EAR 105 Test Two ch. 6- ch. 10

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Yellowstone National Park marks the end of a continental hot-spot track

True Yellowstone is at the northeast end of a hot-spot track that is marked by older volcanics extending toward the southwest

major weather events such as hurricanes and tornadoes release as much energy as the great earthquakes true or false


many planes have crashed because of volcanic ash, sucked into their engines, blocked the engine's airflow and shut it down true or false


richter scale of magnitude is more accurate and has replaced the moment magnitude scale of magnitude true or false


short-term prediction of earthquakes is usually possible; short-term prediction of imminent volcanic eruption has had no proved success true or false


the presence of mudcracks indicates the sediments lithified in water true or false


true or false mudcracks the presence of mudcracks indicates the sediments lithified in water


tsunami that was triggered by the eruption of Krakatoa killed thousands of people true or false


single eruption that occurs in a linear pattern through an extremely elongated vent is: fissure eruption

fissure eruption

feature on the bed surface which feature is a bed-surface marker, meaning it appears on the surface of a bed due to events during or soon after sediment deposition


enlarged volcanic craters at Yellowstone National Park, Crater Lake, and Krakatau are

formed by both outward explosion outward and downward collapse

ring of fire

iceland is not part of the ring of fire but what is: -aleutians, alaska -cascades, northwest US -mt. Pinatubo, Philippines

seismic tomography source and a receiver when using seismic tomography

identifies areas where the velocity of a seismic wave changes source: earthquake receiver: seismometer

hydrothermal metamorphism near a mid-ocean ridge which process would you most expect during hydrothermal metamorphism near a mid-ocean ridge


micrite mud of fine calcite and/or aragonite shell debris could become which of these rocks?

micrite is a limestone composed of very small calcite particles. While travertine is also calcite, it forms around hot springs and in caves.

these volcanic products cover over 70% of Earth's surface

mid-ocean ridge volcanism

match the following geologic settings to the form of metamorphism which occurs at that location

mid-ocean ridge--hydrothermal mountain range core-dynamothermal 10 miles below the surface-burial fault zone-dynamic intrusion of a pluton-thermal meteorite impact site-shock

which of the following sedimentary features is the surest indicator that the past environment was subaerial (under ais), not submarine (underwater)? mudcracks

mudcracks they develop only if a muddy surface dries up sufficiently to crack into roughly hexagonal plates.

caribbean volcano in the 1990s similar eruptions on the neighboring island of Montserrat threatened thousands called

mt. pelee

detritus terms going from smallest to largest

mud, silt, sand

organic sedimentary rock that is composed of mud-sized particles and partially decayed organic matter derived from plankton and algae remains is oil shale

oil shale

crystallization first occurs in a solution:

on the edge of a solution

p waves v s waves

p waves are dominantly recorded on the vertical component of the seismometer, while S waves are dominantly recorded on the horizontal component. Because: P-waves deform crust in a motion parallel to the direction of wave travel

describe the extrusive igneous feature why the rope-like texture of this flow formed

pahoehoe -the surface of the flow was gently deformed by continues movement of the lava

metamorphism occurs at the site of a meteor impact but why

pressure generated by the impact condenses rocks, creating a new rock.

seismic shadow zone, we see ____. this is due to _____.

surface waves and smaller amplitude P-waves and S-waves; refractions and reflections of some of the body wave energy within the Earth

how does schist differ from phyllite

schist is a coarse-grained rock; phyllite is a fine-grained rock.

sedimentary structure what type of sedimentary structure is preserved on this sandstone slab?

scour marks

glacial valley in the Alps which stage of the rock cycle are we seeing in this photo

sediment production and transport

earthquake aftershock primary reason

stress that has not been fully released and/or was created by a main shock

wave that caused the most damage pwave swave or surface wave

surface wave

volcanic ash and sulfur-rich aerosols can absorb solar radiation and result in cooler average temperatures worldwide. true or false


volcanic danger-assessment maps are valuable tools in protecting human life when volcanic eruption threatens true or false


when geologists say metamorphic grade, they're referring to the general degree of metamorphism of a rock; when they say facies, they mean a subset of the broad temperature and pressure conditions in which metamorphism can occur: true or false


yellow stone of Yellowstone National Park is sulfur and iron oxide stained consolidated volcanic ash (tuff). true or false


stratigraphic formation true or false a sequence of sedimentary beds, traceable across a region and distinctive enough to be recognized as a unit is called a stratigraphic formation

true stratigraphic formation: is often a crop of rocks now isolated by erosion, or encountered by drilling at depth, that share similar ages, depositional history, and other characteristics.

Tuff and breccia are both fragmental igneous rocks

true tuff is composed of fine pieces (volcanic ash); breccia is composed of larger, angular pieces.

equant grains

true or false: the alignment of equant grains results in preferred orientation-- false equant grains have generally similar dimension in whatever orientation they are measured. So they cannot align well, and rocks composed of them cannot generally carry preferred orientations.

solid blocks of wall rock may

(all possible answers are correct) -be broken off by intruding magma -be broken off during a process called stoping -melt entirely and thus change the chemical composition of the intruding magma -not melt but instead remain as recognizable blocks called xenoliths

chemical composition of magmas may include.. factors that influence the chemical composition of magmas include

(all possible answers are correct) -the chemical composition of the source rock -only partial melting of the source rock -melting and assimilation of some of the rock of the magma chamber walls -mixing of magmas brought together from different locations

Which of the following volcanic features is NOT related to plate-boundary magmatism?

-KILAUEA, HAWAII -Cascade range of the northwestern US -Andes Mountains, South America -Mt. Fujiyama, Japan -Aleutian Islands, Alaska

volcanic arcs which of the following statements is FALSE

-OCCUR AT DIVERGENT-PLATE BOUNDARIES -form where subduction takes place -are long, curving mountain chains adjacent to deep-ocean trenches -can be continental or island-related

identify the TRUE statement

-P and L waves are both surface waves -S and P-waves are both surface waves -Surface waves originate at a hypocenter (focus) within the earth -L and R waves are body waves -SURFACE WAVES ARRIVE LATER AND ARE GENERALLY MORE DAMAGING THAN BODY WAVES

which is NOT a cause of banding in gneiss

-PREFERENTIAL ORIENTATION -original bedding in a pre existing rock -extensive shearing -migmatite formation -metamorphic differentiation

metamorphic rock characterizations

-texture -assemblage

NOT describe a change induced on protolith rocks due to mountain building as a result of convergent-margin tectonics and continental collision

-hot magma rising beneath the converging continents heats seawater, which then rises through the rust to react with the surface rocks


-in some climates, the igneous rock compromising plutons is relatively resistant to erosion, so they remain as hills -plutons form at depth, where they cool slowly plutons form when magma leftover from the formation of volcanoes and mountains cools within the earth. As erosion occurs at the surface, these plutons are unearthed and can remain as the earth around them continues to erode.

orphan tsunami evidence was used to determine the date of the orphan tsunami orphan tsunami compared to the tohoku earthquake

-indian oral histories -documents from japan -evidence of tsunami sands inland -evidence of a ghost forest both the earthquakes had the same magnitude

volcano deformation

-inflation of the volcano as magma moves upward

carbon dioxide

-is denser than air -is a common volcanic product that can suffocate animals -was released at Lake Nyos, Cameroon, Africa, and killed many people -is released by magma as it rises and the pressure gets lower

lithification is one of the five processes in the formation of clastic sedimentary rock

-is the compaction and cementation of loose particles to form solid rock

eruptions that was enhanced by seawater flooding the magma chamber

-krakatau, Indonesia, 1883


-that have weathered out of ore bodies can end up in stream gravels -are brought from the mantle to the surface in magma that hardens into kimberlite -of industrial quality are used as abrasives

cooling time of magma: what factors control the cooling time of magma within the crust?

