eng anthology comparison paper

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mode, audience, genre and purpose for Female Police Officer's Audio Diary on Working Life

m=spoken a=adults interested in the working lives of Americans g=interview p=informing the audience of the realities of police work as a female

which techniques create key quality #3 - conciliatory tone

conciliatory - willing to end hostility, appeasing/assuaging. "within its noble resilience to endure"

which techniques create key quality #1 - childhood voice

created in 2 ways- the voiceovers (text at top of panels) which occasionally include Satrapi's voice as a child. eg. "She sure didn't look very happy." also in the speech bubbles - showed her childhood attitudes eg. "only uncool people go to Turkey." "uncool" is an informal adjective

which techniques create key quality #1 - at first suggesting a credible narrator, then the facade falls

educated lexis "apprehend", and complex syntax (multiple subordinate clauses) suggests the narrator is credible. elevated facade soon undercut by horrific nature of proposal

which techniques create key quality #3 - the strength of young Satrapi's rebellious spirit

emanata (in form of motion lines) around her body when dancing to prohibited Western music in her bedroom

mode, audience, genre and purpose for The Misogyny Speech

m=spoken a=Australian parliament, also broadcast on television and also the internet g=speech p=to inform and persuade

mode, audience, genre and purpose for Edward VIII's Abdication Speech

m=spoken a=British public, and international (broadcast on radio) g=speech p=to inform the public of his departure from Royal Life

mode, audience, genre and purpose for Happy Days Tour Live!

m=spoken a=adults (purchased his DVD) g=interview (spontaneous) p=to entertain and inform

which techniques create key quality #4 - subconsciously sexualising her/creating idea of her becoming a star

"she was the enthroned sexpot of the Western world"(sexpot=a sexually exciting woman) "cursed by physical beauty"= bordering on she was asking for fame "to love a stranger"- thrown in with list of defining behaviours, so even in her obituary her sexual choices are mentioned "the Lorelei"= a feminine water spirit similar to a siren who sends sailors to their deaths by her beautiful singing

which techniques create key quality #1 - Rascal's fluctuating coherency

"so he's an immediate, immediate symbol of unity" false start and repair. filler used at "But I think people, like, as a whole,", with "like" being the filler used twice

which techniques create key quality #1 - idea of moving away from royal life

"At long last I am able to say a few words of my own" - pronoun "I" rather than "one" could be considered an attempt to avoid high order register here. sounds more personal

which techniques create key quality #1 - pointing to their upheld stereotypes

"Beyoncé as the ride-or-die moll to her boyfriend's gangster" - moll is an archaic term for a gangster's gf -> perhaps implying subtly that their personas may be outdated??

which techniques create key quality #4 - loss of formality

"For me, in a way - as I said before, Keith-" purposeful - informal way of addressing him, strips him of his formality. possibly a form of repressive discourse strategy (a way of showing power by being indirect)

which techniques create key quality #1 - pun from playing to parodied form

"Hello and welcome to the news at when. When?" usually is heard as "10", so the adults among the viewers would recognise this play on words and therefore its educational value, as it goes on to focus on history. it is a pun on the homophone "ten". the repetition of "when" through the rhetorical question creates an engaging opening, building intrigue

which techniques create key quality #4 - compassion towards royal family

"I have been comforted by her majesty my mother" is understanding - he cares for family despite 'forced' abdication. "comforted" specifically paints her in a warm, caring light

which techniques create key quality #3 - trying to stay subservient within a certain power dynamic

"I only ask" - requesting, not demanding "I know that my race must change" - defeatist "and I will obey" - showing his submission and him trying to bargain a little

which techniques create key quality #4 - ease of getting help

"I was lonely and scared, so I rang Childline." problem-solution discourse , with the shift seen in one sentence.

which techniques create key quality #2 - turn-taking idea gone

"It was rough, yes." interruption from Brand. tries to emphasise the emotional side to his history of drug abuse - injects humour rather than aggression into his speech. but interrupts the turn taking in the conversation.

which techniques create key quality #2 - unfeeling attitude to circumstances of death

