English 10B UNIT 6

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The historical context of Roosevelt's speech is _____.

December 8, 1941

How does the author prove that white is a color?

He compares it to positive qualities.

What allusion/analogy is used in paragraph 2?


Which statement from "A Piece of Chalk" reflects the controlling idea of the text?

One of the wise and awful truths which this brown-paper art reveals is this, that white is a color

Which of these statements supports the controlling idea?

Virtue is not the absences of vices or the avoidance of moral dangers; virtue is a vivid and separate thing, like pain or a particular smell

What is the central idea of this selection?

a man finds purpose through work

pertaining to a sense of beauty


the repetition of beginning consonant sounds in words that are close together


The reference to the biblical prophet Ezekiel is an example of the rhetorical device of ____________.


a reference to a well-known person, place, thing, event, literary work, or work of art


having no definite shape


Implore to implore; to beg


What are the "three special characteristics" of Dickinson's poetry that the critic examines?

capacity for feeling, penetrating sense of contrasts in human vicissitude, her dauntless courage in accepting life

The author realized with "great disgust" that he forgot his ____.


A ___________ idea is the main idea that an essay is based upon.


Shackford's essay is a(n) __________ because it gives an opinion.


________ gives an opinion about the written piece.


mysterious, puzzling


Select the six most common organizational structures for nonfiction texts.

definition, cause and effect, description, comparison and contrast, process, narration.

writing that employs the five sense to create mental images for the reader


Select the types of essay that applies to this text.

descriptive, narrative

high rank or distinction


What is the form of "A Piece of Chalk"?


an appeal to the credibility or reliability of the author


a quotation or summary of information from an individual group, or organization that possesses expertise in a field

expert testimony

showing moderation or self-control


Why does Carlyle discount the saying, "Know thyself"?

that we can't know our own "self"

Whom does Twain satirize in the fourth paragraph?

those who pride themselves on waking up early

Select Roosevelt's purposes for his speech.

to inform, to inspire

a statement that makes a situation seem less than what it is


What is unexpected about the anecdote, or story, about handling firearms?

The audience likely expected someone to be hurt or killed.

The following statement, "A feeble, stupid, preposterous lie will not live two years -- except it be a slander upon somebody," means that ____.

The following statement, "A feeble, stupid, preposterous lie will not live two years -- except it be a slander upon somebody," means that ____.

Choose the answer that has textual evidence from the speeches given by Bush and Roosevelt. Is the tone of Bush's speech similar to or different from the tone of Roosevelt's speech? Explain your answer.

The tone of Bush's speech is serious, similar to Roosevelt's. However, Bush uses more rhetorical devices to affect the emotions of his audience.

Choose the answer that has textual evidence from the speeches given by Bush and Roosevelt. How is the structure and content of the two speeches similar?

They both begin with a description of the situation and focus on the facts. They both end by expressing their hope and confidence in the American people.

"Today our nation saw evil - the very worst of human nature - and we responded with the best of America"


nonfiction that has the purpose of explaining or interpreting information


a reliable, proven statement or true example that supports the author's central idea


When determining whether the evidence is substantiated or unsubstantiated, look to see if the claim is based on ________ or not.


An expository text is another name for a persuasive essay.


The main goal of an expository text is persuade the audience.


Twain sincerely believes that the "Truth is mighty and will prevail."


What kind of books does Twain recommend?

humorous, spiritual

an exaggeration or overstatement used to emphasize a point or to get the audience's attention


Select the five most common forms of nonfiction.

journals and letters, autobiography, biography, and memoir, media accounts, essays, articles

a type of songbird


an appeal to the audience's reason or logic


writing that tells a true story about people, places, things, or events


What negative aspects or characteristics of Dickinson's poetry does the critic highlight?

not poetical, difficult to understand

What is the meaning of the word idleness, based on the context of the first paragraph?

not working

The author insists on using brown paper because ____.

of the contrast of the bright-colored chalk

The following sentence an example of a(n)_______.


What type of evidence does Carlyle use most to explain and prove his point throughout the essay?


the author's personal belief, presented without proof


". . . , I implemented our government's emergency response"parallelism


"As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, . . ."


expressing parts of a sentence using similar syntactical structures in order to show that the parts are related or equal in importance


What kind of appeal is primarily used in paragraph 3?


