Ed Psych Final

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Based on guidelines for gaining and maintaining students' attention, which of the following teachers is using an effective strategy?

"Let's read out lesson objectives on the board. This lesson is important because it helps us county money."

Which adult seems to be well informed and have the right idea about children's handedness?

"Stop trying to make Aden right-handed. Handedness is genetic."

If Rhonda wants to use maintenance rehearsal to keep information in working memory, which of the following will she do?

"The tracking number is 2680 5589, 2680 5589, 2680 5589."

percentile rank

% of test takers at or below the individuals score

intermin assessments

-growth-occur at regular intervals during the school year to determine students progress in an objective way

purpose of myelin

-insulates and protects axon -speeds conduction of electrical impulses down axon

microgenetic studies

-observation/analysis of changes in a cognitive process as it unfolds (days or weeks-observe period of the change -make many observations -put observed behavior "under a microscope"

formative assessment

-ungraded or diagnostic assessment-helps form and support learning by providing feedback to both student and teacher

Four elements of working memory

1. Central executive. 2. Phonological loop. 3. Visuospatial sketchpad. 4. Episodic buffer.


When applied to brain development, the process by which unused connections in the brain atrophy and die.

what is a theory

A theory is a statement that has not been tested

When is Evan MOST likely to experience academic anxiety in the classroom?

When he sets performance goals

Cognitive Evaluation Theory

A version of self-determination theory which holds that allocating extrinsic rewards for behavior that had been previously intrinsically rewarding tends to decrease the overall level of motivation if the rewards are seen as controlling

With regard to ethnic minority identity development, which of the following describes the marginality stage?

When the person lives in the majority culture, but feels alienated.

Each of the following children is undergoing change. Which change is NOT defined as developmental? A. Mark is walking carefully on one foot while his sprained ankle heals. B. Cait left out several steps in the process of conducting the lab experiment, but she understands what she did wrong and is redoing the experiment. C. Julius is working on his batting skills and hit the ball farther today. D. Davarko has learned enough English to introduce himself and meet other students.

A. Mark is walking carefully on one foot while his sprained ankle heals.

Three questions surrounding development pose continuing debate among researchers and theorists. Which of the following is one of those questions? A. What is the shape of development? B. Does development take place gradually? C. Is development orderly? D. Do people develop at the same rate?

A. What is the shape of development?


Adjusting the support offered during a teaching session to fit the child's current level of performance

Which of the following theorists is most closely associated with social cognitive theory?

Albert Bandura

Aaron is an 18-year old senior in Mr. Caldwell's AP Calculus class who often arrives to school with signs of physical abuse. During the course of this semester, Aaron has had both a broken arm and an arm fracture. Though Aaron has never verbally indicated that he is enduring abuse, Mr. Caldwell is concerned. Mr. Caldwell discusses his concerns with Mrs. Anderson, the school counselor, but they are both uncertain about whether Aaron is technically considered a child or an adult. What advice would you give them about Aaron's situation?

Always make the report if you are concerned - the child protection agency is responsible for deciding if Aaron is legally considered a child.

the continuum of motivation

Amotivatic, extrinsic, intrinsic (not everyone gets to intrinsic for every behavior-still do it)

what is a hypothesis

An educated guess

The principal at Bragg Elementary School held a meeting in which he reminded teachers to create learning environments that represent constructivist perspectives. Which of the following environments is LEAST likely to meet the principal's expectations?

Another teacher puts his notes on PowerPoint and lectures from them to help students take precise notes that capture the content without misunderstandings.

In the state of Missouri, a 14 year old can have a sexual relationship with

Anyone who is no more than 3 years older than they are

Mrs. Carson wants her students to learn how to summarize as they read. She models the behaviors for the students and talks about each step she uses to summarize part of a story. For Mrs. Carson's students to begin to learn by observing her modeling, what elements of observational learning do they need to exhibit?

Apply triachic reciprocal causaltiy

Haley confuses the words there, they're, and their in her writing. As Mr. Morrow monitors students during writing assignments, he often catches Haley's incorrect use of these words. If he wants to implement a system of positive practice, what will he do?

As soon as Mr. Morrow sees the mistake, he will tell Haley to use the correct spelling orally and then immediately change her paper to write it correctly.

In Missouri, the age of consent is...

As young as 14 if the partner is no more than 3 years older; otherwise, 16...

loci method

Associate items with specific places

As a sophomore in high school, Caitin is allowed to make a lot of decision related to her style and personal preferences. She recently asked her parents to let her take two friends and drive to a concert in Atlanta, 90 miles from their home. Her parents said they could not allow it and explained that the three girls needed an adult presence. The parenting style of Caitlin's parents most likely is:


Which parenting style is demanding AND supportive?


spiral curriculum

Bruner's design for teaching that introduces the fundamental structure of all subjects early in the school years, then revisits the subjects in more and more complex forms over time.

Which of the following people are correctly interpreting percentile ranks?

Callie tells Andrew's parents that his score in the 95th percentile indicates that he scored at or better than 95% of other students who took the same test.

Which of the following students has an incremental view of ability?

Cassidy is trying different strategies for learning vocabulary words. She is sure she will find a strategy that words for her.

Based on general statistics, which of the of the following students is most likely to have fewer problems associated with timing of maturation?

Claire, who experience menarche just before her 15th birthday.

Which of the following statements illustrates measurement (as defined in assessment terminology)?

Connor answered 14 of the 15 questions correctly.

According to cognitive science, which conditions are most likely to result in deep learning?

Corey reflected on his new thought about applying the mathematical principle he just learned and realized that he will use it again.

which of the following children has most likely reached the concrete operational stage of development?

Cori places the six colorful containers in order of size from smallest to largest.

Which of the following children seems to have the most well developed theory of mind?

Darby realized that Bryson didn't mean to step on her when he moved his desk into place for group work, so she didn't make an issue of it.

Several of the students in Mr. Enzor's class are comparing their scores on their state standardized test. They are not sure they understand how to interpret their score sheets. Which student appears to understand stanine scores and ranks the highest in terms of stanine scores?

Darby says her stanine score is 9.

Which of the following middle school students is using the element of working memory known as the phonological loop to hold information?

Darrin is working with his partner to create harmony on a new piece for band.

Which of the following students appears to demonstrate performance avoidance goals?

Deon skimmed the chapter quickly and decided on a few comments he could make during group discussions tomorrow. He doesn't want to look stupid when his group meets and starts to discuss the new material.

Erikson's Identity Development

Development viewed an interdependent series of stages; each stage presents a development crisis

Dewayne is engaged in the following activities. Which of the activities illustrates conservation?

Dewayne poured paint from the gallon bucket into his paint pan and realized it's the same amount of paint, but looks like less.

Mason grew one inch between sixth grade and seventh grade. What type of developmental change is this?


Griffin has been cast as the lead character in the school play. He has a lot of lines to memorize and about three weeks before rehearsals begin. He plans to memorize about five pages per night, making sure he has Act I memorized by the end of the first week. What method of memorization is Griffin using?

