Earth 310 quizes and answers

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A long, narrow linear or gently curving deep trench, earthquakes to depths of several hundred kilometers, and volcanoes paralleling the trenches on continents. Select one: a. Transform Boundary b. Continent-Continent Convergent Boundary c. Continent-Ocean Convergent Boundary Correct d. Ocean-Ocean Convergent Boundary e. Divergent Boundary


According to the lecture, what energy source is Earth using primarily for its external/surficial processes? Select one: a. Interior heat b. Geothermal energy c. Solar energy Correct d. Radioactive decay e. Magma


Which region of the continental U.S. has a Subduction Zone off its coast, and therefore is under the risk of a similar tsunami that occurred in Sumatra in 2004? Select one: a. Hawaii b. California c. Pacific Northwest Correct d. Atlantic Seaboard


hich layer(s) from the choices below are defined by physical properties and could be considered a ductile solid? Select one: a. Asthenosphere Partially b. Mesosphere c. Asthenosphere & Mesosphere d. Lithosphere e. Mantle


How many magnitude 8 earthquakes does it take to equal the energy release for a magnitude 9 earthquake according to the film? Select one: a. 9 b. 30 Correct c. 100 d. 900


Higher temperature magmas will have a __________ viscosity. Select one: a. Higher b. Lower CorrectGood!


A land or seafloor region with many quakes right along the boundary line. Depth of the earthquakes are shallow and the topography is not impressive (no real large mountains or valleys). Volcanic activity is not common along this boundary. Select one: a. Transform Boundary Correct b. Continent-Continent Convergent Boundary c. Continent-Ocean Convergent Boundary d. Ocean-Ocean Convergent Boundary e. Divergent Boundary


In terms of temperature, mafic magma is the [hottest] [coldest] when compared to more felsic magma. Select one: a. Hottest CorrectGood! b. Coldest


Of the four causes of tsunami mentioned in the film, which produces tsunami more than any other? Select one: a. Earthquake Correct b. Landslide c. Volcanic Eruption d. Asteroid Impact


The Richter magnitude determination is based on measurements made on seismograms. Two measurements are needed. What are they? Select one: a. Maximum amplitude of the seismic waves and the S-P time interval. Correct b. Maximum amplitude of the seismic waves and distance the seismic waves travel. c. Magnitude of the earthquake and distance the seismic waves travel. d. S-P interval and the distance the seismic waves travel.


What are the key differences between a scientific theory and a scientific law/principle according to the lecture? Choose from the following: Select one: a. A law explains the process of a phenomenon, but not why it occurs like a theory does. b. Laws are always correct and to the point. Theories are generally ideas that can be proven wrong. c. Laws can explain why a phenomenon occurs, unlike a theory. Partially correct


What type of tectonic plate boundary worldwide (not just Sumatra) causes earthquake-induced tsunami? Select one: a. Convergent boundary Correct b. Divergent boundary c. Transform boundary


When a volcano is at least partially created by its lava flows, the viscosity of that lava can determine its steepness. What viscosity must a shield volcanoes lava be, with its broad, non-steep sides? Select one: a. Low viscosity CorrectGood! b. High viscosity


Which layer from the choices below generates Earth's magnetic field? Select one: a. Outer Core Correct b. Mesosphere c. Asthenosphere d. Lithosphere e. Outer core and Asthenosphere together


Which of the layers listed below is defined as a layer by its physical properties? Select one: a. Lithosphere Correct b. Crust c. Mantle d. Core e. None of the choices are correct in this question


Which statement below best compares the crust to the lithosphere according to the lecture. Select one: a. The lithosphere is defined by its physical property of being brittle. The crust is defined by its composition (felsic, intermediate and mafic) Correct b. The crust sits directly above the lithosphere and is defined by its composition. The lithosphere directly below the crust is defined by its physical property of being brittle. c. The crust, which sits directly above the lithosphere, is brittle. The lithosphere, which is also considered the uppermost mantle, is also brittle. d. The crust is a brittle solid and the lithosphere is a ductile solid


Which type of wave below can travel through solids and liquids and is similar to a sound wave? Select one: a. P-waves Correct b. S-waves c. Love waves d. Rayleigh waves


hat composition of magma is primarily involved in the construction of a shield volcano? Select one: a. Mafic CorrectGood! b. Intermediate c. Felsic


hat composition of magma makes up the base of a stratovolcano? Select one: a. Mafic CorrectGood! b. Intermediate c. Felsic


Choose the best definition for the scientific method below: Select one: a. A systematic method that scientists use to aid in understanding phenomenon better. Correct b. It is an accumulation of many well-proven and well-accepted hypotheses that explain why a phenomenon occurs. c. A method that once implemented, allows a scientist to be curious about a phenomenon.


