EES Exam 4

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In this hypothesis the two sides of the mid-oceanic ridge are moving in opposite directions like slow conveyor belts. plate tectonics sea floor spreading continental drift continental collisions plate spreading

Sea Floor spreading.

Harry Hess proposed that the _______. sea floor moves continents drift magnetic field reverses magnetic poles wander the core is liquid

Sea floor moves.

The continental rise is a wedge of sediment that extends from the lower part of the continent slope to the deep-sea floor. True False


The downward plunge of cold lithosphere accounts for the existence of oceanic trenches as well as their low heat flow. True False


Wegener's theory of continental drift proposed that the continents plowed through oceanic crust. True False


Young mountain belts, with their associated igneous intrusions, metamorphism, and fold-thrust belts, form at convergent boundaries. True False


A Precambrian shield, an area of no sedimentary rocks, covers much of eastern and northern Canada. True False


A cycle of splitting of a supercontinent, opening of an ocean basin, followed by closing of the basin and collision of continents is known as a Wilson Cycle. True False


According to the concept of isostasy, lighter, less dense, continental crust "floats" higher on the mantle than denser oceanic crust. True False


Albedo is the percentage of radiation reflected from the surface. True False


An increase in greenhouse gas concentrations corresponds to a positive forcing. True False


Anticlines and domes create common oil traps. True False


As a descending plate reaches depths of about 100 km, magma is generated in the overlying asthenosphere. True False


Asteroids are generally rocky, solid bodies orbiting the Sun and ranging in diameter from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers. True False


Astronomers think that most comets come from the Oort cloud. True False


Because natural gas is less denser than oil it accumulates on the top of the oil. True False


Frequent earthquakes are characteristic of mountain belts that are young and active. True False


In placer deposits, streams concentrate heavy mineral into ores. True False


Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system at this time. True False


Isostatic adjustment takes place during orogeny. True False


Like most stars the sun is made mainly of hydrogen. True False


Most of the easily recoverable uranium in the United States is found in sandstone in New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. True False


Oceans cover more than 71% of the Earth's surface. True False


Oil sands are actually asphalt-cemented sand or sandstone deposits. True False


One important result of orogeny is that continental crust becomes thicker. True False


Ores are naturally occurring materials that can be mined profitably. True False


Pangea initially separated into two parts, a northern supercontinent, and a southern supercontinent. True False


Some accreted terranes were microcontinents similar to present day New Zealand. True False


Suture zones in continents mark old sites of mantle plumes. True False


The Earth is but one of eight planets that orbit the sun. True False


The San Andreas Fault is a transform fault. True False


The ionosphere plays little role in determining climate. True False


The more carbon, the more combustible (economically desirable) the coal. True False


The multitude of craters that formed on the Earth has been obliterated by erosion and plate tectonics. True False


The portion of a fracture zone between two offset portions of a ridge crest is called a transform fault. True False


The troposphere is the lowest layer in the atmosphere. True False


Thermal expansion can cause sea level rise. True False


Venus's atmosphere has much more carbon dioxide than that of Earth and its greenhouse effect is much stronger. True False


Volcanic activity releases particles and particle forming gases into the atmosphere each year. True False


continental slopesThe Grand Banks cable breaks of 1929 are interpreted to be the result of earthquake-caused ____. earthquakes contour currents tsunamis underwater volcanic eruptions turbidity currents

Turbidity currents.

Hot mantle rock rising slowly by convection under parts of the ocean explains ____. mid-oceanic ridges underwater volcanoes the unexpectedly high heat flow under the oceans the thickness of the continents the location of earthquakes

Underwater Volcanoes

______ is the planet that is most like the Earth in diameter and mass. Uranus Saturn Venus Io Mars


Late stage normal faulting in a mountain range is a result of _______. volcanism igneous intrusions vertical uplift or extension sea-floor spreading geosyncline formation

Vertical uplight or extensions.

The roundness of the Earth's orbit is known as it's _____ rotational balance variation variblity eccentricity


The Sun transmits its energy to Earth in the form of _____. solar radiation electromagnetic radiation visible light yellow energy

Electromagnetic radiation.

Geologists regard most bodies of ultramafic rock as being _______. intrusions formed during the accumulation stage due to gravitational collapse and spreading due to lithospheric delamination areas left by block faulting and uplift mantle material faulted into the crust during orogeny

Mantle material faulted into the crust during orogeny.

