Ecology Chapter 12-UKY

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A population that is maintained near its carrying capacity is under_____ selection.


Any process that removes biomass from an ecosystem is know as a_____


The intensity of ____ and ____ are considered the most important selective forces on plants.

-disturbance -stress

The life study of adaptations that influence the number of offspring an organism produces is known as _____ history


The study of the timing of ecological events, especially in relation to climate and weather is called_____


A fish that combines low juvenile survival with high numbers of offspring and late maturity would have what kind of life history strategy? A. periodic B. k selected C. equilibrium D. opportunistic


A plant found in a disturbed habitat... A. can grow and produce seeds rapidly B. will be k selected and maximize efficiency for using resources C. can produce larger offspring D. will grow slowly and invest little energy into reproduction


Based on Selwa's and Kilkuzawa's studies, taller seedlings are produced from.... A. larger seeds that have greater energy reserves B. seeds that were chilled and air dried for 24 hours C. additional watering providing a key resource D. the addition of nitrogen fertilizer


Larger seed size may be important in environments... A. where competition with plants already present is high B. where competition with other plants is not important C. where ants are present to disperse the seeds D. where unassisted dispersal is more important


The largest seeds known are produced by... A. giant conifers B. orchids C. coconuts palms D. pineapples


One of the biggest trade-offs in reproduction for many organisms is... A. the number of offspring vs the size of the offspring B. producing many offspring over a long lifetime or a few offspring over a short lifetime C. the number of individuals an organism mates with D. whether the organism is social or solitary


Plants that are ruderal correspond to... A. r selection B. K selection C. Type 1 survivorship D. iteroparity


Plants that produce many seeds have seeds that are... A. smaller B. less viable C. not as long lived D. less likely to be dispersed


Populations that experience lower rates of mortality would show... A. lower relative reproductive effort B. higher relative reproductive effort C. a type 1 survivorship curve D. an unpredictable reproductive effort


Seeds with an elalosome are most likely dispersed by.... A. ants B. mammals C. birds D. the wind


The proportion of adult body mass allocated to reproduction over a lifespan can be determined by.. A.multiplying the body mass allocated to reproduction by the adult life span B. multiplying the adult life span by fecundity C. dividing the adult body mass at first reproduction by adult body mass allocated to reproduction D. multiplying the mass of the adult at first reproduction by the adult body mass allocated to reproduction


What is the advantage to producing smaller seeds? A. a plant can produce greater numbers of seeds B. the seeds are more easily dispersed by ants C. smaller seeds have higher germination rates D. the seeds are more easily dispersed by vertebrates


Based on Shine and Charnov's studies, the benefits of delaying reproduction include_____. A. higher growth rates as juveniles B. higher reproductive rates C. higher success at attracting mates D. less energy is needed to raise the young

A and B

Reproductive effort includes____ A. the allocation of time B. the allocation of energy C. life history characteristics D. germination success

A and B

Which of the following are factors that limit the rate of energy intake for an animal? A. food availability B. how fast the organism can process foods C. solar output D. the rate of photosynthesis

A and B

Stress-tolerant plants are characterized as____ A. slow-growing B. producing large numbers of offspring C. typically evergreen D. semelparous

A and C

A scientist studying the life history of a particular species would ask which of the following questions? A. what are the trade-offs for producing either many small offspring or several large offspring? B. How many alleles are in a population? C. What is the benefit of haplodiploidy in a eusocial species? D. What are the factors that influence age at first reproduction?

A and D

Larger seeds may outperform smaller seeds in deciduous forest because ____ A. the larger seeds provide more energy reserves fo additional seedling growth B. they can penetrate a thick layer of litter on the forest floor C. they are more likely to be placed in suitable habitats by vertebrate dispensers D. they can emerge early in the spring to gain access to sunlight before other plants produce leaves

A, B and D

Stress on plants can be cause by... A. too little light B. too little water C. too few prey D. low nutrients

A, B and D

Life history strategies can be categorized based on which population: A. age of first reproduction B. Survival C. Fecundity D. Growth form

A, B, and C

The three life history strategies for fished proposed by Winemiler and Rose include____ A. opportunistic B. periodic C. equilibrium D. iteroparous

A, B, and C

When comparing the relative size of offspring in mammals, altricial birds, and lizards______ (all that apply) A. birds had the largest relative offspring size B. each group differed in their relative offspring size C. each group produced offspring that were relatively the same size D. lizards had the smallest relative offspring size

A, B, and D

Populations with very similar allelic frequencies would indicate____ A. that the populations are genetically similar B. increased population structure C. high levels of gene flow between populations D. little population structure.

