EFMB 2021 Warrior Tasks Study Guide

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What do the different colors on M8 paper indicate to a particular agent?

(1) A yellow-gold color indicates the presence of a nerve (G) agent. (2) A red-pink color indicates the presence of a blister (H) agent. (3) A dark green color indicates the presence of a nerve (V) agent. (4) Any other color or no color change indicates that the liquid cannot be identified using M8 detector paper

What are the steps to perform a Remedial Action?

(1) Attempt to place the weapon on safe (2) Remove the magazine. (3) Lock the charging handle to the rear. (4) Place the selector lever on SAFE, if not already done. (5) Visually inspect the chamber. (a) Ensure chamber is empty. (b) Ensure the breech face is clear of live or expended cartridges, foreign debris, and has no physical damage. (6) If obstructions are present, remove them from the chamber by (a) Angling the ejection port downward and shaking the rifle to remove cartridge. (b) Using a cleaning rod to push out a cartridge stuck in the chamber. (c) Insert a new loaded magazine. When the magazine is fully seated, you should hear an audible click. (d) Press bolt catch to release the bolt. (e) Visually observe the round enter the chamber. (f) Reacquire target. (g) Press the trigger.

How would you camouflage your face?

- Paint high, shiny areas (forehead, cheekbones, nose, ears, and chin) with a dark color - Paint low, shadow areas (around the eyes, under the nose and under the chin) with a light color.

What are the three ways to orient a map?

- Using a compass. The magnetic arrow of the compass points to magnetic north. As such, pay special attention to the declination diagram. - Using terrain association. This method is typically used when a compass is not available or when the user has to make many quick references as he moves across country. - Using Field-Expedient Methods. Steps 1. Identify the type of terrain feature on which you are located. 2. Identify the types of terrain features that surround your location. 3. Correlate the terrain features on the ground to those shown on the map. 4. Determine your location on the map. 5. Determine the six digit grid coordinate of your location.

What are the different phases of Tactical Combat Casualty Care? What treatment is in each of the phases?

-Care under fire. -Tactical Field Care -Tactical evacuation Care

What treatment or action steps is in Tactical Field Care phase?

-Check for responsiveness if not already established. -Identify and control massive bleeding. -Position the casualty and open the airway -Assess for breathing and chest injuries. -Treat bleeding that was not addressed earlier with an emergency bandage. -Assess for shock from blood loss -Assess and treat penetrating eye trauma. -Assess for and treat any additional wounds found. -Check the casualty for burns -Communicate with the casualty if possible. Encouragement and reassurance are helpful to the casualty. Explain all assessments and treatments. -Administer pain medications and antibiotics (the casualty's combat pill pack) if available. -Document the injuries and the treatment given on the casualty's own Tactical Combat Casualty Care Card DD 1380 -Supply information for lines 3-5 of the 9-Line Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) request to your tactical leader. Continually reassess casualty until a medical person arrives or the patient arrives at a military treatment facility (MTF)

What are the steps on how to clear and seal your protective mask in a CBRN event?

-Clear mask assembly. a. Seal the outlet disk valve by placing one hand over the outlet valve cover assembly. b. Blow out hard to ensure that any contaminated air is forced out around the edges of the face piece. -Seal mask assembly. a. Cover both filter inlet ports with the palms of your hands and breathe in. b. Ensure mask assembly collapse against the face. c. Resume breathing.

What are the two ways to open an airways and when would you use them?

-Head-tilt/chin-lift method. -Jaw-Thrust Method; Cue: Use this method if a spinal or neck injury is suspected.

What are the considerations when selecting a hasty fighting position?

-Identify a position that will provide the best cover and concealment. -Ensure the position allows effective weapon emplacement. -Prepare the fighting position. -Maintain camouflage.

What are the different MOPP levels [1-4]?

-MOPP Level 0: Mask is carried on your person - MOPP Level 1 donning the JSLIST over garments. a. Don the JSLIST over garment trousers. b. Don the JSLIST over garment coat. -MOPP Level 2 by donning the over boots. -MOPP Level 3 by donning chemical-protective mask -MOPP Level 4. Don the gloves

What are the basic principles of the Law of War?

-Military Necessity: (1) Legitimate Military Target. (2) Combatant force. (3) Collateral damage. - Unnecessary Suffering - Discrimination and Distinction - Proportionality. - Chivalry

What techniques can you use to move under direct fire? What is the proper positioning and advantages/disadvantages for each?

