Educational Psychology Final Exam Part 1

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Four students read this line from a story assigned by their teacher. "Three teens sat down at a diner and ordered tenderloins." Given the statement below, which student is clearly using a script as they read the story?

Alex assumes that the teens probably looked at the menu before ordering

Which statement is a conclusion that aligns with the design of a descriptive study?

Approximately 80% of the students at Southside High School are planning to go to college

Reading a text multiple times can lead to an illusion of knowing. Which student below has this problem?

Belinda thinks she understands the concept of inertia, but she really doesn't

these students have been diagnosed with ADHD. which student has most likely been misdiagnosed?

Ben is consistently on the honor roll at school. His favorite times of the day are recess and gym because he enjoys physical activity. It's hard for him to sit still on rainy afternoons when he hasn't had the chance to burn off some energy.

Psychologists propose that children's knowledge sometimes takes the form of theories. Which sentence best characterizes this proposition?

Children develop a general set of beliefs about how the world operates

Which scenario best depicts the length of time information might stay in our working memory?

Darrell looks up the correct spelling of the word fossil, repeats the letters once, and closes the dictionary. By the time he finds a piece of paper on which to write the word, he has forgotten how to spell it.

Which one of the following alternatives most clearly illustrates general transfer rather than specific transfer?

David's knowledge of the human digestive system helps him understand the way newly designed conveyer belts move packages

Megan, Alex, Rae, and Eve are preparing for an exam in organic chemistry. Of the four students, which one demonstrates good metacognition?

Eve is studying for a history test. She knows that she has trouble with dates, so she checks herself by giving herself a short quiz after each chapter

Warren has earned himself a reputation for being the class clown. His teacher, Ms. Washington, used to laugh at Warren's funny remarks, but is now trying to discourage Warren's disruptive behavior by ignoring his jokes. Rather than decreasing his joke telling, Warren begins telling even more outrageous jokes. Inadvertently, Ms. Washington is now trying to modify Warren's joke-telling behavior through:


Darius is 9 years old and in fourth grade. Given children's typical metacognition abilities at different age levels, which one of the following is most likely to be true of Darius?

He recognizes that learning is an active, constructive process

William is trying to calculate the price of his groceries in his head.... From the perspective of psychology, William may have trouble solving the problem because:

His working memory capacity may be insufficient to hold and process all the information

Poor nutrition is a problem for many children who live in poverty. Which one of the following situations is most likely to be the result of poor nutrition?

Jill appears to have trouble remembering things and does not seem motivated to achieve in school

Which example best demonstrates a child is using a personally constructed theory while learning about the concept of turtle?

Julian assumes that turtles give birth to live baby spiders, just as people give birth to live infants

As discussed in your textbook, situated cognition is important for teachers to be aware of. pick the instructor below that is successfully in keeping this topic in mind while teaching.

Mr. Sporer takes his middle school math students to the grocery store so that they can use their math skills to do some comparison shopping

teachers should promote both problem-solving and creativity in their classrooms. Of the teachers below, which is doing this?

Ms. Blakely wants her students to have an in-depth knowledge on the topics they study

Three of the teachers below are using strategies appropriate for a culturally diverse classroom. With the textbook's discussion of ethnic and cultural diversity in mind, identify the teacher who is probably NOT promoting the classroom success of some of her students.

Ms. Boynton uses competitive activities to get all students motivated to do their best

Teachers should always want students to avoid negative transfer for the subject matter they teach. Of the options below, which is an example of this concept?

Nellie sees five squared in her math book and reads it as "fifty-two"

Mrs. Borey, a coach and a physical education teacher, notices that some of physical education students are better at hitting a baseball than others. She wonders if having a tee at home fosters the development of their batting skill. She administers a survey to the students and asks if they have a baseball tee at home. Sure enough, Mrs. Borey's survey findings show that the better batters are more apt to have a baseball tee at home. Her conclusion is that having a tee at home assists the development of batting skill. Is Mrs. Borey's conclusion appropriate?

No, because she didn't conduct an experiment study.

Which one of these sentences is not consistent with the general principles of learning described in your textbook?

People learn in ways that are very similar to how most other animal species learn

At the beginning of the school year, Mr. Webber is concerned that Frances rarely does her independent seatwork. He begins praising Frances for each seatwork assignment she completes, and by January, she is completing her assignments regularly. To make sure that the behavior continues in the years to come, what would operant conditioning theorists tell Mr. Webber to do now?

Praise her for only some of her completed assigments

Which one of the following statements best describes positive reinforcement?

