Drug Use & Abuse FINAL EXAM

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Why do the amounts of tar and nicotine content reported by cigarette manufacturers not accurately reflect the amounts of these substances ingested by smokers?

measurement is done mechanically


mediation of emotional experiences, esp. fear/anger

what is a key distinction between Schedule I and Schedule II drugs listed under the Controlled Substances Act?

medical use


method of consumption where active ingredients of marijuana are aerosolized with water mist and inhaled

Drug laws

method of establishing formal guidelines that establish restrictions or prohibit the manufacture, importation, sale, or possession of a substance


method of smoking marijuana using water pipes

Children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are often treated with what drugs?

methylphenidate (Ritalin)

Caffeine is one of three naturally occurring compounds known as the _________.


Caffeine is one of three naturally occurring compounds known as the __________.


infereior colliculus

midbrain structure that controls sound localization

superior colliculus

midbrain structure that controls visual localization


mild central nervous system stimulant that may be found in tea

Severity specifier for substance use disorder

mild: 2-3 moderate: 4-5 severe 6+ criteria

drug potency

minimum amount of a drug at which a given percentage of individuals show an effect


minimum dose for efficacy(where the drug reaches highest effect)


mood disturbance that typically includes hyperactivity, disquiet, excessive elation, and pressured speech


more diffusible membranes receive drug more quickly

cardiovascular system

no evidence that deleterious effects occur among healthy individuals; however, potentially dangerous for existing problems

The definition of moderate drinking that is associated with possible health benefits is

no more than 2 per day for men and no more than 1 per day for women

The definition of moderate drinking that is associated with possible health benefits is:

no more than 2 per day for men and no more than 1 per day for women

The definition of MODERATE drinking that is associated with possible health benefits is

no more than 2 per day men and no more than 1 per day for women

immune system

no significant long-term threat posed; however marijuana can decrease resistance to some viruses and bacteria

Continuum of substance use

no use, experimental use, social/recreational use, habitual/regular use, substance use disorder

precision medicine

program designed to enhance therapeutic results for specific groups of patients


property that allows a substance to enter into or receive another substance


proportion of alcohol in a beverage, by volume; typically used in reference to brewed spirits

If an individual needs to drink 6 beers in order to achieve the same effect that he/she used to experience with 3 beers, this is an example of ____ tolerance.


The active chemical in hallucinogenic mushrooms is ______ ; the active chemical in peyote is ________.

psilocybin; mescaline

____ drugs are those that affect moods, thinking, and behavior.


________ drugs are drugs that affect the central nervous system and thus affect thinking, feeling, and/or behavior.


synthetic marijuana

psychoactive "designer drug" comprised of natural plants that are sprayed with manufactured chemicals

bath salt

psychoactive "designer drug" that is synthesized from various chemicals

drug discrimination study

research procedure that primarily concerns the differentiation of drug effects

conflict paradigm

research procedure where the history of some action is followed by both reinforcement and punishment

self-administration study

research that involves testing whether participants will "give themselves" a drug


resistance to a drug never taken that results from resistance to another drug

Which of the following is NOT a common opioid effect?

respiratory depression lowered body temperature pupil constriction

What are some of the common opioid effects?

respiratory depression pain suppression pupil constriction decrease body temp

treatment effect

result of experiencing a treatment, usually measured in different areas of functioning

sedative-hypnotic effect

result of some drugs that is calming and sleep-inducing

Which of the following is FALSE? a.) cannabis exerts a longer action on receptors than endocannabinoids XX b.) endocannabinoids are retrograde neurotransmitters XX c.) retrograde neurotransmitters are released from the presynaptic neuron as a way to regulate the extent to which neurotransmitters affect the post-synaptic neuron d.) THC actually can prevent the release of neurotransmitters XX

retrograde neurotransmitters are released from the presynaptic neuron as a way to regulate the extent to which neurotransmitters affect the post-synaptic neuron


return to a previous state of illness from one of health

After a wild party in the nervous system, there are extra neurotransmitters scattered all over the floor. You need to clean the space with a vacuum to get ready for the next event. What is this scenario a metaphor for?


A person who feels stronger effects from a drug with repeated use is experiencing ________.

reverse tolerance

What effects absorption into blood stream

route/site of administration and drug characteristics


safest, most convenient; food may delay/dilute the drug; stomach breaks some down; absorbed in small intestine and passes through liver before reaching the brain

Polydrug use

same persons regular use of more than one drug

Nicholas is ingesting a drug using a delivery method that classifies it as an inhalant. What is Nicholas doing?

smoking a joint

Heroin is used via which routes of administration?

smoking, injecting, and snorting

Which of the following correctly lists amphetamine ingestion methods from shortest to longest on set of effects?

smoking, injecting, snorting, swallowing

How is snuff most commonly taken in Europe?


High levels of nicotine are maintained longer when tobacco is taken in the form of __________.

snuff or chewing tobacco

cost-of-illness studies provide researchers with a broad perspective of what aspect of drug abuse?

social costs

Social characteristics

social factoros(presence of others) and environmental/setting factors(laws, availability,culture)

Substance intoxication

substance specific reversible dysfunctional effects on thoughts, feelings, and behavior that arise from the use of a psychoactive substance


substance that contains one or more intoxicating components


substance that occupies a neural receptor and BLOCKS normal synaptic transmission


substance that occupies a neural receptor and causes some change in conductance of nerve cells


through the skin and avoids gastrointestinal effects; skin is impenetrable and can take up to a day; more blood flow=greater absorption


time for a drug amount in the body to be reduced by fifty percent

Rate of absorption

time to enter the bloodstream


tiny sac terminals of cylindrical extensions of nerve cells that store neurotransmitters

anabolic steroid

tissue-building drug that produces masculinizing effects as well

What does the pharmacological phrase LD 60 mean?

60% of the patients who receive a given dose will experience a particular effect

lifetime prevalence (in 2016) of tobacco use:


past y/r prevalence (in 2016) of alcohol use:


According to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about ___ of people report having used alcohol in the past year.


The rate of transmission of nicotine from the lungs to the brain is ______.

7 seconds

Why would you choose to conduct a study on the effects of mixing LSD and cocaine with rats rather than with humans?

to minimize risks

past month prevalence (in 2016) of marijuana use:


lifetime prevalence (in 2016) of alcohol use:


Which of the following is NOT a common opioid effect?

All of these are opioid effects (respiratory depression, lowered body temp., and pupil constriction)

__________ tolerance is the idea that tolerance to one drug may extend to other closely related drugs.


What are some general dissociative anesthetics?

DXM Ketamine PCP

Cross tolerance

tolerance to a drug or drugs similar to drugs to which tolerance has developed


top of a cactus plant which is dried and ingested for its hallucinogenic properties

third-hand smoke

toxins that linger in the hair or clothes of a smoker


tranquilizing drug used to treat psychoses; a synonym is major tranquilizer


transient state of disruption caused by presence of toxic substance in central nervous system


transport of drugs by the blood to their site(s) of action in the body

True/False: As a result of classical conditioning, previously neutral stimuli that have been paired with drug use may elicit the drug effects, but not the withdrawal effects.


True/False: Giving someone caffeine can help them sober up.


True/False: Most people who get treatment for substance use disorder go to inpatient treatment.


True/False: Schedule V drugs are drugs/substances that have a high potential for abuse and that do not have any acceptable medical use for treatment in the United States.


True/False: The "war on drugs" and legislation enacted to decrease availability and use of substances has been very effective.


True/False: Whether someone is alone or with others when using a drug does not affect the drug experience.


Of great concern is the dramatic recent increase in the prevalence of meth use among high school seniors.


The major way that nicotine is excreted from the body is through sweat.


____ is the earliest, most benign effect of alcohol's effects on the liver.

Fatty liver

______ is the earliest, most benign effect of alcohol's effects on the liver.

Fatty liver

Which of the following drugs is the most potent pain reliever?


Opioid withdrawal symptoms are best characterized as?

Flu-like in nature

psychological treatment

treatment geared to changing emotions, thoughts, or behavior without use of medications or other means

millieu treatment

treatment in which the organization and structure of a setting are designed to change behavior

nicotine replacement therapy

treatment involving administering the active ingredient of tobacco to smokers to help them stop smoking

behavioral program

treatment involving direct contact with professional staff

Which of the following is NOT paired correctly? Klonopin - Benzodiazepine Ativan - Benzodiazepine Wellbutrin - Antipsychotic Phenobarbital - Barbiturate

Wellbutrin - Antipsychotic

spontaneous remission

treatment of a problem without the help of a formal regimen

social detoxification

treatment of alcohol withdrawal without the use of medicine

Amphetamines have been put to many medical uses. Which of the following is not one of them?

treatment of anxiety

smoking cessation approaches

treatment with the goal of total abstinence from the active ingredient of tobacco

Which of the following is (are) true of the US Alcohol Prohibition?

It resulted in decreased drinking, death rates from cirrhosis, and alcohol-related arrests.

What is "paradoxical" about the effectiveness of the treatment of ADHD with drugs such as methylphenidate (Ritalin)?

That stimulant drugs calm the ADHD child

A loved one of yours finds out you are taking this class and asks what is recommended to help someone quit smoking. Based on info presented in the text and class, you would say?

The combination of a behavioral program and a nicotine replacement therapy is better than either one alone.

A loved one of yours finds out you are taking this class and asks what is recommended to help someone quit smoking. Based on information learned in this class, you would say ______.

The combination of a behavioral program and a nicotine replacement therapy is better than either one alone.

Which of the following is FALSE? a.) If drug A affects memory and heart rate, there would be a dose-effect curve for memory and another for heart rate. b.) The dose-effect curve for all drugs is an S shape indicating there is a larger effect as the dose increases. c.) A typical dose-effect curve indicates that there is a larger effect as the dose increases. d.) Illicit drugs have unknown dose-effect curves

The dose-effect curve for all drugs is an S shape indicating there is a larger effect as the dose increases.

The major difference between cocaine and amphetamines is _____?

The effects of amphetamines last longer than those of cocaine.

What would happen if a researcher accidentally discovered that eating the petals of a certain flower could cure the common cold in six hours? a.) The flowers would be tested on people who have a cold. b.) The flowers would be subjected to testing on animals. c.) The flowers would be grown for sale at stores and online. d.) The flowers would be administered to healthy people.

The flowers would be subjected to testing on animals.

True/False The effects of opioids are synergistic with those of alcohol.


True/False Consuming an excessive amount of caffeine is called caffeinism and can produce symptoms such as gastrointestinal distress, insomnia, excessive anxiety, and restlessness.


Water pipe smoking results in greater exposure to carbon monoxide than cigarette smoking.


