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What was the Pax Mongolia?

"Mongol Peace" time of peace as stability

What was the Spanish Armada?

A fleet sent by Spain in 1588 to invade England; it was defeated

What were the Crusades? What were the major results of the Crusades?

First Crusades: peasants + knights, made 4 christian states Second Crusades: Muslims recapture Edessa which has been lost in First Third Crusades: Saladin and Richard the Lion-Hearted, Muslim control Holy Land Fourth Crusades: Excommunication and failure; Christians attacked Zara for Venetians as payment, Crusaders excommunicated for attacking a Christian city -Muslims drove Christians out of Holy Land always

List reasons why Elizabeth I would be considered an absolute monarch.

What was the Spanish Armada?

Who was Zheng He?

(1371-1435) China's most famous navigator in the 15th century. Traveled the Indian Ocean, visiting Africa, India, and the Middle East.

Describe the Atlantic slave trade and triangular trade.

-African sellers sold slaves to Europeans -slavery becomes common in Africa after Bantu migrations -Europeans come to Africa and increase slave trade -slaves worked on sugar plantations on African islands -Triangular Trade: Europe --> guns horses and pots/pans --> Africa --> Europeans take slaves to America --> Americas bring back sugar, cotton, rum, tobacco, coffee to Europe

Who was Akbar? Describe the Mughal Empire

-Akbar was a great Mughal ruler. -he wanted to win people's loyalty -ruled northern India -centralized gov't controlled by him -desert city: water wheels brought in water -The Mughal empire was diverse and had a cultural golden age: Taj Mahal, Delhi was the capital, but heavy taxes and lack of crops caused famine

The Byzantine Empire is also known as ___________? Who were some key rulers and how was it different from the Western Roman Empire?

-Also known as Eastern Roman Empire -Emperor Constantine, Emperor Justinian, Heraclius -Eastern: Orthodox Church; allowed clergy to marry, emperor oversaw church law, patriarch rules -Western: Roman Catholic Church; no clergy marriage, pope settled issues, wanted icons -Islam, internal conflict and corruption brought down Eastern Empire

How did South Asian religions diffuse to Southeast Asia?

-Buddhism spread from India to China by missionaries -ideas of confucianism spread to Japan from scholars travels -Indian missions and trade spread Hinduism and Buddhism -Vietnam adopted Chinese life-Daoism/Confucianism

How did Islam spread to Africa and to what regions? (repeats in ch 10)

-Built up Arab fighting forces and conquered northern Africa and Byzantine/Persian empires -Trade -muslim city states alone the east African coast

The Manorial System directed the lives of every European. Nobles were at the top, knights, then peasants and serfs

-brutal military strength -killed non-christians -helped Pope Leo, named Emperor of Roman People by this Pope=crowned by God -ruled large territory -counts ruled parts of empire in his name, inspectors checked on them -he started schools in churches and monasteries -developed written law code -honored laws in conquered territories, and made new laws

Explain the Reconquista

-Christian leaders participated in a Reconquista in Spain and Portugal to conquer the Iberian Peninsula from Moors while civil war raged on in Spain -Iberian kingdoms pushed Moors out; Portuguese made Kingdom of Portugal

Who was Cortes and why was he able to defeat the Aztecs?

-Cortes was a Spanish conquistador -Aztecs thought he was a god -Cortes made alliances with city-states that were tired of Aztec rule -Cortes breaks out with fighting, king Montezuma is killed -Aztecs get smallpox and die a lot, allowing Spanish to overtake them

Which African regions and empires were involved in the gold and salt trade?

-Empire of Ghana -Mali Empire -Kingdom of Benin traded FOR gold

When was the printing press invented and by who? Why was this invention "revolutionary?"

-Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type -write faster and inexpensively -more books available=more ideas and more literate people -allowed 95 theses to be created

What was the Magna Carta? Why was it a significant document?

-King John of england tried to tax nobles, so they created the Magna Carta -rights for nobles -restricted King's power -limited gov't -king agrees to meet with nobles and people to discuss issues, resulting in Parliament

Describe the Council of Trent (5 Ws)

-Met (at times) to examine criticisms made by Protestants -wanted to redefine the doctrines of Catholic faith -above all: reject Protestants' emphasis on self discipline and individual faith -need church to reach salvation

Describe the rule of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in East Asia. (What did they have in common, successes/accomplishments)

