Emergency and Disaster Nursing Questions

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A client in a one-car rollover presents with multiple injuries. Prioritize the interventions that must be initiated for this patient. 1. Assess for spontaneous respirations. 2. Give supplemental oxygen per mask. 3. Insert a Foley catheter if not contraindicated. 4. Obtain a full set of vital signs. 5. Remove patient's clothing. 6. Secure/start two large-bore IVs with normal saline. 7. Use the chin lift or jaw thrust method to open the airway. A 1, 7, 2, 6, 4, 5, 3 B 7, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6 C 4, 1, 5, 7, 6, 3, 2 D 5, 4, 1, 7, 2, 6, 3

A 1, 7, 2, 6, 4, 5, 3

The wounded victim is able to walk and obey commands. The wounded victim is assigned what tag color? A. Green B. Red C. Yellow D. Black

A green

The following four patients arrive in the emergency department (ED) after a motor vehicle collision. In which order should the nurse assess them? (Put a comma and a space between each answer choice [A, B, C, D, E].) a. A 74-yr-old patient with palpitations and chest pain b. A 43-yr-old patient complaining of 7/10 abdominal pain c. A 21-yr-old patient with multiple fractures of the face and jaw d. A 37-yr-old patient with a misaligned lower left leg with intact pulses

ANS: C, A, B, D The highest priority is to assess the 21-yr-old patient for airway obstruction, which is the most life-threatening injury. The 74-yr-old patient may have chest pain from cardiac ischemia and should be assessed and have diagnostic testing for this pain. The 43-yr-old patient may have abdominal trauma or bleeding and should be seen next to assess circulatory status. The 37-yr-old patient appears to have a possible fracture of the left leg and should be seen soon, but this patient has the least life-threatening injury.

An ER nurse is handling a 50-year-old woman complaining of dizziness and palpitations that occur from time to time. ECG confirms the diagnosis of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. The client seems worried about it. Which of the following is an appropriate response of the nurse? A "You can be discharged now; this is a probable sign of anxiety." "You have to stay here for a few hours to undergo blood tests to rule out myocardial infarction." C "We'll need to keep you for further assessment; you may develop blood clots." D "The physician will prescribe you blood-thinning medications to lessen the episodes of palpitations."

C. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) is characterized by episodes of rapid heart rate that occurs periodically and stops on its own. PSVT decreases the cardiac output and can result to a thrombus. These clots could turn into an embolus, which could eventually lead to a stroke.

Which statement below is INCORRECT about the yellow triage tag color in regards to a disaster situation? A. A survivor with this tag color is seen after patients with the green tag color. B. A survivor with this tag color can have treatment delayed for an hour or less. C. A survivor with this tag color has serious injuries that could eventually lead to the compromise of breathing, circulation, or mental status, especially if treatment is delayed more than an hour or so. D. A survivor with this tag color has second priority for treatment of injuries.

The answer is A. This statement is INCORRECT. It should say: A survivor with this tag color is seen after patients with the RED (not green) tag color.

The wounded victim is unable to walk, has respiratory rate of 12, capillary refill is 8 seconds, and is unresponsive. The wounded victim is assigned what tag color? A. Green B. Red C. Yellow D. Black

The answer is B: Red.

The wounded victim is unable to walk, respiratory rate is absent but when airway is repositioned breathing is noted. The wounded victim is assigned what tag color? A. Green B. Red C. Yellow D. Black

The answer is B: Red.

The wounded victim is unable to walk, has respiratory rate of 19, capillary refill of one second, and is able to obey your commands. The wounded victim is assigned what tag color? A. Green B. Red C. Yellow D. Black

The answer is C: Yellow.

