Endocrinology SA

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a. primary hyperthyroidism

A patient that has an elevated free T4 and low TSH is most likely suffering from a. primary hyperthyroidism b. secondary hyperthyroidism c. primary hypothyroidism d. further testing is required

c. hypothyroidism

All 50 states now require screening of newborns for this endocrine disorder to prevent cretinism a. neuroblastoma b. epilepsy c. hypothyroidism d. cortisol deficiency

b. insulin

All of the following hormones are classified as steroids except a. cortisol b. insulin c. estrogen e. testosterone

d. decreased blood glucose level

All of the following represent metabolic effects caused by the action of the catecholamine except a. increased breakdown of triglycerides b. increased breakdown of liver glycogen c. decreased protein synthesis d. decreased blood glucose level

d. T3 is the most abundant thyroid hormone

All of the statements below regarding thyroid hormones are true except: a. Only free T3 and T4 are physiologically active. b. Total T3 and T4 levels are influenced by the level of thyroxine-binding globulin TBG c. Variation in TBG levels does not affect free T3 or T4 levels. d. T3 is the most abundant thyroid hormone

c. thyrotropin-releasing hormones

Decreased blood levels of the T3 and T4 hormones stimulate the hypothalamus to produce. a. growth hormones b. thyroid-stimulating hormone c. thyrotropin-releasing hormones d. thyroxine-binding globulin

a. a normal finding

During an evaluation of adrenal function, a patient had plasma cortisol determinations in the morning after awakening and in the evening. Laboratory results indicated that the morning value was higher than the evening concentration. This in indicative of a. a normal finding b. Cushing's syndrome c. Addison's disease d. hypopituitarism

c. prognosis for patients with breast cancer

Estrogen and progesterone receptor assays are performed to assess: a. fetal lung maturity b. fetal well-being c. prognosis for patients with breast cancer d. All of the above

d. free, not bound to protein

For a hormone to be biochemically active and able to bind at its receptor site, the hormone must be a. bound to glucose b. bound to lipoprotein c. bound to protein d. free, not bound to protein

a. hypophosphatemia

Hyperparathyroidism is commonly associated with: a. hypophosphatemia b. Hypocalcemia c. Hypocalciuria d. All of the above

b. diabetes insipidus

Hyposecretion of ADH causes: a. diabetes mellitus b. diabetes insipidus c. Addison's disease d. Cushings syndrome

c. decreased, increased

In hypothyroidism, one would expect the total T4 level to be __________, and the TSH level to be __________. a. increased, increased b. decreased, decreased c. decreased, increased d. decreased, decreased

d. TSH assay

Select the most appropriate/recommended single screening test for thyroid disease: a. FTI b. Total T3 assay c. Total T4 assay d. TSH assay

c. tyrosine

The amino acid that is the immediate precursor for the biogenesis of the catecholamines is a. tryptophane b. threonine c. tyrosine d. phenylalanine

c. PTH

The anterior pituitary produces all of the following hormones except a. ACTH b. FSH c. PTH d. TSH

b. cortisol

The hormone produced by the adrenal cortex in the highest amounts is: a. aldosterone b. cortisol c. epinephrine d. androgens

d. Prolactin

The hormones that is associated with galactorrhea, pituitary adenoma, and amenorrhea is: a. Estradiol b. Progesterone c. Follicle stimulating hormone d. Prolactin

b. Estradiol

The main estrogen produced by the ovaries and used to evaluate ovarian function is: a. Estriol b. Estradiol c. Epiestriol d. Hydroxyestrone

c. thyroxine-binding globulin TBG

The major carrier protein of T3 and T4 in the circulation is a. albumin b. thyroglobulin c. thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) d. thyroxine-binding prealbumin (TBPA)

d. cholesterol

The parent substance in the biosynthesis of steroid hormones such as androgens and estrogens is a. cortisol b. catecholamines c. progesterone d. cholesterol

b. adrenal medulla

The primary site for catecholamine synthesis is the a. adrenal cortex b. adrenal medulla c. anterior pituitary d. pancreas

b. primary hypothyroidism

The serum TSH level is decreased in a. primary hyperthyroidism b. primary hypothyroidism c. secondary hyperthyroidism d. euthyroid sick syndrome

