Econ 1101 - Final Exam Review (Compilation of all Chapter Exam Reviews)

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Check Exam 3-19 for Diagram (for question 6-7) Refer to the above diagram. A shortage of 160 units would be encountered if the price was:


Check exam 3-19 for Diagram Refer to the diagram. The equilibrium price and quantity in this market will be:

$1.00 and 200

Check Exam 3-19 for Diagram (for question 6-7) Refer to the above diagram. A surplus of 160 Units would be encountered if the price was:


Inflation refers to:

THe pressure for prices to rise in most markets in an economy

The following are all determinants of growth, except:

The allocation factor

The word "economy" comes from the Greek word oikonomos, which means

"one who manages a household"

Digital cameras and memory cards are:

Completmentary goods

A shift of the right in the demand curve for product A can be most reasonably explained by:

Consumer preferences have changed in favor of A so that they now want to buy more at each possible price point

Suppose an excise tax is imposed on product Z. We can expect this tax to:

Decrease the demands for complementary good Y and increase the demand for substitute product Z

Other things equal, an excessive increase in the money supply will:

Decrease the purchasing power of each dollar

Name the three traditional tools of monetary policy used by the Federal Reserve:

47. Open market operations, 48. Changing the reserve requirements, 49. Changing the discount rate

Assuming the total population is 100 million, the civilian labor force is 50 million, and 47 workers are employed, the unemployment rate is

6 percent

Answer the next question(s) on the basis fo the following information about the hypotheticla economy of Econoland. All figures are in millions. UNEMPLOYED: 7 TOTAL POPULATION: 145 EMPLOYED: 95 DISCOURAGED WORKERS: 3 9. Refer to the above information. The unemployment rate in Econoland is:

6.9 percent

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve is composed of how many members:


Suppose that lenders want to receive a real rate of interest of 5 percent, and they expect inflation to remain steady at 2 percent in the coming years. Based on this, lenders should charge what rate of interest?

7 percent

Which of the following will not cause the demand for product K to change?

A change in the price of K (Wrongs answers: a change in the price of close-subsitute product J, an increase in incomes of buyers of product K, and a change in consumer tastes for K)

The deposits of $100,000 or more are:

A component of M2 and not M1

Cyclical unemployment results from:

A decline in total spending on goods and services in the economy

two goods are compliments:

A decrease in the price of one will increase the demand for the other

Which of the following would cause the money supply in the U.S. to expand?

A decrease in the reserve requirements

IF you write a check on a bank to purchase your textbooks, you are using money primarily as:

A medium of exchange

Which of hte following statments is correct:

A nation acquires more capital by saving some of its income and uses it for economic investments

A college graduate, using the summer following graduation to search for a job would best be classified as:

A part of the frictional unemployment group

Micheal rents 5 movies per month when the price is $3 per rental and 7 movies per month when the price is $2 per rental. Micheal's action demonstrates the law of:


The United States' economy is considered to be at full employment when:

About 4-5 percent of the labor force is unemployed

In the United States, the rate of unemployment is highest for:

African-American teenagers

Who is least likely to be hurt by unanticipated inflation?

An owner of a small business (Wrong answers: disabled laborer who is living off accumulated savings, a pension steelworker, and a secretary)

The members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System are:

Appointed by the President with the confirmation of the Senate

The top four categories of government expenditures account for __________% of all federal spending.

Approximately 73%

In the United States, monetary plicy is the responsibility of the:

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

The ability of low GDP/capita countries to 'catch up' with high GDP/capita countries is called:


Inflation initiated by increases in wages or other resource prices is labelled:

Cost-push inflation

Rising per-unit production costs are most directly associted with:

Cost-push inflation

THe type of unemployment associated with recessions is called:

Cyclical unemployment

If the unemployment rate is 9 per cent and the natural rate of unemployment is 5 per cent, then the:

Cyclical unemployment rate if 4 percent

Graph (y= capital goods, x= consumer goods) curves downwards (parabola opening downwards) with the following points: (A: on the line, located towards the top) (B: on the line, located towards the middle) (C: on the line, towards the bottom) (D: below the line) (E: Above the line) Refer to the above diagram. This economy will experience unemployment if it produces at point:


The relationship between quantity supplied and price is _____ and the relationship between quantity demand and price is _____.

