Early Russian History

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Feudal system, the use of serfs to work the land in return for protection against barbarian invasions

Abrahamic religions (Railey)

Christianity, Islam, Judaism

ivan 1

(1325-1340) a Russian who allies with Mongols for power. He helps stop a Russian revolt and becomes main taxcollector of Slavic People. He moves capital from Kiev to Moscow

Peter the Great

(1672-1725) Russian tsar (r. 1689-1725). -Westernization, expansion, autocracy - moving the capital from Moscow to the new city of St. Petersburg.

Catherine the Great

(1762-1796) An "enlightened despot" of Russia whose policies of reform were aborted under pressure of pugachev rebellion -established leg commission (4 all classes but serfs and clergy)

Ural Mountain range

- vulnerable to invasion -line of demarcation

Peter's edicts

- beard shaving(except for peasants and clergy) -increased gap between nobles and peasant -all but peas- ants to adopt Western-style clothes and saddles -freeing women from the cloistered life of the term -Parties in the new capital of St. Petersburg mimicked life at.the Parisian c,ourt.

Catherine's Legislative Commission

-1767 cath created a leg of gentry, townspeople, peasants, & cossacks (no serfs or clerical class) -disbanded in 1768 because was failing & war w/ turkey

Statute of Provincial Administration

-1775 -a system of provinces, subdivided in districts -lasted till 1917

Charter to the Nobility

-1785 created by cath 2 keep power -legally recognized rights given to nobles in each province

Oleg the Wise

-Rurik's son -moves capital to kiev (882)

Siberia and it's resources

-Russia has 120,000 rivers which stretch over 3 million kilometers. Russia has over 2 million fresh and salt-water lakes, including the Caspian Sea and the largest fresh water lake in the world (Lake Baikal). -Timber! Forests cover 40% of the Russian land mass (the Taiga) -mineral resources -17% of the world's crude oil, over ¼ of its natural gas, 6% of coal, 20% of iron ore, and 20% of other metals (gold, silver, zinc, mercury, platinum, etc.) and lots of diamonds.

Consolidation of Autocracy

-Taking the title of "Emperor of all the Russias," -more power 2 tsar less 2 boyars -does not replace patriarchy (council of pan ppl and clergy appointed by peter)

Siberia and it's weather

-big difference between summer and winter. -freezng and burning - covers all climatic zones except tropical.

Mongols and the Golden Horde

-invade and pilliage -Replace the traditional social and economic system of villages and city-states (mirs) with autocracy (khanates) -Keep the religious system (Ortho Xtianity) in tact -Keeps Rus-ians out of the West & its Renaissance -Knocks out Kiev as the capital

St. Petersburg

-peter didn't like moscow so build St. P 2 b the new capital (1703) -forced his nobles to build their homes there, -ncouraged foreign merchants and ar- tisans to settle in the city.


-scandinavian vikings that established novgorod


-the main purpose of government is to maintain law and order, political liberty, and the property of the individual. -opposed the absolute monarchy of his home country and favored the English system as the best model of government.

Kievan Rus

..., A monarchy established in present day Russia in the 6th and 7th centuries. It was ruled through loosely organized alliances with regional aristocrats from. The Scandinavians coined the term "Russia". It was greatly influenced by Byzantine.


..., A system of government in which the power to rule is in the hands of a single individual


..., early people of Russia; they came from an area around the Black Sea (constantinople)

How much space does Russia take up

1/8th of the earth

How many time zones does Russia have.

11 time zones


1613-1917)- period in Russia after the Ivans; -starts with Michael Romanov (boyars and representatives came together and chose him in 1613) - dramatically transformed the fate of Russia

New Testament

2 the twenty seven books of the second part of the Bible, which tell of the teaching, ministry, and saving events of the life of Jesus. 2 words Glossary


A Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine.

Nicene Creed

A creed written in Nicea of Anatolia that define the basic beliefs of the christian Church


A large and wealthy city that was the imperial capital of the Byzantine empire and later the Ottoman empire, now known as Istanbul


A solid screen, covered with icons, at the front of the church, dividing the sanctuary from the nave


A term meaning one who is sent as Jesus was sent by the Father, and as he sent his chosen disciples to preach the Gospel to the whole world. Twelve chosen witnesses of his Resurrection and the foundation on which the Church is built.