"bottle of barbituates" - sounds purposefully harsh creating unfeeling attitude

which techniques create key quality #2 - appreciation of their strength despite trauma

"hammering home the deathless nature of their love rather then it's perfection." - Aroesti admires their honesty here. the sentiment is echoed in the subtitle, "deathless love". "deathless" sounds also very phonologically harsh, and emphasised

which techniques create key quality #3 - child's perspective

"he was all sweaty" - informal, improper grammar and demonstrates it being from her viewpoint.

which techniques create key quality #1 - Obama's trademark humility

"humbled/grateful/mindful" triple in the FIRST sentence shows his humility

which techniques create key quality #3 - (minimally) critical of power dynamic

"it can feel like the power dynamic between the two has been upended"- with Beyoncé having far more stage presence. in reality , the epistemic modal verb "can" is used to soften the blow to Jay-Z fans - though honesty is present it is far from blatant. "she's the one taking her rapper husband for a ride as he hitches his wagon to her staggering cultural capital." metaphor is the most honest she becomes in the review . though even this is more praising Beyoncé.

which techniques create key quality #2 - Rascals' sociolect

"man" (used 3 times) and "innit" - an elision he also uses frequently throughout the extract, are examples of his sociolect: sounding reminiscent of British working class

which techniques create key quality #3 - false modesty

"never ever" - hyperbole AND tautology is an attempt at humility, however, the combination of the two techniques has the opposite effect

which techniques create key quality #2 - sense of generational responsibility

"our ancestors before us": inclusive first-person pronouns "our" and "us" makes the reader (or, originally, listener) feel like it is their responsibility also. "ancestors" has a historic, empowering (?) connotation

which techniques create key quality #1 - judgemental view of locals

"rattled continuously" - verb rattled has decrepit, annoying connotations not usually assd. with speaking "without the slightest scruple as to what she said" - highly sibilant sentence gives a sense of hissing. is race a factor in her prejudice? "I was relieved when the landlady, a ladylike Englishwoman, asked me to join herself..." the word "ladylike" alone implies that class plays on Bird's mind when listening to someone speak. "Englishwoman" also being mentioned as a positive, redeeming factor for this almost saviour of Bird is important - other lady is from San Francisco

which techniques create key quality #2 - Edward's graphic description of the trenches

"ruins among violated stark tree trunks" - personification means it feels like we have been attacked contrast between thought out fricative use here: "The air was full of aeroplane fights and I saw one enemy fall on fire" and the grammar mistake here - sig as poet, but written so hastily w/ no time to check as had to send off: "None of us was injured"

which techniques create key quality #4 - cultural referencing

"the Indian race is waiting" - returning to his original, misnamed, culture. finishing with saying his REAL NAME and "has spoken for his people". shows he spoke in a second language for his people (was probably one of the only Native Americans who spoke English), so the use of his native language at the end is purposeful.

which techniques create key quality #3 - vivid natural imagery

"the air so keen and intoxicating" so reviving that it makes her feel overly invigorated... further supported by "that air is the elixir of life". "a cinnamon coloured bear with two cubs" - a brightness matched only by a spice, not a colour. "came upon the Donner lake quite suddenly, to be completely smitten by its beauty". it "lies hidden away among mountains", and "its loneliness pleased me well." for her it is its isolation from humans that makes it so beautiful. she unknowingly or not personifies the lake, which makes it sound a solemn place.

which techniques create key quality #4 - honesty about her male dominated profession

"they expect you to be weaker." - they = unspecified personal pronoun building sense of an oppressive force "because they're like 'oh you a girl, you ain't going to catch me if I run' "- using a direct quote that demeans her and women's abilities portrays the significance of offenders' attitudes well

which techniques create key quality #3 - switches in tone

"well, yeah, well thankyou, that's what I'm looking for! (new para) if you haven't been in this profession, if you haven't experienced a situation where you have to make a split second decision about what you're going to do - this person has a knife" sudden shift in tone to violent descriptions. helped by informal exclamatory sentence using false starts which massively contrasts the longer syntax and semantic field of danger - "split second, knife" in the new para

which techniques create key quality #2 - emphasis on adaptability needed for job

"you have to be" repeated; syntactic parallelism used to show the different roles a police officer is required to embody. "have" acts as a deontic modal verb, implying that this is not a choice, but a necessity rare use of figurative language seen: "there are so many different faces you have to wear as an officer" - metaphor strengthens idea of multifaceted, complex, DIFFICULT job

which techniques create key quality #1 - strength of sociolect in spontaneous audio diary

