Endocrine System

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C) diabetes mellitus

55. Inability of the pancreas to produce insulin would result in A) acromegaly B) myxedema C) diabetes mellitus D) diabetes insipidus E) Cushing's disease

C) testosterone

56. Increased aggressive behavior is associated with increases in A) growth hormone B) thyroid hormone C) testosterone D) mineralocorticoids E) progesterone

E) all of the above

57. Which of the following is true concerning the interaction of the endocrine system with other body systems? A) Epinephrine stimulates respiratory activity and dilates respiratory passageways. B) Certain hormones control water and mineral balance by the kidneys. C) The heart secretes atrial natriuretic protein. D) B and C only E) all of the above

A) increased secretion of calcitonin

60. Increased blood calcium levels would result in A) increased secretion of calcitonin B) increased secretion of parathyroid hormone C) increased retention of calcium by the kidneys D) increased osteoclast activity E) increased excitability of neural membranes

C) increased sweating

61. Decreased levels of parathyroid hormone could result in A) tetany B) profuse urination C) increased sweating D) depressed immune activity E) all of the above

E) all of the above

62. Decreased blood flow to the kidneys would lead to A) renin release B) elevated levels of aldosterone C) increased levels of erythropoietin D) decreased levels of atrial natriuretic peptide E) all of the above

A. produces rapid and specific responses to environmental stimuli

1. The nervous system A) produces rapid and specific responses to environmental stimuli B) communicates by the release of neurotransmitters C) continues to produce a response long enough after neural output ceases D) does A and B only E) does all of the above

E. does all of the above

2. The endocrine system A) releases chemicals into the bloodstream for the distribution throughout the body B) releases hormones that alter the metabolic activities of many different tissues and organs simultaneously C) produces effects that can last for hours, days, and even longer D) does A and C only E) does all of the above

C. release their secretions into the blood

3. Endocrine cells A) are a type of nerve cell B) release their secretions onto an epithelial surface C) release their secretions into the blood D) contain very few vesicles E) do all of the above


43. Increased numbers of red blood cells would result from increases in the hormone: A) cortisol B) EPO C) thymosin D) aldosterone E) renin

D) glucagon

44. The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to rise is: A) GH B) cortisol C) insulin D) glucagon E) EPO

C) insulin

45. The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to fall is: A) cortisol B) GH C) insulin D) glucagon E) aldosterone

D) parathyroid hormone

46. The hormone that is the antagonist of calcitonin is: A) insulin B) glucagons C) GH D) parathyroid hormone E) thyroid hormone

D) thyroid gland

47. Hormones from which of the following glands are responsible for the calorigenic effect? A) pituitary gland B) adrenal gland C) parathyroid gland D) thyroid gland E) thymus

E) all of the above

48. Proper growth requires: A) thyroid hormone B) insulin C) parathyroid hormone D) A and C only E) all of the above

E) epinephrine

49. The hormone that dominates during the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) is: A) testosterone B) aldosterone C) cortisol D) thyroid hormone E) epinephrine

C) mobilization of energy reserves

50. During the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS), there is: A) decreased blood flow to the skeletal muscles and skin B) decreased mental alertness C) mobilization of energy reserves D) increased urine production E) all of the above

C) exhaustion phase

51. If stress lasts longer than a few hours, an individual will enter which phase of the adaptation syndrome (GAS)? A) alarm phase B) resistance phase C) exhaustion phase D) extension phase E) prolonged phase

C) glucocorticoids

52. The hormones that dominate during the resistance phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) are the: A) mineralocorticoids B) androgens C) glucocorticoids D) thyroid hormones E) gonadotropins

A) decreased resistance to disease and infection

53. The exhaustion phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) is characterized by: A) decreased resistance to disease and infection B) increased ability to produce glucose from glycogen C) increased pumping effectiveness of the heart D) increased protein synthesis E) A and C

C) gigantism

54. Excess secretion of growth hormone prior to puberty will cause: A) dwarfism B) cancer C) gigantism D) acromegaly E) diabetes

B. No, as long as she still has functional parathyroid glands she will maintain proper levels of calcium.

65. Marissa has her thyroid gland removed because of a malignant tumor. She takes synthetic thyroid hormone to replace the thyroxine that her thyroid gland would have produced, but she is worried about her blood calcium since she has lost her source of calcitonin. Does she need to worry about this problem? A) No, the synthetic thyroid hormone will also control the calcium. B) No, as long as she still has functional parathyroid glands she will maintain proper levels of calcium. C) No, hormones from the liver and kidneys will regulate calcium through the intestinal tract. D) Yes, without the calcitonin, high blood levels of calcium will cause convulsions. E) Yes, without the calcitonin she will suffer heart failure.

B. Diabetes insipidus

67. This condition develops when the posterior pituitary gland no longer releases adequate amounts of ADH. A) diabetes mellitus B) diabetes inspidus C) pituitary dwarfism D) exophthalmos E) gigantism

A. diabetes mellitus

68. This condition is characterized by abnormally high glucose concentrations that overwhelm the re-absorption capabilities of the kidneys. A) diabetes mellitus B) diabetes insipidus C) glucose diabetes D) gigantism E) all of the above

D) Type I

69. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is also known as A) non-insulin-dependent diabetes B) Type II C) Type III D) Type I D) diabetes insipidus

B. epinephrine and norepinephrine

70. Two hormones secreted by the posterior pituitary are A) CT and PTH B) epinephrine and norepinephrine C) PRL and ACTH D) oxytocin and ADH E) FSH and GH

C. decreased glycogen breakdown

72. Effects of medullary hormones include all of the following EXCEPT A) increased heart activity B) increased blood pressure C) decreased glycogen breakdown D) release of lipids by adipose tissue E) increased blood glucose levels

C. thymus

74. This gland is responsible for establishing daily circadian rhythms. A) pineal B) pancreas C) thymus D) thyroid E) parathyroid

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