DSU Rife Hist 1700 Midterm

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When Native Americans first encountered Europeans, what led to the European diseases being so deadly?

Centuries of continental isolation meant the Native Americans had no immunity.

What role did religion play in Columbus's explorations?

Columbus wanted to convert Asians into Catholicism

How did Native Americans view the concept of land ownership?

Families had the right to use land, but they did not actually own the land.

The French and Indian War began because some American colonists felt that:

France was encroaching on land claimed by the Ohio Company.

What did Lord Dunmore do that outraged many southerners?

He promised freedom to slaves who joined the British cause.

What was the significance of Robert Fulton?

His work in designing steamboats made upstream commerce possible.

In 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded:


After what major event did the British government make the colonies bear part of the cost of the empire?

The Seven Years' War.

What contribution did the Stamp Act episode make to the colonists' concept of liberty?

The Stamp Act Congress insisted that the right to consent to taxation was essential to people's freedom.

What policy did the new United States pursue in its dealings with Native Americans?

The U.S. government set out to dispossess the Native Americans of their remaining rich lands and drive them westward.

What was the key political origin of the American Revolution?

The colonists criticized the lack of representation in Parliament.

Jackson adhered to what philosophy during the nullification crisis?

The national government was supreme.

Which of the following was true of the colonial elite?

They controlled colonial government.

By banning the importation of slaves by 1808 with the Constitution, what did critics of slavery hope to accomplish?

They hoped cutting off the supply would eventually end slavery in the United States.

What was the primary purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?

To bring stability to the colonial frontier.

Sacajawea was:

a guide and interpreter for the Lewis and Clark expedition.

Andrew Jackson's inauguration was:

a large, rowdy event

In the fifteenth century, a big impetus for European exploration was:

a sea route to Asia to obtain luxury goods.

During the eighteenth century, colonial assemblies:

became more assertive

Which improvement most dramatically increased the speed and lowered the expense of commerce in the first half of the nineteenth century?

canals and steamboats

In the nineteenth century, which product was the world's major crop produced by slave labor?


What was the most important export from the United States by the mid-nineteenth century?


During the first half of the nineteenth century, free black Americans:

could not, under federal law, obtain public land.

When Europeans arrived, many Native Americans:

did not see themselves as a single unified people

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787:

established the policy to never take Native American land without just cause.

Andrew Jackson was Harvard educated but was able to portray himself to the American people as a common man.


As in the Spanish empire, British North America developed a distinctive mulatto, or mixed-race, class.


Growing connections with Europeans lessened warfare between Indian tribes.


Most white southern families owned at least one slave


Overall, slaves did not think much about freedom. They were content with their situation as long as their master was kind.


Slave traders tried hard to keep slave families together.


The Underground Railroad relied on trains in the South.


The journey from 1804 to 1806 of Lewis and Clark did not produce much valuable information.


The transatlantic slave trade was not a vital part of world commerce.


The Boston Massacre occurred when British soldiers:

fired into a mob and killed a number of Boston residents.

What did many men consider the proper role for a white middle-class woman in antebellum America?:

focus her energies on the home and children.

The Force Act of 1833:

gave the president authority to use military personnel to collect tariffs.

Fugitive slaves:

generally understood that the North Star led to freedom.

The nullification crisis:

involved the fears of some slaveholders that the federal government might take action against slavery.

The Stamp Act created such a stir in the colonies because:

it was the first direct tax Parliament imposed on the colonies.

Racism in the North resulted in:

limited economic opportunities for African- Americans.

The internal slave trade in the United States involved the movement of hundreds of thousands of enslaved persons from:

older states like Virginia to the Lower South.

To qualify as a member of the planter class, a person had to be engaged in southern agriculture and:

own at least twenty slaves.

Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa were brothers who:

preached a return to traditionalist methods to Native Americans early in the nineteenth century.

The Declaratory Act:

rejected American claims that only their elected representatives could levy taxes.

The treaty that ended the War of 1812:

restored the prewar boarders to their original status

Pre-Columbian Native Americans lacked metal tools:

so Europeans felt they were superior

The land involved in the Louisiana Purchase:

stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.

Unlike the Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts focused on:

taxing goods imported into the colonies.