-the depth at which the magma cools -the volume of the intruded magma

element NOT abundant in the mantle

-magnesium -iron -silicon -NICKEL

mineral NOT found in the mantle

-magnesium spinel -olivine -QUARTZ -perovskite

structure that may form where a stream enters a lake

- is called a delta -has nearly horizontal topset beds composed of gravel -has sloping forest beds of gravel and sand -has nearly horizontal silty bottomset beds on the lake floor

NOT one of the classification terms used to sort metamorphic rocks based on their chemical composition

- mafic (rich in iron and magnesium) -quartzo-feldspathic (rich in quartz and feldspar) -GLAUCONITIC (RICH IN GLAUCOPHANE) -calcareous (rich in calcite)

predicting volcanic eruption, what are the methods geologists use to predict them

-measuring an increase in heat flow -measuring an increased incidence of earthquakes -observing changes in the shapes of volcanoes -measuring an increased occurrence of gaseous emissions

biochemical chert which of the following is/are characteristics of biochemical chert but not physically precipitated chert?


recrystallization.. which of the following is/are true about the changes that occur during recrustallization

- the grains become larger -neighboring grains "fuse" or grow together -the grains become increasingly interlocking -the mineral composition of the rock stays the same

pillow lava presence is evidence of what volcanic circumstance?

- a submarine volcano

ripple marks on a bedding plane

- could suggest an ancient stream bed or a seashore

magma: why are there so many different types of magma?

- different magmas may mix to form a new magma -the source rock from which magmas form may differ


- following chemical reaction that breaks down feldspars, such as orthoclase, into clay minerals like kaolinite -during hydrolysis, water chemically reacts with minerals to break them down into different minerals.

Causes a volcano to erupt?

- gas comes out of a solution quickly -gas becomes trapped in the volcano -there is an addition of gas-rich magme

volcanic tremor statements that apply to this: how is it created

- more continuous than rock breaking events -longer duration than rock breaking events created: movement of the magma up the conduit

travertine which of the following processes is associated with the formation of travertine?

- precipitation

which of the following sedimentary structures indicates that the sediments were deposited in a moving fluid?

- ripple marks

top of sedimentary bed, or bed-surface, marker? which of the following features indicate the top of these things:

- scour marks -fossil footprints -graded bedding -mud cracks

sediments transported downstream, away from its point of origin, the particles found in the stream become:

- smaller -rounder -better sorted by size - of greater resistance

epicenter of the actual earthquake

- the farther the epicenter is, the greater the time difference in the arrival of the P and S waves at a seismometer -the longer S and P waves travel, the farther they are apart in kilometers -the larger the S-P value is, the farther the seismometer is located from the epicenter

magma rising: Why does magma rise from depth to the surface of the Earth?

- the surrounding rock creates pressure that pushes it upward -it is less dense than the rocks that surround it

true statements on earthquakes

- the time scale of formation of a ripple is much shorter than the time scale of formation of an earthquake -ripples move much more slowly than earthquake waves do -earthquakes originate below the surface, while the ripples originate on the surface of the Earth

pressure solution which of the following is NOT required for pressure solution to occur?

- uneven (differential) stress -the presence of fluid -grain-to-grain contact -migration of atoms or ions -GREENSCHIST-FACIES CONDITIONS OR HIGHER

largest and most destructive tsunamis in history have been associated with:

- volcanic eruptions -subduction zones

metamorphic facies identify the FALSE statement: metamorphic facies

-ARE IDENTICAL TO METAMORPHIC MINERAL ASSEMBLAGES -are sets of metamorphic mineral assemblages indicative of specific ranges of pressure and temperature -each contain several metamorphic rock types with different mineral content -are subdivided into seven major categories -are more reliable indicators of metamorphic conditions than index minerals are

which of the following geological features was NOT formed by sedimentary processes?

-COLUMBIA RIVER PLATEAU, WASHINGTON -bonneville salt flats, utah -mammoth hot springs, yellowstone national park -mono lake, california -mediterranean sea floor

tectonic setting which is NOT a tectonic setting for igneous activity?

-CONTINENTAL TRANSFORM FAULT ZONE -hot spots -continental rifts -volcanic arcs bordering ocean trenches

which statement is FALSE

-FLINT, JASPER, AGATE, AND PETRIFIED WOOD ARE ALL VARIETIES OF THE SILICEOUS ROCK TRAVERTINE -chemical sedimentary rocks are crystalline in texture -both chert and limestone may have either chemical or biochemical origin -gypsum and halite are evaporite minerals

which statement is TRUE


Wadati-Benioff zone is: the zone that represents the Wadati-Benioff zone is A

-a band of earthquakes along subducting lithosphere in a convergent boundary -a band of earthquakes on or within subducting lithosphere -A

structure that may form where a stream enters a lake is called: a delta

-a delta

Bowen's Reaction Series

-allows a geologist to predict what minerals will be found in a given igneous rock. Bowen's Reaction Series was deduced through laboratory procedures that cooled molten rock; the crystal formation in the igneous rocks produced frequently followed a predictable order. -it was established by laboratory experiments in which mafic melt was quenched in mercury.

liquefaction -what areas are highly susceptible to liquefaction

-areas near coasts -areas built on alluvial fans -areas near faults

graywacke if you find graywacke in the place where it formed, you know you are looking at an ancient

-avalanche on a submarine slope

sedimentary rocks can form:

-by the precipitation of minerals from water solution. - by the cementing together of loose grains of preexisting rock -from shell fragments or carbon-rich relicts of plants

Hot-spot activity identify the FALSE statement:

-can form chains of volcanic islands, such as the Hawaiian Islands -can produce continental hot-spot tracks, such as Yellowstone and the chain of dead volcanoes along the Snake River Plain in Idaho -Has produced Iceland, a volcanic island that straddles the divergent boundary of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge -OCCURS DIRECTLY ABOVE THE HOT-SPOT PLUME THAT CAUSES IT, AND THEREFORE SHIFTS ITS LOCATION AS THE PLUME ITSELF MOVES SLOWLY THROUGH THE MANTLE. -Has been noted at 50 to 100 locations worldwide, many of which are independent of plate-boundary interactions.

mountain building due to convergent-margin tectonics and to continental collision

-can send surface rock to great depths -can metamorphose former surface rock by proximity to magma -can metamorphose former surface rock by increased pressure -can metamorphose former surface rock by differential stress generated by plate interactions

slate what type of foliation does slate, a common material used for roof shingles, exhibit


which of the following statement is true?

-conglomerates consist of a single grain size -PIECES OF BROKEN ROCK PRODUCED BY PHYSICAL WEATHERING ARE COLLECTIVELY CALLED CLASTS OR DETRITUS -an immature clastic rock has well-sorted, resistant grains -a well-sorted clastic rock is made up of different-sized particles

ripple marks, dunes, and cross bedding are useful indicators of

-current direction

fault scarp motion on which the following faults results in fault scrap

-dip-slip fault -thrust fault -reverse fault -normal fault

identify the FALSE statement

-earthquakes never have hypocenters deeper than 100 km

NOT an example of temporal cycle

-evaporation/ precipitationevents

earth's magnetic fields

-flow in the liquid outer core creates the magnetic field -two types of poles: magnetic and geographic magnetic poles and geographic poles are near one another -the difference between geographic N and magnetic N is declination,, longitude -curved field lines cause a magnetic needle to tilt-- inclination it depends on: normal or reverse polarity (Earth's magnetic field flips) latitude

NOT denote a pattern of motion of the earth during an earthquake

-foreshocks -elastic rebound -INSAR -aftershocks

p-wave shadow zone

-forms because of changes at the core-mantle boundary

Words that could be used to describe portions of rock with a porphyritic texture

-groundmass -phenocryst -plagioclase which of the following words could not be used to describe portions of a rock with a porphyritic texture? -pyroclastic: this refers to fragments that have been exploded out of a volcano

zircon crystals form in igneous rocks and are unique; what are the characteristics zicon has??