-Move using the high crawl technique Note: The high crawl lets you move faster than the low crawl and still gives you a low silhouette. Use this crawl when there is good cover and concealment but enemy fire prevents you from getting up. - Move using the low crawl technique Note: The low crawl gives you the lowest silhouette. It is used to cross places where the cover and/or concealment are very low and enemy fire or observation prevents you from getting up. - Moved using the rush technique Note: The rush is the fastest way to move from one position to another. Use when you must cross an open area and time is critical.

How do you how to determine an azimuth?

-compass-to-cheek technique -center-hold method

What are the four different kinds of burns?

-thermal burns. -electrical burns -chemical burns. -laser burns

What are the steps on how to Assemble an M16 series rifle or M4 series carbine?

. Assemble the weapon. a. Assemble the bolt carrier. (1) Insert the extractor and spring. (2) Push in the extractor pin. (3) Slide the bolt into the carrier. (4) Replace the bolt cam pin. (5) Drop in and seat the firing pin. (6) Pull the bolt back. (7) Replace the retaining pin. b. Engage and then push the charging handle in part of the way. c. Slide in the bolt carrier assembly. d. Push in the charging handle and the bolt carrier group together. e. Insert the action spring and buffer. f. Install the buttstock assembly. (M4 series only) (1) Align the buttstock assembly with the lower receiver extension. (2) Pull downward on the lock release lever near the retaining pin. (3) Slide the buttstock assembly onto the lower receiver extension. g. Join the upper and lower receivers. h. Engage the receiver pivot pin. i. Close the upper and lower receiver groups. j. Push in the takedown pin k. Replace the handguards. l. Replace the carrying handle, if applicable. m. Replace the sling. 7. Perform a function check on the weapon. 8. Maintain the magazine. a . Disassemble magazine. (1) Insert the nose of a cartridge into the hole in the base of the magazine. (2) Raise the rear of the magazine until the indentation on the base is clear of the magazine. (3) Slide the base forward until it is free of the tabs. (4) Remove the magazine spring and follower (do not separate). b . Clean all parts using a rag soaked with CLP. c . Dry all parts. d . Inspect parts for damage such as dents and corrosion. Note: If any damage is found, turn in to maintenance. e . Lightly lube the spring only. f . Assemble the magazine. (1) Insert the follower and spring into the magazine tube. (2) Jiggle the spring to seat them in the magazine. (3) Slide the base under all four tabs until it is fully seated. (4) Make sure the printing is on the outside.

What are the 10 natural or man-made terrain features?

1. 5 major terrain features. a. hill b. saddle c. valley d. ridge e. depression 2. 3 minor terrain features. a. draw b. spur c. cliff 3. 2 supplementary terrain features. a. cut b. a fill

What are the key info needed to send up a 9 Line MEDEVAC request?

1. Determine the grid coordinates for the pickup site. (See STP 21-1- SMCT, task 071-COM-1002.) 2. Obtain radio frequency, call sign, and suffix. 3. Obtain the number of patients and precedence (UPRC). 4. Determine the type of special equipment required. 5. Determine the number and type (litter or ambulatory) of patients. 6. Determine the security of the pickup site. 7. Determine how the pickup site will be marked. 8. Determine patient nationality and status. 9. Obtain pickup CBRN contamination info normally obtained from the senior person or medic. Note: CBRN line 9 information is only included when contamination exist. See image

What are the different ways to transport a casualty (individual or assisted) and when you would use different carries?

1. Identify the correct extraction device for the tactical situation. 2. Communicate the plan to the casualty. 3. Approach the casualty (tactically). 4. Secure the casualty's weapon and equipment (if applicable). 5. Move a casualty using a manual carry/drag. a. Perform the Hawes (pack-strap) carry. Note: The Hawes or pack-strap carry is used for moderate distances between 50 to 300 meters. b. Perform the neck drag. Note: The neck drag is generally used for short distances in combat. c. Perform the cradle-drop drag. Note: The cradle-drop drag is used to move a casualty up and down stairs when they are unable to walk. 6. Move a casualty with the corresponding extraction device(s). Note: If an extraction device cannot be used, a manual carry must be performed. a. Move a casualty using the Combat Rescue Sling (single and four-man rescuer). b. Move a casualty using the Two Handle Extraction System (head or feet first). c. Extract a casualty using the Dragon Handles System (feet first). d. Extract a casualty using the Dragon Harness System. e. Extract a casualty using RAT straps (head first). f. Extract a casualty using RAT straps (feet first). 7. Transport a casualty using a litter. Note: Litters are often used if materials are available, if the casualty must be moved a long distance, or if manual carries could cause further injury to the casualty. a. Use the SKED litter for transport (four-rescuer carry). b. Use the Talon litter for transport (one-rescuer wheeled litter).

