DSST Intro to world religions

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The Prophetic Movement in Judaism a. emphasized ritual worship b. emphasized obedience to God's law c. foretold the future messiah who would come to kill Israel's enemies d. emphasized the importance of the Kabbalah

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because the Jewish prophets emphasized obedience to God's law, not ritual worship. Choice C is incorrect because the Jewish prophets did not foretell the future, but preached about God's law and called people to obey that law. Choice D is incorrect because the Kabbalah is the Jewish mystical tradition and did not take root until around the 500s C.E., whereas the Prophetic Movement took place close to one thousand years before.

The two most important works of Taoism are the "Tao Te Ching" and the a. "Analects" b. "Chuang Tzu" c. "Kojiki" d. "Nevi'im"

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because the complete title of the "Analects" is the "Analects of Confucius." Choice C is incorrect because the "Kojiki" describes the lives and activities of the kami, Shinto deities. Choice D is incorrect because the "Nevi'im" is the second book of the Hebrew Bible, also known as the "Book of Prophets."

The Council of Trent was called by the Catholic Church to a. mediate its differences with the Eastern Orthodox Church b. reassert Church doctrine as a result of the Protestant Reformation c. rejuvenate and modernize the Church d. call for a Crusade to remove Muslims from the Holy Land

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because this was one goal of the Second Vatican Council called by Pope John XXIII in 1962. Choice C is incorrect because these were goals of the Second Vatican Council. Choice D is incorrect because the call for the first Crusade occurred at the Council of Clermont in 1071.

The goal of liberation theology is to a. overturn dictatorships b. improve the lives of the poor through political activism c. promote capitalism as a solution to the problems of the poor d. remove conservative clerics from positions of influence

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because, while liberation theology works through political activism, it is not directed at dictatorships any more than at other forms of government that oppress the poor. Choice C is incorrect because advocates of liberation theology typically see capitalism as the root of the problem. Choice D is incorrect because liberation theology is concerned with secular issues.

The Sufi movement was a reaction against a. the split in Islam into Sunni and Shi'a divisions b. the growing materialism of Islam around the 800s c. the liberalization of attitudes toward women after Muhammad's death d. the growing mysticism of the Shiites

The correct answer is B. Choice A is irrelevant to the founding of the Sufi movement. Choice C is incorrect because Muhammad had a more liberal attitude toward women's roles than later Muslims. Choice D is incorrect because Shi'a is not a mystical form of Islam, but Sufism is.

In Taoism, the source of all things is a. an unknowable God b. an imperceptible presence in the universe c. one's own reality d. nature

The correct answer is B. Choice B is known as "the path" or "the way," the translation of "Tao." Choice A is incorrect because Taoism has no central God figure. Choice C is incorrect because the source of all things in Taoism is an imperceptible presence in the universe. Choice D is too narrow an understanding of "Tao."

The Diaspora is the term given to the a. movement of Christians throughout the Roman Empire after Constantine's conversion b. movement of Jews to areas outside Palestine beginning in the eighth century B.C.E. c. spread of Buddhism throughout Asia d. spread of Islam throughout the Middle East

The correct answer is B. Choices A, C, and D are incorrect. There are no comparable terms for the other movements of peoples or religions.

Which of the following was a central element of Confucianism as Confucius taught it? a. Ritual worship of household deities b. Just social action c. The importance of meditation d. Faith over rational inquiry

The correct answer is B. Confucius taught the importance of acting justly in all social interactions. Choice A is incorrect because Confucius placed importance on correct ritual in relations with one another, but does not consider worship of deities, household or otherwise, as important. Choice C is incorrect because observation, not meditation, was a central element of Confucianism. Choice D is incorrect because Confucius created an ethical system, not a faith-based system.

In the thinking of many Buddhist sects, to love any person or any thing is a. one step on the path to salvation b. a distraction from seeking salvation c. a neutral act in terms of salvation d. Buddha-like

The correct answer is B. For these sects, any attachment is a distraction and must be renounced. Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because to love is considered a distraction from gaining salvation.

In Taoism, yin is a. female b. female, nurturing, and passive c. female, passive, and light d. female, light, and heat

The correct answer is B. In Taoism, the principle of yin is female, nurturing, and passive, whereas yang is male, heat, and light. Choice A is only partially correct because it omits nurturing and passive. Choice C is partially correct and partially incorrect because yin is not light. Choice D is partially correct and partially incorrect because yin is not light and heat.

The term "kosher" refers to a. Islamic religious law b. Jewish dietary laws c. the Ten Commandments d. the rite of circumcision

The correct answer is B. Jewish dietary laws are called kosher laws. Choice A is incorrect because Islamic religious law is called Sharia. Choice C is incorrect because the term "kosher" refers to Jewish dietary laws. Choice D is incorrect because the circumcision ceremony is called the "brit milah."

Judaism varies from Christianity and Islam in its lack of emphasis on a. ritual b. an afterlife c. living according to God's law d. the immortality of the soul

The correct answer is B. Jews believe that there is an afterlife, but it does not have the physical description that Christian and Islamic heaven and hell have. Jews focus on living a good life according to God's laws rather than on punishment and reward after death. Choice A is incorrect because Judaism has many rituals. Choice C is incorrect because living according to God's word is a central focus of Judaism. Choice D is incorrect because all three religions teach that the human soul is immortal.

Some people think that Zionism is the same as a. anti-Semitism b. Judaism c. the Holocaust d. Ashkenazim

The correct answer is B. Judaism is a religion and Zionism is a political movement begun in 1896 to establish a Jewish state in what the Jews consider the "promised land." Choice A is incorrect because it is prejudice against and hatred of Jews. Choice C is incorrect because this was a reign of terror that Hitler unleashed to rid Europe of Jews. Some 6 million Jews died during the Holocaust, which began in the mid-1930s and lasted until the end of World War II in 1945. Choice D is incorrect because Ashkenazi Jews migrated to Eastern Europe, mainly Poland and Russia, during the Diaspora.

What contribution did Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon) make to Jewish thought? a. He attempted to reconcile Judaism and Christianity. b. He attempted to reconcile Judaism and Aristotelian philosophy. c. He translated the Hebrew Bible into Egyptian. d. He compiled the "Zohar."

The correct answer is B. Like Thomas Aquinas in the Roman Catholic Church, Maimonides attempted to reconcile Aristotle's philosophy with his own belief system and caused a similar controversy. Choice A is incorrect because Maimonides was interested in the intersections of Judaism and Aristotle's philosophy. Choice C is incorrect because Maimonides did not translate the Hebrew Bible. Choice D is incorrect because Moses de Leon probably compiled the "Zohar," which contains material related to the Kabbalah.

______, branded as heretical in Christianity, taught that there were two gods: the Old Testament god of justice who created the world, and the New Testament god of goodness, who was the father of Jesus Christ. a. Patristics b. Marcionism c. Pietism d. Pelagianism

The correct answer is B. Marcion, who was excommunicated, believed that Christians should not have the Old Testament in their Bible. Patristics is the study of the early Christian writers designated as Church Fathers. Pietism was a reform movement within Lutheranism, which strove to renew the devotional ideal. Pelagianism was considered a heresy because it denied original sin as well as Christian grace.

The Protestant Reformation began with a. Henry VIII b. Martin Luther c. John Calvin d. Ulrich Zwingli

The correct answer is B. Martin Luther, Choice B, nailed his "95 Thesis" attacking practices of the Catholic Church to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral in 1517. This act led to the beginning of Protestantism and the Reformation. Choice A is incorrect because Henry VIII did not wish to change Church practices other than the one that forbade him to divorce his wife and marry Anne Boleyn. However, the English Parliament had other ideas and, thus, began the English Reformation in 1531. Choice C is incorrect because Calvin was a reformer who established a Protestant base in Geneva in 1540. Choice D is incorrect because Zwingli led the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland in the early 1520s.

Praying the glorious mysteries of the rosary is an act of devotion of a. Muslims b. Roman Catholics c. Protestants d. Buddhists

The correct answer is B. Only Roman Catholics say rosaries dedicated to the five glorious mysteries. There are also five joyful and five sorrowful mysteries as well as five luminous mysteries added by Pope John Paul II in 2002, the first addition to the rosary since the Middle Ages. Choice A is incorrect because Muslims may pray using the subhah, a string of 99 beads, representing the 99 revealed names of Allah. Choice C is incorrect because Catholics, not Protestants, pray the glorious mysteries. Choice D is incorrect because Buddhists use beads to count their prayers.

The branch of Judaism that relies most heavily on Jewish law, ritual, and tradition in daily life is the a. Conservative branch b. Orthodox branch c. Reform branch d. Reconstructionist branch

The correct answer is B. Orthodox Jews conform most closely to the tenets of Judaism as revealed by God. They are not concerned with adapting Judaism to the world outside of the Jewish community. Choice A is incorrect because Conservative Judaism makes some accommodations to the modern world while preserving essential Jewish traditions. Choice C is incorrect because Reform Judaism makes more accommodations to the modern world and interprets Jewish law in a broader sense. Choice D is incorrect because the Reconstructionist branch, like Reform Judaism, interprets Jewish law as ethical principles, but also keeps more of the traditions of Judaism.

Buddhism declined in India until it a. disappeared completely b. was absorbed into Hinduism c. was absorbed into Islam d. splintered into many separate groups

The correct answer is B. Over time, Hinduism adopted some of the concepts of Buddhism and Buddha became one of many Hindu gods. Choice A is incorrect because Buddhism was absorbed into Hinduism. Choice C is incorrect because the Muslim invaders of the 1100s C.E. destroyed any remaining Buddhist centers. Choice D is incorrect because Buddhism divided into two major branches, Theravada and Mahayana.

The Nicene Creed ended the Arian division within the early Christian Church by reaffirming a. infant baptism over adult baptism b. priestly celibacy c. that Jesus was both human and divine d. that the pope was the successor of Peter

The correct answer is C. Arius taught that Jesus was not equal with God the Father and eternal. The Emperor Constantine called the Council of Nicea to deal with the issue, which was dividing the early Church. Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because the Council reaffirmed Jesus' dual nature, that is, God made human

The clover leaf is a good way to illustrate the mystery of a. Jesus' ascension into heaven b. Jesus' changing water into wine c. the Trinity d. transubstantiation

The correct answer is C. As a clover leaf has three parts, so the Trinity has three persons in one God according to most Christian denominations. Choice A is incorrect because the clover leaf is irrelevant to this article of faith. Choice B is incorrect because the clover leaf is irrelevant to this miracle. Choice D is incorrect because transubstantiation is the changing of bread and wine into the actual body and blood of Christ in Roman Catholic theology.

How do Mahayana Buddhists and Theravada Buddhists view Gautama? a. Mahayana Buddhists believe that Gautama is only one of many Buddhas, whereas Theravada Buddhists believe that Gautama is the only Buddha. b. Mahayana Buddhists believe that Gautama is the only Buddha, whereas Theravada Buddhists believe that Gautama is only one of many Buddhas. c. Both branches of Buddhism believe that Gautama Buddha is one of many Buddhas. d. Mahayana Buddhists revere Gautama as saint and great teacher, whereas Theravada Buddhists see him as a savior.

The correct answer is C. Both branches of Buddhism believe that Gautama is one of many Buddhas, so Choices A and B are incorrect. Choice D is incorrect because this statement is the opposite of the beliefs. Theravada Buddhists see Gautama as a saint and great teacher and Mahayana Buddhists see him as a savior who helps others to enlightenment.

In Judaism, Yahweh a. is indifferent to human concerns b. and his plan for humans are knowable through prayer alone c. is a righteous God who demands moral and ethical behavior from people d. belongs solely to the Jewish people

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect as, for example, Yahweh aided the Jews in the Exodus. Choice B is incorrect because Judaism relies heavily on written works and scholarly discussions to know and understand God's plan for humans. Choice D is incorrect because Judaism believes that Yahweh is the one, true God of all people.

In Zen Buddhism, "satori" is a. self-study b. personal experience c. enlightenment d. an emptying of the mind

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because "satori" is enlightenment in Zen Buddhism. Choice B is incorrect, but is a means to achieving enlightenment, Choice C. Choice D is incorrect, but it is necessary to achieve enlightenment.

Which of the following religions does not include the practice of fasting? a. Roman Catholicism b. Judaism c. Zoroastrianism d. Buddhism

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because Catholics fast during Lent and Advent. Choice B is incorrect because Jews fast on Yom Kippur and Tishah B'Av, which honors the two destructions of the Temple in Jerusalem, and at other times of great sadness or sorrow. Choice D is incorrect because Theravada Buddhist monks fast from noon each day and all day on certain days of the month.

Which of the following is a major difference between Episcopalians and Lutherans? a. Episcopalians believe in scripture as the sole authority for their faith, whereas Lutherans believe in scripture, tradition, and reason. b. Episcopalians believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, whereas Lutherans accept scripture interpreted by tradition. c. Episcopalians believe in scripture as interpreted by tradition, whereas Lutherans believe that scripture alone is the sole authority on which their faith is based. d. Episcopalians believe that God still speaks to prophets, whereas Lutherans do not.