-high melting temperature -high resistance to physical and chemical weathering

identify the FALSE statament

-ml mb and m3 earthquake magnitude scales can accurately define extremely large earthquakes

magma how does it produce earthquake?

-monitor of magma through the conduit -deflation of the magma chamber -inflation of the magma chamber

volcanic tremor and how is tremor created?

-more continuous than rock breaking events -longer duration than rock breaking events -created by pulsing of magma and gases -can last for several minutes up to several days created: by movement of the magma up the conduit

stratovolcanoes characteristics

-named with the prefix strato- to emphasize they can grow to be kilometers high -composed of solidified lava and pyroclastic debris -formed from explosive eruptions

Pegmatites identify the FALSE statement

-occur in tabular intrusions called pegmatite dikes -are an igneous rock type, distinguished by their unusual grain size -can contain crystals up to tens of centimeters across -HAVE INTRUDED AT GREAT DEPTH AND COOLED VERY SLOWLY

Sierra Nevada mountains in California the dramatic scenery

-owes its existence to erosion of a batholith

high-pressure, fast moving mixture of pyroclastic debris including fragments and gas typically ejected vertically from a volcanic vent is called -plinian column

-plinian column

NOT a common process by which metamorphic rocks are formed

-pressure solution -plastic deformation -phase change -recrystallization -SCHISTOSITY

mechanisms that lead to tsunamis during an eruption of a volcanic island

-pyroclastic debris flows that rush into the ocean and displace surrounding waters -undersea earthquakes associated with the eruption -the collapse of the volcano into the ocean itself, displacing an enormous amount of water

evidence obtained by digging trenches in coastal regions of the pacific northwest for the timing of a major tsunami in 1700?

-radiocarbon dating of charcoal beneath a sand layer

(LIPS) large igneous provinces identify the FALSE statement. (LIPS)

-represent special events in Earth's history that may have been caused by superplume activity -may have profound impacts on the environment, including land, ocean, and atmospheric processes -are places where huge amounts of mafic magma have been erupted or intruded -OCCUR ONLY ALONG CONTINENTAL MARGINS

sedimentary basin that forms when continental lithosphere is stretched, causing down-dropped crustal blocks bordered by narrow mountain ranges and alluvial fans, -rift basin

-rift basin

classify this metamorphic rock


transgression as transgression occurs what happens

-sea level rises -the coastline migrates inland -at a given location, a mud layer accumulates over a sand layer

earthquake phenomena that is least likely to actually injure or kill humans?

-sediment liquefaction -GROUND SHAKING -landslides and avalanches -tsunami

gneiss sample which of the following processes can be responsible for the development of compositional banding

-segregation of minerals into bands of different composition -compositional differences in the prolith can be stretched and smeared out

identify the FALSE statement

-seismic waves travel faster in solids than through liquids -BOTH P AND S WAVES CAN TRAVEL THROUGH LIQUIDS -p waves in porous sandstone will travel slower than p waves traveling through a crystalline rock -the velocity of seismic waves can change as they pass through different rock types

what is the most logical past environment to have produced a deposit consisting of very little sand and mud, but instead lots of broken-up carbonate shells of marine organisms? -shallow-water carbonate areas

-shallow-water carbonate areas marine organisms of shallow-water zones contribute their calcite (limestone) shells to form the bedrock of the area.

foliation in metamorphic rocks can involve:

-shearing, flattening, and stretching -growth of new minerals in the plane of foliation

metamorphic rock and their characteristic environment

-slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss are found in areas of continental collision


-the faces of a crystal need not be the same size throughout the crystal, but the angle of intersection between comparable faces is the same throughout. -there is an angle of 120 degrees between each crystal face of the hexagonal column of a quartz crystal. -crystals can be a variety of geometric shapes, including cubes, trapezoids, pyramids, octahedrons, hexagons, columns, blades, and needles. -grow outward from a seed -have an orderly internal arrangement of atoms arranged in a lattice pattern -display summetry

normal fault sequence. which of the following happens in a normal fault

-the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall

volcano what forces the volcano to enter the declining stage?

-the plate moves off the hotspot in that video

submarine slide which are the ways a submarine slide typically creates a tsunami at the sea surface?

-the sudden drop of the sea floor as the mass of material breaks off the continental shelf -the water being pushed into a bulge ahead of the advancing underwater debris flow

identify the TRUE statement

-the variety of different wave frequencies of an earthquake remains the same with distance from the hypocenter - low frequency waves lose energy more rapidly than high-frequency waves -low frequency seismic waves cause more ground acceleration than do high-frequency waves -IN THE MEXICO CITY QUAKE, HIGH FREQUENCY WAVES WEAKENED WITH DISTANCE, BUT UNCONSOLIDATED BEDS OF THE SEDIMENTARY BASIN THERE AMPLIFIED LOW-FREQUENCY WAVES.

sea level rises, the shoreline migrates inland, flooding the land and depositing coastal sediments over preexisting terrestrial sediments. -transgression


when sea level rises, the shoreline migrates inland, flooding the land and depositing coastal sediments over pre-existing terrestrial sediments. this process is called: -transgression TRUE or False obvious sandstone beach deposits overlain by marine mudstone indicate transgression of the sea

-transgression TRUE shallow water deposited the sand; deeper water moved in (transgression) and deposited finer-grained mud.

which of the following sedimentary features is the surest indicator that the past environment was deep water? -turbidites


primary gases that erupt from volcanoes

-water vapor -hydrogen sulfide -carbon dioxide -sulfur dioxide

liquefaction what three factors are required for liquefaction to occur

1. loose, granular sediments 2. saturation of sediments 3. strong ground shaking based on video required for liquefaction to occur -water -unconsolidated material -strong shaking

lituya bay which combination of events led to the tsunami wave in lituya bay, alaska in 1958

1. massive landslide 2. motion of a strike-slip fault

diagram shows an example of how rocks can change in the rock cycle, which of the following lists properly defines and numbered processes

1. weathering/ transport/ lithification 2. heat and pressure 3. melting

P-wave arrives 3 minutes 19 seconds before an S-wave, how far away is the epicenter from the point where the time-difference in wave arrival was measured?

2000 km

2004 earthquake was on a thrust fault, whereas the 2012 earthquake was on several strike-slip faults. it was the ____ earthquake that caused the tsunami because ____.

2004; the hanging wall pushed up the displaced seawater

S-wave arrives 5 minutes and 38 seconds after a P-wave, how far away is the epicenter from the point where the time difference in wave arrival has measured?

4000 km

what time did the earthquake occur


examining sedimentary bedding in a geologic study reveals disrupted layers formed 260, 820, 1200, 2100 and 2300 years ago. what is the recurrence interval of the earthquakes that caused the disruption

510 years

silica weight: the average weight percent of silica in intermediate magma is about


p wave arrival on the diagram


coarse grained: choose all that are coarse grained



Compositional (crust, mantle, core) Behavior (lithosphere) Continents/ocean basins

200 km thick warm layer of mantle just above the core-mantle boundary and discovered by seismic tomography is called: D layer

D layer

dolostone _____ forms when _____ is altered chemically such that half of the calcium atoms are replaced with magnesium.

Dolostone; limestone

fault creep

FALSE: -causes additional buildup of stress in an area, thereby increasing the likelihood that a strong quake will happen there soon TRUE: -may happen because the rock is weak and can slip smoothly, without creating shock waves -may be happening in seismic gaps -is slow but steady movement along a fault

tsunami event of Dec. 26, 2004

FALSE: -could have resulted in an even greater death toll but for the timely warning issued immediately after the quake TRUE: -consisted of local tsunamis that affected the island of Sumatra and later distant tsunamis that struck all along the Indian Ocean coast -was first noticed as a withdrawal of the sea along the beach front -involved a monstrous magnitude 9.3 earthquake that lasted 9 minutes

2010 Haiti earthquake

FALSE: -the earthquake generated a tsunami that was responsible for the majority of the lives lost true: -faulting occurred along a transform-plate boundary between the Caribbean and North American plates -the likelihood of an earthquake was because stress had been building on the fault for over 200 years -the event was so destructive because of poor construction standards.