During extension in divergent plate boundaries a rift valley forms as a central ____. horst strike-slip fault graben mountain range subduction zone


Geologists believe that when the thick and high part of a mountain belt becomes too high and gravitationally unstable _____ occurs. massive landslides gravitational collapse and spreading volcanic eruptions rapid downcutting basalt flows

Gravitational collapse and spreading.

The month in which the Earth makes its closest approach to the Sun is known as the _____, which varies on a 19,000 year cycle. perihelion axial tilt wobble eccentricity


Phosphate is produced from _____. igneous rocks hydrothermal deposits phosphorites evaporites placer deposits


Uranium is found in ________. quartz and sphalerite pitchblende and carnotite migmatites hematite and galena rhyolite and gabbro

Pitchblende and carnotite.

Gold is found in ____. weathered granites pegmatites placer deposits gossan limestones

Placer deposits.

____ are small, planetlike bodies. Planetesimals Moons Asteroids Comets Meteors


_____ can alter the surface albedo of the Earth and affect ocean circulation on a million-year time scale. Faulting Mountain building Plate tectonics Volcanic eruptions

Plate tectonics.

The apparent movement of the magnetic poles through geologic time is called _____. mantle plume motion polar drift sea-floor spreading continental drift polar wandering

Polar Wandering.

There are two basic forms of energy categories, ____ energy is stored energy. actual kinetic potential nonrenewable renewable


Paleoclimate studies require that scientists find paleoclimate _____, materials that have retained a unique signature of the ancient climate conditions. models air bubbles records proxies


As planetismals struck the growing Earth, their impact energy in combination with ______ melted the planet. heat from the sun energy left over from the Big Bang radioactivity cosmic rays the greenhouse effect


A ____ is the term used to describe the total amount of any given geologic material of potential economic interest, whether discovered or not. ore deposit resource aggregate reserve reservoir


The _____ is the Earth's primary source of energy. Sun stratosphere volcanic emissions weather


The ___ includes rocks of the crust and uppermost mantle. true ocean basin asthenosphere lithosphere ophiolites Moho


Marine geologists can predict the age of igneous rocks of the sea floor by measuring _____. the percent of iron-rich minerals in the rock their grain size the velocity of earthquake waves their density magnetic anomalies

Magnetic anomalies.

In a passive continental margin, there is a lack of _______. seamounts guyots earthquakes, volcanoes, and young mountain belts no riverine discharge sediments

earthquakes, volcanoes, and young mountain belts.


The crust and upper mantle form the ____. lithosphere athenosphere core outer core Moho discontinuity

Abyssal plains are the flattest features on Earth. True False


An island arc is a string of volcanoes parallel to the oceanic trench True False


Continental drift incorporated sea floor spreading into the new concept of plate tectonics. True False


Ocean water originated mainly from degassing of the Earth's interior. True False


Submarine canyons are erosional features. True False


Terrigineous sediment is sediment derived from the land. True False


The Vine-Matthews hypothesis provided a means to measure the rate of sea-floor spreading. True False


Measured rates of sea-floor spreading range from ______ cm/year. 0.1 to 1 100 to 1000 1000 to 10,000 1 to 24 0.01 to 0.1

1 to 24.

Between 1961 and 2003 mean sea level rose _____. 1.8 cm 3 mm 0.3 mm 1.8 mm

1.8 mm

Astronomers estimate that our galaxy contains ______ stars. 100 thousand 10 million 100 million 1 billion 100 billion

100 billions years.

Water depth increases over a continental shelf to the outer edge depth of _____ to ____ meters. 500; 600 400; 500 300; 400 200; 300 100; 200


The magnetic poles are displaced about ______ degrees from the geographic poles. 5½ 11½ 16½ 30½ 45½


At the current rate of consumption, United States recoverable coal reserves will be exhausted in ______ years. 10 90 250 350 125


The recoverable reserve for coal in the United States is _______. unknown 10 billion tons 157 billion tons 42 billion tons 270 billion tons

270 billions years.

Seismic surveys of the sea have shown the oceanic crust to be divided into _______ major layers. 3 6 5 2 7


To the best of our knowledge, the Earth, Sun, and Moon are all the same age, about _______ years old. 4.6 billion 4000 500 million 1 billion 100,000

4.6 billion.