The wounded victim is unable to walk, respiratory rate is absent and when airway is repositioned breathing is still absent. The wounded victim is assigned what tag color? A. Green B. Red C. Yellow D. Black

D black

A catastrophic disaster has occurred 5 miles from the hospital you are working in. The hospital's disaster plan is activated and the wounded are brought to the hospital. You're helping triage the survivors. One of the wounded is able to walk around and has minor lacerations on the arms, hands, chest, and legs. You would place what color tag on this survivor? A. Red B. Yellow C. Green D. Black

The answer is C: Green tags are for patients who have MINOR injuries. If the patient can walk around they are tagged as green. Sometimes they are referred to as the "walking wounded"

You're working as a triage nurse during a disaster situation. Based on the triage color code tags placed on each of the wounded, which tag color represents the wounded who have the highest priority of being treated first? A. Green B. Yellow C. Red D. Black

The answer is C: Red. The red tag indicates the patient must be seen first because they have life-threatening injuries, but could survive if treated quickly. The patient is still alive but there is a severe alteration in their breathing, circulation, or mental status that requires immediate medical attention.

While triaging the wounded from a disaster, you note that one of the wounded is not breathing, radial pulse is absent, capillary refill >2 seconds, and does not respond to your commands. What color tag is assigned? A. Green B. Red C. Yellow D. Black

The answer is D: Black. The black tag is placed on the wounded that are dying or have expired. The injuries are so severe that death is imminent. There is severe alteration or absence of breathing, circulation, and neuro status.

The urgent care center protocol for tick bites includes the following actions. Which action will the nurse take first when caring for a patient with a tick bite? a. Use tweezers to remove any remaining ticks. b. Check the vital signs, including temperature. c. Give doxycycline (Vibramycin) 100 mg orally. d. Obtain information about recent outdoor activities.

ANS:A Because neurotoxic venom is released as long as the tick is attached to the patient, the initial action should be to remove any ticks using tweezers or forceps. The other actions are also appropriate, but the priority is to minimize venom release.

A patient arrives in the emergency department (ED) several hours after taking "25 to 30" acetaminophen (Tylenol) tablets. Which action will the nurse plan to take? a. Give N-acetylcysteine. b. Discuss the use of chelation therapy. c. Start oxygen using a non-rebreather mask. d. Have the patient drink large amounts of water.

ANS:A N-acetylcysteine is the recommended treatment to prevent liver damage after acetaminophen overdose. The other actions might be used for other types of poisoning, but they will not be appropriate for a patient with acetaminophen poisoning.

When planning the response to the potential use of smallpox as a biological weapon, the emergency department (ED) nurse manager will plan to obtain adequate quantities of a. vaccine. b. atropine. c. antibiotics. d. whole blood.

ANS:A Smallpox infection can be prevented or ameliorated by the administration of vaccine given rapidly after exposure. The other interventions would be helpful for other agents of terrorism but not for smallpox.

A triage nurse in a busy emergency department (ED) assesses a patient who complains of 7/10 abdominal pain and states, "I had a temperature of 103.9° F (39.9° C) at home." The nurse's first action should be to a. assess the patient's current vital signs. b. give acetaminophen (Tylenol) per agency protocol. c. ask the patient to provide a clean-catch urine for urinalysis. d. tell the patient that it will be 1 to 2 hours before seeing a health care provider.

ANS:A The patient's pain and statement about an elevated temperature indicate that the nurse should obtain vital signs before deciding how rapidly the patient should be seen by the health care provider. A urinalysis may be appropriate, but this would be done after the vital signs are taken. The nurse will not give acetaminophen before confirming a current temperature elevation.

The following interventions are part of the emergency department (ED) protocol for a patient who has been admitted with multiple bee stings to the hands. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Remove the patient's rings. b. Apply ice packs to both hands. c. Apply calamine lotion to itching areas. d. Give diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 50 mg PO.

ANS:A The patient's rings should be removed first because it might not be possible to remove them if swelling develops. The other orders should also be implemented as rapidly as possible after the nurse has removed the jewelry.