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve were the first humans to be created by God. Adam was given life when God breathed into the dust. Eve was created by God when he took one of Adam's ribs when he was asleep; Eve was to be Adam's companion. They were banished from the Garden of Eden when they took the fruit from the Forbidden Tree of Knowledge. Adam and Eve symbolized both the rise and fall of man.


Adhering to the traditional and established beliefs of christianity, traditionally closer to nicene creed


Adoption of western ideas, technology, and culture

Altar (Sanctuary)

Altar, holiest of all

Baltic Sea

Body of water crossed by Viking raiders heading toward Russia

Church symbolism

Crosses: How Christ (man & God) sacrificed himself for everyone's salvation Domes: Like the dome of Earth, under Heaven, under Sky and Stars, symbolizes reaching 4 heaven Icons: of saints (holy humans) and of God (Jesus mostly, as man and after)


Doctrine that God is a unity of three persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Pugachev's Rebellion

Emelyan Pugachev promised the serfs land of their own and freedom from their lords, initiating a peasant revolt, the largest of the 18th century. -wasnt taken seriously - 10,000 people -said he was peter III -burned down kazan, killed who wouldn't join -in 1773 shut down by cath in St. P -cuased her to stop reform

Jean Jacques

He believes that individual identity and freedom should be upheld with the same level of importance as a respect for the state government. General will is the concept of citizens having the same moral compass, therefore creating a general ideal, or general "will." It basically forces the citizens to be free, and if the government denies them that freedom they are the enemy


Head of the Eastern Orthodox Church -male dominated leadership system


Ivan III completely threw off Mongol control of Russia.


Ivan the Terrible (IV) declares he is the tsar of Russia


Kiev conqured by the Mongols


Oleg makes Kiev capital of Rus


Princes of Moscow/Muscovy/Moscu rise as the new carriers of the baton of the Rus-ian-ness after Kiev collapses to the Mongol/Tartars/Khans -Further from the heart of the Mongol Empire (and its army) --Becomes a haven for wealthy and other powerful refugees from raided areas ---Backdoor trade via Novgorod/Baltic becomes a pro, not a con, now.


Rurik establishes Novgorod


Sacred rituals of the Roman Catholic Church Baptism Marriage Ordination Genuflection Devotional objects Eucharist


The Rus prince Vladimir I makes Eastern Orthodox Christianity the official religion of the Rus.

Byzantine Empire

The _________ was the predominantly Greek-speaking continuation of the eastern half of the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Its capital city was Constantinople, originally known as ________


The act or process of becoming larger -war against sweeds -warm water port -fought vs turks -economic expansion (more iron)

Old Testament

The forty-six books of the Bible that record the history of salvation from Creation until the time of Christ.


The government should be responsible for the people and supply to them freedom and happiness. The people thus agree to be governed on such terms.

John Locke

The individual can only allow the government to rule over them if they give consent. They give consent as soon as they walk on the territory governed by a certain government. The government can only govern over people with their consent.


The story of the beginning

Cathedral of Christ our Saviour (Pussy Riot)

Where Stalin want to place an administrative center as a part of the Palace of the Soviets -where pussy riot preformed


boyar council, end up with Ivan the Terrible's grand-nephew and the first of the new, and last, Russian Dynasty--->17-yr-old Mikhail 4 tsar after ivan IV dead and fight 4 succession


congregation's "ship", icons everywhere main church space ehind Iconostasis, East side What: Liturgy carried out (Eucharist, Gospel, Priest's words) for priests ONLY. Why: Symbolizes separateness and holiness of Heaven, where God and saints and angels are most accessible on Earth


made cap by oleg -cap from 882-1240ish

Black Sea

peter the great. campaigns of 1695-1696 against the Crimean mongols/tartars, the vassals of Turkey, in the hope of carving a route to the _______.


separates outside from sacred space Entrance, sometimes a lobby sometimes a porch.

Rurik the Rus

the Viking chieftain who founded NovgorodIk=viking outpost in the 9th century (862)


viking outpost in the 9th century (862) -founded by Rurik

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