Magma moves upward toward the Earth's surface. Identify the FALSE statement

FALSE: more quickly as it cools and therefore becomes less viscous other true: -because it's less dense than the surrounding rock - slowly, working its way up through cracks and narrow conduits -because the weight of overlying rock creates pressure that squeezed it up

an igneous rock has a medium-gray, fine-grained groundmass with large crystals of plagioclase. Which of the following statements about it is FALSE.

FALSE: the lava flow that produced it got quenched in ocean water true: it could logically be porphyritic andesite the plagioclase crystals are called phenocrysts it began to crystallize at depth from intermediate-composition magma, then rose to the surface and became a lava flow

plumes: place the events in order from first to last

FIRST 1. plume is formed ast core-mantle boundary 2. plume rises through the mantle by convection 3. plume experiences decreased pressure 4. bottom of lithosphere and uppermost mantle melt 5. magma erupts at surface creating an island 6. plate moves, forming a chain of volcanic islands

divergent plate boundaries place the events below related to diverging plate boundaries. Place them in order from first to last.

FIRST: 1. hot mantle rises and experiences a decrease in pressure 2. melt forms at bottom of lithosphere 3. magma rises into a magma chamber in the lithosphere 4. magma injected as dikes to form new crust 5. lava erupts as pillow basalts on ocean floor 6. plates move apart, crust cools and thickens LAST

clastic sedimentary rocks rank the following steps describing how a clastic sedimentary rock forms from its preexisting parent rock.

FIRST: weathering erosion transportation deposition lithification

wet magmas "Dry" magmas contain no volatiles; "wet" magmas contain up to 50% of the volatile water wet magmas may contain up to 15% of dissolved volatiles, including water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulfur dioxide- but not 50%


Hot solid rock in the Earth

False statement: -maintains uniform composition as it melts and becomes magma True: -may melt if volatiles such as water and carbon dioxide are added -may be even hotter than surface lava because of the pressure of overlying rock -may melt if heat is transferred to it from hot mantle rock rising up into the crust

Early Earth had numerous heat sources for igneous activity

False statement: decay of all its radioactive elements; almost none remain today. True statement: -conversion of kinetic energy of colliding planetesimals to heat energy -conversion of the kinetic energy of iron alloy sinking toward Earth's center to heat energy -conversion of the kinetic energy of meteorite impact to heat energy.

Mafic minerals

False: -form rhyolite and granite True: -crystallize at a higher temperature than do silicic minerals -are rich in iron and magnesium -typically crystallize first out of a melt

Volatiles Which of the following statements is FALSE? Volatiles that come out of the Earth as volcanic products

False: -usually consist of 50% sulfur dioxide True: -include water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulfur dioxide -contributed to forming Earth's atmosphere and oceans -were dissolved in the molten rock and released as the surrounding pressure lessened.

shield location which of the following locations could not possibly be part of a shield?

HAWAII -Northern Europe -Siberia -Canada

Plume hypothesis false- according to the plume hypothesis, the plume of a hot spot consists of molten magma rising slowly from the core-mantle boundary and spilling out on Earth's surface

It's not molten material; it's solid rock rising slowly because it's hot and buoyant. It partially melts as it rises, due to decompression.

hot spot locations Do all hotspot island undergo rejuvenation? Yes or No


earthquake resistance structure

NOT GOOD: -use concrete-block rather than wood-frame construction good: -use supports that are capable of holding more than the static weight of the building -wrap bridge supports with steel cables -bolt bridge spans to the top of support columns

form of lava

NOT a form: lapilli is: -pahoehoe -blocky -a'a'

structural volcano

Not a form: vesicle Is: magma chamber, fissure, vent


Not sediment: -quartz crystals in granite IS sediment: -clam shells on a beach -salt crystals that precipitate out of the Great Salt Lake, UT -pebbles of basalt

sonic boom created by this aircraft is an example of:


after an explosive volcanic eruption on an island, the surrounding sea is full of light- gray floating rock. What must this be?


which statement is TRUE


oceanic hotspot volcano place the stages of formation of an oceanic hotspot volcano in order from submarine stage to seamount stage

SUBMARINE STAGE 1. emergent stage 2. shield building stage 3. declining stage 4. erosional stage 5. rejuvenation stage 6. atoll stage SEAMOUNT STAGE

scoria- is a vesicle-rich mafic rock formed from the solidification of a volatile-rich lava. Which of the following are NOT related to intrusive igneous activity


diagenesis and metamorphism both alter the texture and mineral composition of rock; metamorphism is the higher temperature process


recrystallization occurs because thermal energy causes atoms to vibrate rapidly, break existing chemical bonds, and migrate to new positions on the crystal lattice where they are more stable under the hotter conditions


Felsic (or silicic) magma

The false statement: -is less viscous than mafic magma. True: -is likely to form light tan, pink, or maroon rocks -has about 70% silica and little magnesium and iron -crystallizes at the lowest temperatures

Gas bubbles: what would cause bubbles to be trapped inside an igneous rock?

The molten rock cooled relatively quickly.

pumice after an explosive volcanic eruption on an island, the surrounding sea is full of light-gray floating rock.

This is pumice; it's felsic, vesicular rock that contains abundant vesicles, which make it less dense than water

Columbia River Plateau the bedrock of the Columbia River Plateau in Oregon and Washington are flood basalts associated with a mantle superplume

True. the Columbia River Plateau is a Large Igneous Province (LIP) flood basalt region created by superplume activity that generated unusually large quantities of basaltic lava flows.

Vesicles: which are formed when minerals precipitate in holes that exist in extrusive igneous rocks: term for open holes before they are filled in, gas-filled bubbles that formed in lava that cool rapid.

Vesicles are gas bubbles frozen into the rock; pieces of broken-off wall rock are xenoliths

earthquake causing process which process would not cause an earthquake?

YES: -the rapid alteration of atoms in a mineral in response to pressure changes in the mantle -the violent, sudden eruption of a volcano -the impact of a large meteorite -an underground nuclear bomb test NO: -the lithification of sediment


a category of basin forms in regions where the lithosphere has been stretched is a rift.

basaltic sill

a black, fine-grained tabular intrusion between two layers of layers of horizontal sedimentary rock must logically would be a basaltic sill


a gemstone is a mineral that has value because of its rarity and beauty. many gemstones come from pegmatites, which are particularly coarse-grained igneous rocks ruby is a gemstone variety of the common mineral corundum

contact metamorphism occurs when

a mass of rock is affected by the heat of a magma

NOT a considered sign warning sign of imminent eruption

a period of quiescence in the volcano's activity

magma erupts it forms a caldera. what would happen if the magma of the chamber did not erupt?

a pluton

immature v mature rocks

a rock with large, angular fragments and lots of feldspar is classified as immature; a rock with smaller, rounded grains and not much feldspar is classified as mature.

seismographs measure vibrations with:

a stationary pen and a moving frame

pillow lavas are evidence of what volcanic circumstance?

a submarine volcano


a volcanic mud flow that resembles fluid concrete


air pockets or bubbles frozen in igneous rocks as gas escaped during cooling.

most major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur

along divergent and convergent plates

february 6, 2013 tsunami that struck the Solomon Islands was caused by:

an earthquake

what happens as the stress is released in real life?

an earthquake occurs

pillow basalts

are formed in a submarine environment. they are bulbous flows of molten basalt, low in silica, that cool and harden as they are expelled into seawater.

