EMD Module 2
List and define the 8 legal terms
Abandonment- when you leave a patient who is known to be in a life threatening condition Principle of reasonableness- what a reasonable person would do Emergency rule-a person who is faced with an emergency cannot be held to the same standard as someone not faced with such circumstances Foreseeability- must rely solely on the info you're receiving Detrimental reliance-a person expects a certain action be taken because it has been done before for other people damages-anything awarded to a winning plaintiff consent-permission to treat someone immunity- protect people if they chose to assist in life saving measures(Good Samaritan law) governmental immunity-provided protection against events with no malicious intent
Define Negligance
a failure to act or perform in a particular situation as compared to someone with similar training
Where is standard of care usually defined? Lift 4 items that establish it in court
at any level of government,
Describe any national and state standards that are used to establish EMD programs
behavior and conduct, judged to gudecards, local and state statues, professional standards
5 ways one can reduce liability exposure
follow guidecards adhere to local policies keep guide cards close word for word
Describe how patient confidentiality is related to EMD
patients information is expected to babe kept 100% confidential especially when relaying to response units
Seven ways agencies handle risk management
screening hiring processes training for new employees updated policies proper end training QA/QI continuing education
Define liability
you are ultimately responsible for your actions