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because Episcopalians accept scripture as interpreted by tradition. Methodists, not Lutherans, accept scripture interpreted by tradition and reason. Choice B is incorrect because some Baptist sects, not Episcopalians, interpret the Bible literally. Lutherans believe in scripture alone as the sole authority for their faith. Choice D is incorrect because the Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons), not Episcopalians, believe that God still speaks to prophets. Lutherans do not believe this, but the answer is still incorrect because the information about Episcopalians is incorrect.

Ahura Mazda is the one and only true God of a. Hinduism b. Judaism c. Zoroastrianism d. Shinto

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because Hinduism has no central deity. Choice B is incorrect because Judaism has Yahweh as its one God. Choice D is incorrect because Shinto has no central deity.

During their centuries of conquest, Muslim rulers a. imposed Islam on subject peoples b. took all children from their parents and raised them as Muslims c. allowed subject peoples to practice their own religions d. allowed Jews and Christians to practice their religions, but forced others to convert to Islam

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because Muslim rulers practiced religious toleration. Choice B is incorrect because it is only partially true; beginning under the Ottoman Empire of the 1400s, rulers selected some Christian boys to convert to Islam and become part of a slave corps trained for the army and the bureaucracy. Choice D is incorrect because subject peoples could practice their religion regardless of whether it was Judaism or Christianity.

Hinduism can be characterized as a religion that a. preaches tolerance for all members of society b. can be traced back to a single founder c. has no set list of beliefs that followers must accept d. has no taboos

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because a basic aspect of Hinduism is acceptance of the caste system. Choice B is incorrect because much of Hinduism is derived from the beliefs of the Aryan invaders and the people whom they conquered. There is no single founder. Choice D is incorrect because Hinduism forbids its members from eating beef.

Who attempted to reconcile Aristotelian logic with the existence of God? a. Matthew the Apostle b. Augustine c. Thomas Aquinas d. Galileo Galilei

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because he wrote one of the Gospels of the New Testament. Choice B is incorrect because he is considered an early Church Father and wrote on many topics, but not this one. Choice D is incorrect because he observed that the Earth moved around the Sun, not vice versa, thus, rejecting Aristotle's view of Earth as the center of the universe.

The Hindu New Year is a. Rosh Hashanah b. Tet c. Divali d. Muharram

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because it is the Jewish New Year. Choice B is incorrect because it is the Vietnamese New Year. Choice D is incorrect because it is the month that begins the Muslim year.

The purpose of the sweat-lodge ceremony is to a. summon a vision b. purify the dwelling c. purify the body and mind d. initiate a new shaman

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because it is the purpose of the vision quest in Native American religions. Choice B is incorrect because it isn't true. Choice D is incorrect because while a shaman does go through initiations, this isn't one of them.

Members of the Pure Land sect of Buddhism believe that the Land of Bliss a. can be entered by living a good life b. is life on Earth for the virtuous c. can be entered by living a good life and reciting the name of Amitabha d. is an unreachable goal to which adherents should aspire

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because living a good life is only part of what a Pure Land Buddhist must do. They must also recite the name of Amitabha frequently. Choice B is incorrect because the Land of Bliss refers to the afterlife. Choice D is incorrect because entering the Land of Bliss is the goal of Pure Land Buddhism.

According to Christian theology, Jesus was killed a. to fulfill a prophecy made when he was born b. to show humankind the extent of God's love c. to redeem humankind from sin d. because the Romans feared he was the promised Jewish messiah

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because no such prophecy was made. Choice B is an aspect of the death of Jesus, but not the reason for it. Choice D is incorrect because Jesus died on the cross to save all humankind from sin according to Christian theology.

Buddhism's "middle path" is best explained as a way of life that a. is devoted to meditation b. is lived in the world c. is neither a life of pleasure nor one of self-denial d. moves on a continuum from a life in the world to monasticism, depending on one's life stage

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because the "middle path" is defined as a life that is neither pleasure-filled nor one of self-denial. Choice B is incorrect because it does not qualify how life should be lived. Choice D is incorrect because the "middle way" has nothing to do with a continuum or life stages.

Which of the following councils was called to modernize the Roman Catholic Church? a. Council of Trent b. Council of Nicaea c. Second Vatican Council d. Council of Constance

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because the Council of Trent was called to reassert Church teachings and counteract the Reformation. Choice B is incorrect because the Council of Nicaea took up the question of the nature of Jesus and determined him to be divine and human. The result was the Nicene Creed. Choice D is incorrect because the Council of Constance ended the multiple papacies, and returned the seat of the Church to Rome.

Gnosticism's influence on Christianity can be seen in Christianity's a. belief in Jesus as both human and divine b. emphasis on good works to attain salvation c. emphasis on the goodness of the spirit over the evilness of the flesh d. belief that God created the world

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because the Gnostics believed that Jesus was spirit only. Choice B is incorrect because it is a description of Protestantism, not Gnosticism. Choice D is incorrect because Gnostics believed that an evil entity created the world.

The prophet and priest Ezra's contribution to Judaism was a. his writing down of the Talmud b. his prophecy that the kingdom of Israel would be restored one day c. the concept that Judaism was based on laws that could be read and known d. his foretelling of the Messiah

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because the Talmud was compiled centuries later than the prophets. Choice B is incorrect because Ezekiel made that prophecy. Choice D is incorrect because this describes a prophecy of Isaiah.

Emphasis on the proper relations between individuals as a means to perfection is the central element of a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Confucianism d. Shinto

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because the central focus in Buddhism is on attaining enlightenment and release from the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Choice B is incorrect because the central focus in Hinduism is also on attaining enlightenment and release from the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Choice D is incorrect because the central focus in Shinto is on preserving the family and ancestral traditions along with reverence toward nature.

Unlike most Protestant denominations, Roman Catholics a. believe that God determines who will be saved b. believe that people can read and interpret the Bible for themselves c. rely on both the Bible and Church traditions as sources of truth d. rely on the Bible as the sole source of truth

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because this defines predestination and Catholics do not believe in predestination. Choice B is incorrect because Roman Catholics believe that the Bible needs to be interpreted for people to understand its message. Choice D is incorrect because Catholics rely on both the Bible and Church teachings to know God's word.

A common theme of the world's religions is that a. every person has one cycle of life, death, and afterlife b. all killing is wrong c. there is a connection between all things that exist d. a single supreme being exists

The correct answer is C. Choice A is incorrect because while this states the view of certain religions, such as Islam, religions such as Buddhism believe in a cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Choice B is incorrect because various religions have various views on capital punishment. Choice D is incorrect because many religions are polytheistic.

The most accurate description of yoga to Hindus is a. primarily a set of physical exercises b. primarily a set of spiritual exercises c. a path to release the mind from distractions d. a way to concentrate on one's life

The correct answer is C. Choices A and B are incorrect because yoga is both physical and spiritual exercises. Choice D is incorrect because the purpose of yoga is to transcend one's life to become one with the Brahman.

"Kami" is the name of the spirits of people, places, and nature in which religion? a. Hinduism b. Traditional African religions c. Shinto d. Buddhism

The correct answer is C. Choices A and D do not have a similar concept. Choice B may have a somewhat similar concept in the idea of life forces, but the names vary.

Mosques do not have representations of Allah or any living things because a. Allah forbade any representation of humans, animals, and plants as well as of himself b. Allah is all spirit and spirits have no form c. Muhammad forbade idol worship d. Muhammad feared that paintings and statues would distract Muslims from their prayers

The correct answer is C. Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because the lack of mosques' ornamentation was a result of Muhammad's ban on idols out of fear that his followers could fall back into polytheism.

Which of the following is the most important holy day in the Christian calendar? a. Christmas b. Good Friday c. Easter d. Ascension of Jesus into heaven

The correct answer is C. Easter fulfills Jesus' promise to his followers that he will overcome death as those who believe in him will. Choices A, B, and D are important holy days, but are not the culmination and fulfillment of Jesus' message.

The recognition of an intimate relationship between a human group and an animal species, acknowledged by rituals for tribal survival, is known as a. animism. b. shamanism. c. totemism. d. dualism.

The correct answer is C. In the case of Australian aborigines, totemism seems to solve the problem of having enough food for survival. Each class of animal and plant having a place in the food supply has become the totem of a clan within the tribe. Animism is the attribution of a discrete indwelling spirit to every material form of reality such as plants and stones, as well as natural phenomena such as storms. Shamanism is a mode of dealing with the spirit world through the agency of an individual set apart as spirit-possessed and specially equipped to deal with superhuman forces. Dualism tends to assign deities to either benevolent or malevolent groups.

Which of the following are aspects of Buddhism's Four Noble Truths? I. Desire is the cause of all suffering. II. Only death can release us from suffering. III. The Eightfold Path IV. All life is suffering. a. I only b. I and II only c. I, III, and IV only d. I, II, III, and IV

The correct answer is C. Item II is stated incorrectly. The correct version of Item II is: The only way to end suffering is to end desire. Items I, III, and IV are aspects of the Four Noble Truths. Choice A is incorrect because it contains only one aspect of the Four Noble Truths. Choice B is incorrect because it contains Item II, which is incorrect. Choice D is incorrect because it contains Item II, which is incorrect.

Which of the following is taboo for Jews? a. Eating beef b. Gambling c. Eating pork d. Using likenesses of humans in ornamentation

The correct answer is C. Jews are not allowed to eat pork because pigs are considered unclean animals. Choice A is incorrect because it is taboo for Hindus, but not Jews. Choice B is incorrect because it is taboo for Muslims, but not Jews. Choice D is incorrect because it is taboo for Muslims, but not Jews.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Jewish worship? a. Rabbis, like priests, lead ritual sacrifice during the liturgy. b. Men and women are always separated for prayer in synagogues. c. The Torah and an assembly of ten adults constitute a synagogue. d. Jews do not include women in a minyan for prayer and study.

The correct answer is C. Jews do not need a dedicated building to have a "synagogue." Choice A is incorrect because rabbis are considered teachers and leaders, but not priests. There is no ritual sacrifice in Judaism. Choice B is incorrect because men and women are only separated in Orthodox synagogues. Choice D is incorrect because this is true only in Orthodox congregations and in some Conservative congregations.

Early Christian leader St. Augustine was initially interested in the heretical movement of ___________, a syncretism of Zoroastrian and Christian ideas, which taught that matter was evil. a. Montanism b. Pelagianism c. Manichaeism d. Marcionism

The correct answer is C. Manichaeism was founded by the Iranian prophet Mani and had a dualistic cosmology. Montanism taught that the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), was not limited by dogma and was free to move among Christians, causing them to speak in tongues and prophesy. Pelagianism was considered a heresy because it denied original sin as well as Christian grace. Marcion, who was excommunicated, believed that Christians should not have the Old Testament in their Bible.

Monasticism in the West during the Middle Ages is credited with a. purifying the Church b. providing a barrier against invasions of tribes from eastern Europe c. preserving Greek and Roman civilization and learning in general d. establishing celibacy as an important aspect of Church teaching

The correct answer is C. Monks in monasteries and nuns in convents kept learning alive through their copying of Greek and Roman writings and by teaching. Choices A and B are incorrect because Western monasticism is credited with preserving Western civilization during the Middle Ages. Choice D is incorrect because celibacy was already established by the time most monasteries were being established.

In addition to Muhammad, Muslims consider as prophets Abraham, Moses, and a. Ezekiel b. abu-Bakr c. Jesus d. Zarathustra

The correct answer is C. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last and greatest of these prophets. Choice A is incorrect because Ezekiel is recognized as a prophet by Jews. Choice B is incorrect because abu-Bakr was the first caliph, successor to Muhammad, after the latter's death, but is not considered a prophet. Choice D is incorrect because Zarathustra is considered a prophet by Zoroastrians, but not by Muslims.

A major difference between Native American religions and Christianity is a. the lack of rites of passage in Native American religions b. the lack of emphasis on ritual in Native American religions c. Christians' belief in an immortal soul d. Christians' emphasis on hierarchy

The correct answer is C. Native Americans in general believe that if people forget the dead, over time their souls will cease to exist. Choice A is incorrect because Native Americans and Christians mark similar milestones in a person's life. Choice B is incorrect because Native American religions have a variety of rituals to mark important events, honor the gods/spirits, and ask them for help. Choice D is incorrect because Christians, with the exception of Roman Catholics, do not have highly structured organizations.

Dualism in religious terms is the a. division of certain religions into sects or schools, such as Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism b. belief that the Father and Son are God, but not the Holy Spirit c. description of certain ideas in terms of their opposites, such as good and evil and yin and yang d. belief that the world is both real and unreal

The correct answer is C. Not all religions accept the view that things exist as separate entities. Buddhism teaches that all things are one with the Ultimate Being. Choices A and D are incorrect because dualism describes things in terms of their opposites. Choice B is a belief of the Eastern Orthodox Church, but is not called dualism

Since _____ produced colorful visions and hallucinations, it has been used in religious ceremonies by many of the native cultures in South and Central America. a. alcohol b. tobacco c. peyote d. chanting

The correct answer is C. One of the alkaloids found in peyote is mescaline, which produces hallucinations and visions. As a result, many native healers seeking experience of the spirit world used it in religious ceremonies. The use of alcohol is usually a deviation from Native American ceremonies. Although tobacco is smoked and chanting is performed as links with the spirit world, these do not produce hallucinations.

