English 10A

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Read the passage from "These Moths Drink the Tears of Sleeping Birds." Moths don't typically use their "straw" to feed on animals though. In the part of the rainforest where the new tear-drinking moth was spotted, butterflies and moths congregate near flooded soil and slurp up the salty liquid with their proboscises, a behavior called mud-puddling. What is the connection between "mud-puddling" and the idea of moths drinking the tears of birds?

"Mud-puddling" eliminates the most obvious reason for drinking tears—to get salt.

Read the passage from "Doing Nothing Is Something." A study by the University of Michigan quantified the downtime deficit; in the last 20 years American kids have lost about four unstructured hours a week. There has even arisen a global Right to Play movement: in the Third World it is often about child labor, but in the United States it is about the sheer labor of being a perpetually busy child. In Omaha, Neb., a group of parents recently lobbied for additional recess. Hooray, and yikes. What is a key event in this passage?

A "right to play" movement arose in response to a lack of free time for children.

What is most likely to be considered prestigious?

A University

Read the passage from "Yes, Sitting Too Long Can Kill You, Even if You Exercise." As total sedentary time increased, so did early death by any cause, the results indicated. And the same was true for longer sitting stretches. Overall then, participants' risk of death grew in tandem with total sitting time and sitting stretch duration—no matter their age, sex, race, body mass index or exercise habits. "We found that there wasn't a threshold or cutoff where one's risk for death dramatically increased," said Diaz, explaining that risk of death increased with more sitting. "To give you a specific number, those who sat for more than 13 hours per day had a 2-fold (or 200%) greater risk of death compared to those who sat for less than about 11 hours per day." What is the central idea of this passage?

A person's risk of death increases steadily along with the amount of time a person sits

In which sentences is habitat used correctly?

A snake's habitat is different than a polar bear's. If more logging happens, the birds' habitat will shrink.

Which sentence uses the word inducement correctly?

As an inducement for donating money, the radio station offered movie passes to people who gave at least $100.

Read the passage from "The Downside of No Downtime for Kids." Is a summer packed with science and sports camps, reading assignments and math practice the only responsible choice? Have you failed if your fifth grader isn't learning to code or build tools with 3D printers? Should you be pushing your child out the door, directing them to find the nearest park on their own? The answer to all of those questions is probably no, says Alvin Rosenfeld, author of The Over-Scheduled Child and perhaps the most quoted man in articles warning of the possible consequences of accounting for too many minutes of your child's day. (These consequences, by the way, can include depression, anxiety and a lack of creativity and problem-solving skills.) Which answer is the best summary of this passage?

Author Alvin Rosenfeld says parents should not schedule as many activities for kids. Over-scheduling children can contribute to mental health issues.

Adding the suffix -ity to the adjective diverse creates the new word diversity. Which sentences use diversity correctly? Select all that apply.

Biologists monitored genetic diversity in cheetah populations over several years. Many biologists are developing plans to achieve diversity in the wild populations.

Which summary of "The Downside of No Downtime for Kids" is an objective summary?

Children should have at least some unscheduled time. Unscheduled time helps build life skills such as character, creativity, and social ties. While students should not have entirely free summers, they should have some free time, even if they appear to do nothing.

Read the sentence. When Grandma takes a nap on the couch, she places a bolster under her knees so she is more comfortable. Read the dictionary definitions. bolster(n) 1. a supporting part on a tool or vehicle 2. a long, thick pillow used for support(v) 3. to support or strengthen 4. to provide a seat with padded support Which definition is correct for bolster as it is used in the sentence

Definition 2

Read the passage from "The Downside of No Downtime for Kids." But for every week of intensive activity or sleepaway camp, Dorothy Sluss said, children need three weeks of less-structured time. Sluss is an associate professor of elementary and early childhood education at James Madison University and president of the U.S. chapter of the International Play Association. Children, young children especially, do need time to play and explore, Sluss said. They need time to just do nothing. "We may see sitting on a blanket in the yard, looking at the clouds as a waste of time," she said. "But children view that as a time to wonder, to grow. That's when they develop and have sensory stimulation." Which details should be included in an objective summary of this passage? Select all that apply.

