EMT Fall Final Ch 1-24

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Which of the following statements regarding the physical examination of a patient with a behavioral problem is correct?

Although the physical exam can be difficult, the patient's emotional state may be determined by noting facial expressions, pulse rate, and respirations

Common causes of acute psychotic behvaior include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Alzheimer's disease

You are assessing a 45-year-old female who is severely depressed. She states that it seems as though her entire world is crashing down around her. She further states that she has had frequent thoughts of suicide, but is not sure if she can actually go through with it. How should you manage this situation?

Ask the patient if she has developed a suicidal plan

___________________ is what you can see of a person's response to the environment.


During your assessment of a 30-year-old woman with abdominal pain, she tells you that she has been experiencing vaginal bleeding. Her vital signs are stable, and there are no signs of shock. What should you do?

Defer the vaginal examination until she is at the hospital

Which of the following statements regarding pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is correct?

PID can scar the fallopian tubes, which increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy

Which of the following statements regarding rape is correct?

Rape is a legal term, not a medical diagnosis.

A patient with a history of schizophrenia called EMS because he was experiencing abdominal pain. When law enforcement arrived, the patient became violent, necessitating the placement of handcuffs. When you assess the patient, he tells you that killing someone will make his abdominal pain go away. His vital signs are stable. How should you manage this situation?

Request a police officer to accompany you in the ambulance

A 16-year-old boy tells you that he "caught" his 40-year-old mother "holding a handful of sleeping pills". The son explains that she is depressed, and he is convinced that she meant to kill herself. She is extremely agitated and is refusing treatment. What should you do?

Request law enforcement assistance to transport the patient

Which of the following drugs is commonly reffered to as "roofies"?


Organic brain syndrome is defined as

a dysfunction of the brain caused by abnormal physical or physiological function

The term "behavioral crisis" is MOST accurately defined as:

a situation in which a patient of any age exhibits agitated, violent, or uncooperative behavior

EMTs are dispatched for a teenage male who is "not acting right." When they arrive, they are informed that the patient was huffing. Several cans of Freon are found near the patient. Which of the following is unique consideration for this patient?

a sudden adrenaline release can cause a fatal dysrhythmia

A 4-year-old, 15-kg male ingested an unknown quantity of acetaminophen (Tylenol). The child's mother states that she does not know when the ingestion occurred. The child is conscious and alert and in no apparent distress. The EMT should:

administer 15 g of activated charcoal

The most frequently used date rape drug is:


delirium tremens (DTs) is a syndrome assosciated with withdrawal from:


Which of the following conditions or situations would MOST likely make excited delirium worse?

alcohol withdrawl

A 66-year-old male presents with bizarre behavior. His daughter states that he did not seem to recognize her was very rude to her. The patient is conscious and has a patent airway and adequate breathing/ You should:

ask the daughter how her father normally behaves

A patient who presents with rapid breathing, nausea and vomiting, ringing in the ears, and hyperthermia should be suspected of ingesting a significant quantity of:


Activated charcoal may be indicated for a patient who ingested:


Five minutes after restraining a violent, combative patient he becomes unresponsive to voice. You should:

assess his airway and breathing

After ensuring his or her own safety, the EMT's next priority when caring for a patient with a behavioral emergency is to:

assess the patient's response to his or her environment

During your assessment of a young female with nontraumatic vaginal bleeding, you note that her level of consciousness is decreased, her respirations are rapid and shallow, her skin is cool and moist, and her pulse is rapid and weak. You should:

assist her ventilations with a bag-mask device

As your enter the residence of a patient who has possibly overdosed, you should:

be alert for personal hazards

Afer administering activated charcoal to a patient, it is most important to:

be alert for vomiting

When assessing a patient with a behavioral crisis, you should:

be direct and clearly state your intentions

It is MOST important for the EMT to remember that suicidal patients may:

be homicidal as well

In contrast to a behavioral crisis, a behavioral health emergency occurs when a person:

becomes agitated or violent and is a threat to him- or herself or others

In anticipation of receiving a fertilized ovum, the lining of the uterine wall:

becomes engorged with blood

General guidelines for managing a patient with a behavioral emergency include:

being prepared to spend extra time with the patient

The onset of menstration usually occurs in female who are:

between 11 and 16 years of age

Activated charcoal is given to patients who have ingested certain substances because it:

binds to the substance and prevents absorption

A construction worker complains of intense pain after a bag of dry powder was spilled on his arm. The EMT should

brush the chemical from his arm and then flush the skin with water

A 40-year-old male intentionally cut his wrist out of anger after losing his job. Law enforcement has secured the scene prior to your arrival. As you enter the residence and visualize the patient, you can see that he has a towel around his wrist and a moderate amount of blood has soaked through it. You should:

calmly identify yourself to the patient

General treatment for a woman with vaginal bleeding and shock following sexual assault includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

carefulling removing any foreign bodies from the vagina

Which of the following conditions would MOST likely lead to pelvic inflammatory disease if left untreated?