Reinforcement consists of getting something a learner finds desirable

George enjoys being on the debating team, but he is taken off the team when he inadvertently utters an obscene word during a debate. Being taken off the team is an example of:

Removal punishment

Three of the strategies will likely help students with learning disabilities learn in their classrooms. Which strategy is least likely to be effective in helping students with learning disabilities learn the content of their classroom work?

Russell's teacher suggests that he listen to his favorite radio station while he studies for tomorrow's spelling test

If you were concerned about a student's misconception, identify the strategy that would most likely to correct it?

Show students how new information contradicts what they presently believe

Learner-centered instruction is best described by which of the following answer choices? (2)

Student's characteristics and behaviors drive almost everything that teachers do in the classroom

Three of the following are inaccurate statements about factors that affect transfer. Which statement is accurate?

Students are more likely to transfer what they have learned if they have studied it in a meaningful, rather than rote, fashion

Choose the sentence that best reflects the idea that learning involves a process of construction?

Students combine pieces of information about a topic to create their own understandings

The textbook in this course describes several research findings. Which sentence aligns with research findings described in Chapters 1 & 2?

Students use both their right and left brain hemispheres for completing even simple tasks

Judging from the textbook's discussion of educational research, which one of the following would be the best course of action for teachers to take?

Teachers can use findings from educational research to guide their classroom decision making

Missy is given this problem: "If Mt. Adams is lower than Mt. Washington; and if Mt. Adams is higher than Mt. Jefferson; then which of the three mountains is highest?" Missy reads the fourth word in the problem incorrectly - she thinks the word is higher rather than lower - and consequently answers the problem incorrectly. From the perspective of cognitive psychology, Missy's difficulty is definitely due to:

The way she represents the problem

Suppose a student is planning a study session over the morality and use of artificial intelligence, Which part of their memory system are they using the most as they plan this session?

Their central executive

Your book describes the sensory register as a component of memory. Which statement best describes the duration of information coming into the sensory register?

Visual information lasts less than a second, with auditory information lasting a bit longer.

Which statement is the best description of what is currently known about the brain and learning?

We know that learning is associated with the formation of new synapses and may also involve creation of new astrocytes.

Ms. Gabriel, a modern language teacher, wanted to explore the impact of visual imagery on learning Spanish... Is the Ms. Gabriel's conclusion valid for her students?

Yes, because she was able to manipulate a variable in the environment

Which sentence best describes a concept?

a category of similar objects or events

You designed a study with two variables. The study shows you that the two variables have a relationship or are associated, but your study does not show you that one variable causes or influences the other. This indicates that you designed what type of study?

a correlational study

Three of the following statements about culture are true. Which one is false?

a culture tends to remain constant and unchanging despite migration, technological advances, and other changes in society

As high school music teacher plays a recording of Ferde Grofe symphony Grand Canyon Suite for his class, he asks his students to visualize scenes that Grofe tried to capture with music; a sunrise over Grand Canyon, a burro ride down a winging trail, a thunderstorm, and so on. This lesson could best be described as:

a mediated learning experience

choose the best example of action research?

a teacher gives her students a questionnaire that asks then to describe how often they study and what kind of strategies they use when they study. She will use the results to develop several lessons on effective study skills

Your textbook defines and explains learned behavior. given that definition and discussion choose the statement that does not reflect a learned behavior.

abigail cries because of a painful ear infection

Ms. Aguilar's third-grade students enjoy art and spend much of their free time drawing and painting. If she tells them, "You can paint as soon as you finish your arithmetic problems," she is providing:

an activity reinforcer

Dr. Knowles conducts a study in which she randomly selects a group students to experience logically organized learning material; Dr. Knowles randomly selects a second group of students that experience the same material presented in a haphazard, unpredictable sequence. Dr. Knowles finds that group of students with the logically sequenced and organized material remember more than the other group of students. This study can best be described as:

an experimental study

As it relates to psychology, choose the statement that best characterizes a theory

an integrated set of concepts and principles that explain a phenomenon

Choose the statement that best characterizes the meaning of "students with special needs"

are different enough from their peers that specially adapted instruction or materials are necessary to promote their success at school

Which statement is the best explanation of how neurons transmit messages to one another?

by sending chemical substances across a tiny gap between them

Three of the following are typical benefits of group discussions in the classroom. Which one is not a typical benefit when learners discuss classroom materials?

class discussion promote more rapid learning of classroom subject matter

Which one of the following teaching strategies best reflects the textbook's definition of multicultural education?

considering the perspectives of different cultural groups regularly throughout the school year

