Electrolytes prepu questions

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The nurse is caring for a client who will be undergoing surgery in several in several weeks. The client states, "I would like to give my own blood to be used in case I need it during surgery." What is the appropriate nursing response?

"Let me refer you to blood bank so they can provide you with information"

A nurse is preparing the site for insertion of a peripheral venous catheter using Chlorhexidine. Which actions would be appropriate for the nurse to do?

-rub in a side to side motion - use a back and forth motion

A client has been diagnosed with a gastrointestinal bleed and the health care provider has ordered a transfusion. At what rye should the nurse administer the clients packed red blood cells?

1 unit over 2 to 3 hours, no longer than 4 hours

A healthy client eats a regular, balanced diet and drinks 3,000 ml of liquids during a 24 hour period. In evaluating this clients urine output for the same 24 hour period the nurse realizes that it should total approximately how many ml?


A physician orders an infusion of 250ml of NS in 100 minutes. The set is 20gtt/ml what is the flow rate?


A client with protracted nausea and vomiting has been receiving intravenous solution at 125ml/h for the past several hours. The administration of this solution has resulted in an increase in blood pressure because the water in the solution has passed through the semipermeable membrane of blood cells, causing them to swell. What type of solution has the client been receiving ?

A hypotonic solution

A nurse is reviewing the dietary intake of a client prescribed a potassium-sparing diuretic. The client tells the nurse that they had a banana, yogurt, and bran cereal for breakfast and a turkey sandwich with a glass of milk for lunch. The intake of which food would be cause for concern?


Edema happens when there is which fluid volume imbalance?

Extra cellular fluid volume excess

During a blood transfusion, a client displays signs of immediate onset facial flushing, hypotension, tachycardia, and chills. Which transfusion reaction should the nurse suspect?

Hemolytic transfusion reaction: incompatibility of blood product

A client age 80 years, who takes diuretics for management of hypertension, informs the nurse that she takes laxatives daily to promote bowel movements. The nurse assesses the client for possible symptoms of:


A client is admitted to the unit with diagnosis of intractable vomiting for 3 days. What acid-base imbalance related to the loss of stomach acid does the nurse observe on the arterial blood gas (ABG)?

Metabolic alkalosis

The nurse is caring for a client with metabolic alkalosis whose breathing rate is 8 breaths/ min. Which arterial blood gas data does the nurse anticipate finding?

Ph: 7.60; PaCO2: 64 mm Hg (8.51 kPa); HCO3: 42 meq/I (42mmol/l)

A student nurse is selective a veninpuncture site for an adult client. Which action by the student would cause the nurse to intervene?

Placing the tourniquet on the upper arm for 2 minutes

A client who recently had surgery is bleeding. What blood product does the nurse anticipate administering for this client?


A 50 year old client with hypertension is being treated with a diuretic. The client reports muscle weakness and falls easily. The nurse should assess which electrolyte?


The nurse is caring for a client reviving intravenous fluids through a peripheral intravenous catheter (IV). On rounds, the nurse notes that the clients IV site and arm are swollen and cool to touch. Based on these assessment findings, what will the nurse do next?

Remove the peripheral intravenous catheter

The nurse is caring for a client reviving intravenous fluids through a peripheral intravenous catheter (IV). On rounds, the nurse notes that the clients IV site and arm are swollen and cool to the touch. Based on these assessment findings, what will the nurse do next?

Remove the peripheral intravenous catheter.

A decrease in arterial blood pressure will result in the release of:


A client diagnosed with hypovolemia after significant blood loss. Which action will the nurse take?

Start and IV of normal saline as prescribed

The nurse is monitoring a blood transfusion for a client with anemia. Five minutes after the transfusion begins, the client reports feelings short of breath and itchy. What is the priority nursing action?

Stop the transfusion

A nurse is preparing to re-site a client's IV during the client's hospital stay following a mastectomy. What accurately describes an assessment that should be made before starting the infusion?

The nurse should assess the preferred site, ideally the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the upper extremities.

The oncoming nurse is assigned to the following clients. Which client should the nurse assess first?

a newly admitted 88-year-old with a 2-day history of vomiting and loose stools

Edema happens when there is which fluid volume imbalance?

extracellular fluid volume excess

The nurse is administering intravenous (IV) therapy to client. The nurse notices acute tenderness, redness, warmth and slight edema of vein above the insertion site. Which complication related to IV therapy should the nurse most suspect?


A client who recently had surgery Is bleeding. What blood product does the nurse anticipate administering for this client?


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