Econ Test 2

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_________ collusion can occur even when oligopolistic businesses do not directly communicate with each other.


What word describes the goods and services that are used to produce outputs for a business?


The goods or services purchased by a business for immediate use in the production process are known as

Intermediate inputs

Theodore can make 6 pizzas in one hour. If Theodore's labor has a diminishing marginal product, what must be true about the number of pizzas that Theodore can make in three hours?

It must be less than 18.

The total cost of production is determined by adding which of the following costs?

Labor, capital and land, intermediate inputs, and accumulating business know-how.

In a simple lawn-mowing business where you have a push mower and labor as input, by adding an additional input in the form of a gas self-propelled mower (capital), what would be the impact on output?

Output would increase

In the long run, monopolistic competition starts to look like

Perfect competition.

In perfect competition, P = MC means

Price equals marginal cost.

What is the economic process of turning inputs into outputs that a business will sell to customers?


When a business expands production and increases sales, what generally happens to revenue?

Revenue rises because the business is selling more output.

The local department store used to be ___________ before technological change.

a monopoly

Outputs are always goods.


Perfect competition requires a nonstandard product.


The short-term cost function assumes that

Fixed costs can't be changed.

Think about a Starbucks coffee shop. Identify whether each of the following inputs is a fixed cost or a variable cost:

a) An espresso machine: Fixed Cost b) Electricity to run the machine: Variable cost c) The lease on the store: Fixed cost d) Workers: variable cost

An oligopoly occurs when there

are a few sellers in a market

Monopolies generally _____________ technology and globalization.

are reduced in number by

Inputs to production do NOT include

average product

Output divided by the number of hours worked or by the number of workers is called

average product

A __________ is anything that might make it more difficult for a competitor to enter a market.

barrier to entry

A ___________ makes it more difficult for a competitor to enter a market.

barrier to entry

If you add too many inputs, your business may experience

diminishing marginal product

Many times, technology is _____ in the equipment a company buys.


Businesses will generally shut down if they lose money for one or two years.


Marginal revenue is the additional revenue a business gets from producing or selling one more unit of input.


The marginal product is the extra amount of output a firm can generate by adding one more hour of labor (or one more worker).


When businesses have market power, they are able to charge a price higher than the price charged by a business in perfect competition. Thus the market power equilibrium on a diagram will be

higher and to the left of the perfect competition equilibrium

An example of variable costs is

hourly labor

One strategy for long-term profit maximization is


Inputs used by a business in the production process include


The price of labor per unit times the amount of labor used is called

labor cost

Fixed costs are also known as __________ costs because they are much harder for a business to change.

long term

Which of the following is NOT an example of a barrier to entry?

lower costs

Compared to businesses with market power, businesses in perfect competition will charge __________ prices and sell __________ output.

lower; more

In perfect competition, a profit-maximizing business will expand until its _________ equals the market price.

marginal cost

_________ is the added cost to produce one more unit of output.

marginal cost

The added expense of producing one more unit of output is called the

marginal cost.

_____________ is the added revenue from producing and selling one more unit of output.

marginal revenue

A profit-maximizing business will increase production as long as

marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost

As the market price of a good rises, businesses will respond by producing more of that good because

marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost after the price increase.

All other things equal, a business making shirts would choose not to expand when

marginal revenue per shirt equals $7 and the marginal cost per shirt equals $10.

The additional money a business gets from producing and selling one more unit of output is

marginal revenue.

From World War II to the early 1970s, GM, Ford, and Chrysler enjoyed

market power

___________ is the ability to raise prices above the level perfect competition would produce by restricting the quantity supplied.

market power

Economists generally assume that the main goal of most businesses in the economy is to

maximize profits.

In general, as markets have

more competition, production rises and costs fall over the long run

A _______ monopoly is an industry in which it makes economic sense to have only one provider.


A good example of monopolistic competition is

neighborhood restaurants.

Average product is not as reliable an indicator of how a business is doing as it used to be because of

outsourcing labor.

The four main types of market structure are

perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly.

If music was perfectly competitive, then all performers would

play the same music and charge the same price for concerts.

Economists think of a business as a machine, where you put inputs in one end and get outputs from the other end. This metaphor is called the

production function.

Companies will often spend considerable amounts of money to create a ____________ in regards to their brand name.

reputation effect

___________ is the amount of money a company receives for selling its product or service.


Marginal cost generally ________ quantity produced.

rises with

Variable costs are also known as

short term costs

In short-run profit maximization, businesses focus on the ______, holding fixed costs constant.

short-term cost function

If all of the restaurants in a small town colluded and agreed to raise dinner prices, this would lead to a loss to society because

some dinners that could be served are not.

A business with market power may

sometimes use high profits to research new technologies.

Natural monopolies have been slowly eroded by

technological change.

In perfect competition, higher-cost businesses

tend to go out of business if unable to adjust.

Market power is

the ability to raise prices above the prices that would exist under perfect competition.

______ shows the potential cost for each level of output.

the cost function

The easiest way to have a monopoly today is

to have the government protect you.

A business can escape perfect competition by building a better, more innovative product.


