Drugs quizzes

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In the united states approximately _____ percent of people in treatment for substance use disorders have post-traumatic stress disorder


how long will the high from snorting a typical dose of powder cocaine (0.2 to 0.5 grams) generally last

40 to 60 minutes

Which of the following is currently the most popular psychoactive substance worldwide


The primary enzyme involved in the metabolism alcohol is ___ and is located in the ____ and ____

Alcohol dehydrogenase ;stomach;liver

which gene signals a susceptibility to both alcoholism and gambling


Substance dependence is characterized by which of the following

Development of tolerance significant amounts of time and energy spent for suing using and recovering from use and continued use despite consequences results one two and three only

Which neurotransmitters regulate mood emotional behavior motor control, and orgasm


Drinking experience not heredity affect a persons ability to tolerate a given amount of alcohol


which type of psychedelic exerts most of their effects through serotonin receptors


The illicit manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine in the United States today is due to the involvement of

Mexican gangs and drug cartels

Which of the following statements are true about drug courts

Statements 1 and 3 only (drug courts are a collaborative approach among the courts prosecution public defenders probation and treatment providers for convicted drug offenders, Drug courts reduce the strain on the justice system caused by thousands of minor drug offenses by diverting first time offenders to treatment)

Naltrexone is prescribed for which of the following uses

To break the cycle of addiction to opioids and prevent relapse to break the addiction to alcohol into reduce alcoholic cravings to break the cycle of cocaine addiction and to reduced cravings for cocaine to support smoking cessation and break nicotine addiction

In recent decades policy decisions regarding drugs and alcohol have been made based on the political climate rather than because of scientific and social research T or F


which is the most compulsive kind of gambler

pathological gambler

Which of the following statements are true regarding retrograde amnesia

statements 1,2, and.4 only (it is associated with the use of Rohypnol, it is associated with the use of GHB, and it refers to memory loss of events that occurred shortly before taking certain drugs)

which of the following statements is true regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs by a woman who is pregnant

the placenta is not an effective barrier, so if the mother uses, the baby uses

which statement about compulsive behavior is true

the reasons for compulsive behaviors are identical for those for compulsive drug use

Which of the following factors have contributed to the spread of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C

#1. sharing of contaminated needles #2. drug-induced high-risk sexual practices

Alcohol is metabolized at a rate of approximately____ reduction in blood alcohol concentration per hour


which of the following statements about eating disorders and substance abuse are true?

1 and 2 - the prevalence of eating/ the prevalence of substance abuse

Performance enhancing drugs function in which of the following ways #1 increasing endurance #2 increasing muscle size #3 increasing aggression #4 increasing mental focus


Coerced treatment includes which of the following? #1. mandated participation by the criminal justice system through drug courts #2. mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines for drug offenses #3. probation/parole stipulations #4. state or federal legislation requiring compulsory treatment


Psychoactive drugs have which of the following effects on the nervous system? #1 alter info #2 disrupt messages #3 disrupt thinking #4 alter the way


which of the following statements are true about alterations to the body normal balance (homeostasis) #1 #2 #3 #4


prolonged use of strong stimulants (e.g., cocaine, methamphetamine) results in which of the following #1 depletion of the body's energy resources #2 Enhancement of the body's energy resources #3 cellular and organ damage #4 paranoia


Research conducted in china found that approximately what percentage of Chinese teens has been identified as compulsive internet users


How long after ingestion do the effects of LSD begin to appear

15 to 60 minutes

Which of the following are principles of effective treatment

2,3,4 - treatment,nodingle,an individuals

Alcohol is categorized as which of the following

A drug and a depressant/downer

An individual who is under the influence of heroin will have dilated pupils true or false


Limiting the places where tobacco smoking is permitted has not reduced the use of tobacco in the United States or other countries where such policies have been implemented. T or F


Mephedrone is a popular club drug, especially in Europe. This drug's effects are most similar to those of marijuana.


