English 11 Midterm Review (Terry)

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What happens to Hester, Pearl and Roger Chillingworth?

Chillingworth died within a year, leaving his property to Pearl, who we are led to believe married and lived on that property in England. Hester vanished with Pearl, but later she supposedly returned to Boston to finish her penance sentence there. She supposedly died there years later and was buried, we assume next to Dimmesdale.

What was the Enlightenment also known as?

Age of Reason

What is the setting of the Scarlett Letter?

Boston 1640s

What convinced the Governor to let Hester keep Pearl?

Both Hester and Mr. Dimmesdale told the governor that Pearl was a constant reminder to Hester of her sin and that Hester was capable of being a good mother since she could pass along to Pearl the lessons she had learned since she had sinned.

Why did Mr. Dimmesdale rush from the room to end the conversation he had with Roger Chillingworth?

Chillingworth suggested that Mr. Dimmesdale's illness was not just physical but rooted in some secret Mr. Dimmesdale held in his soul. Dimmesdale, recognizing Chillingworth's accuracy, does not wish to reveal his sin to anyone. He runs out of the room to avoid being trapped into a confession.

What reflected Enlightenment thinkers' view of themselves as actively engaged citizens of the world as opposed to provincial and close-minded individuals. In all, Enlightenment thinkers endeavored to be ruled by reason, not prejudice?


Persuade by eliciting strong feelings, such as pity or fear.

Emotional appeal (pathos)

What promotes the idea that knowledge comes from experience and observation of the world?


Influence by appealing to a moral sense of right and wrong

Ethical appeal (ethos)

In the third paragraph, what reasons does Paine give for assuring the Americans that their cause is right?

God is on their side, they tried everything to avoid war, King George is as bad as a murderer

What did Mr. Dimmesdale tell the people of New England before he died?

He confessed that he was the one who had sinned with Hester, that Pearl was his child.

How did Rev. Mr. Dimmesdale's attitude change after he decided to leave Boston with Hester?

He felt better and had more energy. He also has a real temptation to do some very bad things like "uttering certain blasphemous suggestions . . . regarding the communion supper" or teaching some wicked words to Puritan children.

Where did Mr. Dimmesdale go at midnight? Why?

He went to the public scaffolding where Hester had stood because he had some peculiar idea that standing there through the nights would in some way help him with his penance.

What is the falling action?

Hester and Dimmesdale plan to run away together to make a new life for themselves in Europe. The minister gives his Election Day Sermon.

What is the inciting incident?

Hester encounters her long-lost husband

What was the relationship between Hester and Roger Chillingworth?

Hester had married Roger Prynne prior to coming to America. He loved her, but she didn't love him. It was a marriage they both hoped would work out, but she was never satisfied with the relationship. They were separated on the way to the colony, and when he didn't show up for a year, she assumed he was dead. He appeared in Boston on the day of her public punishment and assumed the name Chillingworth.

What was the other view of Hester?

Hester had taken to doing good works, living a simple, pure life. The people of Boston were beginning to recognize her as a person instead of just a sinner. Some even were beginning to say the "A" was for "Able."

What is the Denouement?

Hester returns to Boston.

Why did Hester go to see Governor Bellingham?

Hester went to see the governor because she had heard some people saying she should not have custody of Pearl. She wanted to talk to the governor to get him to let her keep the child. She wanted to give him gloves.


Hester's daughter, a result of her affair with Dimmesdale.

Roger Chillingworth

Hester's former husband. He remains in Boston under this assumed name and practices medicine.

Who is the author of the Scarlett Letter?

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Who said the Speech in the Virginia Convention?

Patrick Henry

What did Pearl ask Mr. Dimmesdale?

Pearl asked Dimmesdale if he would stand on the scaffolding, hand in hand, with Hester and her at noontime the next day.

Who is the leech? Why is he called that in the title of the chapter?

Roger Chillingworth is the leech. He is called that because he has latched on to Mr. Dimmesdale and is systematically not only sucking out information but also the life of Mr. Dimmesdale under the guise of being a helpful doctor.

What did Hester have to do by the brook before Pearl would come across?

She had to put her letter A back on and pin her hair back up.

What shocking news did the commander of the Bristol ship bring Hester?

She learned that Chillingworth had also booked passage on the ship.

Describe Hester's feelings towards Pearl.

She loved Pearl very much. She was always a little worried that, being the product of a sin, the child would exhibit some odd characteristics showing her as a child of the devil.

Mr. Dimmesdale kissed Pearl. What did she do in response?

She ran to the brook and washed it off.

Mr. Wilson asks Pearl, "Canst thou tell me, my child, who made thee?" What is Pearl's answer? Why did she say that?