How do you measure distance on a map?

1. Identify the graphic bar scale of the map 2. Determine straight-line distance between two points on a map. a. Lay a straight edged piece of paper on the map so that the edge of the paper touches both points and extends past them. b. Make a tick mark on the edge of the paper at each point c. Move the paper down to the graphic bar scale. d Align the right tick mark (b) with a printed number in the primary scale so that the left tick mark (a) is in the extension scale

What are the steps to employ a hand grenade?

1. Select appropriate hand grenade based on type of target. 2. Select proper throwing position. a. Ensure you have a proper covered position. b. Determine the distance to the target. c. Align your body with the target. 3. Grip the hand grenade. 4. Prepare the hand grenade. a. Tilt the grenade forward to observe the safety clip. b. Remove the safety clip by sweeping it away from the grenade with the thumb of the opposite hand. c. Insert the index or middle finger of the nonthrowing hand in the pull ring until it reaches the knuckle of the finger (Figure 071-COM-4407 1). d. Ensure that you are holding the safety lever down firmly. e. Twist the pull ring toward the body (away from the body for left handed throwers) to release the pull ring from the confidence clip. f. Remove the safety pin by pulling the pull ring from the grenade (Figure 071-COM-4407 2 and Figure 071-COM-4407 3). 5. Throw the hand grenade so it is within the effective range of the target.

What are the 10 Soldier Rules?

1. Soldiers only fight enemy combatants. 2. Soldiers treat humanely all who surrender or are captured. 3. Soldiers do not kill or torture detained personnel. (1) 5 S's and T. (2) humane treatment. (3) respect and protect. 4. Soldiers collect and care for the wounded. 5. Soldiers do not attack protected places or persons. 6. Soldiers do not attack medical personnel, facilities or equipment. 7. Soldiers destroy no more than the mission requires. 8. Soldiers treat civilians and noncombatants humanely. 9. Soldiers do not steal. Soldiers respect private property and possessions. 10. Soldiers should do their best to prevent violations of the Law of War. Soldiers report all violations of the Law of War to their superior.

What are the steps on how to clear an M16 series rifle or M4 series carbine?

Clear the weapon. a. Point weapon in safe direction. b. Attempt to place the selector lever on SAFE. Note: If weapon is not cocked, lever can't be pointed toward safe. c. Remove the magazine from the weapon, if present. d. Lock the bolt open. (1) Pull the charging handle rearward. (2) Press the bottom of the bolt catch. (3) Move the bolt forward until it engages the bolt catch. (4) Return the charging handle to the forward position. (5) Ensure the receiver and chamber are free of ammo. e. Place the selector lever on safe. f. Press the upper portion of the bolt catch to allow the bolt to go forward.

What is a unit METL?

Commanders must identify the tasks that are the units' critical wartime tasks. These tasks then become the unit's Mission Essential Task List (METL). Commanders use the METL to develop their unit-training plan. Noncommissioned officers (NCOs) plan the individual training that Soldiers need to become warriors and to accomplish the METL.

What observation techniques can you perform during day time vs. limited visibility observation?

Day observation. (1) Use rapid scan technique (2) Use slow scan technique. (3) Use detailed search technique paying attention to the following: Limited visibility observation. (1) Use dark adaptation technique. (a) Stay in a dark area for about 30 minutes. (2) Use night vision scan technique (3) Use off center vision technique

What colors/patterns would you detect on your M9 paper if you have been exposed to a liquid chemical agent?

Detector paper to turn red

What are the steps on how to Dissemble an M16 series rifle or M4 series carbine?