A barrel of oil contains ______ U.S. gallons. 200 12 42 22 50


The petroleum window is the depth between ______ to ______ feet through which sapropel must pass to transform into oil. 100; 1000 7,500; 15,000 100; 600 10,000; 20,000 500; 6000


The energy return on energy invested (EROEI) for newly discovered oil fields was typically around 100:1 in 1940s and it has currently decreased to ________ 8:1 75:1 50:1 25:1 15:1


In 1900 more than _____ percent of America's energy needs were satisfied by burning coal. 90 75 50 25 10


NO2 and CH4 are important greenhouse gases due to their strong _____ of solar radiation. absorption reflection potential trapping


The inner wall of a trench consists of a(n) _____ of thrust-faulted and folded marine sediment and pieces of oceanic crust. accretionary wedge subduction wedge large amount of sea active volcano consisting a gap

Accretionary wedge.

A(n) _____ continental margin usually lacks a continental rise and an abyssal plain and is associated with convergent plate boundaries. active passive transform subducting remote


Evidence in support of continental drift includes ____. glacial striation patterns fossil distribution on different continents fit of continental margins matching of geologic patterns on continents all of the choices are correct

All is true.

The _____ is(are) the product of oceanic-continental convergence and Earth's second highest mountain belt. Appalachians Himalayas Andes Basin and Range Sierra Nevada


____ volcanoes can be found along subducting plate boundaries. Shield Cinder cone Andesitic Basaltic Pegmatitic


Many guyots and seamounts are aligned in chains (for example the Hawaiian Islands and Emperor seamounts) that form major _____. trench systems aseismic ridges Benioff zones mid-ocean ridges continental rises

Aseismic Ridges.

To measure vast distances in the solar system, astronomers use the ____, the Earth's average distance from the Sun. parsec astronomical unit light-year click mega-kilometers

Astronomical unit.

Martian winds have created ____. polar ice caps very rough ocean waves large mountains rift valleys dunes


The inner planets are sometimes called the terrestrial planets because of their resemblance to ____. the sun Jupiter dirt the moon Earth


Greenhouse gases can survive in the atmosphere for different amounts of time, which is known as _____. decay curve atmospheric lifetime global warming potential abundance factor

Atmospheric lifetime.

The _____ crust of the sea floor is covered in many places with layers of sediment. basalt granite rhyolite serpentine andesite


The once deep-seated roots of former Precambrian mountain belts are the _____ rock for the now stable, central part of the continent. cratonic basement core platform isostatic


The Himalayan Mountains are thought to have formed ____. by continent-ocean convergence by ocean-ocean convergence by continent-continent convergence at a spreading center at a transform fault

By continent-continent convergence.

_____ is the most abundant and important greenhouse gas. O2 O3 CO CO2


Which of the following is a factor in the Earth's atmosphere? composition electromagnetic radiation albedo geoengineering


As more CO2 dissolves in the ocean the _____ increases. sea level fish size concentration of H+ number of reefs

Concentration of H+


Continental crust is ___ relative to oceanic crust.

The continental shelf is part of the ____. abyssal plain continents mid-oceanic ridge island arc system true ocean basin


Hess's original hypothesis was that sea-floor spreading is driven by deep mantle ____. contraction spreading centers convergent boundaries transform faults convection


This type of plate boundary the two plates can consist of ocean-ocean, ocean-continent, or continent-continent crust. divergent strike-slip convergent transform transverse


Iron-nickel meteorites are an important source of information regarding the composition of Earth's ______. oceanic crust core mantle asthenosphere continental crust


As lava cools below the _____ point, a record of the Earth's magnetic field is permanently trapped in the rock. freezing burning boiling melting Curie


Heat flow ______ the crest of the mid-oceanic ridges. increases away from decreases away from does not change relative to is unknown on is the highest on Earth on

Decreases away from.

_____ is the detachment of part of the mantle portion of the lithosphere beneath a mountain belt. Delamination Mantle convection Terrane shift Isostatic adjustment Craton formation


Heat left over from this planetary formation process along with radioactive decay, drives the Earth's internal heat engine. substitution fusion sublimation differentiation fission


Without this, the Earth would warm up rapidly due to the absorption of solar radiation. emission of infrared radiation albedo greenhouse effect atmosphere

Emission of infrared radiation.

At the close of the Paleozoic, eastern North America was attached to what is now _______. Europe and Asia China and South America India and Antarctica Africa and China Europe and Africa

Europe and Africa.

