EASA Part 66 : Electronics Question6

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Question Number. 26. The input resistance to an inverting op-amp is 100 Ohms. The feedback resistance is 100 kilohms. What is the amplifier gain?. Option A. 1000. Option B. 1/1000. Option C. -1000.

Correct Answer is. -1000. Explanation. Gain = Feedback/input resistance = 100,000/100 = 1000 (minus because it is inverting).

Question Number. 1. The voltage supply to a Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit must be. Option A. 0 V is 5 V DC. Option B. 3V to 18V DC. Option C. 3V to 15V AC.

Correct Answer is. 3V to 18V DC. Explanation. NIL

Question Number. 16. Op amps use what power supply?. Option A. 26 VAC. Option B. 5-15 VDC. Option C. 26 VDC.

Correct Answer is. 5-15 VDC. Explanation. Power supplies vary from op-amp to op-amp (manufacturer to manufacturer) but most are +/- 5v to +/- 15v.

Question Number. 7. What is the output of the amplifier shown?. Option A. 5V. Option B. 3V. Option C. 0V.

Correct Answer is. 5V. Explanation. A basic adding op-amp. 4 + 0 + 1 = 5.

Question Number. 6. A single integrated circuit Op Amp has how many pins?. Option A. 7. Option B. 8. Option C. 4.

Correct Answer is. 8. Explanation. Inverting and non-inverting input, output, positive and negative supply, two offset null connections (for a potentiometer) plus one leg not used = 8. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 140.

Question Number. 12. Which type of flip flop has only 1 data input?. Option A. JK. Option B. D. Option C. RS.

Correct Answer is. D. Explanation. The D type Flip Flop has only 1 input (besides the clock input).

Question Number. 14. What is required for the switching of a monostable multivibrator?. Option A. One trigger pulse to both switch on and off. Option B. One trigger pulse to switch on and two trigger pulses to switch off. Option C. One trigger pulse to switch on and another to switch off.

Correct Answer is. One trigger pulse to both switch on and off. Explanation. Monostable multivibrators can remain only in one state permanently. When an external trigger pulse is applied, the circuit moves from its permanent stable state then drops back after a short while.

Question Number. 17. A device which has a high input impedance, low output impedance and high voltage gain is a. Option A. Op-Amp. Option B. Class A amp. Option C. Class B amp.

Correct Answer is. Op-Amp. Explanation. This is the definition of an Op-Amp.

Question Number. 5. On an integrated circuit the hole in the top left corner is pin 1. The pins are counted. Option A. clockwise. Option B. from left to right. Option C. anticlockwise.

Correct Answer is. anticlockwise. Explanation. On an IC the pins are counted anti-clockwise. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 140.

Question Number. 19. In an integrated circuit, the components are inserted. Option A. automatically. Option B. by doping in successive layers. Option C. manually.

Correct Answer is. by doping in successive layers. Explanation. An integrated circuit is produced by masking and doping each P and N component successively. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 121.

Question Number. 25. The negative feedback for an op-amp integrator is connected across a. Option A. resistor. Option B. inductor. Option C. capacitor.

Correct Answer is. capacitor. Explanation. NIL.

Question Number. 4. How are the pins numbered on an op-amp IC?. Option A. from left to right from the dot. Option B. counter clockwise from the dot. Option C. clockwise from the dot.

Correct Answer is. counter clockwise from the dot. Explanation. Pins on an IC are always numbered counter-clockwise from the dot. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 140.

Question Number. 2. This is a diagram of a. Option A. differentiator. Option B. adder. Option C. integrator.

Correct Answer is. differentiator. Explanation. A differentiator uses a resistor in the feedback loop across the op amp.

Question Number. 23. An integrated circuit is manufactured by. Option A. doping impurities into layers of intrinsic material. Option B. etching copper tracks onto an insulating board. Option C. computer hardware, which use individual circuits on ribbon.