A, C, and D

The "equilibrium" strategy is similar to K selected species because they both have_____ A. high juvenile survival B. larger individuals C. low numbers of offspring D. late reproductive maturity

A, C,and D

Which of the following are environmental extremes that plants can experience? A. low disturbance, high stress B. low disturbance, low stress C. high disturbance, medium stress D. high disturbance, low stress

A,B, and D

A plant that may last for several years and has thickening tissues that provide support would be classified as a.... A. climber B. woody plant C. forb D. graminoid


A population with high mortality would be expected to have a... A. low reproductive effort and no parental care B. high reproductive effort C. high reproductive effort and parental care D. low reproductive effort but high investment of parental care


Darters are an ideal organism for studying gene flow among populations because there are ___ A. a small number of widespread species in different habitats B. many species that live in similar habitats C. many widespread species in different habitats D. many species with little variation in life history characteristics


Darters that lay larger eggs are more likely to have isolated populations because the young... A. are larger when they hatch and are able to swim farther, starting new populations B. are larger when they hatch, begin to feed sooner, and spend less time in the current C. are more likely to disperse longer distances D. can't compete with the adults, so they migrate farther


Determining mechanisms that select for seed size in plants is difficult due to... A. differences in terrestrial B. the varied growth forms of plants C. the different environments plants are found in D. genetic diversity


Gene flow between populations can be determined by estimating the A. rate of migration of individuals between populations B. similarity in allelic frequency between populations C. differences in life history characteristics between populations D. number of successful breeding attempts between individuals in different populations


If an organism produces many offspring... A. the offspring can be large provided there are enough resources B. the offspring will be small because of limited energy resources C. the parents can invest additional resources to each individual to ensure higher survivorship D. individual offspring will have a higher survivorship due to safety in numbers


One possible advantage of seedlings growing from larger seeds is that the seedlings... A. don't have to drop all of their leaves at the same time in the fall B. are able to emerge early in the spring to gain access to sunlight before other plants produce leaves C. may have been placed in suitable habitat by vertebrates D. don't have to penetrate a thick layer of litter of the forest floor


Removing size and time effects allows scientists to... A. determine which life history strategy is most successful B. make comparisons of life history strategies across different evolutionary phylogenies C. determine which species are most closely related to each other D. determine which life history strategy is most commonly used


Shine and Charnov point out that a juvenile will allocate resources to growth.... A. only B. and maintenance only C. and higher fecundity D. maintenance and reproduction


Species that maximize population growth rates are likely to have... A. type 1 or 3 survivorship curve B. type 3 survivorship curves C. type 1, 2 or 3 survivorship curves D. type 1 or 2 survivorship curve


The relative size of offspring can be determined by... A. dividing the number of offspring by the mass of the adult at first reproduction (m) B. dividing the mass of the offspring once it leaves the parent (i) by the mass of the adult at first reproduction (m) C. multiplying the mass of the adult at first reproduction (m) by the number of offspring produced (f) D. dividing the mass of the adult at first reproduction (m) by the mass of the offspring once it leaves the parent (i)


When adult mortality is low, natural selection will favor... A. larger egg size to produce larger offspring B. allocating fewer resources to reproduction at any given time C. smaller egg size more offspring D. allocating more resources to reproduction at any given time.


Which of the following was the main mechanism observed by Turner and Trexler for isolating populations? A. larger adult size B. larger egg size C. smaller adult size D. smaller egg size


Why can't an organism produce many large offspring? A. many large offspring would upset the balance of nature B. Energy and resources are limited to the parents C. the survivorship of many large offspring would be reduced D. the offspring would use up all the resources


a species whose population remains near the carrying capacity would... A. eventually begin to decline B. favor efficient utilization of resources C. maximize population growth D. be under strong directional selection


What are the characteristics of darters that make them an ideal study organism for studying gene flow? A. Darters have very similar life history characteristics B. Darters live in similar habitats and also have similar anatomy C. Darters are a taxonomically diverse group D. darters vary greatly in their life history characteristics

B, C, and D

A blue whale that reproduces every few years throughout its life is... A. semelparous B. r selected C. iteroparous D. short lived


A particular species of long-lived shark may only reproduce once every 5 years. How would the gonadosomatic index be adjusted? The weight of the ____by 5. A. fish would be divided B. ovaries would be divided by the weight of the fish and then multiplied C. ovary would be divided D. ovary would be multiplied


