Email phrase bank

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I am willing to ... I agree to ... I am happy to ... ... is acceptable/fine.


How are you? (informal) How're things?(informal) Hope you are well.

Social openings

I am/was sorry to hear that ... I apologize for ... Please accept our apologies for ... I regret that ...


We hope that [our solution] will be to your satisfaction. We hope that you will have no objections to ...

Asking for approval

It is not clear whether ... I am not sure if ... Could you clarify ... Could you provide more information on... Am I right in thinking ... ? Could you please explain what you mean by ... ?

Asking for clarification

Yours sincerely (Best) regards Kind regards (BrE) Best wishes All the best

Closing line

I hereby confirm ... I am able/pleased to confirm ... This is to confirm that ...


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on ... I would like to congratulate you on ... Congratulations on ...


Unfortunately, I am unable to ... I am unwilling to ... I cannot agree with ...

Disagreeing and refusing requests

I would like to point out ... May I draw your attention to ... Please note that ...

Drawing attention and reminding

It is certain that ... There is no doubt that ... I am confident that ... It is likely/probable/possible that ... There is some doubt as to whether .. . It is unlikely that ...

Expressing certainty, probability, impossibility

We are confident that ... We trust/hope that you will ... We expect/think/believe ...

Expressing confidence and hope

I was disappointed to hear your decision ... I am very sorry that ...

Expressing disappointment

Please treat this as strictly confidential. I should be grateful if you would handle this matter with discretion.

Expressing need for confidentiality

I should like to remind you ... It is obligatory/necessary for ... It is important/vital/essential that ... You are obliged to ... It is required to... You must/have to ... ... at your earliest convenience. ... as soon as possible. ... without further delay. ... by Friday at the latest.

Expressing urgency and necessity

I (particularly) want to ... I (do) hope ... I need ... It would be great to ... I would prefer not to ... I would rather not ...

Expressing wishes

Thanking you in advance. Thank you once again for your assistance. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Final thanks

I look forward to meeting/ seeing you next week. I am looking forward to meeting/seeing you ... I am looking forward to hearing from you. I look forward to receiving your report ... Looking forward to ... See you ...

Friendly sign-off

I assure you/give you my assurance that ... I will personally make sure that ...

Giving assurance

I regret to inform you that ... Unfortunately, ... I am afraid ... I'm sorry but ...

Giving bad news

I am delighted to inform you/hear that ... You will be delighted to hear that ... You'll be happy to hear that ...

Giving good news

Dear(+ first name) Dear Mr/Ms (+ surname) Dear Sir/Madam (BrE) Ladies and gentlemen (AmE) Hello/ Hi (+first name) (informal)


Any information will be treated as strictly confidential. The matter will be handled with discretion.

Guaranteeing confidentiality/discretion

I propose/suggest that ... I would (strongly) advise/recommend ... It is advisable ... You might consider ...

Making suggestions

What The next steps are as follows: The plan for the next phase is: We expect to move forward as follows: Who Therefore I would be grateful if you could ... Could you please confirm that you can ... We would appreciate it if you could ... When The deadline for receiving the information is ... The deadline for project completion is ... We would like to finish this phase by ... We must/have to/need to finish ... by ...

Next steps

I would like to offer you/provide you with... If you wish, I would be happy to... Would you like me to... Shall I... Do you want me to...


Do not hesitate to contact us again if you require further assistance. If you have any further questions, please contact me. Let me know if you need any more help. Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.

Offering further assistance

I am attaching ... I attach ... Please find attached ...

Providing documentation

I am writing to request/enquire/inform/check/confirm/ask ... Just a quick email to ...


Thank you for your email/message of [date] concerning/about/enclosing/enquiring ... I have received your email of [date] ... Further to/With regard(s) to/Regarding/With reference to ... On the subject of ... In terms of ... In response to ... Re your email ...


I (fully) appreciate your point of view but ... I'm afraid that we are not in a position to ... Regretfully, I have to inform you that ...

Refusing politely

May I remind you ... I would like to remind you ... Just to remind you ... Don't forget to ...


I am pleased to inform you ... I would like to inform you ... Here is just a quick note to let you know...


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