Rani has just moved to this country from a Middle Eastern nation where most women remain at home serving their husbands and taking care of their children. She seems confused when she is asked to perform the same school tasks as her male classmates. Rani's situation illustrates:

cultural mismatch

Mrs. Adams recently began teaching at the elementary level. She's noticed that most of her students have littles (or no) knowledge about metacognition. She's noticed this because her students:

don't know very much about how to learn

Identify the one conclusion that can only be make or taken from an experimental study?

drugs administered during childbirth affect a child's early development

Which statement best describes the practice of inclusion?

educating students with special needs in general education settings alongside students without special needs

Reading a text multiple times can lead to an illusion of knowing. if you have this problem, you will probably:

express surprise about a low test score

Three of the following are recommended strategies for addressing students' stereotypes about culture and ethnic groups very different from their own. Which one is not recommended?

gently discourage students from talking openly about racism in the local community

if you wanted to give students feedback that could help them improve their behavior, which one of the following would you be least likely to do?

give them as least ten suggestions for improving each assignment

Good grades are reinforcing to some students but not to others. Someone explaining this fact from an operant conditioning perspective would say that good grades are most likely to be reinforcers to students who:

have previously associated grades with other reinforcers.

Jeffery needs to study for an upcoming exam. He does a number of things to prepare for the exam, four of which are listed below. Three of these do no illustrate metacognition. Which one does reflect metacognitive activity?

he test himself to see if he is sufficiently prepared for the exam

John is caught cheating on a homework assignment. He suffers no consequences for doing so, even though cheating is in clear violation of school policy. Given what psychologists have learned about what happens when consequences of learners' behaviors are inconsistent with learners' expectations, which one of the following predictions can we make about John's future behavior?

he will cheat more frequently

Learner-centered instruction is best described by which of the following answer choices? (1)

instruction that is tailored to students' characteristics and behaviors

What statement is the best example of qualitative research?

interviewing adolescents about the nature of their relationships with other students

The classroom teacher, heard by Matteo hears say, "Six times eight is 48." Matteo repeats this to himself three times outloud. Four minutes pas and the teacher says, "Matteo, what is six times eight?" Matteo cannot recall the answer, so the teacher pairs Matteo with a friend to practice a matching game with his multiplication facts. Given the details about Matteo's experience, how far into his memory system did the math fact likely get?

it reached the working memory

Choose the best example of a teacher's pedagogical content knowledge?

knowing several effective ways to teach students about measuring angles

A script can best be described as

knowledge about the typical sequence of events in an activity

After explaining what sines and cosines are, a high school math teacher show students how they might use these concepts in constructing large buildings. Which one of the following principles does this scenario best illustrate?

learners perform more effectively when they acquire the cognitive tools of their culture

When Mr. Thompson yells at his students, they stop being so noisy. Mr. Thompson is receiving [blank] for his yelling behavior.

negative reinforcement

Eric learned to play checkers at a young age, and is very good at the game. When he joins the chess club in high school, he has problems learning the specific moves for each piece, which are unique for each type. Eric's difficulty reflects:

negative transfer

Students who have a bad experience in one class subject (e.g. math) will also have bad experiences in future classes of the same subject. This phenomenon is an example of:

negative transfer Da

In chapter one you read about descriptive studies, correlational studies, and experimental studies. What statement reflects, in general, the advantage of experimental studies over the other two types of studies described in your reading?

only experimental studies allow us to determine what caused something

Which one of the following problems is most likely to be solved with a heuristic rather than an algorithm?

peacefully resolving an argument

Loretta has been painting graffiti on the school walls after school hours. The school principal and the school counselor discuss the problem. The counselor thinks they should try to eliminate the graffiti-painting by asking her to chair a clean-up-the-school committee, then giving her school-wide recognition for her efforts. Although the counselor does not know for sure how Loretta's committee membership will affect her graffiti-painting behavior, we know for certain that the counselor is suggesting:

reinforcement of an incompatible behavior

Suppose that Google recently developed a new app to help primary school students. The app has the students press a button on the app any time they are off-task, the app on the student's phones syncs with the instructor's phone. In this case, Google is supporting students' ability to use:


when considering student's cultural and ethnic backgrounds, it is important to keep in mind that:

some students may simultaneously be active participants in two or more cultural groups

The term negative reinforcement can best be described as a situation in which:

something the learner doesn't want is taken away after a response

Lydia is driving through Arizona, on her way to a vacation in Los Angeles, when notices that her car is overheating in the arid desert. She remembers her father once telling her that a car's heater uses the heat of the engine to heat the inside, and so she turns on the heater, even though she's driving in hot weather, causing the engine temperature to decrease. Lydia is showing:

specific transfer

What term do cognitive psychologists often use when they discuss or write about the process for keeping or putting things into our memories?