An unresponsive patient is admitted to the emergency department (ED) after falling through the ice while ice skating. Which assessment will the nurse obtain first? a. Pulse b. Heart rhythm c. Breath sounds d. Body temperature

ANS:A The priority assessment in an unresponsive patient relates to CAB (circulation, airway, breathing) so a pulse check should be performed first. While assessing the pulse, the nurse should look for signs of breathing. The other data will also be collected rapidly but are not as essential as determining if there is a pulse.

An unresponsive 79-yr-old patient is admitted to the emergency department (ED) during a summer heat wave. The patient's core temperature is 105.4° F (40.8° C), blood pressure (BP) is 88/50 mm Hg, and pulse is 112 beats/min. The nurse will plan to a. apply wet sheets and a fan to the patient. b. provide O2 at 2 L/min with a nasal cannula. c. start lactated Ringer's solution at 1000 mL/hr. d. give acetaminophen (Tylenol) rectal suppository.

ANS:A The priority intervention is to cool the patient. Antipyretics are not effective in decreasing temperature in heat stroke and 100% O2 should be given, which requires a high flow rate through a non-rebreather mask. An older patient would be at risk for developing complications such as pulmonary edema if given fluids at 1000 mL/hr.

Following an earthquake, patients are triaged by emergency medical personnel and transported to the emergency department (ED). Which patient will the nurse need to assess first? a. A patient with a red tag b. A patient with a blue tag c. A patient with a black tag d. A patient with a yellow tag

ANS:A The red tag indicates a patient with a life-threatening injury requiring rapid treatment. The other tags indicate patients with less urgent injuries or those who are likely to die.

After the return of spontaneous circulation following the resuscitation of a patient who had a cardiac arrest, therapeutic hypothermia is ordered. Which action will the nurse include in the plan of care? a. Initiate cooling per protocol. b. Avoid the use of sedative drugs. c. Check mental status every 15 minutes. d. Rewarm if temperature is below 91° F (32.8° C).

ANS:A When therapeutic hypothermia is used postresuscitation, external cooling devices or cold normal saline infusions are used to rapidly lower body temperature to 89.6° F to 93.2° F (32° C to 34° C). Because hypothermia will decrease brain activity, assessing mental status every 15 minutes is not done at this stage. Sedative drugs are given during therapeutic hypothermia.

Which interventions will the nurse plan for a comatose patient who is to begin therapeutic hypothermia (select all that apply)? a. Assist with endotracheal intubation. b. Insert an indwelling urinary catheter. c. Begin continuous cardiac monitoring. d. Obtain an order to restrain the patient. e. Prepare to give sympathomimetic drugs.

ANS:A, B, C Cooling can produce dysrhythmias, so the patient's heart rhythm should be continuously monitored and dysrhythmias treated if necessary. Bladder catheterization and endotracheal intubation are needed during cooling. Sympathomimetic drugs tend to stimulate the heart and increase the risk for fatal dysrhythmias such as ventricular fibrillation. Patients receiving therapeutic hypothermia are comatose or do not follow commands so restraints are not indicated.

During the primary assessment of a victim of a motor vehicle collision, the nurse determines that the patient has an unobstructed airway. Which action should the nurse take next? a. Palpate extremities for bilateral pulses. b. Observe the patient's respiratory effort. c. Check the patient's level of consciousness. d. Examine the patient for any external bleeding.

ANS:B Even with a patent airway, patients can have other problems that compromise ventilation, so the next action is to assess the patient's breathing. The other actions are also part of the initial survey but assessment of breathing should be done immediately after assessing for airway patency.

A patient who has experienced blunt abdominal trauma during a motor vehicle collision is complaining of increasing abdominal pain. The nurse will plan to teach the patient about the purpose of a. peritoneal lavage. b. abdominal ultrasonography. c. nasogastric (NG) tube placement. d. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

ANS:B For patients who are at risk for intraabdominal bleeding, focused abdominal ultrasonography is the preferred method to assess for intraperitoneal bleeding. An MRI would not be used. Peritoneal lavage is an alternative, but it is more invasive. An NG tube would not be helpful in the diagnosis of intraabdominal bleeding.