Direct, inverse

The largest stage/local expenditure is for:


Net exports are:

Exports less imports

The paper money used in the United States is

Federal REserve Notes

A $20 bill is a:

Federal Reserve Note

In the U.S. economy, the money supply is controlled by the:

Federal Reserve SYstem

Macroeconomies focuses on the following policy(s) within the government

Fiscal and Monetary Policy

The use of government taxation and expenditures to achieve macroeconomic goals is called:

Fiscal policy

In the modern economic growth process, it is typical to find that:

Follower countries can grow faster than leader countires

What is the length of the term of the members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System?

Fourteen years

Assume Kyle is temporarily unemployed because he voluntarily quit his job with company A and will begin a better job next month with company B. Kyle wil be considered as:

Frictionally unemployed

Which of the following statements is correct:

If supply increases and demand decreases, equilibrium price will fall

A market is in equilibrium:

If the amount producers want to sell is equal to the amount consumers want to buy

In 2007-2009, the United States experienced what has come to be known as the:

Great Recession

Critics of growth argue the following, except:

Growth cannot be controlled

The federal government has a number of options when trying to stimulate the economy. The most direct option is:

Increase government spending

Other things equal, an excise tax on a product will:

Increase its price

An economist who favoured expanded government, would recommend:

Increases in government spending during a recession and tax increases during inflation

The correct order of magnitude of government spending currently is:

Healthcare, Social Security, National Defense, Interest on the Debt

Gross domestic product (GDP) measures and reports output:

In dollar amounts

Economists are particularly adept at understandign that people respond to


Coins in people's pockets and purses are:

Included both in M1 and M2

A demand curve:

Indicates the quantity demanded at each price in a series of prices

The largest source of federal revenue comes from:

Individual income taxes

If both the real interest rate and the nominal interest aret are 3 percent, then the:

Inflation premium is zero

Modern economic growth began:

Informally around 1776 when James Watt perfected the steam engine

Discretionary fiscal policy refers to:

Intentional changes in taxes and/or government expenditures made by Congress to stabilize the economy

Price floors and ceiling prices:

Interfere with the rationing function of prices

The Federal Reserce's primary goal is to maintain:

Low unemployment and low inflation

A market:

Is an institution that brings buyers and sellers together

The Federal Reserve System:

Is basically an independent agency of the federal government

Expansionary fiscal policy is so named because it:

Is designed to expand the GDP

A nation's gross domestic product (GDP):

Is the dollar value of all final goods and services produced within the borders of the nation

Which of the following does not correclty characterize modern economic growth?

It has not affected the average lifespan of human beings

The current Chairman of the Federal Reserve is:

Janet Yellon

The presence of discouraged workers:

May cause the official unemployment rate to understate the true amount of unemployment

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) collects and reports on the number of jobs in the economy. They collect information:


Check Exam 3-19 for Diagram (for question 4-5) Refer to the above diagram. A decrease in quantity demanded is depicted by a:

Move from point x to point y

Check Exam 3-19 for Diagram (for question 24-25) An increase in the quantity supplied is depicted by a:

Move from point y to point x

Recently, a labor union argued that the standards of living of its members was falling. A critic of the union argued that this could not possibly be true because the union had been acquiring increasing in the nominal wages of its members through collective bargaining. Is the critic correct?

No, because real income may fall if prices increase more proportionately than the increase in nominal income

Real GDP is preferred to nominal GDP as a measure of economic performance because:

Nominal GDP uses current prices and thus may over or understa

Strong property rights are important for modern economic growth because:

People are more likely to invest if they don't fear that others can take their returns on investment

During peridos of hyperinflation:

People tend to hold goods rather than money

The primary source of revenue for the federal government is:

Personal income taxes

The demand curve shows the realtionship between:

Price and quantity demanded

The law of demand states that, other things equal:

Price and quantity demanded are inversely related

The location of the product supply curve depends on the:

Production technology

During the Great Recession of 2007-08 the Federal Reserve adopted a new, innovative and nontraditional policy of purchasing private mortgage-backed securities to make credit (liquidity) available in order to stimulate aggregate demand. That policy was called:

Quantitative Easing

Before the period of modern economic growth:

Rates of population growth virtually matched rates of output growth

Real income can be determined by:

Reduing nominal income by the inflation rate

An effective ceiling price will:

Result in a product shortage

Suppose that a person's nominal income rises from $10,000 to $12,000 and the conumer price index increases from 110 to 105. The person's real income will:

Rise by about 15 percent

Assume a drought in the Great Plains reduces the supply of wheat. Noting wheat is a basic ingredient in bread and potatoes are a consumer substitute for bread, we would expect the price of wheat to:

Rise, the supply of bread to decrease, and the demand for potatoes to increase

In the United Stats, business cycles have occured against a backdrop of a long-run trend of:

Rising real GDP

Senator Smith argues that replacing the income tax with a national sales tax would increase the level of output. Senator Wells objects that this policy would benefit the rich at the expense of the poor.