Which of the following statements is true regarding the activation of the dopaminergic reward control system

It releases a surge of pleasure that encourages repetition of behaviors intended primarily for survival it is largely responsible for drives to have sex eat and drink water as well as alcohol it is activated by dopamine

Which of the following are common mistakes made by alcohol and other drugs prevention education efforts on college campuses

Mistakes three and four only prevention messages often appear condescending and I don't recognize the highly effective strategies like red ribbon week

Which of the following alkaloids are found in the sap of the poppy seed pod

Morphine and codeine

Which of the following statements is true concerning the US prison population

Nearly 50% of the inmates in federal prisons were sentenced for drug offenses.

In addition to alcohol and opioids other depressant drugs include which of the following

Over the counter and look alike downers including antihistamines skeletal muscle relaxants sedative hypnotics including benzodiazepine

Which of the following factors contribute to the misuse abuse or overdose of sedative hypnotic drugs

Selective tolerance to some effects of a Sesative hypnotic but not too it's toxic effects misperception that prescription medication's are much safer than street drugs ignorance of the addictive and synergistic effects of Sedative hypnotics

Which of the following are factual statements about drug policy? #1 in 1909 the opium exclusion act was enacted to reduce worldwide opium production and opium smoking #2 The Harrison narcotic act of 1914 enable the federal government to monitor and control the sale of opium #3 The opium exclusion act and Harrison narcotic act eliminated the illicit drug trade #4 The opium exclusion act in Harrison narcotic act led to the development of a huge illicit drug trade

Statements 1,2, and 4 only

which of the following is not a street name for methcathinone

betel nut

Hashish is made from

cannabis resin

Psychoactive drugs promote homeostatic conditions in the central nervous system TorF


drugs that stimulate which neurotransmitter have the potential to treat sexual addiction


Which of the following statements is true regarding mental illness

1,2,4 - environmental influences, drug use, physical and sexual

more than ____ percent of female addicts suffered sexual abuse or physical abuse as a child or an adult


For a woman who weighs 125 pound and has consumed three standard alcoholic drinks in one hour how long will it take to reach a blood alcohol concentration close to 0.0

8 hours

Which of the following a few the most effective HIV disease prevention strategies

All of the above

Which of the following drinking patterns increase the risk of becoming an alcoholic for a person under the age 65

All of the above

Which of the following factors influence the length of time that a drug can be detected in someone's blood urine saliva or other body tissues

All of the above

According to the authors of uppers downers all around her's a psychoactive drug is defined as

Any substance that directly alters in normal functioning of the central nervous system

Which of the following drugs are classified as downers or depressants

Barbiturates benzodiazepine and opioids

Why is it dangerous to combine an opioid with a downer like alcohol barbiturates or benzodiazepine

Because the combination of depressants increases the potential for respiratory depression overdose and death

The stop switch in the brain which tells your mind and body that has had enough and disrupt the addictive cycle is located in the brain stem true or false


The term demand reduction seeks to decrease drug abuse by reducing the availability of drugs


Which of the following are factual statements about the opium wars? #1 Britain wanted to force the sale in the trade of opium to China so that it could acquire silver to buy tea from China #2 Britain and other European countries fought the opium wars to prevent China from trafficking opium to the west #3 China band the use and the import of opium in early 1800s so the British went to war with China over Britain's right of free trade namely the sale of opium to China #4 for China the opium wars resulted in addiction the indignity of defeat and unequal trade treaties that continue to complicate China's relations with the west even today

Statements 1,3, and 4 only

Alcohol or other drugs are involved in 70% of teen suicides


As of 2010, Afghanistan was growing 90% of the worlds illicit opium supply T or F


Internet addiction and compulsive shopping affect many of the same areas of the brain as a re influenced by psychoactive drugs T or F


One of the symptoms of chronic opiate use is itchy skin true or false


Susceptibility to black out and brownouts is also a marker for susceptibility to alcoholism


