Eastern World: A Geographer's World

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International Date Line

an imaginary line on the surface of the earth following (approximately) the 180th meridian (180 degrees)

The six essential _____ of geography build on the five major these, and include the element Uses of Geography.


Geographers study how people interact with their _____ or an area's land, water, climate, plants and animals, and other physical features.


The theme Place refer's to an area's _____, the physical and human features that define it and make it unique.


What are the three basic needs that people have to meet?

food, water, shelter

A specific spot on Earth, such as a street address, is called an absolute _____.



the land, water, climate, plants, and animals of an area; surroundings

The five major _____ of geography are Location, Place, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement, and Regions.


Give an example of "Environment and Society"

• How human actions modify the physical environment • How physical systems affect human systems • Changes that occur in the meaning, use, distribution, and importance of resources

Give an example of "The Uses of Geography"

• How to apply geography to interpret the past • How to apply geography to interpret the present and plan for the future

Give an example of "The World in Spatial Terms"

• How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective • How to use mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environments in a spatial context • How to analyze the spatial organization of people, places, and environments on Earth's surface

Give an example of "Human Systems"

• The characteristics, distributions, and migration of human populations on Earth's surface • The characteristics, distribution, and complexity of Earth's cultural mosaics • The patterns and networks of economic interdependence on Earth's surface • The processes, patterns, and functions of human settlement • How the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of Earth's surface

Give an example of "Places and Regions"

• The physical and human characteristics of places • How people create regions to interpret Earth's complexity • How culture and experience influence people's perceptions of places and regions

Give an example of "Physical Systems"

• The physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth's surface • The characteristics and spatial distribution of ecosystems on Earth's surface


0 degrees latitude

Prime Meridian

0 degrees longitude

Maximum Longitude on Earth

180 degrees

Maximum Latitude

90 degrees

Highest Latitude

90 degrees north or south

Social Science

A field that focuses on people and the relationships among them


A flat drawing that shows all or part of Earth's surface

Relative Location

A general description of where a place is located; a place's relative location is often expressed in relation to something else (Canada is north of the United States.)

What information could you learn from a globe?

A geographer can use a globe to see where a place, such as the United States, is located.


A part of the world that has one or more common features that distinguish it from surrounding areas

Absolute Location

A specific description of where a place is located; absolute location is often expressed using latitude and longitude (The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the city of Washington, D.C.)


A spherical, or ball-shaped, model of the entire planet

The study of weather is called A. meteorology. B. hydrology. C. social science. D. cartography.

A. meteorology

A region is an area that has A. one or more common features. B. no people living in it. C. few physical features. D. set physical boundaries.

A. one or more common features.


All the human and physical features that make a place unique

The smallest level at which a geographer might study a place is A. microscopic. B. local. C. regional. D. global.

B. local.

Which of the following subjects would a human geographer study the most? A. mountains B. populations C. rivers D. volcanoes

B. populations

Why is Eratosthenes called the Father of Geography?

Because of his many contributions to the field, Eratosthenes has been called the Father of Geography. With no modern instruments of any kind, Eratosthenes figured out how large Earth is. He also drew a map that showed all of the lands that the Greeks knew about.

How many essential elements of geography have geographers identified? A. two B. four C. six D. eight

C. six


Distance east or west of the Prime Meridian


Distance north or south of the equator

What are two specialized fields of geography?

Economic Geography Urban Geography Study of Climates Study of Soil and Plants

TRUE OR FALSE: Economic and urban geography are smallers areas of physical geography.


TRUE OR FALSE: Physical geography, human geography, and cartography are the three main branches of geography.

FALSE - There are only 2 main branches of geography: physical geography and human geography

TRUE or FALSE: A social scientist studies the human and physical feathers that make a place unique.


TRUE or FALSE: Geographers study issues on three levels: the local level, the state level, and the country level.


What global issues do geographers study?

Geographers ask how events and ideas from one region of the world affect people in other regions. In other words, they study the world on a global level. Geographers who study the world on a global level try to find relationships among people who live far apart.

How do geographers use satellite images?

Geographers can study these images to see what an area looks like from above Earth. Satellites also collect information that we cannot see from the planet's surface. The information gathered by satellites helps geographers make accurate maps.

Why did geographers create the five themes and the six essential elements?

Geographers have created two different but related systems for organizing geographic studies. The five themes of geography help us organize our studies of the world. The six essential elements of geography highlight some of the subject's most important ideas.

What regional issues do geographers study?

Geographers study regions to see how people interact with one another. Then they can compare what they learn about one region to what they learn about another region. In this way, they can learn more about life and landscapes in both places.

How does using the five themes help geographers understand the places they study?

Geographers use five major themes to organize and guide their studies

Why do the authors of "The Geography for Life" think that people should study geography?

Geography is what we use everyday and it is the study of the world, its people and what makes up our landscapes

What local issues do geographers study?