"you know" and "I mean" - fillers "sorta" - elision fillers and elision show her spontaneity, and sociolect "because it sometimes it gives you like the males, they might be more aggressive towards other males" in trying to explain the benefits of being a female police officer she changes track halfway through sentence, flouting Grice's maxim of manner

which techniques create key quality #4 - incoherence

"you know, it will, you know, it's good" - flouts Grice's maxim of manner (does it make sense clearly). also includes 2 false starts and repairs. this is a result of it being an unrehearsed segment of his DVD

which techniques create key quality #4 - adoration of Beyoncé

-"trailblazing material" matched with "once-in-a-lifetime onstage charisma" hyphenated idiom - "peerless" "heartstopping" "sophisticated" - semantic field of talent

context/pragmatics for The Fire of London

-1666 estimated 70,000 of the 80,000 homes within the city walls were destroyed. the fire didn't reach Pepys' home, although he thought it would... possibly as suggested by maps of the fire, the area where the wealthy lived was protected significantly more than the poorer. Pepys was an MP with connections and was well educated

context/pragmatics for A Modest Proposal

-1729 grew up poor with mother (father died), literate and born to British family but lived in Ireland. ordained in the church but many of his writings were critical of religion. he recognised the English ruling class was based solely on trade and profit

context/pragmatics for Captain Scott's Diary

-1912 second of two Edwardian voyages; the ill-fated Terra Nova expedition. extreme weather meant high winds and low temperatures. Scott died with 2 remaining crew members only 11 miles from the nearest food depot, when they returned from the pole having being beaten there by the Norwegians

context/pragmatics for Edward VIII's Abdication Speech

-1936 chose to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson (despite rules against this), whom he never names in his speech to protect her. He chose to remove himself from public life to live privately with Wallis.

context/pragmatics for The Death of Marilyn Monroe

-1962 Alistair Cooke's obituary was published in the Guardian in August of 1962. he was a British-American broadcaster and journalist. Monroe attained the American dream through her illustrious career and marriages. while Cooke champions Monroe's integrity, it heavily conveys the subconscious misogynistic attitudes of the era it was produced in.

context/pragmatics for Happy Days Tour Live!

-2001 extract from Jamie Oliver's first live tour, recorded as an off-the-cuff extra on his DVD.

context/pragmatics for Newsnight Special Interview with Jeremy Paxman

-2008 Amos is a black baroness, and Rascal a black rapper. they are both influential black people - Rascal perhaps more to the younger generation (may be why he was included). Amos and Paxman commandeer the conversation however

context/pragmatics for Horrible Histories: the Stone Age Report

-2009 Horrible Histories is a very successful television programme for children, that includes pastiches of other television programmes within it - one example is the Weather Reports they create. it won numerous domestic and international awards, and as its humour avoids being patronising their audience is not exclusive to children

context/pragmatics for Obama Buys Ice-cream

-2009 parodies Obama's Inaugural address, the same year that Brown published his parody. Obama is known for being the first black president of America - consequently while Brown does parody his style of speech-making, it is with bathos

context/pragmatics for Evidence to a Parliamentary Select Committee

-2012 Brand was previously a heroin addict, which cost him a job as well as relationships. He, from the outset of him giving evidence for the inquiry, looks a world away from the formally outfitted people there, but his natural flair for sophisticated language means he expertly (easily) holds his ground in it. Keith Vaz, one of the members of the Committee, was in 2016 found guilty of spending time with male prostitutes who he told he would pay for cocaine should they have wanted.