Distributive practice

Toni has a big mid-term exam coming up in a few weeks. She decides to try paying closer attention in class, but she doesn't begin studying for the exam outside of class until 4 days before she's supposed to take it. Toni looks through her notes, tries to quiz herself, and re-writes her notes from all 4 chapters. In total, between the four days she gave herself to study, she spends about 8 hours preparing for the exam. Toni's strategy aligns with the idea of massed practice. Which of the following strategies would serve her better for this mid-term?

Distributive practice; she has a few weeks to study the information, so she should look over smaller amounts of information over that longer span of time to make sure she retains it!

Based on the following attributions, which student is most likely to be motivated to choose more difficult academic tasks?

Duke said he didn't study for the algebra test. He said he's just good at math.

Who is the father of educational psychology?

EL Thorndike, who founded the Journal of Educational Psychology.

What best describes beginning teachers?

Experience reality shock and focus on how they are doing as teachers.

Marisa Campala is conducting research with fifth grade teachers in diverse classrooms. One group of teachers uses English and Spanish to greet students each morning and other teachers maintain their regular greetings in English. What type of research is Marisa most likely conducting?


True or False: A test can be valid without being reliable.

False, because reliability focuses on ensuring a test measures what we expect it to measure. ????

Which of the following research designs involves enthographic research? A. Following a group of Hmong students who attend a public elementary school in Minneapolis to understand their acculturation at school B. Collecting data about the inclusion of a child with vision impairment by conducting interviews with a vision impaired child, his parents, his teachers, and his peers C. Changing teaching strategies to see whether the new strategy brings about more learning in the math unit about adding fractions D. Measuring the increase in test scores on the state reading test when dyslexic children have additional time to take the test`

Following a group of Hmong students who attend a public elementary school in Minneapolis to understand their acculturation at school

Mr. Lee wants to gauge how his students are doing with content that he has covered in the last two units, but he does not want his assessment to impact their grades. He wants to collect this information so that he can review content that students are struggling with and identify areas of concern. Which type of assessment should Mr. Lee use?


Mrs. Thomas is a new fourth grade teacher. In the third week of school, she is introducing a new science unit that includes several words that will probably be new to most of the students. The unit involves extensive declarative knowledge, and Mrs. Thomas has chunked the information into small segments that her students can grasp. Now she is in the classroom and ready to begin the introduction with the students. What is the first thing she must do in order to meet her goal of helping students learn?

Gain students' attention

Carter has a physics assignment due that requires him to use his knowledge of the physics concepts learned, as well as his knowledge of calculus. In order for Carter to apply knowledge from physics and calculus to this assignment, which type of cognitive load is necessary?


What type of goals is most likely to enhance motivation and persistence?

Goals that can be reached fairly soon.

During the standardized test, which student demonstrates implicit long- term memory?

Haley's hand shakes as she begins the test, just like her hand shook when she took the SAT.

Experienced teachers often ask several of the following questions as they teach. Which question is most likely to be the metacognitive concern of a beginning teacher?

How well did I handle the disruptive behavior?

Praise is more effective if used appropriately. Based on guidelines for giving praise, which teacher seems to understand and use praise appropriately?

I am glad to see that you used the correct heading on your paper and turned in a very neat paper today, Carson.

Ms. Strauss made the decision to delay the class field trip. Students verbalized their frustration and disappointment. Which teacher response supports self-determination and autonomy?

I recognize your frustration with my decision to delay the field trip

Which of the following quotes is a statement of self-concept?

I'm not good at solving interpersonal conflicts, but I am good at solving math problems.

What types of problems do students confront in problem-based learning?

Ill-structured problems

Nick is doing his sixth grade homework in history. The task requires him to make two maps of his state and compare the two maps. One map represents the state in 1850 and the other represents the state in current times. Nick is working at the task, following the instructions, and feeling that he can complete it successfully. He does need to ask the teacher one question before he finishes. Which of the following terms best describes the relationship of this assignment to Nick's level of performance?

In his zone of proximal development

positive reinforcement

Increasing behaviors by presenting positive stimuli,

Levi is like most other children in elementary school, learning new skills and coming to some understanding of his abilities in comparison to the abilities of peers. At this stage of psychosocial development, which developmental crisis is Levi learning to resolve?

Industry verses inferiority

domain-specific knowledge

Information useful in particular situation or applies mainly to one topic

Devin watches TV several hours a day. In his favorite shows, key characters model aggressive behavior. Devin imitates the actions of these characters on the playground and in the classroom to get what he wants. He pushes other children aside to get the toy he wants or to claim the chair he wants. Devin demonstrates what type of aggression?


In his creative writing unit, Mr. Hembre wants to use portfolios to collect student writings. Which of the following steps should he include in the process of creating these portfolios?

Involve students in selecting the writing pieces to include in their portfolios

Punishment is often ineffective. Based on studies about the use of punishment, why is it typically ineffective?

It fails to teach children what to do in place of the behavior being punished.

Piaget's theory is realistic because...

It is not. Human development is more continuous than his theory suggests.

Which of the following students is LEAST likely to cheat on the upcoming calculus test?

Jaclyn wants to get accepted into a special math program, so she's interested in learning calculus as preparation for more difficult math challenges.

Mrs. Rodriguez has good rapport with one of her Algebra students, Kellen. After class, Kellen tells Mrs. Rodriguez that she is sorry that her homework assignment is late, explaining that she was having trouble focusing. When Mrs. Rodriguez tries to give Kellen tips on how to minimize distractions, Kellen tells her that she just can't focus at home when her parents are fighting. She describes episodes of domestic violence between her parents that worry Mrs. Rodriguez. When Mrs. Rodriguez probes for more information to see if Kellen is being abused, Kellen says that everything is fine at home unless her parents are fighting, denying that she has ever been abused. Based on what Kellen has told Mrs. Rodriguez:

Kellen's situation is grounds for emotional abuse and should be reported to a child protection agency.

You and the other fifth grade teachers at your school are preparing your students for state standardized tests. What advice should you and your colleagues follow?

Make sure students know how to use all test materials

Mandated reporters are responsible for:

Making reports of suspected abuse of neglect in good faith

Keyshawn didn't think much about being African American until he got to high school. Then he became painfully aware of his ethnic minority status. He still wants to do well in school and become a lawyer like his uncle, but he feels alienated when he's at school. His African American friends from middle school are not interested in academics, and Keyshawn doesn't have much in common with them anymore. His racial-ethnic identity seems to be:


Nine-year-old Connor is curious about technology and wants to become an engineer. Due to changes in No Child Left Behind legislation, his school received a large grant that funds a special technology program. Connor is particularly excited to be one of the participants in the program. According to Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model, the legislative changes took place in which social/cultural ecosystem?


Selena's parents divorced recently, and Selena is having difficulty adjusting to the changes in her life. According to Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model, which of Selena's social/cultural systems is most directly affected?


According to Haidt's model...

Moral choices involve reasoning and intuition.

