Emotions and driving
Color blindness
A inability to distinguish colors
A diagnosed physical or mental impairment that interferes with or prevents normal achievement in a particular area
Temporary disability
A disability that can improve and clear up
Permanent disabilities
A disability that cannot be cured or improved
Depth perception
Ability to judge distance between yourself and other objects
Glare resistance
Ability to continue seeing when looking at bright lights
Chronic illness
An ailment that lasts over a period of years
Field of vision
All the area a person can see while looking straight ahead
Peripheral vision
Area a person can see to the left and right of central vision
Carbon monoxide
Colorless, odorless, tasteless gas contained in the exhaust fumes of gasoline engines
Road rage
Driving with the intent to harm others
Aggressive driving
Driving without regard for the safety of others
Tunnel vision
Having a field of vision of 140 degrees or less
Night blindness
Not being able to see wall at night
Speed smear
Occurs when objects off to your sides become blurred and distorted as your speed increases
Strong feelings such as anger, fear, and joy
Visual acuity
The ability to see things clearly, both near and far away
Fringe vision
The part of your peripheral vision that is closest to your central vision and helps you monitor zone changes
Central vision
The portion of your field of vision which you can see clearly; this is a 10-degree cone shaped area directly ahead
Glare recovery time
Time your eyes need to regain clear vision after being affected by glare