context/pragmatics for The Misogyny Speech

-2012 previously provoked by Abbott (who called her female derogatory slang). she speaks against his motion to remove Peter Slipper as speaker, and accuses him of hypocrisy.

context/pragmatics for George Saunders's speech to graduates at Syracuse University

-2013 Saunders is an award winning American author, and long-standing professor at the uni. he delivered the uni's convocation speech for the class of 2013. touches on themes within his life and work

context/pragmatics for Female Police Officer's Audio Diary on Working Life

-2016 this is one of 24 audio interviews in the initiative "Working in America", detailing everyday challenges, triumphs and realities of people's working lives across the USA.

context/pragmatics for Soph Talks Science

-2018 Sophie Arthur= a PhD student (nearly a doctor of science!), who runs a blog that won the 2018 UK Blog Award for individual content creator. her blog focuses on the life of a scientist, and subtly shows her breaking scientific stereotypes

context/pragmatics for Beyoncé & Jay-Z: OTR II review - heart stopping scenes from a marriage

-2018 received a lot of online backlash for being entirely biased towards the couple's performance. one comment calls it "continual fawning" and "nauseating crap", ending their response with "Pass the bucket." this earned a response from one of the Guardian's staff. they justify their review choice saying "Maybe its because time and time again she produces really exciting music and spectacle?" another comment says "You weren't at the same gig as me!" before outlining all of their perceived flaws of the performance. it is overwhelmingly positive with the occasional small critique, making obvious that Aroesti is a Beyoncé fan

which techniques create key quality #4 - politeness being inconsistent

-Paxman interrupts Rascal - stopping turn-taking and flouting the maxim of manner -Amos flouts the maxim of quantity with her contribution

which techniques create key quality #3 emphasis of points

-anaphora = "no tragedy, no big final hazing" -> begs the question , why does he regret this? -antistrophe = "immersing ourselves in a work of art: good, prayer is good, meditation is good" -> listing ways we can become kinder

which techniques create key quality #3 - visualisation of prehistoric animals

-enabled through similes, repetition, and childlike lexis. "best of all, megabears." (childlike lexis, (and superlative)) "like a grizzly bear but twice the size." (simile) "No, its bigger than that. Always bigger than that." (repetition, technically antistrophe, of comparative adjective, aids its educational and informational purpose. it also means vocabulary is within their range)

context/pragmatics for NSPCC: Can you help me?

-in use (published) from 2000 onward the NSPCC is a charity dedicated to fighting child abuse in the UK. reportedly, 90% of their income comes from public donations. they recommend Childline to this day as a phone line for any young people in distress. it is a free number, open for 24 hours a day. the service has expanded since merging with the NSPCC.

context/pragmatics for Surrender speech/Visit to Washington

-late 1800s very pacifistic leader of the Nez Perce Native American tribe, who's real name was not Chief Joseph (it was given to him by the settlers). the white settlers began extracting ores and materials from the land, conflict grew and caused the war, which lasted till the NAs surrendered... in 1877. his request was denied by parliament. it is argued whether the surrender entirely a surrender as part of it seems open to interpretation

which techniques create key quality #3 - sympathy towards Monroe

1)the weekend that she died, a disparaging article was written about her - Cooke insinuates it pushed her to commit suicide. he says since her early life is as "seedy"- subtle but loaded word choice- as the stories in pulp magazines- he protects Monroe (in vain?) by saying prying into them would be "tasteless". 2)"wiggled briefly" juxtaposes the sinister connotations of "lecherous", creating a dissonant effect and sympathy for how Calhern exploited her before he publicly praised her: with a "whinny" (animal imagery) 3)"cursed", "dazed" and "doomed" - these relational verbs (abt states of being) paint her as a victim

context/pragmatics for letter from Isabella Bird to her sister, 1879

1879 Bird was a British explorer, writer and photographer. first woman in the RGS (Royal Geographical Society). she was fiercely independent, and her natural inquiring mind meant she often rebelled against her Christian upbringing. when doctors recommended a sea voyage for her health (she was always a sickly child), she accompanied her cousins to America in 1984 - her travelling began here.