She replies that she was plucked from the rose bush. She knew the correct answer but felt contrary.

When Mr. Dimmesdale finds out that Roger Chillingworth is out for revenge, he knows his religious career in Boston will be at an end and his life will be miserable. What does Hester suggest?

She suggests that Dimmesdale could move and leave his troubles behind. She also volunteers to go with him.

What did Hester tell Roger Chillingworth when they met on the peninsula?

She told him that she would break her promise and identify him as her former husband.

What did the people see when Mr. Dimmesdale took off his ministerial band?

Some say they saw a scarlet letter.

Allusion- Recalling that Biblical allusions are references to events, figures, or phrases from the Bible which often have the rhetorical appeal of shared beliefs between writer and audience, what effect might be achieved through the allusion present in paragraph 3?

The British are like Judas. The colonists don't want to be the ones betrayed

What is the rising action?

The Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale has a secret

What is the resolution?

The Reverend Dimmesdale confesses his sin publicly on the town's scaffold. He opens his shirt, revealing the scarlett letter A carved into his chest. Then he collapses and dies.

What is the climax?

The Reverend Dimmesdale, Hester, and Pearl stand together on the scaffold, observed by Roger Chillingworth

What does Rev. Dimmesdale's congregation think of him? Why is that ironic?

The congregation thinks Dimmesdale is practically a saint. The worse he feels about his sin and the harder he tries to confess and bring it into the open, the more saintly he becomes in the eyes of the people.

How did Roger Chillingworth become Dimmesdale's medical advisor?

The elder ministers of Boston and the deacons of the church "dealt with him" about the sin of rejecting medical help, so he saw Roger Chillingworth.

Who is the audience? What is the speech's purpose?

Virginia house of Burgesses, to persuade the Virginia convention to raise a militia

What aspects of creation are explained in "The World on Turtle's Back"?

how humans, plants and land were created

How are they explained in "The World on Turtle's Back"?

humans came from clay, plants came from dirt from the bottom of the ocean and the dead mother, sky woman created land

What is viewed as bad in "The World on Turtle's Back"?

left-handed twin and his creations

Explain Paine's metaphor in lines 45-46. How might this metaphor serve to inspire the troops' loyalty?

liberty is a fire- cannot always see the flame but the coal will still be there may not see the search for independence but the need and drive for liberty will not go out

How does Henry's writing style change in the concluding paragraph? What sort of impact might this change have on his audience?

little words, short sentences, sense of urgency, punctuation

Describe John Howland.

lusty, young man

Antithesis-Considering that antithesis is a rhetorical strategy in which contrasting ideas are expressed using parallel grammatical structures, what example of antithesis do you find in the first paragraph? What kind of emphasis does it create?

magnitude of the subject, freedom of the debate one of significance and importance

How did Hester support herself and Pearl?


What did Hester promise to Roger Chillingworth?

not to reveal Roger's true identity

Based on the first paragraph, what details in this passage reveal that Henry believes he is speaking at a decisive moment? What is the question of "awful moment" to the country? Why does he feel that open debate is essential at such a moment?

nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery, awful moment, if he hides his thoughts he'd consider himself a traitor

What two qualities does Paine say American troops need to win the war? What related antithesis does Paine create?

perseverance and fortitude cowardice and submission

Describe the Seaman.

proud, profane young man, lusty able body, haughty

What did enlightenment thinkers do?

questioned accepted knowledge and spread new ideas about openness, investigation, and religious tolerance throughout Europe and the Americas

Describe the relationship between spirit world, plant and animal life, and humanity. Is it benevolent? Adversarial? Which aspect is in control or has power?

all nature has a spirit and it works together in harmony

What is an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference?


Allusion- Recalling that Biblical allusions are references to events, figures, or phrases from the Bible, what point is Patrick Henry making with the following allusion? "Are we disposed to be of the number of those who having eyes see not, and having ears hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?

recognize the truth, don't ignore it

Identify other commonalities present in the stories.

both couldn't eat from the tree, both had areas they were locked out of (heaven, sky), the Fall

Identify archetypes that repeat across cultures.

both have higher powers, ocean was created before land, humans came from earthly materials

How does the Iroquois worldview compare to a western/christian worldview?

both have knowledge in good and evil. Iroquois put spiritual presence in all things. Christians say sin is the problem. The Iroquois most valued balance, accepting both good and evil in the world as necessary, and they viewed nature as beneficent.

