EDS500 Chapter 7: Learners with ADHD

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44) Momentary time sampling is ______________to capture a representative sample of a target behavior over a specified period of time. A).an interval recording procedure B) a contingency-based intervention used C) a group contingency-based intervention used. D) a less effective way than simply asking the teacher to estimate the child's performance.

A).an interval recording procedure

7) What do many authorities currently suggest should replace inattention as the primary deficit in ADHD? A) hyperactivity B) behavioral inhibition C) aggressiveness D) subtle brain damage

B) behavioral inhibition

27) ADHD has been shown to often coexist with each of the following EXCEPT A) learning disabilities. B) emotional or behavioral disorders. C) giftedness. D) substance abuse.

C) giftedness.

38) A teaching model that includes content instruction by one teacher to a large group of students and remedial or supplementary instruction by the other teacher to a small group of students is A) Alternative Teaching. B) Parallel Teaching. C) Team Teaching. D) Station Teaching.

A) Alternative Teaching.

28) About how many children with ADHD also have learning disabilities? A) 10%. B) 25%. C) 50%. D) 75%.

C) 50%.

3) Which of the following is a way that Still's cases were similar to today's population of persons with ADHD? A) Many had average intelligence. B) The condition was more prevalent in females than males. C) There was no evidence of a hereditary basis. D) Most of the children had no other psychological or physical problems.

A) Many had average intelligence.

16) Which statement about the brains of people with ADHD is true? A) Neuroimaging techniques have shown there is a neurological basis for ADHD. B) Neuroimaging technology has shown there is no neurological basis for ADHD. C) Most people with ADHD show neurological signs of tissue damage to the brain. D) There is a diagnostic blood test now available for ADHD.

A) Neuroimaging techniques have shown there is a neurological basis for ADHD.

35) According to the National Institute of Mental Health, all of the following are recommendations for teaching children with ADHD EXCEPT A) Take advantage of their inherent fear of punishment. B) Follow the same routine every day. C) Have a place for everything, keep everything in its place. D) Have clear and consistent rules.

A) Take advantage of their inherent fear of punishment.

23) All of the following are ways that people with ADHD can exhibit problems with executive function EXCEPT A) They have difficulty telling right from wrong. B) They have difficulty with working memory. C) They have difficulty with inhibitory control. D) They have difficulty with mental flexibility.

A) They have difficulty telling right from wrong.

21) The classic "Marshmallow Experiment" and follow-up studies demonstrated that A) delay of gratification by young children was related to several negative outcomes in adulthood. B) sugar intake has little impact on children's hyperactivity. C) the more sweets young children with ADHD consume when unsupervised, the greater the likelihood that they will have traffic violations as adults. D) marshmallows are more reinforcing than oreos for children with ADHD but not for nondisabled children.

A) delay of gratification by young children was related to several negative outcomes in adulthood.

31) Determining the antecedents, consequences, and setting events that maintain inappropriate behaviors is called A) functional behavioral assessment. B) functional deconstruction. C) behavioral self-awareness. D) behavioral contracting.

A) functional behavioral assessment.

36) Most students with ADHD spend most of their time in which of the following settings? A) general education classroom B) special day school C) self-contained classroom D) resource room

A) general education classroom

8) Each of the following is a subdivision of ADHD according to the American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic manual EXCEPT A) predominantly lethargic-inattentive type. B) predominantly inattentive type. C) predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type. D) combined type.

A) predominantly lethargic-inattentive type.

50) Students with ADHD who have not received special education in high school A) should obtain the documentation they need for colleges to provide them with appropriate accommodations. B) have little chance of obtaining accommodations in college. C) must provide a copy of current prescriptions they take for ADHD in order to obtain accommodations in college. D) must get the high school to send a letter apologizing for the oversight in order to obtain accommodations in high school.

A) should obtain the documentation they need for colleges to provide them with appropriate accommodations.

26) The negative social status experienced by students with ADHD is A) usually long lasting. B) usually overcome by early adulthood. C) largely a myth associated with the label. D) generally an issue only during high school.

A) usually long lasting.

45) Which statement is TRUE about the Telephone Interview Probe (TIP)? A) It uses comprehensive, weekly telephone calls with parents to determine effects of intervention, B) It is particularly useful for determining the effects of psychostimulants at different times of the day. C) It has a broader time frame than many other common rating scales. D) It is only used to provide ratings of inattention.

B) It is particularly useful for determining the effects of psychostimulants at different times of the day.