Think about students' needs in the classroom. Based on studies, which of the following high school teachers is most likely to have students with greater conceptual learning and higher school attendance?

Mr. Andrus allows his students to choose among three types of projects they will do as culminating activity in the history unit.

Which of the following strategies is LEAST likely to build student interests and curiosity in the subject.

Mr. Brown relates content objectives to his own experiences in his science class.

In which of the following situations does Mr. Cannon scaffold learning? A. Mr. Cannon showed a brief video with a close-up demonstration of the detailed steps he had explained to the class. B. Mr. Cannon gave a student a choice between two actions: return to his seat quietly and immediately or stay after school. C. Mr. Cannon assigned readings in the text about the period of history immediately following the Civil War in the U.S. D. Mr. Cannon divided students into groups to play their favorite game of trivial pursuit in history.

Mr. Cannon showed a brief video with a close-up demonstration of the detailed steps he had explained to the class.

Which of the following is most likely to be identified as an authentic assessment?

Mr. Kuhar's students are developing solutions to the problem of industrial toxins being dumped into their community's drinking water source.

Which of the following teachers uses norm-referenced grading?

Mr. O'Neal grades his chemistry exams on the curve.

Nika is a failure-avoiding student. Her teachers have different ways of dealing with her. Which one of her teachers does NOT encourage self- worth?

Mr. Simmons tells Nika how he failed math one grading period and then learned new strategies that helped him succeed.

Dani often makes statements openly about wanting to commit suicide. In Mr. Tanner's class, he overhears her telling a classmate that she has a plan to carryout her suicide that upcoming weekend, while her parents are out of town. Mr. Tanner knows he must take action, but he is uncertain of what he should do. What advice do you give him about Dani?

Mr. Tanner should notify Dani's parents of her statements before he does anything else.

The following teachers are using various types of assessments. Which one is most likely used for formative purposes?

Ms. Allen is giving a pretest before she begins instruction on a new unit in geometry.

In which assignment does Ms. Carlson expect her students to use formal operational thinking?

Ms. Carlson asked students to think of metaphors for the current state of economy in the U.S.

According to cognitive evaluation theory, which of the following classroom events is most likely to increase students' intrinsic motivation to learn?

Ms. Carlson writes on the board the due date for science projects and suggests that students transfer the information to their notebooks.

The following teachers all assigned essay writing in their middle school English classes. Today they returned students' papers. Based on the following information, which of these teachers is most likely to have students who are motivated to pursue learning goals in the classroom?

Ms. Compton returned the essays and asked students to compare this draft with their first draft to see how much progress they had made.

Which one of the following examples illustrates appropriate use of high- stakes testing?

Ms. Davis used high-stakes testing as the basis for recommending remedial work for students who failed in specified subjects.

objective testing

Multiple-choice, matching, true/false, short-answer, and fill-in tests; scoring answers does not require interpretation.

Moira frequently comes to school in ill-fitting clothing that is often inappropriate for the weather. She asks for extra snacks throughout the school day and avoids answering questions about her home life. Of the types of abuse discussed in class, which are you most concerned about for Moira?


Which of the following students is probably most efficient in his multitasking?

Owen is listening to Mozart and reading his literature assignment.

Paige talks out loud to herself as she gets her backpack ready for school. She doesn't want to forget anything important. What would Vygotsky most likely say about Paige's behavior?

Paige's self-talk serves a positive self-guiding function

Mr. Lytle called Brenna's mother to discuss Brenna's classroom behavior and get parental support to help Brenna learn self-control. Brenna uses aggressive behavior to get her way, and today she pushed Liam and caused him to fall. Mr. Lytle instructed Brenna to take time out from the group, and he talked to her privately. Brenna's mother responded to Mr. Lytle by saying, "Brenna's that way. She doesn't realize how strong she is. She's really a sweet girl. She'll grow out of it." The parenting style in Brenna's microsystem is most likely:


Six-year-old Ana saw her big brother take cookies from the cookie jar without permission. He didn't get caught or scolded. Ana decided she wanted cookies too and copied her brother's behavior. The children's mother has told them to ask before getting cookies, but they took cookies without asking. Based on triarchic reciprocal causality, what three kinds of influences are working together to explain Ana's behavior?

Personal, environmental, and behavioral

Mr. Thomas has noticed that one of his students shows signs of anorexia and another shows signs of bulimia. If Mr. Thomas follows the guidelines for supporting positive body image, which of the following is he most likely to do?

Pose questions to these students privately about their eating habits and health and listen attentively to their answers

Samantha habitually blurted out answers to questions during class discussion. Mr. Hargrove repeatedly called Samantha by name and told her to wait her turn, but Samantha repeated her behavior day after day. Mr. Hargrove finally realized that his strategy was not working. He thought he was using a form of punishment, but his strategy turned out to be:

Positively reinforcing the behavior

Amaya hates packing her lunch for school each morning. Sometimes, she makes her family run late because she puts off packing her lunch for so long - she'd rather spend her time picking her outfit for the day instead. Amaya's father takes action. He tells Amaya that if she packs her lunch first, then she can pick her outfit with the rest of the time she has. Of the concepts of behaviorism that we've discussed, which is Amaya's father using?

Premack Principle

Ms. Fonteneau is concerned about her French students' motivation to learn. She creates authentic activities such as assigning tasks related to travel in French-speaking countries. She wants every student to succeed and achieve high grades. Which of the following is the most appropriate action for her to take to meet her goal

Provide critical feedback to help students learn.

Dr. Sullivan conducts research that involves measuring the amount of change in student scores on state math tests at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year for students in top teachers' classrooms. What type of research is Dr. Sullivan conducting?


levels/depth of processing theory

Recall of information based on how deeply it is processed, analyzed, connected

love and belongingness

Receiving and giving love, affection, trust, and acceptance. Affiliating, being part of a group (family, friends, work)

Students in Mr. Morrow's sixth grade math class have provided math tutoring for students in the second grade. They conducted this service learning project for four weeks to use their math skills and meet needs of struggling young students. What additional learning activity must be involved for this project to exhibit the characteristics of service learning?

Reflect and write about the service learning experience.

Ms. Castello has tried several configurations for students to practice the Spanish conversations they memorize in the book. Students seem to enjoy the task most when they work in pairs around the classroom and dread the task when they are required to perform in front of the class. How might she use this information to provide negative reinforcement?

Remove the requirement to perform in front of the class if students focus and perform well in pairs.

Which best describes the differences between self-concept and self-esteem?

Self-concept is knowledge about self; self-esteem is value of self-worth.

Tanner is training his dog to roll over. At first, Tanner's dog just lays down, but won't continue the motions of rolling over. To get his dog to do what he wants, Tanner starts by giving him a treat every time he lays down. After about a week, Tanner then stops reinforcing the laying, and begins giving his dog a treat when he lays down, and then rolls to one side. After a while, he is able to give his dog treats for laying down, rolling to one side, and returning to laying down. Eventually, Tanner's dog figured out what Tanner wants and starts rolling over in smooth movements rather than choppy ones. What is Tanner doing in this example?