A production function tells you, given the inputs, what the output will be.


Businesses have two types of cost: fixed and variable.


In a market with perfect competition, given enough time and no barriers to entry, profits will tend toward zero in the long run


In perfect competition, a profit-maximizing business will expand until its marginal cost equals the market price.


In perfect competition, if there are no barriers to entry, only the lowest-cost businesses survive over the long run.


Inputs for a business are the goods and services that it sells to its customers.


Marginal cost is the added expense of producing one more unit of output.


Marshall Field's and Sterns Department Stores are examples of low-cost producers in a perfect competition market.


Under the right circumstances, competition could be a win-win proposition for companies and consumers.


In the process of long-term profit maximization, the business makes decisions under the assumption that it can

vary all the inputs.

Which of the following is most likely to be sold in a perfectly competitive market?


Refer to Table 5.1, which gives Farmer McColl's marginal cost function for barley. If Farmer McColl is currently producing 20 bushels of barley, which of the following is the market price for a bushel of barley?


Refer to Table 5.1, which gives Farmer McColl's marginal cost function for barley. If Farmer McColl is currently producing 25 bushels of barley, which of the following could be the market price for a bushel of barley?


A business has revenues of $4 million per month and costs of $3 million per month. It's annual profits are

$12 Million

A business has revenues of $6 million per month and costs of $5 million per month. It's annual profits are

$12 million

If a local car dealership can sell 8 cars per day at a price of $25,000 each, but must reduce the price to $24,000 to sell one more car, what is the marginal revenue of the 9th car?


If a local diner can sell 50 burgers per day at a price of $5 each, but must reduce the menu price to $4.95 to sell one more burger, what is the marginal revenue of the 51st burger?


If Sara can produce 25 muffins for a total cost of $15, but her production process is subject to increasing marginal costs, which of the following could be the total cost of producing 100 muffins?


What is the average labor productivity of AEP (in megawatt-hours per worker)?


Refer to Table 5.1, which gives Farmer McColl's marginal cost function for barley. Suppose Farmer McColl is one of 20 farmers in the barley market, and all of the farmers have identical marginal cost functions. If the market price of barley is $1.00 per bushel, which of the following could be the total amount of barley produced in the market?


Which of the following is an example of a profit-maximizing business?

An accountant who makes her living preparing tax returns for other people.

Refer to Table 5.1, which gives Farmer McColl's marginal cost function for barley. If the current market price for barley is $1.00 per bushel, how much barley should Farmer McColl produce?

Between 30 and 40 bushels.

If June can earn $1,500 in revenue from painting two houses, how much can she earn in revenue from painting three houses? (Assume she is just one housepainter in a large market of housepainters, and that she can easily find a third customer.)

Exactly $2,250

Revenue is the money that customers pay for the output of a business.


Complete the following statements with the correct answer.

a) Standardized products are easy to compare. b) Markets with one or two sellers are less likely to be perfectly competitive. c) Buyers and sellers in a perfectly competitive market need information about prices so they can find the current market price.

In 2008 the cost of oil soared, and so did the cost of jet fuel. In response, American Airlines announced in May of that year that it was cutting some routes and reducing the frequency of flights on other routes.

a) a fixed cost for a flight that will fly b) lower fuel costs c) partially filled flights because these have a higher average cost d) increase the number of flights because the marginal cost of adding a flight would be lower

a) Fill in the table with the appropriate marginal product and average product for each level of hiring. b) Graph the production function. c) Suppose the office buys a new type of MRI machine that scans faster. The production function will

a)Marginal Product = number of scans - number of technicians / number of technicians Average product = number of scans / number of technicians c)shift upward

You are running a restaurant under conditions of monopolistic competition. Explain how each of the following affects the demand schedule you face.

a)demand shifts left b)demand shifts right c)demand shiftsrright

a) Clearly Google is the choice of many people for searching. If Google started charging for searches, the demand for its services would b) Does Google have market power in the market for searches, as defined in this chapter? c) Google does charge advertisers for placing their ads next to related searches. For example, if you search for "Toyota," you will see car-related ads. Does Google have market power in the market for advertising? d) Suppose Google had 100 percent of the online search market (perhaps by buying up Microsoft and Yahoo!). Would Google be able to raise the price it charges advertisers?

a)go down, but by how much is indeterminate. b)No, because they have not raised to the price to provide the needed evidence. c)No, because there are many other advertising outlets. d)Yes, because any firm wanted this type of advertising would have to use Google.

a) Apples in the grocery store b)Plane tickets from New York to Seattle c)Tickets to a professional football game in your town d)Passenger train service

a)many sellers b)many sellers c)few sellers d)few sellers

a) If one of the hair salons goes out of business, in the short run the market supply curve will b) The price of haircuts sold will c) The number of haircuts sold will

a)shift to the left b)increase c)decrease

Someone wants to open a new restaurant in town. Identify which of the following would be a barrier to entry.

a)would b)would not c)would d)would not e)would

An example of an oligopoly is the

airline industry

If two or more oligopolistic companies work together to keep their prices high and split the market between them, this is called


What word describes the money that a business pays for its inputs?


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