End of semester English 10a

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evolved beyond the need to communicate using words

Which phrase best completes the writer's explanation? In the novella The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, the narrator expects that the future will be more advanced, but he instead encounters simple creatures: "As they made no effort to communicate with me, but simply stood round me smiling and speaking in soft cooing notes to each other." However, I would propose that perhaps the creatures' communication was more advanced. Perhaps they

I got this one incorrect. I answered "Bessie asked if I would have a book: the word book acted as a transient stimulus, and I begged her to fetch Gulliver's Travels from the library."

Select the correct text in the passage. Which detail best develops the character of the narrator, Jane Eyre, in the excerpt?

Old fashioned and obsolete

Select the correct texts in the passage. Which two words help find the meaning of the word antiquated in the passage? Jared had been tinkering with the old-fashioned record player he found in the junk pile for some time but could not get it to work. The parts he needed to fix it were either obsolete or unavailable or pricy. It would have been cool to get it working, but it was too antiquated.

It mentions the fact that tea can be distasteful. and It explains the effects of consuming tea in excess.

Select ALL the correct answers. In which two ways does the second paragraph contribute to the development of ideas in the passage?

Introduction: Claim, context for arguemwnt Body: Counter claim, evidence, commentary\ conclusion: breif summary of main points, restate claim

Drag each label to the correct location on the image. Identify whether each element of an argumentative text belongs in the introduction, body paragraphs, or conclusion. claim evidence restated claim counter claim

Air movement affects flight:The machine is placed upon a single rail track facing the wind. The plane requires two people for flight: An assistant who has been holding the machine in balance on the rail starts forward with you. The plane ride is remarkably smooth: you do not feel the sensation of being thrown from your seat Speed is difficult to detect in the air: you perceive no change in the pressure of thewind on your face

Drag each label to the correct location on the image. Which label provides the best evidence for each of the statements about the passage?

I got this one partially correct. Correct answers bisect:divide into 2 parts contour:outline of a structure temperate:moderate climate incorrect encompass:spread over a large area

Drag each label to the correct location. Match each word with its meaning in the passage. Not all answer choices will be used.

a visual presentation of numerical information:chart a drawing that shows how an object or process works:diagram a section that includes content that supplements the main text:sidebar

Drag each term to the correct definition.

Most important details. I saw our men already got into theboat, and rowing for life to the ship. I durst not stay to see the issue of theadventure; but ran as fast as I couldthe way I first went . . . observed a huge creature walkingafter them in the sea, as fast as hecould . . . Less important details I found it fully cultivated and I walked alone about a mile onthe other side, where I observed thecountry all barren and rocky.

Drag each tile to the correct location on the image. Identify which details are most important or less important for an objective summary of the excerpt. and I walked alone about a mile onthe other side, where I observed thecountry all barren and rocky.

Graious:"All this we owe both to ourselves and to the peoples ofthe world who are so well represented here today." Regretful:"out of the experience of an extraordinary humandisaster that lasted too long" optimistic:"reinforce humanity's belief in justice, strengthen itsconfidence in the nobility of the human soul and sustainall our hopes for a glorious life for all"

Drag each tile to the correct location. Match each excerpt from the passage with the tone it conveys.

While recovering from surgery, Mrs. Kennedy encouraged him to write a book about several U.S. senators who had risked their careers to fight for the things they believed in. and From there, she answered hundreds of campaign letters, taped TV commercials, gave interviews, and wrote a weekly newspaper column, Campaign Wife, which was distributed across the country.

Select ALL the correct answers. Which two statements from the passage best support the idea that Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy's support contributed to John F. Kennedy's success?

I only got one of the words . leave a kiss

Select all that apply. Which words or phrases best contribute to a romantic mood? Note: Not all correct answers were selected.

It describes a nonmilitary use for submarines. It supports the title by giving an example of a great invention.

Select all the correct answers. In which two ways does the sixth paragraph contribute to the development of claims in the passage?

Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages.

Select all the correct answers. Which two details best shape the theme that people experience different phases throughout a lifetime?

reflection and description

Select all the correct answers. Which two narrative techniques does the writer use in this excerpt?

We decided to place the motor to one side of the man, so that in case of a plunge headfirst, the motor could not fall upon him. and To provide against the machine rolling over forward in landing, we designed skids like sled runners, extending out in front of the main surfaces.

