yield the right of way to the vehicle on your right. Explanation: Yield to vehicles on your right if it reaches the intersection at the same time as you. If multiple vehicles arrive at the same time to an intersection that is not controlled by signs or signals, the driver on the right has the right-of-way.

What is the difference between traffic lights with red arrows and those with solid red lights?

You cannot turn on a red arrow, even if you stop first. Explanation: You may sometimes turn right when stopped by a solid red light. You may never turn left or right when stopped by a traffic light with a red arrow.

When driving on a multilane street with two-way traffic:

You should drive ahead of or behind the other vehicles. Explanation: Driving directly alongside another vehicle could create a collision if the other driver crowds your lane or tries to change lanes without looking. To avoid this, you should drive ahead of or behind vehicles in other lanes rather than alongside them.

When approaching an intersection that is controlled by a flashing red traffic signal, you must:

come to a complete stop, yield to oncoming traffic or pedestrians, then proceed. Explanation: treat a flashing red traffic signal the same as you would treat a stop sign.

When a car with bright headlights drives toward you at night, you should:

glance toward the right edge of your lane. Explanation: To avoid being blinded when driving at night, do not look directly at the headlights of oncoming cars. Instead, look toward the right edge of the road until the oncoming driver has passed.

this white sign means

look, listen, and prepare to stop at the crossing if necessary

When changing lanes on a freeway, you should

signal for at least five seconds. Explanation: Signal at least five seconds prior to a changing lanes on a freeway. Always signal when turning left or right, changing lanes, slowing down, or stopping to let other drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians know your intentions.

If the rear of your vehicle is skidding to the left, you should

turn your steering wheel to the left to correct the skid. Explanation: If you begin to skid on a wet or icy road, take your foot off the accelerator, stay off the brakes, and turn your steering wheel in the direction of the skid. However, if you have anti-lock brakes, you should apply your brakes firmly and steer straight ahead.

Regulatory signs are


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