A polymorphic locus... A. is found at multiple locations on a chromosome B. is comprised of a single allele C. has two or more alleles D. contains many genes


Bertschy and Fox (1997) studied pumpkinseed sunfish to determine... A. how juvenile mortality influences the rate of adult survival B. the rate of evolution and speciation in among populations C. how adult survival influences the evolution of the age of reproduction D. the relationship between adult fecundity and rates of juvenile mortality


Bertschy and Fox estimated the ages of sunfish in Canadian lakes by... A. counting the number of nests in a lake B. mark and recapture methods C. measuring the length of the fish D. conducting many seine hauls and counting the number of fish


If 100 seeds were planted and 75 germinated, what would the recruitment success be for this species? A. 100% B. 125% C. 75% D. There is insufficient data to calculate the recruitment success


If an organism maximizes energy for growth, it will... A. have little or no effect on the energy used for reproduction B. increase the amount of energy for reproduction C. reduce the amount of energy for reproduction


Jaconsson and Eriksson create control plots to determine... A. the growth rate of the seedling B. the germination success of the planted seeds C. how many of the plants would have germinated without being planted D. the ratio of viable to nonviable seeds


K selected species are typically A. semelparous B. larger in body size and invest more resources to reproduction C. larger in body size and take longer to mature D. smaller in body size and mature quickly


Plants classified as ruderal... A. may be k selected and maximize efficiency of resource utilization B. are stress tolerant C. may depend on disturbance to reduce competition among other plants D. are highly competitive and found in stable environments


Restricted gene flow between populations would most likely lead to... A. genetic similarity between populations B. higher rates of immigration to reduce inbreeding C. genetic differences between populations D. a reduction in population structure


K selected species are likely to have... A. the greatest mortality early in life B. high mortality early in life followed by long-lived adults C. a constant mortality rate for most of their life D. high survival in early and middle life followed by a rapid decline later in life

C and D

Woody plants and vines produce... A. smaller seeds than forbs or graminoids B. larger seeds than graminoids but smaller seeds than forbs C. larger seeds than graminoids D. larger seeds than forbs but smaller than graminoids

C. larger than both

A population that is under r selection would... A. favor efficient resource utilization B. most likely be found in areas with a stable environment C. have stable population growth rates D. be maximizing population growth rates


Darters that produced larger eggs had... A. fewer differences in allelic frequencies across populations B. higher rates of gene flow between populations C. reduced population structure D. lower rates of gene flow between populations


Jacobsson and Eriksson created control plots by____ A. not disturbing half of the plots before planting B. disturbing half of the plots before planting C. planting the same seeds in disturbed and undisturbed plot D. not planting seeds in half of the plots


Lizard populations where adults live longer would be expected to... A. begin to reproduce earlier B. have higher fecundity C. allocate more energy resources to reproduction D. delay maturation


Plants that produced the smallest seeds most likely... A. are ant-dispersed B. are vertebrate dispersed C. are wind-dispersed D. have unassisted dispersed


Reproductive effort is often limited to the study of.... A. males B. males and females C. males, females, and juveniles D. females


The age at first reproduction can vary between species and is highly associated with.... A. reproductive effort B. fecundity C. life history characteristics D. adult mortality rates


The intrinsic rate of increase, rmax, is highest in species... A. found in stable environments B. with high competitive ability C. that are k selected D. that are r selected


The trade-off between offspring size and number in darters is... A. darters that produce smaller eggs also produce fewer eggs but increase parental care for the young B. darters that produce fewer eggs decrease parental care for the young C. darters that produce larger eggs can also produce more eggs D. darters that produce larger eggs produce fewer eggs


When adult survival is higher, individuals will... A. allocate less energy into reproduction but begin to reproduce earlier B. delay reproduction and allocate more energy into reproduction C. allocate more energy into reproduction and reproduce earlier D. delay reproduction and allocate less energy into reproduction


Which group of animals shows the most variation in life history traits? A. mammals B. Birds C. insects D. Fish


The sand spur, often found at sandy beaches, has barbs that latch onto fur or skin. This plant's mode of dispersal would best be described as...


The number of eggs or seeds produced by an organism is known as_____


The process during which seeds begin to grown is known as______


Populations that are found in high areas with high levels of disturbance are most likely under...

r selection

Salmon that produce one time in their life time exhibit...


Environmental conditions that limit the growth of plants is known as ________


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