When assessing a patient who is displaying bizarre behavior, the EMT should

consider than an acute medical illness may be causing the patient's behavior

A 4-year-old male ate berries from a bush in his yard. He is pale and complaining of a stomachache. You should:

contact poison control

A 3-year-old female ingested several leaves from a plant in the living room. The child's mother is not sure what type of plant it is, stating w=that she bought it simply because it was pretty. After completing your primary assessment of the child, you should:

contact the regional posion control center

A 49-year-old male presents with confusion, sweating, and visual hallucinations. The patient's wife tells you that he is a heavy drinker and that he might have had a seizure before your arrival. This patient is most likely experiencing:

delirium tremens

The single most significant factor that contributes to suicide is:


Which of the following increases patients' risk for suicide?

diagnosis of a serious neruomuscular disease

Signs of excited delirium include:

diaphoresis, tachycardia, and hallucinations.

The first step in assessing a patient with a behavioral emergency is to:

ensure your safety

It is common for young females who experience their first menstrual period to:

experience abdominal cramping, which may be misinterpreted.

Posttraumatic stress disorder can happen after:

exposure to or injury from a traumatic occurence

Each ovary produces an ovum in alternating months and releases it into the:

fallopian tube

Which signs or symptoms are chracteristic of schizophrenia?

feeling that someone controls their mind

Common names for activated charcoal include all of the following, EXCEPT:


A physiologic disorder that impairs bodily function when the body seems to be structually normal is called a:

functional disorder

The most common presenting signs of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is:

generalized lower abdominal pain

Whenever possible, a female sexual assault victim should be:

given the option of being treated by a female EMT

When a woman presents with abdominal pain or other vague symptoms, the EMT is often unable to determine the nature of the problem until he or she:

has gathered patient history information

As a woman approaches menopause:

her menstrual periods may become irregular and vary in severity.

During your assessment of a 50-year-old male who was found unresponsive in an alley, you note that he has slow, shallow respirations; bradycardia; facial cyanosis; and pinpoint pupils. As your partner begins assisting the patient's ventilations, he directs your attention to the patient's arms, which have multiple needle tracks of them. Which of the following would most likely explain the patient's presentation?

heroin overdose

You recieve a call for a domestic dispute. When you arrive at the scene, you find a young male standing on the front porch of his house. You notice that an adjacent window is broken. The patient has a large body, is clenching his fists and is yelling obscenities at you. Which of the following findings is LEAST predictive of this patient's potential for violence?

his large body size

Which of the following findings should make the EMT especially suspicious that a woman was sexually assaulted?

inability to remember the event

A hypnotic drug is one that:

induces sleep

A 78-year-old female presents with an acute change in her behavior. The patient's son tells you that his mother has type 2 diabetes and was diagnosed with Alzhiemer's disease 6 months ago. The patient's speech is slurred, and she is not alert to her surroundings. You should:

inquire about the possibility of head trauma

A 25-year-old man overdosed on heroin and is unresponsive. His breathing is slow and shallow and he is bradycardic. He has track marks on both arms. The EMT should:

insert a nasal airway and ventilate with a bag-mask device

If a woman with vaginal bleeding reports syncope, the EMT should assume that she:

is in shock

When documenting a call in which a female was sexually assaulted, you should:

keep the report concise and record only what the patient stated in her own words

Law enforcement personnel request your assistance for a 30-year-old man who was pulled over for erratic driving. The patient became acutely violent while he was being questioned, which required one of the officers to subdue him with a Taser. When you arrive and assess the patient, you find that he is very agitated and is experiencing apparent hallucinations. His skin is flushed and diaphoretic. You should:

limit physical contact with the patient as much as possible and avoid interrupting him if he is attempting to communicate with you

The physical examination of a sexual assault victim should be:

limited to a brief survery for life-threatening injuries

An overdose of acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, will MOST likely cause:

liver damage and failure

Pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis might have:

low birth weight babies

Which of the following clinical presentations is MOST consistent with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?

lower abdominal pain, fever, general malaise, and foul-smelling vaginal discharge

When caring for a woman who is experiencing a gynecologic emergency, the EMT's main focus should be to:

maintain her ABCs and transport without delay

People at risk for suicide include all of the following, EXCEPT:

married males older than 30 years

In contrast to bleeding caused by external trauma to the vagina, bleeding caused by conditions such as polyps or cancer:

may be relatively painless

Atropine sulfate and pralidoxime chloride are antidotes for:

nerve gas agents

Bacterial vaginosis is a condition that occurs when:

normal bacteria in the vagina are replaced by an overgrowth of other bacterial forms

Before giving activated charcoal, you should:

obtain approval from medical control.