All of the following are antidepressants EXCEPT: a.) MAOIs, Tricyclics, SSRIs b.) Wellbutrin, Lexepro, Prozac c.) Valium, Lithium, Librium

Valium, Lithium, Librium

Which of the following will cause the user to absorb the most amount of alcohol the fastest?

a shot of vodka

What is FALSE regarding MDMA (Ecstasy)?

a single use generally produces vivid visual hallucinations


a state of equilibrium or balance; systems at homeostasis are stable, when homeostasis is distrupted, the system operates to restore it

Which of the following best describes the experience of taking amphetamines intravenously?

a strong "high" then a quick decline

What is an example of what could become conditioned stimuli associated with substance use?

a syringe a drinking buddy a bar

What is thought to contribute to drug expectancies?

advertising past use of a drug friends' use of a drug

A chemical substance that fits into and activates a neural receptor is called a(n) ________.


A drug that binds to a receptor and mimics the neurotransmitter is known as a(n) __________.


Nicotine is an _______ for _________.

agonist; acetylcholine

Ventral Tegmental Area

aka VTA; dopamine neurons involved in the reward circuit

Pharmacodynamic tolerance

aka functional tolerance; decreased physiological effect at sites of action as a result of regular use; includes acute and protracted


aka metabolism; the process of changing the molecular structure of substances

Drug synergism

aka potentiation; the effects of taking the drugs together are greater than taking the drugs together are greater than taking either alone


aka psychedelics; alter perceptions and states of consciousness (LSD, Ketamine)

Reversed tolerance

aka sensitization; increased sensitivity/responseiveness to a drug with repeated use of it

Rectal suppositories

aka vaginal absorption; 10-15 minutes

_____ most frequently used.


drug that has the highest rate of use in the United States:


What are the enzymes in the liver that are involved in the metabolism of alcohol?

alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase

What are the enzymes in the liver that are involved in the metabolism of alcohol?

alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase

standard drink

alcohol equivalent in a beverage; equal to 0.5 ounce of alcohol

lethal dose

amount of a drug at which a percentage of individuals die within a specified time

First-order kinetics

amount of drug metabolized in a unit of time dependent on amount of drug in the blood


amount of time that must pass for the amount of drug in the blood to be reduced by half

How to measure levels of substance use

amount, frequency, duration, impact

The formication syndrome is associated with __________.

amphetamine and cocaine only

Limbic System

amygdala and hippocampus

___ is a term that refers to the reduced effect of a drug when another drug is present


__________ is a term that refers to the reduced effect of a drug when another drug is present.


A compound that occupies a receptor, but does not activate the neuron is known as a(n) __________.


Caffeine is believed to be an _______ for _________.

antagonist; adenosine

Atropine and scopolomine are ______ for _________.

antagonists; acetylcholine

For some people, eliminating caffeine from their diet can end their struggles with _____ .


For some people, eliminating caffeine from their diet can end their struggles with _______.



any chemical entity or mixture of entities, not required for the maintenance of health, but that alters biological function or structure when administered


any chemical entity or picture of entities, but not required for the maintenance of health, but that alters biological function to structure when administered (WHO, 1981) - Includes alcohol and other drugs (AOD)

drug (substance) abuse

any use of drugs that causes physical, psychological, legal or social harm to the individual user or to other affected by the drug's user's behavior.

Drug(substance) abuse

any use of drugs that causes physical, psychological, legal, or social harm to the individual user or to others affected by the drug user's behavior


applicability of a research finding from one setting or group of research participants to another

Respondents in the U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health are

are 12 and older

The ASAM criteria: a.) are limited because they do not include anything about psychological problems other than substance use problems b.) are 6 dimensions of information that are important to assess when planning treatment c.) include withdrawal potential, but not anything about their recovery environment d.) are used at the end of treatment to make discharge plans to help prevent relapse

are 6 dimensions of information that are important to assess when planning treatment

According to the Transtheoretical Stages of Change model, individuals who do not believe they are able to change...

are in the precontemplation stage

Young men (with no history of regular drinking) who demonstrate fewer effects of alcohol than young men who demonstrate normal, expected effects of alcohol...

are more likely to develop alcohol use disorder later in life

synthetic cathinone

artificial form of a drug found naturally in the khat plant


aspirin-like analgesic useful for people with stomach problems


aspirin-like analgesic with anti-inflammatory effects that is sold under the names Motrin, Advil, and Nuprin


aspirin-like analgesic with anti-inflammatory effects that is sold under the names Naprosyn and Aleve

What is typically the first step in the substance use treatment process?


progestin pill

birth control medication that contains only one synthetic form of female sex hormones

combination pill

birth control medication that contains synthetic forms of both female sex hormones

Both cocaine and the amphetamines __________.

block reuptake of dopamine

The system that "filters" blood before it enters the brain is called the __________.

blood brain barrier OR kidneys

which of the following affect drug distribution?

blood flow, fat solubility of the drug, and diffusibility of membranes


body breaks down matter into more simple components and waste

Which of the following is a sympathomimetic drug?

both cocaine and amphetamine

Which of the following is a mechanism by which cocaine can cause death?

both convulsions and heart failure

Which of the following is/are TRUE? a person can die from drinking too much alcohol a person can die from withdrawal from alcohol both of the above neither of the above

both of the above


branch of pharmacology that concerns the absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and excretion of drugs(how drugs get in, move around, and get out)


branch of pharmacology that concerns the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action


branch of pharmacology that concerns the effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action


branch of pharmacology that concerns the intake, dispersion, biotransformation, and excretion of drugs


branch pharmacology that concerns the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action(how do drugs do their thing)

Alzheimer's drugs that inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase to increase the availability of acetylcholine are limiting what process?


The costs of alcohol and drug abuse in the US can be measured in the ___ of dollars.


All of the following EXCEPT ___ are used in the treatment of alcohol use disorder. Campral buprenorphine Librium Naltrexone


Social costs of AOD use

burden on emergency room, drunk driving fatalities, drug-related crime


byproducts form this biotransformation process

With blackouts, the individual ______.

cannot recall events that occurred during a drinking occasion

With blackouts, the individual __________.

cannot recall events that occurred during a drinking occasion

With blackouts, the individual __________.

cannot recall events that occurred during a drinking occasion.

The acute effects of cannabis include effects on the _______.

cardiovascular system short term memory immune system reproductive system


catalyst for molecular changes to substances

A sympathomimetic drug such as cocaine will ________.

cause a person's pupils to dialate

Cell adaptation theory

cells adapt to maintain functioning with use (effect # of receptors and amount of NT synthesized)


central nervous system stimulant that may be found in many types of beverages

Substance use may affect the nervous system by all of the following EXCEPT: - affecting the release of the neurotransmitters - increasing or decreasing the number of receptors - changing the shape of the synapse - affecting the breakdown of neurotransmitters

changing the shape of the synapse

Substance use may affect the nervous system by all of the following EXCEPT: a.) increasing or decreasing the number of receptors b.) changing the shape of the synapse c.) affecting the breakdown of neurotransmitters d.) affecting the release of the neurotransmitters

changing the shape of the synapse

Substance use may affect the nervous system by all of the following EXPECT

changing the shape of the synapse

Cocaine is obtained from the leaves of _____?

cocoa leaves

Which of the following is/are true regarding alcohol?

cross tolerance occurs with other depressants

Sigmund Freud advocated the use of cocaine for __________.

depression and drug addiction

Sigmund Freud advocated the use of cocaine for __________.

depression, drug addiction, and asthma


derivative of a CNS depressant drug best known as a potent pain-relieving medication

Which of the following are side effects of methamphetamine abuse:

deterioration of the teeth. depression damage to dopamine pathways in the brain

The medical uses for opioid drugs include the treatment of which of the following?

diarrhea opioid withdrawal severe pain

monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor

drug used to treat depressions that prevent the activity of a certain enzyme

psychoactive drugs

drugs that effect the central nervous system — effect mood, thinking, and behavior

Psychoactive drugs

drugs that effect the central nervous system-effect mood, thinking, and behavior

T/F: Although illicit drugs have often been used for medicinal purposes, it is rare that drugs developed for medicinal purposes are used for recreation.


T/F: Drug laws and their implementation in other countries are very similar to one another and to the drug laws and implementation in the US.


T/F: Schedule V drugs are drugs/substances that have a high potentiation for abuse and that do not have any acceptable medical use for treatment in the US.


T/F: The "war on drugs" and legislation enacted to decrease availability and use of substances has been very effective



gen. occurrence of an event, usually expressed in terms or % of some population and w/ respect to a time period (lifetime, past y/r, past month)

generic name

general label given to a drug that is shorter and easier to say


general occurrence of an event, usually expressed in terms of percentage of some population and with respect to a time period (e.g. lifetime, past year, past month)

To offer value to researchers, the results of tests conducted with animals must be ________ to humans.


Which of the following can be an effect of chronic heavy drinking?

heart problems, decreased immune system functioning, and problems in sexual functioning

overall effect of stimulants:

heighten mood, increase alertness, and decrease fatigue, e.g., cocaine, meth, nicotine, caffeine


heightened mood, increase alertness, and decrease fatigue(cocaine, methamphetamine, nicotine, caffeine)


highest drug used


highest illicit drug used


hindbrain structure important in motor control and coordination


hindbrain structure important in the control of sleep and wakefulness

Research has demonstrated a link between depression and atrophy and cell loss in the ___________.


The brain structure thought to be critical to the storage of memories is the ___


The brain structure thought to be critical to the storage of memories is the __________.


When someone develops tolerance for a drug, the central nervous system's response has rebalanced and reached a state of ________ with the substance.


224 billion

how much does alcohol abuse cost to society?

193 billion

how much does drug abuse cost to society?

The brain structure that controls primary drives like hunger and thirst is the


The brain structure that controls primary drives like hunger and thirst is the _________.


addictive personality

hypothesis of a character structure common to all people with substance use afflictions

Which of the following is a slang name for methamphetamine?


side effect

impact of a drug other than that of central interest

Genetics can influence _____.

initial sensitivity to drugs and metabolism of drugs

medulla oblongata

lowest hindbrain structure; important in regulation of breathing, heart rate, and other basic life functions

Which of the following terms best reflects the role of caffeine on the task performance of an individual?



male sex hormone

Which of the following drugs has the longest elimination time? a. cocaine b. opiates c. alcohol d. marijuana


______ is the most commonly used illicit.


According to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, ____ is the most commonly used illicit drug.