Shaping his dog's behavior

Mrs. Rembrandt notices that Kylie has been working on spelling, her least favorite subject, for ten straight minutes without complaining. Mrs. Rembrandt tells Kylie that for her hard work, she can have ten minutes at the iPad station, her favorite space in the classroom, and takes the spelling worksheet from her. What is Mrs. Rembrandt doing?

She is using both negative and positive reinforcement - she's removing the things Kylie doesn't like, but she is also giving Kylie something she does like

Which of the following students appears to be intrinsically motivated?

Shonda takes her mystery book to all of her classes and reads a few more pages whenever she gets a chance.

Rachel has a hard time relating to other students. She is very independent, but wants to have friends. She has tried to carry on conversations about the science concepts that interest her and information she learned from her dad who is a civil engineer. She's trying to branch out and watch a TV show some of the students like so she can discuss it with them at school tomorrow. What kind of development is involved in Rachel's experiences?

Social Development

In which of the following situations is success attributed to stable causes?

Success attributed to inherited intelligence

data-limited tasks

Successful processing depends on amount/quality of data available

In Maslow's hierarchy, what are the deficiency needs?

Survival, safety, belonging, self-esteem


Systematic and organized collections of children's work and demonstrations of their progress relevant to the goals of the curriculum.

Child obesity and eating disorders are growing problems in the U.S. Several of Mr. Thomas's middle school students fit these categories. Which of his students most likely shows signs of anorexia?

Tanner, a gymnast, is a fanatic about exercise and has lost a lot of weight during the six months since school started. Mr. Thomas rarely sees him at lunch.

When Mr. Conrad's high school students asked him to allow them to get into their groups and talk about the upcoming field trip rather than discussing the chapter, Mr. Conrad said, "I'm going to invoke the Premack principle." What did he most likely do?

Tell students they must discuss the chapter first and then get into groups to talk about the field trip.

Anderson's wife, Christy, is a big hockey fan. Each time the St.Louis Blues play, she watched the game. Tonight, Christy is watching the Blues play the Blackhawks. The Blues score a big tie-breaking goal just before the end of the second period. Christy jumps up and down excitedly. Anderson has noticed that Christy does this each time they score a big goal. What is the antecedent to Christy's behavior (jumping up and down).

The Blues score a goal

Safe Schools Act

The Missouri Safe Schools Act requires each district to develop a written discipline policy which addresses the use of and procedures for the administration of corporal punishment, defines "acts of school violence" or "violent behavior," and includes a provision regarding weapons.

Which of the following accurately describe the information needed to file a report of child abuse?

The names of the child, child's parents, and alleged abuser, as well as where the child can be located.

What facts about brain development during adolescence explain their risk-taking impulsivity?

The prefrontal lobe develops more slowly than the limbic system.

According to the Safe Schools Act, whom should teachers notify when they have witnessed violence between students at school?

The principal

In the following classrooms, which teacher's lesson plan is most likely to result in deep learning?

The teacher opens the lesson with a review of prior learning that connects the learning in the new unit to material learned earlier.

Kim Carlton is a new fifth grade teacher. She is surprised to learn that her school has reduced the amount of recess for all students and eliminated time for physical education in the fifth grade curriculum. Kim believes that exercise and recess enhance academic performance. Based on national trends, why is her school (like many other schools in the U.S.) most likely reducing recess and physical education?

To increase academic time in the classroom

According to the Safe School Act, administrators are required to report acts of violence:

To teachers on a 'need to know basis'.

Read the following sentence below: Yuo anc daer tihs veen touhgh hte lretets aer uot fo odrer. Which of the following describes what type of processing you are using to interpret the above sentence?

Top-down processing, because I have to use information I already know to add context to the information being processed.

What is a common criticism of traditional testing?

Traditional tests do not test knowledge as it is applied in real-world situations.

If you see a student in possession of a weapon or a controlled substance, what are you required to do?

Under the Safe Schools Act, you are required to notify the school principal.

cyber aggression

Using e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, or other social media to spread rumors, make threats, or otherwise terrorize peers.

Mr. Hester uses cooperative group activities every week in his middle school language arts classes. He believes that the social interactions involved in such activities shape students' learning. Which of the following theorists most likely influenced Mr. Hester's thinking?


Mrs. Strasbourg made the following statement to her students. "Learning is an active process. Your learning leads you to higher levels of development. I will be working with you, guiding you to more advanced thinking this year. And you will be working together, learning from one another." Which theorist or theorists most likely agree with Mrs. Strasbourg's statement?


Which theorist promoted the idea that knowledge is co-constructed during social interactions?


alternate-form reliabilty

group taking 2 equivalent version of a test achieve comparable scores on both tests


hands-on, science procedures; collect data

longitudinal studies

happens over months or years, involves keeping up with subjects for years


honor students' attempts to think for selves and remain faithful to accepted disciplinary ideas

relational aggression

hostile, verbal, and other actions to harm social relationships; more common among girls


how accurately content, criterion, or construct represents students learnign

top-down processing

how knowledge, expectation, context, biases, and past experience shape interpretation

performance orientation

how much should individuals be rewarded for improvement and excellence


how much the scores differ

standard deviation

how scores vary around the mean

insight learning

in problem-solving, the solution comes suddenly

Mrs. Carmike gives students three options for their projects at the end of a geography unit. These projects will assess students' knowledge and skills on the basis of the objectives she presented at the beginning of each lesson in the unit. Which of the following is Mrs. Carmike most likely to do in developing a rubric for grading the projects?

include a criterion for judging the accuracy of information presented by each student


includes measurement, also includes ways to sample and observe student's skills, knowledge, and abilities


increases intrinsic motivation

types of service learning

indirect, advocacy, and problem-based learning

test-retest reliability

individual taking a test on different occasions makes and makes about the same score each time


inessential; not constituting a vital part

In science class, the teacher posed the question, "Can photosynthetic plants live without sunlight?" Students planted seeds, provided water and sunlight, and watched them grow. Now they are formulating hypotheses about the teacher's question, denying sunlight to their plants and collecting data day by day. At this point they are ready to discuss their evidence and draw conclusions. What teaching approach is being used in this classroom?

inquiry learning


interactions among microsystems

ana practiced her lines for the play and watched movies in which gifted actors portrayed characters similar to her character in the high school play. After her performance, her teacher and other adults and students told her she gave a stellar performance. She said she worked really hard to develop the character's wacky disposition. She attributed her success to:

internal locus

case studies

investigation of one person or situation


involved in verbal info and the ability to learn

limbic system

involved with emotions, risk taking and pleasure seeking

procedural knowledge

knowing how to do something

self-regulatory knowledge

knowing how to manage your learning, or knowing how and when to use your declarative and procedural knowledge

radical constructivism

knowledge is assumed to be the individual's construction; it cannot be judged right or wrong

cognitive needs

knowledge, understanding


knowledge/mastery of tasks


larger society, its laws, customs, values

Brenden is a student in Mrs. O'Donnell's high school algebra class. He barely passed math last year and knows he won't be able to succeed in algebra. He says he doesn't have the brains to do math no matter how much he works at it. The teacher offers to help him after school, but Brenden says it won't help. He's tried tutors before. Brenden's beliefs about himself illustrate: 1. controllable causes of failure.2. an incremental view of intelligence. 3. an unstable view of ability.4. learned helplessness.