Which of the following religions believes in Purgatory? a. Episcopalianism b. Lutheranism c. Roman Catholicism d. Greek Orthodox

The correct answer is C. Purgatory is basically a Roman Catholic doctrine, so Choices A, B, and D are incorrect. Neither Greek nor Russian Orthodox churches accept the doctrine of Purgatory.

Satan explains the presence of evil in which of the following religions? I. Judaism II. Buddhism III. Islam IV. Shinto a. I only b. II only c. I and III only d. II and IV only

The correct answer is C. Satan is the presence of evil in Judaism, Item I, and Islam, Item III, (and Christianity). The only answer choice with both Items I and III is Choice C

Which of the following is an example of the animistic theory of religion? a. Islam b. Early Greek religion c. Shinto d. Judaism

The correct answer is C. Shinto is based on worship of the spirits, known as kami, of natural objects such as stones and trees. Choice A is incorrect because Islam conforms to the monotheistic theory of religion. Choice B is incorrect because early Greek religion conforms to the nature-worship theory of religion. Choice D is incorrect because Judaism conforms to the monotheistic theory of religion.

Missionary work was never important to which of the following? a. Roman Catholicism b. Buddhism c. Shinto d. Islam

The correct answer is C. Shinto was, and remains, a specifically Japanese religion. Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because converting people to their religion has been an important factor in the growth and spread of all three religions: Roman Catholicism, Buddhism, and Islam.

The Christian Science movement believes that a. the spirit world is illusion b. the messiah's coming is imminent c. God's goodness can heal illness as well as sin d. evil and sin are real

The correct answer is C. The Christian Science movement, or the Church of Christ, Scientist, was founded in 1866 by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Scientists believe in the power of God to heal physical illness without resorting to doctors and traditional medicine. Choice A is incorrect because Christian Scientists believe that the material world is illusion; only the spirit world is real. Choice B is incorrect because this is a belief of Seventh-Day Adventists. Choice D is incorrect because Christian Scientists believe that evil and error are unreal.

The foundation of Judaism is the a. Torah b. Ten Commandments c. Covenant d. belief in the Messiah

The correct answer is C. The Covenant between Yahweh and Abraham is the foundation on which Judaism is based. Choice A is incorrect because the Torah records the story of the Covenant between Abraham and Yahweh, but is not the Covenant. Choice B is incorrect because the Ten Commandments are the foundation of Jewish law, but not of Judaism. Choice D is incorrect because it is part of the Jewish belief system, but is not the foundation of Judaism.

A major cause of the schism between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Churches was the a. practice of adult baptism by the Eastern Church b. refusal of the Eastern Church to adopt icons c. primacy of the pope in determining matters of Christian doctrine d. excommunication of the pope by the patriarch of Constantinople in 1054

The correct answer is C. The Eastern Church believed that authority in matters of faith rested more with the Bible and church councils than with the pope. Choice A is incorrect because both churches practice infant baptism though the methods differed. Choice B is incorrect because the major imagery of the Eastern Church is icons. Choice D is only part of what occurred; it was a mutual excommunication.

The relationship between ruler and ruled in Confucianism is mirrored in Judaism's and Christianity's a. First Commandment b. Third Commandment c. Fifth Commandment d. Sixth Commandment

The correct answer is C. The Fifth Commandment (according to the King James Version of the Bible) is "Honor thy Father and Thy Mother" and applies not only to relationships within the family unit but also to the relationship between civil authority and members of the civil society. Choice A is incorrect because the First Commandment relates to the relationship between individuals and God. Choice B is incorrect because the Third Commandment forbids the disrespectful use of God's name. Choice D is incorrect because the Sixth Commandment forbids killing one's self and others.

An important ritual of the Cherokees, which signaled an annual new beginning, was the a. Potlatch Ceremony. b. Ghost Dance. c. Green Corn Ceremony. d. Sun Dance.

The correct answer is C. The Green Corn Ceremony took place at the first ripening of the new corn crop and involved purification and amnesties. In the Potlatch Ceremony, practiced by Northwest Indians, possessions are given away to enhance prestige. The Ghost Dance was a ritual performed by the Lakota Sioux in the hope of resurrecting dead Indians and sweeping away whites. The Sun Dance, performed by Plains Indians, offers prayers for the benefit of the community.

Which of the following was adopted as the state religion in Japan in the Meiji Restoration of 1868? a. Zen Buddhism b. Pure Land Buddhism c. Shinto d. Taoism

The correct answer is C. The Japanese government set up national shrines, mandated the teaching of Shinto in schools, and used State Shinto to further its military aims. It was banned after World War II. Choices A and B are incorrect because Shinto was adopted as the state religion of Japan. Choice D is incorrect because it is not a prominent religion in Japan.

In the Confucian set of relationships, special importance was placed on the role of the a. father b. elder individual in any relationship c. ruler d. inferior individual in any relationship

The correct answer is C. The ruler as the superior—highest—individual in society has a special duty to his subjects to be wise and virtuous and a role model for his subjects. Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because while Confucius outlined duties for each person in mutual relationships, he placed a special emphasis on the role of the ruler.

The Eightfold Path includes which of the following? I. Right understanding II. Right speech III. Right livelihood IV. Right relationships a. I and II only b. II and III only c. I, II, and III only d. I, II, and IV only

The correct answer is C. The steps of the Eightfold Path are right views, right thoughts, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. Items I, II, and III are all elements of the Eightfold Path, so Choices A and B are incorrect because they do not include all three items. Item IV, right relationships, is not one of the parts of the Eightfold Path so any answer with Item IV is incorrect, which eliminates Choice D. Only Choice C has all three correct elements.

Which of the following statements is true about the modern Hindu caste system? a. The caste system is structured into four castes. b. A person may move upward in the caste system by either marriage or hard work. c. The concepts of purity and pollution remain the basis for the caste system. d. The life of Untouchables, Dalits, improved significantly after the adoption of the 1950 Indian constitution.

The correct answer is C. The word "modern" helps to eliminate Choice A. Choice A is incorrect because the modern caste system has evolved into thousands of castes. Choice B is incorrect because a person must marry within his/her caste. Indian society is not a meritocracy, so hard work will not help a person move upward in the caste system. Only reincarnation provides the opportunity for upward movement in the caste system, assuming that a person leads a good life in the current one. Choice D is incorrect because although discrimination was outlawed, it persists especially in rural areas where poverty and violence against Dalits continue.

In an effort to become less isolated from their non-Jewish communities, Reform Jews in the 19th century a. dropped Hebrew from their services in favor of the vernacular b. allowed women to become cantors and rabbis c. eased kosher restrictions d. dropped choirs from their services

The correct answer is C. Today, keeping kosher is not a priority for Reform Jews. Choice A is incorrect because Reform Jews still use some Hebrew in their services. Choice B is incorrect because having women cantors and rabbis in the 19th century would not have helped Jewish congregations acculturate because Protestant and Catholic churches did not have women ministers or priests. Choice D is incorrect because Reform temples instituted the use of choirs and organs.

In Taoism, yin and yang represent a. good and evil b. the old and the new c. female and male d. heat and light

The correct answer is C. Yin represents the female principle and earth. It is passive and dark. Yang represents the male principle and heaven. It is action, heat, and light. Together, they represent harmony. Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because yin and yang represent female and male principles.

The Jewish Day of Atonement is a. Rosh Hashanah b. Pesach c. Yom Kippur d. Shabbat

The correct answer is C. Yom Kippur is the holiest and most solemn day in the Jewish calendar. Choice A is incorrect because it is the Jewish New Year. Choice B is incorrect because Pesach, or Passover, celebrates the Exodus from Egypt. Choice D is incorrect because Shabbat is the Jewish Sabbath.

Living a life according to "dharma" will result in a. acquisition of "atman" b. "samsara" c. withdrawal from active life d. a better birth in the next cycle of rebirth, life, and death

The correct answer is D. "Dharma" is the concept of moral duty, or right living. Choice A is incorrect because it is the essential self, similar to the Christian concept of soul. Choice B is incorrect because it is the continuing cycle of rebirth, which Hindus wish to escape through "dharma." Choice C is incorrect and not necessarily the result for everyone who attempts to live a moral life.

A difference between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism is I. an emphasis on monasticism II. an emphasis on the compassion of Buddha III. the transformation of Siddharta Gautama into an Ultimate Being, one of many Buddhas IV. the belief that the "Great Vehicle" has room to transport all souls to nirvana a. I and II only b. I, II, and III only c. I, II, and IV only d. I, II, III, and IV

The correct answer is D. All are differences that developed between the two branches of Buddhism. Item I is true of Theravada Buddhism, but not Mahayana Buddhism. Items II, III, and IV are true of Mahayana Buddhism, but not Theravada.

Which of the following religions justify capital punishment for major offenses? I. Islam II. Christianity III. Judaism IV. Zoroastrianism a. I and II only b. I and III only c. I, II, and III only d. I, II, III, and IV

The correct answer is D. All four religions justify capital punishment in response to a major offense. What constitutes a major offense may differ from religion to religion. Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each one omits one or another of the religions. Only Choice D is correct because it includes all four religions.

Which of the following hold similar general beliefs about heaven and hell? a. Judaism and Christianity b. Islam and Judaism c. Christianity and Islam d. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

The correct answer is D. All three religions believe that there is a heaven and a hell, and those who live good lives will enter paradise and those who lead evil lives will go to hell. However, specific aspects differ among the three religions. Choice A is incorrect because it does not contain Islam. Choice B is incorrect because it does not contain Christianity. Choice C is incorrect because it does not contain Judaism.

The Baptist denomination baptizes members by a. sprinkling water on the forehead of adults b. immersing infants in water c. sprinkling water on the forehead of infants d. immersing adults in water

The correct answer is D. Baptists immerse those who believe they are saved. Choice A is incorrect because Baptists use the immersion for their rite of baptism. Choice B is incorrect because it is the rite used by Eastern Orthodox churches. Choice C is incorrect because it is the rite used by the Roman Catholic Church.

Which of the following is an accurate description of Martin Luther's teachings? a. Luther challenged the legitimacy of four of the seven sacraments. b. Luther elevated the importance of confession for salvation. c. Luther reaffirmed the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. d. Luther denied the infallibility of the pope.

The correct answer is D. Choice A is incorrect because Luther challenged all but two sacraments: baptism and the Eucharist. Choice B is incorrect because Luther did away with confession, the sacrament of Penance in the Catholic Church. Choice C is incorrect because Luther denied that the Eucharist was truly the body and blood of Christ.

The Hasidic movement was founded by a. Maimonides b. Moses Mendelssohn c. Judah ha-Nasi d. Baal Shem Tov

The correct answer is D. Choice A is incorrect because Maimonides was a learned philosopher and writer of the 1100s. Choice B is incorrect because Moses Mendelssohn encouraged Jews to enter general society. Choice C is incorrect because Judah ha-Nasi collected the works that make up the original Mishnah.

The Hasidic movement arose from the teachings of a. Moses Mendelssohn b. the Prophet Isaiah c. Mordecai Kaplan d. Baal Shem Tov

The correct answer is D. Choice A is incorrect because Moses Mendelssohn was a major influence in encouraging Jews in Germany to become part of German society rather than remain isolated in Jewish ghettoes. Choice B is incorrect because Isaiah spoke to all Jews and his preaching did not give rise to any movement or branch of Judaism. Choice C is incorrect because Mordecai Kaplan is credited with starting Reconstructionist Judaism.

The Feast of Purim celebrates a. the Exodus b. the day when Moses received the Ten Commandments c. the first harvest of barley d. when Queen Esther saved the Jews from a massacre

The correct answer is D. Choice A is incorrect because although a number of holy days are associated with the Exodus, but Purim isn't one of them. Choice B is incorrect because it refers to Shavuot. Choice C is incorrect because it is the original reason for celebrating Shavuot

Release from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in Hinduism is called a. samsara b. karma c. dharma d. moksha

The correct answer is D. Choice A is incorrect because it is the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in both Hinduism and Buddhism. Choice B is incorrect because karma is what keeps one in the cycle of reincarnation. Choice C is incorrect because dharma refers to the religious and moral duties of an individual.

Charitable giving is important to Muslims because it a. is a way to do penance b. shows that a person has no interest in worldly possessions c. benefits the giver more than the receiver d. acknowledges that everything belongs to Allah ultimately

The correct answer is D. Choice A is incorrect because it isn't true. The qualifier "no" in Choice B makes it too broad to be correct. Choice C is incorrect because charity is considered mutually beneficial.