Continental drift is the hypothesis that the sea floor forms at the crest of the mid-oceanic ridge, then moves horizontally away from the ridge crest. True False


Most seamounts are active volcanoes. True False


Pelagic sediment is sediment that settles slowly through the ocean water.


The mesosphere contains the ozone layer. True False


A resource is any geologic material that has yet to be discovered. True False


Agriculture and biodiversity will be enhanced with increased global temperatures. True False


Bituminous coal is the highest "grade" or "rank" of coal. True False


Coalbed methane is never going to be a significant source of natural gas. True False


Delamination is the detachment of the continental crust from the oceanic crust. True False


Guyots and seamounts are scattered randomly on the sea floor. True False


In the Paleozoic Era the North American continent grew westward because of the accumulation of the Cordillera. True False


Lithosphere is remarkably constant in thickness across ocean basins. True False


Most geologic resources are renewable. True False


Mountain belts are characterized by sedimentary sequences that show little or no deformation. True False


Nitrogen and oxygen make up <50% of the atmosphere. True False


Of all the planets in the solar system only Earth has an atmosphere. True False


Orogenies are not accompanied by metamorphism and igneous activity. True False


Plate tectonics has no effect on climate change. True False


The Appalachian Mountains are an example of ocean-ocean convergence. True False


The deepest places on Earth, more than 11 km below sea level, are the abyssal plains. True False


The gravity of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune resulted in their becoming surrounded by envelopes of nitrogen-rich gas. True False


The inner and outer planets have similar atmospheres. True False


The last glacial minimum ended approximately 15,000 years ago. True False


The moon has active volcanoes and plate tectonic processes. True False


The nebular hypothesis proposes that our solar system was born about 1 billion years ago. True False


The origin of petroleum is very similar to that of coal. True False


Weather is a long-term average of climate. True False


Weathering and erosion play no role in the development of mountains. True False


Petroleum, natural gas and propane are all considered _____ because they formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. gaseous fuels oil fuels nonmetallic fuels renewable fuels fossil fuels

Fossil fuels.

_____ are major lines of weakness in Earth's crust that cross the mid-oceanic ridge at right angles. Abyssal fans Fracture zones Submarine canyons Transform faults Fold belts

Fractured Zone.

Plate motion can be measured directly using ____. FBI GPS USGS NOAA GIS


When 17th century astronomer _______ first viewed Jupiter with his telescope he saw four satellites orbiting the planet. Kant Laplace Oort Galileo Kuiper


_______ is an unusual mixture of ice and methane. Pumice Oil sand Condensate Distillate Gas hydrate

Gas hydrate.


Geologists think that the asthenosphere is molten.

Turbidity currents are great masses of sediment-laden water that are pulled downhill by ____. landslides submarine canyons gravity earthquakes, storms, volcanic eruptions Earth's rotation


Models of climate are only able to reproduce the warming over the last century only if _____ are added. solar radiation greenhouse gases population changes plate tectonics

Greenhouse gases.

The Earth is warm due to _____. albedo greenhouse gases blackbody radiation all are correct

Greenhouse gases.

The major iron ore minerals are _____. pyrite and chalcopyrite hematite and magnetite galena and sphalerite mica and quartz calcite and dolomite

Hematite and magnetite.

Mid-oceanic ridges are often marked by lines of _____ that carry and precipitate metals. ocean currents hot springs seismic ridges submarine volcanoes ocean trenches

Hot Springs.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are surrounded by atmospheres of _______. argon nitrogen and krypton carbon dioxide hydrogen and helium oxygen

Hydrogen and helium.

The four outer (giant) planets are composed largely of _______. hydrogen ammonia carbon dioxide water vapor nitrogen


By what means do we know that greenhouse gas concentrations have varied quite dramatically over the geologic record? oxygen isotopes ice cores carbon isotopes tree rings

Ice cores.

The nucleus of a comet is a block of _____. iron helium ice rock organic material


Most of the world's mountains existing today are a result of ____. intense deformation isostasy weathering and erosion intense deformation and isostasy intense deformation, isostasy, and weathering and erosion

Intense deformation and isostasy.

The Moon's low average density tells us that the interior contains relatively little _______. aluminum helium hydrogen iron oxygen


______ is a balance or equilibrium of adjacent blocks of brittle crust floating on the upper mantle. Density adjustment Isostasy Gravity adjustment Inertial adjustment Thermohaline flow


_____ predicts that the higher a mountain range extends above sea level the deeper it extends into the mantle. Isostatic adjustment Crustal rebound Mantle convection Mohorovicic discontinuity Subducting oceanic lithosphere

Isostatic Adjustment.

