Elbow Sample Questions

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109. Which muscle runs the length of the forearm but does not cross the wrist joint?


53. Which joint is comprised of the humeroulnar and humeroradial joints? d) thumb c) wrist b) knuckle a) elbow


37. The Pronator teres originates on the: a. Scapula c. Lateral Epicondyle / lateral supracondylar ridge b. Ulna d. Medial Epicondyle / medial supracondylar ridge

Medial Epicondyle / medial supracondylar ridge (also coronoid process of ulna)

01. The trochlea is also known as the: a. medial condyle c. lateral condyle b. wrist d. capitulum

Medial condyle (Notes)

44. List the 2 parts of the sternoclavicular joint (name the part & which bone it is on - i.e. 1. "the ___________of the ______________". & 2. "the ________________ of the _______________".

1. Clavicular notch, sternum 2. Sternal end, clavicle

49. Which of the following are elbow ligaments? (only select one letter for your answer) a. Medial collateral ligament d. Lateral collateral ligament b. Anterior ligament e. Posterior ligament c. Annular ligament f. All listed ligaments are elbow ligaments

All listed ligaments are elbow ligaments (TG 160-161)

57. Which of the following muscles act as antagonists to the brachialis during elbow flexion? a) brachioradialis b) flexor carpi ulnaris c) palmaris longus d) anconeus

Anconeus (Notes)

66. What triangular-shaped muscle is a weak elbow extensor located lateral to the olecranon process? d) flexor carpi ulnaris c) anconeus b) extensor carpi radialis brevis a) pronator teres

Anconeus (TG 139)

105. The head of the radius is stabilized by which ligament?


119. During pronation and supination, which ligament stabilizes the proximal end of the radius against the ulna?

Annular ligament

20. What is the ring-like ligament that holds the head of the radius in the proximal radioulnar joint? a. Collateral ligament c. Ligamentum flava b. Annular ligament d. Anterior longitudinal ligament

Annular ligament

112. Palpating medial to the distal tendon of which muscle can help you locate the pronator teres.

Biceps brachii

107. Which muscle is a strong elbow flexor located deep to the biceps brachii?


17. The strongest elbow flexor: a. Brachialis c. Biceps brachii b. Triceps brachii d. Brachioradialis

Brachialis (Notes)

133. Ulnar nerve entrapment: in the elbow region the most common site of entrapment is at the ______________.

Cubital tunnel

14. Straightening the elbow is: a. Flexion c. Extension b. Rotation d. Adduction


127. Lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow is an irritation of the common origin of the wrist extensors primarily the ___________________________.

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

113. To access the supinator you must palpate deep to which muscle group?


110. The pronator quadratus is deep to the _________ tendons and is accessible only on the quadratus' _______ portion.

Flexor, lateral

108. The brachioradialis creates a helpful dividing line between which two muscle groups?

Flexors and extensors

124. For grade I and lower grade II strains determination of the etiology of the injury is critical. Rest or modified activity, along with anti-inflammatory modalities and medication will foster healing. ________ massage in the subacute and latter phases of healing is also beneficial.


103. The elbow is comprised of two joints the _________ and _______.

Humeroulnar and humeroradial

126. ____________________ or tennis elbow is an irritation of the common origin of the wrist extensors primarily the extensor carpi radialis brevis.

Lateral epicondylitis

100. Passive pronation of the forearm would ___________ the biceps brachii. (shorten or lengthen)


114. Passive pronation of the forearm would _________ the supinator. (shorten or lengthen)


116. Passive extension of the elbow would ________ the brachialis. (shorten or lengthen)


120. Between which two bony landmarks is the ulnar nerve particularly accessible and superficial?

Medial epicondyle and olecranon process

128. ________________/golfer's elbow is less common than lateral epicondylitis and involves irritation of the medial epicondyle and associated with activities that stress wrist flexion and active pronation such as baseball pitching golf swings or the pull through phase of swimming strokes.

Medial epicondylitis

129. ___________________ or ______________ involves irritation of the medial epicondyle and associated with activities that stress wrist flexion and active pronation such as baseball pitching golf swings or the pull through phase of swimming strokes.

Medial epicondylitis or glofer's elbow

122. Radial head dislocation/subluxation is commonly known as "____________" and is seen in children. This condition is the result of a sudden pull or jerk on the child's arm resulting in dislocation or subluxation of the radial head from the annular ligament.

Nursemaid's elbow

121. Which structure pads the space between the olecranon process and the skin of the elbow?

Olecranon bursa

130. Students elbow or ___________ is the inflammation and swelling of the bursa which protects the bone at the back of the elbow.