Select all the correct answers. Which two pieces of evidence from the passage best suggest that the Wright brothers seriously considered safety in their airplane design?

flashback creating a sense of nostalgia for more challenging times that developed character

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Choose the word and phrase that correctly complete the ideas in the sentence.The author's use of- affects the story by-

I got this one partially correct Incorrect:total number of immigrants to america correct:why they came to

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Read the excerpt. Then choose the correct way to complete the paragraph.

a flashback the narrator chose to leave her home

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Read the excerpt. Then choose the correct way to complete the sentence. The underlined sentence in the excerpt has the effect of setting up-to show why-

I got this one partially correct. My correct answers. 1) However. 2) aditionally My incorrect answer 3) therefore

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. The writer is trying to improve cohesion in the paragraph. Which words or phrases would best connect the ideas presented?

Introduces a new event

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. How does Pip's interaction with Jaggers advance the plot? The interaction between Pip and Jaggers

comparing overcoming hardships in life to a weathering storm

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. How does the poet develop theme? The poet develops the theme by

Notices people on the train staring at her

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Read the excerpt. Then choose the correct way to complete the paragraph. One theme in the excerpt is that people sometimes behave unkindly to those who are different from them. The author develops this theme by describing how the narrator

I got this one wrong. I answered reading novels for academic purposes only

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Read the excerpt. Then complete the paragraph.

offer a soloution to the problem of animals in shelters

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Read the passage. Then choose the correct way to complete the sentence. The author uses a text structure to

I got this one wrong. My answer was:It emphasizes the speaker's feelings of regret mixed with cautious optimism.

Select the correct answer. How does the author's syntax develop the mood?

Stephenson put improvements in place that would double the speed of his first engine.

Select the correct answer. Read the excerpt adapted from The Rocket: The Story of the Stephensons, Father and Son by H. C. Knight. It was a critical moment, but [Stephenson] had no fears of the result. Robert often came to Liverpool to consult with his father, and long and interesting discussions took place between father and son concerning the best mode of increasing and perfecting the powers of the mechanism. One thing wanted was greater speed; and this could only be gained by increasing the quantity and the quality of the steam. For this effect a greater heating surface was necessary, and mechanics had long been experimenting to find the best and most economical boiler for high-pressure engines.Young James, son of that Mr. James who, when the new Liverpool and Manchester route was talked of, was the first to discover and acknowledge George Stephenson's genius, made the model of an improved boiler, which he showed

South Africans

Select the correct answer. Read the excerpt from Mandela's Inaugural Address. Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another and suffer the indignity of being the skunk of the world. The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement. Let freedom reign. God bless Africa! Who is his primary audience here?


Select the correct answer. Read these lines from Nelson Mandela's Inaugural's Address: Out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud. Which word shares a similar meaning to the word extraordinary as used in the sentence?

I got this one incorrect My answer:People use technology to communicate.

Select the correct answer. What does the setting reveal about the time period of the text?

details about Jacqueline Kennedy's life with John F. Kennedy

Select the correct answer. Which details from the passage are emphasized in both the text and images?

I got this one incorrect My answer:The speaker contrasts heart break to the joys of singing.

Select the correct answer. Which statement best expresses how the poet develops the theme in the poem?

The medical field uses this technology in programs for diagnosing various diseases.

Select the correct text in the passage. Which detail best supports the central idea that industries are using computers in innovative ways? We are in the midst of revolutionary changes that are extending the mental energy and ability of people. While in the past we used computers strictly for computing and information storage, we are now using them to solve problems. The study of these methods is called artificial intelligence. As the broad potential for artificial intelligence is discovered, more and more businesses are investing in artificial intelligence research. The medical field uses this technology in programs for diagnosing various diseases. The doctor tells the computer the patient's symptoms, and the computer continues to ask about symptoms until it determines a diagnosis. Similar programs are also being used to trouble-shoot problems in the operations of computers. As the knowledge base of a program grows,

I got this one wrong but I answered As they made no effort to communicate with me, but simply stood round me ...