d. All of the above

The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) causes: a. High serum vasopressin level b. Hyponatremia c. Urine osmolality to be higher than plasma osmolality d. All of the above

a. aldosterone

The thyroid gland produces all of the following hormones except a. aldosterone b. calcitonin c. thyroxine d. triiodothyronine

c. Tyrosine

Thyroid hormones are derived from the amino acid: a. Phenylalanine b. Methionine c. Tyrosine d. Histidine

c. Free T4

When the TSH is abnormal on a patient, what further testing is recommended to determine true thyroid status a. Total T4 b. Total T3 c. Free T4 d. Free T3

d. Metanephrines

Which assay using 24-hour urine to detect the metabolite of epinephrine is considered the best single screening test for pheochromocytoma, a benign tumor of the adrenal medulla that causes hypertension? a. Catecholamines b. VMA c. Homovanillic acid HVA d. Metanephrines

b. anterior pituitary

Which gland releases tropic hormones that regulate other endocrine glands and is sometimes referred to as the "master gland" of the body a. hypothalamus b. anterior pituitary c. adrenal cortex d. adrenal medulla

a. Estriol

Which hormones is assayed in order to monitor the well-being of the fetoplacental unit? a. Estriol b. hCG c. Estrone e. Prolactin

b. Addisons

Which of the following diseases is associated with an autoimmune process that causes hypoaldosteronism due to atrophy of the adrenal cortex: a. Cushings b. Addisons c. Gilberts d. Zollingers

a. LH

Which of the following hormones stimulates the production of sperm and eggs and in used in home testing kits to determine time of ovulation a. LH b. Prolactin c. FSH d. Estrogen

a. B-type natriusetic peptide (BNP)

Which of the following is a cardiac hormone that is produced by the ventricles in response to pressure overload, and is useful as a marker of congestive heart failure in patients suffering from shortness of breath a. B-type natriusetic peptide (BNP) b. Catecholamines c. Cortisol d. Tetraiodothyronine

c. Graves

Which of the following is an autoimmune disease, characterized by the production of antibodies to TSH, that is the most common form of hyperthyroidism in the United States a. Hashimotos b. Cushings c. Graves d. Addisons

e. all of the above

Which of the following is associated with primary hypercortisolism: a. Cushing's disease b. exogenous administration of cortisolcis the most common cause c. low ACTH & high cortisol levels d. no diurnal variation of cortisol levels e. All of the above

a. Hashimotos

Which of the following is characterized as an autoimmune hypothyroid disease: a. Hashimotos b. Cushings c. Graves d. Addisons

b. human chorionic gonadotropin HCG

Which of the following is secreted by the placenta and used for the early detection of pregnancy? a. follicle-stimulating hormone FSH b. human chorionic gonadotropin HCG c. luteinizing hormone LH d. progesterone

d. all of the above

Which of the following may be classified as a catecholamine hormone? a. dopamine b. epinephrine c. norepinephrine d. all of the above

d. vanillylmandelic acid VMA

Which of the following may be classified as an end product of catecholamine metabolism? a. dopamine b. metanephrine c. normetanephrine d. vanillylmandelic acid VMA

d. All of the above are true statements

Which of the following statements pertain to neonatal hypothyroidism: a. it occurs more frequently than phenylketonuria (PKU) b. it causes mental retardation (cretinism) c. it is required newborn screening in all 50 states d. All of the above are true statements

b. T3 is about tenfold more active than T4.

Which statement regarding thyroid hormones is true: a. Circulating levels of T3 and T4 are about equal. b. T3 is about tenfold more active than T4. c. T3 is converted to T4 in the periphery d. All of the above are true

a. Gastrin

Zollinger-Ellison (Z-E) syndrome, hypersecretion of gastric HCl that causes ulcers, is characterized by great elevation of the level of the hormone: a. Gastrin b. Cholecystokinin c. Pepsin d. Glucagon

d. pituitary

which endocrine gland stimulates the thyroid gland to release T3 and T4 a. adrenal cortex b. pancreas c. parathyroid d. pituitary

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