Doing what looks like "nothing" can actually be a beneficial activity. Children need three weeks of unstructured time for every week of activities.

Read the passage from "Doing Nothing Is Something." And that, to me, is one of the saddest things about the lives of American children today. Soccer leagues, acting classes, tutors—the calendar of the average middle-class kid is so over the top that soon Palm handhelds will be sold in Toys "R" Us. Our children are as overscheduled as we are, and that is saying something. This has become so bad that parents have arranged to schedule times for unscheduled time. Earlier this year the privileged suburb of Ridgewood, N.J., announced a Family Night, when there would be no homework, no athletic practices and no after-school events. This was terribly exciting until I realized that this was not one night a week, but one single night. There is even a free-time movement, and Web site: familylife1st.org. Among the frequently asked questions provided online: "What would families do with family time if they took it back?" What are key ideas in this passage? Select all that apply.

Families have trouble knowing how to fit in unscheduled time. Children's lives are full of scheduled activities.

"On Twitter, Fake News Has Greater Allure Than Truth Does" suggests that the spread of fake news is difficult to combat through social media. Which statement from the article serves as a sound basis for this analysis?

Flagging potentially false headlines or news sites only works a little, it found. Sometimes the tactic could even backfire.

As the clouds rolled in and blocked the sun, the gaffer had to reposition the camera crew and make several adjustments to the lighting setup before the actors could resume their lines.

Gaffer is a technical term referring to an electrician responsible for the lighting on a television or movie set.

Read the paragraph from "People Across the Globe Feeling More Sad, Stressed and in Pain Than Ever," which states the central idea of the article. A new survey of people's daily emotions found that, worldwide, reports of negative emotions—including sadness, worry and stress—have increased over the last decade, reaching a record high in 2017. Which details from the text best support this central idea? Select all that apply.

Gallup noted that Latin American countries tend to dominate the list of "happiest" countries, which may partly be due to "the cultural tendency in the region to focus on life's positives," Gallup said. About 49 percent of Americans said they had been feeling "stressed a lot" the previous day, which is higher than the global average of 37 percent. "Collectively, the world is more stressed, worried, sad and in pain today than we've ever seen it," Mohamed Younis, Gallup's managing editor, said in the report.

If Max is contemptuous of something, how does he feel about it?

He does not like it.

In The Johnstown Flood, how does the author introduce the idea that many of the victims have become separated from their families?

He tells a chronological story of many people looking to see if they knew who Gertrude was.

What does a vertebrate always have?

Internal skeleton, backbone

Read the passage from The Johnstown Flood. After dinner he had gone back to the store, and Gertrude slipped out onto the front porch where she began dangling her feet in the water, which, by now, covered the yard just deep enough for the ducks to sport about among the flowers. Everyone who survived the flood would carry some especially vivid mental picture of how things had looked just before the great wave struck; for this child it would be the sight of those ducks, and purple pansies floating face up, like lily pads, in the yellow water. What is the effect of this scene coming before the descriptions of the flood itself?

It highlights a sharp contrast between the peaceful memory Gertrude has and the violence of the flood.

Read the passage from The Johnstown Flood. But he had gone only a short way when he saw the wave, almost on top of him, demolishing everything, and he knew he could never make it. There was a split second of indecision, then he turned back to the hill, running with all his might as the water surged along the street after him. In the last few seconds, fighting the current around him that kept getting deeper and faster every second, he reached the hillside just as the wave pounded by below. Looking behind he saw his house rock back and forth, then lunge sideways, topple over, and disappear. Gertrude never saw the wave. The sight of the crowds jamming through the street had so terrified her aunt and Libby Hipp that they had pulled back from the window, horrified, dragging her with them into an open cupboard. What are the effects of showing the arrival of the wave from two perspectives: that of Gertrude's father outside, and of Gertrude inside the house? Select all that apply.

It shows both how the wave appeared from the outside, and what it felt like to be inside it. It makes the scene more dramatic, because readers know what is coming, while Gertrude does not.

Read the passage from "Why Some People Catch a Cold and Others Don't." Respiratory viruses cause an estimated 500 million colds and 2 million hospitalizations in the United States every year, the researchers said. However, some people can be exposed to a virus without getting sick, because the cells that line their airways clear the virus before it causes symptoms. But for other people, this clearance doesn't happen, and they wind up sick. Why does the author introduce the detail that colds sicken and hospitalize millions every year?