Disassemble the weapon. a. Remove the sling. b. Remove the handguards or lower adapter rails. Note: Hand guards on the M16A2 are interchangeable because they are identical. On the M16A4 the hand guards can be replaced by the M5 adapter rails. On the M4 carbine series, the hand guards can be replaced by the M4 adapter rails. The M4 and M5 adapter rails are marked with a T for top and B for bottom. The operator is only authorized to remove the lower adapter rail and rail covers for cleaning, lubrication, or attaching accessories. (1) Place the weapon on the buttstock. (2) Press down on the slip ring with both hands. (3) Pull the handguards free. c. Push the take down pin as far as it will go. d. Pivot the upper receiver from the lower receiver. e. Push the receiver pivot pin in as far as it will go. f. Separate the upper and lower receivers. g. Remove carrying handle, if applicable. (1) Loosen the screws on the left side of the clamping bar. (2) Lift the handle off once the clamping bar is loose. h. Pull back the charging handle. i. Remove the bolt carrier and bolt. j. Remove the charging handle. k. Disassemble the bolt carrier. (1) Remove the firing pin retaining pin. Note: Do not spread open or close split end of pin. (2) Push in bolt assembly to locked position. (3) Drop firing pin out of rear of bolt carrier. (4) Remove the bolt cam pin by turning it one-quarter of a turn and lifting it out. (5) Remove bolt assembly from carrier. (6) Press the rear of the extractor pin to check spring function. Note: Any weak springs should be reported to the unit armor for replacement. (7) Remove the extractor pin by pushing it out with the firing pin. (8) Lift out the extractor and spring, taking care that the spring does not separate from the extractor. l. Remove buffer and buffer spring from buttstock. (1) Press in buffer depress retainer and release buffer. (2) Remove buffer and action spring. m. Remove the buttstock. (M4 series only) (1) Extend the buttstock assembly to full open. (2) Separate the buttstock assembly from the lower receiver extension. (a) Grasp the lock lever in the area of the retaining nut. (b) Pull downward. (c) Slide the buttstock to the rear. 3. Clean the weapon. 4. Inspect the weapon for serviceability. 5. Lubricate the weapon.

What are the effects of metal and electricity on a lensatic compass? What should you stay away from?

Effects of Metal and Electricity. Metal objects and electrical sources can affect the performance of a compass. However, nonmagnetic metals and alloys do not affect compass readings. See image

When a casualty is in shock, when would you not elevate the legs?

If the casualty has an un-splinted fractured leg, an abdominal wound, or a head or spinal injury, DO NOT elevate the casualty's legs.

What are the 2 main way to correct a malfunction on an M16 series rifle or M4 series carbine?

Immediate Action Remedial Action

How would you attach M9 detector paper to your MOPP gear?

MOPP gear on the correct (according to dominant hand) upper arm, wrist, and ankle with 1 inch tabs' Attach to equipment, with 1.5 inch tabs, in areas likely to be contaminated within view of the operator

How can you exercise noise and light discipline in a tactical environment?

Noise discipline. a. Avoid all unnecessary vehicular and foot movement. b. Secure (with tape or other materials) metal parts (for example, weapon slings, canteen cups, identification [ID] tags) to prevent them from making noise during movement. Note: Do not obstruct the moving parts of weapons or vehicles. c. Avoid all unnecessary talk. d. Use radio only when necessary. e. Set radio volume low so that only you can hear. f. Use visual techniques to communicate. Light discipline. a. Do not smoke. b. Conceal flashlights and other light sources so that the light is filtered (i.e, under a poncho) use RED LENSE! c. Cover or blacken anything that reflects light (for example, metal surfaces, vehicles, glass). d. Conceal vehicles and equipment with available natural camouflage.

What are the steps on how to perform a function check on an M16 series rifle or M4 series carbine?

Perform a Function Check on an M16-Series Rifle/M4-Series Carbine. 1. Confirm the M16/M4 is clear. 2. Conduct a function check on the M16/M4. a. Place selector lever on SAFE. b. Pull charging handle to rear and release. c. Pull trigger. Note: Hammer should not fall. d. Place selector lever on SEMI. e. Pull trigger. Note: Hammer should fall. f. Hold trigger to the rear and charge the weapon. g. Release the trigger with a slow, smooth motion, until the trigger is fully forward. Note: An audible click should be heard. h. Pull trigger. Note: Hammer should fall. i. Place selector lever on BURST (M16A2, M16A4, and M4 only). j. Charge weapon one time. k. Squeeze trigger. Note: Hammer should fall. l. Hold trigger to the rear. m. Charge weapon three times. n. Release trigger. o. Squeeze trigger. Note: Hammer should fall. p. Place the selector switch on AUTO (M16A3 and M4A1 only). q. Pull the charging handle to the rear, charging the weapon. r. Squeeze the trigger. Note: Hammer should fall. s. Hold the trigger to the rear. T. Cock the weapon again. u. Fully release the trigger then squeeze it again. Note: The hammer should not fall because it should have fallen when the bolt was allowed to move forward during the chambering and locking sequences.