-Ming Dynasty was very brilliant; China gained control of Korea, Mongolia, and parts of central and SE Asia HONGWU RULE -Ming was a gunpowder empire -reduced taxes and passed reforms to help empire prosper -revised traditional practices; Confucianism introduced (family roles in gov't) -eliminated high-level officials and centralized control under himself SON YONGLO -moved capital to Beijing -Yonglo sponsored overseas voyages -Zheng He voyaged a lot for trade -later, isolated increased in 1500s, foreign trade restricted because of Christian missionaries -increased farm production=growing population -porcelain and silk manufacturing grows -Wong Di built Great Wall -weak rulers take throne, corruption, rebellion, Manchu people invade and take over Beijing Qing Dynasty was -Largest size in its history -Manchu faced resistance: showed respect to Chinese customs, but restricted some and kept their own traditions separate -Manchu couldn't marry Chinese, women couldn't foot bind, males wore hair Manchu style

During Mongol rule in east Asia how did Kublai Khan approach Chinese citizens?

-Mongols wanted to maintain own culture -did not force Chinese to adopt Mongolian lifestyle -Mongols could not intermarry with Chinese, lived apart -separate taxes and laws for Chinese

In what region of the Americas did French settlement occur? What was the main occupation of many of these settlers?

-New France in Canada; no metals but fish and furs -small groups of traders moved overseas -French and Native Americans were allies -Champlain founded Quebec -French explored Mississippi River to Gulf of Mexico -La Salle claimed Mississippi region for France -Fought English for Ohio River Valley, lost

What was feudalism (European) and why did it develop? What caused it to decline?

-Nobles built small castles on hills to take shelter from attack -King's armies could not defend lands, so knights were hired by nobles to defend; paid in land -fief was the land given to a knight -vassal was a person who takes a fief -feudal system=land for service -oath of loyalty=knight will always be loyal and defend land -lord captured=knight pays ransom -lords can't demand too much and must protect knight -person can be lord and vassal -knights can serve several lords -can be a knight and not own land -Declined after Black Death because labor was more expensive so peasants paid rent instead of labor

Who was Peter the Great? List 3-5 key pieces of information from his rule.

-Russian tsar -centralized power, all Russians under his control -built strong navy -modernization and reform "westernization" -created state church, modern army, newspaper, schools -brutal ruler

How did geography shape the development of Japan?

-being an island isolated Japan -own culture, but influenced by China and Korea -Migrants from Asia -southern islands became Japanese -later, more contact with china and korea; brought chinese writing and korean monks -scholars sent to China; return with Confucian ideas of family, and government

What does it mean to be a "gunpowder empire?"

-created strong, centralized monarchs -created very strong and disciplined armies of soldiers -wealthier government -larger states could conquer smaller ones with more guns/cannons -cohesive fighting forces

Describe early African societies.

-each region has a distinct culture -challenges: insufficient water and bad soil, too much/too little rainfall, disease -clan=family -villages=multiple families, roles changing -cities=specialization of jobs, roles change; family ties less important, need skills -500s BC Iron Age=more tools and land clearings

Why were early castle built in western Europe? They were a part of which economic and labor system

-early castles built for defense; rooms separated by sheets, one main room for dining -part of manorial system

Who were the Vikings and what were they most known for?

-explorers who were great shipbuilders/sailors -ransacked villages in Europe and destroyed churches, defeated local armies, and stole food and goods

List reasons why the Age of exploration began.

-fame, curiosity, spread religion, trade

List reasons for the Ottoman empire's decline

-heirs were killed so they locked them up in a palace -then they had no experience, poor rulers =end of empire

Where is Constantinople located? Why is its geographic location important?

-it was located on the Bosporus waterway; control trade and guarded from attack by sea and walls on land -capital of Byzantine Empire

List major contributions of Islamic learning.

-medicine -anatomy -hospitals -eyes -paper use -learned with scholars from all around the world and translated greek texts

What was the Period of Disunion and which Dynasty ended this period?

-occurred after the collapse of the Han Dynasty -China was split into several rival kingdoms ruled by military leaders

Define the terms scholastic, humanities and secular. How are they all related? (ch 13/14)

-scholasticism: a method of critical thought which dominated teaching by the academics -humanism: movement around rhetoric, grammar, poetry, history, and latin. emphasized individual achievement. duty to help cities. guidance in a time of instability -secular: worldly focus, not spiritual -all had to do with the renaissance and moved line of thought away from the church

Describe the causes and results of the Black Death. (5ws)

-spread by fleas on rats -1/3 of population died -people thought devil or God caused it -trade declined, shortage of workers=more costly labor -anti-semitism-Jews accused of poisoning water -end of feudalism

Who were the Mongols? Genghis Khan? What were his major accomplishments?