What is the asthenosphere?

It is the zone that separates the continental crust from the oceanic crust.

What is the role of the ozone layer? It reflects heat to the surface. It blocks all electromagnetic radiation from space. It creates a warm blanket around the Earth. It protects the surface from ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

It protects the surface from ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Why is water vapor an extremely important greenhouse gas? It decreases the amount of precipitation and energy in the atmosphere. It concentrates the amount of carbon absorbed in the oceans. It reflects UV radiation. It strongly absorbs IR radiation.

It strongly absorbs IR radiation.

____ is the largest planet in both radius and mass. Mercury Earth Jupiter Venus Mars


Abyssal fans are made up of _____ sediment that has moved down submarine canyons abyssal continental slope deep sea marine pelagic land-derived


A divergent boundary on the sea floor is associated with ______. submarine trenches mid-oceanic ridges transform faults aseismic ridges guyots

Mid-Oceanic ridges.

Shallow focus earthquakes on the sea floor are associated with ___. trenches abyssal rises guyots abyssal plains mid-ocean ridge crests

Mid-ocean ridge crest.

The orbital theory of climate is also known as _____. Orbital Theory Milankovitch Theory Orbital Climate Theory Maunder Minimum

Milankovitch Theory.

Our galaxy is called the ____. Oort Cloud Kuiper Belt Asteroid Belt Milky Way Solar System

Milky way.

The ____ is the transition zone at the core-mantle boundary. Moho asthenosphere D layer perovskite zone unnamed surface



Most of the evidence for magnetic reversals comes from lava flows on the continents.

_____ are chains thousands of kilometers long composed of numerous mountain ranges. Mid-oceanic ridge Volcanic arcs Back arcs Valley and Ridge Province Mountain belts

Mountain Belts.

A _____ is a group of closely spaced mountains or parallel ridges that may show a history of intrusive tectonic activity. volcano mountain range back-arc basin spreading center any uplifted region

Mountain Range.

Continents grow bigger as _______. accretionary wedges form at the margins gravitational collapse and spreading widens the craton mountain belts evolve along their margins uplift and block-faulting takes place isostacy lifts them up

Mountain belts evolve along their margins.

The most straightforward way to decrease emissions of CO2 is to _____. use low-energy appliances recycle increase fuel economy move away from using fossil fuels

Moves away from fossil fuels.

The _____ resources include building stones and road gravels. nonmetallic metallic energy nonrenewable aggregate


Most geologic resources are ____, they form very slowly and are extracted much faster than nature replaces them. nonmetallic energy irreplaceable nonrenewable hydrothermal


The isotopic ages of Hawaiian Island basalts increase regularly to the ____. northwest east north south northeast


Earthquakes, volcanoes, Benioff seismic zones, and island arcs are all associated with this sea floor feature. guyots passive margin seamounts oceanic trench abyssal plains

Oceanic Trench

The United States has enormous quantities of oil in __. oil shale gas hydrates hydrothermal veins tar sands limestones

Oil shale.

Geologists' ideas about the composition of ocean crust are greatly influenced by the study of ____. ophiolites continental volcanoes chert the Mohorovicic discontinuity the asthenosphere


A(n) __________ is an episode of intense deformation of the rocks of a region. isostatic adjustment geosyncline orogeny buoyancy event basin to dome event


The Earth's atmosphere is rich in _____, a product of plant photosynthesis. oxygen nitrogen argon carbon dioxide carbon monoxide


Although technically not coal, the first material to form in the coal cycle is ___. anthracite semi-anthracite peat lignite "soft coal"


______ is the initial stage in the development of coal. Peat Lignite Sub-bituminous Bituminous Anthracite


Travel Slower

Seismic P-waves _____ through continental crust relative to oceanic crust.

The sedimentary sequences that form on passive margins are predominantly ____. shale limestone sandstones andesitic flows shale, limestone, and sandstones

Shale, limestone, and sandstone.

One possible mechanism for plate tectonic drive is ____. meteor impacts earthquake energy slab pull gravity sliding Benioff drive

Slab pull.

_____ refers to geoengineering efforts to control the amount of solar radiation being absorbed by the Earth system and reflecting it back to space. Solar reflection engineering Solar radiation management Radiation sequestering Solar storage

Solar Radiation management.