What type of rhetorical appeal is strongest throughout the essay?


an appeal to the audience's emotions


The intended effect from the audience was to make them feel ____.


Which of these words describes the author's tone in the text?


a command or rule about action or conduct




Select all that describes the diction the author uses.

personal, picturesque

causing disease; harmful


keenly affecting the emotions


What kind of communication should you use in an application e-mail

polite, organized, professional, thorough

Overall, Shackford's critique presents a(n) ______ view on Dickinson's works.


writing that gives steps for solving a problem or completing a task


widespread praise


"Last night. . . "


The author uses the literary device of _______ in paragraph 5 with his use of the word "blessed."


the repetitive use of important words or phrases to add emphasis


What are the six items on which Twain offers advice?

respecting superiors and strangers, handling firearms, lying, obeying parents, getting up early, reading

The term for methods an author uses to affect an audience is ____.

rhetorical appeals

a question that has an obvious yes or no answer

rhetorical question

writing that makes fun of or ridicules human weaknesses or evils


Select the most common types of expository texts.

sequence, compare and contrast, cause and effect, definition, analysis

What is the tone of the first paragraph?


What is the tone of the speech?


a false, malicious, injurious rumor about a person


The author describes the "downs" as being very ____.


Twain's purpose for discussing the "art" of lying is ____.

so they don't get caught

The author decides to draw ____.

spiritual beings

a number, percentage, etc., that can be used to prove a statement


A _______ is a short retelling of a piece of writing


long, boring, tiresome


What kind of information should you include in an application e-mail?

title of the position desired, your skills, your contact information, your background

Choose the answer that has textual evidence from the speeches given by Bush and Roosevelt. What similar purpose do the two speeches share?

to inform the audience and to inspire confidence in them

Based on the use of the word didactic in paragraph 1, what is Twain's supposed purpose of this speech?

to instruct

In the third paragraph, Twain's use of _________ is evident in the sentence "Do not resort to extreme measures."


deserving of respect because of old age, dignity, or wisdom


Because Twain does not sincerely mean what he says in the speech, he is using ____.

verbal irony

a statement that says the opposite of what is meant, often for the purpose of humor

verbal irony

What rhetorical devices does Twain use in his reference to Waterloo?

verbal irony, allusion

change or variation



widespread praise

Which sentence is where the tone of the speech changes?

"Always obey your parents, when they are present."

Select three examples of precise and effective word choice from Roosevelt's speech.

"But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us." ". . . the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked. . . ." "a date which will live in infamy"

Select the kind of language that a procedural text should use.

concise, second-person pronouns, clear

Choose the answer that has textual evidence from the speech given by Bush. How does Bush's speech effectively inspire confidence in the American people during the 9/11 Address?

"Our military is powerful, and it's prepared."

The story Twain includes about the man who supposedly discovered anesthesia is to support the maxim that

"Truth is mighty and will prevail."

Choose the answer that has textual evidence from the speech given by Roosevelt. How does Roosevelt's speech effectively inspire confidence in the American people during the Pearl Harbor Address?

"With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph—so help us God."

Which of the following words and phrases from paragraph 5 help support the use of pathos in paragraph 5?

"blessed," "celestial Life-essence"

Why should you put forth your best effort when completing a job application?

It is a reflection of who you are.

What are the components of a procedural text?

a list of instructions, a list of materials, expected results, a goal or aim, headings or subcategories

"steel of American resolve"


"deliberate and deadly," "biggest buildings," and "brightest beacon"


"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me" (Psalm 23)


The author uses a(n) _________ when he compares a person finding purpose in working and water feeding into a meadow.


What is the primary rhetorical device using in paragraph 4?


the comparison of two things that are alike in some way


A(n) ____________ opinion is supported by proof and evidence.


a story or account of a personal experience that illustrates the central idea


". . . our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger"

appeal to ethos

"Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack . . . "

appeal to ethos

"This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace"

appeal to pathos

words and phrases like: "hostility," "grave danger," "unbounding determination," "inevitable triumph," and "dastardly attack"

appeal to pathos

writing that attempts to convince a reader to think or act a certain way using evidence and reasons


How does Carlyle describe work in the first paragraph?

as a connection with nature

a statement about life or human behavior presented as fact but not proven true


to make less severe; to relieve




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