It supports the idea that understanding why people catch colds is an important health issue.

In "Breaking Down Barriers," which details best support the central idea that the people of Texas felt that Vietnamese American refugees were taking their jobs? Select all that apply.

It was the 1980s, and back then tensions were so high in the small south Texas coastal community that white shrimpers and their Vietnamese competitors sometimes carried rifles into the bay and took potshots at one another from their boats. Thousands of Vietnamese shrimpers had already begun new lives in the bays of south Texas. When they began pulling around-the-clock shifts, the locals felt their livelihoods were threatened.

Read the passage from "These Teen Birds Love Sleeping In, Too." What they observed in the footage came as a surprise, Ribic says. Rather than departing the nest as early in the day as possible to maximize time to search for safety, the young birds stayed put well into the daylight hours. Some species, like the chestnut-collared longspurs, would sleep in past noon or all day, notes Koper. Others go in and out of the nest several times before finally committing to leaving. Which detail should be included in an objective summary of this passage?

Many birds stay in their nests until later in the day.

In Farewell to Manzanar, the author implies that families that were forced to move to internment camps were also often separated from one another. Which statements from the text serve as strong evidence for this interpretation? Select all that apply.

Many families weren't as lucky as ours and suffered months of anguish while trying to arrange transfers from one camp to another. Mama and my older brothers had succeeded in keeping most of us together, on the same bus, headed for the same camp. I didn't realize until much later what a job that was.

What is the central idea of "These Moths Drink the Tears of Sleeping Birds"?

Moths have been observed drinking the tears of sleeping birds, though researchers are not sure why they do it.

Read the passage from "Yes, Sitting Too Long Can Kill You, Even if You Exercise." "Sit less, move more" is what the American Heart Association encourages all of us to do. But this simplistic guideline doesn't quite cut it, said Keith Diaz, lead author of the new study and an associate research scientist in the Columbia University Department of Medicine. "This would be like telling someone to just 'exercise' without telling them how," Diaz wrote in an email. What is the central idea of this passage?

People need guidelines about hoe long they should sit

Read the passage from "People Don't Know When They're Being Jerks." Finding out took a Herculean effort and nine years of work. The researchers asked college students to spend time wearing audio recorders that would automatically activate every 9.5 minutes between 7 a.m. and 2 a.m. to record 30 seconds of audio each. These participants would then be emailed or texted surveys four times a day asking them to recall how extroverted, agreeable, conscientious or neurotic (a measurement of their level of worry) they were during a particular hour of the day. Which statement best expresses the meaning within this passage?

People were recorded and surveyed about their behavior throughout the day.

In which sentences is the word plausible used correctly? Select all that apply.

Reasoning becomes plausible when it is supported by persuasive evidence. Guillermo could not come up with a plausible reason for canceling his dinner date.

Read the passage from "These Teen Birds Love Sleeping In, Too." Because most nests are built in tough-to-spot locations, observing fledging behavior in the field has proven difficult. Even though people have been spying on birds for science and sport for decades, we actually know almost nothing about the vulnerable moment when a young grassland songbird leaves the nest for good. To learn about this critical time in passerine development, the new study—a collaboration between three research groups—used footage collected by surveillance cameras to observe 200 grassland songbird nests in North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Alberta. One of the teams involved in completing this new research, led by wildlife ecologist Pamela Pietz, has been filming nests since the 1990s. Back then, field researchers would wheel out a cart with a weatherproof car battery to power a 25-foot cable connected to a cube-shaped infrared camera, similar to convenience store security cameras. But thanks to smaller and cheaper cameras and batteries, the teams were able to collect thousands of hours of footage and get an unprecedented look into the exciting lives of these grassland birds. Which answer is the best summary of the passage?

Researchers have a difficult time watching birds leave the nests because bird parents hide their nests. Additionally, early research equipment was bulky and heavy. But today's small, light cameras have let scientists see grassland birds.

In "Why Some People Catch a Cold and Others Don't," how does the author develop the idea that oxidative stress can cause people to get sick more easily?