learned helplessness

Constructivist theories of learning usually agree on two central ideas. One central idea states that social interactions are important in the process of constructing knowledge. What is the other central idea?

learners are active in constructing their own knowledge

nonassociatve learning

learning about a stimulus, such as sight or sound, in the external world

observational learning

learning by watching how others behave

latent learning

learning that takes place without reinforcement

Associatve Learning

learning the relationship between 2 pieces of information

vicarious learning

learning to engage in a behavior or not, after seeing others being rewarded or punished for performing that action

Mr. Reed notices that Derek has difficulty staying on-task, and often struggles with managing his behavior in class. Mr. Reed pays close attention to Derek's behavior and identifies antecedents and consequences that are occurring. He uses this information he has gathered to make a plan to help set Derek on a better path. Mr. Reed is...

likely using functional behavior assessment

procedural memory

long-term memory for how to do things

experimental studies

look at cause & effect, variables are manipulated

Ian is a student in Mr. Dumas's ninth grade class. When Mr. Dumas announces that there will be a science test on Friday, Ian begins to dread Friday. He wonders whether he will be able to pass the science test. He didn't do well on the previous test, and he struggled with the concepts in this chapter about natural selection. Ian's doubt about his ability to do well on the science test is representative of his:

low self-efficacy

Kelli sometimes has bruising on her arms, legs, and sides that she says are from her clumsy nature. Once, she even came to school with a busted lip that she said happened when she accidentally bumped into a classmate getting off the bus. You are skeptical of her explanations and concerned, you should:

make a report of suspected child abuse because you are concerned for Kelli's safety

Glial cells in the brain....

make up white matter and also make up myelin coating on a nod of neurons


makes sense of cognitive v. social conceptions of constructivism, reconcile these in practice

The ZPD is the zone where kids can...

master skills with adequate support

Kai's goal for her history assignment is to learn as much as she can about Navajo Indian culture by reading books and Internet sources and then visit the reservation near her hometown in New Mexico. Kai's goal orientation for this assignment is:



mean of 50, SD of 10

dual coding theory

memory is enhanced by using both semantic and visual codes since either can lead to recall

3 basic aspects of memory over time

memory span, processing efficiency, processing speed

bioecological model

microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem

Celeste is trying to learn the series of steps involved in a lengthy procedure she needs to use in chemistry class. She takes the first letter of a keyword in each step and puts the combination of letters together to form a contrived word she can remember. What process is Celeste using to remember the steps?

mnemonic technique of creating an acronym

Mr. O'Dell wants to assess mastery of knowledge after teaching several lessons on the skeletal system. What assessment method aligns best with his goal?

multiple-choice test

Which of the following assessments is most likely to be viewed as an objective test of students' skills and knowledge?

multiple-choice test


nerve cells, store and transmit information

Mrs. Ramirez is giving a test to identify the top students in her physics class. The top three or four students will be invited to participate in an event related to their unit of study at a local university. What type of grading should she use to meet this goal?

norm-reference grading

implicit memory

not conscious of recalling memory, but it influences behavior of thought without our awareness

Which of the following is a measure of central tendency?

not standard deviation lol


object's characteristics remain same despite changes in appearance

object permanence

objects have a separate, permanent existence

unfair penalization bias

occurs when items disadvantage one group not because they may be offensive but because of differential background experiences


occurs when negative stereotypes of subgroups are presented in this test


organizes into categories, can reverse operation

serial-position effect

our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list


overlapping focus on several tasks


participating despite lack of interest because it serves a larger goal that is personally motivating

intergrated regualtion

participating in a task because it is both interesting and has extrinsic reward value

bottom-up processing

perceptions begin with sensory information


performance/demonstration of a student's learning


physical and emotional backdrop of an event

overt aggression

physical attack

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization

Mr. Phillips is grouping his fifth-grade students for a cooperative learning project that will span class periods for two weeks. He has 5 groups of four plus one group of three. He balanced the number of boys and girls in the groups and made sure the students who are perceived by their peers to be different were placed in a group together. What does he need to change about his groups?

place a student who is different in a group with a student who is tolerant


political gain support of administrators and parents for using radical approaches for teaching

Jailyn has dyslexia and withdraws from her group when the task involves oral reading. When her teacher realizes the function of this behavior, she tells Jailyn to ask one of the other students to read in her place. This intervention allows Jailyn to skip the oral reading without withdrawing from her group. This type of intervention is called:

positive behavior supports

5 elements that define true cooperative learning groups

positive interdependance, promotive interaction, individual accountability, collaborative and social skills, group processing

Punishment is often used, but is typically ineffective because it does not teach children what they should do, only what they shouldn't. Which of the following does a better job of teaching children what they should do?

positive practice, because it replaces incorrect behavior with correct behavior on-the-spot

Quin makes sure everyone follows the rules of the game exactly as they are written on the box. His sister insists that they can alter the rules to make the game go faster, but Quin refuses to consider such a change. He tells her no one can win if they don't follow the rules. According to Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning, what level of moral development is Quin demonstrating?


In the teachers' workroom, Mrs. White boasted that she squelched Martin's name-calling by making a video of him in the act of name-calling and sending it to his parents. Mrs. White's method is an example of:

presentation punishment

One method of supporting children in the concrete operational stage of development is...

presenting open-ended questions and using concrete props and visual aids

Students in Mr. McKay's class are generating ideas about ways to deal with the problem of limited resources for the homeless high school students in their area. They are consulting a variety of resources and experts to represent multiple perspectives on the topic. They want their conclusions to be plausible and plan to invite the mayor to give feedback about their ideas. What approach is Mr. McKay using in this setting?

problem-based learning


problem-based learning overrated


problem-based learning, powerful teaching approach

Callie is learning how to change the oil in her car. She's learning the steps of the process while watching her dad change his own car's oil, and then later he is going to have her change the oil in her car while he watches. Which type of knowledge will Callie have to use when changing her own oil?


Rico is learning the steps to use when he accesses the secure sight to check his grades, look at assignments, and receive messages from his teachers. What kind of knowledge is he using?


Mrs. O'Connor assigns a task in math. She does not review prerequisite knowledge and skills. The task requires students to use a formula they learned in a prior unit. Several students struggle with the task. What type of knowledge do they need that they seem to lack?

procedural knowledge

4 categories of inquiry activites/processes

procedural, epistemic, conceptual, social

When teachers make a report about suspected child abuse, legally, teachers are:

protected by the law as long as they are acting in good faith

safety needs

protection from potentially dangerous objects or situations (physical and psychological)


recalls new info, recent events


recreating information by using memories, expectations, logic, and existing knowledge

simplicity principle

reduce incoming information to a simpler, more useful form


reinforcement after a given amount of time or responses


reinforcement given at different rates or times


reinforcement is given based on the number of times a behavior occurs

Miguel moved to a new school around Thanksgiving. In his third grade class he is shy and has not made any friends by Valentine's Day. What unmet need is likely interfering with his learning?