2) A physician credited with being the first to address the issue of attention deficits in the professional literature is A) George Still. B) Melchior Adam Weikard. C) Alfred Strauss. D) Kurt Goldstein.

B) Melchior Adam Weikard.

37) In this model of co-teaching, the two teachers split the class into two groups and teach the same content to a smaller group of student. A) One Teach, One Drift B) Parallel Teaching C) Accommodation Teaching D) Alternative Teaching

B) Parallel Teaching

40) Which of the following statements about Ritalin is true? A) Research is overwhelmingly negative on its effectiveness in helping students have more normalized behavioral inhibition and executive functioning. B) Ritalin is not effective for about 30% of people who take it. C) Ritalin has no side effects. D) By taking Ritalin, children with ADHD are more likely to become abusers of drugs later in life.

B) Ritalin is not effective for about 30% of people who take it.

11) Which of the following is a reason why ADHD was not included when the federal government began tracking the prevalence of disabilities? A) There was a large body of research suggesting it is not a distinct disability. B) The advocacy base for children with ADHD was not yet well-developed. C) There was already a category for minimal brain injury. D) The federal government put a cap on the number of disability types to be served by public schools.

B) The advocacy base for children with ADHD was not yet well-developed.

29) The National Institute of Health recommends all of the following for students with ADHD EXCEPT A) maintaining a daily schedule that is consistent. B) a strong emphasis on student-directed learning. C) use praise when rules are followed. D) use homework and notebook organizers.

B) a strong emphasis on student-directed learning.

49) A therapeutic technique that involves identifying someone whom the person with ADHD can rely on for support is A) training. B) coaching. C) encouraging. D) directing.

B) coaching.

19) A neurotransmitter involved in sending messages between neurons and the brain that is found in abnormal levels in people with ADHD is A) histamine. B) dopamine. C) dexadrine. D) caladrine.

B) dopamine.

5) In addition to clinical observations, Werner and Strauss used an experimental task consisting of: A) tests on sensitivity to light B) figure/background slides that were presented at very brief exposure times C) hyperactivity D) examining perseveration

B) figure/background slides that were presented at very brief exposure times

15) Rating scales used for ADHD are generally filled out by each of the following EXCEPT A) parents B) medical doctors C) teachers D) the child

B) medical doctors

33) In contingency-based self-management, the "contingency" is usually a type of A) punishment. B) reward. C) aversive. D) contract.

B) reward.

9) Child guidance clinics A) rarely see clients who have ADHD. B) see children with ADHD more than they see children with most other types of disabilities. C) see many more girls than boys with ADHD. D) turn away more children with ADHD than they treat.

B) see children with ADHD more than they see children with most other types of disabilities.

1) Authorities have used all of the following as a historical basis for the existence of ADHD EXCEPT A) Still's children with "defective moral control." B) Goldstein's brain-injured soldiers of World War I. C) Cruickshank's poems of children led astray by goblins and fairies. D) Weikard's chapter on "Lack of Attention."

C) Cruickshank's poems of children led astray by goblins and fairies.

20) All of the following are true EXCEPT A) It is highly unlikely that watching TV as a cause of ADHD. B) It is highly unlikely that playing video games as a cause of ADHD. C) There is some suggestive evidence that food allergies may cause ADHD for a very small subgroup of children. D) Exposure to lead and the abuse of alcohol by pregnant women increases the likelihood of ADHD.

C) There is some suggestive evidence that food allergies may cause ADHD for a very small subgroup of children.

48) Each of the following conclusions about adults with ADHD have been documented EXCEPT A) They finish fewer years of school. B) They have more automobile infractions. C) They have fewer marital problems. D) They have more addictive behaviors.

C) They have fewer marital problems.

25) Compared to students with other disabilities, students with ADHD A) have fewer social skills problems. B) have more friends of the opposite gender. C) are more disliked by their peers. D) are viewed as less rude.

C) are more disliked by their peers.

42) According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the treatment for ADHD that shows the most effective immediate results is A) medication management. B) behavioral management. C) combined medication management and behavioral management. D) community care.

C) combined medication management and behavioral management.

18) The basal ganglia and cerebellum are responsible for A) regulating one's own behavior. B) executive functioning. C) coordination and control of motor behavior. D) communication between the hemispheres of the brain.

C) coordination and control of motor behavior.