Correct Answer is. doping impurities into layers of intrinsic material. Explanation. Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems Pallett Page 149/150.

Question Number. 27. In an integrated circuit, active, passive and connecting components are. Option A. connected by fine gold wires. Option B. mounted on the outside of the solid block. Option C. embedded within the solid block.

Correct Answer is. embedded within the solid block. Explanation. Hence the term 'integrated circuit'.

Question Number. 15. An astable multivibrator is a. Option A. one which requires no input whatsoever. Option B. one which requires an input to switch on and off. Option C. free running vibrator.

Correct Answer is. free running vibrator. Explanation. An astable multivibrator flips on/off continuously providing it has a power supply.

Question Number. 13. When you use an op amp as a buffer it has. Option A. low input impedance and high output impedance. Option B. high input impedance and low output impedance. Option C. the same input an output impedance.

Correct Answer is. high input impedance and low output impedance. Explanation. An op amp is characterised by its high input impedance and low output impedance. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 288.

Question Number. 3. This is a diagram of a. Option A. integrator. Option B. adder. Option C. differentiator.

Correct Answer is. integrator. Explanation. An integrator has the capacitor in the feedback loop across the op amp.

Question Number. 24. A monostable vibrator. Option A. is switched on by a trigger pulse then within a pre-set time will eventually return to its original state. Option B. uses a trigger pulse to turn on and the same pulse to turn off. Option C. uses one pulse to turn on and another to turn off.

Correct Answer is. is switched on by a trigger pulse then within a pre-set time will eventually return to its original state. Explanation. A monostable vibrator is switched on by a trigger pulse then within a pre-set time will eventually return to its original state.

Question Number. 18. In an integrated circuit, the components are mounted by. Option A. a three dimensional process with no connections between them required. Option B. wires connecting them using conformal coating. Option C. metal oxide film etched onto the surface.

Correct Answer is. metal oxide film etched onto the surface. Explanation. All three answers are close to the truth. c) is probably the closest. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 138.

Question Number. 10. A VLS IC has. Option A. more than 10,000 gates. Option B. less than 1000 gates. Option C. more than 1000 gates.

Correct Answer is. more than 10,000 gates. Explanation. NIL. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Very-large-scale_integration, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intergrated_circuit

Question Number. 21. Pin 3 on an op-amp has a + symbol. This designates. Option A. positive input DC pin. Option B. non-inverting input. Option C. positive offset null.

Correct Answer is. non-inverting input. Explanation. 741 Op-Amp (for example) is the non-inverting input.

Question Number. 9. Components on an integrated circuit are. Option A. on the surface. Option B. in the solid. Option C. don't need them.

Correct Answer is. on the surface. Explanation. Components on an integrated circuit are on the surface of the substrate.

Question Number. 8. A logic circuit with more than one gate will have. Option A. 2 or more outputs. Option B. one of 2 states of logic output. Option C. an analogue output.

Correct Answer is. one of 2 states of logic output. Explanation. Logic circuit outputs are either 0 or 1, regardless of the number of gates in the circuit.

Question Number. 11. A momentary input at the reset input of a flip flop will. Option A. reset the true output to 0. Option B. clock in new data from the data inputs. Option C. reset the true output to 1.

Correct Answer is. reset the true output to 0. Explanation. When the value on reset (R) is 1, the value of Q is set to 0 and vice versa.

Question Number. 22. The semiconductor substrate used in 'chips' is most commonly. Option A. silicon. Option B. phiidide. Option C. germanium.

Correct Answer is. silicon. Explanation. Silicon is most commonly used.

Question Number. 20. In an electronic circuit with an operational amplifier connected in the push-pull configuration, the circuit. Option A. utilizes both sides of the input signal. Option B. decreases impedance. Option C. blocks half of the input signal.

Correct Answer is. utilizes both sides of the input signal. Explanation. During the positive portion of the AC input signal, the NPN follower drives the output, and during the negative half, the PNP drives the output.

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