Earth and Life Science Module 1 Reviewer

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How many percent of water comprises the Earth?


It was found out that Earth's surfaced is covered with water. Approximately, how many percent of water comprises the Earth?

70% water

Earth can support the survival of organisms. What is/are the factor/s that make/s Earth habitable?

Atmosphere, Energy, Temperature, Nutrient

Why is Earth called "the living planet?"

Because it sustains life, it has atmosphere and it has water at the surface

What makes Earth habitable?

Because, it has comfortable distance from the sun, it has atmosphere that protects from radiation and the atmosphere holds carbon dioxide and other gases

What makes the planet Earth habitable compared to other planets?

Because, it has liquid water

Why is Earth called terrestrial planet?

Because, it is closest to the sun

Many studies have shown similarities of Earth and Venus. What makes Earth similar with Venus?

Earth and Venus are of the right size to hold a sufficient atmosphere

What makes Earth similar to Venus?

Earth and Venus are the right sizes to hold a sufficient atmosphere and among all the solid planets and moons, only Earth, Venus, and Titan have significant atmospheres

What characteristics does the Earth have to maintain an organism's body to survive?

Earth has a water cycle and atmosphere, Earth has volcanic activities to circulate nutrients, and Earth has sub-surface water or molten rock that can circulate and replenish nutrients for organisms

What does the Earth offers to human in order to sustain life?

Earth has abundant plant life and Earth has sufficient nutrients from ocean to land.

In order for an organism to survive, nutrients are needed. What are the nutrients that planet Earth can offer for an organism to exist?

Earth has an atmosphere and ozone layer, Earth has both water cycle and ozone layer, and Earth has natural activities to circulate nutrients

What is the reason why every living thing on Earth has the chance of survival?

Earth has ozone layer to protect living organisms from harmful radiation.

What makes human and other living organisms capable to live on Earth?

Earth has the right amount of temperature, water, good atmosphere and favorable climate

Planet Earth is considered as "blue planet." Which of the following best describes the surface of the planet Earth?

Earth hast mostly water on the surface

For many, Earth us different from other planets. Why do you think so?

Earth is mostly covered in water

Planet Earth is considered uniquely different from any other planets in the Solar system. Which among the given choices correctly answers the statement?

Earth is the only planet that is mostly covered with water

Which statement about the Earth will help organisms to survive?

Earth's temperature is neither the hottest nor the coldest among other planets

What makes planet Earth a "house" for living organisms?

It has comfortable distance from the sun and this atmosphere serves as shields from the sun

Which best describe planet Earth?

It has liquid water in the surface

Which is not true in a comparison between Mars and Earth?

It has water and atmosphere

Which distinct characteristic made Earth different from any other planet?

It is the only planet that has a large amount of liquid water

Which statements best define planet Earth?

It supports life

Earth is said to be a unique planet. Which answer verifies the statement?

It supports life, it is mostly covered in water and its atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and oxygen

What makes planet Earth different from other planets in the solar system?

It supports life, it is mostly covered in water and the atmosphere holds gases

Which is supported and sustained by planet?


Which must be provided for an organism to survive in planet Earth?

Mars likely cooled more slowly than Earth

Which among the set of planets are called terrestrial?

Mercury, Venus, Mars and Earth are terrestrial planets

Which of the following best describes the surface of the planet Earth?

Mostly water surface with some areas of land

Which factors are needed for organisms to live on Earth?

Temperature and nutrient, atmosphere and energy

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