Mr. Maxwell prepared two unit tests in algebra. Valinda's group averaged 95% on test A and 96 on test B. What does this confirm about the tests?

reliability ??

rote memorization

remembering information by repetition without necessarily understanding the meaning of the information

maintenance rehearsal

repeat information to yourself to keep it in working memory

quantitative research

research that collects and reports data primarily in numerical form

qualitative research

research that relies on what is seen in field or naturalistic settings more than on statistical data


resources required by the task itself

Russ broke the rule about using outdoor equipment outdoors only. He threw the baseball and put a dent in the trashcan. Now he is giving up his baseball privileges for two weeks as a result of his infraction. What method of punishment is being used?

response cost

spreading activiatino

retrieval of one bit of information activates recall of associated information

Ms. Moreno uses observation learning effectively in her fifth grade classroom. She most likely does all of the following EXCEPT:

reward students privately for their positive behaviors.

Mr. Reese conducted a concept lesson in math and assigned a challenging task. He expected some of his students to grasp the concept and complete the task with moderate effort, but he knew other students would not. He monitored their progress, stopping to ask prompting questions or drop hints to help students connect prior learning with this new concept. Mr. Reese was providing:


As a seven-year-old boy, Dean likes to catch butterflies and moths. He is fascinated by the colors and patterns on their wings. He has caught many different butterflies and moths and pinned them to his display board. He looks up each one he catches and records specific information about it. He can explain their life cycles and numerous facts about them. What is his knowledge structure for all of this information?


Perry has a bad habit of using his study hall hour to draw in his sketchpad rather than focusing on homework for classes. He thinks of the study hall hour as 'downtime', but rarely revisits his homework when he is home, either. Perry's grades are slipping because he usually just rushes through his homework on the bus ride to school instead. Perry decides to reframe and think of study hall as being a space to do classwork without interruptions. He makes a goal to at least finish his math homework during study hall, since that is the grade suffering the most. What is Perry doing?


Skye got into a habit of watching TV and using social media to keep up with all of her friends before starting homework. She was embarrassed when she turned in an incomplete history paper and fell asleep during science class last week. She set a goal of doing her homework as soon as she gets home from school every day. What system is most likely to help her change her behavior?


Bailey also has a big mid-term coming up. She knows that taking notes and paying attention in class are important, but the three hour class she is in is exhausting and she often finds her thoughts drifting to other topics. Because she struggles to pay closer attention in class, Bailey knows that what works best for her is to read the material before class and take notes on it. She reads and takes notes on what does make sense, what confuses her, what questions she has about certain content, and writes notes about how she can apply the new information in ways that make sense to her. Then, during class, she is careful to ask questions based off the notes she took when reading. This way, Bailey still gets to ask her questions and grow more knowledge about the content even though she is struggling with staying focused in the long course. Bailey is demonstrating what type of knowledge?

self-regulatory knowledge

A teacher asks students to compare two leaders, identifying similarities and differences in their leadership styles. What type of memory do the students need to use to complete this task?


Maurice can compare and contrast the writing styles of Edgar Alan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft. He can tell you which author inspired the other, when they each had their first published works released, and which stories are the most popular for each author. Maurice can even tell you where each author was born. Which type of long-term memory is Maurice demonstrating?


Brenton gets home from school and can smell the aroma of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. Which of the following is processing the stimulus Brenton is receiving?

sensory memory

Raj smelled the aroma of the dinner rolls baking in the cafeteria down the hall from his classroom. What memory system is at work as Raj processes this stimulus?

sensory memory

In conjunction with a unit on environmentalism, students in Ms. Stremmel's class placed recycle bins in three locations at school. They collect the recycled goods and take them to the recycling center every Friday after school. This is an example of:

service learning

Mrs. Hernandez wants to help her fourth grade students improve their performance and increase their self-efficacy for conveying emotion in their personal narrative writing. With this goal in mind, she is most likely to:

set short-term goals related to the task

Estefan has problems with penmanship. His fine motor skills are not well developed and Mrs. Finch believes that he will never perform well enough to gain reinforcement. Mrs. Finch breaks the task of forming letters with long stems into small steps. First, she expects Estefan to make straight stems. She will reinforce his efforts when he makes straight stems on his writing assignment. In this case, she is using:


Which view of motivation is based on intrinsic and extrinsic sources of motivation and is characterized as expectancy x value?

social cognitive

The students in Ms. Lemley's class are working on a project in which their collaborative groups take different positions on an issue related to the world economy. They conduct research and discuss ideas that support their positions. After each group presents its position and defense, the entire class discusses pros and cons of proposed positions. These students are involved in:

social negotiation


social settings that affect the child

problem-based learning service example

solve a community problem

Stefano worked at his desk preparing his presentation for English class. He finished his rough draft and sent it to the printer. His printer only printed the first page and signaled that it was out of paper. Stefano decided to make a list of what he needed to get at the store besides printer paper. Then he realized that his route to the store takes him past his girlfriend's house. He thinks about stopping for a minute, but then remembers that he borrowed a tool from her dad. He needs to return the tool. This type of memory retrieval is:

spreading activation


stable and consistent estimates

correlational studies

statistical descriptions of how closely 2 variables are related

negative reinforcement

strengthen behavior by subtracting a stimulus after behavior occurs

transferring responbility

student takes more responsibility for own learning

Cross-sectional studies..

studies groups at different ages to see how phenomena changes among groups


study groups of students at different ages

authoritarian parenting

style of parent in which parent is rigid and overly strict

permissive parenting

style of parents in which parent makes few, if any demands on a child's behavior

physiological needs



switch back and forth from one task to another

sensory memory

system that holds sensory information very briefly

action research

systematic observations or tests of methods conducted by teachers or schools to improve teaching and learning for their students

Nadia has high self-efficacy for completing her assignments and making good grades in German class. All of the following likely contribute to her self-efficacy in German class EXCEPT:

taking first place in a painting contest


techniques for remembering

content-related evidence

test items cover key topics of the unit/course

authentic assessments

tests content knowledge but asks students to apply the skills they've learned in real world context

utility value

the ability of a person to help another achieve his/her goals


the activation, often unconsciously, of certain associations, thus predisposing one's perception, memory, or response


the bushy, branching extensions of a neuron that receive messages and conduct impulses toward the cell body


the description of an event or characteristic using numbers

interest or intrinsic value

the enjoyment a person gets from a task

esteem needs

the esteem and respect of others and self-respect, sense of competence


the extension of a neuron, ending in branching terminal fibers, through which messages pass to other neurons or to muscles or glands


the formation of new neurons

normal distribution

the frequency distribution (bell-curve), most scores around the middle and fewer scores as they go away from the mean


the imitation of observed behavior

importance or attainment value

the importance of doing well on a task; how success on the task meets personal needs