According to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, ___________ is the most commonly used illicit drug.



material that remains after cigarette smoke is passed through a filter

therapeutic index

measure of a drug's safety in medical care and is computed as a ratio

drug dosage

measure of the quantity of drug consumed


you can develop tolerance to some effects of a drug and not others t/f

What is true of withdrawal w/ benzodiazepines & barbiturates?

you can die from withdrawal from benzodiazepines & barbiturates

The group most likely to use moist snuff are __________.

young males

Laws of elimination

zero-order kinetics, first-order kinetics

Sigmund Freud advocated the use of cocaine for __________

depression & drug addiction

Routes of administration

inhaling, injecting, snorting, orally, transdermal


inhibitory neurotransmitter produced by the body

patent medicine

product sold as a cure fora host of illnesses and diseases

Heroin is used via which routes of administration?

smoking injecting snorting

How many poppy seed bagels would need to be consumed in order to obtain a positive screen for opiates?


T/F: The drug experience is influenced by characteristics of the user as well as where the drug is used.


T/F: The effects of drugs involve making naturally occurring physiological processes more or less active.


What does the pharmacological phrase ED 60 mean?

60% of the patients who receive a given dose will experience a particular effect

If you were preparing and bottling a patent medicine in 1915 to help cure people of coughs, insomnia, and anxiety, how much heroin could it contain per ounce?

1/8 grain


"skin popping" under layers of the skin; slower absorption(3-5 minutes)

Substance abuser personality characteristics

(ALL before they did drugs)self-centered, rebellious, impulsive, thrill-seeking, talkative, gregarious, in need of power


(insufflation, snorting, sniffing); 3-5 minutes; if fat-soluble, rapid and effective rout; can disrupt blood flow and cause irritation

Which of the following is/are true of prescription medications involving CBD and THC?

- Some prescription medication includes THC and CBD - Some prescription cannabinoid medication includes only THC - Epidiolex is a medication including only CBD (not THC)

what to take into account when considering levels of substance use:

- amount - frequency - duration - impact of use on person and others

characteristics of NSDUH - National Survey on Drug Use and Health:

- annual survey on AOD use - households in all 50 states & district of Columbia - prisons, military, homeless NOT included - 69,500 persons interviewed - 12 & up

ASAM criteria:

- are 6 dimensions of information that are important to assess when planning treatment - include the likelihood of a client experiencing withdrawal symptoms - include the extent to which a client is accepting or resistant to treatment

What are side effects of methamphetamine abuse:

- deterioration of the teeth - depression - damage to dopamine pathways in the brain

What are the effects of cocaine?

- increase in heart rate - pupil dilation - increase in blood pressure

What is TRUE regarding MDMA (Ecstasy)?

- it is a neurotoxin for some serotonin neurons - the effects include a sense of warmth and empathy for others - seizures and strokes have occurred with overdose

classification categories of drugs:

- origin - therapeutic use - site of drug action - mechanism of action - street name - chemical structure - overall effect

What is/are true regarding hallucinogens?

- the category might be better named altered states of consciousness - activate the sympathetic nervous system - have the general effect of emphasizing sensation over logic and rational thought

What accounts for the calming effects of nicotine use?

-the individual's beliefs about nicotine's effects -its biphasic action-at higher doses, its effects are more depressant -it relaxes skeletal muscles

Which of the following is true of nicotine?

-when tobacco is burned, the smoke has a small portion of nicotine -it is about as toxic as cyanide -it is the constituent of tobacco that has the most immediate pharmacological action

According to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about __________ of the United States sample reported heavy alcohol use in the month preceding the interview.


At what BAC does a person begin to slur their words?


past month prevalence (in 2016) of ILLICIT drug use:


Steps in drug experience

1. Drug is present 2. Certain quanity of drug is measured 3. Administered 4. Drug is absorbed into the blood and distributed to action sites 5. Pharmacological effect is produced 6. Drug effects may be modified by characteristics of person 7. Setting/context also may modify drugs effects

Serving size of hard liquor?

1.5 oz. of 80 proof

Everyone knows you should never stick your finger in a light socket to avoid getting shocked. If you stuck your finger into an axon that was firing, how much electric current would you be exposed to?

110 millivolts

What is a standard drink?

12 oz beer 5 oz wine 1.5 oz liquor

Which of the following is NOT a standard drink? a.) all of the above are considered a standard drink b.) 12 oz of beer c.) 12 oz of wine d.) 1.5 oz of 80 proof spirits

12 oz of wine

Serving size of beer??

12 oz.

Which of the following is NOT a standard drink?

12oz wine

past y/r prevalence (in 2016) of marijuana use:


NIDA's 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health revealed that about __________ of Americans have used marijuana at least once in the past year (past year prevalence).


The average American waiting in line at a coffee shop will ingest how much caffeine that day?

170 milligrams

past y/r prevalence (in 2016) of ILLICIT drug use:


Which of the following FALSE? a.) Tobacco was believed to have medicinal value in the early 1800s b.) Males have a higher prevalence of use of smokeless tobacco than females c.) 18-22 year olds enrolled full-time in college have a higher prevalence of smoking than 18-22 year olds not enrolled full-time in college

18-22 year olds enrolled full-time in college have a higher prevalence of smoking than 18-22 year olds not enrolled full-time in college

Which of the following is false?

18-22 year olds enrolled full-time in college have a higher prevalence of smoking than 18-22 year olds not enrolled full-time in college

Cocaine first became an abuse problem in the ____?


Cocaine first became an abuse problem in the


Cocaine first became an abuse problem in the United States in the __________.


Cocaine first became an abuse problem in the __________.


Alcohol prohibition

18th amendment that prohibited production, sale, transportation, and importation of alcohol; effective, but illegal involvement persisted; repealed with 21st amendment in 1933

Formal guidelines establishing ethical practices in scientific research have been in place since the ________.


decade & associated use for amphetamines:

1940s; energy

When was the peak of smoking among Americans?


Current U.S. drug laws are grounded in the Controlled Substances Act, which was passed in ________.


In _______, the U.S. Surgeon General officially concluded that nicotine is addictive.


In __________, the U.S. Surgeon General officially concluded that nicotine is addictive.


When was the use of marijuana for medical purposes first legalized in the United States?


What is the minimum number of DSM-5 criteria that must be met in order for someone to be diagnosed with substance use disorder?


In order for someone to meet the criteria for a DSM-5 substance use disorder,

2 criteria have to been met during 12-month time period

The elimination half-life of nicotine among chronic smokers is _______.

2 hours

In order for someone to meet the criteria for a DSM-5 substance use disorder,

2 of 11 criteria have to be met

past month prevalence (in 2016) of tobacco use:


You are one of the first people to experience effects from the marijuana plant. What is the date on your calendar?

2700 BC

past y/r prevalence (in 2016) of tobacco use:


The half-life of caffeine in the blood ranges from ____________.

3 to 7 hours

T/F: Withdrawal symptoms of an addictive drug are the opposite of the drug's effects.


The half-life of caffeine in the blood ranges from __________.

3-7 hours

Tobacco was thought to have medical value for about __________ years.


Impaired control, social impairment, risky use, pharmacological

4 criteria for dsm5 substance use disorder

NIDA's 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health revealed that about __________ of Americans have used marijuana at least once (lifetime use).


lifetime prevalence (in 2016) of marijuana use:


lifetime prevalence (in 2016) of ILLICIT drug use:


A drug will be measured for five commonly known effects across three doses. How many dose-effect curves will be produced during this research?


Serving size for wine?

5 oz.

past month prevalence (in 2016) of alcohol use:


According to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about __________ of the United States sample reported consuming alcohol at least once in the last month.


According to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about ________ of the U.S. sample reported heavy alcohol use in the month preceding the interview.


According to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about __________ of the United States sample reported HEAVY alcohol use in the month preceding the interview.


Which of the following is true? a.) A decision about use of psychotherapeutic medication during pregnancy is based on a consideration of both the mother and the unborn child. b.) Psychotherapeutic drugs pose little or no threat to the fetus and may be used safely during pregnancy. c.) There are never circumstances that would warrant taking a psychotherapeutic medication while pregnant.

A decision about use of psychotherapeutic medication during pregnancy is based on a consideration of both the mother and the unborn child.

The experiential activity asked you to a.) identify a behavior to change b.) rate how difficult it would be to change c.) describe how changing would affect your relationships d.) all of the other choices


Which of the following influence treatment settings and services? a.) Non-AOD psychological problems b.) finances c.) all of the choices d.) medical problems


Which of the following is/are related to more effective substance use treatment? a.) a good relationship between the treatment provider and the client b.) attending self-help meetings on a regular basis c.) staying in treatment for at least 6 months d.) ALL e.) NONE


Which of the following is FALSE? a.) More people use prescription opioids other than as prescribed than use heroin today b.) Methadone is an opioid that is used for the treatment of opioid withdrawal c.) Naloxone has a stronger affinity to endorphin receptors than other heroin d.) About 20% of 12-17 year olds report use of prescription opioids other than as prescribed.

About 20% of 12-17 year olds report use of prescription opioids other than as prescribed.

Which of the following is FALSE about treatment for a substance use disorder? a.) Abstinence from all substances is always required b.) It is important that the client find another way to get the reinforcement that they used to get from their substance c.) more people change on their own than with the help of professional treatment d.) some but not all clients will need detoxification

Abstinence from all substances is always required

Which 2 neurotransmitters are involved in learning and memory?

Acetylcholine and Glutamate

Nicotine is an _____ for ______?

Agonist; acetylcholine

Heroin is used via which routes of administration?

All of the above (smoking, injecting, snorting)

The medical uses for opioid drugs include the treatment of which of the following?

All of the above (withdrawal, diarrhea, severe pain)

The use of tobacco as a medical agent ended near the time of the U.S. Civil War.


Which of the following is FALSE? a.) An AA meeting is led by a licensed or certified therapist b.) A person works the steps with the guidance/support of a sponser c.) When people first start attending AA, they are encouraged to attend 90 meetings in their first 90 days

An AA meeting is led by a licensed or certified therapist

______ is a chemical that binds to the same receptors as cannabinoids do.


Caffeine is believed to be an _______ for ______.

Antagonist; adenosine

What is true of antipsychotic medications?

Antipsychotic medications influence the positive symptoms more than the negative ones

Which of the following is true? a.) Some treatments are actually based on the 12 steps b.) Any client with a substance use disorder should be required to attend an AA or other 12-step meeting as part of their treatment c.) working the 12 steps involves making amends to everyone someone has wronged as a result of their substance use d.) Family therapy is rarely included in treatment for a substance use disorder

Any client with a substance use disorder should be required to attend an AA or other 12-step meeting as part of their treatment

Which of the following reflects patterns of caffeine consumption in the U.S.?

As people age, consumption decreases and they switch from coffee to tea

____________________ is a disorder that usually develops in childhood and is characterized by poor school performance, inattention, fidgeting and restlessness.

Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder

Which of the following people is most likely to abuse alcohol? a. Jason, a 29-year-old black male b. Amanda, a 34-year-old white female c. Carmen, a 19-year-old Hispanic female d. Barry, a 22-year-old white male


What is true of Benzodiazepines and/or Barbiturates?