An aspect of Buddhism that is less popular in the Western world is a. martial arts b. meditation c. yoga d. monasticism

The correct answer is D. Choice A is incorrect because martial arts are not an important aspect of Buddhism. Choice B is incorrect because meditation is still an important and much practiced aspect of Buddhism. Choice C is incorrect because yoga is a Hindu practice, not Buddhist.

Confucianism could be considered a philosophy rather than a religion because it a. does not include ritual b. emphasizes virtuous behavior c. does not have any important books or works to which adherents can refer d. does not include worship of spirits or divine beings

The correct answer is D. Choice A is incorrect because there is heavy emphasis on ritual in Confucianism. Choice B is incorrect because virtuous conduct is one of the elements of religion. Choice C is incorrect because Confucianism has several important written works including the "Analects of Confucius," the "Book of Mencius, and "Xunzi."

To say the Shahadah is to a. recite Judaism's prayer for the dead b. confess one's imperfections as a Sikh c. pray for enlightenment as a Buddhist d. profess one's Islamic faith

The correct answer is D. The Shahadah is the first Pillar of Islam: There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Choice A is incorrect because it refers to the kaddish yatom, one of the Jewish prayers for the dead. Choices B and C are incorrect because the Shahadah is the Islamic profession of faith.

The Upanishads are important to Hindus because they a. are the first of the Vedas to be collected and written b. reflect Hinduism devotion to kami c. come directly from the Aryan culture d. set out a number of principles that are central to Hinduism

The correct answer is D. The Upanishads are a collection of advice from Hindu sages. Among the topics covered are reincarnation, creation, and the relationship between individual souls and Ultimate Reality. Choice A is incorrect because the Upanishads are the last of the Vedas to be recorded; the Rig-Veda was the first. Choice B is incorrect because kami is the name given to spirits in Shinto. Choice C is incorrect because the Upanishads are the advice of Hindu sages and not related to Aryan culture, which, however, did influence Hinduism in some of its ideas.

The ancient Greeks preferred to describe the deities they worshipped in _________ terms. a. monotheistic b. zoomorphic c. deistic d. anthropomorphic

The correct answer is D. The ancient Greeks preferred to describe their deities by using human characteristics. The ancient Greeks were polytheists, worshipping many gods. Ancient Egyptians tended to describe deities in zoomorphic terms—with animal attributes. Deists reject revelation and believe in one God on the evidence of reason and nature.

A rite of passage in Judaism is a. confirmation b. ordination c. pilgrimage to the Wailing Wall d. circumcision

The correct answer is D. The ceremony of circumcision, known as brit, marks the entrance of a male child into Judaism. Choice A is incorrect because confirmation is sacrament in some Christian religions. Choice B is incorrect because it refers to the sacrament of Holy Orders in some Christian religions. Choice C in incorrect because there is no Jewish rite of passage related to visiting the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

According to Shintoism, the Japanese emperor is descended from a. the mountain god. b. the thunder god. c. the tree goddess. d. the sun goddess.

The correct answer is D. The emperors of Japan are considered to be direct descendants of Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun and a major deity of the Shinto religion. The Japanese incorporated this old Shinto myth into the Constitution of 1889 by referring to the emperor as sacred.

Which of the following is NOT considered a theocracy? a. Modern Iraq b. Egypt under the pharaohs c. Massachusetts Bay Colony d. John Calvin's Geneva

The correct answer is A. A theocracy is a government in which the power and authority comes either because the ruler is considered a god (Egypt under the pharaohs) or a representative of God on earth (John Calvin's Geneva and Massachusetts Bay). The key word is "NOT." Choice A is correct because no Iraqi cleric has ultimate say over what happens. Choices B, C, and D are all considered theocracies, so they are incorrect answers to the question.

Which religion is the largest in the world? a. Christianity b. Judaism c. Hinduism d. Islam

The correct answer is A. All Christian sects together have about 2 billion adherents worldwide. Choice B is incorrect because Judaism has about 15 million believers. Choice C is incorrect because Hinduism has about 793 million adherents. Choice D is incorrect because Islam has about 1.3 billion believers.

Which of the following wrote the "City of God" and greatly influenced the early development of Christian theology? a. Augustine b. Ignatius of Loyola c. Teresa of Avila d. Thomas Aquinas

The correct answer is A. Among Augustine's contributions to Christian thought are the doctrine of original sin and the description of "caritas," or Christian love, the love of God and the love of one another. Choice B is incorrect because Ignatius founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) during the Counter-Reformation. Choice C is incorrect because Teresa of Avila was a mystic who lived at the time of the Counter-Reformation and wrote a number of spiritual works, including "Interior Life." Choice D is incorrect because Thomas Aquinas was a theologian of the Scholastic school and lived in the 13th century. Among his most important works is "Summa Theologiae."

The Five Pillars are the basic belief system of a. Islam b. Buddhism c. Eastern Orthodox rites d. Shinto

The correct answer is A. Choice B is incorrect because Buddhism is built on the Four Noble Truths. Choice C is incorrect because the Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox churches accept the Bible as the basis of their belief systems. Choice D is incorrect because Shinto's belief system is found in the Four Affirmations.

A major reason for Guru Nanak's founding of Sikhism was his a. rejection of the caste system b. rejection of the burning of widows on their dead husbands' funeral pyre c. desire for a more elaborate system of rituals than Hinduism offered d. end to animal sacrifice

The correct answer is A. Choice B is incorrect because Nanak's major reason was his rejection of the caste system. Choice C is incorrect because Nanak wanted simpler rituals than Hinduism practiced. Choice D is incorrect because Nanak's major reason was his rejection of the caste system.

The best description of an arahat in Theravada Buddhism is one who has a. achieved enlightenment b. moved part of the way along the Eightfold Path to nirvana c. achieved nirvana, but chooses to return to life to help others achieve it d. achieved enlightenment, died, and is now prayed to by other Buddhists

The correct answer is A. Choice B is incorrect because an arahat has moved the complete way along the Eightfold Path to enlightenment. Choice C is incorrect because this describes one type of bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism. Choice D is incorrect because this describes another type of bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism.

An important force for Christian unity in the twentieth century was a. ecumenism b. the missionary movement c. the Pentecostal movement d. liberation theology

The correct answer is A. Choice B is incorrect because in its efforts to convert people to a particular religion, the missionary movement would drive Christian sects apart, not unite them. Choice C is incorrect because it is a movement within Christianity that emphasizes direct personal experience of God through the Holy Spirit. Choice D is incorrect because it is a school of theology especially popular in Latin American that emphasizes justice for the poor and oppressed.

Jewish mysticism is known as a. Kabbalah b. Zohar c. Ka'bah d. Zionism

The correct answer is A. Choice B is incorrect because it is Islam's holiest site. Choice C is incorrect because it is the name of the major book of Kabbalah. Choice D is incorrect because it is the name of the movement to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.

All of the following accurately describe Taoist beliefs EXCEPT a. life should be lived in harmony with nature b. the best action is inaction c. the Tao is the underlying force, or principle, of nature d. the urge for spontaneity should be controlled

The correct answer is D. The key word is "EXCEPT." Choices A, B, and C are accurate descriptions of Taoist beliefs, so they are incorrect answers to the question. Taoism taught that spontaneous action that arose from being free of worldly concerns and open to the Tao, or workings of the universe, was good. Choice D is the opposite of this, so it is the correct answer to the question.

Mennonites believe in all of the following EXCEPT a. adult baptism b. the Bible as the sole authority c. pacificism d. that the government should support religion

The correct answer is D. The key word is "EXCEPT." Choices A, B, and C are all beliefs of Mennonites, so they are incorrect answers to the question. Choice D is the opposite of what Mennonites believe. They believe in separation of Church and State, so Choice D is the correct answer to the question.

Religions typically include all of the following EXCEPT a. a large group of followers b. a code of ethics c. ritual d. monasticism

The correct answer is D. The key word is "EXCEPT." Choices A, B, and C are all typically components of a religion, so they are incorrect answers to the question. Choice D, monasticism, is not a typical element of religions, so it is the correct answer to the question.

Ancestor veneration is part of all of the following religions EXCEPT a. Zoroastrianism b. Buddhism c. Shinto d. Hinduism

The correct answer is D. The key word is "EXCEPT." Choices A, B, and C venerate their ancestors. This is not an aspect of Hinduism, choice D, so it is the correct answer to the question.

Seeking converts is NOT an important element of a. Roman Catholicism b. Church of the Latter-Day Saints c. Islam d. Judaism

The correct answer is D. The key word is "NOT." Choice A is incorrect because missionary efforts are an important aspect of Roman Catholicism. Choice B is incorrect because missionary efforts are an important aspect of the Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormonism). Choice C is incorrect because missionary efforts are an important aspect of Islam.

Which of the following is NOT a practice of the Eastern Orthodox rites? a. Bread and wine for communion by the faithful b. Use of icons c. Adult baptism d. Marriage for the clergy

The correct answer is D. The key word is "NOT." Choices A, B, and C are all practices of the Eastern Orthodox rites, so they are incorrect answers to the question. Choice D is not true, so it is the correct answer to the question.

Which of the following is NOT a teaching of Islam? a. Pork and alcohol are forbidden. b. Ritual washing must be done before prayer. c. Fasting during the day for one month each year. d. Hajj at least once every ten years.

The correct answer is D. The key word is "NOT." Choices A, B, and C are teachings of Islam and therefore are incorrect answers to the question. Choice D is the correct answer because Islam instructs Muslims to make the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) at least once in their lives if possible.

The best description of why Chinese rulers tolerated and even encouraged Confucianism for 2,500 years was because it a. encouraged people to become educated b. taught people to be patient c. taught people to be sincere and genuine in their dealings with others d. taught people to accept the status quo

The correct answer is D. The key word is "best." Choice A is partially correct because Confucianism encouraged the creation of an educated class of civil servants. However, women and ordinary people were not educated. Choice B is an aspect of Choice D. Because people were taught to be patient, they were more likely to accept the status quo, but Choice D is the better answer because it states directly the reason rulers encouraged the acceptance of Confucianism. Choice C is true about Confucianism, but is not the reason that Chinese rulers encouraged Confucianism.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the doctrine of original sin? a. Because of Adam and Eve's transgression, original sin is the state of sin that affects everyone who is born. b. The doctrine is found in both Islam and Christianity. c. It states that humans must bear personal responsibility for the transgression of Adam and Eve. d. Its meaning differs among the various Christian religions.

The correct answer is D. The key word is "best." The most accurate answer is Choice D Choice D because various religions have different interpretations of how original sin affects human nature. Choice A is incorrect because it refers to the Roman Catholic doctrine of original sin. Choice B is incorrect because Islam does not have a doctrine relating to original sin. Choice C does describe the doctrine of original sin but is not the most accurate choice offered.

The best explanation of why Muslims pray prostrate on the ground is a. because Muhammad prayed this way b. to keep from being distracted c. to remind themselves that they are no better than anyone else d. to show their humility before Allah

The correct answer is D. The key word is "best." While Choice A may be true, the better answer is Choice D and includes why Muhammad would have prayed in this manner. Choice B is incorrect because Muslims prayer prostrate on the ground primarily to show humility before Allah. Choice C is partially true in that humility includes not thinking one is better than anyone else, but the better, more encompassing reason is Choice D

The best explanation of why Muslims pray prostrate on the ground is a. because Muhammad prayed this way b. to keep from being distracted c. to remind themselves that they are no better than anyone else d. to show their humility before Allah

The correct answer is D. The key word is "best." While Choice A may be true, the better answer is Choice D and includes why Muhammad would have prayed in this manner. Choice B is incorrect because Muslims prayer prostrate on the ground primarily to show humility before Allah. Choice C is partially true in that humility includes not thinking one is better than anyone else, but the better, more encompassing reason is Choice D.

Which of the following statements is true about the Indian caste system? a. The caste system is both religious and social in nature. b. A person can move out of his/her caste through hard work. c. The Untouchable Caste has been eliminated and members integrated into other castes. d. Rulers belong to the Brahmin caste.

The correct answer is A. Choice B is incorrect because the caste system is rigid. A person's caste is determined at birth and hard work cannot change it. Choice C is incorrect because the Untouchable Caste was not eliminated; its name was changed to Unscheduled Caste and the same people remained in it. Choice D is incorrect because the ruling caste is Kshatriya; the Brahmin are the priests and scholars of Hinduism.

The Qur'an contains a. what Allah said to Muhammad b. a combination of Muhammad's life story and the words of Allah c. Ali's understanding of what Allah said to Muhammad d. the words of Allah and Islamic scholars' explanations of the meaning of what Allah said

The correct answer is A. Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because the Qur'an is only what Allah said.