Learning what you have about how tsunami are generated by earthquakes, can the offset (movement) along the San Andreas fault during an earthquake produce a dangerous tsunami directly? (Note: This question is not answered directly in the film) Select one: a. Yes b. No Correct


The movie spends some time talking about how a tsunami is generated. Listen to the scientists describe this process and choose the best answer from the following below: Select one: a. The sea floor moves horizontally, which in turn moves the water horizontally, generating the tsunami. b. The sea floor moves vertically, which in turn moves the water vertically, generating the tsunami. Correct c. The earthquake's shockwave goes into the water, which in turn generates the tsunami.


What are the key differences between a scientific hypothesis and a scientific theory according to the lecture? Choose from the following: Select one: a. A hypothesis turns into a theory after very close scrutiny and acceptance by the scientific community. b. A theory is an accumulation of many well-proven and well-accepted hypotheses that explain why phenomenon occurs. Correct c. A hypothesis and a theory mean essentially the same thing in the sciences. One is just slightly more proven than the other.


What does the S-P interval represent exactly? Choose the best answer below: Select one: a. It means you can measure the distance the waves have traveled. b. It is the time interval between the arrival of the P-wave and the arrival of the S-wave at a seismic station. c. It is the distance between the earthquake epicenter and the seismic station. d. It represents the earthquake itself. Partially correct


What viscosity must the higher parts of a stratovolcano be, where its sides steepen up? Select one: a. Low viscosity b. High viscosity CorrectGood!


Which layer defined by physical properties is considered a liquid? Select one: a. Inner Core b. Outer Core c. Mesosphere d. Asthenosphere e. Lithosphere f. Core g. Mantle h. Crust


Correct 5.0 points out of 5.0 Not flaggedFlag question Question text What composition of magma is involved in the construction of the higher parts of a stratovolcano? Choose the best answer(s): Select one or more: a. Mafic IncorrectMafic igneous rocks only make up the base of a stratovolcano. b. Intermediate CorrectGood! You will find this midway up the volcano. c. Felsic CorrectGood! You will find this at the very top of the volcano!


What makes a cinder cone steep-sided? Select one: a. High viscosity of the mafic magma b. Low viscosity of the mafic magma c. Piling up of cinders during an eruption CorrectGood!


Where do earthquake waves originate from? Select one: a. Earth's Inner core Partially correct b. The Epicenter c. The Focus d. The Core-Mantle Boundary


A long, narrow linear or gently curving deep trench, earthquakes to depths of several hundred kilometers, and volcanoes paralleling the trenches as islands. Select one: a. Transform Boundary b. Continent-Continent Convergent Boundary c. Continent-Ocean Convergent Boundary d. Ocean-Ocean Convergent Boundary Correct e. Divergent Boundary


According to the lecture, what energy source is Earth using primarily for its internal processes? Select one: a. Interior heat Partially correct b. Geothermal energy c. Solar energy d. Radioactive decay e. Magma


According to the lecture, which definition below would be the best definition of Geology? Select one: a. Geology is the study of the Earth. b. Geology is the scientific study of the Earth. c. Geology is the study of the Earth, Moon and other terrestrial bodies including its origin and evolution, composition, and the processes that act on them. d. Geology is the scientific study of the Earth, Moon and other terrestrial bodies including its origin and evolution, composition, and the processes that act on them. Correct


Viscosity is defined as the __________ to flow. Select one: a. Ability b. Fluidity c. Distance Partially correctViscosity is dependent on its resistance to flow, not the distance it flows. d. Resistance


Which ocean has more chance of a tsunami than any other: (Note: This question is not answered directly in the film) Select one: a. Indian Ocean b. Arctic Sea c. Atlantic Ocean d. Pacific Ocean Correct


Which statement below best compares the lithosphere to the asthenosphere according to the lecture? Select one: a. The lithosphere is more solid than the asthenosphere. b. The lithosphere is solid and the asthenosphere is liquid. c. The lithosphere is a brittle solid and the asthenosphere is a ductile solid. d. The lithosphere and the asthenosphere are both ultramafic because they are both a part of the mantle.


A long, linear rise in the sea-floor with earthquakes and volcanic activity found along its ridge. Select one: a. Transform Boundary b. Continent-Continent Convergent Boundary c. Continent-Ocean Convergent Boundary d. Ocean-Ocean Convergent Boundary e. Divergent Boundary Correct


Of the choices below, which one represents 100% of the Earth's mantle? Select one: a. Asthenosphere b. Mesosphere c. Asthenosphere and Mesosphere d. Asthenosphere, Mesosphere and Crust e. Asthenosphere, Mesosphere and the ultramafic section of the Lithosphere Correct


Which of the layers listed below is defined as a layer by composition? Select one: a. Lithosphere b. Mesosphere c. Outer Core d. Inner Core e. Core


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