A 22-year-old male with a history of clinical depression called 9-1-1 and stated that he has attempted to kill himself. Your unit and law enforcement officers arrive at the scene simultaneously. You find the patient lying suprine on the living room floor. He is unreponsive and cyanotic. An empty bottle of hydromorphone (Dilaudid) is found on an adjacent table. You should:

open the patients' airway and assess his respirations

Potentially life-threatening consequences of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) include:

ovarian abscess and ectopic pregnancy

Airborne substances should be diluted with


Which of the following statements regarding gonorrhea is correct?

painful urination is a common symptom of gonorrhea in men and women

A 24-year-old woman complains of an ache in her abdomen that gets worse when she walks. She has a fever and chills and tells you that it burns when she urinates. Which of the following should you suspect?

pelvic inflammatory disease

When caring for a female patient who has been sexually assaulted, you should:

place any bloodstained clothing or other articles in seperate paper bags

Law enforcement personnel request your assistance to assess a 31-year-old female who was sexually assaulted. When you arrive at the scene, you find the patient sitting on a curb outside her apartment. She is conscious, alert, and crying. When you ask her what happened, she tells you that she does not want to be treated or transported to the hospital. She further tells you that all she wants to do is clean up. You should:

provide emotional support and visually assess her for obvious trauma

You are assessing a conscious 55-year-old male with a sudden change in behavior. Which of the following clinical findings would be MOST suggestive of dysfunction of this patient's central nervous system?

rapid eye movement

immediately after physically restraining a violent patient, the EMT should:

reassess the patient's airway and breathing

An EMT's primary responsibility to the patient who has been poisoned is to:

recognize that a poisoning occured

A man with a prologned history of alcohol abuse fell from a second-story balcony. His blood pressure is 80/60 mm Hg, his heart rate is 120 beats/min, and his skin is cool and pale. When caring for this patient, the EMT should recall that:

reduced blood clotting worsens internal bleeding

A technique used to gain insight into a patient's thinking, which involves repeating in question form what the patient has said, is called:

reflective listening

You respond to a call for an unknown emergency. When you arrive at the scene, the patient's husband meets you at the door and states that his wife has been depressed and has locked herself in an upstairs bedroom. He further tells you that he keeps his handgun in the bedroom. You should:

remain in a safe place and request law enforcement

A 38-year-old male with history of schizoprenia is reported by neighbors to be screaming and throwing things in his house. You are familiar with the patient and have cared for him in the past for unrelated problems. Law enforcement officers escort you into the residence when you arrive. The patient tells you that he sees vampires and is attempting to ward them off by screaming and throwing things at them. He has several large lacerations to his forearms that are actively bleeding. The MOST appropriate way to manage this situation is to:

restrain the patient with appropriate force in order to treat his injuries

Which of the following is an example of a functional behavioral disorder?


Injury to the labia would most likely occur following:

sexual abuse

When a female has reached menarche:

she is capable of becoming pregnant.

When caring for a patient experiencing excited delirium, the EMT should remember that:

sudden death can occur if the patient's violence is not controlled

In which position should you restrain a physically uncooperative patient?


When restraining a combative patient, you should:

talk calmly to the patient

EMTs recieve a call for a possible sexual assault. The patient is a young female who is conscious and alert and has no apparent injuries. She states, "I can't remember anything, but I know I was raped." The EMTs should suspect that:

the patient was given a drug prior to the incident

Injuries to the vagina and external genitalia are serious because:

these areas are rich with blood vessels and nerves

A person who routinely misuses a substance and requires increasing amounts to achieve the same effect is experiencing:


Which of the following statement regarding pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is correct?

untreated PID can lead to ectopic pregnancy or an abscess

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) typically does NOT affect the:

urinary bladder

The outermost cavity of a woman's reproductive system, which forms the lowest part of the birth canal, is called the:


You may not be able to determine whether a person has a mental illness, but you can predict the person's likelihood of becoming:


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