The primary factor that has motivated the growth of Islamic fundamentalism is the a. exposure to Western culture and the growing secularization of Muslim nations b. emergence of young jihadists c. insistence of some Muslim women on a larger role in society d. imposition of Sharia by clerics on various Muslim societies

The correct answer is A. Exposure to Western culture and the growing secularization of Muslim nations—at least at the middle and upper socioeconomic levels—appear to a number of Muslims as threats to Islamic values and beliefs. Choice B is incorrect because this is a result, rather than a cause, of the growth of the most extreme branches of Islamic fundamentalism. Choice C is incorrect because this is a result, rather than a cause, of exposure to Western culture and an effort at secularization. Choice D is incorrect because it is an aspect of fundamentalism, not a cause.

Almsgiving is one of the a. Five Pillars b. 95 Theses c. Four Noble Truths d. Eight-Fold Path

The correct answer is A. Giving alms—helping the poor through a fixed tax—is the Third of the Five Pillars. Choice B is incorrect because it refers to the document that Martin Luther nailed on the door of the Wittenburg Cathedral protesting the selling of indulgences by the Catholic Church. Choice C is incorrect because the Four Noble Truths are the basic beliefs of Buddhism and almsgiving is not one of them. Choice D is incorrect because the Eight-Fold Path is the Fourth Noble Truth and does not include almsgiving.

The modern evangelical movement in the United States has been successful primarily because it a. provides many people a counterweight to changing social mores b. supports conservative political leaders c. opposes gay marriage d. supports pro-life policies

The correct answer is A. Look for the most inclusive answer, and that's Choice A. It encompasses and explains the attraction of Choices C and D. Choice B is incorrect because it is an effect of the popularity of the evangelical movement, not a cause.

Which of the following accurately describes the Qur'an? a. It is the revealed word of God. b. It is an account of the life and actions of Muhammad. c. Among its themes is the importance of meditation. d. It contains teachings on moral behavior, but not on social interactions.

The correct answer is A. Muslims believe that God revealed his message to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. Choice B is incorrect because the Qur'an is not an account of Muhammad's life and actions. His personal teachings are contained in the "hadith." Choice C is incorrect because prayer, not meditation, is important in Islam. Choice D is incorrect because the Qur'an contains laws that relate to both moral behavior and social life.

Which of the following requires a month of fasting from sunup to sundown? a. Ramadan b. Lent c. Advent d. Yom Kippur

The correct answer is A. Muslims who are in good health and not pregnant are required to fast from all food and drink between sunrise and sunset for the month of Ramadan. Choices B and C are incorrect because, although Lent and Advent are times of fasting, neither are a month and requirements are not as strict. Choice D is incorrect because Yom Kippur is a single day whereby Jews must abstain from food and drink between sunrise and sunset

Which of the following changes do Reform Jews and the Protestant Reformation have in common? a. The replacement of a traditional language with a vernacular language b. Removal of statues from their houses of worship c. The replacement of faith and good works with faith alone as the doctrine about salvation d. Downplaying of the role of the clergy

The correct answer is A. Reform Jews removed almost all Hebrew from their services and replaced it with vernacular languages. The Protestant reformers removed Latin from their services and replaced it with vernacular languages. Choice B is incorrect because, while this is true for Protestant denominations, synagogues do not have statues. Choice C is incorrect because salvation in the terms that Christians use is not applicable to Judaism. This answer is the general Protestant view. Choice D is incorrect because Reform Jews did not change the importance or role of rabbis, whereas Protestant denominations eliminated the clergy's role as interpreter of God's word. Ordinary people were considered able to read and interpret the Bible for themselves.

Mariology refers to devotion to the Virgin Mary in a. Roman Catholicism b. Lutheranism c. Episcopalianism d. Methodism

The correct answer is A. Roman Catholics have a special devotion to the Virgin Mary that is a major difference with other Christian denominations. Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because those religions do not place the same devotional importance on Mary.

Shamans serve as a. guides to the spirit world b. keepers of the sacred flame c. preservers of written religious records d. advisers and assistants to priests

The correct answer is A. Shamans functioned, and still function, in religions based on nature and spirit worship. Choice B is incorrect because its reference is to the vestal virgins of ancient Rome who kept the sacred flame burning. Choice C is incorrect because shamans preserve(d) oral religious traditions, not written records. Choice D is incorrect because shamans are/were priests.

The Shi'a sect of Islam emphasizes a. the role of its clergy b. rational thought rather than religious emotion c. the importance of the relationship between individuals and Allah d. the Sunnah

The correct answer is A. Shi'a has a clerical hierarchy. Imams are those closest to ordinary Muslims and lead prayer services and teach the faithful. At the top are ayatollahs who are learned in Islamic law and philosophy and teach in Islamic seminaries. Choice B is incorrect because the Shi'a emphasize the role of its clergy. Choice C is incorrect because this is a tenet of the Sunni sect. Choice D is incorrect because Sunnis emphasize the Sunnah, which provides a code of conduct.

Sufism is characterized by a. experiencing a feeling of oneness with Allah b. experiencing a feeling of unity with nature c. rigid adherence to Islamic doctrine d. a legalistic view of Islam

The correct answer is A. Sufism is a mystical movement within Islam that is characterized by asceticism. Choice B is incorrect because nature is not the same as Allah. Choice C is incorrect because Sufism added another dimension to Islamic practices. Choice D is incorrect because this is what Sufis think traditional Islam had become.

The Diaspora began a. after the Assyrians destroyed Israel b. after the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem c. during the Inquisition in Spain d. during the Crusades

The correct answer is A. The Jewish Diaspora began after the destruction of the kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians in the 8th century B.C.E. Choice B is incorrect because the Diaspora was well underway by the time the Romans destroyed the Temple in 70 C.E. Choice C is incorrect because the Diaspora had begun almost 2000 years before the Inquisition in the 1400s in Spain. Choice D is incorrect because the Crusades took place in the 1000s to the 1200s C.E.

The Mishnah is a. a collection of oral laws b. a commentary on the Talmud c. another name for the Ten Commandments d. another name for the Haggadah

The correct answer is A. The Mishnah is the first collection of Jewish laws. Choice B is incorrect because the Mishnah is part of the Talmud. Choice C is incorrect because another name for the Ten Commandments is Decalogue. Choice D is incorrect because the Haggadah is material found in the Talmud, but is not the Mishnah.

Which of the following is found in an ark in a synagogue? a. Torah b. Talmud c. Copy of the Ten Commandments d. Gemara

The correct answer is A. The Torah scroll is kept in the ark and read from during services. Choice B is incorrect because the Talmud consists of the Halachah and the Haggadah. The former is a collection of legal writings and the latter is a collection of sermons and writings about Jewish history and tradition. Choice C is incorrect, but the original tablets of the Ten Commandments were kept in the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple in Jerusalem. Choice D is incorrect because the Gemara is a collection of discussions and analyses of the Mishnah.

The Wahhabi movement took control of the area that became which of the following nations? a. Saudi Arabia b. Egypt c. Iran d. Iraq

The correct answer is A. The Wahhabi movement is a conservative movement within Islam and controls Saudi Arabia through its connection to the ruling family. Choice B is incorrect because Wahhabism is the predominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia, not Egypt. Choice C is incorrect because Wahhabism is the predominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia, not Iran. Choice D is incorrect because Wahhabism is the predominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia, not Iraq.

The basis for the split in Islam into Sunni and Shi'a was a. political b. theological c. social d. economic

The correct answer is A. The basis for the split was a disagreement over who would succeed Muhammad after his death. Choice B is incorrect; theological differences developed over time but were not the reason for the split. Choices C and D also resulted over time, as one branch or the other dominated in certain regions and, later nations; these are incorrect answers for what caused the split.

The position of caliph evolved so that caliphs a. were political rulers only b. were religious leaders only c. were both political and religious leaders d. had to be in the direct line of descent from Muhammad

The correct answer is A. The caliphs were considered successors to Muhammad, but after the first four, caliphs were political, rather than both political and religious, leaders. Choices B and C are incorrect because the position of caliph evolved into a political role only. Choice D is incorrect because no caliphs were direct descendants of Muhammad.

The supremacy of the pope as the head of the Roman Catholic Church a. developed over time b. was voted on and approved by the other bishops c. was assumed by Peter after Jesus' ascension into heaven d. was mandated by Constantine when he accepted Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire

The correct answer is A. The doctrine of papal supremacy was first declared by Pope Damasus I who reigned in the 4th century. He based his declaration on Jesus' words, "Thou are Peter and upon this rock I shall build my church." A hundred years later Pope Leo I took the title "supreme priest"—pontifex maximus—and declared the papacy to be over all other bishops. Choice B is incorrect because the supremacy of the pope developed over time and was not a matter of a vote by other bishops. Choice C is incorrect because Peter did not take this authority on himself. Choice D is incorrect because Constantine did not mandate that the bishop of Rome should be the head of the Church.

Which of the following illustrates the Confucian concept of "li"? a. Tea ceremony b. Respect that one person shows another c. Dedication of the samurai to his lord d. Compassion

The correct answer is B. "Li" is defined as correct behavior, or etiquette, between individuals. Choice A is incorrect because the tea ceremony is a Japanese ritual. Choice C is incorrect because a samurai was a Japanese warrior who lived under the code of Bushido, a fusion of Confucian and Shinto ideals. Choice D is incorrect because this is "jen," another Confucian ideal, also translated as human-heartedness.

In which of the following deities do both good and evil co-exist? a. Brahma b. Ahura Mazda c. Yahweh d. Shiva

The correct answer is B. Ahura Mazda is the one true god of Zoroastrianism. He is the creator of the universe, and both good and evil co-exist in him. Choice A is incorrect because Brahma is one of the three most important deities in Hinduism and considered the creator of the world. Choice C is incorrect because this name was first used by the Israelites for their God. Choice D is incorrect because Shiva is the Hindu god of disease, destruction, and death

In which of the following deities do both good and evil co-exist? a. Brahma b. Ahura Mazda c. Yahweh d. Shiva

The correct answer is B. Ahura Mazda is the one true god of Zoroastrianism. He is the creator of the universe, and both good and evil co-exist in him. Choice A is incorrect because Brahma is one of the three most important deities in Hinduism and considered the creator of the world. Choice C is incorrect because this name was first used by the Israelites for their God. Choice D is incorrect because Shiva is the Hindu god of disease, destruction, and death.

How is the belief in God, by whatever name, similar in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism? a. God is three persons in one. b. God is the creator of the world. c. God is separate from humans and does not communicate directly with them. d. God is the source of both good and evil.

The correct answer is B. All three religions believe that God is the creator of the world, and is all knowing, all powerful, and all present. Choice A is incorrect because only Christians—most Christians—believe that God is one but also the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Choice C is incorrect because only Muslims believe that God does not talk directly to his people. Choice D is incorrect for all three religions. It is, however, an accurate description of Zoroastrianism's view of God.

Shinto reveres which of the following? a. Quetzalcoatl b. Amaterasu c. Vishnu d. Bushido

The correct answer is B. Amaterasu is the sun goddess, believed to be the direct ancestor of the Japanese emperor, and a very important deity in Shinto. There is no supreme god in Shinto. Choice A is the white god who had once lived among the Aztec and whom they expected to return one day. To their sorrow, they thought Cortés was Quetzalcoatl and welcomed him. Choice C is incorrect because Vishnu is the god of love and forgiveness in Hinduism. Choice D is incorrect because Bushido was the samurai—Japanese warrior soldier—code of honor.

The person who was most responsible for the spread of Buddhism outside India was a. Mohandas Gandhi b. Asoka c. Nichiren d. the second Dalai Lama

The correct answer is B. Asoka, a ruler of the Maurya dynasty in India in the third century B.C.E., converted to Buddhism and sent missionaries to convert the people of his huge empire. As a result, Buddhism is the predominant religion of Asia. Choice A is incorrect because Mohandas Gandhi was a twentieth century activist and reformer who worked to free India from British rule. Choice C is incorrect because Nichiren founded the Nichiren sect of Buddhism, but focused his efforts on his native Japan. Choice D is incorrect because the Dalai Lama, regardless of which one, is the religious leader of Tibetan Buddhists and at times the political leader of Tibet.

Muslims and Christians both believe a. in the presence of the Holy Spirit in the world b. in a final Judgment Day c. that Jesus was the Son of God d. that life is a trial that humans must endure in order to enter Paradise

The correct answer is B. Both Muslims and Christians believe that there will be a Judgment Day when the dead will be raised up. Choices A and C are incorrect because only Christians believe in the Holy Spirit and that Jesus was the Son of God. Choice D is incorrect because Muslims, not Christians, view life as a test, or trial.

Some scholars distinguish between the religion of the classical era and that of the postclassical period in India by referring to the earlier religion as ________ and the later as Hinduism. a. Aryanism b. Brahmanism c. Jainism d. Sikhism

The correct answer is B. Brahmanism, the complex sacrificial religion under the influence of the dominant priesthood (Brahmans), is an early stage in the development of Hinduism. Aryanism is a doctrine propagated by Nazism asserting the superiority of Aryan peoples. Jainism arose in the sixth century BCE, rejecting the sacrifice system taught in the Vedas. Sikhism, which arose in the fifteenth century, was an attempt to reconcile Hinduism and Islam.