Based on assumptions of the learning sciences, learning comes from:

the learner

elaborative rehearsal

the linking of new information to material that is already known

goal orientation

the manner in which people are motivated to work toward different kinds of goals


the number of standard deviations a particular score is from the mean

Who is responsible for making sure a report is made when child abuse is suspected?

the person who suspects abuse, sees signs of abuse, or hears about the abuse is responsible for ensuring the report is made.

what is educational psychology

the study of how psychological processes affect and can enhance teaching and learning


the study of human cultures

Michael often gets out of his seat in the classroom. His buddy has noticed a pattern. Any time the teacher leaves the room, Michael gets out of his seat. When the teacher returns, she reprimands Michael. What is the antecedent of Michael's behavior?

the teacher leaves the room

reversible thinking

thinking backward, from the end to the beginning

In the preoperational stage of development, being...

thinking logically and developing language

primary reinforcers

those satisfying basic biological needs (food, water, sleep)

secondary reinforcers

those that do not satisfy basic biological needs and are learned through conditioning (money, grades, praise, etc.)


time period of one's development

Ms. Van Dale

top-down processing

Mr. Jacobs has noticed that his students often act bored during social studies activities. In order to increase positive achievement emotions and decrease boredom, he should do all of the following EXCEPT:

use performance goal orientation to encourage students to focus on the outcome.

Luana is learning to stay in her seat and work on her language arts tasks without talking to friends around her. She has been working on this new behavior for a week. During the first week, Ms. Kalani reinforces Luana every time Luana completes one of the tasks without talking. Now Ms. Kalani wants to use the reinforcement schedule that is most likely to result in the greatest persistence from Luana. What reinforcement schedule will be most effective in meeting her goal?

variable ratio schedule

declarative knowledge

verbal information, facts; "knowing that" something is the case

Staci stopped running in the hallway at school after seeing two other students receive after-school detention for running. What element of observational learning is illustrated by her stopping this behavior?

vicarious reinforcement

frontal lobe

voluntary movement, expressive language

operant conditioning

when we learn that a behavior leads to a certain outcome

classical conditioning

when we learn that a stimulus predicts another stimulus

stanine scores

whole number scores from 1 to 9, each representing a wide range of raw scores


withdraw support as a student understands more

By definition, self-esteem is associated with

your value judgment about your self-worth.

Identify the question that contains assessment bias.

Which of the following men is the greatest hero of the Civil War?

intrinsic motivation

a desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake

extrinsic motivation

a desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment

mastery orientation

a learning orientation characterized by a focus on gaining new knowledge or abilities and improving


a mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, or people


a mental image or best example of a category

working memory

a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious, active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information, and of information retrieved from long-term memory

neglectful parenting

a parenting style characterized by a lack of parental involvement in the child's life


a quality or characteristic belonging to or associated with someone or something

Mr. Anthony has set up the lab many times for the experiment of acids and bases using litmus paper. In fact, he says he can practically do it with his eyes closed. He follows the same steps in the same order. What kind of memory is Mr. Anthony using to set up the lab for this experiment?

a script


a stimulus that follows a response and increases the likelihood that the response will be repeated


a suspension of activity

Mr. Grant is a reflective teacher who is always trying to improve his teaching practices to increase student learning. He has conducted several research projects and changed teaching strategies on the basis of the results. In his latest reflections, he predicted that his low-achieving students would complete their spelling tasks in less time and score higher on spelling tests if he began using a buddy system. In the research cycle, Mr. Grant has developed:

a theory

self-determination theory

a theory of motivation that is concerned with the beneficial effects of intrinsic motivation and the harmful effects of extrinsic motivation

Devon knows that if he reads 100 books this semester, he gets to join the BookMasters club and have a pizza party. To reinforce students along the way, Devon's school has developed a system where students get special surprises for each benchmark on their way to 100 that they hit. For every 5 books that Devon reads, he gets a miniature golden book coin that he can cash in for light up pens, candy, color-changing pencils, or small toys. What is this an example of?

a token economy


ability to perform thoroughly learned tasks without much mental effort

identify foreclosure

accept parent choices without considering other options

sensorimotor stage

act on the environment, learn about object performance, learn about reflexes, senses, and movements

cognitive view of learning

active mental process of acquiring, remembering, and using knowledge

cost (of pursing goal)

added as a third factor to expectancy x value equation

contingency support

adjust, differentiate, tailor responses to student

Sierra walked into class late and felt quite embarrassed. To make matters worse, she was having a bad hair day and felt like all eyes were on her, judging her, and rejecting her. Her thinking can be described as:

adolescent egocentrism

instrumental aggression

aggression as a means to some goal other than causing pain

resource-limited tasks

allocating more resources/attention improves performance


alter existing schemes or create new ones in response to new information

cognitive load

amount of resources necessary to complete a task

what is a principle

an established relationship between factors


an example or model, especially an ideal one


an individual's belief about the extent to which a task is useful

construct-related evidence

applies to standardized tests, designed to measure psychological constructs (i.e. reasoning ability, intelligence, reading comprehension, creativity), gathered over many years

Adolescent brains...

are still developing the limbic system, which aids impulse control.

traditional assessments

assess content knowledge

Ms. Costello suspects that several of her students cheat on assignments and tests. What actions might she take if she wants to reduce the temptation for students to cheat in her classroom?

assign reasonable workloads that challenge students without causing them to feel overwhelmed

Bryan went to the zoo with his first grade class. At the zoo, he saw alligators for the first time. He had never even seen pictures of alligators, but called them big-mouthed snakes. What basic tendency of thinking is Bryan using?


chain mnemonics

associate elements in a series

contiguity learnign

association of 2 events because of repeated pairing


assuming others experience the same world we do


automatic/involuntary responses elicited by specific stimuli

Experience-expectant neurons

await and expect stimulation; oversee general development in brain's large areas; in absence of stimulation, meaningful interactions likely support better brain development

criterion references

based on performance relative to specified criteria (a set of standards)


basic building blocks of thinking

aesthetic needs



become conscious of culture in the classroom; question assumptions about kinds of activities to use

Ms. Jovanovic encourages her first graders to complete their reading assignment before lunch in order to receive a sticker. Which approach to motivation is she using?

behavioral approach


belonging; relating to and forming bonds with others

3 stages of automatic basic skills

cognitive, associative, autonomous

Mrs. Warner believes that students need to learn to respect one another and build skills that will help them relate to others throughout life. In general, what kind of assignments will help her students gain these skills?

collaborative group assignments

indirect service learning examples

collect food for shelters, raise money

descriptive studies

collected detailed info about specific situation using observation, surveys, interviews, and recordings


comparison of the individual's score to scores of the norm (sample) group on the same test

Sanya spent hours preparing her presentation for Tuesday's assignment in speech class. When she gave her speech to her group, she failed to make eye contact with her audience, and she fidgeted with her hair. She had reminded herself to exhibit these specific skills, but lost points for failing to follow through during her presentation. She had the same problem with previous speeches. What basic need is not being met?