The first industry to be shaped by the large factory system was:


Virtual representation was the idea:

that each member of Britain's House of Commons represented the entire empire, not just his own district.

The catalyst for the market revolution was a series of innovations in:

transportation and production.

A Discourse Concerning Western Planting argued that English settlement of North America would strike a blow against Spain.


American colonists widely believed that Britain had no authority to tax the colonists since the colonists had no elected representative in Parliament.


By 1860, the economic investment represented by the slave population exceeded the value of the nation's factories, railroads, and banks combined.


By the 1830s, it was illegal to teach a slave to read or write.


Despite being forbidden by law to marry, many slaves were able to create a family life on the plantation.


Early settlers of Jamestown preferred gold to farming.


Europeans arrived in North America and South America with the attitude that their culture was superior to the various indigenous groups.


For middle-class women in the nineteenth century, not working was viewed as a badge of freedom.


Homespun clothing became a symbol of American resistance during the American boycott on British goods.


Indians mostly traded furs and animal skins for European goods.


John O'Sullivan coined the term "manifest destiny" to describe America's divinely appointed mission to settle all of North America.


Like the Spanish, the French often intermarried with the Indians, resulting in mixed-race children.


Martin Van Buren believed that party politics was an important component in ensuring liberty for the American people.


Paul Revere created an engraving that distorted the Boston Massacre.


Race and racism are modern concepts and had not been fully developed by the seventeenth century.


Supporters of nullification claimed that the federal government was overstepping its rights and infringing on states' rights.


Tecumseh tried to revive a pan-Indian movement and unite against the white man.


The Spanish mounted explorations of the present-day Southwest in the United States to try to find gold.


The internal slave trade was a key component in supporting the cotton kingdom.


The market revolution produced a new middle class.


The party battles of the Jacksonian era reflected the clash between public and private definitions of American freedom and their relationship to government power.


To satisfy the need for slave labor in the Cotton Kingdom, an estimated 1 million slaves were relocated to the Deep South from the older slave states between 1800 and 1860.


Harriet Tubman:

was a fugitive slave who risked her life many times to bring others out of slavery.

Crispus Attucks:

was a man of mixed race who was killed at the Boston Massacre.

The Sugar Act alarmed colonists, in part because it:

was an attempt to get them to pay a levy they would otherwise have evaded.

The Erie Canal:

was far longer than any other canal in the United States at that time.

An advantage of water transportation over road transportation was that:

water transportation was faster.

Native American religious ceremonies:

were related to the Native American belief that sacred spirits could be found in living and inanimate things.

The actions of Bartolomé de las Casas can best be described in modern-day terminology as that of a(n):


The nullification crisis ended:

with a compromise by Jackson to reduce the tariff.

Where did the first peoples to the Americas come from?


Which of the following would be an example of "silent sabotage"?

A slave on a large plantation slowed down the work pace.

When comparing English colonies to Spanish ones:

England sent more people to the Americas in the seventeenth century.

What did Neolin tell his people they must reject?

European technology and material goods.

Ultimately, the American Revolution did what to slavery?

It saw an actual increase of slavery by 1790.

Which of the following assessments of Jackson's opposition to the Bank of the United States is true?

Jackson was motivated by the belief States should retain more power than the Federal Government.

What was key to making the enslavement of Africans an enduring economic and social institution in colonial America?

Slavery became perpetual, as the children of slaves were slaves too.

What was a result of the northern colonies' lack of a cash crop?

Slavery was not as integrated into the northern colonial economy as it was in the South.

What would most likely be the reason why there were few slave rebellions in the original English colonies in North America?

Slaves were outnumbered in most regions.

According to Bartolomé de Las Casas:

Spain had caused the death of millions of people in the new world

Which of the following was a consequence of the Seven Years' War?

Strengthened pride among American colonists about being part of the British empire.

A slave from which state had the best chance of escaping to freedom permanently?


In regards to the Stamp Act Congress of 1765, which statement was true?

The Congress did not look to declare independence from England.

How did French involvement in the fur trade change life for Native Americans?

The French were willing to accept Native Americans into colonial society.

Unlike Spanish missionaries, the Jesuits did what in regard to converting Indians?

The Jesuits did not suppress traditional Indian religious customs.

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