Benzodiazepines and barbiturates interfere with memory

___________ is the portion of the original drug dose that reaches its site of action.


What is a partial opiate agonist that is becoming popular as an alternative to methadone in the treatment of opioid withdrawal?


_____ is a partial opiate agonist that is becoming popular as an alternative to methadone in the treatment of opioid withdrawal.


_____ is a partial opioid agonist that is becoming popular as a treatment of opioid withdrawal.


________ is a medication prescribed to help people stop smoking that is also prescribed under the name of Wellbutrin for depression.

Bupropion (Zyban)

_________ are medications prescribed to help people stop smoking.

Bupropion (Zyban®) and Nalaxone (Narcan®)

______ are the receptors primarily found in the brain to which the cannabinoids bind.



CNS depressant that contains sedative and pain-relieving compounds


CNS stimulant that acts like naturally occurring adrenaline

__________ facilitates many disease processes associated with smoking because of its advantage over oxygen in binding to hemoglobin.

Carbon monoxide

____ is an active ingredient in Khat.


_______ is an active ingredient in khat.


The results of surveys completed in various countries (including the USA) reported by the Degenhardt (2008) indicate

China, Africa, and Middle East report lower prevalence rates of alcohol use than other countries

__________ , initially used as an anesthesia in surgery, was found to have calming effects on individuals with psychotic disorders. It revolutionized the treatment of psychotic disorders.


All of the following are considered antidepressants except ________. a.) Clorzaril b.) Prozac c.) Lexapro d.) Zoloft


What are some antipsychotics?

Clozaril, Risperdal, Zyprexa

Sigmund Fraud advocated the use of cocaine for ________.

Depression and drug addiction (A and C)

Which of the following are side effects of methamphetamine abuse?

Deterioration of the teeth, depression, damage to dopamine pathways in the brain (All of the above)

________ can cause a person to feel drunk after drinking a bottle of what they think is wine but is actually plain grape juice.

Drug expectancy

T/F: Cannabis does not result in hallucinations, even at high doses.


T/F: Harm reduction interventions condone substance use and really do not have any research support for them.


T/F: Moderation in drinking is usually an appropriate treatment goal for those with an alcohol use disorder considered severe.


T/F: Regular marijuana results in a stronger high than synthetic marijuana.


T/F: The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017) indicates there is substantial research support using cannabis to treat multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and chronic pain.


T/F: Treatment for substance use disorders always includes medication.


True/False: Although illicit drugs have often been used for medicinal purposes, it is rare that drugs developed for medicinal purposes are used for recreation.


A person who is afraid of flying and takes a Xanax to feel calmer during a flight is activating which neurotransmitter system?


The brain's major inhibitory neurotransmitter is ____


The brain's major inhibitory neurotransmitter is __________.


What neurotransmitter activity does alcohol affect?

GABA serotonin dopamine

Which neurotransmitter activity does alcohol affect?

GABA serotonin dopamine

Which neurotransmitter activity does alcohol affect?

GABA serotonin dopamine

Which neurotransmitter activity does alcohol affect?

GABA, dopamin, serotonin

What is the main difference between morphine and heroin?

Heroin more readily penetrates the blood-brain barrier

What is the main difference between morphine and heroin?

Heroin more readily penetrates the blood-brain barrier.

Which of the following is/are the acute effects of alcohol?

Increased reaction time, decreased balance controls, and decreased sensitivity in taste, smell, pain, and vision (all of the above)

Cannabis sativa

Indian hemp plant whose resin, flowering tops, leaves, and stem contain the plant's psychoactive substances

____________ are specialized structures located on dendrites and cell bodies of neurons that are considered "fast" because their activation directly influences the ion channels.

Ionotropic receptors

A pack-a-day smoker averages 150 nicotine reinforcements a day


The stimulants known as "bath salts" are synthetic drugs similar to an active ingredient in ______.

Khat leaves

Lethal dose

LD; dose at which a given % of persons die

Which of the following is/are serotonergic hallucinogens?

LSD psilocybin mescaline

Patients who experience mania are most commonly prescribed __________ to stabilize their moods.


What is a current nonbenzodiazepine medication prescribed for sleep?


People who take __________ must avoid foods that contain tyramine.


Which of the following is NOT paired correctly? Lithium - Mood Stabilizer MAOIs - Antipsychotics Chlorpromazine - Antipsychotic Wellbutrin - Antidepressant

MAOIs - Antipsychotics

Schedule 1

MDMA, marijuana, LSD, heroin, peyote, hash

What is NOT a general dissociative anesthetic? a.) Mescaline b.) DXM c.) Ketamine d.) PCP


What is referred to as the "pleasure center" or the "reward center"?

Mesolimbic Dopaminergic Pathway

Which of the following is referred to as the "pleasure center" or the "reward center"?

Mesolimbic Dopaminergic Pathway

Which of the following is/are true?

Methadone is an opioid that is used for the treatment of opioid withdrawal More people use prescription opioids other than as prescribed than use heroin today

Which of the following is/are true?

Methadone is an opioid that is used for treatment of withdrawal and more people use prescription opioids than as prescribed than use heroin

____ is used for the treatment of an overdose of opioids.

Naloxone (Narcan)

What is used for the treatment of an overdose of opioids?

Naloxone (narcan)

The rise in illegal use of prescription opioids in the later 1990s and early 2000s was largely related to what drug?


technologies you would use to track brain function and processing?

PET scan and fMRI

Which of the following is NOT true? a.) Antipsychotic medications influence the positive symptoms more than the negative ones b.) People taking tricyclic medicines must avoid tyramine c.) Tardive dyskinesia involves repetitive involuntary movements of the mouth and tongue d.) There are fewer people hospitalized for psychological disorders today than in the 1950s

People taking tricyclic medicines must avoid tyramin

Which of the following is NOT true of A.A.? a.) There are 12 steps b.) People work the steps by themselves c.) Part of working the steps involves sharing an honest self-evaluation with someone else. d.) Bill W. and Dr. Bob are the founders of AA

People work the steps by themselves

__________ is the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action.


How do pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics compare?

Pharmacokinetics examines the movement of drugs through the body, and pharmacodynamics examines the effects of drugs on the body.

Opium comes from them?


What is the relationship between efficacy and potency of a drug?

Potency is the lowest dose of a drug that achieves maximum effect.

___________ refers to the general occurrence of an event, usually expressed in terms of percentage of some population; _________ refers to the number of first time occurrences of an event.

Prevalence, Incidence

The ____ required producers of medicine to indicate which drugs and how much of which drugs were in medicines.

Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

Which of the following people is most likely to smoke?

Randy a 23 year old white male

_________ is a self-help group that does NOT include any spirituality component that helps people look at their motives for use, and their beliefs, emotions, and behavior.


Which of the following indicates a pair of related terms?


________ is derived from a plant in the sage family and is considered to be the most potent of any naturally-occurring hallucinogens.


Scott drinks a few beers every once in a while; most often this is at a special occasion. ____ would be the best description of his level of use of alcohol.

Social/recreational use

The advantage of using _____ for the treatment of opioid use disorder is that if someone takes it other than as directed, they will put themselves into opioid withdrawal.



Substance abuse and mental health services administration (part of NSDUH)

____ are active ingredients in cannabis.

THC, Cannabidiol, Cannabinol

T/F: Cannabis use is associated with development of psychotic disorders (including schizophrenia) later in life.


T/F: Cannabis was used as a general all purpose medicine in the 1800s.


T/F: In helping people think about changing, it is helpful to have the person explore both the reasons to change and the reasons to not change.


T/F: Regularly attending self-help groups is associated with higher rates of abstinence.


T/F: Synthetic marijuana results in a stronger high than regular marijuana.


T/F: The best way to approach treatment for someone who has a substance use disorder and a non-AOD psychological disorder is for the person to go to a substance use treatment expert for the substance use disorder and a different expert for the non-AOD related disorder.


T/F: Treatment of substance use disorders should always help people develop supportive social relationships.


T/F: Treatment outcome for substance use disorder is better if people stay in treatment for at least 6 months.


TRUE OR FALSE: The effects of drugs involve making naturally occurring physiological processes more or less active.


True /False: Withdrawal symptoms of an addictive drug are the opposite of the drug's effects.


True or False: Consuming an excessive amount of caffeine is called caffeinism and can produce symptoms such as gastrointestinal distress, insomnia, excessive anxiety, and restlessness.


True or False: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is associated with before and after birth growth deficiencies, distinctive facial anomalies, and central nervous system dysfunction.


True/False: All self-help groups are modeled after AA and its steps


True/False: Cultural norms can contribute to the development of a substance use disorder.


True/False: Into the middle of the 1800s, in the U.S., drugs could be obtained via the mail, at grocery stores, and without a prescription.


True/False: Many of the drugs that are illegal today were used to treat a variety of medical concerns in the 1800s and early 1900s.


True/False: More people go to outpatient treatment than inpatient treatment for substance use disorders.


True/False: The DSM-IV diagnosis of substance abuse was the diagnosis indicative of an addiction.


True/False: The effects of drugs always involve naturally occurring physiological processes.


True/False: The effects of opioids are synergistic with those of alcohol.


True/False: There are multiple genes that can contribute to a genetic risk for the development of a substance use disorder.


True/False: Tolerance may develop to some effects of a drug but not to others.


True/False: Treatment of substance use disorders should always help people find an alternative way to get the reinforcement they got from their substance use and develop supportive social relationships.


True/False: What someone thinks will happen when they use a particular drug, influences what the person experiences when they use that drug.


TRUE or FALSE: People who have tolerance to alcohol will also demonstrate tolerance to barbiturates the first time they use them.

TRUE: These people are demonstrating cross-tolerance to the two drugs, which have similar action in the body.

Lung cancer is the leading major cancer-related cause of death among women.


Which of the following statements describes the conclusions/recommendations of professional committee reports on the effects of marijuana? a.) The most recent report published in 2017 recommends that cannabis should be available for recreational use in the US b.) The most recent report published in 2017 describes barriers to research evaluating the effects of cannabis and cannabinoids. c.) They have consistently warned about the multiple negative effects of marijuana use d.) They have always clearly stated there are no negative effects of marijuana use

The most recent report published in 2017 describes barriers to research evaluating the effects of cannabis and cannabinoids.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the conclusions/recommendations of The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017)? a.) The report recommends that cannabis should be available for recreational use. b.) It concluded that research indicates cannabis is helpful for those with multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, and nausea from chemotherapy. XX c.) The report recommends that cannabis should be available for medical use d.) The report describes limitations in research evaluating the effects of cannabis and cannabinoids.

The report recommends that cannabis should be available for recreational use.

Which of the following is true regarding the smoking-related mortality rates of men and women in the U.S.?

The smoking-related risk of death for men and women is almost identical.