32) Contingency-based self-management involves having persons A) take turns with other students in keeping track of their own behavior and then receive consequences based on an average of their behavior and the other student's behavior. B) predict how well they will do on a behavioral checklist scored by the teacher—the better they are able to predict, the greater the rewards they receive. C) keep track of their own behavior and then receive consequences based on that behavior. D) choose their own goals and their own rewards.

C) keep track of their own behavior and then receive consequences based on that behavior.

14) All of the following are often used as part of the process of diagnosing children with ADHD EXCEPT A) a medical exam. B) a clinician interviewing parents and child. C) neuroimaging. D) teacher-and parent-rating scales.

C) neuroimaging.

4) A person diagnosed as ADHD is more likely than most people to exhibit A) stubbornness. B) sociopathic tendencies. C) perseveration. D) artistic talents.

C) perseveration.

47) The best "test" for ADHD in adults is A) Conners behavior scales. B) an MRI to test for brain abnormalities. C) the person's life and medical history. D) referrals from past teachers.

C) the person's life and medical history.

34) A teacher sets up a machine that beeps at random intervals; research has demonstrated that, if students check "yes" or "no" in answer to whether they were paying attention when the beeper beeps, A) their self-determination skills will decrease . B) their actual attention will decrease because of being distracted by the beeps. C) their actual attention will improve. D) their actual attention will improve, only if they are auditory-learners.

C) their actual attention will improve.

22) All of the following are examples of behavioral inhibition EXCEPT A) the ability to wait one's turn. B) refraining from interrupting in conversations. C) working for immediate gratification or short-term rewards. D) resisting potential distractions while working.

C) working for immediate gratification or short-term rewards.

10) What percentage of the school-age population does the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report as having ADHD? A) 1-2% B) 1-3% C) 2-4% D) 7-9%

D) 7-9%

6) Cruickshank's work was important with respect to ADHD for all of the following reasons EXCEPT A) The children he studied had cerebral palsy, definitely caused by brain damage. B) Most of the children had average intelligence. C) He was among the first to have an educational program for children with characteristics of what is now called ADHD. D) He showed that hyperactivity could exist concomitantly with mental retardation.

D) He showed that hyperactivity could exist concomitantly with mental retardation.

41) All of the following are cautions concerning Ritalin EXCEPT A) It should not be prescribed at the first sign of a behavioral problem. B) The results for academic outcomes are unclear. C) Proper dosage levels vary considerably. D) It is an over-the-counter substance with little chance of abuse.

D) It is an over-the-counter substance with little chance of abuse.

13) Each of the following is true EXCEPT A) the growth of the Other Health Impaired category suggests that students with ADHD are identified as OHI. B) ADHD occurs much more frequently in boys than in girls. C) Gender differences in diagnosis of ADHD are likely due to biological differences. D) Statistics show that ADHD is largely a U.S. phenomenon.

D) Statistics show that ADHD is largely a U.S. phenomenon.

24) An area of deficits that has traditionally been associated with persons with intellectual disabilities but is beginning to be of interest with respect to persons with ADHD is A) stereotypic behaviors. B) verbal intelligence. C) gullibility. D) adaptive behavior skills.

D) adaptive behavior skills.

30) All of the following are suggestions for teaching students with ADHD EXCEPT A) divide instruction into meaningful chunks. B) provide a rationale for each lesson. C) include opportunities for guided practice. D) avoid "thinking aloud" as this is very distracting.

D) avoid "thinking aloud" as this is very distracting.

17) The part of the brain responsible for executive functions such as the ability to regulate one's own behavior is the A) basal ganglia. B) cerebellum. C) corpus collosum. D) frontal lobes.

D) frontal lobes.

43) For students with ADHD, assessment of progress A) should focus on attention, not academics. B) should focus on academics, not attention. C) is best accomplished by analyzing performance on standardized tests. D) is similar to the approaches used for students with learning disabilities.

D) is similar to the approaches used for students with learning disabilities.

46) Diagnosis of young children with ADHD is particularly difficult because A) there is no funding to do assessment in preschool. B) the symptoms usually do not appear before a child is eight years of age. C) preschool teachers have no training in identifying children with disabilities. D) many preschoolers without ADHD exhibit a great deal of activity and impulsivity.

D) many preschoolers without ADHD exhibit a great deal of activity and impulsivity.

12) Students with ADHD receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in which category? A) ADHD B) learning disabilities C) emotional or behavioral disorders D) other health impaired (OHI)

D) other health impaired (OHI)

39) The most frequently prescribed types of medication for students with ADHD are A) depressants. B) mood enhancers. C) psychotropics. D) psychostimulants.

D) psychostimulants.

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