Gastric lavage and administration of activated charcoal are ordered for an unconscious patient who has been admitted to the emergency department (ED) after ingesting 30 lorazepam (Ativan) tablets. Which prescribed action should the nurse plan to do first? a. Insert a large-bore orogastric tube. b. Assist with intubation of the patient. c. Prepare a 60-mL syringe with saline. d. Give first dose of activated charcoal.

ANS:B In an unresponsive patient, intubation is done before gastric lavage and activated charcoal administration to prevent aspiration. The other actions will be implemented after intubation.

A patient who is unconscious after a fall from a ladder is transported to the emergency department by emergency medical personnel. During the primary survey of the patient, the nurse should a. obtain a complete set of vital signs. b. obtain a Glasgow Coma Scale score. c. attach an electrocardiogram monitor. d. ask about chronic medical conditions.

ANS:B The Glasgow Coma Scale is included when assessing for disability during the primary survey. The other information is part of the secondary survey.

When assessing an older patient admitted to the emergency department (ED) with a broken arm and facial bruises, the nurse observes several additional bruises in various stages of healing. Which statement or question by the nurse should be first? a. "You should not go home." b. "Do you feel safe at home?" c. "Would you like to see a social worker?" d. "I need to report my concerns to the police."

ANS:B The nurse's initial response should be to further assess the patient's situation. Telling the patient not to return home may be an option once further assessment is done. A social worker or police report may be appropriate once further assessment is completed.

Family members are in the patient's room when the patient has a cardiac arrest and the staff start resuscitation measures. Which action should the nurse take next? a. Keep the family in the room and assign a staff member to explain the care given and answer questions. b. Ask the family to wait outside the patient's room with a designated staff member to provide emotional support. c. Ask the family members whether they would prefer to remain in the patient's room or wait outside the room. d. Tell the family members that patients are comforted by having family members present during resuscitation efforts.

ANS:C Although many family members and patients report benefits from family presence during resuscitation efforts, the nurse's initial action should be to determine the preference of these family members. The other actions may be appropriate, but this will depend on what is learned when assessing family preferences.

A patient who has deep human bite wounds on the left hand is being treated in the urgent care center. Which action will the nurse plan to take? a. Prepare to administer rabies immune globulin (BayRab). b. Assist the health care provider with suturing of the bite wounds. c. Teach the patient the reason for the use of prophylactic antibiotics. d. Keep the wounds dry until the health care provider can assess them.

ANS:C Because human bites of the hand frequently become infected, prophylactic antibiotics are usually prescribed to prevent infection. To minimize infection, deep bite wounds on the extremities are left open. Rabies immune globulin might be used after an animal bite. Initial treatment of bite wounds includes copious irrigation to help clean out contaminants and microorganisms.

A 22-yr-old patient who experienced a drowning accident in a local pool, but now is awake and breathing spontaneously, is admitted for observation. Which assessment will be most important for the nurse to take during the observation period? a. Auscultate heart sounds. b. Palpate peripheral pulses. c. Auscultate breath sounds. d. Check mental orientation.

ANS:C Because pulmonary edema is a common complication after drowning, the nurse should assess the breath sounds frequently. The other information also will be obtained by the nurse, but it is not as pertinent to the patient's admission diagnosis.

A patient with hypotension and an elevated temperature after working outside on a hot day is treated in the emergency department (ED). The nurse determines that discharge teaching has been effective when the patient makes which statement? a. "I'll take salt tablets when I work outdoors in the summer." b. "I should take acetaminophen (Tylenol) if I start to feel too warm." c. "I need to drink extra fluids when working outside in hot weather." d. "I'll move to a cool environment if I notice that I'm feeling confused"

ANS:C Oral fluids and electrolyte replacement solutions such as sports drinks help replace fluid and electrolytes lost when exercising in hot weather. Salt tablets are not recommended because of the risks of gastric irritation and hypernatremia. Antipyretic drugs are not effective in lowering body temperature elevations caused by excessive exposure to heat. A patient who is confused is likely to have more severe hyperthermia and will be unable to remember to take appropriate action.