external regulation

completely controlled by outside consequences

4 dilemmas of constructivism in practice

conceptual, pedagogical, cultural, political

Four-year-old Zeke goes to the doctor every six months and is usually calm and relaxed each time. Recently, Zeke went to the doctor and another child was receiving a shot. The other child started screaming and crying, and Zeke responded to the experience fearfully. Now, each time Zeke goes to the doctor he feels scared. In this scenario, Zeke's fear is a:

conditioned response

Lily does not like conflict. When her parents argue and raise their voices, Lily feels frightened. She has seen her dad strike her mom after yelling at her. At school, Mr. Nash raises his voice and Lily begins to tremble. Lily's trembling is:

conditioned response

Bryson was three when his neighbor's house burned down. He heard the loud sirens and saw the fire and trembled with fear. Now he's starting preschool. He hears the loud bell ring and associates it with the fire and fire trucks and begins to tremble. In this setting, the sound of the bell is:

conditioned stimulus

identify diffusion

confusion about identify


connect to prior knowledge

mulitiple representation of content

considering problems using analogies, examples, and metaphors

Ms. Carpenter created a test to measure students' skill in identifying subjects and verbs in sentences. All test items directly related to unit objectives - identification of subjects and verbs in simple and compound sentences. Based on this information, Ms. Carpenter's test may be said to have

content-related evidence of validity.

Alexandra is potty training her toddler daughter Clara. She wants Clara to associate siting on the toilet with the sound of water, hoping this will help her progress. Each time she sits Clara on the toilet, she turns on the faucet to produce the sound of running water. By pairing these stimuli, what principle of learning is Alexandra utilizing?


Mrs. Delaney wants her students to learn to start their seat assignment and stop talking when the second morning bell rings. By pairing this stimulus-response sequence, Mrs. Delaney is applying which of the following principles of learning?



controlling one's own actions


coordinates balance, skilled movements

criterion-related evidence

correlation between test score and other criterion-based measure

Which of the following is not a type of standardized test score?

criterion-based score

controlling behavior

decreases intrinsic motivation, may increase extrinsic motivation (perform to please)

positive punishment

decreases response by giving an unpleasant stimulus (a parent yelling, spanking)

negative punishment

decreases response by removing a desired stimulus (parents taking away a car or phone)


deep processing that is related to the task

explicit memory

deliberate and conscious remembering of information that is learned and remembered at a specific time

advocacy service learning examples

design posters for a food drive; write articles

flashbulb memory

detailed recollections of when and where we heard about shocking events


develop language, think logically in one direction

hostile aggression

direct action to hurt someone; unprovoked


discuss, argue, debate, present


draw conclusions based on evidence

In Michael's class, his teacher uses a powerpoint presentation to present information while he simultaneously lectures the class over the information. The presentations are filled with organized diagrams, pictures, and all key terms are in bold print. What is Michael's teacher trying to make happen with his methods?

dual coding

Ms. Cicardo wants her students to remember the material they are covering in language arts. They will need the information in units of study throughout the year. To support their learning, she creates diagrams on chart paper and posts them on the wall for children to see. She provides a handout with printed instruction and explains the material as students look at their handouts. What is Ms. Cicardo using to help students learn and store the information and retrieve it later?

dual coding

What part of the brain has the information processing capacity of a small computer?

each neuron

cooperative learning

elaboration, interpretation, explanation, argumentation are integral; learning is supported by other individuals

temporal lobe

emotions, judgement

summative assessments

end of the instruction to summarize students accomplishments to report achievement

introjected regulation

engaging in the task to avoid guilt or negative self-perception

Mrs. Adamo asks her students to think back to a time when they felt jealous and write about it for a few minutes prior to discussion time. Several students write personal stories about times they felt jealous. Some are about times they were jealous of a friend opening presents at a birthday party; some are about times when students were jealous of privileges their siblings were awarded; and some are about times when students felt jealous of privileges their classmates received. All of the writing is relatively vague, but is a reflection of a moment in the students' pasts. What type of memories is Mrs. Adamo asking her students to write about?


A child listens to the sound of the letter k and watches the teacher write the letter k on the chart paper. Then the teacher tells the child to recall the character in yesterday's story who has a name that begins with the sound made by the letter k. What element or process of working memory is being used?

episodic buffer

As a seven-year-old boy, Dean likes to catch butterflies and moths. He is fascinated by the colors and patterns on their wings. Today he saw several monarchs and caught one in his net. In his mental representations of butterflies and moths, the monarch he caught today is a(n):


Social service and mass media are examples of what in ecological systems theory?


As an adult, Sanya wants to learn Spanish and become a Spanish teacher. She is having trouble trilling the r and does not sound like a native speaker. What kind of synapse overproduction and pruning process is associated with Sanya's difficulty?


expectancy x value theories

explanations of motivation that emphasize individuals' expectations for success combined with their valuing of the goal

Among his peers, Donivan is not a leader. He is having a hard time deciding which group of friends to follow. He is quite interested in all aspects of science and technology, but he doesn't really want to be identified as a geek. His family has wealth, but he doesn't like to risk getting into trouble by hanging out with the group of wealthy guys. Donivan seems to be in what process of the search for identity?


Braden is worried about the grade he'll receive on his essay. Mr. Tompkins encourages him not to worry about his grade. He tells Braden to focus on learning from his past mistakes and improving his writing on the essay. Mr. Tompkins is encouraging which type of motivation?


Traditional testing can be used effectively and efficiently to assess which of the following?

facts and concepts


family, friends, teachers, social activities

glial cells

fill spaces between neurons


fit new information into existing schemes

Mrs. Princeton asks her students to think back to a time when they felt scared and write about it for a few minutes prior to discussion time. Several students write personal stories about times when they were scared. One student, Justin, discusses a time when his family's car spun out on an icy road and nearly caused them to crash into a tree. His story is very detailed and rich with information about how he felt, what he saw, and how others reacted to the experience. He can even remember where his family was going and how they were able to get back onto the road after sliding off. What type of memory is Justin discussing?


experience-dependent neurons

form in response to experiences; stimulating environments, meaningful interactions likely support better brain development


fulfilling one's potential

Mr. LeDoux is gathering information about the perpetual misbehavior of Reid in French class. He recorded the antecedent of the behavior in several instances and the consequences following the behavior. He is trying to understand why Reid repeats the negative behavior. What process is Mr. LeDoux using?

functional behavioral assessment

Marcelo focuses his attention on the diagram and studies the details to help him capture a visual image that he will remember. What kind of knowledge is Marcelo using?

general knowledge

Kele has a history assignment that requires her to recall the events of World War II taking place in the Pacific and in Europe. She plans to draw a timeline showing the timing of major battles on both fronts, their duration, and their overlapping time frames. Which kind of cognitive load is required for her to do the deep processing related to the assignment and apply knowledge from two units as well as skills learned in other courses?


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