Which of the following is/are true about the withdrawal effects of cocaine and amphetamines?

The withdrawal effects include depression, inability to experience pleasure, lack of energy, and increased appetite

How do drugs relate to the process of neural transmission?

They are a chemical component of an electrochemical process.

__________ , initially used as an anesthesia in surgery, was found to have calming effects on individuals with psychotic disorders. It revolutionized the treatment of psychotic disorders.



______ are the receptors primarily found in the immune system to which the cannabinoids bind.

Illicit drugs

_______ _____ have unknown dose effect curves because no regulation (uncertain contents)


____________ the more of a drug, the greater the effect

opium poppy

a plant cultivated for centuries for a drug that acts as a CNS depressant

What is the LD 50 for alcohol?

a BAC of .45 - .50

What is the LD 50 for alcohol?

a BAC of .45-.50

Why have some students used stimulants as study aids?

a and c only


a definable illness that occurs with a cessation or decrease in use of a drug

analogy for a receptor on a neuron =

a gate

The most commonly reported symptom of withdrawal from caffeine is ______.

a headache

Substance abuse

a pattern of harmful use of a psychoactive substance

sensation seeking is

a personality characteristic that is associated with more frequent and varied substance use


ability to account for variables that may affect the results of a study


abnormality that is produced in the fetus

Based on a recent survey, what is the average prevalence of cocaine use among high school seniors?

about 2%

What is the two-year relapse rate for patients who have completed a heroin detox program?

about 85%

passive smoking

absorption of toxins from another person's tobacco smoke

Which 2 neurotransmitters are involved in learning and memory?

acetylcholine and glutamate

Protracted tolerance

across regular or chronic use

drug effect

action of a drug on the body

The electrical activity along the axon that occurs when a neuron fires is called:

action potential


action that is unique or special is exerted on psychological functioning

Behavioral tolerance

adjustment of behavior thorugh learning experiences in using a drug to compensate for its intoxication effects

behavioral tolerance

adjustment of demeanor through experience in using a drug to compensate for its intoxicating effects

There are specific medications to treat the withdrawal from

alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opioids

Ph of drug

alkalinity/acidity influences absorption

Which of the following is FALSE? a.) Legalization is still highly controversial, although public support has gradually increased in recent years. b.) routes of administration for cannabis include smoking, inhaling vaporized THC, eating foods containing THC, and taking medication that has THC c.) all forms of cannabis have similar amounts of THC

all forms of cannabis have similar amounts of THC

Ways psychoactive drugs can affect the CNS

alter info sent to brain from environment, disrupt messages from brain to body, disrupt CNS internal functions, affect other parts of body directly and indirectly

overall effect of hallucinogens:

alter perceptions and states of consciousness, e.g., LSD, ketamine

respiratory system

alteration of proper functioning; however, much of this impairment is reversed following abstinence of marijuana


altered perception that results in mode labile and bizarre cognitive experiences

the dosage of a drug identifies the ______


effective dose

amount at which a given percentage of individuals show a particular effect of a drug

Substantia Nigra

associated with basal ganglia structure, involved in coordination of movement and integration of motor control; named because of dark pigment; produces dopamine. Damage associated with parkinsons(symptoms show when 80% of substantia nigra is destroyed!)

What is NOT a common effect of LSD?

auditory hallucinations

orientation to time

awareness of temporal specification, such as what day of the week it is

According to the Controlled Substances Act, what might a doctor prescribe to treat a medical condition?


The San Fransisco Ordinance involved____.

banning opium dens

Example of tolerance to some effects and not others

barbiturates-develop tolerance to sleep inducing and pleasant intoxication, but not to impaired motor coordination or slowed reaction time

What is the name of the forebrain structure that is involved in the control and initiation of motor movement?

basal ganglia


behavioral pattern characterized by lack of concern for obligations or others and tendency toward violence

What would be the best treatment option to quit smoking for a woman who is pregnant?

behavioral therapy

Drug expectancies

belief about what they will experience upon taking a drug (ex. Placebo, antidepressants, pain meds, alcohol, marijuana)

Compared to depressant type anesthetics, what is a key benefit to doctors of using opiates?

better patient communication

The formula for calculating approximate blood alcohol content is a function of which 2 variables?

beverages and time

According to the NSDUH, heavy drinking is defined as:

binge drinking 5 or more times a month

According to the NSDUH, heavy drinking is defined as:

binge drinking five or more times a month

Absorption into blood stream


____ is the portion of the original drug dose that reaches its site of action or that reaches a fluid in the body that gives the drug access to its site of action.


Pharmacological factors

biological effects, how you take it


caffeine intoxication

What drug is contained in crack?


Hector met some friends at a pub at the end of a long work week. How did Hector likely feel after he had two drinks?


Research on endorphins has shown that the pain relief resulting from the placebo effect is caused by a ______ process.


acetylsalicyclic acid

chemical name for aspirin


chemically inactive substance (e.g., sugar pill)

What accurately describes the influence that age has on drug effects?

children and the elderly are more susceptible to a drug's effects

Which of the following accurately describes the influence that age has on drug effects?

children and the elderly are more susceptible to a drug's effects


cigar that is emptied of tobacco and refilled with marijuana


class of chemicals characterized by a single amine group

dissociative anesthetic

class of drugs able to induce loss of sensation while an individual remains semiconscious

serotonergic hallucinogen

class of drugs has common action of influencing chemical transmission in the brain

methylated amphetamine

class of drugs including MDA and MDMA (Ecstasy)

anticholinergic hallucinogen

class of drugs that produces a dream-like trance

Cocaine is obtained from the leaves of __________.



collection of more than 60 chemical compounds present in marijuana

What could be considered an international benefit derived from drugs across history?


brand name

commercial label given to a drug by its manufacturer


common over-the-counter drug with decongestant effects

what did the repeal of Prohibition in 1933 likely indicate?

common public use of alcohol


complex filtering system that removes substances from the blood

Personality characteristics

complex, difficult to understand; NO ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY; anxiety reduction effect, psychological set, drug expectancies

tardive dyskinesia

complication characterized by involuntary movements of the mouth and tongue, trunk, and extremities


compound formed in the body when cocaine is taken w/ alcohol

stimulant psychosis

condition that includes paranoid delusions and disorientation resembling the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia

physiological effect

condition whose symptoms are the same as those seen in emotional arousal and appetite-suppression

high dose

condition whose symptoms include a psychotic state, paranoid delusions, and a risk of overdose death

behavioral effect

condition whose symptoms include a sense of elation, increased sociability, and increased resistance to fatigue


condition with features such as a greater-than-normal amount of activity, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, and impulsivity

formication syndrome

condition with symptoms of itching and feeling as if insects were crawling under skin

casual relationship

connection between variables in which changes in one variable are due to changes in another

Before a person participates as a subject in a research experiment, what must they provide?



consequence of an action that increases its future likelihood


consequence of an action that suppresses or decreases its future likelihood

nicotine poisioning

consequence of overdose on the active ingredient of tobacco characterized by palpitations, dizziness, or nausea

nicotine poisoning

consequence of overdose on the active ingredient of tobacco characterized by palpitations, dizziness, or nausea


conversation between a specially trained individual and another person intended to change patterns of behavior

Identify which of the following was not discussed as a means by which drugs are categorized.



cough-suppressant drug

What is true regarding alcohol tolerance?

cross tolerance occurs with other depressants

Which of the following is/are true regarding alcohol? a.) acute tolerance happens, but protracted tolerance does not b.) cross tolerance occurs with other depressants c.) dispositional tolerance does not occur d.) protracted tolerance occurs, but acute tolerance does not occur

cross tolerance occurs with other depressants

In a meeting before she had a major operation, Connie's surgeon asked how much alcohol she drank per week and whether she regularly used tranquilizers or sleep medication. The doctor's questions were to avoid possible problems with ________.


Which of the following is not a form of cocaine?


Which of the following is not a form of cocaine? a.) crack b.) coca paste c.) free base d.) crystal


Different dose

curve effect for different effects e.g. heart rate, mood, memory

The abstinence syndrome produced upon cocaine withdrawal consists of which of the following symptoms?


black tar heroin

dark brown substance that may be cement like or hard

Researchers working to determine the LD 50 of a particular drug are interested in which of the following?


overall effect of depressants:

decrease CNS activity, e.g., alcohol, xanax, other anti-anxiety agents


decrease central nervous system activity(alcohol, Xanax, other antianxiety stuff)

Overall, the prevalence of current smokers has ______ since 1965.


Overall, the prevalence of current smokers has __________ since 1965.


Cocaine and the amphetamines cause _____.

decreased appetite

functional tolerance

decreased effects of a drug on demeanor as a result of regular use

What is/are the acute effects of alcohol

decreased sensitivity in taste, smell, vision, and pain decreased balance controls increased reaction time

Which of the following is/are the acute effects of alcohol?

decreased sensitivity in taste, smell, vision, and pain increased reaction time decreased balance controls

The presence of food in the stomach ___ absorption and __ the amount of the drug in one's blood at any one time for orally administered drugs.

delays; decreases

toxic jock behavior

demeanor characterized with hypermasculine attitudes and excessive risk taking

Check My Work ________ are branches that extend from individual nerve cells.



depressant drug formerly used as sleeping pills and currently used in treatment for epilepsy


diminished or reduced effect of a drug when another drug is present

Drug antagonism

diminished/reduced effect when another drug is present


disease of the lung characterized by abnormal dilution of air spaces and distension of walls


disordered movement

reproductive system

disruption of functioning in both males and females, as well as possible teratogenic effects

Effectiveness of antipsychotics are associated with the impact on ________ activity.


What neurotransmitters are affected by cocaine and amphetamines?

dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine

Which neurotransmitters are affected by cocaine and amphetamines?

dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine

Which of the following neurotransmitters are affected by cocaine and amphetamines?

dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine

What factor distinguishes acute tolerance from protracted tolerance?