Compare the Osage myth to the creation account.

both started with nothing, earth was covered in water before land was created, children of the sun could not get back into the heaven (Satan kicked out of heaven), great power (God and elk- go to them for help), receding waters expose land (similar to post-flood)

What aspect(s) of the natural world are important in "The World on Turtle's Back"?

crops, nature, balance of the world

What is the action of repeating something that has already been said or written?


Repetition- Understanding that repetition is a rhetorical strategy that repeats words, phrases, or lines for an intended effect, what effect might Henry have intended by repeating, "sir," in the last three paragraphs of his speech?

respect to president, keeps the attention for certain points

What is a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer?

rhetorical question

What is viewed as good in "The World on Turtle's Back"?

right-handed twin and his creations

Hester Prynne

the main character of the novel. She is the one who has sinned and must wear a letter "A."

In lines 102-113, what point does Paine make regarding fear? Provide textual evidence.

there is nothing to fear, he knows the situation and sees that they can be victorious

What is Henry's answer to those who favor talking to the British?

they have tried that for years and all in vain

Rhetorical Question- Remembering that a rhetorical question is one to which no answer is expected, what does Henry hope to convince his listeners of with the rhetorical questions in paragraphs 3 & 4?

they should prepare for war because the British are preparing for war

What information did Hester refuse to tell the officials and Mr. Dimmesdale?

to name the man who sinned with her.

What emblem did Hester have to wear? Why was she sentenced to wear it?

"A" to show that she is guilty of adultery.

Hester is released from prison. Why doesn't she run away to a different settlement?

"Here . . . had been the scene of her guilt, and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment; and so, perchance, the torture of her daily shame would at length purge her soul."

Suggest the audience will gain acceptance or prestige by taking writer's position

Appeal to association

Influence readers by citing experts or others who warrant respect

Appeal to authority

What "sign" did the meteor make in the sky?

It made a large letter A which glowed red.

Who are some enlightenment thinkers?

John Locke, Isaac Newton, and Voltaire

What are Locke's natural rights?

Life, Liberty, and Property

Persuade using evidence and reason

Logical appeal (logos)

When was the Speech in the Virginia Convention given?

March 23, 1775 in St. John's Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia

What is the belief that through their powers of reason and observation, humans can make unlimited, linear progress over time; this belief was especially important as a response to the carnage and upheaval of the English Civil Wars in the 17th century?


What is the idea that humans are capable of using their faculty of reason to gain knowledge? This was a sharp turn away from the prevailing idea that people needed to rely on scripture or church authorities for knowledge.


"World On Turtle's Back" archetypes:

The tree the twins (Cain and Able) the Sky People couple (Adam and Eve) the fall from grace/Sky World= original sin pain in childbirth the order of creation=Genesis

Why do Hester and Pearl go to the forest?

They go to the forest to intercept Dimmesdale on his journey home to Boston, to tell him that Chillingworth was really Hester's husband who was seeking revenge.

Where had Mr. Wilson, Hester, Pearl and Roger Chillingworth been that night, that they would all be walking by the scaffolding at midnight?

They had all been at the deathbed of Governor Winthrop.

What did Hester and Pearl see in the breastplate of the armor? What is the significance of the exaggeration?

They see an enlarged, distorted letter "A" which symbolically shows the tremendous burden of Hester's sin. When people see her, they perhaps see her as she saw herself in the armor.

Who did these natural rights influence?

Thomas Jefferson as he drafted the Declaration of Independence

Who wrote "The Crisis"?

Thomas Paine

Who is the audience? What is the essay's purpose?

Washington's troops, boost moral so they will fight and not run away

What is the exposition?

Welcome to the Massachusetts Bay Colony

What do many consider the Enlightenment as?

a major turning point in Western civilization, an age of light replacing an age of darkness

Describe Pearl.

a physically beautiful child. Hester could "recognize her wild, desperate, defiant mood, the flightiness of her temper, and even some of the . . . gloom and despondency that brooded in her heart."

Compare the Zuni myth to the creation account.

a single being before creation (Awonawilona (thinks into being) and God (says into being)), starts in darkness, similarities in order of creation

What is a concise, expressive statement containing a general truth or principle?


Describe the events with the Seaman.

condemned poor people in sickness and wanted to cast them overboard, first thrown overboard (situational irony)

What is implied by the terms, "summer soldier" and "sunshine patriot"?

someone who only wants to fight when its easy/good conditions

Reverand Dimmesdale

talks to Hester on the scaffolding, asking her to reveal the name of the man who sinned with her. In this first section, he appears overly earnest in his questioning of Hester. We later find out that he is, in fact, the other sinner.

What was an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith?

the Enlightenment

What supporting evidence does Henry use to strengthen his argument in paragraph 5?

we've tried this, sent that, but no response

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