pinean eruptions

are highly explosive and can destroy the original shape of the volcano

location of major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

are usually along plate boundaries


areas along a fault that get stick

seismic shadow zone

areas that do not receive direct body waves

type of soil which of the following terms best describes this type of soil? mollisol oxisol aridisol histosol


hotspot how is magma formed at a hotspot?

as the plume rises, it experiences less pressure which lowers the melting temperature.

flood basalts form:

at continental rifts, where vast bodies of lava flow from fissures

mt. vesuvius which is the least likely to expect to find at this mountain

basaltic lava


because it contains both resistant and nonresistant minerals and poorly separated

geologists find evidence of bioturbation in an area of sedimentary rock. This means they must be looking at

bedding layers that have been churned by burrowing creatures like worms and clams

calcium carbonate shells of marine organisms when rocks are formed dominantly from this they are classified as _____ and called _____

biochemical; limestone

rocks formed dominantly from the calcium carbonate shells of marine organisms are classified as _____ and called______

biochemical; limestone

facies form at 300 degrees C ad 13 kbars blueschist


Circular depression is called a ______, and is filled with ______. The cloud rising from the volcano consists mostly of _______.

caldera, basalt; gas

calcite mineral which of the following rock types does not contain the mineral calcite? -chert

chert chert is composed of the mineral quartz.

chert this term has nothing to do with mineral calcite

chert is composed of the mineral quartz.

XIX is logical for a moderate-sized quake on the Mercalli intensity scale, which runs from X to XXX. true or false


interplate earthquakes are infrequent and tend to have shallow hypocenters, they have had little effect on human society true or false


organic sedimentary rock originated as decaying plant matter is -coal

coal is a rock

plastic deformation which one of the metamorphic rocks formed as the result of plastic deformation



calcite and aragonite minerals that constitute clam shells are an example of this mineral formation

gulf of california plate boundary types what ultimately will happen to the gulf of california

divergent transform they form a vast ocean with a mid-ocean ridge

it's not possible to divert lava flows because they're too hot and powerful true or false


faults are examples of what kind of rock deformation


shale, a sedimentary rock, can be subjected to high heat and pressure through

burial during continental collison

faults may form during:

continental collisions

most subaerial volcanoes on earth occur in which setting?

convergent boundaries

Intrusive igneous rocks

cool slowly and are coarse-grained

symmetrical ripple marks

could suggest an ancient coastline

individual volcanoes erupt fairly regularly, and if the recurrence interval is known, their eruption can be accurately predicted true or false


ripple marks, dunes, and cross bedding are useful indicators of:

current direction

intensity of earthquake damage is calculated by comparing measurements by seismographs true or false


mantle to melt at divergent plate boundary what causes this?

decrease in pressure felt by the rising mantle

geologists find a thick sequence of alternating shales and sandstones. The probable depositional environment and interpretation of these are:

deep-marine deposits near the continental shelf

intermediate and deep-focus quakes occur in the Wadati-Benioff zone of a divergent plate boundary true or false


reversed polarity

dipole points north

normal polarity

dipole points south

identify the FALSE statement

earths magnetic field is generated in the liquid outer core -the base of the outer core is always less dense than the upper part of that layer -THE OUTER CORE CONDUCTS DUE TO THERMAL CONVECTION -the inner core is growing larger as the earth cools

energy name that is stored in the earth elastic energy is potential energy stored in the earth


earthquake waves are like ripples in a pond because the ____ from the earthquake move out in circles just like the ___ that creates ripples in a pond


gullies and cliffs what stages sees the formation of these things


sand boil how sand boil forms

eruption of sand and water at the surface due to increased pore pressure from an earthquake

seismic wave velocity is affected by each of the following except

except: thickness of the rock layer but is affected by: compressibility of the rock unit the rocks rigidity density of the material

Magmas have a variety of chemical compositions because of all the following.. and then except

except: different magmas formed in different locations are isolated and don't mix have: -the rocks that melt to make magma are composed of many minerals, not all of which melt under the same conditions -they come from a variety of source rocks -the magmas heat can melt rock from the walls of the magma chamber

sheet silicates

exhibit a strong cleavage in one direction. atomic bonding between the sheets is weak, so they separate easily in this direction.

which of the following processes results in the exposure of deeply buried rocks at the Earth's surface? exhumation -means, to unbury and refers to the exposure at ground surface of formerly, deeply buried rocks.


Because intraplate earthquakes are infrequent and tend to have shallow hypocenters, they have had little effect on human society true or false


if the intrusion of magma (a pluton) melts mafic country rock, the resulting metamorphic rock is a schist or gneiss true or false

false if the intrusion of magma and formation of a pluton melts rock, you're no longer dealing with a metamorphic rock.

rock undergoes enough stress to produce elastic strain, an earthquake always happens true or false

false - a rock must be strained beyond its elastic limit before there is any potential for rupture and earthquake

80% of the earthquake energy released on earth comes in the continental collision zone where the himalayas are still growing; the remaining 20% is scattered at random locations worldwide true or false

false about 80% of energy is released by the plate boundary quakes of the Pacific Rim; most of the remaining 20% is released in the continental collision area north of Africa and the Indo-Australian plate.

blueschist true or false: blueschist is a common metamorphic rock of continental shields

false blueschist: is a rare, blue-colored rock formed under high-pressure, low-temp conditions that are found in accretionary prisms adjacent to subduction zones.

folation true or false: foliation occurs along bedding planes

false foliation typically does not occur along bedding planes because it is typically caused by shearing and/or metamorphic conditions that usually do not have the same orientation as bedding

positive gravity anomaly would be formed by

false -a zone of open space, such as a cave or cavern true: -extra mass at depth -a large reserve of metal ore -an observed gravitational pull that is stronger than the reference geoid.

a reservoir

false -must have a biological component in order to transfer materials to another reservoir true: -can contain components that remain from a few hours to millions or billions of years -examples would be the Earth's atmosphere -is a region in the earth system that holds material for a period of time

metamorphic rock

false statement: -cannot be formed below 1200 degrees C true statement: -may be composed of different minerals than its protolith -may have developed metamorphic texture of interlocking grains -took thousands to millions of years to develop -may have preferred mineral orientation caused by differential stress

Hydrothermal fluids

false statement: -change a rock's chemical composition, a process known as exhumation true statement: -may consist of hot water, steam, and supercritical fluid -are chemically active solutions, not pure water. -can be derived from groundwater or magma, or can be the product of metamorphic reactions -can pick up some dissolved ions and drop off others as they circulate through a rock

plate tectonics theory explains why volcanic activity occurs where it does

false statement: -the volcanoes of Iceland owe their existence to the mantle plume underlying the convergent-plate boundary on which they sit. true: -active volcanoes in east Africa and extinct volcanos of the Basin and Range Province of Nevada are the result of rifting (divergence) in continental crust. -the Ring of Fire bordering much of the pacific ocean is a long chain of subduction-zone volcanoes -rifting above a plume produced flood basalts such as the Columbia River Plateau of washington and oregon and the deccan plateau of india

a rock in any given class doesn't last long forever because

false: -all rocks in the crust will, at some point, be subducted and melted to create igneous rock true: -earth is a dynamic system -earth materials can change from one type to another over time -uplift, weathering, burial, and heating/melting can transform one rock type into another


false: -are composed of extensive areas of sedimentary layers laid down on lava flows true: -are composed of rocks that were metamorphosed during Precambrian mountain-building events -are composed of the oldest rock on Earth -make up large areas of Canada, northern Europe, and South America

long term earthquake preditions

false: -are unreliable and do not provide useful information true: -are based on the study of historic recurrence intervals -involve looking for sand volcanoes and disrupted bedding in the area -are based on the identification of seismic zones