She describes an experiment that links a cause (oxidation stress) to an effect (more viral infections).

Read the passage from "These Moths Drink the Tears of Sleeping Birds." The moth's proboscis, a long tubular mouthpart, is used to suck up liquid like a straw. Another bird-tear-imbibing moth spotted in Madagascar has hooks on its proboscis that may help anchor it during feeding, but whether the Amazonian moth's proboscis has hooks too has yet to be investigated. However, it is long enough to allow the moth to remain quite far from its host's eye and avoid waking it up. How does the author develop the idea that moths may be adapted to drink the tears of animals?

She describes characteristics that could help moths drink tears, allowing readers to infer that moths may be adapted for this behavior.

Read the passage from "Yes, Sitting Too Long Can Kill You, Even if You Exercise." How sedentary behavior impacts our health in negative ways is "unclear and complex," wrote Dr. David A. Alter, an associate professor at the University of Toronto in Ontario, in an editorial published with the study. Alter, who did not contribute to Diaz's research, said some scientists theorize that more sitting leads to reductions in insulin sensitivity, while others believe net calorie expenditures decline as sitting increases. The study was not designed to reveal why sitting increases the risk of early death, noted Alter, who described the study as "methodologically rigorous," and its findings "robust." What is the central idea of this passage?

Sitting too long has negative effects on a person's health.

"On Twitter, Fake News Has Greater Allure Than Truth Does" suggests that fake news stories reach a larger audience than real news stories. Which statements from the article serve as a sound basis for this analysis? Select all that apply.

Some chains reached tens of thousands of users! True news stories, in contrast, never spread to more than about 1,600 people.

Which statement from "People Don't Know When They're Being Jerks" provides strong evidence that people were inaccurately judging themselves as being impolite?

Some participants thought they were being rude when observers rated them as kind and polite.

Read the passage from "The Downside of No Downtime for Kids." Few children get to experience the kind of summers idealized in movies—playing games and riding bikes with their friends in the neighborhood. Research shows that can mean weight gain and a loss of academic skills, especially for low-income children. A 2007 study found one measure of weight increased up to twice as fast for some children during the summer when compared to weight gain during the school year. Other research concludes children can lose as much as two months of math and reading proficiency over the summer. Summer programs can also be a place where kids who struggle to focus in traditional classrooms can flourish, according to Sarah Pitcock, CEO of the National Summer Learning Association. "These are kids told throughout the school year that they're a problem, that they're bad kids," she said. "And so often, we see those kids excel and become leaders in a summer setting." Which details should be included in an objective summary of this passage? Select all that apply.

Some students benefit from the different atmosphere of summer programs. Lack of playtime in summer can lead to weight gain and a loss of academic skills.

In "Yes, Sitting Too Long Can Kill You, Even if You Exercise," which details best support the central idea that people who sit for long amounts of time should take breaks from sitting to exercise? Select all that apply.

Steinbaum, who was not involved in the study, said moving around every 30 minutes is recommended. "So if you have a job or lifestyle where you have to sit for prolonged periods, the best suggestion I can make is to take a movement break every half hour," said Diaz. "Our findings suggest this one behavior change could reduce your risk of death." (MAYBE)

Which detail expresses a reader's opinion and should be left out of an objective summary of "These Teen Birds Love Sleeping In, Too"?

The article never actually explained why teenage humans sleep in, which its title suggested.

Read the passage from Farewell to Manzanar. Mama and Woody went to work packing celery for a Japanese produce dealer. Kiyo and my sister May and I enrolled in the local school, and what sticks in my memory from those few weeks is the teacher—not her looks, her remoteness. In Ocean Park my teacher had been a kind, grandmotherly woman who used to sail with us in Papa's boat from time to time and who wept the day we had to leave. In Boyle Heights the teacher felt cold and distant. I was confused by all the moving and was having trouble with the classwork, but she would never help me out. She would have nothing to do with me. This was the first time I had felt outright hostility from a Caucasian. What inference can you make based on this passage?

The author experiences discrimination because she is Japanese American.

Which statement best describes the order in which the author conveys the health advantages and disadvantages of vegetarian and meat-based fast foods in "Is Vegetarian Fast Food Actually Good for You?"