Effective dose

dose at which a given % of individuals show a particular effect


dose required for a drug to produce a given effect


dried sap produced by the poppy plant

Cellular/system changes

drug compensatory response

Which of the following methods identifies nonhumans' subjective response to a substance? a. drug discrimination study b. operant conditioning c. conflict paradigm d. classical conditioning

drug discrimination study


drug effect that is opposite in direction to what is anticipated based on its structure


drug produced by chemically processing morphine


drug produced from the resin that covers the flowers of a hemp plant


drug similar to lysergic acid diethylamide found in mushrooms


drug similar to lysergic acid diethylamide found in the peyote cactus


drug that blocks receptors in the brain and is used as antidote for nerve gas


drug that blocks receptors in the brain; also called hyoscine


drug that can cause hyperexcitability, delirium, and visual disturbances; also known as angel dust

over-the-counter drug

drug that cane be obtained legally w/o a medial prescription


drug that included among the "club" drugs; also known as vitamin K


drug that interferes with alcohol metabolism so that people feel ill if they consume alcohol


drug that is anxiety-reducing


drug that produces the physiological effects of sympathetic activity

levo-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM)

drug used in treating heroin addiction that is similar in action to methadone


ease with which a compound can be broken down or entered into a solution

Slower absorption of alcohol is associated with

eating before or while drinking drinking milk

Slower absorption of alcohol is associated w/:

eating before or while drinking drinking milk before or w/ alcohol

Slower absorption of alcohol is associated with

eating before or while drinking and drinking milk


effect characterized by perception of stimulus in a modality other than one presented

Prototype dose

effect curve has an S shape, meaning there is a larger effect as the dose increases, but the graph plateaus for the highest doses

initial sensitivity

effect of a drug on a first-time user


effect on mood, thinking, and behavior


effective decongestant

________ is the peak of the dose-effect curve for a given effect of a particular drug.


What serves as the basis for communication through the nervous system?



eliminates drugs through biotransformation(metabolism), enzyme, and metabolites


elimination is ___________ efficient with higher concentrations of a drug

psychological dependence

emotional state of wanting a drug for its positive effects or to avoid negative effects

Opioids act by mimicking which neurotransmitter system?


Opioids act by mimicking which neurotransmitter system?


Which of the following is NOT a correct pairing? serotonin - sleep, mood endorphins - coordinated movement glutamate - learning and memory, main excitoatory neurotransmitter acetylcholine - muscle contractions, learning and memory

endorphins -coordinated movement


enhanced effect of a drug when another drug is present

The recovery of many Vietnam veterans from heroin addiction reveals that __________.

environment can play a very important role in recovery

The recovery of many Vietnam veterans from heroin addiction reveals that?

environment can play a very important role in recovery

the recovery of many Vietnam veterans from heroin addiction reveals that __________.

environment can play a very important role in recovery

What process(e)s is/are responsible for removing neurotransmitters from the synapse?

enzyme breakdown and reuptake

Which of the following processes are responsible for removing neurotransmitters from the synapse?

enzyme breakdown and reuptake

Drug Enforcement Administration

established as Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1930

Sumerian or Assyrian civilization

evidence of opiate cultivation and use as long as 6,000 years

Greek or Roman civilization

evidence of opiate use in a variety of medical practices as documented by Galen

ancient Egyptian civilization

evidence of the discovery of medical uses for opiates 3,500 years ago


excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter

Frontal lobe

executive functioning(CEO), planning, emotional control, impulse control(front)

Infants whose mothers were addicted to cocaine during pregnancy ________.

experience short-term neurologic problems after birth

Infant whose mothers were addicted to cocaine during pregnancy ______.

experience short-term neurological problems after birth

________ refers to a process in which a person stops responding to a cue after multiple unfulfilled exposures—such as an alcoholic who stops craving liquor after being in a bar many times but never having a drink.



fabrication of events, when asked questions concerning them, because of an inability to recall


failure to recall events that occurred while consuming alcohol despite no loss of consciousness

Biological characteristics

inherited differences (initial sensitivity, metabolism), sex, weight, age


family of chemicals classified as alkaloids

what law included emphasis on a particular age group?

family smoking prevention and tobacco control act of 2009


fastest(7-10 sec), much of drug may get lost in the air/smoke

Women tend to be more easily affected by drugs due to a difference in ________.


_________ is the earliest, most benign effect of alcohol's effects on the liver.

fatty liver


fatty white substance that covers the cylindrical extensions of some nerve cells


feeling of if you're supposed to have it, classical conditioning

What drug is the most potent pain reliever?


Which of the following drugs is the most potent pain reliever?


A sudden reoccurrence of a hallucinogenic experience is a(n) __________.


Opioid withdrawal symptoms are best characterized as __________.

flu-like in nature

Opioid withdrawal symptoms are best characterized as __________.

flu-like in nature but not fatal

basal ganglion

forebrain structure important for motor control; includes caudate nucleus, the putamen, and the globus pallidus


forebrain structure that organizes sensory input


forebrain structure that regulates eating, drinking, and other basic biological drives

street heroin

form of chemically processed morphine that is mixed with additives many times as it changes hands

uncut heroin

form of chemically processed morphine that is quite pure and is a white odorless powder

neuropsychological test

formal way of measuring behavioral functions that may be impaired by brain lesions

Binge drinking is defined as:

four or more servings for a female and five or more servings for a male within an episode of drinking

Which of the following is FALSE regarding substance use treatment: a.) can intervene with biological factors, psychological factors, and/or social factors b.) can include individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy c.) may encourage self-help involvement or be based on the 12 steps d.) frequently has moderation in use as a treatment goal for severe substance use disorders

frequently has moderation in use as a treatment goal for severe substance use disorders

The danger of extreme alcohol withdrawal symptoms lasts _____.

from 12 hours to 10 days

The danger of extreme alcohol withdrawal symptoms lasts ________.

from 12 hours to 10 days

Executive functioning occurs in the

frontal lobes

Executive functioning occurs in the _______.

frontal lobes

which of the following distinguishes a clinical designation of caffeine withdrawal from the general experience associated with stopping caffeine intake?

functional impairment

Ethan took a six pack of beer from his father's garage to drink with his friend Terrence in the woods. It was the first time drinking alcohol for the high school freshmen. After one beer Terrence felt just a little buzzed, but Ethan felt woozy and his face was flushed. What likely accounted for the difference in the boys' responses to their first beers?


Characteristics of user

genetics, allergy, gender, expectations(placebo), personality

The most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain is ________.



goose bumps


group of cell bodies involved with starting, stopping, and smoothing out movements

Which of the following potential side effects of prescribing amphetamines for ADHD would cause the most concern from a development perspective?

growth delay

48-72 hours

half-life of cannabis


hand-rolled marijuana cigarette

Psychoactive drug indirect effects

happens by manipulating nerve cell chemistry in the brain that then sends messages back to that organ

Psychoactive drug direct effects

happens while passing through the organ or tissue

what is the core concept that characterizes drug abuse?


What is TRUE of the effects of cannabis?

has some sedative effects reduces pain time seems to pass more slowly has some stimulant effects impairs STM

The most commonly reported symptom of withdrawal from caffeine is __________.


Temporal lobe

hearing(at temples)


inability to experience normal pleasure

rebound insomnia

inability to sleep; produced as a withdrawal symptom associated with some depressant drugs

Sympathomimetic drugs:

include bath salts, amphetamines, and cocaine

Mucus membrane absorption

includes intranasal, sublingual, rectal; quicker than oral, avoids gastrointestinal tract

CRAFT... for loved ones of one with alcohol or other drug dependence 1.Improve the quality of life independent of other's use 2.Make sobriety more attractive to loved one than using - change consequences

includes teaching a concerned significant other to reinforce abstinence behaviors and not reinforce using behaviors

rapid eye movement (REM) rebound

increase in dream activity when withdrawing from drugs that suppress that stage

What is a physiological effect of cocaine?

increase in heart rate pupil dilation increase in blood pressure

What is a physiological effect of cocaine?

increase in heart rate, pupil dilation, increase in blood pressure (all of the above)

dispositional tolerance

increase in the rate of metabolizing a drug as a result of its regular use


increased amount of drug needed for intoxication, or diminished effect w/ the same amount of drug

Due to specific drug interactions, a person who drinks alcohol may experience which of the following?

increased depression

Dispositional tolerance

increased metabolism rate as a result of its regular use

reverse tolerance

increased receptivity to a drug with repeated use of it


individual nerve cell that is a basic building block of the nervous system

psychological set

individual's knowledge, attitudes, expectations, and other thoughts about an object or an event

Which of the following list routes of administration from quickest to longest time before effects are experienced?

inhalation, intramuscular, oral

Order of quickest to slowest absorptions

inhalation, intravenous, nasal, oral

What is the order of routes of administration from quickest to longest time before effects are experienced?

inhalation, oral, sublingual OR intravenous, oral, transdermal

What is an example of negative reinforcement?

injecting heroin to avoid withdrawal symptom

Basal Ganglia

integration of movement and initiation of motor movement(parkinsons-less active areas bcuz reduces dopamine messages from substantia nigra)

What term best reflects the role the personality plays in developing an addiction?



into the veins; intense rush (15-30 sec); most dangerous because it bypasses body's safety mechanisms

One of the important factors about the ___ route of administration is that it bypasses all of our safety mechanisms.


One of the important factors about the ________ route of administration is that it bypasses all of our safety mechanisms:



intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous; slower than inhalation; most dangerous(bypasses safety filters of the body); all at once

How would you administer a drug if you wanted to avoid all natural barriers that can slow absorption?


treatment outcome research

investigation designed to show a causal relationship between a treatment and some change


involved in formation of memories(if you ever saw a hippo on campus, you'd remember it)


involved in regulation of eating and drinking, control of body temp, sexual behavior, sleep

You need to hire someone to sort and deliver mail to employees in your office. Sunil seems to be a low-energy person, while Rhonda appears full of energy. From a neural perspective, Rhonda would be considered a(n) ________.

ionotropic receptor

___ are specialized structures located on dendrites and cell bodies of neurons that are considered "fast" because their activation influences the ion channels.

ionotropic receptors


is perceiving a stimulus via a different sensory modality than the sense in which it is biologically processed.

The concept of tobacco as therapeutic agent took a serious blow when Posselt and Reimann __________.

isolated nicotine

Which of the following is FLASE about the Controlled Substances Act (formal name of Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act)>

it allowed for immediate classification of drugs

Given its intended purpose, what is unique about the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

it did NOT ban consumption

Which of the following best describes the neural system impact of tobacco?

it mimics acetylcholine


it takes about ____ half-lives to reduce the level of drug in the blood to less than 2% of original amount


junction b/t nerve cells

What drug would be most likely to produce changes/distortions in perception of one's body?


The stimulants known as "bath salts" are synthetic drugs similar to an active ingredient in ____.

khat leaves


kind, as opposed to quantity, of effect a combination of drugs produce

Dr. Campbell's recommendations for "Lower Risk Use" include all of the following:

know how much you are drinking alternate an alcohol beverage with water eat something substantial before or while you are drinking

Psychological set

knowledge, attitudes, expectations, and thoughts about a drug

chemical name

label given to a drug that represents its structure


largest and most complex brain region including thalamus, hypothalamus, mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway, limbic system, basal ganglia, and cerebral cortex


latest opiate threat and about 100 times more powerful than morphine

San Francisco Ordinance

law passed in 1875 that banned opium dens

Pure food and drug act

law passed in 1906 that made medicine producers indicate amount of drug in a product; decreased NEW addiction development

Harrison Narcotics Tax Act

law passed in 1914 that attempted to regulate opium traffic with regulations of supply and inaccurately included cocaine as a narcotic

Marijuana tax act

law passed in 1937 that requires license for producers, manufacturers, importers, and dispensers

Community Mental Health Centers Act

law passed in 1963 that began community counseling centers

Controlled substances Act

law passed in 1970 that "scheduled" drugs I through V and set standards for penalties for manufacturing and distributing

Controlled Substances Analogue Enforcement act

law passed in 1986 that allowed immediate classification of new drugs

Chemical diversion and trafficking act

law passed in 1988 that controls distribution of materials used to manufacture illicit drugs

Comprehensibe methamphetamine control act

law passed in 1996 that restricts access to ingredients, monitors ingredients, and increased penalties for same amt.