What are the movement techniques performed in urban operations?

Performing Exterior Movement Techniques during an Urban Operation 1. Move across streets or open areas. 2. Move parallel to buildings 3. Move past building opening (windows and doors). 4. Move around corners. 5. Cross a wall.

What is a SALUTE report?

Report Information of Potential Intelligence Value Transmit information to the receiving authority in size, activity, location, unit, time and equipment (SALUTE) format to include significant terrain and weather conditions via the available means of communication. Information will be reported within 5 minutes after observation with six out of six SALUTE items correctly identified

What are the key elements of the Law of War?

Responsibilities of U.S. Soldiers to obey the Law of War. a. To assist Commanders and Soldiers in mission accomplishment. b. To regulate the use of force and prohibit unlawful conduct. c. To protect against unnecessary suffering and excessive collateral damage. d. To promote the humane treatment of noncombatants, wounded and sick, and civilians.

What is a SITREP used to report?

SITREP is submitted by subordinate units to their higher HQ on the tactical situation and status. It is submitted daily, after significant events, or as otherwise requested by the platoon leader or commander.

What are the six(6) basic colors on a military map? What do they represent?

See image

What is the difference between navigating by terrain association and dead reckoning?

Terrain Assoc a. Identify the start point and destination point on the map. b. Analyze the terrain between these two points for both movement and tactical purposes. c. Identify terrain features that can be recognized during movement, such as hilltops, roads, rivers, etc. d. Plan the best route, including checkpoints, if needed. e. Determine the map distances between identified checkpoints and the total distance to be traveled. f. Determine the actual ground distance by adding 20 percent to the map distance. Dead reckoning a. Identify the start point and destination point on the map. b. Analyze the terrain between these two points for both movement and tactical purposes. c. Plan the best route, including checkpoints, if needed. d. Determine the grid azimuths between identified checkpoints (if any) and the final point. e. Convert the grid azimuth(s) taken from the map to a magnetic azimuth(s). f. Determine the map distances between identified checkpoints and the total distance to be traveled. g. Determine the direction of movement using the compass. h. Move in the identified direction of travel or towards the identified steering mark. i. Determine a new steering mark or confirm direction of travel as needed.

What is a SPOTREP used to report?

The SPOTREP is used to report timely intelligence or status regarding events that could have an immediate and significant effect on current and future operations. This is the initial means for reporting troops in contact and event information. Several lines of the SPOTREP provide sub-categories that structure reported data

What are the steps to perform an Immediate Action?

The key word "SPORTS" will help you remember the steps for immediate action in sequence; slap, pull, observe, release, tap, shoot. a. Remove trigger finger from the trigger and ensure it is straight and pressed along the frame. b. Forcefully tap upward onto the baseplate of the magazine with the heel of the nonfiring hand. c. Grasp the charging handle and rapidly retract it fully to the rear and release. d. Reacquire target. e. Press the trigger.

What are the brevity and frequency codes used in a training plan?

The training location column uses brevity codes to indicate where the task is first taught to standard levels. The sustainment-training column lists how often (frequency) Soldiers should train with the task to ensure they maintain their proficiency. See examples in image

What are warrior tasks and battle drills?

Warrior tasks are a collection of individual Soldier skills known to be critical to Soldier survival. Examples include weapons training, tactical communications, urban operations, and first aid. Battle drills are group skills designed to teach a unit to react and survive in common combat situations. Examples included react to ambush, react to chemical attack, and evacuate injured personnel.

How do you challenge a person entering (Secured) your area?

a. Cover the individual with your weapon without disclosing your position. b. Command the individual to "HALT" before they are close enough to pose a threat. c. Ask "WHO IS THERE?" just loud enough for the individual to hear. d. Order the individual to "ADVANCE TO BE RECOGNIZED". e. Continue to keep individual covered without exposing yourself. f. Order the individual to "HALT" when they are is within 2 to 3 meters from your position. g. Issue the challenge in a low voice. h. Determine if the individual is friendly based upon their return of the correct password and your own situational awareness.