Olecranon bursitis

19. What type of joint is the radioulnar joint? a. Hinge c. Pivot b. Gliding d. Condylar


102. Which two movements occur when the radius pivots back and forth around the ulna?

Pronation and supination

111. The _______________ muscle is an antagonist to both the biceps brachii and the supinator.

Pronator teres

118. Which two structures reinforce the elbow joint by spanning from their respective epicondyles to the bones of the forearm?

Radial and ulnar collateral ligaments

21. Name the places on the proximal end(s) where the radius and ulna articulate: a. Ulnar head & Ulnar notch c. Medial epicondyle b. Radial head & Radial notch d. Olecranon fossa

Radial head & radial notch (of ulna)

52. Pronation and supination occur at which joints? d) humeroradial c) radiocarpal b) radioulnar a) humeroulnar

Radioulnar (proximal and distal)

115. Passive flexion of the elbow would __________ the brachioradialis. (shorten or lengthen)


117. Passive pronation of the forearm would _________ the pronator teres. (shorten or lengthen)


106. Which bony landmark serves as the attachment site for brachioradialis?

Styloid process

131. _____________ _______________ bursitis is the most common bursitis at the elbow and is usually due to repeated excessive friction on a hard surface.

Subcutaneous olecranon

123. When the elbow is dislocated posteriorly this can be either partial (also known as a ___________) or complete.


132. ____________ olecranon bursitis is much less common but may result from excessive friction between the triceps tendon and the olecranon.

Subtendinous olecranon

89. Which of the following is an action of the supinator? d) supinate the forearm c) pronate the forearm b) extend the wrist a) flex the wrist

Supinate the forearm

134. A professional therapist may use soft tissue massage to release the _________ muscle which is often the cause of entrapment of the radial nerve.


104. The olecranon process serves as an attachment site for which muscle?

Triceps brachii

28. The strongest extensor of the elbow is: a. Anconeus c. Triceps Brachii b. Biceps Brachii d. Brachialis

Triceps brachii (Notes)

25. Which muscle has an origin on both the upper and lower halves of the humerus? a. Anconeus c. Pronator Teres b. Supinator d. Triceps Brachii

Triceps brachii (TG 97)

125. The three most common causes of pain at the back of the elbow are posterior impingement, students elbow (olecranon bursitis) and ___________________ or _________.

Triceps tendon inflammation or strain

101. The palpable edge of which bone runs the length of the forearm?


135. Cubital tunnel syndrome occurs when the _______ nerve which passes through the cubital tunnel (a tunnel of muscle ligament and bone) on the inside of the elbow becomes irritated due to injury or pressure.


91. During pronation and supination which ligament stabilizes the proximal end of the radius against the ulna? d) extensor retinaculum c) ulnar collateral ligament b) radial collateral ligament a) annular ligament

Annular ligament (TG 161)

83. Which of the following is an action of the pronator teres? d) adduction of the wrist c) supination of the forearm b) flexion of the wrist a) assist to flex the elbow

Assist to flex the elbow

34. What is the synergistic movement of the Pronator Teres? (its action in addition to pronation) a. Assists flexion of elbow c. Assists flexion of wrist b. Assists extension of elbow d. Assists extension of wrist

Assists flexion of elbow (TG 146)

09. The strongest supinator: a. supinator c. brachialis b. brachioradialis d. biceps brachii

Biceps brachii (Notes)

58. Which muscle is a synergist to the supinator during forearm supination? d) flexor carpi radialis c) biceps brachii b) pronator quadratus a) pronator teres

Biceps brachii (Notes)

69. Palpating medial to the distal tendon of which muscle can help you locate the pronator teres? a) biceps brachii b) supinator c) brachioradialis d) triceps brachii

Biceps brachii (TG 146)

15. This muscle originates on the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula and the coracoid process of the scapula. It can flex the elbow and shoulder. a. Biceps brachii c. Anconeus b. Brachialis d. Triceps brachii

Biceps brachii (TG 95)

96. The thin sheet of fascia extending from the distal biceps brachii tendon is called the _________.

Bicipital aponeurosis

35. These muscles are synergists: a. Biceps Brachii & Anconeus c. Brachialis & Pronator Teres b. Triceps Brachii & Pronator Quadratus d. Triceps Brachii & Brachialis

Brachialis & Pronator Teres (Notes)

59. Which muscle is a strong elbow flexor located deep to the biceps brachii? d) triceps brachii c) coracobrachialis b) brachialis a) brachioradialis

Brachialis (TG 132)

40. Which muscle functions best with the forearm in mid-position? (Neutral) a. Brachioradialis c. Brachialis b. Coracobrachialis d. Biceps