The author frequently switches between explanations about vegetarian and meat-based fast food to compare and contrast them.

In "Is Vegetarian Fast Food Actually Good for You?" what connection does the author make between vegetarian ingredients and healthful meals?

The author identifies vegetarian meals that are high in calories and high in fat, showing that vegetarian meals are not necessarily more healthful than meat-based meals.

In "Doing Nothing Is Something," how does the author make the connection between summertime and creativity?

The author makes the connection by implying that since there are no scheduled activities, there is more open time for thinking and imagination.

In the "Underlying reasons 'unclear'" section of "Yes, Sitting Too Long Can Kill You, Even if You Exercise," how does the author develop the idea that experts are not sure why sitting for so long can hurt you?

The author provides many contradictory details in the section and then concludes it by summarizing the central idea.

How does the author of "Yes, Sitting Too Long Can Kill You, Even if You Exercise," develop the idea that people who sit for long periods have an increased risk of death?

The author states the central idea near the beginning of the article and then provides details to support it.

How does the author of "Breaking Down Barriers" develop the idea of the Vietnamese refugee community facing discrimination in Texas?

The author tells a narrative about Nguyen and other refugees arriving in Texas and describes the escalating tension and violence.

Which statements help provide the best summary of "These Moths Drink the Tears of Sleeping Birds"? Select all that apply

The birds do not seem to be harmed by the moths, but some moths do spread eye infections. Tear-drinking moths are one of many new discoveries of insects drinking tears. The moths could have gotten salt from puddles, so they must be getting something else from animal tears.

Read the passage from Farewell to Manzanar. During the night Mama had unpacked all our clothes and heaped them on our beds for warmth. Now our cubicle looked as if a great laundry bag had exploded and then been sprayed with fine dust. A skin of sand covered the floor. I looked over Mama's shoulder at Kiyo, on top of his fat mattress, buried under jeans and overcoats and sweaters. His eyebrows were gray, and he was starting to giggle. He was looking at me, at my gray eyebrows and coated hair, and pretty soon we were both giggling. I looked at Mama's face to see if she thought Kiyo was funny. She lay very still next to me on our mattress, her eyes scanning everything—bare rafters, walls, dusty kids—scanning slowly, and I think the mask of her face would have cracked had not Woody's voice just then come at us through the wall. What can be inferred from this passage?

The children in the camp do not fully understand their situation.

In The Johnstown Flood, how does the author introduce the idea that the South Fork dam could collapse?

The narrative includes a person who mentions it.

Read the passage from a scientific article. Some lakes are formed through volcanism. When a volcano blows its top, a deep crater is often left behind. These craters are called calderas (call-DARE-ahs), and they are perfectly shaped for the formation of lakes. Melting snow and flowing streams fill a caldera until it reaches a point where evaporation keeps it at a steady level or it flows over one side as an outlet stream. Which words in the passage are domain-specific? Explain your answer.

The words volcanism and calderas are domain-specific terms. These words have specific meanings in the realm of earth science. The word crater could also be considered domain-specific. Although it has other meanings, in this article it is used specifically in relation to earth science.

In "People Don't Know When They're Being Jerks," the researchers wanted to ensure that their experiments were rigorous and thorough. Which statement from the article supports this analysis?

Though the researchers collected data for more than 400 participants over several years, the current study used data from 248 participants, all of whom answered questions about their day-by-day traits for two weeks and wore the audio device for one of those weeks.

Read the passage from "Doing Nothing Is Something." Of course, it was the making of me, as a human being and a writer. Downtime is where we become ourselves, looking into the middle distance, kicking at the curb, lying on the grass or sitting on the stoop and staring at the tedious blue of the summer sky. I don't believe you can write poetry, or compose music, or become an actor without downtime, and plenty of it, a hiatus that passes for boredom but is really the quiet moving of the wheels inside that fuel creativity. What is a key idea in this passage?

Time spent doing nothing can lead to creativity.

What is a synonym of rigorous?


Which statement from "On Twitter, Fake News Has Greater Allure Than Truth Does" provides strong evidence that people may find fake news stories more exciting than real news stories?