Family smoking prevention and tobacco control act

law passed in 2009 where FDA regulates manufacturing, marketing, and sale of tobacco

Fair sentencing act

law passed in 2010 that reduces disparity for different forms of the same drug

Synthetic drug abuse prevention act

law passed in 2012 that bans synthetic compounds like bath salts and synthetic marijuana

According to the behavioral pharmacology perspective, drug use is ________.


What all is included in the DSM-5 categories of criteria for substance use disorder?

legal problems


legislative forbidding of the sale of a substance

Precancerous cells that develop as the result of smokeless tobacco are called ______.


Recent brain imaging research suggests that drug craving is associated with activity in the

limbic areas

Recent brain imaging research suggests that drug craving is associated with activity in the __________________.

limbic areas

Once in the bloodstream, orally-administered drugs pass through the ____ before reaching the brain.


Once in the bloodstream, orally-administered drugs pass through the __________ before reaching the brain.


F(they are the primary organs involved)

liver and kidneys are not involved in elimination of drugs from the body t/f


liver, kidneys; urinated, saliva, feces, sweat, exhaled breath, breast milk

The ___ is (are) primarily responsible for drug metabolism, the __ is (are) the most important organ(s) for excretion of drugs and their metabolites.

liver; kidneys

The _____ is (are) primarily responsible for drug metabolism; the ___ is (are) the most important organ for excretion of drugs and their metabolites.

liver; kidneys

Superior colliculi

localization of visual information(REMEMBER: eyes are higher than ears!)


long cylindrical extension of the cell body of the nerve cell

personality disorder

long-standing behavioral pattern that frequently creates distress for individuals due to personal or social consequences

chewing tobacco

loose-leaf form of tobacco that is pressed as a rectangle or a twist

anorectic effect

loss of appetite or suppression of eating

amotivational syndorme

loss of effectiveness and reduced capacity to accomplish goals due to chronic marijuana use

anterograde amnesia

loss or limitation of the ability to form new memories

agitated depression

low mood accompanied by a state of tension or restlessness

What was the "soldiers' disease" in the Civil War?

morphine addiction

gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain

adenosine hypothesis

most accepted belief that explains caffeine's acute effects


most drugs are excreted in ____________ as original form or metabolites


most intense, or peak, level of a drug effect


most widely prescribed anxiety-reducing drug

In the context of drug use, what term best describes the concept of environment?


The billions of neurons in the brain are protected by a fatty substance called ________.



national survey on drug use and health; annual survey of AOD use


naturally occurring chemical blocked by aspirin and related analgesics

Mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway

neural basis of reward/pleasure(ctrls DOPAMINE); James Olds(VTA, nucleus accumbens, frontal cortex)

One way that drugs work on the nervous system is by being masters of disguise. A drug molecule can fool the brain into thinking it is a ________.



neurotransmitter in the brain involved in activity of the sympathetic branch


neurotransmitter in the brain involved w/ movement and reward


neurotransmitter in the brain involved with sleep and mood


neurotransmitter in the brain that is mimicked by opiate drugs


neurotransmitter linked with cognitive processes and memory


new form of consumption that involves heating concentrated forms of marijuana and inhaling the fumes

____ 2nd highest prevalence.


The most frequently reported nicotine withdrawal symptom is __________.

nicotine craving

Which of the following anti-smoking efforts was successful?

none of these (NONE OF THESE IS THE CORRECT ANSWER)--->these were the choices -the Japanese edict of 1603 -the smoking prohibition by the Russian czar in 1634 -the efforts of Sultan Marad IV in 1633 - the papal bulls issued by Popes Urban VIII and Innocent X


nonpsychotic emotional disturbance, pain, or discomfort beyond what is appropriate in one's life conditions


number of first time occurrences of an event during some time period


number of symptoms that occur together and characterize a specific illness or disease


occurrence of something in different forms among members of a population


one of the female sex hormones involved in regulation of ovulation and the menstrual cycle


one of the female sex hormones involved in regulation of ovulation, menstrual cycle, and pregnancy

What types of learning contribute to the development of a substance use disorder?

operant conditioning and observational learning

For which of the following drugs does the setting NOT have a considerable role in user effects? a. hallucinogens b. marijuana c. opiates d. alcohol


considered "God's own medicine" by doctors in the late-19th century


Schedule 2

opium, morphine, Ritalin, oxycodone, meth, cocaine

Which of the following presents the substances in order from lowest to highest potency?

opium, morphine, heroin

Drug classification categories

origin(plant/synthetic), therapeutic use, site of action, mechanism of action, street name, chemical structure


outermost and largest part of the human brain

Cerebral cortex

outermost and largest part of the human brain(laid flat it's 11x14 inches); includes frontal lobes, parietal lobes, temporal lobes, occipital lobe


over-the-counter expectorant


overwhelming involvement w/ using a drug, getting an adequate supply of it, and having a strong tendency to resume use of it after stopping for a period

When taken together, which of the following pairs of drugs will potentiate the effects of each other?

oxycodone and alcohol

The rise in illegal use of prescription opioids in the later 1990s and early 2000s was largely related to what drug?



pain relief and euphoria(heroin, morphine, oxycontin, Percocet)

overall effect of opiates/opioids:

pain relief and euphoria, e.g., heroin, morphine, oxytococin, percocet


pain relief produced without a loss of consciousness

acute panic

paranoid reaction to the drug that leaves individuals in a psychotic state

Psychosis as a result of high dose of cocaine resembles the symptoms of ______.

paranoid schizophrenia

Psychosis as a result of high dose of cocaine resembles the symptoms of ________.

paranoid schizophrenia

Symptoms of cocaine overdose resemble the symptoms of __________.

paranoid schizophrenia


professional guidance where specially trained professionals perform a variety of treatment activities

The branch of the autonomic nervous system that you can activate by diaphragmatic breathing is the _____.

parasympathetic branch

The branch of the autonomic nervous system that you can activate by diaphragmatic breathing is the____.

parasympathetic branch

parasympathetic branch

part of the automatic nervous system responsible for lowering heart rate and blood pressure

Which of the following is a metaphor for diffusibility in the context of drugs? a. mixing olive oil with water or milk with water b. passing liquid through oilcloth or through lace c. melting sugar in hot coffee or in cold lemonade d. stacking boxes higher and higher until they fall

passing liquid through oilcloth or through lace

Substance dependence

pattern of compulsive behaviors that are related to frequent use of psychoactive substance

Anxiety reduction effect

people vary with respect to the extent to which they have a decrease in anxiety in response to some drugs (e.g. alcohol, benzodiazepine)

novelty seeking

person who tends to be impulsive, take risks, and have a high need for stimulation

drug expectancy

person's belief about what he or she will experience upon taking a drug

___ is the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action.


The field of ____ is concerned with all information about the effects of drugs on living systems.


The field of ___________ is concerned with all information about the effects of drugs on living systems.


How does pharmacology differ from psychopharmacology?

pharmacology examines all effects of drug use, and psychopharmacology examines behavioral effects of drug use

Schedule 5

phenergan, Robitussin A-C, cherocol with codeine

meth mouth

phenomenon characterized by deterioration and loss of teeth

state-dependent learning

phenomenon where knowledge gained under an influence is best recalled when in the same condition

Experiencing withdrawal when stopping use of a particular drug primarily reflects what type of response?


Carolyn asked her doctor to prescribe an amphetamine so she could lose weight before her wedding. The doctor refused due to the potential risk of ____?

physical dependence


place where people gathered to smoke marijuana

A drug that is taken sublingually is __________.

placed under the tongue


planned activity designed to change some pattern of behavior(s) of individuals or their families

Inferior colliculi

plays part in auditory system, sound localization (REMEMBER: ears are lower!)

Yuri regularly drinks vodka and smokes marijuana, mostly on weekends. Yuri would best be categorized as a _______.

polydrug user

Opium comes from the __________.



portion of the original drug amount that reaches its site of action

When Jane was younger, she drank alcohol for the buzz. Today Jane usually drinks in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms. When Jane was younger ___________ was occurring and today _________ is occurring.

positive reinforcement; negative reinforcement

Compared to 30 years ago, someone who takes heroin today faces more risk due to increased ________.


hash oil

potent distillate of marijuana


powdered tobacco mixed with salts, moisture, oils, flavorings, and other additives


practice of heating cocaine and inhaling the vapors


prescription opiate released in 1996 whose generic is called oxycodone


prescription opiate utilized for illicit use and also called oxymorphone

____ refers to the general occurrence of an event, usually expressed in terms of percentage of some population; ____ refers to the number of first time occurrences of an event.

prevalence; incidence

delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

principal active chemical in marijuana responsible for the psychoactive effects

DSMV substance use disorder definition

problematic pattern of substance use leading to significant impairment or distress within a 12 month period

What can be an effect of chronic heavy drinking?

problems in sexual functioning heart problems decreased immune system functioning

Which of the following can be an effect of chronic heavy drinking?

problems in sexual functioning heart problems decreased immune system functioning


process by which neurotransmitters are inactivated


process by which the body breaks down matter into more simple components and waste


process by which the heating of a fermented mixture increases its alcohol content


process of shutting the pylorus valve that occurs after consuming large quantities of alcohol


process that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract and the brain after crossing the blood-brain barrier

metabolism & excretion

process that occurs mostly in the liver and kidneys


process that occurs when a drug changes from solid to liquid by mixing with liquid


process that occurs when a drug's particles are dispersed in solution but not broken down


process that occurs when caffeine is spread throughout the body


process that occurs when drugs have entered the bloodstream


process that results in changes back to health in physical, mental, spiritual, and social functioning


process where a substance is separated from its salt


process where the effects of one drug are modified by the presence of another drug


process where yeast interacts w/ sugar to produce an enzyme that converts sugar into alcohol

What are some common effects of LSD?

pupil dilation visual hallucinations sympathomimetic effects

More blood flow

quicker absorption

More lipid solubility

quicker absorption

Zero order kinetics

rate metabolized not dependent on concentration in the blood, ex. Alcohol (1 serving metabolized every 1.25 hours). Metabolized at a constant rate, no matter how much you take. CANNOT INCREASE ALCOHOLS METABOLIC RATE

