Engineering and Tech A Unit #6 - Use of Technology for Engineering Design

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2D drawing is sketching of part in XY plane prior 3D generation, and creation of drafting documents for manufacturing.


3D Wireframe modeling is used for basic physical parameters of surface modeling.


3D printing workflow is technology for additive manufacturing for layering material to create an object.


Accuracy in measurement means how close a measured data value is to the correct value.

cause and effect

But upon analysis of _____________ resulting in these features, NASA was able to narrow down to the most accurate solutions.


Calipers generally provide precision measurement to 0.01 in and 0.01 mm.


Computer Aided Design (CAD) does NOT include the creation of drafting documents for manufacturing.


Computer Aided Design (CAD) is software and hardware technologies that create and evaluate a proposed engineered solution through 3D modeling which is tested for engineering analysis, and then manufacturing suitability with proposed cost.


Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) - Software and hardware technologies for part creation and physical evaluation. (not physical evaluation)


Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) is the computer driven process to drive the proposed design solution through the product design phase into product development and ultimately into manufacturing.


Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) is technology for subtractive manufacturing and creation of toolpath for multi-axis milling, lathe, or cutting with multiple axis contouring to create an object.


Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is technology for subtractive manufacturing and creation of toolpath for multi-axis milling, lathe, or cutting with multiple axis contouring to create an object.


Data Acquisition Systems measure physical phenomenon and convert the information into an analog signal for computer analysis through specialized hardware and software. (Digital.)


Data Acquisition Systems only measure electrical parts and systems. (As well as temperature, pressure, load, torque, strain, sound, light, pH, and vibration.)


Data Acquisition Systems use microprocessors to convert the physical information to an electrical signal. (Transducers or specialized sensors.)


If a known 2.5 kg weight is weighed 3 times on Scale A with results of 2.61 kg, 2.92 kg, and 2.30 kg then Scale A is considered precise. (Not precise.)


If a known 2.5 kg weight measures 2.51 kg on Scale A and then 2.45 kg on Scale B then Scale A is far more accurate than Scale B.


If an instrument is precise that means it is measuring correctly. (Can be incorrect because just providing consistent results.)

data collection

Instrumentation, _____________ and analysis was certainly used throughout the planning and preparation for the NASA mission.


Intermittent problem occur based upon external issues. (It occurs randomly with no connection to anything else.)


Many simulations were created and run to knock out _____________ methods which resulted in imprecise targeting and insufficient force of impact.


Measurement is not important in engineering.


Multimeters are used in many applications including labs and auto shops.


Multimeters only measure voltage and current. (Multimeters can measure resistance, voltage, amperage, temperature, and frequency.)

pure water deliberate impact

NASA verified that there was _____________ molecules on the moon through the use of instrumentation which detected water ice from a large plume of material created by a _____________ of an object plummeting into a crater on the moon.


Parametric design is the favored approach for development of engineering designs because it is adaptable to change and is easily exported for engineering analysis.


Parametric modeling is only used for 3D design work.


Precision in measurement means how close measured data is to the correct number . (Consistency of results of an instrument.)


Precision is not required in the manufacture and selection of machine screws.


The Vernier caliper provides a direct reading of measurement.


The accuracy of a micrometer can just be to 0.01 inch. (Most inch micrometers measure to 0.001 inch.)


The dial indicator is widely used for manufacturing quality control and auto shops.


The dial indicator primary purpose is to measure thickness. (It measures depth.)


The human interface to measuring with a Data Acquisition System is the transducer. (Specific data acquisition software.)


The key component of the planning is testing and then _____________ of test data.


The micrometer can only measures outside dimensions.


The number 0.63001 has 6 significant figures. (Leading 0 before decimal is not significant.)


The number 33250 has 5 significant figures. (4 - Trailing 0 not significant.)


The number 5.420 has 4 significant figures. (Trailing 0 after decimal is significant.)


The same transducer is used with the Data Acquisition System regardless of input type. (Different transducers are used for different types of devices to be measured.)


The step in the troubleshooting process, Clarify that the problem actually does exist, is important because it verifies the problem is real and not a human error.


The step in the troubleshooting process, Determine the root cause of the problem, means to find any reason or suspicion the problem may exist. (This means isolation of the cause of the problem.)


The step in the troubleshooting process, Try a quick fix, is important so the technician does not waste time.


The troubleshooting method to "split" the system to isolate fault means to do a random pick and replace. (To determine at what point in the system the problem actually occurs.)


The troubleshooting process is structured and should be methodically followed to ensure best results to solve the root problem.


The troubleshooting step to Confirm that the problem has been rectified means to test the system to verify the problem does not reoccur.


The troubleshooting step to Continue to monitor and follow up is a method to keep your boss happy and look like you are doing something. (Ongoing monitoring of the situation will ensure the continued performance of the designed solution.)


This _____________ was the mission for the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, LCROS, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, LRO

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