The emergency department (ED) nurse is starting therapeutic hypothermia in a patient who has been resuscitated after a cardiac arrest. Which actions in the hypothermia protocol can be delegated to an experienced licensed practical/vocational nurse (LPN/LVN) (select all that apply)? a. Continuously monitor heart rhythm. b. Assess neurologic status every 2 hours. c. Give acetaminophen (Tylenol) 650 mg. d. Place cooling blankets above and below patient. e. Attach rectal temperature probe to cooling blanket control panel.

ANS:C, D, E Experienced LPN/LVNs have the education and scope of practice to implement hypothermia measures (e.g., cooling blanket, temperature probe) and administer medications under the supervision of a registered nurse (RN). Assessment of neurologic status and monitoring the heart rhythm require RN-level education and scope of practice and should be done by the RN.

When rewarming a patient who arrived in the emergency department (ED) with a temperature of 87° F (30.6° C), which finding indicates that the nurse should discontinue active rewarming? a. The patient begins to shiver. b. The BP decreases to 86/42 mm Hg. c. The patient develops atrial fibrillation. d. The core temperature is 94° F (34.4° C).

ANS:D A core temperature of at least 89.6° F to 93.2° F (32° C to 34° C) indicates that sufficient rewarming has occurred. Dysrhythmias, hypotension, and shivering may occur during rewarming, and should be treated but are not an indication to stop rewarming the patient.

A 19-yr-old patient is brought to the emergency department (ED) with multiple lacerations and tissue avulsion of the left hand. When asked about tetanus immunization, the patient denies having any previous vaccinations. The nurse will anticipate giving a. tetanus immunoglobulin (TIG) only. b. TIG and tetanus-diphtheria toxoid (Td). c. tetanus-diphtheria toxoid and pertussis vaccine (Tdap) only. d. TIG and tetanus-diphtheria toxoid and pertussis vaccine (Tdap).

ANS:D For an adult with no previous tetanus immunizations, TIG and Tdap are recommended. The other immunizations are not sufficient for this patient.

The emergency department (ED) triage nurse is assessing four victims involved in a motor vehicle collision. Which patient has the highest priority for treatment? a. A patient with no pedal pulses b. A patient with an open femur fracture c. A patient with bleeding facial lacerations d. A patient with paradoxical chest movement

ANS:D Most immediate deaths from trauma occur because of problems with ventilation, so the patient with paradoxical chest movements should be treated first. Face and head fractures can obstruct the airway, but the patient with facial injuries only has lacerations. The other two patients also need rapid intervention but do not have airway or breathing problems.

During the primary survey of a patient with severe leg trauma, the nurse observes that the patient's left pedal and posterior tibial pulses are absent and the entire leg is swollen. Which action will the nurse take next? a. Send blood to the lab for a complete blood count. b. Assess further for a cause of the decreased circulation. c. Finish the airway, breathing, circulation, disability survey. d. Start normal saline fluid infusion with a large-bore IV line.

ANS:D The assessment data indicate that the patient may have arterial trauma and hemorrhage. When a possibly life-threatening injury is found during the primary survey, the nurse should immediately start interventions before proceeding with the survey. Although a complete blood count is indicated, administration of IV fluids should be started first. Completion of the primary survey and further assessment should be completed after the IV fluids are initiated.

A patient arrives in the emergency department (ED) after topical exposure to powdered lime at work. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Obtain the patient's vital signs. b. Obtain a baseline complete blood count. c. Decontaminate the patient by showering with water. d. Brush off any visible powder on the skin and clothing.