Factors that influence the drug experience

rate of absorption, safety, metabolism, bioavailability

intrinsic motivation

reason for quitting smoking that includes fear of getting sick or proving quitting is possible

extrinsic motivation

reason for quitting smoking that includes stopping others from nagging or being forced to quit

Which of the following is not one of the stages of cocaine abstinence?


short-term memory

recollection for recent events

long-term memory

recollection for remote events

Conditioned tolerance

reduced physiological response of body to drug when rdrug-associated stimuli are present(classical conditioning)

What is one of the causes of muscle tremors that are symptomatic of Parkinson's disease?

reduction of dopamine

general anesthesia

reduction of pain by rendering the subject unconscious

control group

reference or comparison group in an experiment

mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway

region of the brain thought to mediate reward


regions of the body that receive more blood will get more of the drug t/f

poly drug use

regular use of more than one drug

According to behavioral pharmacology, the idea that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" may be valid for drug use due to the absence of ________.



relation between dose changes and effect


relay station for sensory input (except smell)

Are retrograde neurotransmitters released from presynaptic neurons or postsynaptic neurons?

released from postsynaptic neurons to effect presynaptic release NT (inhibit release of NT from presynaptic neuron)

Reasons for drug use

religion, recreation, altering consciousness, distress, pain, forget, enhance senses

Tardive dyskinesia is most characterized by __________.

repetitive involuntary movements of the mouth and tongue

Dose-effect curve

representation of a drug's effect across range of doses


scientific study of behavior


scientific study of drugs concerned w/ info about the effects of drugs on living systems


scientific study of drugs; concerned with all information about the effects of drugs on living systems

Which of the following is NOT an opioid? a.) Fentanyl b.) scopolamine c.) Dilaudid d.) heroin


Which of the following is not an opioid?



second highest prevalence in America

Which of the following is a mechanism by which cocaine can cause death?

seizures stroke

Which of the following is a mechanism by which cocaine can cause death?

seizures and strokes (both A and B)

What are mechanisms by which cocaine can cause death?

seizures, convulsions, and strokes

Parietal lobe

sensory perception(top)


series of events where what happens in a later event alters events that preceded it


severe mental condition whose symptoms include disorganized thinking and bizarre manner of conduct

The medical uses for opioid drugs include the treatment of what symptoms?

severe pain, diarrhea, and opioid withdrawal

Terry has developed tolerance for cocaine. How does this impact her?

she must take more to achieve the same effect


short-acting opiate antagonist

High doses of methamphetamine can result in death via:

siezures stroke heart attack


slang used to describe a saloon operating w/o a license

Your parasympathetic nervous system branch has been activated. What will you experience?

slow heart rate


slow movement and underactivity

Less bloodflow

slower absorption


some drug abusers have addictive personalities t/f

What is true regarding cannabis and amotivational syndrome?

some regular users of cannabis display symptoms of amotivational syndrome that may or may not be caused by cannabis use


something sold or measuredby weight based on 1 lbs equaling 16 ounces

Blood brain barrier (BBB)

special cells in the central nervous system that wrap themselves around the capillaries and block pores to which substances normally diffuse; a solid lipid barrier, more fat soluble, more quickly pass through it

behavioral pharmacology

specialty area of drugs research that concentrates on drug use as learned action

The rate of cure during a given time period without formal treatment is known as __________.

spontaneous remission

rapid eye movement (REM) sleep

stage of rest associated with dream activity

extinction phase

stage whereby the craving response is extinguished to environmental cues


state characterized by brief but uncontrollable episodes of sleep


state of equilibrium or balance

Systems of drug classification

stimulants, depressants, opiates, Hallucinogens


strong or intense desire to use a drug


structure of the limbic system thought to be important in the formation of memories


structure that extends from the cell body of a nerve cell

substantia nigra

structure that is darkly pigmented and produces Parkinson's disease when damaged


study of monsters, or distortions in growth


subarea of scientific of drugs concerning the effects of drugs on behavior

____ is defined as any use of drugs that causes physical, psychological, legal, or social harm to the individual user or to others affected by the drug user's behavior. This was also the name of a substance use disorder diagnosed in DSM-IV.

substance abuse

cradle-to-grave drug

substance commonly used nonmedically by young children and adults alike

Which of the following is true regarding the previous edition of the DSM-IV?

substance dependence would have been the diagnosis appropriate for someone with an addiction to a substance

Which of the following is true?

substance induced disorders include mood disorders, anxiety disorders, sexual dysfunction, and sleep disorders

Substance induced disorders

substance intoxication, substance withdrawal, certain mental health conditions

Substance withdrawal

substance specific maladaptive behavioral change(w/ cog and physiological change) as a result of cessation or reduction of heavy and prolonged substance use

sam repeatedly struggles to get to work on time on Mondays because of his substance use over the weekends. He takes prescription pills in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms when he is work. Sam often plans to go to a neighborhood bar on Friday after work for just a few hours during which he thinks he will just have a couple of drinks. However, he usually ends up drinking more than he planned and has not been getting home until the early hours of Saturday morning. Which level of use best fits Sam?

substance use disorder

Substance related disorders

substance use disorder and substance induced disorders


substantia nigra, VTA, inferior colliculi, superior colliculi


sudden recurrence of an event similar to an lysergic acid diethylamide experience

Which of the following would likely be used as a placebo in a research study on drug effects? a. nicotine b. aspirin c. sugar d. Tylenol



surgery with the goal of modifying severe behavioral or emotional disturbances

The branch of the autonomic nervous system that is activated when you are feeling danger is the _____.

sympathetic branch


symptom developed from within; depressive symptoms seem to be due to genetic factors


symptom developed from without; depressive symptoms seem to be in reaction to a particular situation

What is the term for the space where two neurons meet?


caffeine withdrawal

syndrome whose symptoms include headache and fatigue

Dr. Chang recommended two medicines for Martha to help address her symptoms of anxiety. When Martha asked why she needed two prescriptions, the doctor explained that she would achieve better results when taking them in combination. What is Dr. Change referring to?


Hearing colors and seeing sounds are examples of:



technique that creates a high-resolution, three-dimensional image of the brain

computerized axial tomography (CT)

technique that produces a three-dimensional X-ray image of the brain

positron emission tomography (PET)

technique used to measure activity in selected brain regions

electroencephalography (EEG)

technique used to measure electrical activity in the brain

as a function of

term expressing correlation where changes in one variable are associated with changes in another


term for a pharmacist

bad trip

terrifying vision that causes an individual to behave in a psychotic manner

which of the following is false?

the dose effect curve for all drugs is in an S shape indicating there is a larger effect as the dose increases

Drug interaction

the effect of 1 drug modifies/alters the effect of the other

The major difference between cocaine and amphetamines is

the effects of amphetamines last longer than those of cocaine

The major difference between cocaine and amphetamines is:

the effects of amphetamines last longer than those of cocaine

Which of the following is TRUE? a.) there are withdrawal symptoms from amphetamines but not cocaine and not bath salts b.) the effects of amphetamines last longer than those of cocaine c.) amphetamines are more addictive than cocaine or bath salts d.) high doses of cocaine, but not amphetamines and not synthetic cathinones, can result in psychotic symptoms

the effects of amphetamines last longer than those of cocaine


the portion of the original drug dose that reaches its site of action


the scientific study of drugs; concerned with all information about the effects of drugs on living systems.

What is true about the withdrawal effects of cocaine and amphetamines?

the withdrawal effects include depression, inability to experience pleasure, lack of energy, and increased appetite

Which of the following is/are true about the withdrawal effects of cocaine and amphetamines.

the withdrawal effects include depression, inability to experience pleasure, lack of energy, and increased appetite


therapeutic activities following the completion of a formal treatment program

The drug Ritalin (methylphenidate) is commonly taken by people who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This information reflects which method of classifying the drug?

therapeutic use

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the biopsychosocial model of alcohol use disorder?

there is only one specific gene associated with developing alcohol use disorder

Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between stimulant drugs and performance?

they increase resistance to fatigue and boredom

CNS internal functions

thinking, reasoning, remembering, interpreting sensory input

What is true regarding who is more likely to use psychotherapeutic medication?

those who make more money than those who make less money

In the mid 1800s, in the US, drugs like opium and morphine could be obtained ____.

through the mail and at grocery stores without a prescription

T/F: Genetics influences both one's initial sensitivity to a drug and the metabolism of drug(S).


T/F: Many of the drugs that are illegal today were used to treat a variety of medical concerns in the 1800s and early 1900s.


True/False: The effects of opioids are synergistic with those of alcohol.


Substance abuse and substance dependence (more severe)

two categories of disorders in DSM IV

Cocaine is detectible in urine for about ______________ after administration.

two-three days


type of cocaine produced by mixing cocaine salt with baking soda and water

placebo control

type of comparison group originating in drug research

group design

type of experimental design in which groups of subjects are compared to establish experimental findings

paranoid schizophreia

type of mental disorder distinguished by systematic delusions or auditory hallucinations related to one theme

protracted tolerance

type of resistance that occurs over the course of two or more drug doses

acute tolerance

type of resistance that occurs within the course of action of a single drug dose


under the tongue, dissolves in saliva and absorbed in mucous membranes (3-5 minutes)


unit of weight equal to 0.0648g

Nicotine is eliminated from the body primarily in ________.


U.S. laws restrict every aspect of drugs EXCEPT ________.


drug abuse

use of drugs causing physical, mental, legal, or social harm to the individual


use of more than one drug at a time increases the ________ of the drug experience

Motivational enhancement is basically:

using motivational speaking strategies to increase someone's motivation to change

Schedule 4

valium, serax, Xanax, Librium


vehicle of drug distribution

Before research data from one group of subjects are applied to a different group, the findings must be ________.



very mild central nervous system stimulant that may be found in milk chocolate

Schedule 3

vicodan, florinal, anabolic steroids

Occipital lobe

vision(eyes in the back of ur head lol)

The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010:

was designed to reduce differences in penalties for similar amounts of crack cocaine and powder cocaine

A "hookah" is a ...

water pipe


water pipe used to deliver the active ingredient of tobacco by smoking

Solution drug is in

water solutions are more rapidly absorbed(alkaseltzer)

route of administration =

way drugs enter the body

What factor is a key part of the process to determine the proper drug dosage for a particular person?



what may effect how much a drug effects the body


when was LSD popular


when was amphetamine popular

1800s 1900s 1960s+

when was cocaine popular


when was heroin popular


when were club drugs popular (MDMA, GHB, meth)


when were minor tranquilizers and inhalants popular


where does drug reach highest effect

Acute tolerance

within an episode of use


within the muscle (3-5 minutes)

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