Tweet replies to the false news stories also used more words indicating surprise.

Which statement from "On Twitter, Fake News Has Greater Allure Than Truth Does" provides strong evidence that scientists had not thoroughly analyzed the spread of fake news before?

Until now, [Filippo Menczer] says, "We didn't have a really large-scale, systematic study evaluating the spread of misinformation."

Read the passage from an article about twin brothers who are pianists. Kale and I grew up in a house with a piano in the living room. My earliest memory is of my father pounding merrily on the black and white keys, sending a torrent of blissful sounds cascading upward from the piano. The music seemed to swirl about the living room and waft deliciously throughout the house, like the sweet aroma of fresh-baked cinnamon rolls. How does the function of waft in the passage provide a clue to its correct definition?

Waft tells about something that musical sound can do, so the correct definition will be for a verb.

You are writing an essay explaining which species of wildlife are endangered in the western United States, and why each species is endangered. Which would be an appropriate research question for this topic?

What has caused the endangerment of wildlife in the western United States?

In which type of text is a reader most likely to encounter technical vocabulary?

a computer instruction manual

What is an inference?

a conclusion based on evidence

In which type of text is a reader most likely to encounter domain-specific vocabulary?

a geography textbook

Read the sentence. After his car accident, Malcolm received physical therapy, including traction on his neck. Based on the Latin root that traction contains, which is most likely the correct definition of that word?

a pulling force applied to a skeletal structure

What is the meaning of the word created by adding the suffix -ness to the word unpleasant?

a quality of being displeasing

What is an objective summary?

a shortened version of a text that contains the central idea and the most important details

What information would be most relevant in a researched informational essay about the causes of teen stress?

a survey conducted by a university that shows teens report feeling more anxiety than ever before

In "People Across the Globe Feeling More Sad, Stressed and in Pain Than Ever," when does the author describe what the survey asked?

after introducing the central idea, before giving specific supporting examples

Read the sentence. Michael's parents avoided telling any of their friends about his expulsion from school. Based on your understanding of word roots and prefixes, what is most likely the correct definition of expulsion?

an instance of being removed or forced out

When is a nocturnal animal active?

at night

Read the lines from the poem "Weather Toast" by Kristine O'Connell George. We call the guy next door to usthe Weather Engineer.He's some kind of geniuswho built his own personal weather station-barometer, rain gauge, wind speed indicator.Cups and wires, tubes and antennas sproutlike strange, alien weeds from his backyard.He keeps notebooks, charts, and graphs,studies each day's weather,wired the whole contraptionup to his toaster,(we're still not sure why he did this),rigged it so that symbols for the day's weatherwould be toasted onto his morning bread.Suns. Clouds. Jagged lightning bolts for rain.No need to look out the window.No need to read the newspaper. Which set of words from these lines is most clearly part of the key vocabulary for weather forecasting?

barometer, rain gauge, wind speed indicator

Something that is plausible is _[blank]_.


Read the sentence. The company's software program uses packets to exchange information over worldwide networks. What does the word packets mean as used in this sentence?

blocks of data

In "Why Some People Catch a Cold and Others Don't," how does the author introduce the idea that catching colds depends on a person's individual body and health?

by asking the reader to recall his or her own experience

In The Johnstown Flood, how does the author develop the idea that people's decisions to stay or to flee determined whether they lived or died?

by giving examples of several people who lost their lives after deciding to stay where they were

In "Why Some People Catch a Cold and Others Don't," how does the author develop the idea that there is a trade-off between defending against oxidative stress and viruses?

by stating it directly and then giving evidence from a scientific study

Read the passage from "Doing Nothing Is Something." How did this happen? Adults did it. There is a culture of adult distrust that suggests that a kid who is not playing softball or attending science-enrichment programs—or both—is huffing or boosting cars: if kids are left alone, they will not stare into the middle distance and consider the meaning of life and how come your nose in pictures never looks the way you think it should, but instead will get into trouble. There is also the culture of cutthroat and unquestioning competition that leads even the parents of preschoolers to gab about prestigious colleges without a trace of irony: this suggests that any class in which you do not enroll your first grader will put him at a disadvantage in, say, law school. What is the organizational structure of this passage?

cause and effect

Read the sentence. I had just been thinking about Star Wars movies, and in a weird _[blank]_, The Empire Strikes Back was on TV when I turned it on. Which word would correctly fill in the blank?