Release from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth is a. atman b. moksha c. nirvana d. samsara

The correct answer is B. Choice A has meaning as both one's own soul and Brahman, the soul of the universe, the Ultimate Reality. Choice C is the state of release or nothingness that marks the end of the cycle. Choice D is the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, or reincarnation.

Hindus view "dharma" as a duty, or moral code of action, whereas to Buddhists "dharma" is a. reincarnation b. the teachings of Buddha, or religious truth c. a form of meditation d. release from reincarnation

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because Buddhists, as well as Hindus, call reincarnation "samsara." Choice C is incorrect because to Buddhists "dharma" is the teachings of Buddha. Choice D is incorrect because it refers to the term nirvana.

Who united the Israelites into a single nation? a. Solomon b. David c. Judah d. Benjamin

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because David united the 12 feuding tribes into one nation; Solomon was his son who inherited the kingdom. Choice C is incorrect because Judah was the leader of one of the two tribes that split off from the Kingdom of Israel after Solomon's death. He gave his name to the new Kingdom of Judah. Choice D is incorrect as it was the other tribe that split off from the Kingdom of Israel to become the Kingdom of Judah.

The Jews who were expelled from Spain and Portugal in the 15th century were known as a. Hasidim b. Sephardim c. Reconstructionists d. Talmudists

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because Hasidic Judaism is a branch of Orthodox Judaism that arose in Poland, not Spain and Portugal. Choice C is incorrect because it is a modern sect that developed in the United States. Choice D is incorrect because it is a term used to describe those who study the Talmud.

Which of the following is true about Hinduism? a. Not everyone will be able to achieve nirvana. b. A central principle of Hinduism is reincarnation. c. The introduction of the caste system into Indian life can be traced to the Moguls who invaded the Indus Valley around 1500 B.C.E. d. Hinduism has a rigid belief system.

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because Hindus believe that in time everyone will end the cycle of reincarnation and enter the state of nirvana. Choice C is incorrect because it was the Aryans who invaded India around 1500 B.C.E. and brought with them the origins of the caste system. Choice D is incorrect because Hinduism has evolved into a very diverse religion with many variations.

Which of the following men taught that humans are innately evil and must be closely controlled? a. Mengzi b. Xun-zi c. Confucius d. Ju Xi

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because Mengzi refined and continued Confucius's teaching that humans are good but need perfecting. Choice C is incorrect because Confucius taught that humans are inherently good but need to perfect themselves. Choice D is incorrect because Ju Xi, the foremost Neo-Confucianist, disagreed with Xun-zi's view of human nature and taught that, through self-knowledge and contemplation, humans can move beyond their limitations and become one with everything in the world.

The father of the gods in the Greek pantheon was a. Poseidon b. Zeus c. Apollo d. Ares

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because Poseidon was Zeus's brother and the god of the sea and earthquakes. Choice C is incorrect because Apollo was one of Zeus's children and the god of the sun, moon, music, poetry, and prophecy. Choice D is incorrect because Ares was also one of Zeus's children and the god of war.

A major stumbling block to reconciliation with Protestant groups is the Roman Catholic Church's a. statement of its pro-life policy b. doctrine of papal infallibility c. refusal to ordain women as priests d. encouragement of lay participation in religious functions

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because Protestant groups have a similar view on the issue of pro-life. Choice C is incorrect because some Protestant groups also reject the ordination of women as ministers or priests. Choice D is not an issue.

Which of the following is NOT a major doctrinal difference between Roman Catholicism and mainstream Protestant denominations? a. Scripture and tradition are the source of God's teachings. b. Jesus is the son of God. c. People attain salvation through faith and good works. d. Mary is a central figure of devotion.

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because Protestants rely solely on the Bible as the basis of God's teachings. Choice C is incorrect because Protestants believe that salvation is attained through faith alone. Choice D is incorrect because Protestants consider Mary as the mother of God to be important but not a central focus of devotion, as the Catholic Church does.

A bodhisattva a. renounces life on earth b. helps others to find nirvana c. is another name for Buddha d. is the Buddhist term for someone of compassion

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because a bodhisattva may return to earth voluntarily to help others attain nirvana. Choice C is incorrect because a bodhisattva helps others to find nirvana. Choice D is incorrect because a bodhisattva helps others to find nirvana; also all Buddhists are to show compassion.

The only religion that requires miracles in order for a person to be named a saint is a. Hinduism b. Roman Catholicism c. Lutheranism d. Shinto

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because a holy person, an "arhant," is one who has achieved nirvana. Choice C is incorrect; all those who believe are considered saints. Choice D is incorrect because wise and moral people are considered saints.

Which of the following Buddhist sects is credited with instilling the idea of nationalism among the Japanese? a. Pure Land b. Nichiren c. Zen d. Intuitive

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because it is focused on each person's achieving a happy afterlife. Choice C is incorrect because it is focused on individual enlightenment. Choice D is incorrect because it is a broad category of Buddhist sects, one of which is Zen.

According to the doctrine of transubstantiation in the Roman Catholic Church, a. the pope is infallible when he proclaims Church doctrine b. Jesus is actually present in the bread and wine in communion c. Mary was assumed into heaven at her death d. May was born without original sin

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because it is the doctrine of infallibility. Choice C is incorrect because it is the doctrine of the Assumption. Choice D is incorrect because it is the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

According to Confucianism, which of the following is the most important virtue a ruler can possess? a. Courage in battle b. Benevolence c. Tough mindedness d. Attention to ritual

The correct answer is B. Choice A is incorrect because it would not be necessary if rulers won over people by their goodness. Choice C is incorrect because the ideal ruler is one who rules by virtuous conduct. Choice D is incorrect, although conducting rituals properly is important for anyone who practices Confucianism.

The best explanation for the government persecution of Buddhists during the Tang Dynasty in China was that a. Buddhists refused to pay their taxes for religious reasons b. the army was weakened as a result of the loss of able-bodied men who became Buddhist monks c. Buddhist monks and nuns did not marry so population growth and, thus, economic growth was limited d. officials were worried that Buddhism's popularity would affect people's loyalty to the government

The correct answer is D. The key word is "best." While Choices B and C are true, the best explanation—the most complete—is Choice D. Choices B and C are reasons that contributed to officials' worry. Choice A is incorrect because it is a misstatement; only Buddhist monasteries did not pay taxes.

The beginning of the caste system in Indian society can be found in the a. Rig Veda b. Upanishads c. Law of Manu d. dharma

he correct answer is C. The Law of Manu describes the caste system and the duties of each caste. Choice A is incorrect because it contains hymns, or songs, of knowledge and is the earliest known book of Hinduism. Choice B is incorrect; they are mystery writings and form a part of each of the four Vedas, of which the Rig Veda is one. Choice D is incorrect because it describes the duties of each caste, but was not the source of the caste system.

Which of the following statements best describes the early development of Christianity? a. The early followers of Jesus still considered themselves Jews. b. The early followers made no attempt to convert non-Jews to followers of Jesus. c. Persecution of the followers of Jesus did not begin until around 100 C.E. d. Christianity remained centered in Jerusalem until the end of the first century C.E.

The correct answer is A. The early followers of Jesus still considered themselves Jews. The development of the theological basis for Christianity evolved over the first few centuries after Jesus' life. Choice B is incorrect because, according to the Acts of the Apostles and internal evidence in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus' followers soon began trying to convert non-Jews. Paul is known as the Apostle to the Gentiles. Choice C is incorrect because persecution began soon after the followers of Jesus began preaching in Jerusalem. Choice D is incorrect because some followers, including Peter and Paul, were preaching the gospel outside Jerusalem during the middle of the first century C.E., and Peter is said to have died in Rome around 64 C.E.

A fetish is all of the following EXCEPT a. a group's identification with an animal b. a form of magic c. something that may bring good luck or bad luck d. something that may be any kind of object

The correct answer is A. The key word is "EXCEPT." Choices B, C, and D all describe fetishes, so they are incorrect answers to the question. Choice A describes a totem, so it is the correct answer to the question.

All of the following are shared characteristics of mainstream Protestant denominations EXCEPT a. veneration of the saints b. lack of hierarchical structures c. rejection of transubstantiation d. focus of services on preaching and singing

The correct answer is A. The key word is "EXCEPT." Choices B, C, and D are all shared characteristics of mainstream Protestant denominations, so they are wrong answers to the question. One of the elements of Roman Catholicism that founders of Protestant denominations rejected was veneration of the saints, so Choice A is not a shared characteristic and is, therefore, the correct answer to the question.

All of following were teachings of Muhammad EXCEPT a. forced conversion of non-Muslims b. ban on eating pork c. fairer treatment of women d. ritual washing before prayer

The correct answer is A. The key word is "EXCEPT." Choices B, C, and D were all original teachings of Muhammad, so they are incorrect answers to the question. Choice A is the opposite of what Muhammad taught, so it is the correct answer to the question. Muhammad preached tolerance for other religions, but did impose a tax on nonbelievers.

Meditation is an important part of the practice of all of the following EXCEPT a. indigenous religions of South America b. Buddhism c. Taoism d. Hinduism

The correct answer is A. The key word is "EXCEPT." Meditation is an element of many Eastern religions, including Choices B, C, and D.

The Ganges River is sacred to Hindus because a. it is considered a holy river b. Hindus make pilgrimages to it c. Hindus believe that washing in its waters will purify them d. Hindus believe that washing in its waters will end the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth

The correct answer is A. The key word is "because." You are looking for the cause of Hindus' belief. Choices B, C, and D are all true about Hindus and the Ganges River, but these are all actions, or results, that flow from Choice A, the belief that the Ganges is a sacred river. If Hindus didn't believe this, they would have no reason for any of the activities.

The original teachings of Confucius DO NOT include references to a. a supreme being b. the proper conduct of rulers c. ethical conduct d. education

The correct answer is A. The key words are "DO NOT." Choices B, C, and D are included in Confucius's teachings, so they are incorrect answers to the question. The lack of teachings on gods and spiritual matters is one reason that Confucianism is considered by some an ethical system rather than a religion. Choice A is not included in Confucius's original teachings, so it is the correct answer to the question.

Which of the following is the most accurate definition of religion? a. Religion includes a belief in the supernatural or divine, a set of practices, and a code of ethics. b. Religion includes a belief system, a priesthood, and a moral code. c. Religion includes a moral code and a set of rituals. d. Religion is a universal belief in the supernatural.

The correct answer is A. The key words are "most accurate," meaning the statement that is most inclusive. Only Choice A includes the three basic elements of religion: belief system, rituals, and code of ethics. Choice B is incorrect because although a priesthood is an element of most religions, it is categorized as part of the set of rituals, so it is not a basic element. Choice C is incorrect because the answer omits the belief system; the other two basic elements flow from this. Choice D is incorrect because the answer omits rituals and moral code.

A major difference between Buddhism and Hinduism is Buddhism's rejection of a. the caste system b. karma c. the cycle of rebirth d. nonviolence

The correct answer is A. The question is asking for a difference. Choices B, C, and D are aspects of both Buddhism and Hinduism, so they are incorrect answers to the question. Only Choice A is a difference. Buddhism does not have a caste system, whereas Hinduism does, so Choice A is the correct answer to the question.

The "Book of Common Prayer" is the official liturgy of a. Anglicans b. Roman Catholics c. Methodists d. Lutherans

The correct answer is A. Thomas Cranmer, who was the first Protestant archbishop of Canterbury and a leader of the English Protestant Reformation, wrote the "Book of Common Prayer," which remains the official liturgy of the Anglican communion of churches. Choices B, C, and D are incorrect.

"Jen" in Confucianism is the a. relationship between ruler and subject b. quality of human-heartedness c. correct order of things d. correct relationship between inferior and superior

The correct answer is B. "Jen" may also be translated as social virtue or goodness. Choice A is incorrect because it is one of the five basic relationships described by Confucius. Choice C is incorrect because it would be a better definition for "li" according to Confucian thought, but not "jen.". Choice D is incorrect because it is the principle underlying Confucius's five basic relationships.

The menorah is a symbol used for which Jewish holy day? a. Yom Kippur b. Rosh Hashanah c. Chanukah d. Sukkot

The correct answer is C. The menorah symbolizes the miracle of a day's cup of oil lasting for eight days. Choices A and B are incorrect because the menorah is a symbol for Chanukah. Choice D is incorrect because the tabernacle is a symbol of Sukkot, commemorating the Exodus.

Which of the following statements are true about Pentecostal churches? I. Pentecostals believe that they receive special powers from God. II. One special power is the ability to "speak in tongues." III. The Pentecostal movement is predominantly a U.S. development. IV. Pentecostal congregations tend to be large with elaborate churches. a. I only b. I and II only c. II, III, and IV only d. III and IV only

The correct answer is B. Pentecostals believe that they receive special powers from God and one of those powers is the ability to speak in tongues, items both I and II. Item III is incorrect because the Pentecostal movement has more than 11 million members in the United States, but 250 million worldwide. Item IV is incorrect because Pentecostal congregations tend to be small and may not have a church building, but may meet in storefronts and rented rooms. Therefore, Choice A is incorrect, as it is missing item II and Choices C and D are incorrect, as they include the incorrect items III and IV.