Brachioradialis ("handshake muscle")

08. This muscle is called the "handshake" muscle because it can pronate or supinate when the forearm is flexed: a. biceps brachii c. brachialis b. brachioradialis d. flexor carpi radialis

Brachioradialis (Notes)

61. Which muscle creates a helpful dividing line between the flexors and extensors of the wrist and hand? d) biceps brachii c) coracobrachialis b) brachialis a) brachioradialis

Brachioradialis (TG 133)

62. Which muscle runs the length of the forearm but does not cross the wrist joint? d) brachioradialis c) flexor carpi radialis b) brachialis a) palmaris longus

Brachioradialis (TG 133)

50. Which of the following indicates that the carrying angle is greater/more excessive than normal? a. Cubitus valgus c. Cubitus varus b. Gunstock deformity d. Cubital tunnel syndrome

Cubitus valgus (Outline)

95. As you follow the biceps brachii belly proximally it becomes deep to which muscle?

Deltoid (anterior fibers)

03. The head of the ulna is located on the: a. distal end of ulna c. proximal end of ulna b. middle of ulna d. distal end of radius

Distal end of ulna

72. Which is the origin of the brachialis? a) distal half of anterior surface of humerus b) posterior shaft of humerus c) proximal half of anterior surface of humerus d) medial shaft of humerus

Distal half of anterior surface of humerus (TG 132)

11. The joint that contains the head of the ulna and the ulnar notch of the radius is called the: a. Distal radioulnar joint c. Proximal radioulnar joint b. Humeroulnar joint d. Shoulder joint

Distal radioulnar joint

22. The joint where the head of the ulna and the ulnar notch of the radius articulate is called: a. Proximal radioulnar joint c. Radiocarpal joint b. Distal radioulnar joint d. Elbow

Distal radioulnar joint

90. Which joint is reinforced by the ulnar and radial collateral ligaments? a) fingers b) wrist c) shoulder d) elbow


47. Select the false statement with regard to the elbow. a. The elbow-joint comprises three different portions—viz. the joint between the ulna and humerus that between the head of the radius and the humerus and the proximal radioulnar articulation. b. All these articular surfaces (of the elbow) are enveloped by a common synovial membrane and the movements of the whole joint should be studied together. (O) c. The combination of the movements of flexion and extension of the forearm with those of pronation and supination of the hand which is ensured by the two being performed at the same joint is essential to the accuracy of the various minute movements of the hand.(O) d. Elbow motion/s do not serve to adjust height and length of limb to reach any point within sphere of shoulder motion or to rotate forearm to place hand in the most effective operating position. (O)

Elbow motion/s do not serve to adjust height and length of limb to reach any point within sphere of shoulder motion or to rotate forearm to place hand in the most effective operating position. (Outline)

55. As the humerus extends down the arm its most distal end broadens medially and laterally into what bony landmark(s)? d) head of the humerus c) olecranon process b) supracondylar ridges a) epicondyles

Epicondyles (ocleranon process may be an answer too TG 114)

99. What action could you ask your partner to perform to feel the contraction of the long head of the triceps brachii?

Extend elbow (against your resistance)

80. Which of the following is an action of the anconeus? a) flex the elbow b) assist with supination of forearm c) extend the elbow d) flex the wrist

Extend the elbow (weak)

31. What is the action of the Triceps muscle? a. Flexion of Humerus & extension of elbow b. Extension of elbow & extension of Humerus c. Flexion of elbow & extension of Humerus d. Flexion of elbow & flexion of Humerus

Extension of elbow & extension of Humerus (TG 97)

60. What movement will lengthen the fibers of brachialis? d) extension of the wrist c) extension of the elbow a) flexion of the elbow b) flexion of the wrist

Extension of the elbow (TG 132)

74. Which of the following is an action of the brachialis? a) flex the elbow b) pronate the forearm c) extend the elbow d) supinate the forearm

Flex the elbow

77. Which of the following is an action of the brachioradialis? a) extend the elbow b) flex the wrist c) flex the elbow d) extend the wrist

Flex the elbow

13. Decreasing the angle in a joint is: a. Flexion c. Extension b. Rotation d. Adduction


63. Which movement shortens the fibers of the brachioradialis? d) supination of the forearm c) flexion of the elbow b) adduction of the wrist a) extension of the wrist

Flexion of the elbow (also supination of forearm?)