context/pragmatics for letters between Edward and Helen Thomas

1917. E-April, H-April to June. Edward served in WW1; he enrolled not bc of conscription but bc he felt it was right to. he was killed in action soon after he arrived in Arras in France, the DAY AFTER he wrote this letter to Helen. her letter to him was returned to her after his death, and the "Postscript" was written by Helen as a coping mechanism for he grief over her husband's death. both her and her husband were writers, with him specialising in poetry.

which techniques create key quality #2 - idea of retelling a true story

1st person narration - "I couldn't go" blunt, undecorative descriptions and basic syntax - "He was crying, and there was no food."

which techniques create key quality #2 - intrigue

3rd paragraph is littered with rhetorical questions - build intrigue as they all answer negative to "Do I regret?" (not anaphora)

how to remember the mode, audience, genre and purpose of the anthology for texts

Mode, Audience, Genre, Purpose.... MAGPie

which techniques create key quality #2 - closure

NOTE: THIS IS A PROCESS that happens in the readers mind, due to a gutter in a graphic novel. a gutter is the space between 2 panels, where the reader must imagine what happened between them (closure). done in 2 ways in Persepolis - the first is humourously with Satrapi's father having a poster sewn into his coat (the cartoon is disproportionately exaggerated). the second way is sombre that induces sympathy for Satrapi's childhood self. she cuts from her being threatened by women guardians of the revolution, to her looking upset and emotionally hollowed out (from crying) at home with her mother

which techniques create key quality #3 - power in discourse

SOOOOOOO MUCHHHHH TO WRITEEEEE okie- -it is an unequal encounter, with Amos and Paxman being the more powerful participants -Rascal is the less powerful participant -Paxman uses an oppressive discourse strategy- eg. his interruption, asking for more details - Amos and Paxman steer the conversation and choose what topics to lay focus on -overall, clearly highlighted power asymmetry

which techniques create key quality #4 - optimism and colloquial tone

TRIPLES- optimism 2 are used... "big brow, big nose, big news!" the triple uses anaphora- pre-modified by "big" (another example of covert prestige) "Its you, its me, its modern man." adds a colloquial feel and also makes the audience feel special - they have found their historical origin ENDING- colloquial tone "and then death...Ugh." it is an example of covert prestige, an informal method of exclamation used as the target audience are too young to take seriously/pessimistically

which techniques create key quality #1 - emotional realism

USE OF PICTURES conveys emotion far more quickly and easily than text. is also more easily understandable to children readers. the simplicity of the text around the child on the front and back pages "Hello... can you help me?" gives the reader a chance to answer what would otherwise be a rhetorical question

which techniques create key quality #2 - covert prestige

achieved through childlike lexis used- "Heidi likes to hunt animals in big groups." just the abbreviated name "Heidi" makes the audience relate more to a younger audience. "big groups" and "Heidi" is an example of covert prestige; using non-standard varieties of spoken language. while this is usually unconsciously orientated towards, here it is done purposefully, to suit the young audience

which techniques create key quality #3 - irony

antithesis of "savage" and "gentlemen", deeply ironic as cannibalism is a savage act. political pragmatics referenced - the Irish babies would be "very proper for landlords" who have already pragmatically "devoured" most of the parents... by taking their money

which techniques create key quality #3 - reiteration of points -

backing up point of it being symptomatic of emotional issues-> one more than a triple... "I was sad, lonely, unhappy and detached" backing up point of being forced to be brief -> rhetorical question... "Was that brief enough?"

which techniques create key quality #2 - Bird's emboldened nature

figurative language, perhaps unusual for letters - "I woke with a furry death hug at my throat" as a result of her dreaming so vividly of bears. Bird's language is very interesting - "furry, hug" imply comfort and "death, throat" elicit ideas of violence. "furry death hug" therefore has conflicting connotations that are themselves contradicted by her next statement "but feeling quite refreshed". this calmness is a testament to her bravery in exploring regions where animals were real threats.