ANS:D The initial action should be to protect staff members and decrease the patient's exposure to the toxin by decontamination. Patients exposed to powdered lime should not be showered; instead, any and all visible powder should be brushed off. The other actions can be done after the decontamination is completed.

You are caring for a client with a frostbite on the feet. Place the following interventions in the correct order. 1. Immerse the feet in warm water 100° F to 105° F (40.6º C to 46.1° C). 2. Remove the victim from the cold environment. 3. Monitor for signs of compartment syndrome. 4. Apply a loose, sterile, bulky dressing. 5. Administer a pain medication. A 5, 2, 1, 3, 4 B 2, 5, 1, 4, 3 C 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 D 3, 2, 1, 4, 5

B 2. Remove the client from the cold environment 5. Give pain medication 1. Immerse the feet in warm water of 105F to 115FA. 4. Apply a loose, sterile, bulky dressing 3. Monitor for compartment syndrome

You are assessing a patient who has sustained a cat bite to the left hand. The cat is up-to-date immunizations. The date of the patient's last tetanus shot is unknown. Which of the following is the priority nursing diagnosis? A Risk for Impaired Mobility related to potential tendon damage. B Risk for Infection related to organisms specific to cat bites. C Ineffective Health Maintenance related to immunization status. D Impaired Skin Integrity related to puncture wounds.

B Risk for Infection related to organisms specific to cat bites. Cat's mouths contain a virulent organism, Pasteurella multocida, that can lead to septic arthritis or bacteremia. Options A and D: There is also a risk for tendon damage due to deep puncture wounds. These wounds are usually not sutured. Option C: A tetanus shot can be given before discharge.

The wounded victim is unable to walk, has respiratory rate of 40, capillary refill is 6 seconds, and can't follow simple commands. The wounded victim is assigned what tag color? A. Green B. Red C. Yellow D. Black

B red

Michael works as a triage nurse, and four clients arrive at the emergency department at the same time. List the order in which he will assess these clients from first to last. 1. A 50-year-old female with moderate abdominal pain and occasional vomiting. 2. A 35-year-old jogger with a twisted ankle, having a pedal pulse and no deformity. 3. An ambulatory dazed 25-year-old male with a bandaged head wound. 4. An irritable infant with a fever, petechiae, and nuchal rigidity A 1, 2, 3, 4 B 2, 1, 3, 4 C 4, 3, 1, 2 D 3, 4, 2, 1

C 4, 3, 1, 2 An irritable infant with fever and petechiae should be further assessed for other meningeal signs. The patient with the head wound needs additional history and assessment for intracranial pressure. The patient with moderate abdominal pain is uncomfortable, but not unstable at this point. For the ankle injury, a medical evaluation can be delayed 24 - 48 hours if necessary.

A 65-year-old patient arrived at the triage area with complaints of diaphoresis, dizziness, and left-sided chest pain. This patient should be prioritized into which category? A Non-urgent. B Urgent. C Emergent. D High urgent.

C. Emergent Chest pain is considered an emergent priority, which is defined as potentially life-threatening. Option B: Clients with urgent priority need treatment within 2 hours of triage (e.g. kidney stones). Option A: Non-urgent conditions can wait for hours or even days. Option D: High urgent is not commonly used; however, in 5-tier triage systems, High urgent patients fall between emergent and urgent in terms of the time elapsing prior to treatment.

A client arrived at the emergency department after suffering multiple physical injuries including a fractured pelvis from a vehicular accident. Upon assessment, the client is incoherent, pale, and diaphoretic. With vital signs as follows: temperature of 97°F (36.11° C), blood pressure of 60/40 mm Hg, heart rate of 143 beats/minute, and a respiratory rate of 30 breaths/minute. The client is mostly suffering from which of the following shock? A Cardiogenic. B Distributive. C Hypovolemic. D Obstructive

C. Hypovolemic Hypovolemic shock occurs when the volume of the circulatory system is too depleted to allow adequate circulation to the tissues of the body. A fractured pelvis will lose about one liter of blood hence symptoms such as hypotension, tachycardia, and tachypnea will occur. Option A: Causes of cardiogenic include massive myocardial infarction or other cause of primary cardiac (pump) failure. Option B: Distributive shock results from a relative inadequate intravascular volume caused by arterial or venous vasodilation. Option D: Obstructive shock is a form of shock associated with physical obstruction of the major vessels or the heart itself.