Because transfer of knowledge is important for teachers to teach, it's important to be aware of issues that can affect transfer. Of the options below, pick the one that most likely describes successful transfer.

students in Ms. Elbert's music class are studying major chords in different keys this semester, practicing each one over in different songs

Dr. Barnett finds that third graders in private schools perform better on achievement tests than third graders in public schools. He can conclude that:

students' achievement test scores can be predicted to some extent by the kind of school they attend

Which one of the following is true? Educational psychology is an academic discipline that:

studies how children develop over time

Your textbook gives a few recommendations for studying. Which one of the statements is not consistent with those recommendations?

study for several hours at a time without a break to ensure that you don't lose your thought process related to the information

Kali thinks about Patrick Mahomes, which reminds her of Kansas City, which in turn reminds her that she needs to pick up a poster from Union Station for her social studies project. Which one of the following does Kali's train of thought best illustrate?

the interconnectedness of long-term memory

Which one of the following alternatives best describes shaping?

the particular response being reinforced changes over time so that it increasingly resembles the desired behavior

When we say that different cultural and ethnic groups have different worldviews, we mean that:

their basic assumptions about how the world operates may be different

Which sentence about psychological theories is most accurate?

theories are continually modified as new data emerge

Dr. Sherlock conducts an experiment to test whether or not the Holmes of Studying Agriculture Education (HASAE) is superior to the Watson Approach to Study Agriculture Education (WASAE). Dr. Sherlock convinces Mr. Moran to implement HASAE in his first period class and WASAE in his third period class, Students exposed to the HASAE method do better on the final exam than students exposed to the WASAE method. Dr. Sherlock concludes that HASAE is better than WASAE. What is definitely wrong with Sherlock's experiment?

there are several possible explanations for his results

Suppose that published findings from a recent research study note that, on average, students that eat healthier earn better grades. Which one of the following is an appropriate deduction based on the study's findings?

there is a correlation between eating habits and classroom performance

which choice best characterizes the focus of learning from the perspective of social cognitive theory?

through observations of others

A schema is best described as

tightly organized sets of facts about a certain concept or phenomenon

Reagan has recently learned about self-regulated learning. of the things she does below, which one is related to self-regulated learning?

trying to keep attention on what the teacher is presenting

Choose the example that best aligns with the basic idea of social constructivism?

two students discuss possible interpretations of the proverb, "We only know the worth of water when the well is dry."

Which one of the following is not true? Educational psychologists:

use the MLA (Modern Language Association) style when citing references in their publications

To answer this question, consider what you have read about attention in chapter two and how psychologists define and depict aspects of attention, then choose the pair of activities that most people would find difficult to do at the exact same time.

watching a YouTube8 video while studying for an exam

As a human you experience lots of stimuli all of the time. Think about all that is available to your sensory receptors even in just one 50 minute class time. From the perspective of an educational psychologists, which statement best describes how we respond to multiple stimuli at any given time.

we must select the things we think are most important to learn and remember, and ignore the rest

Instructors should be very concerned about students' epistemic beliefs. We would say epistemic beliefs are:

what knowledge is and how it is acquired

Kim, who is in a Newtonian physics class, is having a hard time identifying the key points from his teacher's lessons. Listed below are four options describing things that may happen in a classroom. Which one of these options describes a situation in which Kim will not have problems knowing what is important?

when Kim's teacher writes something on the chalkboard.

Which of the following is an example of elaboration?

when Melissa first learns about inertia, she thinks of examples of it in her own life to expand on the idea

Which statement best describes the sensory register as a component of memory?

you can remember something you heard for a second or two even though you weren't paying attention

Imagine you are a seventh-grade teacher. Below are four behaviors you might exhibit in your classroom. Considering the textbook's discussion of modeling, choose the behavior your students are least likely to imitate/

you show them how much you enjoy reading professional education journals

Which one of the following teacher questions does not ask students to engage in a complex cognitive process?

"Here are the same rocks that we studied yesterday. Try to sort them into three piles - sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic - the same way we did yesterday."

A community of learners can best be described as:

A classroom in which a cooperative spirit of helping one another learn prevails

Stephan frequently forgets his homework at home and his grades are suffering because of this. Stephan's teacher knows that he enjoys playing his Xbox, and suggests that Stephan should restrict playing the Xbox on any day that he forgets his homework. This suggestion means Stephan will use:

A self-imposed contingency

choose the example that best aligns with the basic idea of individual constructivism.

A student tries to make sense of a poorly written and confusing magazine article

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