Mediterranean sea

false: -at times of high global sea level, the Mediterranean Sea was cut off and the trapped seawater evaporated. true: -only about 10% of the water flowing into the Mediterranean Sea comes from river input -A deposit of gypsum and halite found beneath the Mediterranean Sea is around 2km thick -About 6 million years ago, the African plate moved northward and collided with the European plate to create a dam between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea

the sediments in a subsiding sedimentary basin

false: -become high-grade foliated metamorphic rocks at depth true: -undergo diagenetic changes when they're at shallow depth -experience increased pressure and temperature due to the weight of the overburden and the geothermal gradient -lose any oil they might contain because metamorphic conditions destroy organic molecules present


false: -caused the greatest amount of damage in the San Francisco quake of 1908. true: -can affect sand layers below ground surface and cause them to erupt as sand volcanoes or sand boils -is the sudden loss of strength of some solid that happens because of earthquake -can cause clay-rich sediment to turn into an unstable slurry of clay and water


false: -changes the mineralogical composition of the protolith true: -occurs because thermal energy causes atoms to vibrate rapidly, breaking existing chemical bonds -changes the texture (shape and size) of the grains -occurs when toms migrate to new positions on the crystal lattice where they are more stable under the hotter conditions

short term earthquake prediction

false: -depends heavily on studying precursor phenomena like changes in water level in wells, gases, electrical conduction of rock, and animal behavior true: -may involve precise laser survey of the ground, looking for small distortions -may involve interpretation of swarms of foreshocks -is being worked on but is far from being a successful procedure

beneath the continents, seismic velocities in the mantle increases with depth because the mantle becomes

false: -hotter true: -more rigid -more dense -less compressible

lava of low viscosity

false: -is most often a cool temperature lava true: -indicates an area that has little potential for explosive eruptions -could logically build a shield volcano -has low silica content

extremely high heat of metamorphism which of the following statements is FALSE

false: -is necessary to elongate the large clasts in conglomerate to make flattened-clast conglomerate (metaconglomerate) true: -causes mica to react and become feldspar or some other water-free mineral -drives off water, causing high-grade metamorphic rocks to be drier than low grade. -is necessary to form migmatite

the eruption of MT. tambora, indonesia, in 1815

false: -is the only documented example of possible eruption-triggered coolness true: -produced "the year without a summer" -resulted in extremely low temperatures in the northern hemisphere during 1816 -produced such a dreary weather it inspired the writing of Frankenstein.

rhyolite lava

false: -may be squeezed upward and out of the vent to create a lava fountain true: -may form a lava dome above the vent -has more silica than basalt lava does -indicated the tendency for explosive activity

shock metamorphism

false: -probably hasn't happened on the Moon because no products of shock metamorphism have been found in Moon regolith true: -involves high temperatures and compressional stress -can be caused by meteorite impact -causes quartz to recrystallize into coesite

retrograde metamorphism

false: -requires very high pressures but needs only low temperatures to occur true: -requires the addition of hot water to replace water driven off during prograde metamorphism -may happen as uplift and erosion bring rock closer to Earth's surface -happens under conditions of decreasing temperature and pressure

the rock cycle indicates that

false: -sedimentary rock cannot form from other sedimentary rocks because the pathway is always from one rock to a different rock type true: -in order to make a metamorphic rock, burial and/or heating are needed -input of new melt from the crust enters the rock cycle as an igneous rock -a granite that was eroded, transported, and then deposited would eventually become a sedimentary rock.

reference geoid does not completely represent an accurate picture of earth's gravity because

false: -the asthenosphere is weak and allows for lithosphere to rebound too quickly true: -lithosphere is generally strong -the surface of the earth is not smooth -density is not uniform within earths layers

tsunami events

false: -the velocity of a tsunami wave increases when the wave moves from open ocean into shallow water true: -the interval between waves varies from about 15 minutes to an hour, and wave action may continue for several hours -tsunamis may be generated by underwater earthquakes, landslides in coastal mountain ranges, or submarine landslides -tsunamis can travel as fast as jet planes

volcanic gases

false: are not harmful because most are less dense than are true: -killed over 1700 people at Lake Nyos, Cameroon, Africa, in 1986 -are released by magma as it rises and the pressure decreases -are more abundant in felsic lavas than mafic lavas


false: are sensitive enough to record ground movements down to only about one millimeter true: -may be the mechanical type, consisting of a weight, spring, frame, pen, and revolving cylinder -may be electronic, consisting of a heavy cylindrical magnet, coil of wire, spring, and computer readout of the voltage generated -located throughout the world contribute to a seismic network whose data is available worldwide -operate because of inertia; one part of the instrument remains motionless while the recording device moves in response to seismic waves

metamorphic rock which of the following statements is FALSE

false: cannot be formed below 1200 degrees C true: -may be composed of different minerals than its protolith -may have preferred mineral orientation caused by differential stress -may develop a texture of interlocking grains

Hydrothermal fluids Identify the FALSE statement

false: change a rock's chemical composition, a process known as exhumation true: -may consist of hot water, steam, and supercritical fluid -are chemically active solutions, not pure water -can be derived from groundwater or magma, or can be the product of metamorphic reactions.


false: is a product of gneiss melting to produce felsic magma and solid mafic rock true: -has pronounced foliation parallel to the direction of faulting -forms by recrystallization in a fault zone -is produced by shear stress on softened rock

richter scale

false: measures the size of a quake in terms of the damage it does true: -works well only for shallow, nearby earthquakes -is today termed a local magnitude reading -measures the amplitude of the largest deflection on a seismogram in response to specifically defined seismic waves at a specifically defined distance and depth

active volcanoes have been confirmed on Venus, Mars, and Jupiter's moon lo; geysers of water vapor have been confirmed on a moon of saturn true or false

false: only active on lo yes on water geysers on moon of saturn

determine whether the rock is felsic, intermediate, mafic, or ultramafic


felsic/intermediate volcano given shape of the volcano and presence of lava dome (source of steam) what is the most likely composition of the associated magma


sea surface above the hanging wall of a normal fault during an underwater earthquake

first it sinks down into a depression of water

increasing degrees of metamorphism listing of rocks from lower to higher grade

flattened- clast conglomerate, gneiss with mica, gneiss without mica, migmatite

the moon's dark areas known as maria is caused by

flood basalts

flux melting: when does this occur

flux melting occurs when oceanic crust sinks into the mantle at a subduction zone, heats up, and releases volatiles into the adjacent hot asthenosphere. -so at a subduction zone

how does subduction trigger melting?

flux melting of the asthenosphere above the subducting slab creates a rising melt

clastic given that a class of sedimentary rock consists of solid fragments and grains broken off preexisting rocks and cemented together, it's clastic

given that a class of sedimentary rock consists of solid fragments and grains broken off preexisting rocks and cemented together, it's clastic

what is the most logical ancient environment to have produced a deposit consisting of layers of unsorted, unstratified sedimentary clasts, clay sized to boulder sized?

glacial valley

what is the most logical past environment to have produced a deposit consisting of layers of unsorted, unstratified sedimentary clasts, clay-sized to boulder-sized? -glacial valley

glacial valley

effects of eruptions of Krakatau, Indonesia, Mt. Tambora, Indonesia, and Mt. Pinatubo, Phillipines

global temperature chages

metamorphic rock shown below is classified as:


24 karat

gold is 100% pure

grains that experienced both shearing and compression

grain 1 grain 6

A light-tan tubular intrusion that cuts vertically across layered country rock is most logically a

grantic dike

tsunami: -what is actually means when translated in english from japanese a tsunami:

harbor wave -may be just a broad, gentle swelling out at sea but grows as it approaches the shore.