How do people in a town or community live? What is the local government like? How do the people who live there get around? What do they eat? By asking these questions, geographers can figure out why people live and work the way they do. They can also help people improve their lives.

What do human geographers study?

Human geographers study the world's people, past and present. They look at where people live and why.

How are today's maps different from those created in the past?

In the past, maps were drawn by hand. Making a map was a slow process. Even the simplest map took a long time to make. Today, however, cartographers have access to tools people in the past—even people who lived just 50 years ago—never imagined. The most important of these tools are computers.

In what ways is geography both a science and a social science?

It is a science because geographers will collect and analyze data to help them better understand different landscapes. It is a social science because geographers will study people by talking to them and visiting different places.

How can physical geography help people adjust to the dangers of the world?

Knowing what causes volcanoes to erupt can help us predict eruptions. Knowing what causes terrible storms can help us prepare for them.

How to write coordinates

Latitude is always written first, include north or south and unit of measure, degrees Longitude is always written second, include east or west and unit of measure, degrees

At what levels do geographers study the world?

Local Regional Global

What are the 5 themes of geography?

Location Place Human-Environment Interaction Movement Regions

In what way are maps and globes similar?

Mans and globes show what Earth looks like.

List some tools that geographers use.

Maps Globes Charts and Graphs

What information could you learn from a map?

Maps usually give geographers more information about a place than globes do.

Which of the five themes of geography is associated with airports, highways,and the migration of people from one place to another?


Why do human geographers often study one smaller topic?

People all over the world are very different, so human geographers often study a smaller topic.

Human-Environment Interaction

People interact with their environment in many ways. (Farmes use land to grow crops.)

What are geography's two main branches?

Physical Geography Human Geography


Place describes the features that make a site unique. Such features could include land, climate, and people. (Washington DC has many great monuments)

How are the themes of Location and Place different?

Place does not refer simply to where an area is (Location). It refers to the area's landscape, the features that define the area and make it different from other places.


Regions are areas that share common characteristics. (The Mojave Desert is defined by its distinctive climate and plant life)

Give two examples of a region.

Sahara Desert Rocky Mountains

TRUE OR FALSE: Huam geography is the study of people who are currently living.


TRUE OR FALSE: Landforms, bodies of water, and weather are all examples of physical geography.


TRUE OR FALSE: Meteorology is the study of weather and what causes it


What are the six essential elements of geography?

The World in Spatial Terms Places and Regions Physical Systems Human Systems Environment and Society The Uses of Geography.

What is the difference between a place's absolute location and its relative location? Give an example of each.

The absolute location is a site's location is expressed in specific, or absolute, terms, such as an address. The relative location is the site's location is expressed in general terms.

How are the geography standards and the six essential elements related?

The essential elements are based on the geography standards. Each element is a big idea that links several standards together.

What are some ways in which the study of human geography can influence our lives?

The knowledge they gather can help us better understand people in other cultures. Sometimes this type of understanding can help people improve their landscapes and situations. On a smaller scale, human geographers can help people design their cities and towns. By understanding where people go and what they need, geographers can help city planners place roads, shopping malls, and schools.


The science of making maps

How are the six essential elements used by geographers?

The six essential elements are used by geographers to organize their studies and are closely related to the geography standards. Each element includes several of the standards.

Human Geography

The study of the world's people, communities, and landscapes

Physical Geography

The study of the world's physical features—its landforms, bodies of water, climates, soils, and plants


The study of the world, its people, and the landscapes they create


The study of water on Earth


The study of weather and what causes it


The theme of location describes where something is. (Mount Rainier is in west-central Washington)

How are the six essential elements similar to the five themes of geography?

The two systems are very similar because the six essential elements build on the five themes..

How are maps and globes different?

They are different because a map is flat and wider. A globe is a sphere and an exact replica of the Earth.

What information could you learn from charts and graphs?

They are often used when geographers want to compare numbers, such as the number of students who play soccer in each region of the country.


This theme looks at how and why people and things move. (Airports help move people around the world)

TRUE or FALSE: A region is a part of the world that has one or more common features that distinguish it from surrounding areas.


TRUE or FALSE: Maps, globes, and satellite images help geographers study the planet.


TRUE or FALSE: Some geographers wnat to know how the world works, while other want to study people and the relationships among people.


Why do geographers study both physical and human characteristics of places?

Viewed separately, none of these branches shows us the whole world. Together, however, the many branches of geography improve our understanding of our planet and its people.

Why do we study physical geography?

Without a complete understanding of what these features are and the effect they have on the world's people and landscapes, we cannot fully understand our world. This is the major reason that geographers study the physical world—to learn how it works. Studying the changes that take place on our planet can help us prepare to live with those changes

How do cartographers contribute to the work of other geographers?

Without maps, geographers would not be able to study where things are in the world.

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