Which groups are appropriate audiences for an instructional manual for a laptop computer? Select all that apply.

college students women teachers

Read the passage from "Is Vegetarian Fast Food Actually Good for You?" Speaking of burgers, the Amy Burger at Amy's Drive Thru—a meat-free fast food restaurant with ambition to expand to other markets, owned by the company that makes Amy's vegetarian supermarket foods nationwide—includes two veggie patties with cheese and sauce. The burger has 770 calories, 10 grams of saturated fat, 33 grams of protein, 9 grams of fiber and 1,420 milligrams of sodium. Veggie Grill's Beyond Burger with a single patty has more saturated fat (13 grams) and the same amount of sodium as Amy's. Surprisingly, the McDonald's Big Mac has fewer calories and less sodium than both veggie burgers, and it has less saturated fat than Veggie Grill's single-patty veggie burger (10 grams). Which organizational structure does the passage use to describe Amy's veggie burger?

compare and contrast

Explicit meaning is _[blank]_ in the text. Which answer correctly completes the sentence?

directly stated

Read the passage from an article about quilt designs. Four brilliant red bars that run the length of the quilt dominate Jessie T. Pettway's quilt called "Bars and String-Pieced Columns." Three multicolored columns of horizontal stripes sit between the red bars. Which word in the passage contains a Latin root meaning "master, rule"?


If Bob played a trick on Adam, you could also say that Bob _[blank]_ Adam. Which word correctly completes the sentence?


Which search terms would be the best to use if you were researching the causes of teen stress? Select all that apply.

high school workload parent-teen relationships

The word compensation is created by adding the suffix -ion to the verb compensate. Based on this change, what is the part of speech and meaning of the word compensation?

noun; payment for work performed

Which word pair shows a pattern of change from adjective to noun?

proficient; proficiency

Read the sentences from a work contract. The employer will provide working space and basic supplies for job tasks. The employer will not be obligated to reimburse the employee for purchases that are not needed for job tasks, or for expenses related to transportation to the job site. Which words are clues to the meaning of reimburse? Select all that apply.

purchases expenses

Jason is writing an informational essay on the flu and how it spreads from person to person. Which type of information could effectively answer a research question on this topic?

quotations from doctors who have expertise on ways flu is contagious

Read the research question. What effect does drinking coffee have on daily life in the United States? What types of information would effectively answer the research question? Select all that apply.

quotations from experts who study the effects of drinking coffee facts about how much coffee Americans drink daily

What is an antonym of bogus?


Which word is the noun form of redeem?


What is the meaning of the Latin root shared by the words intermission and remittance?

send, let go

Which would be the most effective search term for a research question about the impact of skyscrapers on society?

skyscrapers AND society

What is the meaning of vex when the suffix -ation is added?

something worrying or annoying

Read the sentence. The hospital patient was _[blank]_ to infection. Which word correctly completes the sentence?


What is included in an objective summary?

the central idea in a text the most important details from a text

Which topics would be appropriate for an informational essay? Select all that apply.

the effects of global warming on the melting of polar ice caps how different diets could suit different lifestyles

What is a text's central idea?

the most important concept in the text

What is a text's organizational structure?

the way ideas are arranged

Why is it important to find thorough evidence for inferred meaning in an informational text?

to ensure that all parts of the inference are justified and accurate

What is the most appropriate purpose for a biography written about a former US president?

to inform

Read the passage from an article about twin brothers who are pianists. Kale and I grew up in a house with a piano in the living room. My earliest memory is of my father pounding merrily on the black and white keys, sending a torrent of blissful sounds cascading upward from the piano. The music seemed to swirl about the living room and waft deliciously throughout the house, like the sweet aroma of fresh-baked cinnamon rolls. What does waft mean as it is used in the passage?

to move lightly through the air

What is a synonym of irrational?


When is evidence considered both strong and thorough?

when it directly relates to all parts of an idea

When is evidence for an inference both strong and thorough?

when it is directly related to the idea or conclusion

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