You respond to a call for help from the ED waiting room. There is an elderly patient lying on the floor. List the order for the actions that you must perform. 1. Call for help and activate the code team. 2. Instruct a nursing assistant to get the emergency cart. 3. Initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). 4. Perform the chin lift or jaw thrust maneuver. 5. Establish unresponsiveness. A 5, 2, 4, 3, 1 B 1, 5, 2, 4, 3 C 1, 2, 5, 4, 3 D 5, 1, 4, 3, 2

D 5, 1, 4, 3, 2 Establish unresponsiveness first. (The patient may have fallen and sustained a minor injury.) If the patient is unresponsive, get help and have someone initiate the code. Performing the chin lift or jaw thrust maneuver opens the airway. The nurse is then responsible for starting CPR. CPR should not be interrupted until the patient recovers or it is determined that heroic efforts have been exhausted. A crash cart should be at the site when the code team arrives; however, basic CPR can be effectively performed until the team arrives.

When attending a client with a head and neck trauma following a vehicular accident, the nurse's initial action is to? A Do oral and nasal suctioning. B. Provide oxygen therapy. C Initiate intravenous access. D Immobilize the cervical area.

D Immobilize the cervical area. Question 20 Explanation: Clients with suspected or possible cervical spine injury must have their neck immobilized until formal assessment occurs. Options A, B, and C: Suctioning, oxygen therapy, and intravenous access are also done after the cervical spine is immobilize.

In relation to submersion injuries, which task is most appropriate to delegate to an LPN/LVN? A Talk to a community group about water safety issues. B Stabilize the cervical spine for an unconscious drowning victim. C Remove wet clothing and cover the victim with a warm blanket. D Monitor an asymptomatic near-drowning victim.

D Monitor an asymptomatic near-drowning victim. The asymptomatic patient is currently stable but should be observed for delayed pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, or pneumonia. Options A and B: Teaching and care of critical patients are an RN responsibility. Option C: Removing clothing can be delegated to a nursing assistant.

A client was brought to the ED due to an abdominal trauma caused by a motorcycle accident. During the assessment, the client complains of epigastric pain and back pain. Which of the following is true regarding the diagnosis of pancreatic injury? A Redness and bruising may indicate the site of the injury in blunt trauma. B The client is symptom-free during the early post-injury period. C Signs of peritoneal irritation may indicate pancreatic injury. D. all of the above

D. All of the aboveBlunt injury resulting from vehicular accidents could cause pancreatic injury. Redness, bruising in the flank and severe peritoneal irritation are signs of a pancreatic injury. The client is usually pain-free during the early post-injury period, hence a comprehensive assessment and monitoring should be done.

In conducting a primary survey on a trauma patient, which of the following is considered one of the priority elements of the primary survey? A Initiation of pulse oximetry. B Complete set of vital signs. C Client's allergy history. D Brief neurologic assessment.

D. Brief neurologic A brief neurologic assessment to determine the level of consciousness and pupil reaction is part of the primary survey. Vital signs, client's allergy, and initiation of pulse oximetry are considered part of the secondary survey.

A 15-year-old male client was sent to the emergency unit following a small laceration on the forehead. The client says that he can't move his legs. Upon assessment, respiratory rate of 20, strong pulses, and capillary refill time of less than 2 seconds. Which triage category would this client be assigned to? A Black. B Green. C Red. D Yellow.

D. Yellow. Question 16 Explanation: The client is possibly suffering from a spinal injury but otherwise, has a stable status and can communicate so the appropriate tag is YELLOW.

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