Ritual sacrifice in Theravada Buddhism a. plays a central role in worship b. is of little importance in achieving nirvana c. is of moderate importance in achieving nirvana d. is not practiced

The correct answer is B. Ritual sacrifice plays a minor role in Theravada Buddhism. Choice A is incorrect because ritual sacrifice is not central to the practices of Theravada Buddhism. Choice C is incorrect because ritual sacrifice in Theravada Buddhism is of little importance in achieving nirvana. Choice D is incorrect because some ritual sacrifice is practiced.

Which of the following statements best describes someone who follows Taoism? a. A Taoist believes that wealth is a sign of God's favor. b. A Taoist endeavors to live a simple life. c. A Taoist believes that government service is the highest form of service to others. d. A Taoist believes in the principle of right relationships.

The correct answer is B. Taoism teaches inaction as the highest principle of being. Choice A better fits a description of Protestantism. Choice C is incorrect because it is the opposite of Taoist thought. Choice D would better fit a description of a follower of Confucius.

The "Bhagavad Gita" is important to a. Buddhists b. Hindus c. Muslims d. Taoists

The correct answer is B. The "Bhagavad Gita" is part of the Hindu epic "Mahabharata," and discusses many Hindu principles including the importance of caste and the rightness of violence in a righteous cause. Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because the "Bhagavad Gita" is an important work in Hinduism.

The __________ movement, which emphasizes unorthodox Jewish mystical interpretations, began in Babylon between approximately 500 and 900 CE. a. Sufi b. Kabbalah c. Karaite d. Hasidic

The correct answer is B. The Jewish mystical movement focused on angels, demons, magical incantations, charms, witches, ghouls, and numerology has been known as Kabbalah (tradition). Sufism is a mystical movement within Islam. The Karaites were called Readers or Children of the Text because of their emphasis on the written Torah, not the oral tradition in the Talmud. Hasidic Judaism is a branch of Orthodox Judaism.

Harmony is the dominant theme of a. Hinduism b. Taoism c. Confucianism d. Islam

The correct answer is B. The Tao Te Ching teaches that one should live in harmony with the Tao. Choice A is incorrect because harmony is the dominant theme in Taoism. Choice C is incorrect because harmony is not the same as right relationships. Choice D is incorrect because harmony is the dominant theme in Taoism.

The cult of Isis and Osiris was a religious practice of the ancient a. Ethiopians b. Egyptians c. Incans d. Druids

The correct answer is B. The cult of Isis and Osiris spread around the Mediterranean to the ancient Greek and Roman worlds as well. Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because the cult of Isis and Osiris was a religious practice of ancient Egyptians.

The four stages in Hinduism are student, seeker, ascetic, and a. parent b. householder c. aesthete d. ruler

The correct answer is B. The four stages of Hinduism are student, householder, seeker, and ascetic. Choices A, C, and D are incorrect. Aesthete may seem similar to ascetic, but an aesthete cultivates a taste for art and culture, whereas an ascetic lives a simple and austere life.

The Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, and Athanasian Creed have all of the following in common EXCEPT a. all are professions of Christian faith b. all Protestant denominations accept all three of the creeds c. each creed defines and explains the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit d. the Roman Catholic Church accepts all three of the creeds

The correct answer is B. The key word is "EXCEPT." Choice B is not true because not all Protestant denominations accept all three, so it is the correct answer. The word "creed" means "statement of belief," so Choice A is true, but the wrong answer to the question. Choices C and D are also true, and, therefore, incorrect answers to the question.

All of the following are holy cities to Muslims EXCEPT a. Mecca b. Baghdad c. Medina d. Jerusalem

The correct answer is B. The key word is "EXCEPT." Choices A., C, and D are considered holy city by Muslims, and, therefore, are not correct answers to the question. Choice A is holy because it is the birthplace of Muhammad. Choice C is holy because Muhammad fled there when he and his followers were persecuted in Mecca. Choice D is holy because it is the site of the Dome of the Rock where Muhammad is said to have ascended into the heavens to meet the earlier prophets. While Choice B, Baghdad, was an important center of Islamic power during the caliphates, Muslims do not consider it a holy city, so it is the correct answer to the question.

Women cannot become cantors and rabbis in which branch of Judaism? a. Conservative b. Orthodox c. Reform d. Reconstructionist

The correct answer is B. The key word is "cannot." Women can become can become cantors and rabbis in all Jewish divisions except Orthodox Judaism, so Choices A, C, and D are incorrect.

The common polytheistic belief that a supreme High God created the world and then withdrew from active participation in it is exemplified by the myth of Olorun told by the ______ of West Africa. a. Nuer b. Ashanti c. Yoruba d. Gu

The correct answer is C. According to the Yoruba tribe of West Africa, the High God Olorun retired to the heavens and assigned tasks to various orisha, who are regarded as lesser deities. The Nuer of the Sudan provide a striking exception by believing that a High God continues to play an active role in the lives of human beings. The Ashanti of Ghana and the Gu of Benin are different peoples in West Africa.

As Islam spread, it made many converts primarily because a. Muslims forced conquered peoples to convert b. ordinary people could easily understand and practice Islam c. people were attracted by the promise of a better life in Paradise d. people could see that converting would be to their earthly advantage

The correct answer is B. The key word is "primarily." The practices of Islam are easy to understand and to practice even by the poorest and uneducated. The universality of the religion is another reason. Choice A is incorrect because Islam has a policy of religious toleration, so conquered peoples typically were not forced to convert. Choice C is incorrect because although some may have converted to Islam because of its teachings about Paradise, the primary reason for the expansion of Islam was that ordinary people could understand its teachings. Choice D is incorrect because although some people undoubtedly did convert to increase their opportunities, people typically converted because of the appeal of the religion itself.

Which of the following is the most accurate explanation of myths as an important aspect of religion? a. Myths are stories passed down from generation to generation. b. Myths explain the natural world and the reasons for the religious beliefs and customs of a group. c. Myths explain the natural world. d. Myths point back in time to the origins of a group.

The correct answer is B. The key words are "most accurate." Choice A is incorrect because this defines tradition, of which myths are only one part, so it is not the most accurate explanation of myths. Choice C is partially correct, but the more complete, and therefore, most accurate answer is Choice B. Choice D is only partially correct. Many religions have creation myths, but the most accurate answer is Choice B.

The most accurate explanation of why the Roman Catholic Church practices infant baptism is because it a. imitates Jesus' immersion in the Jordan River b. removes the stain of original sin c. makes the baptized infant a soldier of Christ d. protects the child should the child not reach adulthood

The correct answer is B. The key words are "most accurate." Choice A is partially true in that the sacrament of Baptism is meant to imitate Jesus' walking into the Jordan before his revelation that he was the Son of God. However, he was not immersed in the river. Choice C is incorrect because Confirmation, not Baptism, makes a Catholic a soldier of Christ. Choice D is incorrect because the most accurate explanation is that Baptism washes away original sin.

Who of the following is the most traditionally observant Jew? a. Reform b. Orthodox c. Conservative d. Reconstructionist

The correct answer is B. The key words are "most traditionally." Choice A is incorrect because a Reform Jew is the least conservative. Choice C is incorrect because a Conservative Jew is less conservative than an Orthodox Jew; however, Conservative Judaism is more conservative than Choices A and D. Choices A and D are similar, but Choice D highlights Jewish traditions, for example, Reconstructionist Jews keep a kosher house and Reform Jews generally do not.

The Prophetic Movement brought God's word to a. Christians b. Jews c. Muslims d. Buddhists

The correct answer is B. Though Choices A, C, and D recognize prophets, the Prophetic Movement developed and flourished in ancient Judaism.

Which of the following is a true statement about Confucian teachers after Confucius? a. Meng-zi and Xun-zi refined Confucian thought, but did not change it in any major way. b. Meng-zi reinforced Confucius's teaching that people were innately good, whereas Xun-zi taught that people were innately evil. c. Meng-zi and Xun-zi contradicted Confucius's teaching about human nature. d. Meng-zi contradicted Confucius's teaching about the nature of humans, but Xun-zi reinforced Confucius's teaching.

The correct answer is B. Xun-zi's teaching was a radical departure from Confucius. However, Xun-zi taught that proper training could lead people to proper lives. Choice A is partially true because Meng-zi did not change Confucian teaching about human nature. However, Xun-zi did, so the answer is incorrect. Choice C is partially incorrect because Meng-zi did not contradict Confucius's teaching about human nature. Choice D is incorrect because Meng-zi's and Xun-zi's positions are reversed.

The dogma of papal infallibility refers to a. all encyclicals issued by the pope b. any time the pope speaks on matters of faith and morals c. only those times when he invokes the authority of "ex cathedra" d. the continuing rift with Protestant groups

The correct answer is C. "Ex cathedra" is the authority of the pope based on his position as teacher and pastor of Christians. When the pope speaks "ex cathedra" on a doctrine of faith and morals, he is kept from error by the Holy Spirit. In reality, popes have invoked this authority on few occasions since it was declared in 1870. Choice A is incorrect because popes issue many encyclicals without invoking papal infallibility. Choice B is incorrect because popes often speak about faith and morals without invoking the doctrine of papal infallibility. However, Catholics are to obey these teachings regardless of whether or not they are delivered "ex cathedra." Choice D is incorrect because the doctrine of papal infallibility made reconciliation with Protestant denominations more difficult, but it is not a term given to the divisions.

A "koan" is a. the name for a moral teaching in Buddhism b. the Zen Buddhist word for mantra c. used in Zen Buddhism to help a believer reach sudden insight d. the title of the leader of Tibetan Buddhists

The correct answer is C. A koan is a riddle that appears to be meaningless, but is intended to prod a student of Zen into thinking. Zen Buddhists believe that enlightenment comes not through reason, but through meditation. Choice A is incorrect because a koan is a riddle used to aid a believer to reach insight. Choice B is incorrect because a koan is not the same as a mantra, which is a section of a hymn or scripture that Hindus chant during a religious ceremony. Choice D is incorrect because the leader of Tibetan Buddhists is called the Dalai Lama.

Hinduism differs from Buddhism in Hinduism's acceptance of a. the cycle of rebirth b. karma c. the caste system d. nonviolence

The correct answer is C. A major difference between the two religions is Hinduism's acceptance of the caste system. Choices A, B, and D are incorrect answers to the question because both Buddhism and Hinduism believe in the cycle of rebirth, karma, and nonviolence.

Which of the following divisions of Judaism follow the teachings of a rebbe? a. Conservative Jews b. Reform Jews c. Hasidic Jews d. Reconstructionist Jews

The correct answer is C. All the other divisions of modern Judaism have rabbis, rather than rebbes who are mystics.

One sect of Zen Buddhism believes that enlightenment comes through a. good works that earn merit b. aesthetic appreciation of the arts c. sudden illumination d. patient study of Buddhist writings

The correct answer is C. The Renzai, or Intuitive, school of Zen Buddhism believes that rational thought will not bring illumination. One must think anti-rationally and go behind reason before enlightenment will come, and then it will come suddenly in a flash of insight. Choice A is incorrect because this is a belief of more traditional Buddhism. Choice B is incorrect because while Zen Buddhism has greatly influenced Japanese artistic styles, the Renzai, or Intuitive, school, does not believe that enlightenment comes through an appreciation of art. Choice D is incorrect because Zen Buddhism in general does not rely on written works.

The Mahdi is the Islamic equivalent of a. Buddha b. Satan c. a messiah d. Brahma

The correct answer is C. The Twelvers branch of Shi'a believes that the Mahdi, or messiah figure, will bring 1,000 years of peace and justice when he comes. Choices A and B are incorrect because the Mahdi is similar to a messiah. Choice D is incorrect because Brahma is the creator god of the Hindu.

Which system of Hindu philosophy believes that only Brahman is real? a. Sankhya b. Vaisheshika c. Vedanta d. Yoga

The correct answer is C. The Vedanta system holds that all the world, including humans, is an illusion. Choice A is incorrect because followers of Sankhya hold that the world is made up of spirit and matter. Choice B is incorrect because Vaisheshika followers believe that the world is made up of nine elements: earth, water, air, ether, time, space, life, soul, and mind. Choice D is incorrect because those who follow Yoga believe that the world is made up of spirit and matter.

Shintoism, the indigenous religion of Japan, primarily consists of worship of spirits in nature known as a. ninjas. b. ronin. c. kami. d. jinn.

The correct answer is C. The early Japanese regarded the whole of nature as imbued with kami powers, including spirits in mountains, lakes, and trees on earth. Ninjas were people trained in Japanese martial arts and used for espionage or assassinations. Ronin were masterless samurai (members of the military caste of feudal Japan). Jinn were supernatural creatures in Arab folklore.