Senator Smith's argument is primarily about efficiency, while Senator Well's argument is primarily about equality

Check Exam 3-19 for Diagram (for question 4-5) Refer to the above diagram. A decrease is demanded is depicted by a:

Shift from D2 to D1

Check Exam 3-19 for Diagram (for question 24-25) A decrease in supply is depicted by a:

Shift from S1 to S2

An economist who favours smaller government would recommend:

Tax cuts during a recession and reductions in government spending during inflationary times.

Each of the following is a determinant (shifter) of demand, except:

Technology (Wrong answers are: tastes, expectations, and prices of related goods)

The natural rate of unemployment is:

That rate of unemployment occuring when the eocnomy is at the potential output

The unemployment rate that results from the combination of economic, social and political factors which exist at a time of normal economic conditions is called:

The "natural rate of unemployment"

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) voting membership consists of:

The Board of Governors, the President of the New York Fed and four of the remaining Federal Reserve Bank Presidents

The election of the Chairman and Vice-chairman is made by:

The President of the United States

When current tax revenues exceed current government expenditures and the economy is at full employment:

The cyclically adjusted budget has a surplus

Which of the following would most likely increase the current demand for gasoline?

The expectation by consumers that gasoline prices will be higher in the future

Graphically, the market demand curve is:

The horizontal sum of the individual demand curves

People are willing to pay more for a diamond than for a bottle of water because

The marginal benefit of an extra diamond far exceeds the marginal benefit of an extra bottle of water

The unemployment rate is calculated as follows:

The number of unemployed pepole divided by the labor force

Suppose there are 10 million part-time workers and 90 million full-time workers in an economy. Five millon of the part-time workers become full-time. As a result:

The official unemployment rate will remain unchanged

In representing the idea of a demand curve, economists presume that the most important variable in determining the quantity demanded is:

The price of the product itself

Which of the following is not an economic investment:

The purchase of 100 shares of AT&T by a retired business executive (Wrong answers: purchase of a new drill press, construction of a suburban housing project, increase in inventories on a grocer's shelf)

Suppose that corn prices rise significantly. If farmers expect the price of corn to continue rising relative to other crops, then we would expect:

The supply to increase as farmers plant more corn

The phase of hte busienss cycle in which real GDP is at a minium is caleld:

The trough

The opportunity cost of going to college is

The value of the best opportunity a student gives up attending college

To say that coins are "token money" means that

Their fave value is greater than their commodity value

Which one of the following is true about the U.S. Federal Reserve System?

There are 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks

The demand for a good or service is determined by

Those who buy the good or service

The cost-of-living adjustment clauses in labor contracts (COLAs):

Tie wag e increases to change in the price level

Why are high rates of unemployment of concern to economists?

There is lost output that could have been produced if the unemployed had been working

Which of the following statements best describe the 12 Federal Reserve Banks?

They are privately owned and publicly controlled central banks whose basic goal is to control the money supply and interest rates in promoting the general welfare

Checkable deposits are classified as money because:

They can be readily used in purchasing goods and services or paying debts

When two variables, such as in the "Law of Supply," have a positive correlation:

They tend to move in the same direction

The FOMC operations is the:

Tool most often used by the Federal Reserve to alter th einterest rates and money supply

The primary securities held as assets by the Federal Reserve Banks consists mainly of:

Treasury bills, notes and bonds

Official unemployment statistics:

Understate unemployment because discouraged workers are not counted as unemployed

A $70 price tag on a sweater in a department store window is an example of money functioning as a:

Unit of account

Before the advent of modern economic growth, living standards in the world:

Were relatively stagnant for very long periods of time

To say money is socially defined means that:

Whatever performs the functions of money well is considered to be money

The study of economics entails:

a comparison of marginal benefits and marginal costs in decision making

The opportunity cost of obtaining more of one good is shown on the production possibilities frontier as the

amount of the other good that must be given up

The circular-flow diagram is an example of

an economic model

John Maynard Keynes referred to economics as an easy subject,

at which very few excel

In drawing the production possibilities curve (frontier) we assume that:

technology is fixed

Your professor loves his work, teach economics. He has been offered other position in the corporate world that would increase his income by 25 percent, but he has decided to continue working as a professor. His decision would not change unless the marginal

cost of teaching increased

A normative statement is one that:

is based on value judgements

The phenomenon of scarcity stems from the fact that

resources are limited

Economics deals primarily with the concept of


Reources are

scare for households and scare for economies

When economists are trying to explain the world, they are


The opporutnity cost of an item is

what you give up to get that item

When economists say that people act rationally in their self interest, they mean that individuals:

look for and pursue opportunities to increase their utility

Currency held in the valut of the First National Bank is:

Counted as part of M2 but not M1

In the United States, the money supply (M1) is comprised of:

Coins, paper currency, and checkable deposits

Answer the question on the basis of the following data. All figures are in billions of dollars: Gross Investment: 18 National Income: 100 Net Exports: 2 Personal Income: 85 Personal Consumption Expenditures: 70 Saving: 5 Government Purchases: 20 Net Domestic Product: 105 Statistical Discrepancy: 0 The gross domestic product for the above economy is:


The Obama dministration, in cooperation and support of the Congress, enacted the American Recovery and Reinvestment Acct of 2009. The amount to funds allocated to this program was:

$787 billion

(1) Qd [50, 60, 80, 90, 100] (2) Qd [40, 50, 60, 70, 80] (3) Qd [10, 9, 8, 7, 6] (4) Qd [70, 60, 50, 40, 30] (5) Qd [80, 70, 60, 50, 40] Refer to the table. If demand is represented by columns (3) and (2) and supply is represented by columns (3) and (5), equilibrium price and quantity will be:

$8 and 60 units

If the Consumer Price Index rises from 300 to 333 in a particular year, the rate of inflation in that year is:

11 percent

Answer the Following question based upon the information below: Full-Time Employed: 80 million Part-Time employed: 25 million Unemployed: 15 million Discouraged Workers: 5 million Members of Underground Economy: 6 million Consumer Price Index: 110% The unemployment rate is

12.5 percent

The U.S. dollar in 2014 had the same purchasing power as:

18 cents in 1972

The Federal Reserve Bank was created in:


A reserve requirement of 5 percent implies a potential money multiplier of:


At the depth of the Great Depression, the unemplyment rate in the United States was approximately:

25 percent

In 2009, the federal government incurred the single largest fiscal eficit in its history. The amount was:

1.4 trillion

Approximately what percentage of the world"s economics experience scarcity


Answer the next question(s) on the basis fo the following information about the hypotheticla economy of Econoland. All figures are in millions. UNEMPLOYED: 7 TOTAL POPULATION: 145 EMPLOYED: 95 DISCOURAGED WORKERS: 3 8. Refer to the above information. The labor force in Econoland is:

102 million

The following table contains some production possibilities for an economy for a given year Cars [ 10, 12, 14 ] Newspapers [ 400, 360, ? ] if the production possibilities frontier is bowed outward, then "?" could be


The Federal Reserve System divides the United States into a number of districts. Name the regional headquarter city for six of those districts.

41. New York, 42. Atlanta, 43. Boston, 44. Chicago, 45. Dallas, 46. San Francisco

Currency (paper money plus coins) contains approximately:

45 percent of the U.S. M1 money supply

The following objects have been used as commodity money, excpet:

All have functioned as a medium of exchange (money) (A. cocoa beans, B. cigarettes, C. cowrie shells)

In implementing fiscal policy, there are problems and complicates associated with:

All of the above (A. Recognition lag, B. Legislative lag, C. Implementation lag)

Money functions as a:

All of the above (A. store of value, B. Unit of account, C. Medium of exchange)

Government policies can change the costs and benefits that people face. Those policies have the potential to

All of the above are correct (a. alter people's behaviour, b. alter people's decision at the margin, c. produce results that policymakers did not intend)

Which of these statements about economics models is correct?