lahars, composed of ash, debris, and water

have often resulted in damage and death to humans and their property

magma melting: Identify the factors which cause melting and thus the formation of magma:

heat transfer volatiles decompression

during liquefaction the sediments lose contact with each other and compact in more tightly causing the ground to subside. what is the cause of this process? high pore pressure

high pore pressure

mineral assemblages ranking in order from highest grade to lowest grade

highest grade: 1. garnet, feldspar, and sillimanite 2. garnet, staurolite, and muscovite 3. chlorite, quartz, and biotite 4. clay and chlorite lowest grade

nonfoliated rock


which of the following terms has nothing to do with intrusive igneous activity

hyaloclastite others that do: batholith diapir pluton

Igneous rocks

identify the FALSE statement: -form in great quantity along the mid-ocean ridge -ARE COARSE-GRAINED IF THEY COOL EXTRUSIVELY -were the first rocks to exist on Earth -form from the cooling and crystallization of either lava or magma

sedimentary rocks v. igneous rocks

igneous rocks need not be crystalline, while some sedimentary rocks are crystalline.

which of the following sequences explains the transition path of a rock that experienced melting then cooling, burial to deep depths during mountain building, and then uplift and weathering?

igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary

metamorphic grade of a rock is determined by observing the:

metamorphic mineral assemblage

metamorphic rocks v igneous rocks

metamorphic rocks are formed by solid-state changes

earthquake that occurs well within a tectonic plate far away from its boundaries

intraplate earthquake


is a general term used to describe all the physical, chemical, and biological processes that make a sedimentary rock from sediments.

normal stress

is a push (compression) or pull (tension) perpendicular to a surface

mt. st. helens

is a stratovolcano (or composite volcano) -the stratovolcano recently erupted in the US -had great lateral blast and mud/debris flows


is basically a solid mass of interlocking quartz grains

Moving, glowing cloud of hot gases and volcanic pieces is called a pyroclastic flow or nuee ardent

is called a pyroclastic flow or nuee ardent


is felsic in composition is felsic, intrusive (and therefore coarse-grained) igneous rock. It is often found as plutons, rather than lava flows. The coarse-grained equivalent of andesite is diorite.

Yellow stone of Yellowstone National Park

is stained volcanic ash so is not pillow lava that has been stained by iron and sulfur

fractional crystallization stoping means magma assimilates wall rock during pluton formation.

is the sequence of mineral production that takes place in a cooling magma.

mass of water than an iceberg displaces is equal to the mass of the iceberg, it floats and example of: isostasy


central US a target for seismic imaginc

it is the most seismically active area east of the Rockies

erosion is one of the five stages involved in the formation of clastic sedimentary rocks

it is the separation of rock or regolith from its substrate

volcanic eruption under ice can trigger what volcanic phenomena jokulhlaup


scientists can speculate about the mineral composition of the deep mantle by

lab experiments using a diamond anvil that recreate mantle pressure-temperature conditions

volcanic hazard type created when volcanic ash and other debris mix with water and carry away everything in its path known as: lahar


tsunami potential to create tsunami: and the causes of tsunami in order of size

landslides reverse fault earthquakes volcanic eruptions calving icebergs

volcanic cones come in great range of sizes so choose the answer listing typical volcanic cones in the order of increasing size

large cinder, medium strato, small shield, large shield

volcanic cones in the order of increasing size

large cinder, medium strato, small shield, large shield

protolith of marble


grain size: where does grain size generally indicate about the cooling of a melt?

larger crystals indicate the melt cooled gradually.

explosions what causes explosions during the emergent stage?

lava interacting with water and flashing to steam

describe the direction that the wind was blowing when these cross beds were formed?

left to right

"shield" portion of a shield volcano form how does it?

many layers of lava flows stacked on top of each other


means river

lava is

molten rock that cools and hardens on Earth's surface

earthquake prediction is not highly reliable, but geologists do know

more earthquakes happen along plate boundaries than happen at intraplate locations


most abundant thing in the crust and the earth -are classified on the basis of how the tetrahedrons join and share oxygen atoms. -have the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron as their structural unit -are a major component of continental crust. silica (SiO2) can exist in a crystal lattice framework and be a mineral quartz, or it can be an amorphous solid called class


mostly oceans

Ring of Fire: Which of the following is NOT a location on the Ring of Fire?

not: Kilauea, Hawaii but is: -Cascade Range of the northwestern US -Andes Mountains, South America -Mt. Fujiyama, Japan -Aleutian Islands, Alaska

1990s camper died and how after the volcano because

of the carbon dioxide

clasts or detritus

pieces of broken rock produced by physical weathering

which of the following is NOT an intrusive igneous structure?

pillow lava things that are: laccolith sill batholiths

the various geologic settings in which rocks can melt, metamorphose, or become sediment are ultimately generated by

plate tectonics

nebular theory

post big bang: the solar system started as a nebula -the nebula condenses into protoplanetary disk (92 elements) -center grows dense and hot -fusion reactions begin (Sun Born) -Dust in the rings condenses into particles, which coalesce to form planetesimals -200 myr later the 8 planets are formed -volatiles form outer planets

how is a lahar different from a pyroclastic flow?

pyroclastic flows are mixtures of debris and air, whereas a lahr is a fast, liquid flow

pyroclastic rocks igneous rocks formed of igneous debris blown out of a volcano.

pyroclastic rocks

heal cooling: which of the source of heat which slows the cooling of earth?

radioactive activity

GPS used to monitor volcano deformtion

records the changes in the location of the GPS at different times

gps used to monitor volcano deformation

records the changes in the location of the GPS at different times

brittle material characteristics what happens when brittle rock is overstressed

relatively cold material can produce earthquakes capable of fracturing rigid material overstressed: -it produces elastic waves -it produces earthquakes -the rock fractures

metasomatism the true statement

required hot fluids in order to occur

formation table salt

results in cubic crystals is in mineralogic terms, formation of the halide mineral halite takes place when a solution has become saturated

rocks are considered elastic materials, which means that when the stress on rock is released an an earthquake occurs the rock will:

return to the original shape

initiation of a tsunami by a stick-slip subduction zone is similar to the motion experienced by which type of fault?

reverse fault

sedimentary basin that forms when continental lithosphere is stretched, causing down-dropped crustal blocks bordered by narrow mountain ranges and alluvial fans rift basins

rift basins rift basins are the only type that typically have bordering mountain ranges and alluvial fans.

salt crystals

salt crystals grow in pore spaces, which causes the sand grains to break apart.

cross bed formation

sand blows over the crest of a dune and accumulates on the slip face

what is the most logical ancient environment to have produced a deposit consisting of layers of well-sorted sandstone with cross beds several meters high? -sand dunes

sand dunes

what is the most logical past environment to have produced a deposit consisting of layers of well-sorted sandstone with cross beds several meters high

sand dunes

sedimentary rocks it's true they form olu at or near Earth's surface, never at great depths.

sedimentary rocks result from sediment deposition by wind or water or from chemical precipitation in still bodies of water, all of which are surface occurrences.

long term earthquake predictions are based on which of the following?

seismic zones recurrence intervals

clastic sedimentary rock with clay and silt-sized grains that break in thin sheets is called -shale

shale difference between shale and mudstone is that mudstone doesn't break in thin sheets

clastic sedimentary rock with clay and silt-sized grains that breaks in thin sheets is called: shale

shaley shale shale

earthquakes in California

shallow and occur in the 15 km of crust, even though the San Andreas fault cuts through the crust to deeper depths

what is the most logical ancient environment to have produced a deposit consisting of very little sand and mud, but instead lots of broken-up carbonate shells of marine organisms? -shallow-water carbonate area

shallow-water carbonate area

shear waves can be modeled by

sinusoidal curves

soil soil forming factors

soil consists of sediment that has been modified over time to produce a material that can support vegetation -forming factor: different plant types can add or remove nutrients within a soil thereby changing the type of soil that is formed

magnetic reversals

sometimes "flips" reason unknown reversals occur at uneven intervals can be used to age-date rocks

compression and shear animations under the metamorphic change which them exhibits a preferred grain alignment due to shearing

specimen 2 and 4

particle motion produced by a compressional wave can be modeled by:

spring motion

motion on which type of fault results in neither extension nor compression of the crust -strike-slip faults

strike-slip faults

which of the following igneous rocks does NOT have a glassy texture?

tachylite obsidian scoria PEGMATITE pumice -pegmatite is a very coarse-grained rock (meaning it has very large crystals) glassy means no crystalline structure.