The Messiah according to Judaism will do all of the following EXCEPT a. unite all Jews in a new Israel b. bring peace c. bring the gift of God's grace d. fight against and defeat evil

The correct answer is C. The key word is "EXCEPT." Choice C is the correct answer because it is part of the Christian concept of the Messiah. Choices A, B, and D are all incorrect answers to the question because they are all true of Judaism's concept of the Messiah.

All of the following are basic principles of Buddhism EXCEPT a. abstention from alcohol b. ban on killing c. prayer five times a day d. abstention from lying

The correct answer is C. The key word is "EXCEPT." Choices A, B, and D are basic principles of Buddhism, so they are incorrect answers to the question. Choice C refers to Islam, not Buddhism, so it is the correct answer to the question.

All of the following are elements of indigenous religious practices EXCEPT a. circumcision b. taboos c. written religious teachings d. totems

The correct answer is C. The key word is "EXCEPT." Indigenous religious practices are preliterate, so there were no written religious teachings, although modern anthropologists and similar researchers have written them down for various cultures. Choices A, B, and D are elements of indigenous religions, so they are incorrect answers to the question. Only Choice C is not true about indigenous religious practices, and so is the correct answer to the question.

Which of the following was NOT a concern of Taoism? a. Living a long life b. Ritual c. Possession of wealth and power d. The natural world

The correct answer is C. The key word is "NOT." Taoists have always rejected the accumulation of wealth and power, so Choice C is the correct answer to the question. Choices A, B, and D are all part of Taoism, so they are incorrect answers to the question. Choice A is incorrect because prolonging one's life became an important element in later Taoism, although it was not an original concern. Choice B is incorrect because it, too, along with gods and temples became important in later Taoism. Choice D was always a basic element of Taoism.

The predominant culture in India is a. Buddhist b. Islamic c. Hindu d. a mix of cultures

The correct answer is C. The key word is "predominant." India is predominantly a Hindu culture. Choice A is incorrect because Buddhism was adapted into Hinduism centuries ago and ceased to be a major influence. Choice B is incorrect; Bangladesh and Pakistan, which were carved from India after World War II, are predominantly Islamic. Choice D is incorrect because while it is true that India has a mix of cultures, its culture is predominantly Hindu.

Some authorities do not consider Confucianism a religion primarily because it does not include a. a moral code b. written works c. any gods d. prayer

The correct answer is C. The key word is "primarily." There is some controversy over whether Confucianism can be considered a religion because it has no deities. It does have a strong code of ethics, so Choice A is incorrect. Choice B is incorrect because Confucius's followers collected his sayings in the "Analects of Confucius." There are also other writings by later Confucian teachers. Choice D is incorrect because while prayer is not part of Confucianism, that is not the primary reason that some experts do not consider it a religion.

Which of the following was the main reason for the centuries-long mutual hatred between Christians and Muslims? a. Sacking of Constantinople by the Turks b. Capture of large parts of Spain by North Africans c. Invasion of the Holy Land by the Crusaders d. Commercial success of Arab intermediaries in the Asia-European trade

The correct answer is C. The key words are "main reason." The Crusades, which began in late 1000s and lasted until the 1200s, laid the foundation for mutual distrust and hatred. Choice A is incorrect because the sacking of Constantinople occurred in 1453 and affected mainly the Byzantine Empire. Choices B and D are incorrect because the main reason for the mutual hatred was the Crusades

A major difference between Tibetan Buddhism and other Buddhist sects is Tibetan Buddhism's a. nonviolence b. compassion for all living things c. reliance on magic d. reverence for monks and nuns

The correct answer is C. The key words are "major difference." Unlike other Buddhist sects, Tibetan Buddhism uses magic and spells. Choices A, B, and D are commonly shared by all Buddhist sects including Tibetan Buddhism, and, so are incorrect answers to the question.

The purposes of Ramadan are to I. commemorate the Angel Gabriel's appearance to Muhammad II. have one's sins forgiven III. fast from sunup to sundown IV. become more aware of how a person acts in life a. I and II only b. II and III only c. I, II, and III only d. I, II, and IV only

The correct answer is D. Choice D, which includes commemorating the appearance of Gabriel to Muhammad (Item I), having one's sins forgiven (Item II), and becoming more aware of how one acts (Item III), are all purposes for fasting during Ramadan. Choice A is incorrect because it contains only two of the three purposes listed. Choice B is incorrect because it contains Item III, which is what a Muslim does during Ramadan, but is not a purpose for observing the month of fasting. Choice C is incorrect because it also contains Item III.

The first Christians believed that a. faith in Jesus was sufficient for salvation b. prayer and good works were required to merit salvation c. prosperity was a sign that a person was saved d. salvation came as a gift from God

The correct answer is D. Choices A and B are incorrect because the first Christians believed that salvation came as a gift from God. Choice C is incorrect because later Protestant religions taught that material wealth was a sign that a person was saved.

The ten lost tribes of Israel a. did not make the Exodus out of Egypt b. were descendants of Cain c. disappeared into the Babylonian population during the period known as the Babylonian Captivity d. disappeared after the Assyrians captured Israel

The correct answer is D. Choices A and B are incorrect because the ten lost tribes disappeared as a nation after the capture of the kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians in the 8th century B.C.E. Choice C is incorrect because the ten lost tribes had already disappeared by the time of the Babylonian Captivity in the 6th century B.C.E. The Babylonian Captivity refers to the imprisonment of the tribes of the kingdom of Judah.

Huguenots were French Protestants who followed the teachings of a. Martin Luther b. Ulrich Zwingli c. John Wesley d. John Calvin

The correct answer is D. Huguenots adopted the teachings of John Calvin in the 1500s and were severely persecuted in predominantly Catholic France. Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because Huguenots followed the teachings of John Calvin.

Shari'a deals with I. religious conduct II. commercial transactions III. political actions IV. private life a. I and IV only b. II only c. II and III only d. I, II, III, and IV

The correct answer is D. Islamic law known as Shari'a encompasses all aspects of both public and private life: religion, social interaction, business, and politics. Only Choice D, which includes answers I through IV, is complete, and, therefore, correct.

Jerusalem is a holy city to I. Christians II. Jews III. Muslims a. I only b. I and II only c. I and III only d. I, II, and III

The correct answer is D. Jerusalem is holy to Christians, Item I, because of its importance in the last days of Jesus' life. Jews, Item II, consider it holy because it was the site of Solomon's Temple. The Western, or Wailing, Wall is the only standing remains of the Temple. Muslims, Item III, consider it holy because Muhammad ascended into heaven from the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. Only Choice D includes Items I, II, and III, and is, therefore, the correct answer. Choices A, B, and C each omit one of the religious groups.

A definition of religion would include which of the following elements? I. Ritual II. A code of moral conduct III. A hierarchical organization IV. An afterlife a. I and II only b. II and III only c. I, II, and III only d. I, II, and IV only

The correct answer is D. Many religions do not have a hierarchical structure, for example, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and many Protestant denominations, so any answer with Item III is incorrect. That eliminates Choices B and C. Choice A is incorrect because it omits Item IV, an afterlife, which is a prominent feature of religion.

Sikhism was founded as a reaction against a. Islam and Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Buddhism and Hinduism d. Islam and Hinduism

The correct answer is D. Nanak, who founded Sikhism in northern India in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, was born a Hindu and studied Islam, but could not find spiritual peace in either. Choice A is partially correct, but also partially incorrect because Nanak was not reacting against Buddhism. Choice B is only partially correct because Islam is missing from the answer. Choice C is partially correct and partially incorrect because Nanak was not reacting against Buddhism.

Which of the following practices of Roman Catholicism was rejected by Protestants during the Reformation? a. Limiting the priesthood to men b. Sacrament of Baptism c. Sacrament of the Eucharist d. Use of Latin for the Bible and for church services

The correct answer is D. One of the changes of the Reformation was the translation of the Bible into vernacular languages and their use in church services. The Roman Catholic Church continued to use Latin for church services until the 1960s. Choices A, B, and C were all practices of the Roman Catholic Church that Protestant denominations kept.

__________ cannot be completely divorced from all religion; it is present when an emphasis is placed on forcing things to happen, rather than asking that they do. It can be defined as an attempt through the performance of set words and/or acts to bend the powers of the world to one's will. a. Myth b. Ritual c. Taboo d. Magic

The correct answer is D. The Cro-Magnon hunting magic was a form of imitative magic. In many parts of the world it is still believed that magical exhortation in words and action may spur the growth of sprouting grain. Myth is a traditional story typically explaining a natural phenomenon, involving supernatural beings. Ritual is a ceremony that consists of performing a series of actions in a prescribed order. Taboos are prohibitions applied to many things, persons, and actions because they are considered sacred or dangerous or socially forbidden.

Which of the following celebrate Krishna? a. Diwali b. Mawlid c. Shavuot d. Janmashtami

The correct answer is D. The Hindu holy day Janmashtami celebrates the birth of Krishna, the incarnation of the god Vishnu, the protector and preserver. Choice A is incorrect because this Hindu festival begins the new year and honors, among others, Laksmi, the goddess of prosperity. Choice B is incorrect because this is an Islamic holy day that commemorates Muhammad's birth. Choice C is incorrect because this is a Jewish holy day that commemorates God's giving the Ten Commandments to the Jews.

African religions are unlike Hinduism in which of the following ways? I. Venerate and fear ancestors II. Have healers III. Are polytheistic IV. Are localized a. I only b. I and II only c. I, II, and III only d. I, II, and IV only

The correct answer is D. The key word is "unlike." Typically African religions venerate and fear ancestors (Item I), have healers who cure the sick (Item II), and are localized, rather than geographically broad (Item IV). Hinduism does not share any of these characteristics. The only trait that African religions have in common with Hinduism is that Hinduism and African religions are polytheistic (Item III), so any answer with Item III is incorrect, which eliminates Choice C. Choices A and B are only partially correct. Only Choice D includes Items I, II, and IV that indicate all the differences listed between Hinduism and African religions.

Which of the following was not a result of the Council of Trent, which was convened during what is known as the Counter-Reformation? a. Reaffirmed the seven sacraments b. Reaffirmed clerical celibacy c. Reiterated the presence of purgatory d. Ended the practice of indulgences

The correct answer is D. The key words are "was not." Choices A, B, and C are all results of the Council of Trent convened during what is known as the Catholic Church's Counter-Reformation. Even though the practice of indulgences had been the tipping point for the Protestant Reformation, the Council of Trent reaffirmed their use

Which of the following belief systems are neither monotheistic nor polytheistic? I. Buddhism II. Confucianism III. Hinduism IV. Taoism a. I only b. I and IV only c. I, II, and III only d. I, II, and IV only

The correct answer is D. The question is asking for all belief systems listed that are not centered on a god or gods. Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism do not have deities, whereas Hinduism does. Choice A is incorrect because Buddhism is not the only belief system listed that is neither monotheistic nor polytheistic. (Certain sects of Buddhism deviate from the nonbelief in a god or gods, but the basic teachings of Buddhism do not include a god.) Choice B is incorrect because Buddhism and Taoism are not the only two systems listed that are neither monotheistic nor polytheistic. Choice C is incorrect because Hinduism is polytheistic.

The word "Islam" means a. faith b. saintliness c. grace d. submission

The correct answer is D. The word "Islam" means submission. A Muslim is one who submits or surrenders to the will of God. Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because "Islam" means submission.

Which of the following consider themselves the "chosen people" of God? a. Roman Catholics b. All Christians c. Muslims d. Jews

The correct answer is D. This is the promise that Yahweh made to Abraham. Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because the term is used by Jews.

The Eastern Orthodox rites differ from Roman Catholicism in their a. use of infant baptism b. plain, unadorned churches c. use of Latin for the Mass d. lack of hierarchical structure

The correct answer is D. Unlike the Roman Catholic Church that has the pope at its head, Eastern Orthodox churches are ruled by a network of patriarchs. Choice A is incorrect because Eastern Orthodox churches practice adult baptism, not infant baptism. Choice B is incorrect because Eastern Churches are heavily decorated, especially with gilt and icons. It is Protestant churches that are plain and unornamented. Choice C is incorrect because Eastern Orthodox churches use the vernacular.

Wahhabism is a a. reform movement within Hinduism b. sect within Zen Buddhism c. mystical movement within Hinduism d. conservative movement within Islam

The correct answer is D. Wahhabism was founded in the 18th century as a conservative movement within Islam that sought to return Islam to more traditional ways, including the use of the Qur'an and teachings of Muhammad as the sole authorities. It is the predominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia. Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because Wahhabism is a conservative movement within Islam.

During the Han dynasty (206 BCE to 220 CE), the position of __________ changed from being propagated by a small group of disciples to becoming the leading educational theory in China. a. Daoism b. Buddhism c. Mohism d. Confucianism

The correct answer is D. When the Han rulers came to power, they needed many new administrators and advisers. They attracted scholars who had been trained by the disciples of Confucius. Confucians were placed in charge of the education of youth, many of whom would eventually govern. The civil service examinations were based on Confucius' teachings. Daoism and Mohism were rival schools of thought claiming to have the key to good government. Buddhism, which originated in India, also became influential in China.

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