Select the correct text in the passage. Which detail best supports the idea that the people in the future are confused about where the narrator has come from? adapted from The Time Machineby H.G. Wells As they made no effort to communicate with me, but simply stood round me smiling and speaking in soft cooing notes to each other, I began the conversation by pointing to the Time Machine and to myself. Then, hesitating for a moment how to express Time, I pointed to the sun and at once a quaintly pretty little figure in chequered purple and white followed my gesture, and then astonished me by imitating the sound of thunder.For a moment I was staggered, though the import of his gesture was plain enough. The question had come into my mind abruptly: were these creatures fools? You may hardly understand how it took me. You see, I had always anticipated that the people of the year Eight Hundred and Two Thousand odd would be

We have triumphed in the effort to implant hope in the breasts of the millions of our people.

Select the correct text in the passage. Which sentence best expresses a celebratory message? Inaugural Addressby Nelson Mandela (excerpt)

Out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud.

Select the correct text in the passage. Which sentence best expresses the central idea that South Africa is working to transition from a difficult past? Inaugural Address

I got this one partially correct Incorrect:interesting correct:no respect

Select the correct text in the passage. Which two details best reflect the author's view of the department? adapted from The Cloakby Nikolai Gogol

the steamer was forced to proceed slowly, and the captain estimated that she would reach Hong Kong twenty hours behind time and But this man of nerve manifested neither impatience nor annoyance; it seemed as if the storm were a part of his program, and had been foreseen.

Select the correct texts in the passage. Which two details are most important to include in a summary of the excerpt?

First, numerous studies have been done showing that prolonged enrollment in music programs improves grades for students. and Also, data is available that shows that students who play a musical instrument for an extended period of time are twice as likely to attend and graduate from college as non-musical students

Select the correct texts in the passage. Which two details best provide evidence in support of the author's thesis? Funding the Arts

She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength, and It was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought.

Select the correct texts in the passage. Which two details best reveal the woman's character? The Story of an Hour

South Americans wove sandals from the leaves the sisal plant, and the Anasazi people of Mexico and Arizona used the yucca plant. and Most soles are made from synthetic materials such as ethylene, vinyl, acetate, rubber, and polyurethane, which provide better traction, durability, and water resistance than leather soles.

Select the correct texts in the passage. Which two details refine the author's claim that the materials used for the design of shoes has evolved over time? excerpt from "Shoes: Feet First!"from A History of Travel in 50 Vehiclesby Paula Grey & Phillip Hoose Despite the relatively recent age of the early shoes found to date, scientists believe that humans were wearing shoes as much as 40,000 years ago. Shoes made of reeds, papyrus, or even leather decompose easily, leaving few or no traces. But people who don't wear shoes have wider feet and bigger gaps between their big toe and the other four. In studying bones of the smaller toes of fossilized skeletons, scientists observed that the thickness of these bones decreased somewhere between 40,000 and 26,000 years ago. They believe the change was the result of wearing shoes.The materials used to make shoes varied with the climate and region. Ancient Egyptians made sandals

I got this one wrong. I answered curious onlookers and so slowly, so its not those ones.

Select the correct texts in the passage. Which two phrases convey unease in the excerpt? excerpt adapted from The Count of Monte Cristoby Alexander Dumas The dock was soon covered with the usual crowd of curious onlookers, as the arrival of a ship is always a great event in the town of Marseilles. This was especially true when, like the Pharaon, it has been built in the city and belongs to a local shipowner. Meanwhile the vessel was approaching the harbor, but so slowly and with such an air of melancholy that the onlookers, sensing misfortune, began to wonder if an accident happened on board. However, the experienced seamen among them saw that if there had been an accident, it could not have happened to the ship herself, for she had every appearance of being under perfect control.

I got this one partially correct. "species population" is one of the correct answers. "same species" is incorrect.

Select the correct texts in the passage. Which two phrases help determine the meaning of the word biodiversity? excerpt from New Deep-Sea Coral Species Discovered in Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaryby Katie Jewett and Justin Holl After its discovery on Cordell Bank, the same species was found in other waters, including both Channel Islands and Monterey Bay national marine sanctuaries. Much of the ocean is unexplored and undescribed, especially at depth. Deep-sea exploration and surveys provide crucial biodiversity data to support the protection of fragile underwater rocky habitat. Thanks to the precision of ROV technology, collection for scientific study is non-destructive to the surrounding habitat and has a minimal impact on the species population overall.

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