71. To access the supinator you must palpate deep to which muscles? a) forearm flexors b) forearm extensors c) biceps brachii and brachialis d) pronator teres and quadratus

Forearm extensors (TG 147)

41. What part of the scapula does the head of the humerus articulate with? a. Subscapular fossa c. Glenoid fossa b. Supraspinous fossa d. Infraspinous fossa

Glenoid fossa (glenohumeral joint)

78. Which is the origin of the anconeus? a) medial epicondyle of the humerus b) olecranon process of the ulna c) shaft of the radius d) lateral epicondyle of the humerus

Lateral epicondyle of the humerus (TG 139)

75. Which is the origin of the brachioradialis? a) distal shaft of humerus b) medial epicondyle of humerus c) medial supracondylar ridge of humerus d) lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus

Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus (proximal 2/3)

88. Which is the insertion of the supinator? d) lateral surface of proximal shaft of radius c) lateral epicondyle of humerus and annular ligament b) medial surface of distal shaft of radius a) lateral surface of proximal shaft of ulna

Lateral surface of proximal shaft of radius

85. Which is the insertion of the pronator quadratus? d) lateral anterior surface of distal ulna c) styloid process of the ulna b) medial, posterior surface of distal radius a) lateral, anterior surface of distal radius

Lateral, anterior surface of distal radius

93. Which head of the biceps passes through the intertubercular groove?


84. Which is the origin of the pronator quadratus? d) styloid process of the ulna c) medial anterior surface of distal ulna a) lateral, posterior surface of distal ulna b) styloid process of the radius

Medial anterior surface of distal ulna

48. Which of the following do not play a role in connecting the radius & ulna? a. Annular ligament c. Oblique cord b. Medial collateral ligament d. Interosseous membrane

Medial collateral ligament (connect ulna and humerus)

56. Which bony landmark serves as an attachment site for the tendons of the wrist and hand flexors? d) lateral supracondylar ridge c) lateral epicondyle b) head of the radius a) medial epicondyle

Medial epicondyle (TG 114 ?)

67. The common flexor tendon attaches to which bony landmark? d) medial epicondyle c) olecranon process b) lateral supracondylar ridge a) lateral epicondyle

Medial epicondyle (guessed TG 114)

81. Which is a portion of the origin of the pronator teres? a) lateral epicondyle of humerus b) medial epicondyle of humerus c) common extensor tendon d) corocoid process of the radius

Medial epicondyle of humerus (common flexor tendon from it)

82. Which is the insertion of the pronator teres? d) middle of lateral surface of radius c) coronoid process of the ulna b) middle of lateral surface of ulna a) posterior shaft of radius

Middle of lateral surface of radius

92. Which structure pads the space between the olecranon process and the skin of the elbow? d) olecranon bursa c) bicipital aponeurosis b) ulnar collateral ligament a) annular ligament

Olecranon bursa (TG 162)

98. To outline the distal tendon of the triceps brachii which bony landmark do you want to locate?

Olecranon process

79. Which is the insertion of the anconeus? a) olecranon process and medial shaft of the radius b) medial epicondyle of the humerus c) olecranon process and lateral edge of ulnar shaft d) lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus

Olecranon process and lateral edge of ulnar shaft (posterior proximal surface of ulna)

10. The olecranon process is located: a. On the proximal end of the radius c. On the distal end of the ulna b. On the distal end of the radius d. On the proximal end of the ulna

On the proximal end of the ulna

64. In anatomical position you will find the extensor group on which portion of the forearm? d) the 'bald' side c) the distal half b) anterior/medial a) posterior/lateral

Posterior/lateral (TG 134)

86. Which of the following is an action of the pronator quadratus? d) supinate the forearm c) pronate the forearm b) extend the wrist a) flex the wrist

Pronate the forearm

05. This muscle is located at the distal ¼ of the forearm and pronates: a. pronator quadratus c. biceps brachii b. pronator teres d. supinator

Pronator quadratus

18. What is the deepest muscle at the wrist? a. Pronator teres c. Pronator quadratus b. supinator d. Anconeus

Pronator quadratus

70. Which muscle is a synergist to pronator teres? a) supinator b) extensor carpi ulnaris c) triceps brachii d) pronator quadratus

Pronator quadratus (Notes)

24. Which does not have an action on the elbow a. Triceps Brachii c. Pronator quadratus b. Pronator Teres d. Anconeus

Pronator quadratus (Pronates wrist)

06. This muscle pronates and also can flex the elbow: a. pronator quadratus c. biceps brachii b. pronator teres d. anconeus

Pronator teres

30. Which pronator flexes the elbow? a. Pronator Quadratus c. Supinator b. Pronator Teres d. Biceps Brachii

Pronator teres (TG 146)

68. Which muscle is an antagonist to both the biceps brachii and supinator? d) flexor carpi radialis c) pronator teres b) brachialis a) brachioradialis