Change in the viscosity of a melt is directly proportional to the change in:

temperature silica content

unconsolidated accumulation of any size of pyroclastic grains


Wet igneous rock melts at a lower temperature than the dry version of that same rock because

the addition of volatiles in wet rocks lowers their melting temperature

rejuvenation stage what happens during the rejuvenation stage

the last, small remnants of magma are erupted from the chamber

magma math: given a spherical magma body with a radius of 5.8 meters and a cubical magma body with sides of length 9.35 meters, in which body of magma is the magma likely to cool more quickly

the magma will cool more quickly as a cubical magma body

earth's magnetism

the magnetic pole is moving about 50 km per year.

graywacke and conglomerate are examples of poorly sorted rocks claystone and siltstone are examples of well-sorted rocks

the question was asked in the reverse and it was false so i just flipped it

pyroclastic flows bring instant death to any life caught in them true or false


photomicrograph, big dark crystal is a garnet, the small gray and white crystals are quartz, and small thin are crystals mica: which of the following statements is correct

the rock was undergoing shear during metamorphism, and a foliation formed.

explosive volcanic eruptions do not produce lava flows because:

the sudden release of accumulated gas pressure blasts the lava upward forming pyroclastic debris.

conchoidal fracture

the tendency of a mineral to break to produce smooth, curving shell-shaped surfaces

caldera which of the following four events must take place for a caldera to form at this volcano?

the volcano explodes and the magma chamber drains.

Dunes form when currents (wind or water) move in one direction. Use the shape of this dune to select the statement that most accurately describes the wind direction in this image.

the wind was blowing from left to right.


the word associated with this is crystallization. travertine (chemical limestone) is crystalline calcium carbonate that has precipitated out of groundwater.

strike slip earthquakes don't normally occur along subduction zones. Why did the strike slip earthquake occur in 2012?

there is a differential slip along the subducting plate

identify the TRUE statement

these are all true: -both chert and limestone may have either chemical or biochemical origin -flint, jasper, agate, and petrified wood are all varieties of the siliceous rock chert -gypsum and halite are evaporite minerals -chemical sedimentary rocks are crystalline in texture.

metamorphic aureoles typically contain non foliated rock like hornfels because

they form adjacent to an intruding pluton, which provides heat for metamorphism

pillow lavas

they form: lava cooling very quickly die to interaction with the ocean water

erosion v weathering

they're similar but not synonymous. Erosion means the rock has been carried away from its place of origin, whereas weathering can include in-place breaking down (decomposition)

form of subaerial volcano is the result of multiple eruptions, which have in turn produced both effusive lava and explosive pyroclastics -stratovolcano

this is a stratovolcano

nonmarine clastic sedimentary rock composed of angular fragments surrounded by matrix is breccia

this is breccia

body waves travel _____ of the Earth, and arrive ______ surface waves.

through the interior; before

monitors used for volcano deforamation

tilimeter, GPS

rayleigh seismic waves cause the earth's surface to move vertically; low seismic waves cause the ground to ripple back and forth, creating a snakelike movement on the surface true or false


rhyolitic lava building up eruption is marked by a lava dome above the vent


rhyolitic lava the building eruption of this is marked by a lava dome above the vent


schist is a medium-grade foliated metamorphic rock that should contain micas true or false


sediments true or false sediments in a passive-margin basin are primarily fluvially derived but can also include carbonates


supercritical fluid permeates rock very thoroughly because it has characteristics of both liquid and gas true or false


the dark areas of the moons surface are three billion year old flood basalts that cover 17% of the lunar surface true or false


Deeper an igneous intrusion, the slower it cools


Massachusetts and Connecticut, you can see both unmetamorphosed and high-grade metamorphic rocks true or false


Metamorphic zones are regions between isograds named after the index minerals that occur within them true or false


Sequence of prograde metamorphic change to the protolith shale (a sedimentary rock) is slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss. true or false


Volatile- rich magma develops gas bubbles as it rises, and this creates even more buoyant force to move the magma upward more aggressively


although the risk is small, disastrous earthquakes can happen in regions that are not seismic zones true or false


devils tower, wyoming, and shiprock, new mexico, and landforms that exist because softer volcano exteriors erode faster than solidified lava in fissures and vents true or false


displacement of a fault is the distance between two features along it that a geologist believes were once located directly next to one another true or false


dissolved ions freed during the process of metasomatism can precipitate to form mineral-filled cracks called veins true or false


dolostone the formation of dolostone, due to the introduction of magnesium into limestone, is an example of diagenesis.


dynamothermal metamorphism (regional metamorphism) produces metamorphic rocks int he depths of mountain ranges, which erosion eventually exposes as "mountain roots" hundreds of kilometers wide and thousands of kilometers long true or false


eruption of rhyolitic generally creates a steep feature called a lava dome true or false


friction occurs between sliding surfaces because no surface can be perfectly smooth; all contain small bumps or protrusions true or false


historical, archaeological, and geological data, combined with legend, suggest that the decline of the Minoan civilization, the "lost city of Atlantis" and cataclysmic volcanic eruptions are all related true or false


it takes less energy to activate an old fault than to create a comparably sized new one, so old faults must still be treated as areas of weakness vulnerable to earthquakes true or false


marble is a favorite material of sculptors because of its wide range of colors, relative softness, and uniform texture true or false


mineral sillimanite indicates higher-grade metamorphism than staurolite true or false


obvious sandstone beach deposits overlain by marine mudstone indicate transgression of the sea


plotting the hypocenters of earthquakes, showing their progression from shallow to intermediate to deep as you move eastward across South America, is really drawing the profile of a subducting ocean plate. true or false


rock weathering

true: -when different rocks in an outcrop undergo weathering at different rates it is called differential weathering -chemical weathering speeds up physical weathering by weakening the rock -physical weathering speeds up chemical weathering by increasing surface area -weathering happens fastest on the corners, then edges, of broken blocks of rock because the reactions can attack the corners from three sides and the edges from two sides

travel-time curve shown which line on the graph represents the S-wave?

upper line A


upper mantle below the lithosphere -plastic/ductile (bends rather than breaks) -flows as a soft solid

Magma may cool and crystallize to become solid igneous rock

very slowly (centuries to a million years) when it forms a deep pluton.

vesicles created in this image how

volatiles that escape from lava during an eruption

plume components: shows a plume of volatiles rising from basaltic lava in the calders of a volcano in hawaii.. which of the following are likely components in the plume?

water vapor

elastic-rebound theory how does is explain the occurrence of an earthquake?

when bending rocks fail, the stress energy releases in the form of earthquakes.


when you scrape a mineral along a ceramic plate to observe the color of its powder, you are checking physical property

diagenesis refers to all the physical, chemical, and biological processes that transform sediment into sedimentary rock and that alter characteristics of sedimentary rock after the rock has formed.

which of the following changes may take place during diagenesis? -new minerals precipitate from pore water to cement grains together. -sediments are compacted -a reaction with groundwater may dissolve cement

7.2 magnitude earthquake

would release approximately 33,000 times the energy of a 4.2 quake

which best describes this block and the slate is older


sedimentary rocks major classes

yes: -clastic -biochemical -chemical -organic NOT: -intrusive= a type of igneous rock formed by freezing of magma

fault types

yes: -normal -strike-slip -reverse not a type: -strick-slip


zone of life (geo, atmos, hydro)

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