which techniques create key quality #1 - spontaneity of someone who is perhaps not a natural speaker

fillers of "erm" and "er" and back channeling used - improvising and formulating the speech on the spot. demotic phrases also used.

which techniques create key quality #4 - underlying bitterness in poetical section

firstly the choice of the word "seductive" to describe the sleeping bag - in retrospect we are aware Oates wanted to be left behind in his own sleeping bag, and that he was never found but his sleeping bag was... perhaps a bittersweet memory. secondly the "chides his horse" use of the affricative adds harshness, matches the connotation of chiding

which techniques create key quality #2 - informality

fixed expression "at the end of the day" is a well known informal catchphrase, some may consider it cliche

which techniques create key quality #1 - quantitative command of the conversation

flouting the maxim of quantity - Brand speaks far more than any other speaker - this could be to gain some power over the conversation with the Select Committee

which techniques create key quality #2 - evoking emotion from the audience

imitating in low order register, and describing his words as a "battering ram" - visual and emotive metaphor

which techniques create key quality #1 - the fire seeming constant and overpowering

increasing repetition of "fire" - the lexis is used increasingly

which techniques create key quality #3 - growing intensity of storm

increasingly harsh sounds in poetical discourse. "full force of a blizzard" has 2 fricatives then a plosive, sound evolves to become harsher, matching the idea of a storm

context/pragmatics for Persepolis

it is an autobiography in graphic format - telling the reader about Satrapi's childhood in Iran. It was during and after the Islamic revolution

which techniques create key quality #2 - veiled frustration

list of chiefs he has met with is purposefully one more than a typically used triple - makes it seem long and emphasises how nothing has been done, helped by "justice" which is emotive... also implies a lack of progress

mode, audience, genre and purpose for Newsnight Special Interview with Jeremy Paxman

m=spoken a=adults watching politically themed TV interviews g=interview p=to capture the reactions and feelings of different influential black people of Obama's election

mode, audience, genre and purpose for George Saunders's speech to graduates at Syracuse University

m=spoken a=graduating students, staff and families g=speech p=(meant to be to politely congratulate) - to advise the students to have integrity and act kindly in the future

mode, audience, genre and purpose for Evidence to a Parliamentary Select Committee

m=spoken a=those present in the Select Committee (into the Parliamentary Inquiry into drugs policy) g=inquiry p=to persuade the members of the Select Committee to treat drug addiction as more of a health matter than a criminal matter

mode, audience, genre and purpose for Surrender speech/Visit to Washington

m=spoken a=white parliament in Washington g=speech p=firstly to inform the settlers he would not fight any more, secondly to persuade them equality was needed between the Native Americans and settlers

mode, audience, genre and purpose for Horrible Histories: the Stone Age Report

m=spoken a=young children and perhaps adults within their family g=children's television programme p=to entertain and inform

mode, audience, genre and purpose for Captain Scott's Diary

m=written a=1) scientific researchers, 2) upper class and general public g=diary or memoir, arguable p=at first to record the scientific developments uncovered on the journey. then as he realises perishing is unavoidable, it turns into more of a memoir

mode, audience, genre and purpose for NSPCC: Can you help me?

m=written a=adults - potentially parents with children, and children themselves g=leaflet p=to persuade people to donate towards Childline

mode, audience, genre and purpose for Beyoncé & Jay-Z: OTR II review - heart stopping scenes from a marriage

m=written a=adults interested/dismissive of pop culture, and readers of the guardian's reviews g=online music review p=to inform people of the author's opinions

mode, audience, genre and purpose for Obama Buys Ice-cream

m=written a=adults; readers of "Private Eye" g=satire p=to entertain and partially poke fun at a respected politician

mode, audience, genre and purpose for Soph Talks Science

m=written a=bloggers and yp online/aspiring scientists g=blog p=to inspire the public in modern science whilst encouraging other scientists to be more open about their profession

mode, audience, genre and purpose for Persepolis

m=written a=children g=graphic novel p=to inform about Satrapi's childhood

mode, audience, genre and purpose for letters between Edward and Helen Thomas

m=written a=each other, then for Helen - herself g=letters p=to inform and comfort each other/themselves