Economic deposits of petroleum require _____. source rock reservoir rock trap volcanic activity source rock, reservoir rock, and trap

Source rock, reservoir rock, and traps.

_____ are V-shaped valleys that run across continental shelves and down continental slopes. Rift valleys Submarine canyons Submarine trenches Guyots Fracture zones

Submarine Canyons

Most hydrothermal ores are metallic __________. carbonates sulfates native elements sulfides oxides


Heat energy from solar radiation absorbed at the Earth's surface is known as _____. geothermal energy solar heat blackbody radiation terrestrial radiation

Terrestrial radiation.


The Moho separates the crust from the mantle.

Turbidity currents flow down the continental slope until they come to rest on ___. the continental shelf the mid-oceanic ridge a guyot the abyssal plain a submarine trench

The abyssal plain


The bending of seismic waves as they pass from one material to another is called seismic ____. refraction reflection deflection attenuation waves don't bend when they pass through different materials.


The concept of isostatic adjustment implies that all mountains extend to the same depth in the mantle.


The presence of an S-wave shadow zone implies that the Earth's core is liquid.


The rise of the surface of the crust after removal of glacial ice is known as isostatic rebound.

Ultramafic Rocks.

The upper mantle consists of _______.


The way that P-waves are refracted within the core suggests that there is a solid inner core.

_____ is the increase in the volume that results from increased ocean temperatures. Sea floor spreading Thermal expansion Ice sheet melting Decadal variability

Thermal expansion.

The continental crust is _______ beneath mountain belts than under the craton. thinner thicker the same thickness more felsic more dense


Oceanic crust is _____ continental crust. thinner than thicker than the same thickness as the same composition as the same seismic velocity as

Thinner Than

These plate boundaries are marked by shallow-focus earthquakes in a narrow zone for a single fault or in a broad zone for a group of parallel faults. divergent transform ocean-continent convergence subduction ocean-ocean convergence


Once oil is formed it must accumulate in concentrations that can be drilled and pumped, these concentrations are called ________. traps accumulations concentrations beds reserves


A contour current is a bottom current that flows parallel to the slopes of the continental margin. True False


A rift valley runs down the crest of most mid-oceanic ridges. True False


Extension and normal faulting take place in a mountain range ____. during their early stage of formation when rock at high level flows outward before folding and metamorphism randomly throughout the range's history and is always related to late stage intrusions

When rock at high levels flows outward.

In terms of plate tectonics, future oil reservoirs form most easily in areas ____. along mid oceanic ridges over hot spots along transform faults where ocean basins are closing of continental rifts

Where ocean basins are closing.

Sea-floor spreading implies that sea-floor rocks should be ______________. the same age throughout youngest on the crest of mid-ocean ridges younger as water become colder younger toward the trench youngest on the continental shelf

Youngest on the crest of mid-ocean ridges.


_____ is a circulation pattern in which low-density material rises and high-density material sinks. Conduction Convection Density flow Refraction Reflection

Seismic Reflection

_____ is the return of some of the energy of a seismic wave to the Earth's surface after it bounces off a rock boundary.

Thick deposits of sediment called _____ are found at the base of many submarine canyons. abyssal fans continental rises continental shelves guyots

abyssal fans

A _____ plate boundary is where plates are moving away from each other. convergent shear transform divergent transverse


The Rift Valley in East Africa is an example of a _____. diverging plate boundary converging plate boundary transform plate boundary back arc spreading center continental rise

diverging plate boundary.

A(n) _________ mountain range, such as the Basin and Range and Tetons, implies a horizontal extension strain. fault block erosional volcanic fold strike-slip.

fault block.

The existence of huge channels that look like dry riverbeds on Mars is strong evidence that it ____. has ocean basins and continents had a Martian civilization that used irrigation had a warm climate in the past has a dense earth-like atmosphere is much younger than Earth

had a warm climate in the past.

Plumes form ______ that are related to areas of active volcanism such as Iceland, Yellowstone and Hawaii. converging plate boundaries trenches aseismic ridges failed rifts hot spots

hot spots.

One widely accepted hypothesis is that the Earth's magnetic field is created by electric currents within the ______. asthenosphere crust lower mantle liquid outer core sun

liquid outer core.

A _____ terrane has rock types and ages that do not seem to be related to the rest of the geology of a mountain belt. mixed coupled partial integrated suspect


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