All of the above are correct (a. for economists, economic models provide insights about the world, b. economic models are built with assumptions, c. economic models are often composed of equations and diagrams)

The principle that "people face tradeoffs" applies to

All of the above are correct (a. individuals, b. families, c. societies)

Economists, like mathematician, physicists, and biologists,

All of the above are correct (a. make use of the scientific method, b. try to address their subject with ascientist's objectivity, c. devise theories, collect data, and then analyze these data in an attempt to verify or refute their theories)

The production possibilities frontier is used to illustrate some basic economic ideas, including

All of the above are correct (a. scarcity, b opportunity cost, c. economic growth)

The government surplus of the late 1990"s is attributed to:

All of the these. (A. The "Y2K phenomenon, B. The sharp rise in personal income. C. The drop in required government transfer payments.)

The largest component of the money supply (M1) is:

Checkable deposits

Inflation is undesirable because it:

Arbitrarily redistributes real income and wealth

Small-denomination time deposits, by definition:

Are less than $100,000

In order to show a consistent relationship with respect to our national debt, most economists relate our continued deficit spending:

As the relationship of Debt to Gross Domestic Product, (Debt/GDP)

Figure 2-1 I tried, but I still don't understand this figure so I won't be able to explain it, and I can't upload an img. of it. You'll have to look at your own exam to see the graph. Refer to Figure 2-1. Which arrow represents the flow of goods and services?

B, not that it matters since I can't comprehend the figure

Macroeconomics consider the following the most important goals, except:

Balanced budgets

According ot the Bureau lof Labor Statistics, to be officially unemployed, a person must:

Be in the labor force

During periods of very rapid inflation (hyperinflation), money may cease to work as a medium of exchange:

Because people and businesses will not want to accept it in financial transactions

"Crowding out" refers to the situation in which:

Borrowing by the federal government raises interest rates and causes companies to invest less

Currency in circulation is part of:

Both M1 and M2

Recurring up and down swings in an economy's real Gross Domestic PRoduct (GDP_ over time, are called

Business cycles

If the Fed wanted to expand the money supply as part of an antirecession strategy, it could:

Buy U.S. securities in the open market

The money supply of the United States is backed:

By the government's ability to control the supply of money and the universal faith and trust

Given the annual rate of inflation, the "rule of 70" allows one to:

Calculate the number of years required for the price level to double

A nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Can be found by summing up C+I+G+Xn

The rationing function of prices refer to the:

Capacity of a competitive market to equalize quantity demand and quantity supplied

If Z is an inferior good, an increase in money income will shift the:

Demand curve for Z to the left

The phrase, "too much money chasing too few goods," best describes:

Demand-pull inflation

The interest rate at which the Federal Reserve Banks lend to commercial banks is called the:

Discount rate

The number of years required for real GDP to double can be found by:

Dividing the annual growth rate into 70

The terms of the members of the Board of Governors were set to provide all of the following except:

Easy rotation of the majority of the members

Macroeconomics is studied from all of these perspectives, except:

Economics budgets (Wrong answers: economic goals, policies, and framework/models)

Which of the following is correct?

Economists study the management of scarce resources

Which of the following is true?

Efficiency refers to the size of the economic pie; equality refers to how the pie is divided

Economic growth is best defined as an increase in:

Either real GDP or real GDP per capita

All of the following factors are critical for economic growth, except:

Eminent domain

Kara voluntarily quit her job as an insurance agent to return to school full-time to earn an MBA degree. With degree in hand, she is now searching for a position in management. Kara is presently:

Fictionally unemployed

If the MPS (marginal propensity to save) in an ecnomy is .10, making the multiplier effect of 10, the government could shift the aggregate demand curve rightward by $40 billion by:

Increasing government spending by $4 billion

Which of the following does not explain what supports the money supply in the United States:

It is backed by the government's gold supply (Wrong answers: B. it is widely accepted in transactions of all forms, C. It is designated "legal tender" by the federal government, D. It is relatively scarce)

Economists face an obstacle that many other scientists do not face. What is that obstacle?

It is often difficult and sometimes impossible to perform experiments in economics

The quality of "Human Capital" includes:

Knowledge, experience, and education

The annual rate of inflation can be found by subtracting:

Last year's price index form this year's price index and dividing the difference by last year's price index

Assuming no other changes, if checkable deposits increases by $40 billion and currency in ciruclation decreasesbt $40 billion, the:

M1 money supply will not change

"near-monies" are included in:

M2 only

If the current prices of all goods and services rose, but quantity produced remained unchanged, what would happen to nominal and real GDP?

Nominal GDP would rise, but real GDP would be unchanged

If the prices of all goods and services rose, but the quantity produced remained unchanged, what would happen to nominal and real GDP?