mode, audience, genre and purpose for The Fire of London

m=written a=himself; he didn't want for his diary to be seen g=diary p=to keep a record of his own life, for his own entertainment

mode, audience, genre and purpose for letter from Isabella Bird to her sister, 1879

m=written a=sister and readers g=letter p=to inform and entertain both her sister and the readers of her writings

mode, audience, genre and purpose for A Modest Proposal

m=written a=upper and upper middle class (the very people Swift sought to undermine) g=satirical essay, published as a pamphlet p=purportedly to solve overpopulation in Ireland... in reality it has 3 purposes (remember RUM) a) Raise awareness of very REAL problems eg. poverty, the rich and poor divide b) Undermine the political and religious establishment c) Mock the class system

mode, audience, genre and purpose for The Death of Marilyn Monroe

m=written a=Guardian readers - mostly liberal adults g=obituary p=to pay tribute to Monroe after his passing

which techniques create key quality #2 - sound growing harsher (like the fire)

manipulation of phonology describing the fire - fricatives change to plosives, the sound grows harsher

which techniques create key quality #1 - illusion of fragments, changing as storm hits

minor sentences prominent in the first part (poetical discourse). the syntax elongates as the discourse morphs from poetry to prose. the initial illusion created of short fragments is swept away as within the text the storm hits

which techniques create key quality #1 - false opening and impression of author

opening is written bluntly - "Marilyn Monroe was found dead in bed this morning...". at first we assume as the reader that this is indeed from the author's viewpoint, but in the following para "These stony sentences" signal a switch to the actual author's words. he immediately rescinds those of the previous writer. rest of article shows what he really thinks

which techniques create key quality #1 - alienation of Tony Abbott

personal pronoun of "I" is repeated. going off script, "you" happens once - she slips out of referring to him as the "leader of the opposition". she keeps him distanced by not mentioning him by name, only does this once in emotion

which techniques create key quality #1 - optimistic idea of working hard

personal pronouns referencing herself are frequent - shows herself (the subject) doing things, a contextual link=she is able to do things in her chosen profession. gerund is used also to ground the text in the present - demonstrating all she is doing currently

which techniques create key quality #4 - jarring feeling

personification and phonology involved with this.. the goods flung in the water are personified - "swimming in the water". the nasal at the end of "swimming" paired with the fricative at the start adds to the abrasiveness of the sound... making the section have a wrongness about it

which techniques create key quality #3 - Helen's active calming of herself (pre-death)

phonology softens - plosives - fricatives "I know that this pain will go and calm and even happiness come again," she calms herself also by quoting "Baba" (one of their children, mbe written as she hears them say it) - "Baba says 'give Daddy 100 loves'. " the quoting to keep the childlike lexis intact creates a powerfully emotional sentence, but nothing is so overwhelmingly poignant as the present tense "give" - as the reader over a century later, we know what the family did not - by this time Edward was already dead.

which techniques create key quality #2 - resentfulness

phrases make him sound simultaneously longing for something more, and ending with blunt discontent "not bestowed upon me" - bitter undertone is not masked

which techniques create key quality #1 - vulnerability

pre modifying adjective "little" in "the little children are freezing to death", makes them seem helpless and vulnerable. "maybe I shall find" "maybe" adds uncertainty. creates vulnerability and sympathy

which techniques create key quality #3 - persuasion

repetition of deontic modal verbs, also facts and statistics

which techniques create key quality #4 - persuasive nature of the text

rhetorical devices used which manipulate grammar (listing, triples) discourse (problem/solution) and lexis and semantics (modal verb "SHALL take in", as if proposal is already underway)

which techniques create key quality #4 - joyous tone

semantic field of joy - "loving/heartfelt/proud/happy/best" superlative embellishes this idea/concept

which techniques create key quality #4 - hopefulness instilled in reader

semantic field of renewal/transitions - "finishing", "starting", "turned into", "transitions" hopeful for change: breaking stereotypes within the scientific community?