What re the the different ways to use visual signals for combat formations?

a. Disperse b. Assemble or Rally- Wave in large horizontal circles. c. Join me, Follow me, or Come forward d. Increase speed, Double time, or Rush- Thrust the fist upward to the full extent of the arm and back to shoulder level. e. Quick time- Wave the arm slightly downward several times, keeping the arm straight f. Enemy in sight- Point the rifle in the direction of the enemy. g. Wedge- Place your arms at a 45-degree angle below horizontal. h. Vee- Extend the arms 45-degrees above the horizontal. i. Line- Turn palms downward parallel to the ground. j. Coil- Rotate it in a small circle. k. Staggered Column- Raise the arms so they are fully extended above the head.

What are the principles of applying camouflage during operations?

a. Employ realistic camouflage b. Apply camouflaged movement technique. c. Breakup regular shapes. d. Reduce possible shine by covering or removing items that may reflect light. e. Blend colors with the surroundings or, at a minimum, ensure that objects do not contrast with the background

What are the steps to send to send a SPOTREP?

a. LINE 1 - date time group (DTG) of report submission. b. LINE 2 - reporting unit (Unit Making Report). c. LINE 3 - size of detected element. d. LINE 4 - activity of detected element at DTG of report. e. LINE 5 - location (universal transverse mercator (UTM) or grid coordinate with military grid reference system (MGRS) grid zone designator of detected element activity or event observed). f. LINE 6 - unit (detected element unit, organization, or facility). g. LINE 7 - time (DTG of observation). h. LINE 8 - equipment (equipment of element observed). i. LINE 9 - assessment (apparent reason for or purpose of the activity observed, and apparent threats to or opportunities for friendly forces). j. LINE 10 -narrative (free text for clarifying report). k. LINE 11 - authentication (report authentication) per SOP.

What are the eight lines of a SITREP?

a. Line 1: Date and Time Group (DTG)-Report date and time the report is being submitted. Note: Date is the date that the report is being submitted. Time is the local time or zulu time that the report is being initiated. b. Line 2: Brief summary of threat activity, casualties inflicted, and prisoners captured. c. Line 3: Friendly locations. d. Line 4: Operational vehicles. e. Line 5: Defensive obstacles f. Line 6: Personnel strength. g. Line 7: Classes III and V supplies available for vehicles. h. Line 8: Summary of tactical intentions.

What treatment is in Care under fire phase?

a. Return fire and take cover until fire suppression is achieved. b. Direct the casualty to return fire, move to cover, and administer self-aid (stop bleeding), if possible. C. Move casualty to safety

How do you sound the alarm of possible CBRNE contaminated in the AO?

a. Shout, "Gas, Gas, Gas." b. Give the appropriate hand-and-arm signal per unit SOP.

What are the steps on how to don your protective mask in a CBRN event?

a. Stop Breathing and close eyes. b. Remove helmet, put helmet between legs above knees or hold rifle between legs and place helmet on the muzzle. Note: If helmet falls continue to mask. c. Take off glasses and place in helmet, if applicable. d. Open the mask carrier with left hand. e. Grasp the mask assembly with right hand, and remove it from the carrier. f. Place chin in the chin pocket, and press the face piece tight against face. g. Hold mask assembly tightly against face. h. Grasp the harness tab, pull overhead and down the head harness as far as possible. Note: Ensuring the head harness is centered on the crown of the head and the temple straps are approximately parallel to the ground. i. Grasp the loose end of the cheek straps, one at a time, and pull until strap feels tight. Note: Both straps should be approximately equal length when complete. Also the temple and forehead straps have already been adjusted during

What are the signs and symptoms of shock?

a. Sweaty but cool skin. b. Pale skin. c. Restlessness or nervousness. d. Thirst. e. Severe bleeding. f. Confusion. g. Rapid breathing. h. Blotchy blue skin. i. Nausea and/or vomiting.

What are the five levels of hostile civilian threat?

a. Verbal. b. Physical without weapons (touching, pushing). c. Physical with weapons (rocks, clubs, spitting). d. Physical with firearms shown. e. Physical with firearms used.

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