Nominal GDP would rise, but real GDP would be unchanged

Under which of the following circumstances would we observe the greatest increase in real income

Nominal income falls by 2 percent and the price level falls by 10 percent (Wrong answers: variations of the correct answer but with lower real income)

ALex works in his home as a homemaker and full-time caretaker of his children. Officially he is:

Not in the labor force

Demand-pull inflation

Occurs when total spending exceeds the economy's ability to provide output at the existing price level

Demand-pull inflation:

Occurs when total spenidng in the ceocnomy is excessive

The Federal Reserve has three traditional tools to implement monetary policy:

Open market operations, changing the reserve requirements, and changing the discount rate

The term "ceteris paribus" means:

Other things equal

The supply curve shows the relationship between:

Price and quantity supplied

Paper money (currency) in the United States is:

Printed by the Bureau of Engraving and issued by the Federal Reserve Banks

The law of supply indicates that, other things equal:

Producers will offer more of a product at a high prices than at low prices

Camille's Creations and Julia's Jewls both sell breads in a competitive market. If at the market price of $5 both are running out of bread to sell (they can't keep up with the quantity demanded at that price) then we would expect both Camille and Julia to:

Raise their price and increase their quantity supplied

The principle measurement of the eocnomic sucess of a nation is:

Real GDp per capita

Modern economic growth refers to countries that have experienced an increase in:

Real output per person (per capita).

Cost-push inflation:

Reduced real output

Unanticipated inflation:

Reduces the real burden of the public debt to the government

In 2010, Tatum's nominal income rose by 4.6 percent and the price level rose by 1.6 percent. WE can conclude that Tatum's real income:

Rose by approximately 3 percent

The business cycle depicts:

Significant fluctuations in economic output and employment

Efficiency means that

Society is getting the maximum benefits from its scarce resources

A leftward shift of a product supply curve might be caused by:

Some firms leaving an industry

Unemployment involving a mismatch of the skills of unemployed workers and the skill required for current available jobs is called:

Structural unemployment

There are a number of people who fall into a category called "hidden unemployment." They are all of the following, except:


The Federal budget deficit is found by:

Subtracting government tax revenues from government spendig in a particular year

The forces that make market economies work are:

Supply and demand

If you are estimating your total expenses for school next semester, you are using money primarily as

Unit of account

Which of the following institutional arrangements is most likely to promote economic growth?

Unrestricted trade between nations

Which of the following is most likely to be an inferior good:

Used clothing

A typical society strives to get the most it can from its scarce resources. At the same time, the society attempts to distribute the benefits of those resources to the members of the society in a fair manner. In other words the society faces a tradeoff between

efficiency and equality

The labor force includes:

employed workers and persons who are officially unemployed

Which of the following concepts cannot be illustrated by the production possibilities frontier


When an economist evaluates a positive statement, he or she is primarily

examining evidence

In the simple circular-flow diagram, the participants in the economy are

households and firms

Graph (y= capital goods, x= consumer goods) curves downwards (parabola opening downwards) with the following points: (A: on the line, located towards the top) (B: on the line, located towards the middle) (C: on the line, towards the bottom) (D: below the line) (E: Above the line) Refer to the above diagram. Other things equal, this economy will achieve the most rapid rate of future growth if:

it chooses point A

Production is efficient if the economy is producing at a point

on the production possibilities frontier line

A rational decision maker takes an action only if the

marginal benefit is greater than the marginal cost

Which of the following phrases best captures the notion of efficiency?

minimum waste

In the circular-flow diagram, which of the following is not a factor of production?


Guns and butter are used to represent the clasical societal tradeoff between spending on

national defence and consumer goods

A positive statement is one which is:

objective and is based on facts

Mitch has $100 to spend and wants to buy either a new amplifier for his guitar or a new mp3 player to listen to music while working out. Both the amplifier and the mp3 player cost $100, so he can only buy one. This illustrates the basic concept that

people face trade-offs

The adage, "There is no such thing as a free lunch," means

people face tradeoffs

For economists, statements about the world are two types:

positive statements and normative statements

Economics may be best defined as the:

social science concerned with how individuals, institutions, and society make optimal choices

A microeconomist - as opposed to a macroeconomist - might study

the effect of rising oil prices on employment in the airline industry

Macroeconomics approaches the study of economics from the viewpoint of:

the entire economy

Suppose a nation is currently producing at a point inside its production possibilities frontier. We know that

the nation is not using all available resources or is using inferior technology or both

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