which techniques create key quality #3 - idea of people fleeing

semantic field of retreating creates this - "running", "clambering", "coming away" etc. however this is used throughout; a possible pragmatics link would be that the poor were aware of the fire which consumed their homes rapidly - we know now more of their homes were destroyed, the focus was on protecting the homes of the wealthy - they were fearful of the growing threat

which techniques create key quality #4 - Helen's efforts to heal her trauma (post-death)

sensory imagery and present tense verbs- "listening and looking and hearing and touching and filling my soul with it". reaches for past experiences with husband as cannot be physically with him now. and perhaps unintentionally this syndetic listing structure parallels the one seen in the last letter she received from her husband. syntactic parallelism in rhetorical questions (he cannot answer) - "Do you feel, do you know what love you left in the hearts of your friends". "I take in my hand your great bent thumb as I used to do. For a little while, Farewell." - this imagined holding his thumb may be a coping mechanism Helen employs - almost childlike itself as a form of consolation. the final farewell sounds certain, and sounds as though she is convinced that they will meet again soon - in heaven or otherwise.

which techniques create key quality #3 - civility

still remains professional, so is still conforming to royal standards, eg high order register used as well as sociolect of high class (maaaany quotes)

which techniques create key quality #3 - subtly demonstrating writing expertise

strong phonological theme of sibilance in first paragraph - also seen in the name of her blog. aside from her scientific prowess, shows that she is an adept writer, gaining respect from the audience

which techniques create key quality #2 - hiding true emotion for his honour

structuring of final section - "but I do not think I can write more" maintains his seeming fearlessness and honour. the post script details what is maybe his true emotion/feeling - desperation - "For God's sake look after our people."

which techniques create key quality #2 - monetary ideas throughout

text permeated with monetary references "profit/shillings/crown" in a semantic field - dehumanising measurement

which techniques create key quality #4 - the amount of fear Satrapi felt towards the woman's branch of the guardians of the revolution

the cartoon's exaggeration of her facial expression grows more anguished as the font grows larger and bolder to viscerally create the idea of protesting and shouting. after 2 anaphora on "Maybe she believed me, maybe she just pretended to." she uses the adverb "miraculously" - avoids childlike lexis, is definitely from the present looking back - perhaps concerned for her younger self?

which techniques create key quality #4 - sense of immediacy

the triple anaphora used at the end of the text with "now" repeated. builds an idea of being triumphant - comedic as he is still only talking about ordering an ice cream. it does foremost however also create a sense of immediacy

which techniques create key quality #2 - connotations

the verb "neglect" is heavily loaded with negative connotations, making it sound almost accusatory - addressing scientists though, not necessarily the reader

which techniques create key quality #4 - focus on self and own experiences

throughout Bird has more of a focus on retelling her own experiences, perhaps as is typical of the personal letter genre. it lacks description of her exploring - or maybe Bird just sees it as important to include accounts of her encounters with American ppl "I asked the owner... if there were not ruffians about who might make an evening ride dangerous." then recounted his response in direct speech. this seems to place value on her personal interactions with locals, unlike w/ the lady who she found obnoxious.

which techniques create key quality #1 - affection towards the class

triple - "shining, energetic, beautiful" is complimentary

which techniques create key quality #1 - Edward's poetic quality

uses a simile literally in the second sentence - "The artillery is like a stormy tide breaking on the shores of the full moon". simile used to remove the reality of the situation and to provide relief/distraction for Helen, and perhaps for himself purposeful syndetic listing - "but the sun shone and larks and partridge and magpies and hedgesparrows made love"- potentially an unspoken promise from Edward that love conquers all - his love for her will see them through. lexical field of birds builds idyllic picture of countryside alongside graphic description

which techniques create key quality #4 - playing upon the pragmatics

uses sarcasm to highlight the situations which led to her making conclusions on Abbott. "and I quote, 'Abortion is the easy way out.' "talking about the controversial topic with attached pragmatics does not need explaining, so she doesn't bother

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