Pronator teres (during supination)

02. The head of the radius is located on the: a. distal end of radius c. proximal end of radius b. middle of radius d. distal end of ulna

Proximal end of radius

87. Which is the origin of the supinator? d) lateral epicondyle of humerus and annular ligament c) radial collateral ligament- annular ligament and supinator crest of ulna b) ulnar collateral ligament- annular ligament and supinator crest of ulna a) medial epicondyle of humerus and annular ligament

Radial collateral ligament- annular ligament and supinator crest of ulna (D. could also be correct)

16. What is the only bone that moves during pronation and/or supination? a. Humerus c. Scapula b. Radius d. Ulna


29. The Pronator Teres & Pronator Quadratus insert on: a. Ulna c. Humerus b. Radius d. Ulna & Radius

Radius (TG 146-147)

33. The Biceps Brachii inserts on the: a. Radius c. Humerus b. Ulna d. Carpals

Radius (TG 95)

32. Which is not an attachment of the Triceps Brachii? a. Scapula c. Humerus b. Radius d. Ulna

Radius (TG 97)

12. The movement that can occur between the radius and ulna: a. Flexion c. Extension b. Gliding d. Rotation

Rotation (Pronation and supination)

65. Compared to the flexor group how do the muscles of the extensor group tend to feel during palpation? d) larger and easy to differentiate c) smaller and more sinewy b) almost identical a) thicker and more pliable

Smaller and more sinewy (TG 134)

39. Name the insertion of the Brachioradialis. a. Tuberosity of radius c. Styloid process of radius b. Tuberosity of ulna d. Styloid process of ulna

Styloid process of radius (TG 133)

76. Which is the insertion of the brachioradialis? a) styloid process of radius b) coronoid process of ulna c) neck of radius d) head of radius

Styloid process of radius (TG 133)

27. Which muscles are involved in supination? a. Supinator & Pronator Teres c. Supinator & Biceps Brachii b. Supinator & Pronator Quadratus d. Supinator & Triceps Brachii

Supinator & biceps brachii (Notes)

04. This muscle originates on the supinator crest of the ulna: a. biceps brachii c. supinator b. pronator teres d. brachioradialis

Supinator (Notes)

46. What type of joint is the humeroradial joint? a. Synovial hinge joint c. Synovial gliding joint b. Synovial ball & socket joint d. False joint

Synovial gliding joint (Notes)

45. What type of joint is the humeroulnar joint? a. Synovial hinge joint c. Synovial gliding joint b. Synovial ball & socket joint d. False joint

Synovial hinge joint (Notes)

97. The long head of the triceps brachii weaves between which two muscles before attaching at the infraglenoid tubercle?

Teres major and minor

07. The only muscle located on the posterior arm: a. triceps brachii c. brachialis b. biceps brachii d. anconeus

Triceps brachii

23. Which of the following is a two-joint muscle? a. Triceps Brachii c. Pronator quadratus b. Anconeus d. Brachialis

Triceps brachii

26. Which muscle has an origin on the scapula? a. Pronator Teres d. Brachioradialis b. Brachialis e. Supinator c. Pronator Quadratus f. Triceps Brachii

Triceps brachii (TG 97)

36. This muscle originates on the infraglenoid tubercle and extends the shoulder (& elbow): a. Biceps Brachii c. Anconeus b. Triceps Brachii d. Brachialis

Triceps brachii (TG 97)

54. The olecranon process serves as an attachment site for which muscle? d) triceps brachii c) extensor digitorum a) brachioradialis b) biceps brachii

Triceps brachii (TG 97)

73. Which is the insertion of the brachialis? a) medial epicondyle of humerus b) tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna c) head of radius d) radial tuberosity

Tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna (TG 132)

38. Name the insertion of the Brachialis: a. Tuberosity of radius c. Styloid process of ulna b. Tuberosity of ulna d. Upper humerus

Tuberosity of ulna (and coronoid process)

94. Name an everyday action in which the biceps brachii's ability to supinate the forearm would come in handy.

Turn a doorknob, tighten gas cap, dig in sand

43. How many actual joints are contained in the joint commonly referred to as the "elbow"? a. One c. Three b. Two d. Four

Two (humeroulnar & humeroradial but Garcia includes proximal radioulnar as on too)

42. The medial collateral ligament of the elbow connects which bones? a. Radius & humerus c. Ulna & humerus b. Radius & ulna d. Scapula & humerus

Ulna & humerus (also called ulnar collateral ligament)

51. The palpable edge of which bone runs the length of the forearm? a) radius b) humerus c) ulna d) metacarpal

Ulna (TG 110)

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