The variation in peoples reactions to alcohol is due in part to hereditary factors that affect how efficiently the body metabolizes alcohol


acute tolerance (tachyphylaxis) and adaptation to tobacco begins almost instantly with the first puff of a cigarette T or F


Which of the following is the correctly ordered progression for levels of alcohol use

abstention, experimentation, social/recreational, habituation, abuse, addiction

The emotional center of the brain that is activated when a person with an addiction sees a person, place, or thing that reminds him of their addiction is called the


PCP is particularly dangerous because of it has which of the following effects?

causes disassociation, rage, and anger

High-dose alcohol affects the central nervous system by ______ its function. At higher blood alcohol levels, this leads to ______ heart rate and breathing.

decreasing | decreased

the DRD2A1 allele gene has its greatest effect on which neurotransmitter system


It is not possible to become an alcoholic if you have no family history of alcoholism


The strength of LSD/acid available on the streets today is stronger than the LSD/acid that was widely available on the streets in the 1960s and 1970s.


When someone uses a drug, the new brain takes over T or F


per standard dose, the effects of cocaine last longer than the effects of methamphetamine T or F


the more rapidly a psychoactive drug reaches its central nervous system target, the less the reward and the lower the reinforcing effect Tor F


the pharmacologic effects of inhalants are long lasting


The three parts of the public health model used to explain the prevention model are

host, environment, agent

At low doses this substance acts as a stimulant; at higher doses it is a powerful hallucinogenic psychedelic.


which of the following statements is true regarding bipolar affective disorder

it is characterized by alternating periods of depression, normalcy, and mania

which of the following is an affective mood disorder

major depression

which of the following is not a plant-based stimulant


which of the following best describes important considerations in the treatment of American Indian substance abusers

nearly 60% of treatment admissions of american indians are for alcohol abuse

Which of the following statements is true regarding panic attacks

panic attacks are experienced both physically and psychologically

sobriety means abstinence from drugs of abuse, whereas recovery means

restructuring ones life to engage in activities that provide relaxation, satisfaction, and natural highs instead of artificial alcohol and other drug highs

which of the following are warning signs that someone may be abusing inhalants

signs 1,2,3 only (recurring or frequent headaches, chemical odor on the body, inflammation of the nasal lining

Which form and method of using cocaine produces the most intense immediate high?

smoking crack cocaine

the mental effects of LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and other indole psychedelics result from

statements 1 and 2 only (interactions with the brain, serotonin receptors, and subsequent downregulation of serotonin receptors)

which statement best describes addictive behaviors

they alter brain chemistry in similar ways that psychoactive drugs

Endogenous craving associated with initial abstinence is a type of drug hunger brought about by the depletion of brain neurotransmitters during drug use.


Evidence-based treatment is supported by research and data that demonstrate that it has high potential for positive treatment outcomes


Problems handling money in a responsible manner is one of the hallmarks of almost any addict.


Schizophrenia is classified as a thought disorder


Tolerance to the mental effects of most psychedelics tends to develop rapidly.


a compulsive gambler can also be a problem or pathological gambler


a substance-induced mental illness can be a temporary or permanent problem


chewing khat produces an immediate and intense high T or F


heavy prolonged use of stimulants can induce a schizophrenic-like psychosis T or F


mescaline (peyote) has both stimulant and psychedelic properties


stimulant drugs including cocaine and methamphetamine force the release of dopamine. This surge of dopamine causes paranoia and hyperreactivity. T or F


substance dependence is defined as a maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment distress


which of the following statements correctly address the treatment needs polydrug abuse or co-occurring addictions


cross-tolerance is defined as

when a person develops tolerance to other, similar drugs in the same category

the physical, mental, and emotional effects a person experiences from taking psychoactive drugs are caused by the modification or mimicking of the neurotransmitters' function T or F


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