-the mongols were nomads from the steppe; skilled with horses, lived harshly w/ scare resources; created strong military, strong leaders -he conquered many lands, allowing many ideas to spread. also killed millions of people -used new kinds of warfare; catapult -protected Silk Road; made it safe -developed a postal system

African history and traditions passed on how? By who? And by what means?

-trade -migration of peoples (Bantu) spread knowledge to other areas -oral traditions

What changes occurred to the silk road under Mongol rule?

-trade increased -Pax Mongolia made travel safer -ships built for sea trade -welcomed foreign merchants and offered special privileges

Describe the Japanese feudal system

1. Emperor 2. Shogun/Daimyo 3. Samurai 4. Peasants/Artisans 5. Merchants

What are the 5 pillars? What is the Kaaba?

5 Pillars: -profession of faith: Allah is God, Muhammad his messenger -Five daily prayers facing Mecca -Give to charity -Fast from dawn to dusk during month of Ramadan -Make the journey (hajj) to Mecca to pray in the mosque, walk 7 times around Kaaba, walk to Mt. Arafat Kaaba: -building at the center of Islam's most sacred mosque

The Tang Dynasty adopted what religion?

Buddhism came by missionaries liked the idea of peace

5 Ws of the Renaissance

Cities began to thrive, trade increased, art appreciation increased, merchant class wealthier than ever before

List major results of the columbian exchange and age of exploration ///.What was the Columbian Exchange (5ws)

Columbian Exchange: immense trade network of plants, animals, disease, driven by colonization, and trade -Colonists established plantations to grow crops in the Americas -Europeans brought back new goods to Europe -Effects: illness, conquest, slavery/labor, famine, cultural changes, religion, reproduction down Age of Exploration: Europeans explored worldwide to try and find routes to Asia -better shipbuilding -Prince Henry was a patron of explorers and sent groups to Africa and Pacific Islands -Vespucci discovered the Americas -Magellan's crew was first to sail around the world -overall lots of new land discovered and cultural diffusion

Culture of North American Natives populations were greatly influenced by what?

European culture due to exploration

How did Islam spread to Africa and to what regions? How did Christianity spread to Africa and what regions?

Islam: Almoravid dynasty movement on the Senegal River and as rulers and kings embraced it Christianity: In Aksum, King Ezana turned Christian making it Aksum's official religion -merchants brought in ideas and goods -In Ethiopia, King Lalibela built Christian churches

Where is Persia located?

Modern day Iran

Describe Confucianism

Moral code based on the 'Golden Rule': do not do to others what you do not want done to you Understand your relationship with others, if someone in authority tells you what to do, obey Goal: to fulfill one's role in society with propriety, honor, and loyalty

Northern Europeans united territory in Russia and ruled from Kiev -Changes to Kiev: -russian law codified -religious texts translated -city building projects -practiced Christianity

Northern Europeans united territory in Russia and ruled from Kiev -Changes to Kiev: -russian law codified -religious texts translated -city building projects -practiced Christianity

Who were the Rus? (5ws)

Possibly vikings. Started Russia (Western Russia today). Influenced by Constantinople/Orthodox. Traders. Russian Kiev. *united slad of kneeper river

Explain the difference between a primary and secondary source.

Primary is directly from someone who experienced the event secondary is someone who is just documenting about it

Constantinople is a key city between which two regions? Which groups have sacked the city?

Right in between Europe and Asia-Persians, Muslims, Turks, Slavs, Bulgars

What event created the Eastern Orthodox Church?

The Great Schism -controversy over using icons; this and other issues sparked the split

During the Middle Ages which entity influenced daily life of Europeans the most and why?

The Manorial System directed the lives of every European. Nobles were at the top, knights, then peasants and serfs

Why were some unhappy with Umayyad rule?

The Umayyads conquered a lot of land and strengthened the gov't, but some people didn't like the political ambitions of Islam. Umayyads also favored certain families. -Shia Muslims opposed the Umayyads and Arab tribes believe Umayyads favored some families -Abbasids united opponents of Umayyads and took over

What is an absolute Monarch? How is their rule justified? Name a strong absolute Monarch for England, Spain and France.

They have 100 percent power over all people and make all the decisions the power comes from god -England: Elizabeth I -Spain: Philip II -France: Louis XIV

What is the Iberian Peninsula?

a peninsula in southwestern Europe that today is divided between Spain and Portugal

How did Islamic scholarship preserve knowledge for other regions?

ancient Greek texts were translated (into Arabic) so more people could understand them

What is cultural diffusion? By what means did cultural diffusion occur in the Eastern Hemisphere before 1800?

cultural diffusion is the spread of culture through trade, exploration, text, etc.

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